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Posts posted by justice123

  1. you got pics for these people or do you want me to make up some pics for you

    heres something I put togther


    pimpin joey pimps

    Looks okay. Maybe if the shot was more of just a head shot (like with the pics used in EWR) it'd look better.

    If you don't mind going out of your way, you can create more of these :)

    5 promotions seems a bit small

    I could give you my msn if you want and we can talk about creating a few (2,3,4) more promotions so that the start of the game isn't so empty

    Sure, i'm always open to discussing more promotions for the game. But they won't get added until all the things currently in the game are fixed. (Which is basically all the relationships & The Backstory)


    I will get started today on some new ones

    after pics I will get some logos and banners too

    first 10 (tell me if you want me go further) if so then credit me for pics


    levi smith


    joey pimps


    joe flamer


    darxes whiteman


    alani sky


    alan pillows


    alan page






    aaron banks

  2. Premature release... :pervert:

    good way to point it out :lmao: :bang: (N) :shifty::unsure::angry:<_<

    Ok, well, as none of you will know, i have been working on a fictional EWR universe for a couple of months now, with activity on the universe dwindling for the last couple of weeks due to school and stuff.

    Now, as for workers, TV Networks, TV Shows, Belts, and practically everything else except relationships (and maybe staff), this game is complete, although, i do suspect it is "broken" (Eg: its impossible to survive more than a couple of months as any promotion bar SWA.) and i need people to test this. As my current MSN list has barely anyone on it who actually has EWR, i decided to instead release it here prematurely, for testing purposes.

    Now, instead of rambling on, i'll instead give you people a little rundown on each promotion itself.

    SWA: The land of cartoonish characters and average wrestling at best. Only talkers and good lookers will make it here. (Think WWF prior to attitude era.) Size: Global

    DWF: The company with the most attitude. DWF is looking to revolutionize wrestling as more than just a show for kids. Skill will get you far, but mic skills will get you further. (Think WWF/WCW Attitude era.) Size: National

    EWA: The top place where the talented come to play. Mic skills? What are they? This is where talent outshines all. (Think Ring Of Honor, yet on a bigger scale). Size: National

    EHR: If DWF is the place of attitude, this is the place where no one gives a shit! Hardcore wrestling and risque angles are all you'll see here! (Think Old ECW/CZW) Size: Regional

    TOW: Almost like EWA's own farm territory, TOW is the place for the talented to make a name for themselves, before hopefully being picked up by a bigger promotion like EWA. (Think Ring Of Honor, yet on a smaller scale) Size: Regional.

    Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R07UMCI4

    Constructive criticism is obviously welcome! Plus whether the game is "broken" or not.


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