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Posts posted by albertocp

  1. Some TNA details:


    Default announcers and brand 1 announcers should be Mike Tenay and Taz


    Add Karen Jarett and Scott Steiner to inmortal

    Create The Brittish Invasion stable with Douglas Williams, Magnus and Rob Terry


    Young and Jordan should be an occasional team, not regular

    Basham and Damaja should be an inactive team

    Morgan and Modest should be an inactive team


    The Pope should be heel IMO

    Daniels should be renamed Christopher Daniels

    Scott Steiner should be heel

    Low Ki should be added as face

    Desmond Wolfe should be face IMO

    Kiyoshi is not under contract anymore

  2. Finally, I was waiting for an adaptation of your work for TEW2010 a long time ago

    I will try to help with minor details for WWE:


    World Wrestling Entertainment should be named simply as WWE

    Set Cole, Lawler and Booker as default announcers, Cole and Lawler as brand 1 announcers and Matthews, Booker and Cole as brand 2 announcers


    WWE Unified Divas should be simply called as WWE Divas


    Michael McGillicutty should be added to the New Nexus


    Hawkins and Ryder should be an ocassional team, not regular

    Lay-Cool should be an inactive regular team, not regular

    McGillicutty and Harris should be an inactive regular team, not regular

    Team Blondetourage should be an inactive occasional team, not regular

    Rhodes and Dibiase should be an occasional team, not regular IMO

    ALL WWE occasional teams you have should be inactive occasional teams IMO

    Add Otunga and McGillicutty as regular team

    Add Daniel Bryan and Derrick Bateman as occasional team

    Add Titus O'Neil and Hornswoggle as occasional team


    Rosa Mendes should be heel

    James Maritato (Nunzio) should be face

    Jinder Mahal should have Khali as his manager

    Kharma should be face IMO

    R-Truth gimmick should be lunatic

    Sheamus gimmick should be bad ass

    Stephanie McMahon should be face

    Conor O'Brian should have no brand

    Darren Young should have no brand

    Titus O'Neil should have no brand

    Booker T should be on Smackdown

    Scott Stanford should be on Raw


    Aksana should be heel

    Alexander Rusev should have Raquel Diaz as his manager

    Axel Mulligan gimmick should be changed back to Husky Harris

    Big E. Langston should be heel

    Bobby Dutch should be heel

    Brett DiBiase should be now a referee, so set him to semi active wrestler and set referee as usually

    Derrick Bateman should be face and he is on NXT again

    Donny Marlow should be face

    Epico gimmick should be changed back to Tito Colon

    Erick Rowan should be heel

    James Bronson should be heel

    Jemma Palmer is not under contract anymore

    Jon Emminger should be named Lucky Cannon, with a ladies man gimmick and with Maxine as his manager

    Kenny Li is not under contract anymore

    Roman Leakee should be named as Leakee

    Naomi Night should be named as Naomi and she should be face

    Peter Orlov should be heel

    Raquel Diaz should be heel

    Seth Rollins should be gace

    Wes Brisco is not under contract anymore

    Christina Crawford should be back as Caylee Turner

    FCW Teams:

    Big E. Langston & Calvin Raines (regular)

    Erick Rowan & James Bronson (regular)

    Percy Watson & Tito Colon (occasional)

    Marcus Owens & Xavier Woods (occasional)

    Richie Steamboat & Seth Rollins (occasional)

    Donny Marlow & Leakee (occasional)

    all other teams should be set to inactive

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  3. Y2J vs HBK - The last one, one of the best feuds that I ever seen

    Kane vs Rey Mysterio - 2008

    Mike Knox vs Finlay - 2008 (Mike Knox was angry because Finlay had turned face and he wasn't "the man who loves to fight" anymore, and Knox attacked him every week, until Finlay finally bet Knox in a 1 on 1 match)

    Matt Hardy vs MVP - 2007 (Basketball contest, eat pizza contest, etc)

    HBK and JBL - 2008/2009, when JBL hired HBK

    Chuck Palumbo vs Jamie Noble - For the love of Michelle McCool, face turns heel and Heel turns face

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