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Timmoru Suzuki

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Posts posted by Timmoru Suzuki

  1. Got the NJPW stuff from Steam. Just played a few matches but loving it so far. Highlights have included discovering BUSHI does the Mist as a striking move, accidentally discovering Naito can do Destino as a corner-to-centre attack and critical-ing Ibushi with the Skull End.

    I did load up the story mode and got as far as the creation stuff but didn't have hours and hours and the doctorate required to go through that. I liked how they've voice captured Yugi Nagata chortling at you though. >_>

    Oh, and Ishii is a beast. Literally countered the Skull End 9 times and took three Destino's before he stayed down in a big LIJ vs. Chaos match I played.

  2. As it's the time of year where I try and get into Baseball, I brought The Show 17 (it was around £16 not £40 for the newest one). Have played it for about 2 hours so far but have spent most of the time choosing which control scheme to use (so far Pulse pitching, zone batting, everything else CPU) and creating a guy to play through RttS with.  Chose pulse pitching beccause I don't like meters and classic seemed a little risk free and pulse just seemed better for me than analogue. Pure analogue batting seems like something I'd have to get used to the game to use first, and I had more joy with zone over directional batting while still finding it a challenge.

    Really impressed with the level of options to tailor the game to your own strengths/wants and the depth of customisaton options and game modes, it feels really "all in" in those respects.

    Anyway, for RttS I created a starting pitcher. Just got taken by the Yankees. Here we go.

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  3. My housemate and I have a habit of going to the pub then coming back and watching re-runs of Bullseye on Challenge TV. We admired how easily Bowen seemed to be able to build a rapport with guests and just have a chat. And yet, didn't mess around, no pauses and artificial ways of trying to build tension, he just got on with the show. If Bullseye were hosted by anyone else it'd be half as long again.

    Anyway, this was sad news. R.I.P.

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  4. F.C Union Berlin after I discovered an article about their fans a few years ago (I think in the Guardian's football section) about how they helped rebuild a stand; they donated blood and then donated the small fee you get in Germany for doing that to the club when they fell on hard times (or possibly to help fund the stand rebuilding, I can't remember exactly now); and how they meet at Christmas and sing carols for 90 minutes. Certainly an example of the fan base attracting me to a team.

    I sort of still like Swansea: I admired how when they came into the Premier League they kept their principles and tried to carry on "playing football" using some previously unsung players (like Dyer and Routledge) and for a while they seemed really progessive and forward thinking with their choice of managers and long-term planing. Obviously those last two factors no longer apply, so my 'soft-spot' for them is hardening >_>

    For the NFL, the Titans; mainly because my American friend is a massive Titans fan and she's one of these people whose passion for something is infectious. Also Delanie Walker was epic for me two fantasy seasons in a row so I completely love the man. Finally while they're not exclusive to me in termsof having some younger players whom I like, I do like Mariota and Henry also.

  5. 15 hours ago, VocalVomit said:

    Matt Patricia is officially the Lions coach. 

    Time to rock and roll.

    We're about 24 hours in and I'm fighting myself between thinking he's taking us to the Superbowl next year, and calming the fuck down because, ya know, it's the Lions we're talking about here. It's the hope that kills ya. Although I imagine at this stage of the off-season fans of most teams are trying to figure out scenarios where they make it.

    I'm certainly not judging his entire coaching career on one game where he didn't have the arugably his best player in secondary; and I'm encouraged by how many of his ex-players have come out and said how great a coach he was and how passionately he seems to care about them all as people then players.

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  6. Just lost 5-4 in a game I was winning 4-2, and 6-5 in a game I was winning 5-2; all the CPU's comeback goals in period 3, most after they had shot after shot which blocked and deflected back to them over and over until they put a slap shot into the roof of the net from the blue line; or got a deflection that gave them a half open net from inches out. Gonna take a break from this for a bit as I'm fairly certain the game is trolling me at this point >_>

  7. My only particular criticism so far is with Goalies. Either almost every shot I have against the CPU goes in, or almost every shot they have at me goes in, with no middle ground. Like my last two games in Franchise (I've brought back the Hartford Whalers as a 32nd team), I beat the Oilers 8-2, then lost 5-1 to the Stars despite out-shooting them 36-13. I know obviously it's not a dead on comparison with them being different teams, and yes that is partly hockey itself but I feel like I could pick any two games I've played so far and they'd be similar.

    Anyway, still having fun with this generally. I'll probably have a play with the sliders a little.

  8. So I actually liked Metalhead the most of all of them. It was so visceral and stylish and Maxine Peake was terrific. It's unlike everything else they've done so far. USS Callister and Black Museum were strong too.

    Hang the DJ was the one I got the least out of. It was enjoyable, but felt like the most comfortable filler episode of the lot.

    Crocodile and Arkangel were both good but flawed. Archangel for me started strongly, and the best episodes tend to feature technology which is immediate and feels like it could happen which that cetainly did; but for me it didn't go far enough with the rammifications of it.

    You get that scene with the psycologist about half way through, where you realise the full pyscological and sociological impact of using that sort of tech and it's a great "oh fuuuuuuck" moment...and then you get half an episode of a teenage rebellion that we've seen done loads before. It's the first Black Mirror where I felt Brooker didn't go far enough in terms of pushing the boundaries of how far the tech could go.

    Annd Crocodile bugged me too. Felt like a good pilot for a crime thriller with a slight SF tint, but hardly a Black Mirror episode. The tech was an afterthought and the characterisation was all over the place. Beautifully shot though, to give it some credit.

  9. On 10/01/2018 at 04:57, lari said:

    After 16 years on the island you fondly remember that one day when you still had enough battery to use it. And maybe wish you had picked a volleyball instead.

    Or, you know I'd use to to ensure my rescue >_>

  10. Not really agreeing with the list so far. San Junipero, White Christmas and The Entire History of You are comfortably my top episodes (so I hope the latter is your #1 >_>), National Anthem and Waldo moment aren't bad but aren't that special and White Bear is my least favourite Black Mirror by several country miles. It's forty minutes of people shambling through some trees next to some houses then a twist and once you know the twist it has no rewatch value.

    But good to see some love for Shut Up and Dance; I always felt like it was an underappreciated episode :)

  11. Picked this up in the PSN sale. Have only played a handful of matches so far but like it. I last played 16 on and off and had real issues with the difficulty settings (I could score 4 or 5 on semi-pro (or whatever the equivalent is called with no issue, had to work hard to not lose by the same amount on the next setting up) and could never get the sliders right. That issue feels less pronounced so far, but to be fair I've barely played with the difficulty or sliders yet.

    Having read around it, I can understand why someone who plas a lot each year feels it's not a big enough step forward; but as a casual, occasional player the insane depth of creating a new team in franchise and the 3 vs. 3 arcade mode was just too good a deal to pass up at £25.

    Now all I need is a few spare hours in a block to actually start my own team. >_>

  12. Most just happen to be top 2-3 favourite songs by favourite bands, but some get a little explanation:

    1. Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
    2. The Doors - Light My Fire
    3. David Bowie - Life on Mars?
    4. Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
    5. Marvin Gaye - Heard it Through the Grapevine - I always liked this song a lot anyway, in the last year its taken on extra significance as it was a favourite of my mum's and it's a song that will always remind me of her.
    6. Europe - The Final Countdown - another one for remembering; in this case remembering being a lot younger and going to the same club with the same group of friends each week and this always playing and becoming the groups "song." Then we all got old and responsbilities...
    7. Limp Bizkit - My Way - Limp Bizkit were the very first "alternative" (I.E non top-40 chart) act I ever got into, so I'll always like them far more than any rational person ever should. A lesser point, the Wrestlemania X7 hype video for Rock vs. Austin to this still sets the hair on my neck on end
    8. Aerosmith - Dream On

    Book - This is  a hard choice because a favourite book isn't always something you could read frequently over and over. Instead I'm electing to take a book I've owned for a while and never read as the sheer size and small print is intimidating; in the hope all the free time will encourage me to read it - Charles Dicken's Bleak House.

    Luxury Item - Paper and Pens. Or a phone with signal and limitless data.

  13. What's that Dallas? A bullshit call gone against you? Gee, can't imagine how that feels.

    Do we need to recount the massive amount of missed penalties on both sides last week?

    There's a huge difference, the Lions still had ample time to win the game and failed. This call just ended the game, that shouldn't happen to any team.

    No, I just enjoy my bitter irony :)

  14. The actual showcases aren't out yet; but I thought Paige included with the purchase as a Day 1 release.

    And I also hoped for the accelerator to be included, but it appears not.

    Since as its registered the purchase, I suppose thats all that counts.

  15. Got it after last playijg '13. Love the presentation and the extra effort with likenesses and such forth for lower league clubs. Generally like the Gameplay. Seem to score a few different types of goals - I know that sounds daft but in some FIFA's previously there always seemed to be certain moves and positions that resulted in a goal 99% of the time.

    I like how the through ball feels more realistic this year too, accurate at short range with its accuracy diminishing the further it travels. Feels great when you nail a perfect long range one. Passing in general feels a bit sluggish though.

    Don't like players not making runs. Yeah, I know about L1 and they barely seem to bother then. AI players just seem happy to stand and watch me with the ball, and then amble forwards a pace or two and top when I use L1.

  16. Borrowed my housemates copy: Not sure if I'll get it. It's just a sightly more polished version of last years (which was fun and I had more longevity than other Smacdown games but I still doubt I played it solo this calendar year) so not really worth the price of a brand new game. I like a few things: the grainy graphical effect of the older Mania matches, and some minor new options; but for a slight polish and a new roster (better or worse depending on preference) it just isn't worth the money.

    I'll continue to steal the housemates copy and maybe pick it up for £20-£25 quid down the line.

    And damn the quicker countering will take some getting used to.

    Also, playing as old school Flair > .

  17. What Connected Careers are people playing? I'm going to start one soon, either as a player or as an owner. I tried playing WR in Madden 13, but struggled to get to grips with timings of it, so I'm thinking of playing as a HB. I want to give being an owner a blast at some point though, if only to relocate a team to London.

  18. I've tried with this, I really have. I really want to like this game but it's just an unbearable bastard. I get carved open with the run on just about every single play, regardless of what team I use and what tactics I use and the odd time I defend the run well the CPU just throws a perfect deep pass to a mysteriously uncovered reciever instead. The CPU's 3rd down cobversion rate is astronomic, and they always gain the new set of downs by one yard more than they needed and whenever I do put points on the board the CPU always marches right down the field in 1/2 plays and gets the exact same number of points back.

    There's much to like but it's too much of a dick.

    Quick Q: I did the Defensive audibles tutorial, about pressing X to bring up the audibles menu and then to use L and R sticks to select a play...in game when I press X I don't get the full menu up. I get a box saying 'select play' (or some such) or O to cancel, but I don't actually get to see what audibles I'd be selecting, which seems....unfair.... are they written down anywhere? They're not in the manual. Am googling now.

    EDIT - Ignore, found you tube video

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