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Posts posted by tycoon

  1. Hi guys! I feel like i dont really have the right to ask a favor because i havent contributed here in years. Got into my 30s and 40s and just kind of grew out of the game. But Ive recently found my love for it again and started a new game! I always remembered this place fondly and even logged in from time to time just to see how things are.
    I was wondering if someone could add long hair to my friend in this pic for my game. None of us are computer saavy. Its a ridiculous multi player game with all my friends and he made a joke the other night about wanting long hair (like me) and so we are gonna do it and put it in the game without telling him! Yes, old people sense of humor is this mundane. Thank you in advance.

    P.S. This is for fun, please dont worry about if it looks bad...thats the fun! We cant do it at all so anything is appreciated!

    Give Me Long Hair

  2. just downloaded the game again after 3+years and i cant find any logo's or belts pic packs. i have the wrestlers pic packs. can anyone zip up and upload their logos and belts and beeners and stuff for this game since EWR Inventory is gone and the new site being suggested on the first page has no pic packs at all. where do you guys get your stuff from? i know you cant be playing with no logos and such...

  3. I was looking for that actually, I used to use it all the time, although the gimmicks they gave you were silly ones lol, but it sure does help.

    Just keep clicking "calculate" and it will give different suggestions but if every suggestion is corny its because the wrestlers stats and your company risk only allows for those gimmicks :)

    im glad you like it!

    hopefully it gets added to the EWI page

  4. i have a years old program for ewr on my computer that i cant seem to find anywhere else anymore, even in the EW inventory link. just wondering if you wanted to have it to add to the site? its really helpful and prevents ever having to deal with gimmicks that dont work for a wrestler.

    its very small, you just type in some of the wrestlers stats and click "calculate" and it will give a list of gimmicks that will work for that given wrestler. no more guessing or hoping! i have no information as to who created it, like i said ive had it for years and there is no info provided with it but i did not make this, the credit goes to someone else.

    here it is:

    Gimmick Calculator

  5. The live action film however, was a completely new entity, establishing a new franchise and a new universe. It had to develop characters, it had to establish the universe it was set in. Its ridiculous to even compare them.

    which is what hollywood has done with every single comic book/cartoon movie that have made. I dont know why it is so acceptable to destroy a story that has worked for decades and created generations of fans. They always abandon all their fans when something becomes a movie. The amount of innaccuracies in x-men, spider-man, hulk, iron man, fantastic four, transformers, etc is unforgivable. fucking ebay brought the transformers here...nice commercial placement there.

    My point was, it would have been pretty difficult to screw up Iron Man, as the character was well developed and had a rich history. Its not hard at all to figure out how you're going to tell his origin story as its been done and discussed several times in comics.

    umm...somehow they still did it. dont get me wrong it was a decent action movie until you remember its the Iron Man story they just butchered right in front of you. but like you said, its a re-imagining and wasnt meant for me, an actual fan.

    For Transformers, they had an 80's cartoon to base it off of, given that, they did a wonderful job and made an enjoyable film.

    um, as if giving them decades of comics to reference was going to make them stay more true to the story and not fill it with hidden commercials? also they had much more than just one cartoon. there were alot of them and even more in japan. and they had a comic book too with that cartoon you mentioned. I also had a line of books and some were even "choose your fate" type things...so lets not say they didnt have much to work with, they just ignored it all.

    the only, and i mean only, thing about transformers that resembles anything a transformers fan might recognize is the names. GI Joe, I suspect, will be the same as all those that came before it.

  6. The original Frankenstein. Great movie...the scene where the monster is happily picking flowers with the little girl and they toss them onto the water to watch them float is classic. The monster curiously picks up the girl, who starts screaming, and tosses her in the water to see if she can float too and she drowns. I saw that when I was a kid and never forgot it.

    Almost any Karloff or Lugosi movie are good to me. "White Zomibe" was great too. I also like the movies that were made fun of on Mystery Science Theatre 3000....

  7. Marvel doesnt own Spider Man? I dont get it...they still print the comics.

    I was talking with some friends about this tonight and we came up with some good comic book adaptions: The first two Superman movies, Superman Returns (We couldnt figure out how Singer can make this beauty and Usual Suspects but fail so hard at X-2 inbetween), 300, V for Vendetta was somehow still amazing despite not resembling the original stories (maybe Id be more accurate in saying it was probably due to taking a ten issue limited series being crammed into one movie), Spawn, Swamp Thing, Sin City was amazing and unique in the best way, Conan...so Im not saying is been an all FAIL industry. But if you consider Judge Dredd, Ghost Rider, Nick Fury and all the others I mentioned in the other posts...the list goes on and on...

    Im going to watch the Dark Knight tommorrow, its On Demand on my cable system.

    How do I convince a friend who has no internet access that Hancock was not a comic book. He swears it is and even says he has the first issue and that Im not the know it all authority on comic books. LOL...I thought I was right and found out I was when I got home but I really wasnt sure after he said he owned the comic...liars LOL.

    Back on topic now...

    Has there been anything revealed about the Thor plot other than Thor might be opposed by Loki? I say "might" because Loki might not lash out on Thor until he does something disruptive to Loki in the first movie. Just my guess...

  8. LOL no thats not what i meant :P

    Im just saying the Spider Man movies were the final straw for me. They completely changed the whole Batman origin but it was a great movie. Even Batman Returns was good. Then they went to shit. Batman Begins was great so the Joker one is probably cool but I didnt go. The Punisher movies were shit. Every Captain America attempt was crap. The first Fantastic Four movie from the early 90's was so garbage its barely known and the modern one was just so wrong also. It was just a special effects fest that ignored what made the FF cool. The actors did a good job though. Transformers was beyond description. Catwoman, Elektra, Daredevil, The (first) Hulk...the list goes on and on. If you cant see why I gave up I cant explain it any better. Maybe Im just old and fed up lol your all probably in your teens/early 20's so you didnt suffer through as much? I dont know.

    Money is too tight nowadays to spend on movies that I really dont have alot of hope in liking based on past movies.

  9. HHH, Im sorry, would have been a bad choice. Maybe he can be Beta Ray Bill in a sequel. He's great for like posters and action scenes but the whole time you watch the movie youd be watching HHH fight Loki, not Thor...get it? In the media, it would have been just another movie starring a wrestler. I havent seen Home and Away or Star Trek so I cant speak on the choice they did make for the role but I will say that he does not in any manner have the physique required to be freakin Thor (maybe before he found the Mjolnir). But I can safely assume, since it is a comic book movie, that the entire story will be unrecognizable from the one that earned Thor his fans in the comics and just as Spider-Man, X-Men, The Hulk, Transformers, etc....the real fans will be abandoned.

    I shudder to think what they have done to GI Joe in the upcoming movie....

    The choice for Loki I think is good as far as looks go. He looks thin, sickly and even kinda devious and jealous; total opposite of his brother, Thor. I dont know, it just kinda comes through in the picture I saw. Ive never seen him act though...

    I hope its good though but I dont expect it to be. I completely gave up on movies based on anything I like after seeing Spider Man 1-3. I havent watched the Joker movie, the Ed Norton Hulk, Iron Man, Star Trek and countless others.

    Dont they realize that if they do make real fans with any of this half assed crap they put out that those fans will eventually go back and look at the history, maybe read the comics and see, for example, how retarded the Transformers movie is? Cmon, I mean Ebay? EBAY?? ...'nuff said.

  10. I watched "Transformers" last night...I really wish I hadn't. The fact it's that kid kills Megatron...what the fuck? Yeah, the film as a whole is dull as shit.

    Yeah, nowhere near enough shots of a sweaty/dirty Megan Fox to justify them raping one of my fondest childhood memories.

    Shit, man I couldnt agree more...cussing? robots "peeing" on humans? FREAKIN EBAY??? what a piece of trash!

    Once again, Hollywood takes a franchise with a big fanbase and then abandons every one of those fans by "re-imagining" everything!


    Just saw Semi-Pro starring Will Farrell and it was hilarious! Only thing I didnt like was how they didnt have a conclusion to the corndog incident but that is such a MINOR thing...otherwise a fantastic, cookie cutter comedy that hits all the right spots. Very funny movie to break out the bong for!

    Semi-Pro: 9/10

  11. Lakview Terrace- 5/10

    Samuel Jackson is a great actor and in fact if you total up the earnings of all his movies, no other actor in history even comes close. so to see him in this forced, drab movie was sad. i really wanted to see this movie only to be disappointed. as with snakes on a plane, we all must learn that having a movie with samuel jackson in it yelling at everybody and being a smart ass does not make it good. this movie seemed to be really written with him in mind and not much thought after that. poor one liners, a weak main character i never cared about and actually got annoyed with because he kept going back to jackson for the abuse and then took it like a little bitch because the script called for him to be the poor white boy victim role. screw that! the fighting with his wife literally comes out of nowhere...white boy gets punked by jackson and the next scene he literally fights with his wife over nothing and then says he doesnt even know who she is anymore. WHAT?? um, where did that come from? more forced drama...

    anyway, jackson is a cop...he has big beef with his neighbor...its not that hard to guess how this predictable movie ends.

    i would not watch this again. same as snakes on a plane. cmon samuel....

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