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Posts posted by wgh_2001

  1. Maryse Ouellet: 78 She's one of the few Divas that's managed to develop a personality. She can get more pops with a flip of the hair than some other Divas can with monster pushes (Michelle McCool, I'm looking at you). Sure, she has the accent working against her, but she exudes charisma. More than Bryan does, at least.

    I don't think her accent works against her. She uses it to her advantage.

    I don't think Daniel Bryan deserves an 80 on charisma either. And honestly, I think he is to blame for it. He's over to some extent with the fans. Most of his overness is because they are aware of his indy work. However, he has never been as good on the mic as Punk or Helms, in my opinion. And he does come across as being kinda bland on NXT but that's more or less of a work in progress.

    • Like 1
  2. Some NWA Anarchy notes:

    Iceberg should be removed from the NWA Anarchy roster. He lost a match at the beginning of October that was essentially a "retirement match". Rather or not he stays retired is another matter.

    Jimmy Rave worked a match for NWA Anarchy but I suspect that was a one-off and not a permanent thing. However, it should be noted that Anarchy does have a pretty good relationship with both FIP and ROH as well as TNA.

    Here are a list of tag teams wrestling in the Mega Rumble at Fright Night:

    Rowdy Friends (Don Matthews & Jessco Blue), ADD (Manchild & Jamie Lee), Mike Posey & Seth Delay, Hate Junkies (Dany Only & Stryknyn), J-Rod & BJ Hancock, Entourage and New Wave.

    Manchild and Jamie Lee are not in the game thusfar and neither are J-Rod and BJ Hancock. Mike Posey and Seth Delay are not listed as a team.

    Andrew Alexander should have "jack_ss" listed as his personality and perhaps either selfish or egomaniac listed as his attitude.

    Ace Rockwell should have old school face as his face gimmick. There should be a dislike between Andrew and Ace. In addition, Ace is part of the booking team in Anarchy.

    When I get more time, I will try to go through and list the gimmicks for the guys and gals on the Anarchy roster.

    Speaking of gals on the Anarchy roster, Melissa Coates is still on the Anarchy roster. She is not being used currently due to some issues with bringing in women for her to face. Two other women that are on the Anarchy roster. One is "Mercedes Mosley" who is serving as the valet for Mike Mosely and The Entourage. She is also training to wrestle and is surprisingly decent on the mic considering her newness to the business. (Her mic skills are better than her valet skills, in my opinion.) The other female is Crystal Rose. She should be listed as semi-active as her main role (it seems) is backstage doing production work as far as Anarchy goes, but she has worked a few matches this year. There was a promo/angle cut back at DragonCon highlighting the fact that Crystal (under the name Mary Jane) and Mercedes were part of the Anarchy roster as is Melissa. The reason being that Christy Hemme was not able to make it to DragonCon to defend the DCW Women's Cup. Christy Whiplash has worked two shows for Anarchy under the name Christy Turner. However, presumably due to the same factors that are keeping Melissa getting booked, she has not worked for Anarchy recently.

    Dragon Con Wrestling is an event done at Dragon*Con every year. Most of the guys working the show are NWA Anarchy guys and a few other regional guys. They will usually bring in a few TNA talent to work a match or two and then have some legends there for autographs. The "Titles" are referred to as "Cups" and are basically the "Heavyweight", "Tag Team", "Light Heavyweight" and "Women's" Cups. I'm not sure that it should be listed a NWA Anarchy event or as a separate "tour" given that its a once a year annual event. It's been going on for ten years or so. I know a handful of other wrestlers from outside the region who have been interested in working that show but thus far have not.

  3. Ok, this is an odd request but suppose I wanted to add a couple of certain actresses into the game as managers.

    What should I have their charisma be? I was going to put their other stats around 10 and under though maybe with a decent stat on selling, attitude, and behavior.

    The actresses in question are

    Evan Rachel Wood

    Christina Ricci (to manage Annie Social because I swear they bare a resemblance)

    Anne Hathaway

    Emily Blunt

    and there are a few others too and a few actors.

  4. Ok, I do have a complaint about the ending. It's a real simple one and had it been done differently the real ending wouldn't probably bother as many people.

    The problem: "The Black Hole" What do I mean? I mean right after the last shot where there is between 20-25 seconds before the credits start. It was far too much time for it to be there and left viewers expecting another scene. If it had been down to about 10 seconds then it wouldn't have been as bad. The audience would've gotten the effect better and it wouldn't have seemed anywhere near as awkward as it did.

    Other than that, it was a great movie.

  5. I'm going to add a few in here:

    "Kitchen Confidential" by Anthony Bourdain

    Any of Michael Connelly's books but I particularly like "The Poet" and "The Narrows". "Void Moon" is good too.

    "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman (I am seconding this suggestion from an earlier post)

  6. Well, it is no secret that here at EWB we do have a lot of movie buffs. For that reason, I thought we could do our own littel version of the Oscars here at EWB. This thread will be the nomination thread, and should last until mid-to late January.

    Not just film buffs but I think a few people here actually work in the film business including myself.

    Now, you can nominate any feature film you want in here, so long as it was released in 2008 (January-April included). Also, I ask that you only nominate things that you've seen, not only heard of. Frankly, buzz or not, how can you nominate someone or something that you haven't witnessed?

    It's doesn't always stop the Academy.

    Anyways, there are a couple of movies I want to see before making my list.

    Will post my list in a few days.

  7. I saw a For Your Consideration copy of this earlier in the week and it gets a big ol' thumbs up from Grifter. Rourke's performance was rock solid and lived up to every bit of the hype. Tomei did really well, and Evan Rachel Wood managed to make me give a fuck about her acting for the first time... well, ever.

    As for Evan Rachel Wood's acting, she wasn't too bad in "The Life Before Her Eyes" though the film itself is a bit odd. Good to know she is getting better. Maybe her and Manson splitting will be good for her career. <_<

    I've yet to see a bad Arronsky movie as far as the acting. He generally gets good performances from his actors. Now as far as plot . . . . "The Fountain" was still ho hum but I digress.

  8. This is kind of related. Judah Friedlander is "The Wrestler" and I just saw him on 30 Rock wearing a Cactus Jack T-Shirt and the wacky statement on his hat said "Foley Artist."

    That's actually funny for two reasons. One because of the connection to the wrestler. The other because a "Foley artist" is an actual job position in the industry.

    A note on the movie release: It is getting a limited release on 12/19 in NY and LA and an addition limited release early next year. This is so it will be eligible for Oscar contention this year.

  9. Golden Globe Nominations are out:

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama

    Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler (2008)

    Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

    Marisa Tomei for The Wrestler (2008)

    Best Original Song - Motion Picture

    The Wrestler (2008)("The Wrestler")

    full list of nominees can be found here:http://www.imdb.com/features/rto/2009/globes

    Oh and Mickey Rourke received the Washing DC area Film Critic Award

  10. Just to let you all know:

    "The Wrestler" received multiple nominations at The Independent Spirit Awards today. It's nominations were for "Best Feature", "Male Lead" for Mickey Rourke, and "Best Cinematography" for Maryse Alberti, the cinematographer on the film. For those unaware, and who care, the cinematographer is the person who is basically running the camera and making sure the technical things are there as far as camera and lighting to help the director get the look he or she is wanting for the film. It's also called "Director of Photography".

    Just for clarification, whg_2001 is half right, mostly because this subject is often confused. The Director of Photography is the department head of all those aspects, but physically is not in charge if the camera runs correctly or the technical aspects of the lights or whatever. If The DP is in charge of the 'look' of the film from scene to scene, which includes mostly the lighting, focus and colors (with close coordination with the production designer of course). In any film with just slightly a decent budget, the DP will sit next to the director in the video village (where the monitor is and where head creative crew members sit) to make sure the shot stays in focus, looks good and to keep in close contact with the heads to ensure the shot comes out alright.

    The nomination is most likely because the lighting and look of the film is so good, it plays a great role in telling the story.

    Key word there is any film with a decent budget. The two jobs do occasionally overlap on smaller budget productions like ones I have worked on.

  11. Just to let you all know:

    "The Wrestler" received multiple nominations at The Independent Spirit Awards today. It's nominations were for "Best Feature", "Male Lead" for Mickey Rourke, and "Best Cinematography" for Maryse Alberti, the cinematographer on the film. For those unaware, and who care, the cinematographer is the person who is basically running the camera and making sure the technical things are there as far as camera and lighting to help the director get the look he or she is wanting for the film. It's also called "Director of Photography".

  12. Some pics of Daizee Haze as HzChif and MsChif as MsHaze . . . the two went as each other for Halloween. Personally, I am waiting to see them wrestle under those gimmicks.

    If someone could cut down a few pics out of that. maybe something on the KYKY background. Thanks

  13. Dose Ant=y One Have A Pic Of Leva Bates?

    This is the Leva Bates I use:


    There are 7 other cuts in the July 08 update...

    I'm working on a way to archive all of the pics I have included in updates...


    Some more Leva pics under the spoiler tab. They are uncut and from her myspace page

  14. A few pics from Dragon Con 2008 show put under spoilers because of pic sizes



    Bobby and Tyler of The Technicians (forget how they are listed in the game but he is on the Anarchy roster and don't remember which is which)

    is it me or are they the same pic?

    i cut and pasted the wrong pic


    feel free to cut any off this page that you feel are usable, Who.

  15. A few pics from Dragon Con 2008 show put under spoilers because of pic sizes


    Phil Shatter or Shatter


    "The Reverned" Dan Wilson


    Crystle aka Mary Jane aka Lloth aka Destiny aka Dixie Chick


    Simon Sermon



    Bobby and Tyler of The Technicians (forget how they are listed in the game but he is on the Anarchy roster and don't remember which is which)



    Andrew Alexander



    Kyle Matthews

    More pics from Dragon Con 2008 here: Dragon Con Wrestling 2008

  16. I have found two workers in the game with whom I cannot find pics for on The Whos photobucket account nor anything random;y on the web.

    one is a British wrestler named Thomas Blade

    and the other is a heavyweight Japanese female wrestle named Sarah Roberts

    Blade seems legit but I am a bit dubious on Sarah Roberts as she seems like a randomly generated wrestler. Neither have any alter egos.

    anyone have any pics?

  17. at least half of the pics you mentioned can be found in the various updates found on the download thread.

    a Josh Wheeler pic? probably won't happen. The promotion he was running is out of business to best my knowledge and I doubt he will be running any promotions anytime soon.

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