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Posts posted by moiversion1

  1. The stalker !!!!!!!

    - the last Raw made a 5.04 rating, the lowest since 6 weeks, WCW nitro made a excellent 5.86.

    -The WWF headquarters made their monthly financial report , here are the highlights :

    -public image : 9 % ( lowest ever )

    - 24000000 dollars have been made from the merchandising

    here are the best sellers :

    1) the undertaker 25%

    2) bret hart 20%

    3) shawn michaels 18%

    4) the rock 4%

    5) piper 3%

    6) mankind 3%

    7) razor ramon 3 %

    8) yokozuna 3 %

    9) steve austin 3%

    10) owen hart 3 %

    - the most over men in the wwf are :

    for the faces : 1) bret hart

    2) shawn michaels

    3)the undertaker

    4) the rock

    5) Vince Mcmahon

    for the heels : 1) mankind

    2) owen hart


    4) british bulldog

    5) skip

    - aldo montoya has 3 months left on his contract, the board is not sure to give him another.

    - WWF has acquired 2 young superstars , they will start with the USWA. Their names are AJ styles, and a diva Torrie Wilson.

    - Steve blackman has been called from uswa and he is now in the wwf roster. He should make his debut very soon.

    -WWf has announced that they dont fear wcw monday nitro. We all know that since one week , nitro is broadcasted on prime times. They destroyed Raw in the last rating. But Vince announced that raw is gonna be the best soon.

    -WWF has announced that they are in negociations with tv channels to have another show, just like the wcw with thunder. Vince said he had the idea before them .

    -Vince made a big announcement too : a wwf training camp will be opened next month to help and build the next wwf superstars.

    - the july pay per view will be : in your house mind games. But the board thinks about the fact to stop the in your house pay per views. And create some new unique ppv.

    -Vince has announced that in one month the wwf will be at wallstreet. Everybody will be able to buy wwf actions. He said he's gonna stay the owner he's gonna buy 51% but if somebody wants or can, he will be able to buy every 49 % left.

  2. user posted image

    Monday, The 4th of July 1996

    From Memphis, Tenessee

    attendance : 4036

    Vince McMahon is in the ring to welcome us...

    VINCE : welcome Ladies and gentlemen to monday night raw !! ( cheers )

    Im here, to introduce you someone you like, someone you respect, someone who's back...the WWF CEO Gorilla Mansooooooooooooooon ( big ovation )

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    VINCE : welcome back Mr Mansoon, I'm really happy to see you in that ring, we all were devastated after Mankind's assault on you. How are you now ?

    GORILLA : ( cheers ) : thank you people, Im really touched by your ovation ! im well, of course my throat hurts me sometimes, but i'm fine now. ( cheers )

    VINCE: happy to hear it. Now the question is : what about mankind ? what about the 1996 king of the ring ? what about the guy who brutally assaulted you ??

    GORILLA : let me....

    ( mankind's music is played, the king of the ring comes to the ring )

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    VINCE : dont touch him mankind, he is your boss....

    ( mankind takes the mic')

    MANKIND : hello Mister vince, im here tonight to thank one more time this guy....im here to thank gorilla who found and gave me back my dad...the last time, i thanked him with a mandible claw but then i didnt see him after that... ( boos )

    VINCE :wait a second, mankind, this thing wasnt your dad, that thing was the king of the ring trophy taht's all !! and the rock broke it last week !!

    MANKIND : yeah i know, the rock has to pay for that. But im a sympathetic man, i want to thank gorilla one more time ....

    GORILLA : wait a second mankind. What you did to me was a mistake.....but let's forget it. But you have to promise me something.... never touch an officiel anymore !!

    ( mankind has no time to answer, the undertakers shows up to a huge reaction and comes to the ring to attack mankind !! )

    The fans like this !

    ( but goldust arrives too, and for the second week in a row, the undertaker is dominated by goldust and mankind ! )

    GORILLA : come on road agents ! separate them ! I have something to say !!

    Undertaker , at in your house you will able to take your revenge because you will face goldust in a first blood match ! ( cheers )

    Ans you mankind, you’ ll fight with the rock ( mankind is very happy and hit his head on the turnbuckle !!

    Rating : 88%


    Commercial break


    ZIP w / sunny VS ???????? w/ sable

    Zip and sunny come to the ring first to a good heat. Sunny is more over with the crowd than zip !!

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    Now who is the sable choice ??

    the crowd is so hot for sable

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    BILLY GUNN !!!!! zip and sunny are just furious ! one half of the number one contenders !! the crowd is happy with this ! the match just starts !!

    After 2 minutes : sunny wants to put his hands on sable, but billy makes the save. But zip takes the advantage.

    After 4 minutes : zip is still dominating . Several head and arm locks but billy resists. Sable is motivating him

    After 6 minutes : sunny is distracting the referee but skip comes to the ring and hits billy gunn with his title belt ! what an upset ! zip makes the cover ! 1………2……….3 !!!

    Winner : Zip

    77, 78, 75 ***

    No time to celebrate ! bart gunn shows up and clean the ring to a good pop! Sunny is on the stage and takes a mic’

    SUNNY : at in your house, I wont be in the bodydonnas corner, and this is your fault, but you’re gonna lose, you can be sure of it !

    Ans sable, that’s not over, it was just the beginning of the lesson !!


    Bob backlund is now backstage with todd .

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    TODD : bob, you’re now back after 2 weeks because of several injuries you suffered at the king of the ring , thanks to razor ramon. How are you now ??

    BACKLUND : listen to me. What razoe did to me is a shame, I could have been killed, it wasn’t a wrestling match, it was garbage, it was nothing !!

    I want wrestling matches, with technical moves, slow action…;not this kind of aggression !

    TODD : razor ramon seemed to be ashamed last week, he nearly apologized , did you watch it ?

    BACKLUND : of course, I was in my house. I saw him in the ring, telling me to do another match, to choose the stipulation, and that clause is the most interessant to be honest todd.

    TODD : what do you mean?

    BACKLUND : I know I can easily defeat him in a normal wrestling match, I say this since one month, im always sure about it. The old generation is smarter than these idiots. I accept his challenge. At in your house, International Incident it’s gonna be : interconentinental championship match : razor ramon © versus bob backlund in a submission match !!! and there will be a new old schoold intercontinental champion !!!

    Rating : 74%


    Commercial break



    Good pop for savio, Salvatore was already in the ring.

    After 1 minute : Salvatore has a offense : after a cheap shot, the Italian hits a big knee drop, for the two count.

    After 3 minutes : savio is dominating easily. Nice suplexes, fireman’s carry, leglock , shoulder breaker, neck breaker. Savio is having fun.

    : carribean kick on sincere for the three count.

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    Winner : savio vega

    64,59,70 **1/2

    After the match stone cold steve Austin runs to the ring, and the two guys starts a brawl, but ted dibiase helps stone cold, and Austin can hit a stunner on the cool guy !


    A video is showed hyping the next pay per view : in your house international incident. Featuring :: undertaker vs goldust first blood match, mankind vs the rock, the bodydonnas vs the smoking guns with sunny banned from ringside.


    We are now backstage with Hunter Hearst Hemsley and Chyna

    HUNTER : you know honey, with you on my side, im gonna be unstoppable. Nobody will be able to defeat me. Im gonna quickly be a main eventer, I deserve this spot. And guess what ? im sure I wont be given a match at the pay per view ! this is not fair you know. But let me tell you, if I want a spot, Im gonna take it ! Nobody can tell me what to do. I do what I want. I am a high society man. All these superstars make me sick. Im better than them ans soon im gonna prouve it/

    Rating : 71%


    Commercial break


    All the camp cornette is in the ring : jim cornette, vader the british bulldog and owen hart.

    CORNETTE : people, let me tell you that the camp cornette is fed up with ahmed Johnson and jake the snake Roberts. My guys already defeated them , and they don’t let us alone. They are always behind us. We don’t fear them but to end this I want to say that at in your house international incident vader and the bulldog will fight Roberts and ahmed. And its gonna be the last match between these four. My guys have more important things to do now !

    BULLDOG : ahmed, Roberts it was funny to play with youfor 1 month. Now vader and I want more, we want titles, we want gold. Feuding with you is a shame for us. In two weeks we’re gonna defeat you, and shut your mouthes for ever.

    OWEN : ( loud boos ) : I agree with all my partners, they need to be in the main event, I am in the main event, at in your house, Im gonna compete with my brother bret for the title. Im gonna be the new world wrestling federation champion. After that, all the camp cornette will rule the wwf !!

    Rating : 70%


    Diesel is backstage in his locker room with road agents.

    DIESEL : did you see guys how I have been smart last week ? I destroyed shawn in this match. OF course, im not the number one contender but its just a matter of weeks. I just want to kick shawn out of the wwf.

    ( the road agents are not very happy with this…)

    DIESEL : you can fear me men. Im a the guy everybody fears. Im a next wwf champion, but for th moment im only the shawn michaels’ executioner !!

    Rating : 82%



    Very hot crowd for this match. As expected, jerry lawler is very very over with the people. Its Memphis, it’s a hometown hero.

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    Yokozuna and piper are heavily booed.

    After 1 minute : jerry lawler plays with the crowd to great reactions but yokozuna avalanches him in the corner.

    After 3 minutes : yokozuna is still dominating lawler with strong clothelines and a samoan drop for the two count.

    After 4 minutes : jerry cheap shots yokozuna to a good reaction and makes the tag with bradshaw.

    After 6 minutes ; yokozuna Is still in the ring, he’s very tired. Bradshaw hits the clotheline from hell but what ??? yokozuna doesn’t move !!! he gets exicted !! he makes the tag with piper to a great heat !

    After 8 minutes : piper is crazy tonight, he s threatening lawler , and insulting the crowd !

    After 10 minutes : piper dominates bradshaw, but this one can make the tag….lawler vs piper ! the crowd is hot !

    After 11 minutes : brawl between these two ! piper takes the advantage….serie of punches to the king’s face. Hard bodyslam for the two count.

    After 13 minutes : the 4 men are in the ring, the ref tries to separate yokozuna and bradshaw but he doesn’t see that …….jerry lawler hits a big big low bow to the hot rod ! the fans love it !.....and piledriver ! he makes the cover 1………..2………………………………….3 !! what a stolen victory !!

    Winners : jerry the king lawler and Justin hawk bradshaw

    77,77,78 ***

    After the match, lawler celebrates with the crowd. Piper says “ it wont be always like this “


    We are now backstage with sable and the smoking guns.

    BART : sable, you did a great job, earlier tonight, I think you could become a great manager for us. What do you think about it ?

    SABLE : im really proud to hear that. But im not sure. Obviously I hate sunny. But to be a full-time manager, I don’t know, I have to think about a little bit more.

    BILLY : don’t worry, honey, take your time. But what we would like the most, is to see you at ringside at in your house. Sunny wont be here, it’s a good chance for us.

    SABLE ; no problem, im gonna be here. It will be a pleasure to see sunny’s team lose his title.

    SMOKING GUNS : ok, see ya next week, bye honey.

    SABLE : bye bye guys.

    ( sunny and the bodydonnas comes to the locker room, sable screams )

    SUNNY : what do you think ??? you will become the new tag team champion’s manager??? WRONG !!! they wont be tag team champions, and you wont be their manager at in your house, I cant be at ringside, you don’t have this right too !

    SABLE : I have this right but…

    SKIP : shut up !! you have one week to think about it. In 7 days we’re gonna ask you this question : “ will you be the smoking guns manager at in your house ? “ if the answer is yes, you ‘d better be careful. Because you wont be called a sexy lady anymore !!

    ( they leave the locker room, sable is in shock and cries )

    Rating : 81% ( sable gained overness from that segment )


    Commercial break



    Good ovation for the champion. Jarrett cut a promo before the match.

    JARRETT : let me people tell you, that im happy and proud to be here in Memphis, Tenessee ( small cheers ) . I will be able to prouve that im a better dancer, singer, lover than the man you call elvis ‘ the king’ priesley ! ( great heat )

    But right now, its time for you hart to feel how im good !

    ( bret stops the promo and begins the match ! )

    After 2 minutes: old school wrestling, slow action. Technical mmoves, bret is a little bit faster.

    After 4 minutes: bret is locked in a armlock. Bret reverses it Jarrett is suffering.

    After 5 minutes: nice suplex on bret for the two count. Ddt, and legdrop still for the two count.

    After 7 minutes; bret has the advantage, he’s ready for the sharpshooter but Jarrett reverses it in a figure four leglock !! bret is in danger ! he doesn’t tap ! the crowd is hot !! he takes the rope. Jarrett is in fury ! and continue to attack the champion’s leg.

    After: 10 minutes : the two guys are on the top rope turnbuckle, Jarrett wants to apply a superplex…..the crowd is ready……no !!! bret punches Jarrett and he falls to the floor. Bret hits a elbow drop for the two count !

    After 12 minutes : bret hart hits the sharpshooter……..jarrett is screaming ! he doesn’t tape but what……………;here comes owen hart !!!! he’s at ringside :but bret continues to lock Jarrett in the sharpshooter and the blond guy taps out !!!

    Winner : bret the hitman hart

    83,84,81 ***1/4

    Owen is now in the ring, and wants to attack bret from behind but no !!!! bret knew that , he attacks owen and even locks him in the sharpshooter too ! the fans gro crazy for this !!!

    But big daddy cool diesel arrives !!!! he breaks the move, and punches hard bret, big boot to the face !

    Shawn Michaels now comes to the ring !!! the fans are on fire !!! shawn Michaels cleans up the ring with a superkick on diesel and on owen !!!

    Bret and shawn one more time look at each other to end the show !

    Rating : 94% diesel gained overness from that segment


    Quality show : 78%

    Best match : bret/ Jarrett

    Worst match : savio / sincere

    Best angle : after the main event

    Worst angle : camp cornette interview

  3. user posted image preview

    Tomorow night, Monday night raw will be aired from Memphis, Tenessee...the hometown of jerry the king lawler

    -last week the king challenged piper to a tag team match with their respective partners justin hawk bradshaw and yokozuna...how the fans will react to the king ? will piper and yokozuna be able to win that match ?

    -We'll see another match, a special one. For the first time the beautiful diva Sable will be a manager thanks to sunny. Last week sunny critized sable , she said that she is paid for nothing and challenged her to find a wreslter, to see how it is hard to be a manager...sunny will be in the other corner...no doubt an interesting match !

    - Bob backlund will go back tomorow night ! two weeks after the brutal beating he received from the intercontinental champion razor ramon ! the bad guy made a anouncement last week : he offered backlund a rematch at in your house, and the old school guy can choose the stipulation....we'll see what is his choice !

    -Finally, the wwf champion Bret hart will be in action. He will fight jeff jarrett in a symbolic town for him!

    owen, shawn and diesel will probably be involved in that match. The situation is critical between these four. Owen is officially th number one contender but shawn michaels and diesel want that shot too...We are just two weeks before the pay per view, maybe someting will be announced about it !

    all this and much more on raw !! usa network.

    ( back from holidays woooooooooooooooooooo (H) )

  4. The Stalker !!

    - the last raw made a 5.50 rating, its better than the wcw 5.45 !

    -wwf made 160400 dollars from the merchandise sales

    -Vince Mcmahon wasnt very happy after the show with the gorilla's injury angle. He tought it wasnt realisitc.

    -Vince is roumoured to be very very nervous. He knows that in one month the wwf will go to wallstreet and anybody will be able to buy half of the actions. He really hopes nobody rich enough will do it !

    -2 young wrestlers have signed a development deal with the wwf, but i dont know their names yet.

    - the rock is very over with the fans, high expectations for him.

    - the last main event was extraordinary ! owen hart and shawn michaels have a fantastic chemistry in the ring, maybe they will fight in a third match soon.

  5. user posted image

    monday the 27th of june 1996.

    Live from little rock, arkansas.

    attendance : 4010

    Vince McMhon is in the ring for the beginning of the show !

    VINCE : wlecome to monday night raw !!!!!! you all know that last night at the king of the ring, gorilla mansoon has been brutally attacked by the man called mankind, the new king of the ring. Unfortunetely, gorilla wont be here tonight ( boos) . But he will be back next week ! ( cheers )

    ( the mankind's music is played.....he comes to the ring.....loud boos )

    VINCE : warning mankind, dont do it. you risk to lose your job if you attack all the staff members !

    MANKIND : hello vince ( boos ) im here to tell you something. My dad has come home !!!! yesterday night mansoon gave me my dad...

    VINCE : what are you talking about....gorilla just gave you the king of the ring trophy

    MANKIND : it wasnt the king of the ring trophy...what i felt when this guy gave me that thing was extraordinary....i know now...gorilla mansoon is my dad !!!

    VINCE : but why did you lock him in the mandible claw if he is your dad ?

    MANKIND : because he left home years ago, leavin' me alone with my poor mum...i know that my mum is somewhere here, im gonna find her soooon ;.....HAVE A NICE DAY !!

    ( but the undertaker theme is played , mankind looks at the titantron, but the deadman comes from behind and assaults mankind )

    the crowd is very happy with this !

    ( but goldust now arrives, and attackes the taker. 2 on 1 , the deadman is dominated...mankind hits the mandible claw !

    rating : 88%

    goldust wins overness from that segment


    commercial break



    mixed reaction for the bad guy.

    its a squash. no offense for the brawler. a 3 minutes match razor wins with the razor's edge.

    winner : razor ramon

    ** 62. 57. 68

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    razor ramon takes the mic'

    RAZOR : well, backlund, i know that you're watching me. i want to tell you, yesterday wasnt the real razor. i didnt give you a chance to win.i was in fury with you, you stole my title, i hated you but i had to give you a real match. a real title match. ( the crowd is convinced and cheers for razor )

    that why, when you'll be back i 'll give you a match when you want where you want. you can even chose the stipulation, man. And its gonna be a real old vs new generation!


    A video is showed . Jerry lawler challenges piper.

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    LAWLER : piper ! maybe your big Japanese beat bradshaw at the king of the ring, he was lucky, that’s cool for you.

    You wont always be that lucky piper. My left foot is ok now, I can wrestle, However not with ou in a one on one.

    I want you and yozokuna uh…yakazunoo uhh your fat friend in the ring in a tag team match. And my partner is bradshaw.

    This time we’ ll show you how good we are. And this match will take place in Memphis, tenessee, my hometown next week on raw !!!!

    Rating : 74 %



    VINCE : people, this match is important because if the guns win it, they will have another title shot, and sunny will be banned from ringside for this match at in your house !

    good heat for sunny

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    Very good match, the crowd was really into it.

    After 5 minutes : billy had skip locked in a sleeper hold but snny distracted the ref, and zip made the save.

    After 10 minutes : nearfall for the bodydonnas when skip pinned bart with a ddt

    After 12 minutes : after another distraction, sunny has been threatened by billy, but skip rolled up him for the 2 count.

    After 14 minutes : bart used his legdrop from the top rope for the win !!!

    Winner : the smoking guns

    77, 78, 90 ****

    After the match, the guns celebrated with the crowd, and sunny promised a revenge !


    Commercial break


    Vince McMahon is in the ring for an interview

    VINCE : ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the world wrestling federation champion…bret the hitman hart !! ( fans go nuts )

    ( his music is played, and he comes to the ring to a great ovation )

    VINCE : bret, congratulations for yesterday, you defeated diesel 1-2-3 but after the match, one more time, your brother owen came to the ring and attacked you, and locked you in the sharpshooter;.

    BRET: yeah, I know my brother, he’s a great wreslter. Owen you could become the next big thing in this business but not in that way. To be the man, you have to beat in the ring your opponents not from behind.

    I had to battle hard to defeat diesel, but I won cleany. You defeated shawn Michaels but you used a chair to win. You are able to win cleany too. But I have no other choice but to face you now. Our parents are gonna be sad, but I have no choice, I accept your challenge. ( cheers)

    VINCE : now, lets talk about….

    ( the diesel’ s music is played, and big daddy cool shows up on the stage )

    DIESEL : ( boos ) well, bret, don’t talk about your brother yet. I didn’t finish my business, you defeated me yesterday but you have been great one night that’s all.

    I know I can defeat you everytime I want. I want a rematch bret.

    BRET : several wreslters deserve a title match. You had a chance, you lost. But its not a problem for me to face you one more time ! ( cheers )

    ( owen hart now arrives and stays next to diesel ) ( great heat )

    OWEN : no diesel, I deserve that match ! I destroyed shawn Michaels in a great match ! then I locked my brother in the sharpshooter.

    What have you done diesel ? you lost easily to him . I want this title match at the next pay per wiew in your house ! ( boos )

    BRET : why you too don’t come to the ring and ask me for that match ?? ( cheers )

    ( owen and diesel are walking slowly to the ring but the shawn Michaels music is played and the boy toy attacks owen and diesel !! )

    ( bret joins them, it’s a 4 men brawl !! the fans like this !! )

    VINCE :wait a minute men, wait a minute !!!

    ( the four men stop and look at vince )

    VINCE : I’ve just been informed that the CEO gorilla Mansoon is watching this at home and ordered a match for tonight….

    Tonight its gonna be : owen hart versus shawn Michaels !( cheers ) and big daddy cool diesel will be the guest referee !!

    But bret hart will be the guest enforcer !! ( cheers ) and the winner will face bret at in your house : international incident !!

    Rating : 92%



    JR : oh my god, look at the new hemsley’s valet ! she’s strong , she’s called chyna

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    VINCE : she doesn’t look like the usual hemsley’s valets type….

    Average match. The crowd always look at chyna.

    Hemsley wins the match with a pedigree.

    Winner : hunter hearst hemsley

    67;61;73 **1/2

    After the match chyna comes to the ring….and powerslams holly !!!! the fans are speechless !


    Commercial break



    This match has been signed because yesterday night, mankind pinned the rock to become the new king of the ring !

    Mankind comes to the ring with his trophy, he calls it his dad !

    The rock gets a good reaction, he’s getting more and more over with the crowds.

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    After 6 minutes : Mankind hits a strong double arm ddt on the rock for the two count.

    After 9 minutes : the rock hits a samoan drop , a slam, and wants to hit …..a sharpshooter !! the harts move ! but mankind escapes !

    After 13 minutes : mankind takes his king of the ring trophy and wants to kick the rock with but roky punches him and hits a necbreaker !

    After 15 minutes : the rock takes the trophy now…..and breaks it on the floor !! mankind goes crazy, he’s screamin “ you killed my dad “ he takes the bell but the ref tells him to not use it ! mankind kicks the ref with the bell ! he’s crazy !

    After 16 minutes : mankind wants to hurt the rock, but what ??? stone cold steve Austin is comin’ with ted dibiase and attacks the rock !!

    2 on 1 on the rock but stone cold kicks mankind with the bell too !

    The ref stops the match !

    No contest 82,79,86 ***1/2

    Stone cold is standing and screams “ Im the real king of the ring”

    But the savio vega’s music is played, and the carribean runs to the ring ! it’s a brawl !!! savio destroys dibiase and throws stone cold out of the ring ! he takes a mic’

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    VEGA : yeah stone cold, this is not over ! I want you in the ring, at in your house in a no holds barred match !!!

    ( stone cold is upset and leaves ! )

    Rating : 76%


    Sunny is now in the women’s locker room

    SUNNY : this is not fair to me ! im a manager and im banned from ringside for a title match !

    I wont be able to support my bodydonnas at in your house ! this is not fair to me !

    ( sable arrives to the locker room )

    SABLE : hello sunny.

    SUNNY : shut up, im thinking ! im the dominant female in the wwf and im bannes from ringside !!

    SABLE : but, you always interfere in the matches, this is logical , isn’t it ?

    SUNNY : you don’t even know what you’re talking about ! you don’t know what it takes to be a manager ! you are just paid to show your ass on the magazines !

    SABLE : please, I respect you, respect me too !

    SUNNY : if you are so smart, show me if you can be a manager ! show me ! next week I wanna see you at ringside with a wreslter, and we’ll see how good you are !

    SABLE : I don’t know i….

    SUNNY ; shut up and do it. Or maybe I can call the bodydonnas to teach you a lesson…

    SABLE : uh..ok I’ll do it, I’ll do it.

    SUNNY: now get out of my locker room

    Rating : 80% ( sable gained overness from that segment )


    A video is showed hyping the main event of the evening



    A video is showed : Remember last night when ahmed has been defeated by vader because of the bulldog. And later in the show, the bulldog has been pinned by jake the snake Roberts because of an ahmed’s vengeance !

    Strong reaction for ahmed. Big heat for the bulldog.

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    After 2 minutes : vader comes to ringside to see the match with cornette. The bulldog takes the advantage.

    After 5 minutes : while the bulldog distracts the referee, vader attacks ahmed, but Johnson replies and throws vader outta the ring !

    After 8 minutes : ahmed is dominating , the bulldog is overpowered. Nearfall after a terrible clotheline.

    After 10 minutes : jake Roberts arrives too. ….;and brawls with vader !! ahmed is distracted and the bulldog hits the powerslam 1……2………no ahmed esacpes !

    After 12 minutes : the referee tries to separate vader and the snake, cornette comes to the ring, and wants to kick ahmed with is racket, but ahmed takes it and kicks cornette ….and the bulldog with it !

    Jake roberts has seen it and leaves ! the ref makes the count 1……2……..3 !!

    What a victory !!

    Winner : ahmed Johnson

    78;79;76 ***

    But ahmed has no time to celebrate, vader is in the ring and hits the terrible powerbomb !


    A video hyping in your house : international incident is showed





    ovation for shawn

    First 5 minutes : technical job, the 2 wrestlers are working on the mat.

    After 8 minutes : shawn hits a running enziguiri . he makes the cover but diesel is couting very very slowly …..shawn is arguing with him and bret tells diesel that if he doesn’t count normally, he will count himself !

    After 11 minutes : shawn is still dominating, but owen comes back, and locks shawn in a armlock….diesel is about to end the match , but bret says that shawn has not give up !

    After 15 minutes : owen suplexes shawn 3 times and makes the cover 1..2.. no ! shawn escapes ! but diesel has count very quickly !

    After 17 minutes : owen wants to hit the sharpshooter but shawn reverses is in a small package……1…………………………………………..no owen escapes ! diesel is screwing Michaels !

    After 18 minutes : bret is now in the ring and warns diesel that it is the last time he screws michaels !

    After 20 minutes : owen is on the mat and shawn hits a top rope elbow drop ! he’s ready for the super kick…..but diesel tells shawn that owen seems to be hurt…..and what shawn hits the super kick on diesel !!!!!!! the crowd goes crazy !!

    After 22 minutes :bret hart is on in the ring, he’s the referee : shawn Michaels is ready for the super kick….owen recovers……..what ??? diesel is back in business and hits a clotheline on bret hart !! shawn wants to super kick him but diesel escapes and hits the jackknife powerbomb on Michaels….owen is smiling;…..but diesel says “ I deserve the title shot….not you ! I wont count you !!

    Owen is upset !! but bret hart stands up , and attacks diesel legs !!! owen is smiling again !!

    Bret locks diesel in the sharpshooter ! and throws him over the top rope ! owen now hits the sharpshooter on Michaels who is still unconscious after the powerbomb. Bret doesn’t like that…..but shawn Michaels taps !!! owen wins the match !! he’s the number one contender !

    Bret hart asks to stop the match…!! Owen is celebrating, and looks at bret face. The crowd is hot for this

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    Winner : owen hart

    95;91;100 *****

    End of the show

    Show quality : 81%

    Best match : owen/shawn

    Worst match : hunter hearst hemsley/ holly

    Best angle : bret/owen/diesel/gorilla/shawn/vince

    Worst angle : lawler

  6. user posted image preview !!

    - king of the ring 1996 is now history and tomorow its gonna be raw !

    yesterday night, there has been 2 winners in the ppv...

    - mankind : this rookie in the wwf just became one of the most feared guy in the roster. he's crazy ans he's the new king of the ring ! he defeated the rock and stone cold steve austin in the triple threat final. But when the CEO gorilla came to the ring to give him his trophy , Mankind applied the mandible claw on him in a one of the most shocking moment in history....

    also, mankind cost the victory to the undertaker. The deadman was about to defeat goldust, but mankind came from nowhere and brutally assaulted the phenom !

    why ? nobody knows it. Mankind will be at raw, what the undertaker , the wwf board will do ??

    - the other winner of the night is owen hart. firstly the canadian pinned shawn michaels in a great match, possibly the match of the year. But owen cheated to win that match he used a steel chair while the ref was KO. And after his brother defeated diesel to retain his title, owen came to the ring, and hitted the sharpshooter on him and celebrated in the middle of the ring...

    No doubt now that owen hart wants to take the wwf title and no doubt that bret wants a revenge...

    -we'll also have on raw an update on gorilla mansoon's condition after what happened yesterday night

    - one match is confirmed for tonight, the new tag team champions the bodydonnas will have to face again the smoking guns for a rematch !

    - jerry the king lawler will be interviewed in the ring after the yesterday's special attraction match ....

    - razor ramon will be in action too. we'll see how the fans react to him after what the bad guy did last night. obviously backlund deserved to lose, and give the belt back to ramon...but the terrible beating razor gave to him was .....strange.

    all this and much more on raw, usa network

  7. user posted image

    sunday, the 26th of june 1996.

    live from Anaheim, California

    attendance : 11043

    JR: welcome everebody to the 1996 king of the ring !!!!! what a hot crowd tonight, Jerry the king lawler and vince McMahon are my co-announcers !

    VINCE : absolutely jr, and remember king tonight you'll have to be ringisde for the special attraction match !

    KING: well, i dont know, my left foot is very bad, no its a joke, the guy i picked is perfect he's gonna destroy piper and his pick !

    JR: ladies and gentlemen, tonight the 1996 king of the ring will be honored, but for the first time in history the final is a triple threat match ! everything can happen with these 3 different guys !

    VINCE : and remember, every titles will be on the line, in the main event bret hart will compete with his biggest threat;......diesel. Also razor ramon will try to take his intercontinental belt that backlund stole 2 weeks ago

    JR: and the tag team championship will be on the line right now !!!




    billy and bart gunn are the first to come to the ring to a good pop.

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    the bodydonnas make their way to the ring now, good heat for them and especially for sunny.

    Everybody is in the ring right now, and sunny makes fun of the champions one more time !


    the match begins ! the champions are on fire ! they clean the ring, sunny is scared.

    after 7 minutes : bart dominates zip in the ring and makes the tag with billy. but sunny distracts the ref, and he refuses the tag. bart is still the ring, but zip recovered and makes the tag with skip.

    after 11 minutes : classis tag team match. bart is still in the ring, skip dominates him with good moves. the crowd wants billy.

    after 15 minutes : hot tag with billy...he cleans the ring, he throws zip over the top rope and destroys skip with a big clotheline in the middle of the ring. he makes the tag with bart. gunn takes skip in his arms and billy gunn is on the top rope turnbuckle....;and top rop legdrop !!! the crowd is happy with it !!! bart makes the cover .......1....................2.................no !! sunny is in the ring, she says to the ref that zip is injured outside ! the ref goes to see if he's ok....but in the same time sunny hits a big low bow on bart ! billy wants to put his hands on her...but zip comes from ringside and roll-up ......what ??? 1....................2..............................3 !!!

    we have new tag team champions ! bart gunn is absolutely furious, he screams, the ref doesnt understand.....the bodydonnas take their new belts and leave the ring quickly.....the smoking guns promise a revenge !

    winners and new tag team champions : the bodydonnas

    rating : 88% crowd reaction : 79% quality : 98%


    JR : what a cheat move ! this is unfair to the smoking guns who were about to win this match !

    KING : shut up jr, the bodydonnas won, that's all , they have superior intelligence...thanks to sunny !!!

    VI?CE : and now its time for a big big match !!!


    AHMED JOHNSON VS VADER w/ jim cornette

    ahmed is the first to come to the ring, he seems motivated !

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    vader comes now ! with his menthor jim cornette, this two feel confident for this match !

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    classic big men match. vader dominates first, but after 2 minutes ahmed comes back to business.

    after 4 minutes cornette tries to interfere but ahmed destroys him with a spinebuster on the floor. But vader retakes the advantage.

    after 8 minutes : vader wants to bodyslam ahmed but he returned the move and bodyslams vader to a great pop !! he prepares for the pearl river plundge...;but the british bulldog comes to ringside.... and ahmed tells him to get away...but vader recovered and brutally assaults him from behind and hits the vader bomb for the 3 count ! vader is celebrating with jim cornette and the bulldog !

    winner : vader

    rating : 81% crowd reaction : 76% quality : 87%

    but jakes roberts arrives ! the crowd is hot for this ! ddt on vader ! wooo , the big man is outta business, jakes uses the tennis racket on cornette , cornette is out of business....jakes hits 3 clothelines on the bulldog and takes the mic'

    ROBERTS : bulldog, our match starts right now !! ( cheers )

    the bulldog has no offense for the 3 first minutes, roberts is very strong.

    after 3 minutes : bulldog reverses a ddt attempt. and takes the control of the match .

    powerful moves , very good suplex for the nearfall.

    after 10 minutes : jake roberts hits the ddt on the bulldog .......1..........2 but no !! the bulldog puts his feet on the bottom rope ! roberts is frustrated ! he wants to hit another ddt...but the bulldog reverses it in a powerslam 1......2............no !!! jake roberts recovers ! bulldog cant believe it ! jim cornette tells the referee he didnt count fast enough.....but in the same time ahmed johnson comes back to the ring a little injured , assaults the bulldog and hits the pearl river plundge ....jake makes the cover 1.................2..................3 !!!! what a victory !

    jim cornette is in shock, he's screaming on the ref, ahmed is back backstage and roberts celebrates with his snake !

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    winner : jake the snake roberts

    rating : 75% crowd reaction : 76% quality : 73%


    JR : did you see that king ! a very good victory for roberts thanks to ahmed but a terrible defeat for the camp cornette !

    KING : sut up jr, ahmed johnson made a mistake, he's now a deadman, the camp cornette is gonna destroy him !

    VINCE : now, an emotional match , the intercontinental title, take a look.

    we see a video. three weeks ago , backluns was frustrated for not being in the king of the ring tournement and insulted the new generation. But the intercontinental champion razor ramon came to him, and made fun if him !

    the next week , backlund took his revenge....a viscious chair shot made razor unconscious...and he stole his title.

    Since two weeks now, bob backlund hang over with the intercontinental title.

    last week a razor ramon promised bob backlund a fight and a chair shot...lets see what will happen !




    razor is the first to come to the ring. he's angry, very good pop for him.

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    bob backlund is next, carrying the intercontinental title, loud boos for him.

    razor cant wait, and runs to him ! clotheline in the middle of the stage ! its a fight ! backlund cant move , razor is crazy and the crowd loves it !

    razor ramon is still destroying backlund , the ref tries to stop him , bur nobody can !

    backlund is now bleeding ! the ref tells ramon to go back to the ring....razor doesnt want....he takes a chair....the fans like it.....they want it.......CHAIR SHOT on the backlund's head !!!! the ref rings the bell for the disqualifiction. the crowd boos that !

    razor ramon finally takes his title....and hits backlund with !!

    and now he celebrates with the fans! the doctors come quickly and bring backlund backstage on a stretcher !

    winner via disqualification : bob backlund

    rating : 77% crowd reaction ; 78% quality : 76%


    JR : oh my god, im not the biggest backlund's fan but i hope he's gonna be ok, but lest admitt that he deserved that !

    KING: are you kidding me ??? this poor bob wanted a classic match with ramon ? and what he got ? a brutal unfair and illegal beating ! i hope he's gonna be ok and will take his revenge soon !

    VINCE : well, king, you have talked enough, time for wrestling, your special attraction match is now !

    here are the rules ; piper and the king had the choice a wreslter, these wreslters are gonna compete, and piper and king will be their managers at ringside but cant brawl together !


    the king is already in the ring

    KING : now people, here is my idiot oponent....piper !! ( great raction ! )

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    the hot rod seems confident for that match !

    KING: anyway, piper, you shouldnt be confident, my pick is the future of this businness, he has strenght, intelligence, and everything a main eventer needs....ladies and gentlemen welcome.................justin hawk bradshaw !!!!! ( no reaction )

    ( bradshaw and king shake hands )

    PIPER :well, i dont need to introduce my pick, and i dont need to explain you his abilities???just welcome.......YOKOZUNA !!!!!!!!!!!! ( the fans go crazy )

    ( lawler and bradshaw are just scared !! )

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    the big guy is now in the ring, the match can starts.

    just a squash : yokozuna is too strong for bradshaw !! legdrop, samoan drop, avalanche....on bradshaw !

    after 5 minutes : yokozuna tries to run on the rope but jerry takes his feet ....and bradshaw hits the clotheline from hell for the 2 count !

    after 10 minutes : bradshaw has several offenses neckbreaker, clotheline, but always for nearfalls !

    piper and the king are arguing at ringside !

    after 15 minutes : finally yokozuna sits down on bradshaw for the three count and celebrates with piper !

    the king is furious !

    KING: this is unfair, your pick is too big, i want a rematch with another guy to choose ! that unfair !

    PIPER : he you want a rematch bastard, its only gonna be lawler vs piper !! ( cheers )

    winner : yokozuna

    rating : 72% crowd reaction : 66% quality : 79%


    JR : we can see it now vince, the king deserved to lose that match ahaha, cant wait for a the king vs piper match !

    VINCE : allright, but now, its time for a terrible goldust vs the undertaker !!!!



    spectacular entrance for the undertaker. best pop of the night

    good entrance too for goldust anf good heat.

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    classic match between these two. Undertaker more powerful but thanks to several cheat tactics, goldust is able to win.

    after 20 minutes; the undertaker is about to hit the tombstone piledriver but ................MANKIND comes from nowhere !!! and assaults the undertaker , he destoys his head with big punches, and hits the mandible claw !! what an assault !

    gold leaves the ring with marlena...mankind plays the fake piano with his hands !!

    winner via disqualification : the undertaker

    rating :83% crowd reaction : 86% qualiy : 78%


    JR : oh my god, i've never seen the undertaker assaulted like that ! mankind is a crazy man ! he attacked the undertaker ! the phenom of the wwf ! and this guy could be the king of the ring tongiht....

    VINCE : the wwf could enters a new era with that man...anyway...its time for a big match shawn michaels vs owen !!!

    a video is showed : 3 weeks ago , shawn decided to trust again diesel. They competed with the hart brothers but diesel turned on him and destroyed him !

    the folowing week, shawn teamed with bret hart against diesel and owen. But one more time, the heels won it...thanks to a super kick to bret's face. diesel pinned hart and deserved his title match tonight. And shawn michaels has to fight with owen.

    great ovation for michaels's entance.

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    owen is the most booed guy of the night !

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    ***** match between this two.

    35 minutes of pure wrestling. the crowd has loved this match !

    after 12 minutes : shawn michaels is about to tap out after owen has hitted the sharpshooter !! but shawn escaped !

    after 17 minutes : shawn michaels hits the super kick , but owen puts his feet on the ropes !! good pop for this !

    after 19 minutes: shawn michaels hits the sharpshooter ! the fans go nuts! owen is very close to tap but reverse the move and applies the sharpshooter too !!! shawn michaels dont tap !

    after 22 minutes: the 2 guys are tired. But owen escapes from a super kick attempt, but not the ref ! the two guys are alone in the ring !

    after 25 minutes : owen has brought a chair ! but shawn escapes and a hits a ddt on the steel chair ! for no referee !

    after 27 minutes : a new referee comes, owen hart is bleeding. shawn michaels is preparing for the super kick one more time.....he hits it !!! owen is ko ! 1..............2.....................no !!! that incredible ! owen escaped from the super kick !

    after 30 minutes : shawn goes on the top rope and gets ready for the moonsault....but owen runs on the rope and......top rope german suplex !!!!!!!!!!

    1......................2...................no !!!!!! shawn escaped !!

    after 32 minutes : owen is ready for the sharpshooter, he hits it....but shawn doesnt give up ! owen is frutrated, he wants to use the chair ! but the ref tells him to not use it !! they are arguing ! but shawn recovers and hits a clotheline on....no !! owen escaped and one more time the ref is out of business !!

    after 35 minutes: there is no referee, owen takes quickly the chair and destroys shawn's neck with it ! ha makes the cover ........the first ref comes to the ring slowly ..........1..............................................2.........................................3 !!

    what a victory ! owen used that chair to win ! but what a match, the 2 are bleeding !

    standing ovation for this match

    winner : owen hart

    rating : 95% crowd reaction : 90% quality : 100%




    austin comes the ring first with ted dibiase.

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    the rock is next...

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    and finally , with a big heat...mankind !!

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    a very good 20 minutes match. the fans liked it.

    after 5 minutes : the rock is dominated by the hardcore style of mankind, and and the cheat tactics of stone cold. Mankind hits a legdrop on rock's nose.

    stone cold asks for dibiase helps....

    after 10 minutes: the rock is back in the match : he's electrifying...the fans like that. ddt on stone cold for the 2 count. neckbreaker on mankind...

    after 12 minutes : mankind is on the top rope but austin throws him outta the ring...but the rock hits the rock bottom on stone cold....1......2...... ted dibiase disctrats the rock !!

    after 17 minutes : mandible claw on the rock !!! but stone cold hits the stone cold stunner on the 2 other wreslters !!!! 1...................2.................what ?? savio vega comes to ringside !!!! stone cold cant believe it ! he joins vega out of the ring and the brawl begins !!

    after 20 minutes : mankind and the rock recovers in the same time....;the rock wants to hit the rock bottom but mankind reverses it in the mandible claw !!

    submission....the ref asks to ring the bell ! we have a winner !!!

    winner : mankind

    rating : 82% cowd reaction : 78% quality : 87 %

    mankind is the new king of the ring ! stone cold cant believe it ! he continues to fight with savio vega !

    these two are separated....and brought backstage. mankind is in the ring.

    gorilla mansoon arrives with the king of the ring trophy

    GORILLA :ladies and gentlemen...the new....king.....what ???????????? mankind applies the mandible claw on gorilla !!! what a shocking moment !!

    mankind celebrates with his trophy calling it....his dad !!!


    JR: mankind ...this guy is dangerous for every wwf employees...he's the new king of the ring !

    VINCE : yeah, he's undefeated in the wwf, he could be the next challenger to the wwf title !

    KING: and now its time for the main event !!




    bret hart comes to a monster pop.

    diesel is booed, but he doesnt care at all !!

    a very good 25 minutes match !

    after 10 minutes : bret hart is still working on diesel leg, good way to prepare the sharpshooter !

    after 12 minutes : diesel is more powerful than hart and hits several hard big boots to his face, but everytime for a two count. diesel is frustrated

    after 15 minutes : diesel hits a hard sidewalk slam, and then wants to hit the jacknife powerbomb but bret reverses it in a spectacular hurricanrana !

    after 17 minutes : diesel is locked in a leglock, he seems to be hurt. but he doesnt tap.

    after 19 minutes : the two guys are out of the ring. they brawl. but diesel slams hardly hart in the spanish table ! ( holy shit chant ) diesel is back to the ring. the ref countq 1.......................2................3..............4..................5....................6...................7................bret stands up .............8...................9................he's back in the ring !

    after 21 minutes : diesel is hurt. his leg seems to make him suffer. he cant hit the jacknife powerbomb !

    after 23 minutes : bret legdrops diesel. he's ready for the sharshooter !! here we go !! diesel doesnt tap ! the fans go crazy for this ! diesel touches the rope, but bret hart brings disel in the middle of the ring.....he taps!!!!!

    ovation for the hitman!!

    he retains the title!!

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    winner ans still champion : bret the hitman hart

    rating: 89% crowd reaction: 89% qsuality: 89%

    but what??????????????????? owen hart runs to the ring and assaults bret!!! he applies another sharpshooter !!!!!

    bret is ko in the ring!

    owen celebrates with the wwf belt!!!!!!

    end of the show!

    ppv buyrate: 0.91

    best match : owen vs shawn

    worst match : yokozuna vs bradshaw

  8. user posted image preview !

    tag team championship match : 3 weeks ago, the bodydonnas won the number 1 contender spot to the godwins in a controversial match. since that, sunny, skip, and zip try to destroy the champions before their matches. will the champions finally take their revenge?

    ahmed johnson vs vader w/ jim cornette: this match promises to be very spectacular. these 2 guys are muscled , big and they hate each other. WIth no reason, over the past month, the camp cornette attacked ahmed and jake, and at the king of the ring, ahmed will have the chance to show what he's able to do.

    jake the snake roberts vs the british bulldog : gorilla mansoon booked that match for the same reason than ahmed / vader. With his old school style, roberts will try to resist to the spectacular strenght of the bulldog.

    intercontinental championship : its a war between these two. All started when backlund made a bad comment on the new generation wrestlers, razor ramon the champion mocked him. The folowing week, backlund brutaly gave a chair shot to ramon, and stole his title. At the king of the ring, razor will try to take what belong to him.

    king's choice vs piper's choice : because of an "injury" the king cant compete. so They have to pick one wrestler who'll represent them in the ring. the king and the hot rod will be at ringside to be their managers. No doubt they're gonna motivate their " pick" because honor is on the line with this match.

    the undertaker vs goldust : Goldust has attacked the taker several times on the past monthes, and the undertaker decided to end this. HE challenged goldust to a match at the king of the ring. But goldust is absolutely sure to win it, he says he has a plan...will the dead man be able to defeat goldust and his plan ?

    shawn michaels vs owen hart : 3 weeks ago, hbk accepted to team with diesel one more time. They faced owen and bret. But owen and diesel turned on their partners and destroy them. The next week gorilla mansoon booked a tag team match, but one more time owen and diesel took the win in a controversial finish. No doubt this match will be an emotional one.

    King of the ring final : triple threat : stone cold vs the rock vs mankind. These 3 guys have different histories but something in commun. They are young and they are in final of this tournement. This is a triple threat because in the semi final, the rock and mankind fought to a no contest, while austin simply stole his victory over ahmed johnson. and gorilla booked this match. Stone cold will have ted dibiase in his corner, but savio vega will be present.....the biggest enemy of mankind is....mankind , and the rock is a young but tough superstar ?

    who is gonna be the 1996 king of the ring ?

    wwf championship : bret hart vs diesel : same story than hbk owen . but in the last week tag team match, its diesel who pinned bret hart in the middle of the ring.

    no doubt the hitman wants to show diesel and the world that he deserves to be the champion......

  9. The Stalker !!

    The last raw made a 5.50 rating and beat monday nitro !

    the wcw ppv made a 1.31 buyrate. We'll see what is gonna the king of the ring's one.

    Nobody expected the finish of the last raw main event...it was clear that bret had to face his brother at the king of the ring....But the officials changed the plans....rumours say because of a very next owen face turn...wait and see....

    No rumour for the king of the ring tournement winner....stone cold seems to be the favorite but anything can change.....

    -i've been told that the mysterious personn who is gonna buy half of the wwf actions at wallstreet would like to be the head booker of the federation !

    6 days before the ppv : here is the complete king of the ring card :

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    bret hart © vs diesel


    the rock vs stone cold steve austin w/ ted dibiase vs mankind

    - shawn michaels vs owen hart

    -goldust vs the undertaker


    razor ramon © vs bob backlund


    jerry lawler's choice vs rowsy roddy piper's choice

    -jake the snake roberts vs british bulldog


    the smoking guns © vs the bodydonnas w/ sunny

    -ahmed johnson vs vader

  10. user posted image

    Monday, the 20th of june 1996

    live from, Los Angeles California

    attendance : 4018

    Hot crowd tonight. Piper is in the ring, but he's dressed as jerry the king lawler !

    PIPER : Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the piper's piiiiit ! (pop)

    you see, im dressed as the king lawler, because last week he was dressed as me, and made fun of me, and cost me the match. I'm angry !

    I wanted to invite him to the pit, but, you know what, the king is sometimes hard to understand so, i decided to answer for hiiim ( laughs )

    i think the king would say that : " wowo scottish guy, you're not cool, im the best, im a ppv announcer , you're nothing but a drunk guy ! ( boos )

    Come on, people, dont be too hard for this poor king, and i have a question for him well, not a question but an appointment....

    King, this sunday, you'll have to pay the price, i want you in the ring, at the king of the ring ! i'll be waiting for you

    # the king's music is played, and lawler comes to the ring # ( burger king chant )

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    KING : Wait a second scottish guy, you're not cool, im the best, im a ppv a...( the crowd laughs ) ...what's the problem with you people ??? you need a psycologik help !

    Piper, I Would very happy to beat you this sunday ( cheers ) but im a little injured. ( boos ) .....its true ! I have a problem with my left foot ! i cant wrestle this sunday !

    PIPER : well, people, ....do you believe him ? ( liar chant )

    KING : its true, i have in my hands, the letter of my doctor who proves it....come on read it ! ( piper takes the letter....and throw it ou of the ring ) ( the king is afraid, the crowd pops )

    What are you doing idiot??

    PIPER i dont need to read it, you're nothing but a loser !

    KING : hold on, rowdy, hold on. I have a proposition for you. We can meet each other at the king of the ring but not as wrestlers.......just as MaNAGERS !

    in fact, i have an idea. each one can choose a wrestler, with us as managers, and compete in a match. Im sure, that my pick is gonna be the best ! ( boos )

    PIPER : i dont want, i just want thats all !

    KING : you dont have any other choice man !

    PIPER :.....here is my answer

    piper kicks tlhe king's left foot !!! and leaves the ring !!

    PIPER : see ya, this sunday jerry ! ( rowdy chant )

    rating : 78%


    A video promo is aired showing razor ramon in his house.

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    RAZOR : Backlund, i hope you're happy, your chair shot hurted me. I Have to stay at home . And i hope you have fun with my intercontinental belt !

    its my title, i won it , i gave my heart and my soul to have to chance to have it !

    and you, just because of jealousy, you stole it !

    Thats cool, You challenged me to try to retake it at the king of the ring....im gonna do it....but i want to give you back something else....the chairshot !

    in 6 days, backlund the new generation is gonna bury you !!!!

    rating ; 80%


    GOLDUST w/ marlena VS BOB HOLLY

    Spetacular and classic entrance for goldust.

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    Holly was already in the ring. holly had 4 or 5 offenses but Goldust won it with the shattered dreams.

    After the match,12 druids came around the ring ... the undertaker's music played, and his face appeared on the titantron.

    UNDERTAKER : Goldust, this sunday, at the king of the ring....your soul is gonna rest in....peace ! ( great pop )

    goldust seems to fear that, he takes marlena with him, and runs to the backstage.

    winner : goldust

    rating ; 77%




    a video is showed, hyping the king of the ring semi finals.




    ted dibiase has hired 5 bodyguards to protect the ring from savio vega !

    good pop for ahmed entrance.

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    big heat for stone cold's.

    The match is good, the two guys have the opportunity to dominate the other.

    But after 15 minutes,ahmed escaped from a stunner attempt and hits the pearl river plunge ! but ted dibiase distracts the ref !

    what ??? in the same time, vader and the british bulldog come to the ring and assault ahmed ! bulldog hits the powerslam on him ! and they leave quickly by the crowd !

    the ref comes back to the ring...jake roberts arrives ! and runs toward the camp cornette !

    stone cold puts his hand on ahmed.....1.....2......3 !!

    winner : stone cold steve austin

    rating : 79%

    stone cold goes to the final !! ted dibiase helps stone cold to stand up and celebrate the victory.....but savio vega runs to the ring....and assault the bodyguards ! the crowd is hot for this !

    he throws each in every bodyguard over the top rope...and assaults stone cold steve austin !

    the road agents come in the ring too, ans separate them!

    the crowd is very happy with that segment !

    rating : 80%


    Sunny is now backstage with the bodydonnas

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    SUNNY : billy and bart, last week we showed our superior intelligence !

    skip and zip easily beat you backstage, just like they're gonna beat you sunday fot the tag titles!

    The world wrestling federation tag team roster doesnt deserve to have tag team champions like you!

    My bodydonnas are so smart, strong, fast that nobody can defeat them. especially you, the smoking guns !

    SKIP : smoking guns, this sunday, there is gonna be a new tag team champio...the bodydonnas !

    ZIP : and there is nothing you can do about it !

    rating : 87%






    The rocks makes his way to the ring to a good pop, he seems concentrate.

    user posted image

    Mankind comes now...he's running and attacks the rock.

    its a brawl !

    mankind is a specimen..but the rock doesnt want to be impressed.

    Mankind dominates a little, with all his very hard moves....double arm ddt, elbow drop.... the rock does not give up and hits 2 ddt, 1 legdrop, samoan drop....

    after 20 minutes of brawling, mankind hits the mandible claw but the rock reacts immediatly and hits the rock bottom....just for the two count !

    the crowd is hot !

    The rock looks at the crowd, he doesnt know what to do....mankind stands up !

    the match continue for 5 minutes....but mankind go crazy, he leaves the ring, takes a chair....comes back to the ring....the ref warns him....he's in front of him...but the rock has taken a chair too !!!! mankind and rocky use the chair in the same time and the ref takes it !

    the rock seems sorry ...and mankind hits the mandible claw !! the crowd is hot !

    a new ref comes to the ring......and asks for the double disqualification !!!!

    No Contest

    rating : 81% crowd reaction : 75% quality : 85%

    Mankind hits the mandible claw on the ref, and leaves the ring, the rock is brought to the backstage !

    but that could mean that....stone cold steve austin is the new king of the ring ???

    gorilla mansoon arrives in the ring to a good pop !

    MANSOON : Well, what happened moments ago was a bad thing, i hope the referee is ok. But i have a hard decision to take....the rock and mankind has been disqualified...stone cold is the one guy left in the tournement...he should be king....but i have a better idea.....(pop)

    i announce that at the king of the ring final its gonna be : stone cold steve austin vs the rock vs mankind in a triple threat match !! ( the fans go crazy)

    But im here tonight to announce something else. At the king of the ring , you'll have to chance to see two matches more : jake the snake roberts will fight with the british bulldog and vader will compete with ahmed johnson !! ( pop )

    and someting else. Last week diesel and owen hart have stopped a good wrestling match, just to attack their partners. I cant stand this....that why, i decide .....live, here, tonight, in the main event, its gonna be diesel and owen hart versus shawn michaels and bret hart ! and the guy who pins another will compete with him this sunday at the king of the ring !( ovation )

    rating : 82%




    a video is showed. Earlier tonight , when goldust was backstage after undertaker's promo.

    GOLDUST : undertaker, you make me angry; welcome to the jungle, this sunday, i will show no mercy....and you'll remember the name offff golduuuuuuuust

    rating : 81%


    Diesel and owen hart are backstage

    DIESEL : you heard that owen ? if i pin bret, im gonna have a wwf championship match this sunday ! i know michaels is my enemy but a title shot...

    OWEN : wowow, the deal was clear, man, you destroy michaels, i destroy my brother, nothing more. you're not my friend, not a camp cornette member, we are just associates.

    DIESEL : ok, we'll see that....lets go...

    rating : 86%



    bret and shawn are super overs

    owen and diesel the heels of the night.

    user posted image

    The match starts with shawn against owen, classic work.

    the match, is very good, technical moves, submission moves, powerful moves


    after 20 minutes : bret has diesel beat, but ke wants owen and tags with shawn who comes in the ring for the two count !

    after 27 minutes : the four men are in the ring its total action, diesel and bret are the legal men.....the faces dominate....shawn michaels wants to hit the sweet chin music on owen..... owen escapes but not bret !!!! bret is unconscious !

    shawn michaels does not believe it ! diesel ......big boot on michaels....and owen hits the sharpshooter on michaels ! the ref tells him to stop ! owen stops, but he's angry! and diesel covers bret......1....2...............3 !!!!! diesel pinned the wwf champ ! he has his wwf championship match at the king of the ring !!

    owen and diesel look at each other owen seems to be in fury !

    rating : 91% crowd reaction : 89% quality : 93%

    end of the show.

    rating : 5.50

    best match : diese and owen vs bret and shawn

    worst match : goldust vs bob holly

    best angle : sunny

    worst angle : piper's pit

  11. Monday Night Raw Preview !

    the last raw before the king of the ring pay per view promises to be exciting :

    in fact, you'll have the chance to see the semi finals of the king of the ring tournement.

    Firstly, Stone cold steve austin and ahmed Johnson will compete in the first semi final. We know that last week , dibiase and austin warned savio vega to not interfere in the match ? Will the carribean listen to them ?

    In the second match, the blue chipper the rock will try to defeat the man called Mankind. This disturbed masked man brutaly destroyed marty janetty last week with a very hardcore style. Will the young rocky be able to win ?

    In the last week main event, owen hart and diesel turned down on their respective partners bret hart and shawn michaels. This two guys were in fury backstage after the show. Gorilla Mansoon has announced this week he will say something about that.

    We also know that the camp cornette especially vader attacked jake roberts and ahmed johnson with no reason...No doubt these two guys will try to take a revenge!

    also, goldust will be in action after the last week announcemment : undertaker vs goldust at king of the ring !

    all this and more, tomorrow night on raw !! usa network

  12. thank you for " 2005 " im an idiot :)

    im sure that you point out numerous things so i could improve in the future, but i would have appreciated a small " keep working " or something positive.

    because i was ready to kill my self after what you said :shuriken:(H)

    and to be honest, im a reader of your diary (Y)

  13. dates wrong ?

    for michael Cole, you're true, im gonna use dok hendrix now. Even if cole was already in the staff in 1996.

    for the banner, of course, its not the good one, but i think this is not the most important.

    and for the grammar ..... :w00t: i will try to improve it .

    but i dont write the diary to be a hall of famer, or something like this. i just write for my pleasure. of course, its good when people likes your work.

    i know my english is not that good, unfortunetely, i dont know a french ewr diary forum...i you know one, give me the address please (Y)

    and if i aked you to do a diary in french, i think the results could be as " good " as mine :)

    so, dont judge me like a "professional" but just like a guy who has fun

  14. user posted image

    live from Miami, Florida.

    Monday the 13rd of june 1996

    attendance : 4025

    JR and Vince Mahon welcomes us for a new monday night raw !!!

    JR : welcome everybody, tonight the wwf is on fire, with two quarters finals of the king of the ring tournament, and in the main event a strange , a dream match : shawn michaels and diesel runite to go against the hart brothers bret and owen !

    VINCE: allright jr ! and more ! gorilla has announced earlier tonight that he booked a goldust vs the undertaker match at the king of the ring !

    JR : now, its time for wrestling !!

    rating : 83%



    an old school match, with technical moves, jake was very close to hit the ddt several times, but bulldog escaped.

    At one point, vader came in the ring and nearly "killed " the snake ! vader bomb !

    cornette is now in the ring too, and hit jake with his tennis racket !

    what a demolition !

    the referees asks to ring the bell , the bulldog is disqualified !

    but ahmed johnson runs to the ring and throws cornette over the top rope ! and now attacks the bulldog ! but vader comes from behind and hits the vader bomb too !

    the snake and ahmed are injured, the camp cornette celebrates, the fans hate that, and boo them strong !

    winner via disqualification : jake the snake roberts

    rating : 75%


    Razor Ramon is now backstage with Michael Cole

    COLE: hey razor, you're the interconitenal champ, arent upset with not being in the king of the ring tournement ?

    RAZOR : no thats cool, the eight guys are good , they deserve it, i need to concentrate on my title, i know lots of guys would like to steal it to me !

    ( bob backlund has come to the room and kicked razor with a steel chair !!!!!!!!!razor is on the floor....he's not moving !)

    COLE : oh my god, call for a doctor, backlund what happened to you, are you crazy??

    BACKLUND : look at this, people, your champ in on the floor,thanks to my chair shot !

    razor showed me disrespect last week , he represents the new generation i hate him , now, you see, how the old school is good, Mr Bob Backlund rules !!

    (backlund takes the title in his hands and leaves with it !!

    BACKLUND : if you want your title back.....i'll be waiting for you at the king of the ring ! ....oh and something else.....cole : i am not crazy !!!!!!!!!

    ( he applies his chicken wing on cole !! )

    rating ; 75%




    faarooq dominates the begining of the match. but After several minutes, the rock takes the advantage and after a strong ddt, he hits the rock bottom on his oponent to get the win at 7.02 and advances to the semi finals

    the fans like it !.

    the rock celebrates with them

    winner qualified for the semi finals : the rock

    rating ; 72%


    A Video promo is showed. We see ted dibiase and stone cold steve austin

    TED: My machine stone cold steve austin is qualified to the semi final of the king of the ring, and i put 1000 dollars on the table that he's gonna be the king !

    My money can do anything, but stone cold doesnt need it, he's just great and i have a special message for somebody

    STONE COLD ; savio vega, the way you treated me last week was a big mistake. Nobody can assault me, or tell me that im lucky....As soon as im the king of the ring, you're gonna be my priority, dont worry guy, you will regret that day 'til the end of your life !

    TED : and dont even try to put your hands on stone cold before he"s the new king of the ring ! i hired several bodyguards for the next week semi final....you cant do anything savio !

    rating : 82%



    backlund controlled the match at the beginning, but piper in his typical style took the advantage. But at some point, the kign lawler came to ringside, dressed as a scottish man and made fun of piper.

    When piper saw this, he became crazy, and try to left the ring, but backlund knocked him in his terrible chicken wing and piper taped out !

    after the match, jerry lawler celebrates, and bob backlund celebrates with the razor's intercontinental belt !

    winner : bob backlund

    rating : 70%




    We are backstage with sunny who is walking.

    She sees billy gunn

    SUNNY : hey, billy, i wanna tell you that im sorry for last week when zip stole your belt to hit phinous with...

    BILLY : wait a second i know you, i dont know what, but you have a plan..

    SUNNY : absolutely not ! im sincere...i really hop that the match at the king of the ring will be fair, and that the best team will win !

    ( she takes his arm and touches his body )

    SUNNY : and you billy...the bodydonnas are cool , but i have to admitt that cowboys represent something pretty exciting for me....

    ( billy seems to enjoy it....)

    (but skip and zip came from nowhere and assaulted billy )

    SUNNY: well.....good luck honey billy, see ya at the king of the ring...come on guys !

    (then she left with the bodydonnas )

    rating : 75%





    MARTY JANETTY VS .................

    janetty is wainting for his oponent.....a strange music plays....a masked man appears....the announcer calls him MANKIND !!!!

    Janetty doesnt know how to wrestle with him....mankind has a hardcore style, he's really brutal. Janetty has no offense .The Mankind style has never been seen in the wwf... After several minutes of domination Mankind puts 2 fingers in janetty's throat, jr says its the mandible claw !

    janetty falls on the floor and the referee stops the match at 3.02

    Mankind sits on the floor and listen the piano music played for his victory ! this guy is crazy !

    JR: i've never seen a wrestler dominated like this, janetty feared him, i've never seen a wreslter like mankind, he's a mad man , every superstar has to be careful now ! he seems to be so unpredictable !!

    winner qualified for the semi finals : mankind

    rating ; 72%


    After this shocking moment, we see another video with goldust near a casket.

    GOLDUST: dead man, i dont fear you, you want me at the king of the ring, you're on!

    I have a plan to beat you, to defeat you, after the king of the ring, you wont be a wwf superstar anymore ! im the king of hollywood. I have several scenarios to beat you...

    after it, you, bearer and all the creatures of the night will remember the name of golduuuuuuuust

    rating : 84%



    great crowd reaction for the wrestlers entrance. hbk bret hart have face reaction, owen and diesel have a big heat...

    bret and owen look at each other, owen talks to him....he now looks at the wwf championship belt....they hate each other, bret is concentrated

    shawn michaels seems to dont trust diesel, big daddy cool appears to be very confident.

    the match starts with diesel and hart in the ring, classic tag team type match. diesel dominates but bret tries to attack his leg.

    the two make the tag, shawn and owen are in the ring. very good oppostion, they are very technical. Owen takes the advantage and hits a ddt and several suplexes to shawn. owe n makes the tag, and wants to apply the sharpshooter but shawn esaped. bret maintains shawn on the floor, with headlocks, and armlocks...the match continues several minutes like this.

    .but shawn one more time escaped and makes the tag with diesel, bret tags owen who seems to be afraid... the crowd like this !

    owen and diesel are in the ring, the match is started since 20 minutes and the 4 players play the game..they co-exist !

    owen and diesel who are in the ring..owen is afraid , he wants to make the tag, and tells diesel to tag too.....diesel go near hbk to tag, and owen near bret BUT WHAT ???????? the two attack their partners !!! they brings them in the ring, what a brutal assault !!!! punches, big foot, sidewalk slam, german suplex....and diesel hits the jacknife powerbomb on shawn and owen lockes bret in the sharphooter !!

    what a shock !

    the fans cant believe it, after 20 minutes !!!!!!

    the 2 fans favorites are out of business, diesel and owen congratulate each other !!the crowd boos them very strong !

    No COnstest

    rating : 92%

    and the shows ends on this !


    quality of the show : 79%

    rating of the show : 5.41 ( -0.03 )

  15. Monday Night Raw Preview !

    first of all, you' ll have the chance to see this monday the last two kinf of the ring quarter finals. the rock will compete with farooq and marty janetty will fight with this mystery oponent....nobody knows who it is yet ! We already know that ahmed johnson and stone cold steve austin are qualifyed !

    then diesel , last week, has announced himself a match. a big match : diesel and shawn michaels will reunite and compete with their choosing oponents , the wwf champion bret hart and his brother owen hart.....who had challenged bret last week...sure something is gonna happen !

    another match has been confirmed : jake the snake roberts will be in the ring with the british bulldog!

    all this and much more on raw !

  16. The Stalker !!

    hello everybody , welcome !

    - monday nitro had a 5.50 rating, its a little better than the wwf 5.44

    -its official,you can read it on wwf.com : rey mysterio, billy kidman, chavo guerrero and kurt angle have signed with the compagny, the have been seen in the wwf headquarters at stanford, connecticut ! all these guys could be rought at ovw first.

    -lots of rumours about the king of the ring , i dont know yet who's gonna win, but be sure the winner is gonna get a good push after that.

    -now, we have more news about the man who can buy the half of the wwf actions at wallstreet...it seems to be a young business man who loves wrestling. We dont know yet his name....

    -nobody knows who the marty janetty mystery oponent is , but it could be a ex-wcw guy....

    -thats all for today, see ya next week !

  17. user posted image

    live from Houston, Texas.

    monday, the 7th of june 2005

    attendance : 4033


    In ring segment :

    Gorilla Mansoon welcomes us in the middle of the ring to a good pop..

    GORILLA : Thank you everybody and welcome to monday night raw !! ( pop )

    GORILLA : i'm here just for a few minutes because today is a special day.... I'm here to present the king of the ring tournament ! ( pop)

    GORILLA : Choosing the 8 wrestlers who'll have the chance to compete for that title was a tough decision and i decided (pop)

    GORILLA : the first quarter final will be : ahmed johnson vs hunter hearst hemsley ( cheers )

    the second quarter final is : sycho sid vs stone cold steve austin w/ ted dibiase ...and people , you'll have the chance to see these two matches right here tonight in houston, texas ! ( big pop)

    The last quarter finals will be the rock vs faarooq and marty janetty vs a mystery oponent the wwf has signed a few days ago ! The winners of the tonight's quarter finals will fight in the semi final number 1 and the two last in the semi final number 2 !

    Now, people, i have talked too much, its time for wrestling !!!


    rating : 75%



    in ring segment

    THe Piper's Pit

    ROWDY RODDY PIPER : ladies and gentlemen, one more time, the hot rod is here to entertain you, and my next guest is an old entertainer....please welcome.....jerry the king lawler !!

    ( boos, and burger king chant )

    KING : well, im not surprised, people here in texas, just drink and sing just like country boys !

    ( boos )

    PIPER : wait a second man, i didnt authorize you to talk so shut your mouth ! ( cheers )

    KING : wowowo...

    PIPER : i said " shut up " ( shut up chant ! )

    PIPER: so, i wanted you to be my guest because i have lots of questions for you burger king, first of all....when did you win your last match in the wwf ?? ( cheers)

    KING : very funny mister scottish....nobody is able to beat me, my new job is announcer for the ppv with mc mahon because I know how to make a sentence without 100 mistakes... ( boos )

    PIPER : well, all i see, is a fat guy with no guts ! ( loud cheers )

    KING (angry) you say that just because you're jalous of me, you see, you invited me to the piper's pit because you know what everybody knows : the king = ratings ahaha ( boos)

    PIPER : no you're wrong lawler, you wanna know what ratings are = ??

    its because of this !!

    piper assaults the king in the ring and kicks him very strong and throws him ouover the top rope to a big pop !!

    the king is very angry and leaves !!

    rating : 65%




    the smoking guns are at the announcers table.

    The match is pretty good, the godwins are very close to the victory but sunny distracts the referee while zip comes to the ring and assaults phinous with a belt he has stolen from billy gunn ! the ref didn’t see that…and makes the count 1 …..2……..3 !

    Rating : 78%

    The winner and the number one contenders : the bodydonnas




    We see a video promo for the king of the ring with bret hart saying how good is to win this tournament !


    backstage segment

    Bob Backlund is now backstage interviewed by Michael Cole

    COLE : bob, I’ve been told that you were very angry after the Mr Mansoon announcement and…

    BACKLUND : obviously, I was angry, im an ex wwf champion, I deserved to be in the king of the ring tournament ! I hate the new generation , all this guys with attitude, it sucks ! I would have won the king of the ring and make all these girly men tap out !!

    COLE : what are you gonna do now?

    BACKLUND: what i am gonna do ??I don’t know, be sure that bob backlund the great old school wrestler is gonna make an impact

    ( the intercontinental champion razor ramon appears next to cole )

    RAMON : take it easy man….your pacemaker ! warning !

    BACKLUND : that’s enough, I hate the new generation, I hate them all , (screams ) I HATE THEM !!!!!

    And then backlund leaves…..razor and Michael cole laugh….

    Rating : 71%




    Ahmed received a good pop, hunter with his rich snob attitude got boos.

    Physical match, hunter tries to cheat to win, but ahmed Johnson just overpowers him and hits the pearl river plunge to the win at 3.05

    After the match, vader, the british bulldog and jim Cornette showed up, and watched ahmed Johnson dangerously. But they left quickly. Strange.

    Winner and advances to the semi finals : ahmed Johnson

    Rating : 74%


    An advertising for the wwf house shows is showed


    backstage segment

    Back to the backstage, paul bearer and the undertaker for a promo.

    PAUL BEARER : oh yeaaaaaaaah , My undertaker is fed up with all the disturbed superstars who try to kill him. My undertaker is the light in the darkness and three days ago, the man called goldust has interrupted one of his match at a house show, and gave him a vicious beating.

    We are here tonight to warn goldust, if you hear me, be careful, My undertaker could take on you everytime everywhere he wants.

    UNDERTAKER : goldust….at the king of the ring, you will REST…..IN……PEACE !!

    Rating : 85%






    Before the match get started, dibiase tried to offer money to sid to let stone cold win the match, but sid turned off and tried to attack dibiase, but from behind stone cold made the save.

    Slow match, sid dominates stone cold. At the end, sid was ready for the powerbomb but stone cold reverses it in a roll-up and touched the rope during the count 1….2…..3 at 6.52

    Rating : 78%

    Winner advances to the semi finals : stone cold steve austin


    After the match , sid complained to the ref, and stone cold hitted the stone cold stunner !!

    The camera followed stone cold and dibiase in the locker room , some wrestlers applause his victory, some not.

    Di biase tells to savio vega who were critizing stone cold, to put himself on his knees and kiss stone cold foot, the carribean man looks at stone cold and tells him

    SAVIO : you wont be that lucky every time man….

    But Austin and dibiase attack him, and the rest of the locker room has to separate them.


    backstage segment

    We are now in the shawn Michaels locker room. Somebody knocks on the door….

    HBK : come in !

    DIESEL : hey shawn

    HBK : what do you want ? I don’t like your attitude , you don’t respect anybody, you’re not a friend anymore. I respect you as a wrestler but not as a man, get out !

    DIESEL : wait a second shawn, I know my attitude was wrong in the past month, and I realized you are in the good way shawn. I want to team with you again, I have experience now, I know what my career must be…it must be as your tag team partner, I know im gonna be a better worker with you on my side…

    HBK: I don’t trust you, the last time , you were fed up with the people cheering me more than you, and…

    DIESEL : don’t worry shawn, I learned from that moment.. To show you my desire shawn, I went to the gorilla mansoon office earlier and guess what….

    HBK: tell me

    DIESEL: I asked for a tag team match next week and mansoon has agreed. And he let me the choice of our opponents.

    HBK: who did you choose?

    DIESEL: the wwf champion bret hart….and his brother owen hart !

    HBK : but these two hate each other !

    DIESEL: yesss, its gonna be funny and easy for us to win !

    HBK: well, I agree, but its your last chance….see you next week

    DIESEL: see ya shawn…..see ya ( smiles evily)

    Rating : 87%


    in ring segment

    The main event of the evening is not a match, but a special owen hart’s promo. He’s in the middle of the ring and the people boo him.

    OWEN : people, I told the world the last week, than Im gonna challenge somebody to a match

    this match could be considered as the best ever…with two great workers..........but im not sure this guy would agree.

    This guy fears me since a very long time, he knows im a better worker than him ! he always tried to escape and he knows im more charismatic than him ! he kowns that Im just playing better !

    ( you suck chant)

    Yes people, you too are idiots, you don’t want to see the truth, you don’t want to admit that I am the best wrestler in north America, the best wrestler in the world !

    ( loud you suck chant )

    SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME !!! however to be considered as the best wrestler, you have to wear the belt….the wwf championship belt !

    Your heard me ! Im challenging you bret hart ! im challenging you brother to a match anywhere anytime any show !

    I don’t care, I want to show the world the truth….the best of hart and the best in the world is OWEN HART!!!!

    Owen hart looked at the camera and the show finished on it.

    Rating : 90%



    We made a 5.44 rating 161 320 dollars.

    Quality of the show : 79%

    Best match : tag team match and ahmed vs hemsley

    worst match : sid vs stone cold

    best angle : owen hart promo

    worst angle : piper"s pit!

  18. Monday Night Raw preview !

    from wwf.com :

    -we know that the CEO gorilla mansoon will be at raw to present the 1996 king of the ring tournement, every wwf superstars want to be in...just 8 will be...watch it!

    -we'll have the chance to see the first 2 quarters finals !

    -also , owen hart said that at raw, he will challenge somebody and the world will be in shock....

    -and earlier today, gorilla mansoon announced, that the bodydonnas and the godwinns will fight for the number one contenders spot to the tag team championships, the smoking guns will be at the announcers table, sure they will be the first to congratulate the winners....

    and much more on raw

    monday night, usa network !!

  19. The Stalker Report !

    facts and rumours about the wwf :

    - 4 major sponsors have signed with the wwf

    . Sports illustrated 800000 per show for 16 months

    . stacker 2 : 703000 per show for 12 months

    . Viacom Inc. : 690000 per show for 10 months.

    . Nintendo : 678000 per show for 12 months.

    the wwf board is very happy with these deals

    -Several wrestlers have been hired : mick foley, the dudley boyz, charlie haas, christopher daniels, kurt angle, shark boy, trish stratus, tajiri. they are all sent to the ovw to learn the wwf style and to improve theirs skills. i dont think they will be used in the active roster now

    Only Mick foley is kept in the active roster, the board would like to push him very hard...but its just a rumour, im not sure.

    - The WCW have fired lots of interesting wrestlers : billy kidman, shane helms, psicosis, rey mysterio, chavo guerrero Jr . They are now free agents, but i known, the board has expectations for the cruiserweights, and he could try to sign them.

    -Now, something, i've just been said : this , could change the face of the wwf :

    you all know that the wwf will be introduced to wallstreet.soon..but it is rumoured that a mysterious person could buy a ton of actions and own maybe the half of the wwf!

    -I've been told , the wwf has sent a video tape to a tv channel to try to have a second prime time show. This could be a great thing for the war with the wcw. But i know ted turner and eric bischoff are trying to have a second show....

    - wwf.com has posted this just a few minutes ago : they have signed several staff workers. 2 anouncers, 1 fir the production, 2 for the medical, 3 writers , 4 road agents and two trainers for the ovw. Apparently, the wwf seems to be strongest than ever !

    see you, next week for another secrets !

    your stalker

  20. Bret hart is the top face of the company and the wwf champion since wrestlemania 12.

    Shawn michaels is the second top face, he was the diesel partner but this one turned on him and the two had a war , won by michaels a few months ago.

    There is one stable : the camp cornette. The manager is jim cornette, and his clients are owen hart, the british bulldog, and a new wrestler, vader. this stable wants to lead the wwf , and take all the titles !

    the tag team division is good : the smoking guns (champions ) the godwinns, the new rockers, the body donnas....its a good competition. And Sunny the most over female is the bodydonnas' manager.

    the intercontinental championship is hold by razor ramon ( scott hall ) a young wrestler with attitude. But people like goldust, ahmed johnson, sycho sid are able to take the title.

    There are veterans ; piper still hosts the piper's pit, jake the snake roberts continues to improve his abilities, jerry the king lawler is very over as a heel...

    young superstars are promised to a big future : stone cold steve austin, the rock, hunter hearst hemsley....

    Gorilla Mansoon is the in-game CEO the one and only who makes the rules. He's a face.

    There is only one show for the moment : monday night raw, every monday night on usa network.

    The wcw is the number company but the ratings and ppv buyrates are very close.

    first day : june 1st 1996

    here is my roster : faces in blue heels in red

    main eventers :

    bret hart

    shawn michaels


    Upper-midcarders :

    razor ramon

    rowdy roddy piper


    british bulldog



    owen hart


    midcarders :

    1-2-3 kid

    amhed Johnson

    billy and bart gunn

    duke "the dumpster" droese

    henry godwinn

    jake the snake roberts

    sycho sid

    the rock




    hunter hearst hemsley

    jerry the king lawler


    jeff jarrett

    skip and zip the body donnas

    stone cold steve austin


    lower midcarders :

    bob holly

    doug fournas and phil lafon

    phineous godwinn

    jesse james

    marty janetty and leif cassidy the new rockers

    savio vega

    stefanie mcmahon

    bob backlund

    justin hawk bradshaw

    salvatore sincere

    openers :

    aldo montoya

    jobbers :

    brooklyn brawler

    stables :

    camp cornette ( owen hart, british bulldog, vader, jim cornette )

    tag teams :

    the bodydonnas ( skip and zip)the smoking guns ( bart and billy gunn)

    the godwins ( henry and phineous godwin)

    the can-am express ( doug fournas and phil lafon )

    the new rockers ( marty janetty and leif cassidy)

    managers :

    ted dibiase : stone cold steve austin

    sunny : the bodydonnas

    harvy wippleman : none

    clarence meason : none

    jim cornette : owen hart, british bulldog, vader

    sable : none

    marlena : goldust

    paul bearer : the undertaker

    dory funk, flash funk , fatu and doug gilbert have been released

    champions :

    WWF champion : bret " the hitman" hart

    WWF intercontinental champion : razor ramon

    WWF Tag Team champions : the smoking guns

    only one TV show : monday night raw broadcasted on USA network, prime time.

    CEO : gorilla mansoon

    The WCW is the number 1 in the wrestling world

    monday nitro is broadcasted on monday nights too.

  21. i decided to start a new diary for one technical reason :

    i booked all ex diary matches by copying the ewr results. now i know this is not allowed so i have to start a new game.

    im gonna try to write the matches with my words, even if my english wont be as good as your. :blush:

    i've already played one year with this 1996 scenario, im very proud of it, my ratings are very good, and i hope everybody will enjoy it

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