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Posts posted by MaSc

  1. OVW Roster Update

    Remove Asher Knight from OVW

    Remove Benjamin Bray from OVW

    Remove CJ Lane from OVW

    Remove Dre Blitz from OVW

    Remove James Onno from OVW

    Remove Kharn Alexander from OVW

    Remove Kingi from OVW

    Remove Lennox Norris from OVW

    Remove Matt Barela from OVW

    Remove Mickie Knuckles from OVW

    Remove Solo Darling from OVW

    Remove Taryn Shay from OVW

    Remove Vinny Dunn from OVW

    Add December to OVW - Lower Midcard

    Add Ace Hawkins to OVW

    Add Randy Royal to OVW

    Add Scarlett Bordeaux to OVW - Lower Midcard

    Raise Hannah Blossom's overness to 26

    Raise Holly Blossom's overness to 26

    Remove Andy Ridge from ROH

  2. Add Masada to 2CW

    Add Zaquary Springate III to 2CW

    Add Player Uno to 2CW (Remove him from CWfH)

    Add Player Dos to 2CW (Remove him from CWfH)

    Add Shane Matthews to 2CW

    Add Scott Parker to 2CW

    Remove Matt Taven from 2CW

    Add Eric Ryan to CZW

    Add Colt Cabana to AAW

    Add Nikki Mayday to AAW

    Add Kyle O'Reilly to AAW

    Add Davey Vega to AAW

    Add ACH to AAW

    Add Brian Cage to CWfH - Upper Midcard

    Add Shelly Martinez to CWfH - Non-Wrestler

  3. The Great Khali, prior to recent months when his knees have started to give up on him, is fantastic at what he does. He doesn't need to have a lengthy exchange of holds and counterholds, or bust out a Hurricanrana every now and then because it wouldn't make sense. He's a consummate big man.

    As for Kelly Kelly being "afraid of the ring ropes", that's fucking hilarious. Kelly's not great, but she's been one half of a whole bunch of memorable Divas matches.

    Again, you seem to be ignoring the fact that WWE have employed a lot of talented female wrestlers. You say that wrestlers like Kelly Kelly "learn nothing from working with Alicia Fox every night", what about the months she spent wrestling Beth Phoenix and Natalya every month?

    The TNA Knock-Outs division is, by and large, even worse than the Divas division. And I could name you a ton of Japanese and indie women wrestlers who are worse than the majority of WWE "Divas". Wrestling for SHIMMER, or wrestling in Japan, doesn't automatically make you a good wrestler any more than wrestling for WWE automatically makes you a bad one.

    The WWE Divas, and the male wrestlers you mentioned, are nowhere near the "worst wrestlers in the world", and that suggestion is laughable enough to completely invalidate any other point you're struggling to make.

    Are you kidding me? The Great Khali is fantastic in what he does? He even don't know what he does. Now I can't take you seriously anymore. Show me just one "memorable Divas match" with Kelly². A single Match with no botch. I think you just don't see the botches.

    How often is Stratus in this video?

  4. I'm down with lowering Kelly's stats, cause let's be honnest she was never THAT good. 43 speed is plenty for her. The rest, totally disagree. The Divas matches on TV have been decent / very good lately, and the biggest reason why is they've been allocated much more time than normal. It would be extremely difficult for CM Punk to put on a 5* classic with Daniel Bryan in the time the ladies get.

    But reports from house shows generally say that the Divas matches are "good and the girls seem way better than they do on TV".

    FACT - The Divas in WWE, who according to people here are "teh wrost in te WROLD" because they didn't wrestle before WWE, have wayyyyy more experience than the majority of the girls you listed. They wrestle much more frequently, train much more frequently and as such a year in WWE equals several years on the Indies in certain cases (some of these indy darlings only wrestle a few times a month, and have had very little training).

    Having the skills to put on a good match is much different than being given the time to have a good match. I'd say their stats are fair as is.

    You're right. Good Matches need time. Bud good wrestlers can perform kicks, punches and fundamental moves believable. Good wrestlers can sell moves. Good Wrestlers have presence in the ring. All these has nothing to do with time. Maybe you should watch womens wrestling in japan (and that's no "Indy Wrestling"), shimmer, europe or the tna knockouts (2008-2009).

    Girls like Kelly Kelly don't lear anything in years. Kelly is afraid of the ring ropes. "Experience" means not wrestle bad matches with other bad "divas" every night. You learn nothing when you wrestle Alicia Fox every night. Girls like Fox and Kelly are bad because they have no (wrestling) talent. They are Models from swimwear catalogs.

    And male wrestlers? Have you ever heart names like Ezekiel Jackson, The Great Khali, David Otunga? Maybe some of the worst wrestlers in the world.

  5. Eve is amazing and anyone who says otherwise is wrong

    No, she is not. Bad selling, bad timing, her Moonsault is absolutely awful. She is a good gymnast, she is athletic but thats it. Besides of Natalya, today there is no diva who is a really good wrestler. No Eve, no Kaitlyn, no Layla, no Aksana, and no Kelly²! As for women's wrestling, good in WWE still means bad outside of WWE. And anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Almost every match of the Divas division is a Botch festival

  6. Add Silas Young to ROH - Midcard, Old School Heel, Heel

    Add Vinnie Marseglia to ROH - Lower Midcard, Tweener, Daredevil

    Remove Mosh & Trasher (The Headbangers) from ROH

    Add Matt Taven to ROH - Lower Midcard, Old School Heel, Heel, makeTruth Martini his Manager

    Make WGTT inactive, maybe remove Shelton Benjamin from ROH

    Add Sami Callihan to PWG

    Add Michael Elgin to PWG (maybe instead remove Elgin from 2CW)

    Add Trent Barreta to PWG (you added him to PWS so he should also be in PWG)

    Remove Chris Kadillak from PWG

    Remove Phoenix Star from PWG

    Remove Rocky Romero from PWG

    Remove Zokre from PWG

  7. The "Yes" stuff was starting back when Daniel Bryan first won the title and then it eventually turned into his prance to the ring and eventually the chants. Did Die-hards help build that chant, YES but I would say the Alberto Del Rio "Si" chant is a better one to help your case because the Daniel Bryan one would eventually would have happened in some way with or without diehards. Case in point, two kids at a WWE show wanted to chant ECW during matches that were not hardcore or had ECW ties right after either Taijiri or Stevie Richards just wrestled so I am going back to 2005.

    The yes chants started at Ring of Honor (10th Anniversary in New York), a month before it started in WWE (WM28 and RAW in Miami). ;)


    So 2,500 die-hards starting a chant warrants the whole die-hard fans have more weight than the entire WWE audience at large. You name RoH guys who have never been in WWE, you may get 3 out of 10 wrestling fans to know who they are, TNA you can get anywhere from 5 to 7 or 8 out of 10 depending on who you name and WWE midcarders you should be able to get at least 5 out of 10. To say that 7 out of 10 fans would be cheering their lungs out for RoH guys when in WWE they could get maybe 20-30% of the reaction in the crowd that they could in RoH.

    Did I say that? No! <_<

    So, "Overness" only means how known a wrestler is? Do you really think Samoa Joe, Roode, or AJ Styles would get the same reactions as Jerry Lawler, John Laurinaitis, Kofi Kingston or Christian if they show up at RAW tomorrow?

  8. The "Yes" stuff was starting back when Daniel Bryan first won the title and then it eventually turned into his prance to the ring and eventually the chants. Did Die-hards help build that chant, YES but I would say the Alberto Del Rio "Si" chant is a better one to help your case because the Daniel Bryan one would eventually would have happened in some way with or without diehards. Case in point, two kids at a WWE show wanted to chant ECW during matches that were not hardcore or had ECW ties right after either Taijiri or Stevie Richards just wrestled so I am going back to 2005.

    The yes chants started at Ring of Honor (10th Anniversary in New York), a month before it started in WWE (WM28 and RAW in Miami). ;)

  9. But the WWE has more, a lot more of an audience. That is the way the game works, from the game's own FAQ and mechanics. Yeah "experts" know of him and how good he is, but they make up a very small segment of the wrestling fan population. I run an American Football board, with people who watch wrestling. I think maybe 2 or 3 of them know of Richards. You know what they talk about more? The WWE. Because that's what wrestling fans at large know. We're a small special population, hardly indicative of the wrestling fan population at large.

    I don't care about who buys a ticket to see who or whatever, overness doesn't measure that. It measures how well a wrestler is known, and if you polled all wrestling fans, they would know who Heath Slater was more often than Richards.

    You can posit all the ifs and buts about if their situations were reversed, but they aren't. Pretty sure Claudio's been doing the same thing, as most other heels, and not all reactions are the same. Slater may be another WWE guy, but those guys, they're pretty well known. If you talk about overness being a worker in his role, which it is, to an extent, then Davey can be a 67 and still be a Main Eventer at the Cult Promotion level, which is exactly what he is.

    And here is the Problem. You say "Overness" means how many People knows Heat Slater. I say Overness ist how People reacts to a Wrestler. And you say Overness does not mean a wrestler "sold tickets"? For me this is a big factor in the Overness Value.

    How many "casual" fans know the WWE Guys that are used almost only for superstars and live events? Not as many as you might think! WWE has more audience no doubt. That does not mean that the casual fans know the worker from the Undercard

    Yeah...Richards could Main Event a cult promotion with 67. But Slater wouldn't headline any show for ROH. Slater wouldn't headline any Show in Japan. He would be just a guy known from WWE.

    And the game says fuck your definition of overness. As already explained the game determines overness by how well known the worker is. It is ludicrous to argue that a guy who has never been on national tv in any prominent role is as over or more over (which the game determines as who is more well-known) than someone who is on televisions world wide. Remember, Raw is broadcast on stations in many countries, not just America.

    You don't get it. A lot of the WWE Guys in the Undercard you never see at RAW or SmackDown. Bateman, Curtis, JTG, Reks, Hawkins, Beretta, Riley, Camacho, Hunico, McIntyre, Jackson, Usos, Mahal, Gabriel, Ryan, McGillicutty, Tatsu and, besides the Legend-Angle, Heath Slater....all these people are mostly used only for Superstars and NXT. NXT and Superstars runs on the Internet not on national tv. In many Countries you can't see these shows at all. In many countries you can not even see the complete RAW and Smackdown Shows. And if these guys are sometimes used on Smackdown or RAW then as jobbers. (And guess what ... you can see the ROH Weekly free on the ROH website worldwide! And hey...you can't see Superstars worldwide on the Internet) So you argue that these people are known worldwide even though they are NOT in the worldwide television...although they're not even on national TV? Just because they are on wwe.com at the roster page?

    And what says the Game really about overness?

    Over: This is how much the crowd react to a worker. 0 means the person is totally unknown, 100 means a worker is known worldwide (such as The Rock). Generally wrestlers below 10 will be working for backyard federations, wrestlers around 60 will be working for Cult promotions, and workers over 80 will be working for Global promotions.

    Perhaps you should read better!

    Yeah, cause we all know ROH has more online fans watching content than WWE does...dry.gif WWE has Superstar on the Internet which shows those guys unless they are being fed to the Tensais and Rybacks of the world. I see the WWE audience as the be all end all because you have a mix of die-hards and then the typical WWE audience. At Money in the Bank, there were chants for D-Bry, Punk, Cena, Jericho, Ziggler and the other usual suspects. Now you throw an ROH guy in there, they MAY get a reaction if he is from the hometown but not much more.

    As for the hot 200 through maybe 1,000+ fans that react for a guy in ROH, WOULD THEY get that in a WWE or even to a lesser extent TNA, no. They are over on the indies in maybe a few promotions but not on the same scale. Yes, I made jokes about the team of Epico and Primo getting a pop mainly off of Rosa at Money in the Bank, but the fact is they at least get something. Throw a Davey Richards in WWE and see how many cheers he'd get on his debut if he was used like another recent main streamed talent. Hell look at Kaval, he is over like a mfer on the indies, but in WWE he was not getting enough to warrant a 66.

    On a side note, Derrick Bateman, Johnny Curtis and I THINK McGillicutty are full-time in developmental now.

    The most of these "die hard" fans would know who are the Top Guys in the Independent Circus. Because they are Wrestlingfans and not "only" WWE Fans. You know where the "Yes" chants started? And who then carried them into the WWE shows? The crowd at WWE PPVs is often completely different than at a "normal" WWE show. I think that you should have already noticed. (And as for non PPV Shows..apart from RAW, WWE edited the crowd reactions before broadcast.)

    Did you see Kenny King's TNA debut and the reactions he get? And King was nothing as a Midcarder in ROH. The same with Jigsaw.

  10. But the WWE has more, a lot more of an audience. That is the way the game works, from the game's own FAQ and mechanics. Yeah "experts" know of him and how good he is, but they make up a very small segment of the wrestling fan population. I run an American Football board, with people who watch wrestling. I think maybe 2 or 3 of them know of Richards. You know what they talk about more? The WWE. Because that's what wrestling fans at large know. We're a small special population, hardly indicative of the wrestling fan population at large.

    I don't care about who buys a ticket to see who or whatever, overness doesn't measure that. It measures how well a wrestler is known, and if you polled all wrestling fans, they would know who Heath Slater was more often than Richards.

    You can posit all the ifs and buts about if their situations were reversed, but they aren't. Pretty sure Claudio's been doing the same thing, as most other heels, and not all reactions are the same. Slater may be another WWE guy, but those guys, they're pretty well known. If you talk about overness being a worker in his role, which it is, to an extent, then Davey can be a 67 and still be a Main Eventer at the Cult Promotion level, which is exactly what he is.

    And here is the Problem. You say "Overness" means how many People knows Heat Slater. I say Overness ist how People reacts to a Wrestler. And you say Overness does not mean a wrestler "sold tickets"? For me this is a big factor in the Overness Value.

    How many "casual" fans know the WWE Guys that are used almost only for superstars and live events? Not as many as you might think! WWE has more audience no doubt. That does not mean that the casual fans know the worker from the Undercard

    Yeah...Richards could Main Event a cult promotion with 67. But Slater wouldn't headline any show for ROH. Slater wouldn't headline any Show in Japan. He would be just a guy known from WWE.

    And the game says fuck your definition of overness. As already explained the game determines overness by how well known the worker is. It is ludicrous to argue that a guy who has never been on national tv in any prominent role is as over or more over (which the game determines as who is more well-known) than someone who is on televisions world wide. Remember, Raw is broadcast on stations in many countries, not just America.

    You don't get it. A lot of the WWE Guys in the Undercard you never see at RAW or SmackDown. Bateman, Curtis, JTG, Reks, Hawkins, Beretta, Riley, Camacho, Hunico, McIntyre, Jackson, Usos, Mahal, Gabriel, Ryan, McGillicutty, Tatsu and, besides the Legend-Angle, Heath Slater....all these guys are mostly used only for Superstars and NXT. NXT and Superstars runs on the Internet not on national tv. In many Countries you can't see these shows at all. In many countries you can not even see the complete RAW and Smackdown Shows. And if these guys are sometimes used on Smackdown or RAW then as jobbers. (And guess what ... you can see the ROH Weekly free on the ROH website worldwide! And hey...you can't see Superstars (legally) worldwide on the Internet) So you argue that these people are known worldwide even though they are NOT on worldwide television...although they're not even on national TV? Just because they are on wwe.com roster page?

    And what says the Game really about overness?

    Over: This is how much the crowd react to a worker. 0 means the person is totally unknown, 100 means a worker is known worldwide (such as The Rock). Generally wrestlers below 10 will be working for backyard federations, wrestlers around 60 will be working for Cult promotions, and workers over 80 will be working for Global promotions.

    So if you want the game more realistic then lower also the overness of the WWE and TNA Under Carder

  11. But the WWE has more, a lot more of an audience. That is the way the game works, from the game's own FAQ and mechanics. Yeah "experts" know of him and how good he is, but they make up a very small segment of the wrestling fan population. I run an American Football board, with people who watch wrestling. I think maybe 2 or 3 of them know of Richards. You know what they talk about more? The WWE. Because that's what wrestling fans at large know. We're a small special population, hardly indicative of the wrestling fan population at large.

    I don't care about who buys a ticket to see who or whatever, overness doesn't measure that. It measures how well a wrestler is known, and if you polled all wrestling fans, they would know who Heath Slater was more often than Richards.

    You can posit all the ifs and buts about if their situations were reversed, but they aren't. Pretty sure Claudio's been doing the same thing, as most other heels, and not all reactions are the same. Slater may be another WWE guy, but those guys, they're pretty well known. If you talk about overness being a worker in his role, which it is, to an extent, then Davey can be a 67 and still be a Main Eventer at the Cult Promotion level, which is exactly what he is.

    And here is the Problem. You say "Overness" means how many People knows Heat Slater. I say Overness ist how People reacts to a Wrestler. And you say Overness does not mean a wrestler "sold tickets"? For me this is a big factor in the Overness Value.

    How many "casual" fans know the WWE Guys that are used almost only for superstars and live events? Not as many as you might think! WWE has more audience no doubt. That does not mean that the casual fans know the worker from the Undercard

    Yeah...Richards could Main Event a cult promotion with 67. But Slater wouldn't headline any show for ROH. Slater wouldn't headline any Show in Japan. He would be just a guy known from WWE.

  12. Although some people, like Davey Richards might need a slight overness lowering. I think he was bumped to 74 because of the move to national anyway. There's no way he's more known, than say, Heath Slater or Ryback. The top ROH guys should be mid to high 60's maybe early 70's (like 70-71) at most considering the guidelines we set last month, but considering 67 gets them to main event status at Cult, which is accurate, they should all be around there.

    Again.."Well known" is not the same as "Overness".


    Over: This is how much the crowd react to a worker. 0 means the person is totally unknown, 100 means a worker is known worldwide (such as The Rock). Generally wrestlers below 10 will be working for backyard federations, wrestlers around 60 will be working for Cult promotions

    it kinda is. We discussed this last month. 200 in a bingo hall is the same as 200 in a large arena. It's still not a lot.

    Many Experts see Richards as one of the Best Wrestler in the World. He has an incredible Reputation. Richards headlines Shows all over the World and not only in "Bingo Halls". Apart from the Legends Angle nobody cares about Heath Slater. (Almost) No one buys a Ticket only to see Heath Slater. Overness also means that Fans assume the worker in his role. Also the most WWE Undercarder are not even on national TV. For many Wrestlingfans Richards is one of the best Wrestlers in the World. Slater is only one more "WWE-Guy". It does not make any difference for most people whether there is Slater, JTG or Curt Hawkins in the ring. A WWE crowd also reacts differently than an "Independent" Crowd. Sure, Heath Slater is well known. But he is only known to be a WWE worker. And that does NOT mean that he is "over".

    BTW: Give Davey Richards a microphone and let him insult the WWE-Audience. He will get exactly the same reactions as Slater.

  13. Although some people, like Davey Richards might need a slight overness lowering. I think he was bumped to 74 because of the move to national anyway. There's no way he's more known, than say, Heath Slater or Ryback. The top ROH guys should be mid to high 60's maybe early 70's (like 70-71) at most considering the guidelines we set last month, but considering 67 gets them to main event status at Cult, which is accurate, they should all be around there.

    Again.."Well known" is not the same as "Overness".

  14. Turn Epico, Primo and Rosa Mendes = Face

    Turn Chris Jericho = Face

    Turn Christian = Face

    Turn Kane = Face

    Remove Edge, Eli Cottonwood, Sonny Elliott off the WWEe

    I would keep Edge in WWE and put Jericho and Kane as tweeners. They have not really done much to be considered faces at this point. For September's update we will know clearer. I would also say CM punk should be a tweener as well.

    Edge ist not under WWE Contract anymore (since April - not even a Legends-Contract) and is scheduled for Tommy Dreamers "House of Hardcore" Promotion and he will appear for Resistance Pro in the Future , so he should be removed.

  15. Remove Velvet Sky from TNA

    Velvet Sky gave some insight to her status with TNA Impact Wrestling on her Twitter account. Here is what she wrote moments ago.

    Velvet Sky ?@VelVelHoller

    I have been granted my release by TNA at this time. It’s what’s best for me right now and I wanted to thank TNA and …

    And I also want to thank Vince Russo for creating and believing in the team of The Beautiful People. We had a great run! @Actualalove

    Source: WrestleNewz

  16. As for the guys you mentioned:

    DH Smith has gone back to Canada and has worked every single Resistance Pro show in the main event for Billy Corgan since its debut in November of 2011 so I would exclude him.

    Slam Master J or Ray Gordy retired after his dreams of being a wrestler in WWE were crushed so exclude him from your list.

    Eric Escobar returned to Puerto Rico so he should not be included in your list.

    Luke Gallows has done a LOT of tours in Africa and worked in India for Ring Ka King so he is not really home in the US enough to really do indy dates.

    Paul Burchill is married and was preparing for a career after wrestling WHILE under his WWE contract should not be in the list.

    Mike Knox retired so he should not be included.

    Kevin Thorn still works the indies as Seven Thorn and even wrestled a TNA dark match but not in a top role.

    Michael Tarver still does indies but not in a top role.

    Cliff Compton has made a name for himself in OVW and through Colt's Art of Wrestling so he could be not included.

    Manu returned to WXW C4 as Afa Jr but for the most part does not work anywhere else.

    Chris Masters to my knowledge only did Ring Ka King in India.

    Out of all the names, I would give you 4 possibly 5 that truly work for what you originally said.

    And which of these Guys have a regulare Role in the Big Indy Promotions? They work rarly as Special Attractions or for small Companys. All these Names include in these list because none of these guys has a big name in the business outside of WWE. No one of these guys get it to ROH, DGUSA, PWG, Chikara or CZW.So why do you think it would be different with today's WWE Undercarders? Give me a handful of former WWE workers (last 1-6 Years) who have a great name in the Indys with the exception of Legends (Finlay, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer) and former Indy Stars (Low-Ki, Colt Cabana). The biggest Names maybe are Mike Mondo and Kenn Doane. The question is why these guys are retired or work only for relatively small Companys. Most certainly not because they have rejected offers from larger Indy promotions. Why no larger promotion booked these guys?

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