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Posts posted by Kingtoo

  1. Hi nice work, but in my opion a lot of japanese wrestlers should/could be improved in my opinion:

    Naito for example

    Tetsuya Naito in EWR

    Overness: 48


    Speed: 64

    Technique: 70

    Charisma: 55

    Tetsuya Naito in my opinion:

    Overness: 60

    (Over as hell at the moment, for shure he is the next NJPW Champion, and he isn´t just a Maineventer for 2-3 month, the next big think for NJPW)

    Brawl: 55-60

    (Should be better like this, his lowest ability, but not at 38, maybe a bit lower as Okada)

    Speed: arround 75

    (just look at his finisher Stardust Press, sayed enough)

    Technique: arround 75

    (he got a lot high of high risk moves in his aresenal and doesn´t botched any of them)

    Charisma: in MY opionion, better 65 but this is up to u, but the fans loves him and his trademark

    Yuji Hino EWR:

    Over: 12

    Brawl: 47

    Speed: 58

    Technique: 68

    Charisma: 20

    Hino in my opinion:

    Over: 45

    (at the moment he got a big Push was the KO-D Openweight Champion, a feud with Daisuke Sekimoto and he is a Kaientai-dojo maineventer)

    Brawl: 75

    (Sry but iam sure the guy who created Hino doesn´t know him or? Hino is a Powerhouse Wrestler with 231 lbs, why is brawl his lowest atribute? He looks like Daisuke Sekimoto, sayed enough.

    Speed: 55-60:

    (His current atribute is okay, becaue he got a lot moves u think what??? He could use a Frog Splash/Senton???)

    Technieque: 70-75

    (Deadlift and many other strong but good moves)

    Charisma: 55

    (In MY Opinion, he is the new Dick Togo, he is a very nice Heel)

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