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Posts posted by XMS

  1. Spoiler

    The battle was good, but more deaths would have made it better. I think it's symptomatic of the showrunners being ahead of the books. There's no way GRRM does a battle like that and doesn't off a main character. 

    I'm fine with Arya being the one to kill the Night King. It gives Melissandre's whole return (and entire plot line, basically). Beric was resurrected all those times in order to save Arya. Even the Hound, who Beric said was "touched by the Lord of the Light" played a part in keeping her alive all this time. Plus, you have Bran giving her the dagger when she returned to Winterfell, as if he knew what was going to happen. 


  2. 16 minutes ago, GhostMachine said:

    The problem was that the show became all about Sylar, when Hiro and Noah (HRG) were clearly more popular. They really should have had him becoming good stick, or killed him off. I gave up after the first half of season three, watched a couple of random episodes from season four, then never looked back. And during seasons one and two, it was my favorite show.




    Heroes definitely gets my vote.

    During Season One I was obsessed. The writer's strike in 2007 was the cause of the downfall. Also, the characters got too popular to kill off, like they initially planned. 

  3. My promotion will be PLUS Pro Wrestling and I'm looking for a simple logo. A large plus sign with rounded edges and "wrestling" written inside the horizontal of the plus sign. The sign itself should be colored and "wrestling" should be white. If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like a few different versions with different colors (red, blue, green, pink, etc.). 

    Thanks so much!


  4. This time I went with:

    Women - Kelly W., Peih-Gee, Stephanie, Ciera, Kass, Shirin, Mama C., Tasha, Abi-Maria, Sabrina
    Men - Spencer, Woo, Vytas, Stephen, Shane, Joe, Jeremy, Troyzan, Andrew, Mike
    I don't get the rational to have the vote be a daily thing
  5. About the last episode..

    Was Gabriel even on screen once? I don't remember even seeing him in the background or huddle up with the group in the house.. I found myself thinking I missed him die at some point because I didn't see him at all. I really wanted to see more Gabriel interaction with Maggie and the others or lack thereof (but not by being completely off screen).

    Good call. He's played such a minor role I had forgotten about him completely. I don't recall seeing him at all.

    Odd that they switched Monroe's gender.

  6. Last night's show was the best since the mid-season break.

    I have to give the show credit. With the way they draw things out, I expected it to take multiple episodes of long conversations and even longer walks on the road for them to arrive at Alexandria.

  7. I felt like the first half of the season dragged out Korra's injury and the second half rushed to the ending. It was particularly disappointing that her reconnection to the older avatars took two seconds in the spirit world and a quick explanation of "I was with you the whole time" from Raava. They'd made such a big deal about it in the past and then it wasn't used or mentioned at all afterwards. A conversation with Aang about making Kuvira surrender instead of outright killing her would've helped connect some lose strings.

  8. Garrett and David were basically both the epitome of "smart" Survivor players who are playing with endgame in mind from day one, which is an absolutely stupid decision at the start of the game. If David had made the right call and sent Kass on the helicopter, J'Tia would have been voted off after the first challenge and the Brains wouldn't have lost the second one.

    This. It's happened a few times in more recent seasons--people deciding they'd rather vote out their most physically gifted member instead of a weak link way too early on. If this were just days before the merge then, sure, it's smart. But David gunning for Garrett from the get-go was ridiculous. Also, Tasha crying because she couldn't get the chance to "play survivor" was laughable.

    I might've missed it but did Jeff explain the new rules of the Hidden Immunity Idol? Ironic that someone was voted out with an Idol in their pocket the first episode with that rule change.

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