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Posts posted by BseeingU

  1. The writing was decent but the booking was horrible.

    The worst thing that I noticed was CM Punk interfering in the World Title Match. CM Punk follows the code of honor and would not interfere which would break the code of honor.

    Bringing in Paul London and Nova are dumb ideas in my mind. While it is possible in the game in real life it wouldn't happen. If you did bring London back in there is no way he would face off against Josh Daniels who almost never wrestles for RoH.

    The same thing goes with keeping Joe as the champion even though Aries would be the real champ. The tag team title has the same problem since the Havana Pitbulls are the champions now. Plus since there are two months of shows until the Anniversary show you may have wanted to post some results for those.

    Just eliminating the pure title and creating a new title was also a dumb move. There is a website where you can check out recent results and current champs instead of just doing a half-assed job.

    Justin Credible doesn't wrestle for RoH anymore and even if he did he wouldn't be good enough to be booked over Homicide by any means.

    I see many problems in your booking and your knowledge of RoH. I guess you could fix those things but I don't find it likely. If I was you I would quit this diary and start with an indy fed you know more about or create your own fed. It may sound harsh but that's my best advice. You can write you just don't know your subject.

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