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Posts posted by xmanjon

  1. what about 6-8-10 person ladder matches, cashing in money in the bank? or being able to sign people who are retired, its wrestling no one's ever truly retired?

    Hey guys, I recently showed EWR to a friend of mine who is a computer programming professor, and long time wrestling fan. He enjoyed it very much. This led to me asking if he would have any interest in using some of the script of EWR (since it's open source), adding to it, and creating a new wrestling simulator. He is very interested.

    Him and I have begun work on what we're tentatively calling The Main Event: 2012. Here is where we need you, the loyal EWR enthusiasts.

    What features would you like to see added or improved on?

    Things We're Already Adding

    - Match editor. Create your own match type.

    - Calendar system

    - Ability to change order of segments on booking screen without deleting and re-booking.

    - Developmental federation relationships. I.E. book as Florida Championship Wrestling, and be able to use certain WWE wrestlers from time to time free of charge.

    - More in depth developmental territory screen. See recent events, progress reports for individual wrestlers, etc.

    - Other now "limitless" options. Want a three man announce team? How about an eight man announce time? You can do it. Two pay-per-views a month? Sure. How about three? Four? Seven? All up to you.

    - Option to book events as segments or time framed.

    - Much more realistic salary systems.

    - More realistic ratings for events (recommended by Guinness-Mick)

    - Fully customizable color schemes and graphics.

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