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Posts posted by Engage

  1. Everyone said that you're and excellent writer, and that your diaries rule. I started to read this and I thought that this would be something ground-breaking and new. But this is just another WWE: New Era-diary. The first thing that comes in my mind os that why can't you first utilise the good talent that WWE already has, insted of hiring all the indy Gods. To WWE. CM Punk in the WWE? Uhm..? And A team like Los Maximos is getting TV-time?

    These are just purely my opinions, you are a good writer, but this diary is nothing but a basic WWE diary, where you turn WWE into a cruiserweight-dominated indy promotion. If you want to use the likes of Punk and Mondo, why can't you just start playing with your own indy-promotion? They're always nice to read

    This continues the Battle For Vince's Soul, but just on the booking side. Everyone who is new had some role in the previous epic that explained their entrance.

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