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Posts posted by KingOfMyWorld

  1. I don't know if it really matters to many but Anarchy Wrestling is done. It was sold at some point in 2015 and ended their run in August, only to reopen with a new owner(no clue who) as Why We Wrestle a couple of months later. 


    Wrestling returns to The Church on October 10 under a new name, with new leadership and with a reconstituted talent roster. Many of the key people are leaning towards continuing. One pivotal figure that is not staying on is Bill Behrens, a loss that comes as a huge blow. Play-by-play announcer Bret Wolverton also finished up. More will be revealed in the weeks to come. Anarchy's Last Show Report this Quote is from.

    That's the only reason I know all this, I like to read Georgia Wrestling History's site and sometimes attend Anarchy shows and found out it was closed. Why We Wrestle only has a facebook page. But, the one show I saw was basically Anarchy with a new name, so I guess in theory you could just update the name and leave as is if you wanted to. Why We Wrestle FB Page

  2. Starfighter - There's no way they can remake this film. It's a great movie and today they just won't do it justice.

    Short Circuit - eh, I liked the first one...never saw the second one, so they can remake it and chances are I'll go and rent it, but really why not leave it alone, I don't see a big market for this type of movie now. It'll be like remaking Ghost Busters, you'd get a nostalgia hit, but little else, IMO.

    Porkys - I assume this means the recently released Trilogy is selling quite well, otherwise I don't think they'd revisit this, American Pie's have pretty much killed off this market, pretty much its a whole lot of the same and is getting stale.

    Dune - Please NO, if anything I want them to pick up where Sci-Fi left off with the Children of Dune miniseries, I want them to finish the last 3 original and 2 new books off closing out the remaining of Frank Herbert's books with movies. Although I didn't care much for the movie with Sting, I enjoyed the Sci-Fi version of Dune.

  3. I agree with Vilge Duin on almost all of that post. My Xbox is off to be fixed for the FOURTH time, and they want 100 smackers for the fix...slimy bastards. And I don't believe in DLC for any price other than free.

    The PS3 I've had since launch and it's always worked the best, HDMI helps to get a better pic than the components on the 360 although it's still only pulling 1080i, as I got an older LCD from before 1080p got huge. So GTA for PS3 is my choice, and I'm too used to its GTA control scheme to go changing now. Although I am aware they've changed the controls this time around, supposedly I can switch back to a "classic" control.

  4. I used to love that channel too, but as said above after a while it will lose its fun. Then I switched over to Toon Nick or seomthing like that and they did a lot of reruns of Doug, Hey Arnold and Rocko, but they've quit doing those shows in favor of the crap that comes on the normal Nick channel.

    And to the dude saying watch Wild N Crazy Kids, I've yet to see a rerun of that. I would love to see a full blown retro channel, it could include Hey Dude and Salute Your Shorts! That'd make my day.

  5. I say go with Xbox 360, they announced a new 3 year warranty today that covers the 3 red lights, and all other problems are under the 1 year warranty. The Online function costs 50 bucks a year, but it's by far the best way to game and the it has the biggest library out there at the moment, not to mention it costs less. I have both and find that the PS3 spends more time on the shelf than in use. Which is sad, but once you beat RFOM, you really have nothing left to play on the PS3 you haven't played on the 360.

  6. Are we all 100% Charlie is dead, he probably is, but I can hold onto hope. But really, he's a small enough dude to fit through that window in the room, he could somehow drift out if they want him to do so...

    But all around I enjoyed the episode and am in the looking forward to next season boat, although I'm not 100% sure I liked that ending with Kate and Jack. I look forward to seeing if they can build on it, or if it ruined it all.

  7. Honey I Blew Up the Kid: 5/10

    While nowhere near as good as the first movie of Shrinking the Kids, it was rather welcomed since it was the only thing on other than the Cosby Show at 3AM this morning.

    Star Wars Ep. I: 7/10

    It's definitely one of the worst of the six movies, but not the absolute worst. And while it didn't live up to the hype, it's not as bad as the critic reviews. I still prefer the original trilogy to the new one, but what can I say? Overall, the 7 could of been higher had they opted for no Jar Jar.

    Harry Potter I: 8/10

    I don't much care for the movies because the books just happen to kick their asses. But, I find that the Potter movies are ok for book adaptations. Most books don't do good movies, IMO. I mostly used it for backdrop while I read a book though. This one gets an 8 because I think it's the closest to any of the books as you can get...

  8. I can't bring myself to pay another 10 bucks for the DLC. I feel like the industry is looking to rip us off this way...release a partial game so we want to spend on the DLC.

    But now on to my question, if you resurrect gangs, does that bring back everybody or just random gangsters? And if it brings back everybody, will they take your stats and stuff effectively making you replay the whole game? I've grown bored as hell with no gangsters or anybody to shoot at, I've been picking fights with cops as I jump the rooftops hunting orbs.

  9. I'm interested to see where this goes now that they've released an ending is coming for the series in 2010. With each season for the next three years only having 16 episodes. :(

    I really enjoy this season compared to last, this year they seem to be back on track with the I don't realize it's over until it's over...where last season it was more droning on and on.

    Episodes like last weeks and a few others this season truly make you love the show. So much so that my grandparents are now watching it.

  10. PSN: KingOfMyWorld

    I don't own a game, I rent them occasionally from the blockbuster thanks to the no late fees stuff and the wonder that is My Coke Rewards. I'm currently rotating between Oblivion, F1, Motostorm, Resistance and MLB2k7. Right now I'm on Oblivion though and obviously it's not an online game.

  11. I gave mine to my brother because they only wanted to give 10 dollars credit for it at GameStop/EBGames. And Rhino was going to give me 20, but they shut down as GameStop has absorbed their company from Blockbuster.

    Well, if you have a love for Gameboy games(not DS though) you could get that attachment for the bottom of the Cube and make it a gameboy player.

  12. Is he not the one who said that the government should keep their asses out of the ratings system, it's up the fucking parents to teach their children right from wrong? If so I liked him, if he's on the other side, well I have no want for him, have a nice afterlife.

  13. I had this problem and within two weeks had the three lights of death after only having the thing for a month.

    Now I have a problem where it will 1 in 5 times not recognize a DVD and 1 in 10 times not recognize a game. Xbox told me to put it in my own box, pay my own shipping and send it to them, apparently a problem of their new warranty program, you get to pay the 25 bucks for shipping to them plus the cost of a box and protection.

  14. I wish they wouldn't fuck up season mode, I hate GM mode, and never play it, I don't like the new seasons, prefer HTCP and before style better, but at least Season is playable. WWE24/7 doesn't entice me. Unless this is just their way of saying we're dumping GM mode and going to a new season mode without all the GM hassle.

    But I think they should work on CAW changes, make them more superstar like, I hate the way CAW's compare to the guys in the game. I also hate the clothing and appearance options that the SDvR games have to them. And what about CAE? Create an Entrance should have more features like that of RAW and RAW 2. And CUSTOM ENTRANCE THEMES! And I wouldn't mind some allowance of letting you change the superstar outfits as well, or give us two or three a person, and not suits.

    All in all though, some of the changes look like they'll add more to the game, and I hope it does. Although I hope their not all having to do with the new grapple system, as I still don't use it.

  15. I don't understand why we needed this episode, these two came out of nowhere and have now gone nowhere. Hooplah. Although I too liked the twist on the end of the show.

    And as for Sun, Charlie and Sawyer, whose the daddy? Or was it not her that was pregnant.

    Of course, I love the way we get to see things that happened before to other characters and why they were where they were.

  16. The season started out kind of dull like last season, then went on that ridiculous break. What were the networks thinking? That was stupid, IMO. But it has become good again since it restarted, I like the way we've gone back to the first season feel where they leave you wanting more after it's over.

    Overall, the Locke episodes have generally been that much better than almost all the others. Whoever rights this must have bigger plans for Locke than the rest of them.

    And if Lost were to ever drop from ABC before it's finished, I'd bet a nut that some other network would pick it up in a heart beat.

  17. I think this is good news for those who have one or the other console. I myself will wait for reviews to see which console to buy for, but if they are the same, I'm going 360 as I'm used to it more than the other. Personally I hope it's more enjoyable than the other 3, but wouldn't mind if it was on par with 3. Which coincidentally I began playing again the other night when I got bored.

    I hope everyone isn't extremely surprised by this. I mean think about it, most of the developers were struggling to put out good hits for both consoles last generation because they had all these exclusive things. Well, now that everything is in HD, the costs have sky rocketed for production and the companies won't get as much money out of the games, now by releasing multi-platform, they get everyone who bought one but not the other console, which makes up the cost differences. That makes sense to me.

  18. I thought the porn industry chose the internet. Or was that just the consumers. :unsure:

    Anyways, I like the Blu-Ray and only have it because it came with my PS3 and the fact that I have movies because of the vouchers. But it's extremely hit and miss, one movie can look good and the next you might as well of gone and bought the 10 dollar used DVD at blockbuster. Everything I've seen in HD-DVD has been outstanding, but I believe it's also go this same problem. I like the HD-DVD because not only is it cheaper, but it can have a regular DVD on one side and the HD on the other. That's a nice option to sale more units I would think. Also, I like that function in HD-DVD where you get the little block in the corner that tells you shit, it's something like iHD either way it's an interactivity tool that plays in the corner when there is some activity possible in the scene.

    Although there is no real reason for either to win or lose, produce machines that play both or sign on to use Warner Brothers new disc they call the "Total HD" I think and that has both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD formats on one disc.

    And besides wouldn't the Blu-Ray being getting their huge 3:1 push from the PS3? Cause a report last month said that HD-DVD hardware was moving better than Blu-Ray not including PS3's. But the movies are as seen 3:1, 2:1 last month.

    All in all, HD-DVD is on par with Blu-Ray and sometimes better and vice versa, so for 200 I'd say go for it.

  19. I got one at launch, played Zelda, loved it. Wii Sports is good if you're bored as fuck and have some peeps over. But overall the game selection is DULL! I can't stand not having anything to play on it. Had I known then what I know now, I may of not gotten it. You can literally look at my calendar and see I play it a few days and usually take average of two weeks without turning it on. :/

    But from what I've played,

    Zelda - Great

    Red Steel - Only for Multiplayer with friends.

    WarioWare - Fun, needs some changes in multi. Can be beat in a matter of hours.

    Virtual Console - Great for those who like older games and would like to have them again. I personally have spent more in it than on games. Thank god for rentals.

    Wii Sports - A demo more or less, but fun if you're bored and have some people over.

    Wii Play - Hey it's a controller with a demo disc.

    Sonic - Ok, nothing else.

    Gamecube games - Hell Yes, helps when you have games left over but don't want to find the cube itself. I just wish the Wii games could use the Cube controller.

    Over all, I probably wouldn't do it again cause I got a PS3 too, but if you can't afford a 360 or PS3, I give it a must have once you wrap up the PS2 games.

  20. Nintendo quickly countered claiming that it was their idea before Sony decided to run with it.

    I agree it looks neat, I look forward to testing it out when the beta launches in April or something like that.

  21. So, does this mean Spears is going to open at the next Manson concert?

    Yeah, you'd think that CNN or Fox would cover this, I mean they've been getting off on nut job entertainers for years now. So until some other horrible source like ET or Access Hollywood announce it, I'm not inclined to believe it.

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