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Tap Out

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Posts posted by Tap Out

  1. I would like to see more realism in the contracts system. Specifically non-compete clauses and TNA-style per appearance contracts (TNA wrestlers can work for indy promotions, provided that TNA gets a cut and that the show isn't televised and I'm pretty sure TNA wrestlers can't jump to WWE without securing their release). I'd also like to see something done to stop the WWE from releasing half its roster at the start of every game.

    I'd like to see options relating to merchandise. It would be nice to be able to choose which wrestlers get T-shirts, to create DVD sets (featuring documentaries and classic segments from your old shows), and to sign a video game deal. I don't want a great deal of detail in this area. The DVD option obviously requires good records of past shows. I'd probably have the game store both the crowd rating and the match rating for matches because a 90% quality match between 2 undercard guys the crowd doesn't care about could mean alot more on a DVD set released 10 years later when both of them are legendary main eventers.

    I would like the option to do Internet TV shows (obviously, the Internet is not a TV network and cannot refuse to broadcast your show) and the option to do Internet PPV events. I would like the option to tape multiple weeks of TV shows at a time (like how ROH tapes 4 TV shows back to back 6 weeks or so before any of them air and TNA tapes 2 shows back to back whenever they leave the Impact Zone), the option to run a "best of" show (if you don't want to book a TV show that week) and the option to do TV specials (negotiated for during contract negotiations). I would like the option to do segments such as the recent segment on Impact where they showed the old Kurt Angle VS Sting empty arena match from 2009 to hype their PPV rematch. This is probably too complex, but the ability to own a TV network (and fill it with recap shows, re-runs, classic shows, and even original programming) or to be "owned" by a TV broadcaster would be nice as well. WCW was owned by a TV network, as is ROH. It has been rumored for years that WWE wants to start their own network.

    The way I'd handle the segments would be to declare a "segment" equal to (say) 5 minutes and therefore have the option to have a match or an angle go more than 1 segment. It simply isn't realistic for a 60-minute Ironman match to take up the same amount of "segments" as a routine backstage interview segment.

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  2. Here's everything I noticed regarding TNA (mainly turns and gimmicks):

    Change AJ Styles to either Old School Face or Show Stealer (he hasn't been "Ric Flair Jr" since his face turn, so "suave" isn't the right gimmick for him)

    Turn the British Invasion face and change Magnus to Foreign Star

    Turn D'Angelo Dinero tweener

    Turn Eric Young and Orlando Jordan face

    Change Gunner to Ice Man (I 2nd the suggestion to increase his overness, but "monster" doesn't fit Gunner's character)

    Turn Gen Me tweener

    Change Kazarian's manager to none (I don't think I've ever seen Traci Brooks managing him)

    Remove Mick Foley from TNA (he is fired in storylines and isn't renewing his contract)

    Turn Mr. Anderson heel

    Add Jacqueline Moore to TNA

    Rename Sangriento to Amazing Red (the Sangriento gimmick appears to have been dropped)

    Turn Scott Steiner heel

    Turn So Cal Val face

    Turn Tara face and change her gimmick (I'm unsure what to change it to, but she turned face back at Sacrifice nearly 2 months ago)

    Set Robert Roode instead of Alex Shelley as TNA Tag champs with James Storm (Beer Money are still recognized by TNA as the Tag champs)

    Rename TNA Women's Tag Team championship to TNA Knockouts Tag Team championship (I've never heard that belt called the Women's Tag Titles on Impact)

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