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Posts posted by yourheroa

  1. Natsuki Taiyo's picture is set to the file name Natsuki_Taiyo, if you dont have a picture of that file name in your folder it will not show up. the same can be said for Shuu Shibutani's pic as that is set to Shuu_Shibutani. I know this because i was the one who set them and their the only pics i have of those workers and thus their named correctly.

    I am using the "March" People.rar file downloaded from this thread. It must be different than your files. I re-downloaded it just now, and it is as I said. You can check it yourself if you want.

    Screenshot of RAR file contents

  2. Sorry,

    *Yuki Miazaki should be set to retired, not Yuji Miazaki

    "Mayumi Ozaki" seems to be the common name, so I guess im wrong.

    Ok, I figured out the problem with Natsuki Taiyo and Shu Shibutani not having pictures:

    The name is "Shuu Shibutani" in the database, but her picture is titled "Shu_Shibutani.jpg" with 1 U. It doesn't give her a picture unless you link it manually. I think 1 U is the more widely accepted translation, but I've seen both.

    Natsuki Taiyo used to be called Natsuki*HEAD, and her picture is "Natsuki_Head.jpg," by default it gives her a blank picture.

    They'll have to be manually selected to display correctly, most people will probably see blank pictures unless they do this.

    So, you may wish to synchronize the picture files with the data files if you want all people to see pictures.

  3. I may be able to help for ICE and JWP. I used to follow JWP more before Azumi Hyuga retired. (She was my all time favorite female wrestler)

    Kaori Yoneyama could use some large skill increases. One of the better female wrestlers in the world. Some people think she is THE best. You could check out some of her highlight videos on youtube, and I would recommend her JWP title match vs Hyuga. Or recently, her SMASH match vs Shuri is decent. Shuri is way over in SMASH and talented for her experience level.

    BIO: Current ace of JWP. She combines high-flying, technical and brawling skills into a mesh of high-energy action. Kaori wrestled her entire career for JWP, winning every title in the promotion as well as several others. Her stubby build is not ideal.

    Brawling: 30 -> 65%

    Power: 5% -> 25%

    Strong Style: 35% -> 55%

    Hardcore: 5% -> 35%

    Mat Work: 30% -> 55

    Chain Wrestling: 55% -> 75%

    Submissions: 15% -> 35%

    Flashiness: 60% -> 75%

    Basics: 75% -> 85%

    Psychology: 35% -> 65%

    Athleticism: 65% -> 70%

    Stamina: 65% -> 70%

    Intensity: 30% -> 60%

    Menace: 0% -> 20%

    Respect: 10% -> 25%

    Style: Super Junior

    Gimmick: High Energy

    Main Finisher: Rolling German Suplex

    Other Finisher: Senton Splash, Yoshi Tonic or Running Knee Strike

    Emi Sakura could use a bio and some stat adjustments.

    BIO: A versatile Joshi veteran who was a freelancer for most of her career. Sakura briefly retired from competition before opening a wrestling school in 2006 that has grown into the ICE Ribbon promotion. Former singles champion in AJW, AWF, NEO & ICE.

    Real Name: Emi Motokawa

    Name: Emi Sakura

    Brawling: 65% -> 55%

    Submissions: 65% -> 60%

    Basics: 75% -> 85%

    Refereeing: 0% -> 40%

    Business SKill: 0% -> 45%

    Booking Skill: 0% -> 50%

    Respect: 0% -> 50%

    Main Finisher: Firebird 450 Splash

    Other Finisher: ICE driver

    Other SMASH and joshi stuff:

    Hajime Ohara Wrestled in Mexico.

    Hajime Ohara Was trained by Ultimo Dragon.

    Kana and Nanae Takahashi should have strong dislike, Kana had an ugly split from Passion Red

    Nanae Takahashi and Natsuki Taiyo form a faction/team called Passion Red, medium experience

    Natsuki Taiyo needs a picture

    Shu Shibutani needs a picture

    Apple Miyuki is part of Osaka Pro Wrestling

    Yuji Miazaki should be set to retired.

    Tanny Mouse should be set to retired.

    Haruka Matsuo (Retired Joshi) was born in 1981, not 1987.

    "Mayumi Ozaki" should be named Mayuki Ozaki

    Chihiro Oikawa should be set to "left the business" or retired- got married

    Dump Matsumoto should be Semi-Active, and rarely wrestles

    Takako Inoue was one of the bigger names in Joshi from the 90's till now and is not in the game. (removed for some reason?)She still wrestles.

    Michiko Omukai was another big name who is not in game, though she retired a little while ago.

  4. <- marks for Kurt Angle

    Alright, I'll start with the main storylines in SMASH:

    FCF Title:

    A FCF championship match is the main event the majority of the time.

    Starbuck brought the title to SMASH and defended it against several SMASH wrestlers.

    Hajime Ohara went to Finland to try to win the title, but after losing became loyal to Starbuck.

    Tajiri finally won the FCF title, but then Kovac came and attacked Starbuck and SMASH.

    Kovac took the title from Tajiri and is now bringing in various foreign lackeys to fight against SMASH.

    Shuri Push:

    Shuri starts having matches against various high-level Joshi talent, coached by Tajiri.

    Shuri feuds with Kana after Kana bullies her and beats her in a rematch, gaining her respect.

    Shuri goes on a winning streak before narrowly losing a JWP title match against Kaori Yoneyama.

    Lin Bairon gets more and more jealous of Shuri's succes and starts acting maliciously. Lin never lost to Shuri.

    Shuri finally beats Lin, who runs off crying and dejected. Kovac takes advantage of Lin and gets her on his side.

    Kana's Attempted Takeover:

    Kana does not like how Tajiri runs SMASH (valuing foreign stars and big names over her)& vows to take over SMASH.

    Tajiri does not take her seriously, defeats Kana 1v1 and covers her in green mist, humiliating her.

    Kana brings in Triple Tails to help her, they make terroristic threats and begin random attacks on SMASH.

    Triple Tails defeats Tajiri's team in a 3v3 match, Tajiri brings in Funaki to face Kana next.


    Akira Shoji faces various MMA-type opponents.

    AKIRA is eccentric but always defends SMASH.

    KUSHIDA was being built up & winning over rivals to his side. His last match will be vs Ohara, his chief rival.

    FCF invader Jessica Love kept chasing after Ohara, who was repulsed at first. He later "switched sides" to join FCF.

    There are usually a few joshi matches, many girls from ICE Ribbon lately.

    Tajiri gets another "big" name or two for every card to face the SMASH roster. It's a revolving door.

    Here's the roster as I see it:

    Main Eventers:

    Tajiri - Face - Gimmick: Martial Artist

    Michael Kovac - Heel Gimmick: Super Heel. (FCF champion, uses lackeys from EU)

    Starbuck - Heel Gimmick: Outsider

    Upper Midcarders:

    Akira Shoji- Face Gimmick: Mixed Martial Artist

    Kana - Heel Gimmick: Outside Threat, Impact Player (goal is to take over SMASH)

    Shuri - Face Gimmick: Joshi Shooter, Joshi Wrestler

    AKIRA - Face Gimmick: Loyalist (Defends SMASH)

    Super Crazy - Heel Gimmick: Luchadore


    Hajime Ohara - Heel Gimmick: Turncoat, now loyal to Starbuck

    Lin Bairon - Heel Gimmick: Martial Artist, Bitch (ICE Ribbon tag champ w/Sakura as RAY)

    Jessica Love - Heel Gimmick: Gender Bender Extreme

    Mentallo - Heel Gimmick: Luchadore, Mysterious

    Yoshiaki Yago - Face Gimmick: Impressionist (Scott Hall)

    Emi Sakura - Face Gimmick: Mentor (trains many students, ICE Ribbon Tag Champ w/ Lin Bairon as RAY)

    Takao Omori - Heel/Face Gimmick: Old Lion/No Gimmick Needed

    Lower Midcarders:

    Yuji Kito - Face Gimmick: Old School Face/None

    Isami Kodaka - Face/Heel Gimmick: Extremist

    Mio Shirai - Heel Gimmick: Cocky Youth

    Io Shirai - Heel Gimmick: Cocky Youth

    Makoto - Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler


    Hikari Minami - Face Gimmick: Trainee (younger student)

    Jon Cutler - Heel/Face (?) Gimmick: ??? Foreigner

    Enhancement Talent:

    Yusuke Kodama - Face Gimmick: Understudy (Tajiri's pupil)

    D-Ray 3000 - Heel (?) Gimmick: ??? Foreigner?

    Semi-Active Wrestlers:

    SABU - Face Gimmick: Hardcore Icon, Legend

    Funaki - Face Gimmick: Grizzled Veteran, Foreign Star(WWE)

    Serena Deeb - Heel/Face(?) Gimmick: Foreign Star

    ULTIMO Dragon - Face Gimmick: Luchadore

    TAKA Michinoku - Heel Gimmick: Cocky

    KAORU - Heel Gimmick: Joshi Hardcore Queen

    Kaori Yoneyama - Face Gimmick: High Energy (JWP champion, arguably the top Joshi championship)

    Hikaru Shida - Face/Heel(?) Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Tsukasa Fujimoto - Face/Heel(?) Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler (ICE Ribbon x60 Champ, ICE Ribbon triangle champ)

    Chii Tomiya - Heel/Face (?) Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler, Weird

    Nagisa Nozaki - Face Gimmick: Joshi Idol - She will be the focus of Pro Wrestling DIANA promotion, new Idol-ish promotion

    Toshie Uematsu - Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler - She doesn't use her normal gimmick in SMASH

    Tomoka Nakagawa - Heel/Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Commando Bolshoi - Face/Heel Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Tsubasa Kuragaki - Face/Heel Gimmick: Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler


    SUNAHO - Face Gimmick: Staff Member


    Yuji Shimada - Face Gimmick: Authority figure


    Booking Team:


    Akira Shoji

    Yuji Shimada

    Starbuck, when it comes to FCF title.


    FCF: Starbuck, Hajime Ohara, Jessica Love

    ICE Ribbon: Emi Sakura, Makoto, Hikari Minami, Hikaru Shida, Tsukasa Fujimoto, Chii Tomiya

    Triple Tails: Kana, Mio Shirai, Io Shirai

    JWP: Commando Bolshoi, Kaori Yoneyama, Tsubasa Kuragaki

    Most of the joshi's aren't given strong Heel/Face roles except Triple Tails and Lin Bairon(heel) & Shuri and Makoto (face)

    Workers who are excluded: (none have a major role)

    Bambi (joshi) Last appeared DEC 24, future uncertain.. Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    KUSHIDA - Leaving for NJPW

    Minoru Suzuki - Last appeared DEC 11, Probably a 1-time thing.. Gimmick: MMA Shooter or Legend

    Gypsy Joe Last appeared DEC 11, probably a 1-time thing.. Gimmick: Legend

    Sir Robin - no stats, set to debut in SMASH.. Gimmick: ~weasel lackey to Kovac

    Gabriel ANtonic - no stats, set to debut in SMASH.. Gimmick: ~ cocky/prettyboy lackey to Kovac

    Cybernetic Machine - no stats, 1 appearance.. Gimmick: ~ enforcer lackey to Kovac

    Golem Knight - no stats ~ powerhouse

    Riho - no stats, set to debut in SMASH ~young joshi (ICE Ribbon)

    Tsukushi - no stats, set to debut in SMASH ~ young joshi (ICE Ribbon)

    Mochi Miyagi - no stats, set to debut in SMASH ~ rookie joshi (ICE Ribbon)

    Cherry(joshi) - no stats, 1 appearance ~ experienced Joshi

    Kristian Kurki - no stats, 1 appearance ~ FCF rookie

    Ken Ohya - no stats, 1 appearance ~ weirdo

    Sayaka Obinhiro - injured ~ rookie joshi (ICE Ribbon)

    Azul Dragon no stats, lost tryout match ~ masked wrestler

    Tommy Dreamer, face ~ legend (He will return sometime when schedule permits)

    Other SMASH things:

    Tsubasa Kuragaki is not so much of a high flyer these days, too heavy now. Maybe 50.

    Super Crazy also got heavy and lost most of his high flying skills. 50s at best IMO.

    As I said before, Funaki's skills are lower across the board.

    Akira Shoji trains Shuri for MMA type matches. She's had some under a different name, "Akari"

    Mio and Io Shirai have extensive tag experience with each other. Sometimes called the Purple Thunder Sisters.

    Emi Sakura and RAY(Lin Bairon) are tag champs in ICE Ribbon

    Hikaru Shida and Tsukasa Fujimoto are a regular tag team

    Tajiri and AKIRA are often tag partners, to represent SMASH

    I'd give Tajiri a strong friendship with Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer sent Tajiri a gift for not being able to make the reschedule that Tajiri would not reveal. (I suspect it might be a championship belt they will have a match for)

  5. Other Half?

    Workers you may wish to add to SMASH who are already in game:

    Yoshiaki Yago

    TAKA Michinoku

    Jon Cutler

    Shoichi Funaki -- his stats should be reduced

    D-Ray 3000


    Serena Deeb

    Additional workers you should probably add who i've given stats for:


    Michael Kovac

    Akira Shoji

    Yusuke Kodama

    Yuji Kito

    Jessica Love

    Yuji Shimada



    Nagisa Nozaki

    Hikari Minami


    Additional workers you may wish to add who i've given stats for:

    Command Bolshoi

    Hikaru Shida

    Tsukasa Fujimoto

    Chii Tomiya

    Sayaka Obinhiro (injured)

    Additional workers you may wish to add w/o any stats:

    Sir Robin

    Gabriel Antonic



    Mochi Miyagi

    Golem Knight

    Cherry (joshi)

    Cybernetic Machine

    Kristian Kurki

    Ken Ohya

    Azul Dragon

    Other Smash Suggestions:

    Isami Kodaka was omitted from my previous list by my error, he's a SMASH regular. I think he should have superstar quality +10% or so.

    AKIRA could use a new pic. Increase his comedy performance from Weak to Medium.

    Tajiri should have his leg health reduced by 15% or so, knee surgeries. His english should be at least passable: Wrestlers have said he has perfect English when he wants to and when he is drunk. Probably Strong Friendship with Super Crazy, road buddies in ECW and WWE, now Tajiri has brought him to SMASH.

    Hajime Ohara could use a new pic. He has a new look that makes him stand out more. Could also use a slight increase to some stats like brawling IMO. His finisher is a diving forearm smash. He competed in Finland recently.

    Alright, that might be it for a little while. If you need help finding more pics for SMASH guys, I can probably do that. Should make SMASH more playable, though i think they have way less money than 800k. 250k would be generous IMO.

  6. Tried to do a big post but "You must enter a post" errors keep occurring. I don't know what causes it? I cut out links and photos. I will try to do smaller posts.

    Filling out Smash:

    Yusuke Kodama

    BIO: A fresh-faced young student of Yoshihiro Tajiri who debuted for SMASH in 2010. Generously listed at 78kg, Yusuke has shown good quickness, but like most rookies he has not had much success.

    Name: Yusuke Kodama

    Born: April 1987

    Debut: April 2010


    Active in: Japan

    Active Wrestler


    Size: Small

    Gimmick: Trainee/Young Lion

    Finisher: ??


    Face: Medium

    Heel: Weak

    Wholesome: Good

    Legit, Weasel: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 30

    Power: 15

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 15

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 45

    Chain Wrestling: 45

    Submissions: 30

    Aerial: 40

    Flashiness: 50

    Microphone: 35

    Charisma: 50

    Acting: 40

    Looks: 40

    Superstar Quality: 35

    Basics: 60

    Psychology: 40

    Safety: 65

    Consistency: 40

    Selling: 65

    Athleticism: 55

    Toughness: 55

    Stamina: 50

    Resilience: 70

    Menace: 0

    Business Skill: 0

    Booking Skill: 0

    Respect: 0


    Japan: 10%


    Student of Yoshihiro Tajiri

    he's enhancement talent ATM

    Akira Shoji

    BIO: A former PRIDE shootfighter who had the nickname "Mr. Pride." Shoji debuted in HUSTLE during the HUSTLE GP tournament as a member of the Monster Army. When HUSTLE disbanded, he helped Tajiri to form SMASH. He works a shoot fight style.

    Name: Akira Shoji

    Born: JAN 1974

    Debut: AUG 2008


    Active in: Japan

    Active Wrestler

    MMA Crossover

    Size: Heavyweight

    Gimmick: Mixed Martial Artist

    Finisher: Shoji Payment


    Heel/Face: Medium

    Legit, Brute: Good

    Cocky, Crazy: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 40

    Power: 50

    Strong Style: 65

    Hardcore: 15

    MMA: 65

    Mat Work: 45

    Chain Wrestling: 30

    Submissions: 55

    Aerial: 0

    Flashiness: 30

    Microphone: 40

    Charisma: 50

    Acting: 35

    Looks: 40

    Superstar Quality: 50

    Basics: 50

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 65

    Athleticism: 40

    Toughness: 85

    Stamina: 45

    Resilience: 85

    Menace: 50

    Business Skill: 10

    Booking Skill: 0

    Respect: 50


    Japan: 35%

    North America, Europe: 3%

    Near the top of the card

    Yuji Kito

    BIO: Yuji Kito is a smaller wrestler who debuted in IWA Japan in 1997 and remained in the company for almost 10 years. He was known as a good brawler with some technical skills. He is now a freelancer who often appears for SMASH.

    Name: Yuji Kito

    Born: May 1976

    Debut: March 1997


    Active in: Japan, USA

    Active Wrestler

    Regular Wrestler


    Face: No gimmick Needed

    Heel: Old School heel

    Main Finisher: Rock Bottom

    Other Finisher: Facelock (sub)


    Heel/Face: Medium

    Crazy, Legit, Brute, Weird: Medium

    Others: Weak



    Power: 20

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 55

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 40

    Chain Wrestling: 55

    Submissions: 40

    Aerial: 30

    Flashiness: 45

    Microphone: 40

    Charisma: 45

    Looks: 40

    Superstar Quality: 35

    Basics: 70

    Psychology: 60

    Safety: 70

    Athleticism: 50

    Toughness: 70

    Stamina: 60

    Resilience: 70

    Menace: 25

    Business Skill: 0

    Booking Skill:0

    Respect: 25


    Japan: 20%

    SE USA: 3%

    lower card


    BIO: Finnish-Canadian pro-wrestler who has won several championships throughout Europe. Trained at the Hart School in Calgary and is head trainer for FCF. Also a frontman for several Scandinavian rock groups, a small-time actor, artist & personal trainer.

    Name: Michael Majalahti

    Name: Starbuck

    Born: APR 1973

    Debut: July 1994

    Canadian Based in Europe

    Active in: North America, Japan, Europe, UK

    Active Wrestler


    Old School Face/Heel, No Gimmick Needed

    Finisher: Spike Piledriver


    Face/Heel: Good

    Cocky, Crazy, Legit, Brute: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 65

    Power: 75

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 50

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work:65

    Chain Wrestling:55

    Submissions: 45

    Aerial: 25

    Flashiness: 45

    Microphone: 55

    Charisma: 60

    Acting: 65

    Looks: 70

    Superstar Quality: 50

    Basics: 75

    Psychology: 75


    Consistency: 65

    Selling: 55

    Athleticism: 65

    Toughness: 75

    Stamina: 55

    Resilience: 90

    Menace: 65

    Refereeing: 0

    Business Skill: 35

    Booking Skill: 35

    Respect: 50


    USA: 1%

    UK: 2%

    Canada: 5%

    The Prairies: 12%

    Japan: 16%

    Europe: 15%

    Western Europe: 30%


    Trained by: Lance Storm, Hart School

    Friends with: Lance Storm, Chris Jericho

    Team with: Hajime Ohara

    Trainer of Jessica Love

    Main Eventer

    Main Source: His Webpage

    Michael Kovac

    BIO: Charismatic Austrian pro-wrestler with good athleticism for his size. Kovac has wrestled for 47 different promotions, mostly in Eastern and Central Europe where he is a highly-decorated star. Head trainer for the European Wrestling Association.

    Name: Michael Kovac

    Name: Michael Kovac

    Born: April 1970

    Debut: July 1993

    European based in Europe

    Wrestled in Europe, UK, Japan, USA

    Active Wrestler, Heavyweight

    Old School Face, Narcissist/Womanizer

    Finisher: KovaCrusher, KovaCator

    Fluent in German and English, some Japanese


    Face: Medium

    Heel: Good

    Cocky: Good

    Rest: Medium


    Brawling: 60

    Power: 75

    Strong Style: 45

    Hardcore: 40

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 65

    Chain Wrestling: 75

    Submissions: 45

    Aerial: 30

    Flashiness: 65

    Microphone: 80

    Charisma: 75

    Acting: 65

    Looks: 75

    Superstar Quality: 70

    Basics: 75

    Psychology: 85

    Safety: 75

    Consistency: 60

    Selling: 70

    Athleticism: 70

    Toughness: 70

    Stamina: 60

    Resilience: 85

    Menace: 65

    Refereeing: 0

    Business Skill: 25

    Booking Skill: 25

    Respect: 60


    Japan: 15%

    Eastern Europe: 35%

    Central Europe: 35%

    Western Europe: 15%

    Main eventer

    Main Source: CageMatch Profile (German)

    Jessica Love

    BIO: In 2009, a young high-flyer called "Jesse The Kidd" was knocked unconscious by a steel chair. He awoke as "Jessica Love," a gender-confused comedy act now playing in SMASH.

    Name: Jessica Love

    Gender: Male, Wrestles as Female

    Born: 1989

    Debut: Feb 2008


    Active in: Europe, Japan

    Active Wrestler

    Spot Monkey/Entertainer

    Gimmick: Gender Bender/Drag Queen

    Main Finisher: Senton Bomb

    Other Finisher: Kiss of Death


    Face/Heel: Mediuim

    Comedy, Weird: Good

    Crazy, Legit, Weasel, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 30

    Power: 30

    Strong Style: 20

    Hardcore: 45

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 40

    Chain Wrestling: 40

    Submissions: 35

    Aerial: 65

    Flashiness: 50

    Microphone: 55

    Charisma: 50

    Looks: 45

    Superstar Quality: 40

    Basics: 45

    Psychology: 35

    Safety: 60

    Athleticism: 60

    Toughness: 60

    Stamina: 65

    Resilience: 55

    Menace: 15

    Refereeing: 0

    Business Skill: 0

    Booking Skill:0

    Respect: 0


    Europe: 5%

    Western Europe: 15%

    Japan: 10%


    Trained by Starbuck

    midcard or lower

    SUNAHO - Ring Announcer

    BIO: SUNAHO is the ring announcer for SMASH. She occasionally participates in comedy segments.

    Name: SUNAHO

    Born: JUN 1981

    Debut: 2010(?)




    Announcer: Usually


    Heel/Face: Medium

    Wholesome: Good

    Comedy, Weasel: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Wrestling Skills: Negligible

    Microphone: 65

    Charisma: 65

    Acting: 60

    Looks: 75

    Superstar Quality: 45


    Japan: 8%

    Might be difficult to find pics of her, here are two:


    Yuji Shimada - Head Referee

    BIO: An accomplished and experienced MMA referee with more than a decade of officiating high-profile matchups in PRIDE, Strikeforce and Dream. He also serves as head referee and in an managerial capacity for SMASH.

    Name: Yuji Shimada

    Born: NOV 1966

    Debut: OCT 1997


    Active in: Japan, USA

    Referee: Usually


    Face/Heel: Medium

    Legit: Good

    Comedy, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 10

    Power: 0

    Strong Style:15

    Hardcore: 0

    MMA: 25

    Mat Work: 5

    Chain Wrestling: 0

    Submissions: 20

    Aerial: 0

    Flashiness: 0

    Microphone: 35

    Charisma: 40

    Looks: 40

    Superstar Quality: 35

    Basics: 20

    Psychology: 10

    Safety: 40

    Athleticism: 30

    Toughness: 35

    Stamina: 45

    Resilience: 30

    Menace: 15

    Refereeing: 70

    Business Skill: 45

    Booking Skill: 0

    Respect: 50


    North America: 5%

    Japan: 25%

  7. An update for SMASH's latest card:

    Yoshiyagi Yago will replace Tommy Dreamer against Starbuck.

    +6 woman ICE Ribbon match added.


    Looking over the SMASH cards, here is a tiered list of wrestlers who have competed for SMASH since December 2010. They bring in a lot of outside talent, 55 different wrestlers over the last 4 months alone.

    SMASH regulars: Those on March roster in bold.

    TAJIRI - every show

    AKIRA - every show

    Yusuke Kodama -every show

    Takao Omori - every show

    Hajime Ohara - every show

    Lin Bairon - every show

    Syuri - every show

    Kana - most shows

    Akira Shoji - most shows

    Yuji Kito - most shows

    Mentallo - most shows

    Jessica Love - most shows

    Starbuck - most recent shows

    Michael Kovac - most recent shows

    KUSHIDA - every show (leaving for NJPW after 3/31)


    Wrestlers on latest card who have previously worked matches for SMASH.

    Yoshiyagi Yago - 2 recent shows

    Makoto - 3 recent shows

    Emi Sakura - 2 recent/3 total

    Hikari Minami - 2 recent

    TAKA Michinoku - 1 recent/5 total


    Wrestlers on latest card who have not had matches in SMASH before.

    SABU - (also appeared before)

    Jon Cutler



    Mochi Miyagi

    Ultimo Dragon

    Sir Robin

    Funaki (Sho Funaki)

    Gabriel ANtonic


    Wrestlers who have worked recent SMASH shows with multiple appearances:

    D-Ray3000 - 3 recent/3 total

    Super Crazy - 3 recent/4 total

    Kaori Yoneyama - 2 recent/3 total

    Tomoka Nakagawa - 1 recent/4 total

    Nagisa Nozaki - 1 recent/4 total

    Toshie Uematsu - 1 recent/4 total

    Isami Kodaka - 1 recent/3 total

    Serena Deeb - 2 recent/2 total

    KAORU - 1 recent/2 total

    Golem Knight - 1 recent/3 total - (+ no-showed an event)

    Mio Shirai - 1 recent (frequently appears with Kana)

    Io Shirai - 1 recent (frequently appears with Kana)


    Wrestlers who have worked 1 SMASH show recently.

    Minoru Suzuki

    Hikaru Shida

    Tsukasa Fujimoto

    Chii Tomiya

    Tsubasa Kuragaki



    Commando Bolshoi

    Cybernetic Machine

    Kristian Kurki

    Ken Ohya

    Gypsy Joe

    Sayaka Obinhiro (injured)

    Azul Dragon (lost tryout match)


    Tommy Dreamer was scheduled for a 3/18 show, which would have been his 2nd appearance in SMASH.

    "Recent" as in the last 4 months.

  8. Back in Febuary there was a list of SMASH joshi I said i would give stats for. Here they are:

    KAORU (Kaoru Maeda)

    BIO: A 24 year veteran who made her debut at age 17 and has stayed in excellent condition. Specializing in hardcore matches, she has competed for the likes of AJW, GAEA, AAA and WCW among others. Has won many titles and is the current Oz Academy champion.

    Name: Kaoru Maeda

    Short Name: KAORU

    Gender: Female

    Birth: Feb 1969

    Debut: Aug 1986

    Active: Japan, Mexico.. USA years ago

    Active Wrestler

    Spot Monkey/Super Junior


    Preference: Hardcore

    Face: Joshi Hardcore Queen

    Heel: Joshi Hardcore Queen

    Main Finisher: Excalibur (pin)

    Other Finisher: Swan Dive Moonsault

    Wrestler: Usually


    Babyface: Medium

    Heel: Good

    Cool: Good

    Cocky: Good

    Crazy: Good

    Legit: Medium

    Comedy: Weak

    Weasel: Medium

    Brute: Good

    Weird: Good

    Wholesome: Weak


    Brawling: 55

    Power: 45

    Strong Style: 50

    Hardcore: 75

    MMA Style: 0

    Mat Work: 45

    Chain Wrestling: 45

    Submissions: 35

    Aerial: 70

    Flashiness: 70

    Microphone: 40

    Charisma: 50

    Acting: 45

    Looks: 45

    Superstar Quality: 50

    Basics: 65

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 65

    Consistency: 60

    Selling: 60

    Athleticism: 75

    Toughness: 80

    Stamina: 60

    Intensity: 55

    Stiffness: 50

    Menace: 45

    Refereeing: 0

    Business: 0

    Booking: 0

    Respect: 35


    Japan: 27%

    Mexico: 5%

    USA: 2%

    Commando Bolshoi

    BIO: The clown-masked Commando Bolshoi made her debut in 1989 before helping form JWP in 1992. She has since taken over operation of JWP, but occasionally accepts outside bookings. Though talented, Bolshoi books herself modestly.

    Name: Commando Bolshoi

    Short Name: Command Bolshoi

    Birth: ?? ~1969

    Debut: 1989 (Bolshoi Kid)


    Active in Japan

    Status: Active Wrestler

    Style: Super Junior

    Size: Small

    Personality: Very Nice

    Attitude: Professional

    Preference: Pure

    Booking Style: Normal/Talent First

    Face: Authority Figure/Old Lion

    Heel: Authority Figure

    Wrestler: Sometimes

    Authority Figure: Sometimes

    Road Agent: Sometimes

    Finisher: Lime Light (pin variant)

    Other Finisher: Lime Light (submission variant)


    Babyface: Medium

    Heel: Weak

    Legit, Comedy, Weird, Wholesome: Medium

    Others: Weak


    Brawling: 50

    Power: 30

    Strong Style: 55

    Hardcore: 30

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 65

    Chain Wrestling: 70

    Submissions: 60

    Aerial: 60

    Flashiness: 50

    Microphone: 45

    Charisma: 55

    Acting: 45

    Looks: 30

    Superstar Q: 50

    Basics: 85

    Psychology: 70

    Safety: 80

    Consistency: 65

    Selling: 70

    Athleticism: 60

    Toughness: 65

    Stamina: 60

    Intensity: 60

    Stiffness: 45

    Resilience: 55

    Menace: 0

    Refereeing: 0

    Business Skill: 60

    Booking Skill: 65

    Respect: 70


    Japan: 30%

    Mexico: 3%


    BIO: A frail-looking joshi wrestler with a unique look. Initially booked as a frightened weakling who lost to everyone, Makoto has become an integral part of ICE Ribbon where she is a former champion.

    Name: Makoto

    Birth: 1989

    Debut: 2006


    Active Wrestler

    Style: Regular Wrestler

    Size: Small

    Face Gimmick: Underdog/Joshi Idol

    Heel Gimmick: Weirdo/Jobber

    Main Finisher: Cartwheel Knee Drop

    Other Finisher: Rollup

    Wrestler: Usually


    Babyface: Good

    Heel: Weak

    Legit, Comedy, Legit, Weird, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 25

    Power: 10

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 15

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 50

    Chain Wrestling: 60

    Submissions: 30

    Aerial: 50

    Flashiness: 55

    Microphone: 35

    Charisma: 65

    Acting: 40

    Looks: 60

    Superstar Quality: 40

    Basics: 70

    Psychology: 40

    Safety: 50

    Consistency: 50

    Selling: 65

    Athleticism: 50

    Toughness: 40

    Stamina: 60

    Intensity: 35

    Stiffness: 40

    Resilience: 40

    Menace: 0


    Japan: 17%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Hikaru Shida:

    BIO: A promising young joshi wrestler who made her debut in ICE Ribbon. She is the power half of her team with Tsukasa Fujimoto, with whom she holds the ICE Ribbon tag belts. Occasionally serves as a referee for 19Pro and also practices Judo and Kendo.

    Name: Hikaru Shida

    Birth: June 1988

    Debut: Aug 2008


    Small Active Wrestler

    Super Junior


    Face: Joshi Wrestler/Young Lion

    Heel: Joshi Wrestler/Young Lion

    Main Finisher: Rolling Boston Crab

    Other Finisher: Knee Strikes

    Wrestler: Usually

    Referee: Sometimes


    Face: Medium

    Heel: Medium

    Cool, Cocky, Legit, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 40

    Power: 50

    Strong Style: 50

    Hardcore: 15

    MMA: 10

    Mat Work: 50

    Chain Wrestling: 55

    Submissions: 45

    Aerial: 40

    Flashiness: 40

    Microphone: 35

    Charisma: 45

    Acting: 40

    Looks: 55

    Superstar Quality: 50

    Basics: 60

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 55

    Consistency: 45

    Selling: 60

    Athleticism: 60

    Toughness: 60

    Stamina: 55

    Intensity: 45

    Stiffness: 45

    Resilience: 50

    Menace: 20

    Refereeing: 35


    Japan: 15%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Teams with Tsukasa Fujimoto

    Tsukasa Fujimoto

    BIO: A Joshi Wrestler who got a late start, Tsukasa has found success in ICE Ribbon where she became the first woman to hold all three ICE Ribbon championships simultaneously. She is the energetic high-flying half of her team with Hikaru Shida.

    Name: Tsukasa Fujimoto

    Born July 1983

    Debut 2008


    Small Active Wrestler:

    Super Junior

    Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Heel Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Main Finisher: Venus Chute (pin)


    Face: Medium

    Heel: Medium

    Cool, Cocky, Legit, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 35

    Power: 25

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 15

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 55

    Chain Wrestling: 50

    Submissions: 40

    Aerial: 65

    Flashiness: 65

    Microphone: 45

    Charisma: 45

    Looks: 60

    Superstar Quality: 50

    Basics: 60

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 60

    Psychology: 50

    Consistency: 45

    Selling: 60

    Athleticism: 65

    Toughness: 45

    Stamina: 55

    Intensity: 40

    Stiffness: 40

    Resilience: 45

    Menace: 0


    Japan: 15%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Teams with Hikaru Shida

    Sayaka Obihirio

    BIO: A semi-pro female baseball player with a cheerful personality who made a transition into pro-wrestling. Obihirio sustained a serious injury but will stay on with 19pro and ICE Ribbon as an organizer and color commentator while recovering.

    Name: Sayaka Obihiro

    Born 1987

    Debut April 2010


    Small inactive Wrestler/injured - does commentary and other things

    Super Junior

    Face Gimmick: Spunky/Joshi Goofball

    Heel Gimmick: Staff Member/Joshi Wrestler

    Main Finisher: ?

    Wrestler: Usually

    Announce: Sometimes

    Colour Commentaror: Sometimes

    Authority Figure: Rarely


    Face/Heel: Medium

    Crazy, Legit, Comedy, Weasel, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 35

    Power: 30

    Strong Style: 30

    Hardcore: 20

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 40

    Chain Wrestling: 40

    Submissions: 20

    Aerial: 30

    Flashiness: 35

    Microphone: 65

    Charisma: 60

    Looks: 40

    Superstar Quality: 40

    Basics: 45

    Psycology: 35

    Safety: 40

    Consistency: 35

    Selling: 40

    Athleticism: 50

    Toughness: 50

    Stamina: 45

    Intensity: 45

    Stiffness: 35

    Resilience: 40

    Menace: 20

    Business Skill: 5


    Japan: 8%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Chii Tomiya

    BIO: ICE Ribbon regular trained by Emi Sakura. At 4'8", Chii is perhaps the smallest wrestler in Japan. She makes up for her size by being extra vicious and is seemingly immune to high lariats and low blows. Also known to scream a lot and referee matches.

    Name: Chii Tomiya

    Born: April 1991

    Debut 2009


    Very Small Active Wrestler

    Super Junior

    Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler/Underdog

    Heel Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler/Crazy

    Finisher: ??

    Wrestler: Usually

    Referee: Sometimes


    Face/Heel: Good

    Crazy, Comedy: Good

    Legit, Brute, Wholesome: Medium

    Others: Weak


    Brawling: 40

    Power: 5

    Strong Style: 45

    Hardcore: 40

    MMa: 0

    Mat Work: 40

    Chain Wrestling: 50

    Submissions: 35

    Aerial: 40

    Flashiness: 45

    Microphone: 45

    Charisma: 65

    Looks: 45

    Superstar Quality: 55

    Basics: 55

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 55

    Consistency: 45

    Selling: 55

    Athleticism: 50

    Toughness: 50

    Stamina: 55

    Intensity: 55

    Stiffness: 50

    Resilience: 50

    Menace: 35

    Refereeing: 35


    Japan: 9%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Nagisa Nozaki

    BIO: Debuted for NEO at age 15 but has been constantly injured. Upon NEO's closing, Nozaki followed Kyoko Inoue to newly formed Pro-Wrestling Diana where she looks to become a central figure. Nozaki has a good look and some potential.

    Name: Nagisa Nozaki

    Born November 1990

    Debut October 2005


    Small Active Wrestler

    Super Junior

    Face Gimmick: Joshi Idol/ Joshi Wrestler

    Heel Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Finisher: Missile Dropkick


    Face/Heel: Medium

    Cocky, Legit, Weasel, Wholesome: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 35

    Power: 15

    Strong Style: 35

    Hardcore: 25

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 40

    Chain Wrestling: 35

    Submissions: 35

    Aerial: 55

    Flashiness: 50

    Microphone: 45

    Charisma: 60

    Looks: 70

    Superstar Quality: 60

    Basics: 55

    Psychology: 50

    Safety: 60

    Consistency: 45

    Selling: 45

    Athleticism: 45

    Toughness: 40

    Stamina: 50

    Intensity: 40

    Stiffness: 35

    Resilience: 35

    Menace: 0


    Japan: 15%


    Student of Kyoko Inoue

    Hikari Minami

    BIO: Young ICE Ribbon wrestler who debuted at age 11. Hikari won the ICE Ribbon singles championship at age 15. Known for her blockbuster suplex and a variety of springboard maneuvers, Hikari has shown a lot of promise.

    Name: Hikari Minami

    Born: Dec 1994

    Debut: 2006


    Small Active Wrestler

    Super Junior

    Face Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Heel Gimmick: Joshi Wrestler

    Finisher: Blockbuster


    Face/Heel: Medium

    Wholesome: Good

    Legit, Comedy: Medium

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 35

    Power: 20

    Strong Style: 40

    Hardcore: 20

    MMA: 0

    Mat Work: 45

    Chain Wrestling: 50

    Submissions: 40

    Aerial: 55

    Flashiness: 60

    Microphone: 35

    Charisma: 50

    Looks: 45

    Superstar QUality: 50

    Basics: 50

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 50

    Consistency: 40

    Selling: 45

    Athleticism: 45

    Toughness: 40

    Stamina: 55

    Intensity: 40

    Stiffness: 40

    Resilience: 50

    Menace: 0


    Japan: 10%


    Student of Emi Sakura

    Most of these women are students of Emi Sakura from ICE Ribbon and may not be SMASH regulars. I believe Makoto and KAORU have worked multiple shows.

    SMASH/FCF* regulars who still need to be added to game are:

    Yusuke Kodama

    Yuji Kito

    Akira Shoji


    Michael Kovac(FCF)

    Jessica Love(FCF)

    *FCF = Fight Club Finland, SMASH recognizes FCF title

    Maybe I can do this at some point.

    From SMASH's next card you may wish to add:


    TAKA Michinoku*

    Sho Funaki


    Jon Cutler

    -------not in game--------

    Sir Robin (FCF)

    Gabriel Antonic (FCF)

    *recurring appearance in SMASH

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Starbuck was dropped from the card after it was rescheduled to 3/31 due to tsunami. Tommy Dreamer had worked for SMASH before, it may be safe to add him. 3/31 will be KUSHIDA's last match in SMASH.

    Source: http://www.smashxsma...rd.html#smash15

    You can also view all the results back to SMASH 11 on the website. Older results 404. Many wrestlers appeared once for SMASH, Serena Deeb appeared twice.

  9. Let me amend something RQ:

    According to SMASH website, Syuri/Shuri's DOB is 2/1989. (1st source was wrong)

    Other SMASH/joshi news


    Kana sent a letter basically declaring Tajiri unfit to run SMASH, and vowed to take control. (also mentioned in SMASH Youtube vid)


    At the last SMASH event, Kana disrupted the show with stablemates Mio and Io Shirai

    So, it looks like Mio and Io Shirai are involved with SMASH now

  10. .

    Ice Ribbon, JWP and WAVE are the only feds I notice currently running regular shows right now so if a I were to add a joshi fed it will most likely be one of them (most likely Ice Ribbon cause I do like what their doing from the minimal stuff I've seen).

    Ice Ribbon is somewhat interesting in that they have been pioneering a new business model. They comprise mostly of youngsters, but they run 2 small shows from their dojo each week, drawing maybe 100 people. They also do bigger shows every month or two, drawing the typical joshi crowd of around 500 or so. Additionally, they have a webshow on Ustream which i recently found out about called 19Pro. (It wont let me post links without YouMustEnteraPost error msg.) It gets about 1000 viewers and airs at 19:00 in Japan. (That's 10AM GMT, 5AM EST) Next show is tomorrow, Feb 7. ICE has a less serious style than promotions such as JWP and Wave, which are more traditional and feature more seasoned wrestlers. JWP is still a larger promotion than ICE, and I think they even have some kind of TV deal. They also seem to have begun to run shows from their training facility as well, with about the same results. Sendai Girls is another school/promotion, which is more traditional and runs shows semi-regularly. Oz Academy still runs shows, using mostly veterans. Stardom and Diana are two new promotions, just getting their start. Then you have some individual wrestlers and stables putting together the occasional event. And that's about it for Joshi feds.

    Here are some suggestions for some of the SHIMMER and 2 SMASH Joshis.


    Ayumi Kurihara

    BIO: Trained by Mariko Yoshida, AKINO, Michiko Ohmukai and GAMI, Ayumi has perhaps become the new generation's top star, winning 4 championships over the past year. Her tenacious crowd-pleasing style has made her a quick hit with fans around the world.

    Active in: North America, Mexico, Japan

    Main Finisher: Facelock -> Uranage

    Other Finisher: Fujiwara Armbar -> Wrist-clutch Uranage

    Performance: Babyface Performance: Medium -> Good


    Strong Style: 55 -> 50

    Aerial: 55 -> 70

    Flashiness: 55 -> 60

    Charisma: 60 -> 75

    Looks: 45 -> 70

    Superstar Quality: 40 -> 75

    Basics: 60 -> 65

    Psychology: 55 -> 60

    Business: 0 -> 10

    Booking: 0 -> 10

    Respect: 0 -> 20

    //She runs an annual show, her last one featured Ayako Hamada, AKINO and Ultimo Dragon among others. Kurihara also appeared at Ultimo Dragon's Dragonmaina, as well as overseas with SHIMMER, JAPW, AAA and CMLL over the past year. Always as a well-recieved babyface.


    Tri State: +6%

    Mexico: +10%

    Japan: +7%

    Relationships: Mentors: Mariko Yoshida, AKINO, Michiko Ohmukai(not in game), GAMI, Yoshiko Tamura.

    Hiroyo Matsumoto

    BIO: One of the strongest women in pro-wrestling today, Hiroyo Matsumoto has has won titles in JPW, NEO, OZ Academy and Ice Ribbon. She forms one half of the "Seven Star Sisters" with Misaki Ohata.

    Main Finisher: Argentine Backbreaker -> High-Angle Backdrop

    Other Finisher: Lyger Bomb

    Performance: Brute Performance: Weak -> Good


    Power: 19 -> 75 (strong as Beth Phoenix, just watched her give Kong a torture rack)

    Aerial: 58 -> 30

    Looks: 14 -> 60? (depends, she has a good look for a power wrestler)

    Superstar Quality: 14 -> 50

    Basics: 68 -> 73

    Psychology: 33 -> 40

    Safety: 68 -> 75

    Menace: 0 -> 50


    Tri-State: +5%

    Japan: +7%

    Appeared with JAPW and SHIMMER

    Relationships: Friendship with Misaki Ohata

    Misaki Ohata

    BIO: A small but versatile technical wrestler, Ohata has won championships in JWP and WAVE. She forms one half of the "Seven Star Sisters" with Hiroyo Matsumoto.

    Size: Small -> Very Small

    Other Finisher: -> Fisherman Buster

    Performance: Wholesome Performance: Medium -> Good


    Mat Work: 33 -> 45

    Chain Wrestling: 46 -> 60

    Submissions: 32 -> 60

    Aerial: 68 -> 55

    Basics: 62 -> 75


    Tri-State: +5%

    Japan: +5%

    Appeared with JAPW and SHIMMER

    Relationships: Friendship with Hiroyo Matsumoto

    Tomoka Nakagawa

    BIO: A small but ferocious joshi wrestler with a well-rounded skillset who usually plays a heel. She was recently part of the Revoultion Amandola stable with Atsuo Emoto and Kyoko Kimura and also competes in K-Dojo.

    Active in: North America, Mexico, Japan

    Size: Small -> Very Small

    Main Finisher: Dropkick -> Running Kneeling Clothesline


    Heel Performance: Medium -> Good

    Cool Performance: Weak -> Medium

    Cocky Performance: Weak -> Medium

    Weasel Performance: Weak -> Medium


    Brawling: 43 -> 55

    Hardcore: 0 -> 55

    Mat Work: 33 -> 45

    Chain Wrestling: 46 -> 50

    Submissions: 32 -> 40

    Aerial: 68 -> 50

    Flashiness: 68 -> 60

    Basics: 62 -> 70

    Psychology: 49 -> 55

    Intensity: 43 -> 55

    Stiffness: 29 -> 45

    Menace: 0 -> 40


    Tri-State: +5%

    Mexico: +6%

    Japan: +5%

    Appeared with JAPW, SHIMMER, Kaientai Dojo(couple years)

    Relationships: Team "Revoultion Amandola" with Kyoko Kamura, (Atsuko Emoto retired)


    Lin Bairon


    BIO: A skilled 7 year veteran initially appearing in IBUKI as the masked high-flyer RAY. She has unmasked in SMASH and now competes as Lin Bairon, a slightly goofy Hong Kong martial arts movie extra.

    Birth: Feb 1982

    Nationality: Other (Korean, billed from Hong Kong)

    Based in: Japan

    Fluent Japanese, Passable English (seems to know English, very heavy accent)

    Active Wrestler

    Super Junior


    Face Gimmick: Luchadore

    Heel Gimmick: Small Time Actor (Kung Fu Movie Extra)


    Babyface Performance: Medium

    Heel Performance: Medium

    Cool Performance: Medium

    Cocky Performance: Weak

    Crazy Performance: Medium

    Legit Performance: Medium

    Comedy Performance: Medium

    Weasel Performance: Weak

    Brute Performance: Weak

    Weird Perforamnce: Weak

    Wholesome Performance: Medium


    Brawling: 40

    Power: 30

    Strong Style: 45

    Hardcore: 5

    MMA: --

    Mat Work: 50

    Chain Wrestling: 55

    Submissions: 40

    Aerial: 80

    Flashiness: 70

    Microphone: 30

    Charisma: 45

    Acting: 45

    Looks: 50

    Superstar Quality: 45

    Basics: 75

    Psychology: 45

    Safety: 60

    Consistency: 60

    Selling: 70

    Athleticism: 75

    Toughness: 50

    Stamina: 65

    Intensity: 45

    Stiffness: 40

    Resilience: 45

    Menace: 20


    Japan: 15%

    Contracts: Regular in SMASH as Lin Bairon, to appear as RAY in Frontier Martial Arts(not in game)



    BIO: Intially appearing in HUSTLE as KG the Karate Girl. Training under Tajiri, Syuri has become the focus of the joshi division in SMASH. Syuri has also competed for the MMA promotion Jewels, winning a kickboxing bout.

    Real Name: Shuri Kondo

    Name: Syuri

    Birth: Feb 1979

    Debut: 2008 for HUSTLE as KG

    Japanese/Japan/Japan Activity

    Fluent Japanese, Basic English

    Active Wrestler

    Style: Strong Style/MMA Crossover

    Gimmick: Joshi Shooter

    Finisher: Roundhouse Kick


    Babyface Performance: Medium

    Heel Performance: Weak

    Legit Performance: Medium

    Wholesome Performance: Good

    Rest: Weak


    Brawling: 40

    Power: 20

    Strong Style: 50

    Hardcore: 10

    MMA Style: 35

    Mat Work: 35

    Chain Wrestling: 35

    Submissions: 40

    Aerial: 25

    Flashiness: 50

    Microphone: 65

    Charisma: 65

    Acting: 55

    Looks: 65

    Superstar Quality: 55

    Basics: 65

    Psychology: 35

    Safety: 70

    Selling: 70

    Athleticism: 60

    Toughness: 60

    Stamina: 55

    Intensity: 55

    Stiffness: 60

    Resilience: 50

    Menace: 5

    Popularity: Japan 16%

    Contracts: SMASH

    Relationships: Student of Yoshihiro Tajiri

    Whew, that's it for now.

  11. I mostly follow the big promotions, but I will try to start making some decent suggestions for joshi and maybe some of the neglected looking japanese wrestlers i know about. The thing about joshi these days is that there are no big promotions left and most of the promotions share talent. A lot of the veterans are in S-Ovation. On the whole, I think joshi popularity bottomed out over the last couple years but is now starting to grow again. New promotions are springing up with some success and Kurihara's even been getting some mainstream sports network coverage, which is very unusual. Puroresu Representin' (perhaps you know of it) is a good English blog for Japanese wrestling results and info. It also has profiles for many Japanese wrestlers. However, the author does not use dates, but instead uses quantitative numbers like age and years. I think most of these profiles were written in 2009, and may not all be up to date.

    As for the Shirais, they've been around a few years now, since 2007 or earlier. I haven't seen a whole lot of them, but i like what i do. They are still a bit unpolished, but stand out due to being flashy, edgy and attractive. (At least by joshi standards) To which point, i don't think you've added your pics of them.

    Here I will add suggestions:

    Io Shirai:

    BIO: "Io Shirai is an acrobatic young joshi wrestler who competes primarily in tag team wrestling along with her older sister Mio Shirai in a variety of promotions. Previously associated with TEAM MAKEHEN, Io is now a freelancer and works in a variety of different promotions. She & Mio are viewed as future superstars and are considered to be young heartthrobs as well thanks in part to their good looks. The sisters have recently formed the "Three Tails" stable, along with Kana. " - mostly copied from Puroresu Representin' Blog.

    Active in: Japan, Mexico, North America

    Style -> Super Junior or Spot Monkey

    Other Finisher: Somersault Dropkick (I don't know what she calls it or of other wrestlers who use it)

    Personality: Normal or Free Spirit


    Heel Performance: -> Good

    Cool Performance: -> Medium

    Cocky Performance: -> Medium

    Weasel Performance: -> Medium


    Strong Style: 15 -> 30

    Mat Work: 25 -> 35

    Chain Wrestling: 20 -> 35

    Aerial: 45 -> 70

    Flashiness: 45 -> 70

    Microphone: 30 -> 40

    Charisma: 35 -> 45

    Looks: 45 -> 65

    Superstar Quality: 45 -> 55

    Basics: 45 -> 50

    Athleticism: 50 -> 75

    Stamina: 40 -> 55


    SE USA +3%

    All Japan Regions: +3%

    Mio Shirai:

    BIO: "Mio Shirai is a joshi wrestler who competes primarily in tag team matches with her younger sister Io Shirai, but also does a bit more singles wrestling than her sister. Her gimmick is unique in that it suggests she's more of a shoot wrestler/fighter as she wears what appears to be MMA gloves and often utilizes very stiff-looking kicks as part of her arsenal. Like her sister she was previously associated with TEAM MAKEHEN but is now a freelancer. She is considered a future star and some have billed her and Io as joshi's newest heartthrobs.The sisters have recently formed the "Three Tails" stable, along with Kana." Again, mostly from that blog.

    Active in: Japan, Mexico, North America

    English: -> Basic

    Style -> Strong Style or Regular

    Finisher: Moonsault Press -> STO

    Personality: Normal or Free Spirit


    Heel Performance: -> Good

    Cool Performance: -> Medium

    Cocky Performance: -> Medium

    Weasel Performance: -> Medium


    Strong Style: 15 -> 45

    Hardcore: 10 -> 15

    Mat Work: 25 -> 35

    Chain Wrestling: 20 -> 35

    Submissions: 10 -> 25

    Aerial: 45 -> 35

    Flashiness: 45 -> 50

    Charisma: 35 -> 45

    Looks: 45 -> 75

    Superstar Quality: 45 -> 55

    Basics: 45 -> 50

    Athleticism: 50 -> 55

    Intensity: 45 -> 50


    SE USA +3%

    All Japan Regions: +3%

    KANA: (add to SMASH, one of the most talented young joshis today)



    Kana is a 7-year veteran who started out in ARSION & AtoZ in 2004, but became a freelancer in 2007. She finally broke through in October 2009, winning her first career title-the NEO Tag Team Championship with Nanae Takahashi before the two had a falling out. She sometimes uses a shootfight style in the ring, employing stiff-looking kicks that hit as hard as they sound. In 2010 she formed the "Three Tails" stable aong with Mio and Io Shirai, and has begun her own promotion called KANA PRO. - some info from the blog

    Name: Kanako Urai

    Short name: Kana

    Birth: ??? I will guess January 1982

    Japanese/Japan, Active in Japan only

    Personal Data:

    Status: Active Wrestler

    Style: Technical or Strong Style

    Size: Small

    Personality: Driven

    Attitude: Normal or Politician

    Preference: Pure

    Booking Style: Youth Energy

    Wrestler: Usually

    Japanese: Fluent

    English: Basic

    Main Finisher: Biliken

    Other Finisher: Roundhouse Kick


    Babyface Performance: Medium

    Heel Performance: Good

    Cool Performance: Medium

    Cocky Performance: Good

    Crazy Performance: Medium

    Legit Performance: Medium

    Comedy Performance: Weak

    Weasel Performance: Weak

    Brute Performance: Medium

    Wholesome Performance: Medium


    Brawling: 45

    Power: 35

    Strong Style: 60

    Hardcore: 10

    MMA Style: ---

    Mat Work: 60

    Chain Wrestling: 55

    Submissions: 55

    Aerial: 15

    Flashiness: 65

    Microphone: 65

    Charisma: 60

    Acting: 55

    Looks: 60

    Superstar Quality: 60

    Basics: 70

    Psychology: 65

    Safety: 35

    Consistency: 65

    Selling: 65

    Athleticism: 55

    Toughness: 65

    Stamina: 60

    Intensity: 75

    Stiffness: 85

    Resilience: 60

    Menace: 35

    Business Skill: 10

    Booking Skill: 10

    Respect: 5

    Popularity: Japan 20%, Rest 0%

    Here's a short vid of all these girls in action during their short time together:

    Mio Shirai, Io Shirai and Kana (Triple Tails) with their theme music by "Blutch1987". He makes vids for a lot of joshis.

    Finishing up with a little men's puro.

    Go Shiozaki's power should be like b-.

    I will second that, if not higher than B-.

    Surely, this is above 18% power:


    In other puro related stats, Minoru Suzuki could use a little love. Most notably, his Menace is only 18%, and he is somewhat of an intimidator.

    Right, RG?


    I would also boost his Charisma, Superstar Quality and Looks above 50% at least.

    And change performance ratings:

    Cool Performance: Weak -> Medium

    Cocky Performance: Weak -> Medium

    Comedy Performance: Weak -> Medium

    And that's probably all for the moment. If you have a preferred format for suggestions, just name it and i will try to conform next time.

  12. Hello, I have recently begun to play TEW05 and was pleased to find this mod. For the most part it seems very good. However, joshi could use some maintenance. I'm not an expert on Joshi, but I will give some help.

    Ai Fujita retired many years ago. I think about 5 years ago.

    AKINO should probably be semi-active, and her 70% aerial should be reduced since she rarely does much high-flying these days.

    Ayako Sato should have some MMA ability. She spent a couple years doing MMA but was unsuccessful.

    Ayumi Kurihara has wrestled in Mexico several times as a face, including for CMLL, sometimes as masked AYUMI. She won a hardcore title in Mexico last year. Her main finisher is a uranage, and she sometimes uses a wrist-clutch uranage, missile dropkick or flying double knee as finishers. She should have higher aerial ability, as she is primarily a high-flyer. At the end of 2009, she won the NEO tag team championships with Yoshiko Tamura. At the end of 2010, she won the NWA Women's Pacific Championship and became the final NEO singles champion before it closed down. She also runs her own show annually. Here are cropped IMG of her with a mask:


    Devil Masami retired in 2008.

    Etsuko Mita retired a year or two ago.

    Fuka "retired" from in ring last year, but is still around the business. I dunno if she will stay retired.

    Haruka Matsuo retired about 2 years ago. She has done commentary and appearances a couple times.

    Hiroyo Matsumoto should have her power rating increased as she is mostly a power wrestler. Her finisher is a high-angle backdrop. I would say she has more power than Nattie Neidhart(rated 65% power,) but less than Sara Del Rey(43%) and Beth Phoenix(75%). Might want to rework those stats?

    Io Shirai lacks pics and could also use an update. I think most of her ratings are too low, probably made when she was a rookie. She is an acrobatic high flyer who uses cool/bad heel type gimmicks, as well as a masked Kunoichi gimmick. She uses some kind of somersault dropkick from the turnbuckle as a finisher. She teams with her sister Mio and wrestler Kana to form the "Three Tails" freelancer stable. Here are pics:


    Jaguar Yakota is almost 50 years old now and I think her skills have degraded, but she is still active.

    Mariko Yoshida might be retired. Semi-active at most.

    Meiko Satomura now runs a promotion of younger wrestlers called Sendai Girls. She is trainer, mentor, booker and active wrestler. Sendai girls also tour other promotions. She should be reclassified as small or very small, as she is only 5'2" but with solid build. She could also use a better pic, here's some:


    Mio Shirai is the older of the Shirai sisters. She is the more rounded one, also usually doing cool/heelish gimmicks and sometimes wearing a mask. Her skills have improved, she is a bit more technical than Io. Goes in the "Three Tails" stable with sister Io and Kana. Also lacks pics..


    Misaki Ohata should have lower Aerial and higher Submission and Mat Work ratings, as she is more of a submission wrestler than a high flyer.

    Nanae Takahashi now runs a small stable/promotion called Passion Red. They run a few shows a year and also tour other promotions. Other members were Natsuki Taiyo and Kana, but Kana left after having a fight with Nanae.

    Tomoka Nakagawa uses a running kneeling clothesline as her finisher. She has worked in Mexico. She doesn't really do much aerial, but she has done some hardcore wrestling. I think she was affiliated with the Revolution Amandola stable with Kyoko Kimura. I think she is good friends with Hiroyo Matsumoto.. Always plays a mean heel now.

    Yoshiko Tamura retired December 2010.

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