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Big R

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Posts posted by Big R

  1. Saw that the Decent Society is definetly underrated

    Ahmed Chaer's stats should be raised the following:

    - Brawl to 52

    - Technic to 64

    - Charisma to 55

    And Crazy Sexy Mike's Brawl should be raised to 58

    Also add the Tag Team "Decent Society", consisting of Crazy Sexy Mike and Ahmed Chaer. The team has been teaming constantly for more than 7 years on a regular base, so their experience shouldn't be that low.

  2. Would be great if independent wrestler CorVus gets added to the mix.

    Name: CorVus

    Age: 27

    Birth month: June

    Nationality: American

    Gender: Male

    Weight: Lightweight

    Overness: 09

    Brawl: 42

    Speed: 66

    Technique: 61

    Charisma: 69

    Finisher: Cross Armbar (Submission)

    Gimmick: Lackey

    Speaks: Yes

    Superstar Look: Check

    Fonz Factor: Check

    That are the informations of him and the numbers I would suggest for him.

    If something's missing, he got a profile on cagematch too: http://www.cagematch...&gimmick=CorVus

  3. In my opinion independent wrestler CorVus needs to be added to the game. My suggestion for his stats would look like this...

    Name: CorVus

    Age: 27

    Nationality: American

    Gender: Male

    Weight: Lightweight

    Overness: 20

    (not the biggest name on the european scene)

    Brawl: 52

    Speed: 70

    Technique: 68

    Charisma: 75

    (think he's a really charismatic dude and gets over with the crowd very quickly, because of his cowardly gimmick, which includes screaming like a girl etc.)

    His Finisher could be the Cross Armbar, I think.

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