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Posts posted by bdsghost

  1. *Insert post bitching against piracy and supporting the writers, artists and companies*

    To be fair, I did own about 1/4 of them at one point, but my parents sold my entire comics collection for $10 in a garage sale. Don't really feel like replenishing it.

    And bdsghost, I've never heard of that. Definitely something I should look into, though.

  2. 1. Christian Bale - I think he's an incredible actor. His Batman was fantastic and he was excellent in the Machinist.

    2. Johnny Depp - Another incredible actor.

    3. Jack Nicholson - While Ledger may change it, Nicholson is who I see when I visualize the Joker...

    4. Denzel Washington - Just saw American Gangster. He's great.

    5. Leonardo DiCaprio - I wouldn't have included him if you asked me before Christmas. I saw the Departed recently and I must tell you... He really made me believe in his character.

    6. Matt Damon - Ditto for Damon in the Departed.

    7. Morgan Freeman - I think he's an excellent actor.

    8. Bruce Willis

    9. Brad Pitt - Awesome in the Ocean's Trilogy.

    10. Harrison Ford - He's freaking Han Solo and Indiana Jones. He basically ruled my childhood...

    Honorable Mention: George Clooney, Tim Robbins, Giovanni Ribisi (sp?), Will Smith, Alec Baldwin, Ian McKellen (sp?)

  3. Anyone know what exactly is going on in this movie? I've heard rumors of aliens... And then I see the crate marked Roswell in the teaser... also... Is that the same warehouse that they stashed the Ark? Nice.

  4. I can't remember where I read it... possibly Newsarama or Aintitcool... But I heard that The Hulk, Nick Fury and Iron Man show up in both movies. Like possibly the same ending from different viewpoints. The big rumor was that with Captain America and Thor movies being planned for 2009-2010, that they would eventually create an Avengers movie.

    One can dream.

    Anyway back to the original question I really love Downey Jr. as Iron Man. He just looks the part ya know? And having a recovering drug addict play an alcoholic is... well not really related but pretty damn cool... That didn't really make any sense... Never mind. To sum it all up... I like the Iron Man casting.

  5. 1. Ghostbusters (How could you all not list this film? My God...)

    2. Shaun of the Dead

    3. Batman Begins

    4. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

    5. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

    6. Hot Fuzz

    7. Almost Famous

    8. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

    9. Live Free or Die Hard

    10. Casino Royale

    11. The Monster Squad

    12. Star Wars A New Hope

    13. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith

    14. Transformers

    15. Blackhawk Down

    16. Grindhouse

    17. Halloween (The Original Version)

    18. The Devil's Rejects

    19. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

    20. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...

  6. So I come to this board more than any other message board around. I love wrestling, I love EWR, I'm a video game fanatic, I think the posters on here are some of the funniest people I've ever read, but I have noticed a general lack of comic book goodness.

    Does anyone else on here like the ol' funny books?

    If so, which ones?

    Personally, I grew up a Marvelite, then made a transition to DC and now I'm kind of even on my tastes.

    A few random things to strike up some conversation...


    I love Captain America (way before they killed him). I think Ed Brubaker is the best comic book writer that Marvel has. Dan Slott is second.

    Spider-Man is better now than it has been in years. I personally don't think they should have gotten rid of the marriage, but it has led to some of the best stories I've read in awhile.

    The X-Men are getting interesting again. I'm a sucker for 90s X-Characters. Messiah Complex bringing Cable, Gambit and Bishop to the forefront of the X-Universe yet again is a great thing.

    Brian Bendis is overrated. Secret Invasion may be a good idea, but lord, I hate his New Avengers and Mighty Avengers. Bah!

    JMS writes a great Thor.

    Brian Bendis may not be as overrated as I stated earlier... His Ultimate Spider-Man is AMAZING... well... not Amazing... but you get what I'm saying...

    Bucky coming back is the equivalent of the Undertaker. Sounds like a shitty concept on paper... Rocked my socks off in reality.

    The Red Skull should also be a villain for the X-Men. He's a former freaking Nazi! I'm pretty sure that he would hate the X-Men.

    Marvel's Digital Comics Unlimited (DCU) is pretty much a waste of hard earned funds. They don't have full runs. That sucks.

    Magneto is the greatest Marvel villain! Hail Lord Magneto!

    Hawkeye is also the MAN. Well, Hawkeye before Avengers Disassembled was the MAN.

    Thanks to WWH and Civil War, I have a new appreciation of Iron Man. He may not be 100% hero but he is a much deeper and thus better realized character.

    Mark Millar's Ultimates Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 will never be beat. The best Ultimate universe stories ever. And again Captain America and Hawkeye are the MEN!

    As much as people love Peter David, his writing just doesn't do it for me. Although his Hulk was one of the better comic runs of the modern age.

    Annihilation rocked. Long live Nova and Drax.


    Grant Morrison, may in fact, be the best comic book writer of all time. Keith Giffen, Ed Brubaker, Robert Kirkman, Dan Slott, Geoff Johns, Kurt Busiek and Mark Millar are all knocking on his door though.

    I think Jason Todd playing the role of Anti-Batman and being a true vigilante is an awesome idea. His resurrection by Superboy-Prime Punch is shit though. Ra's should be 100% responsible.

    Batman is my favorite comic character of ALL TIME. Robin (Tim Drake) is my second. Nightwing (Dick Grayson) is my third. Notice a trend?

    The Joker is the greatest villain of all time. I can't wait to see the Dark Knight (R.I.P. Heath Ledger).

    Superman is a crap character. "Oooh look at me! I can't be hurt! There is no dramatic tension in any of my titles!"

    (I know the same can be said for Batman... but I just really hate Superman...)

    Sinestro Corps was one of the BEST stories at DC... EVER.

    I hate the LEGION.

    I miss Superboy (Kon-El) and Impulse (Bart Allen).

    I thought Blue Beetle's death (and the issue it appeared in) was one of the best written, most moving comics in DC's history.

    I really miss Superboy (Kon-El) and Impulse (Bart Allen).

    I think Hush was a really cool (and pretty... thanks Jim Lee!) story. I think Hush should be used more.

    Jeph Loeb was the best thing that ever happened to Two-Face.

    Justice Society is a great book.

    *Controversial Statement Alert* I hope Final Crisis kills off the old guard of the DC Universe (Bruce, Diana, Clark, Hal, Wally, etc.) and replaces them with Legacy characters (Tim as Nightwing, Jason Todd as Batman, Kon-El as Superman, Bart as Flash, Cassie Sansmark as WW, etc.). Over 50 years of history... let the old Guard become the new New Gods...

    I think that DC needs to make better movies (besides Batman Begins and The Dark Knight or course...).

    I think that DC's animated movies will eventually be better than Marvel's. Superman/Doomsday sucked. And I thought I would love it since Superman dies... uh, spoiler?

    Leslie Tompkins needs a retcon...

    I love the Watchmen. A lot.

    Booster Gold may be the best DC comic not involving Batman or Grant Morrison...

    Swamp Thing was a great series. So was Sandman. So was Books of Magic.

    I really really miss Superboy (Kon-El) and Impulse (Bart Allen).

    Superboy-Prime will one day be Superboy's (Kon-El) and Impulse's (Bart Allen) BITCH. And on that day I will laugh, cry, and become a full DC Comics fanboy once again.

    Indies and Random Comics Thoughts

    The Walking Dead is a great series.

    Spawn sucks. I used to love it but it seems that McFarlane would rather focus on toys. AND I LOVE ME SOME MCFARLANE TOYS!

    Alan Moore used to be a great Comic Book writer. I loved Watchmen, Killing Joke, Last Superman Story, V For Vendetta, even his WildC.A.T.s run and first two League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stories. Lately though he is so focused on pornography and his stories lack the spark they used to. I felt guilty when I picked up his third League book. And don't get me started on that other piece of trash... I will not mention its name. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE me some naked women... but come on... enough is enough Alan. We need your SUPER HERO stories back.

    I would love to read Miracle Man/Marvel Man. Does ANYONE know where I can buy the collection online?

    Ok... That's enough. Come on guys! Disagree with the above statements... Agree with the above statements... Either way let's get a dedicated Comic Book thread going...


  7. Need Stats for the following... they're all WWE Development guys...

    Big Rob

    Bryan Kelly

    Giant Titan

    Johnny Curtis

    Lupe Viscara

    Mariusz Puczko

    Reid Flair

    Rycklon Stephens

    Stu Sanders

    And some stats for these ROH guys...

    Bobby Fish


    Ernie Osiris

  8. If anyone knows the stats for the following wrestlers could you please let me know? Or if they're already in an update under a different name... or an update under the name listed... could you point me in the direction of THAT update? Thanks!

    The Wrestlers Are:

    Antonio Corsi

    Big Rob (Rob Terry)

    Bill Hanson

    Bobby Fish

    Bryan Kelly


    Eddie Golden

    Ernie Osiris

    Giant Titan (Mike Jarvi)

    Izzy Rotten

    JT Money

    KC Thunder

    Kyle O'Reilly

    Lupe Viscara

    Mariusz Puczko

    Paul Atlas

    Reid Flair

    Rycklon Stephens


    Shawn Tempers

    Stew Korvus

    Stu Sanders

  9. Here is Jay Ryan....


    Also TheWho, thanks for the kyky of Mr. Wrestling 3... and the guys name is Mr. Wrestling 3... I don't know why... I think III is better... but it is 3... and he's pretty hardcore about it because Corino stated in his live journal he did it for marketing purposes...

  10. Random pic posts ahoy!

    Max Bretos (RAW Announcer)


    Sheamus O'Shaunessy


    Aaron Draven (first one is older I think)


    Freak Show




    Woody Numbers (3rd pic is from 2005)



    Deranged IWA-MS


    Zak Vincent


    Laura Mattano (SHIMMER Referee)



    Lexis Wine






    Llakor (IWS Road Agent)





    Logan Cummins (WWE Production worker)


    Lone Star


    Lone Star NWA


    Lovely Erin


    Luis Ortiz


  11. Nevermind... Found most of them...

    Still need:

    Brass Munkey

    Colin Olsen

    Dakota WLW


    Dragon Dragon

    El Diamante

    Fire Blaze

    Gregory Vercetti

    Heishiro Hazuki

    Insane Lane

    Jagger W. Bush

    Jay Charismo

    Jimmy Olsen

    Joe Kimball

    John Johnson


    Kazuchika OKada

    Kid Justice

    La Chola

    Laduke Jakes


    Mark Mest

    Matt Bison


    Mitch Conner


    Nick Watts

    Prince Charles NYWC

    Sam Hane

    Scottie Murray

    Sean Dahmer

    Sean Royal

    Sean Spears


    Shane Matthews CWF-MA

    Simon Sermon


    Sweet Dreams NWA-W


    TC Carnage

    Ted Logan

    The HH Nemesis

    The Purifier

    Ultra Dragon


    If anyone knows a place to get the pic I would appreciate it.

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