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Posts posted by stiffkick80

  1. The Mexico vs Argentina games was pretty good. Yes, Tevez was offsides on that first goal, so in my mind, the game was 2-1, but that error by Osorio was terrible for us. The last Tevez goal and the Chicharito goal were both magnificent. Tevez is the reason I REALLY wanted Mexico to win their group, so they could avoid Argentina. As I said before, I still think Argentina will take this WC and look forward to seeing them play Germany.

    On the England vs Germany game, when I saw the goal not get counted, I immediately thought how the entire board (lots of England fans on EWB for some reason) would just be pissed beyond all reason, and rightfully so. But then England just stopped defending properly and got caught.

  2. Mexico looked great. I owe an apology to Perez, who made some great saves. Good job, Conejo!

    Argentina was my pick to win this from the start, and they looked good on offense. I really hope Mexico doesn't have to play them in the Quarterfinals. No need for a repeat of last WC.

    Nigeria's goalie has had some fantastic saves.

    I'm pretty sure no one posted this, it's old now, but I thought it was pretty funny.

    Comedy Central (U.S vs England)

  3. Most of these are very good, Nufan.

    The 2nd banner on post 40 is a little too busy, too many pictures in the middle, yellow area. The first one, which you have in your sig, is pretty good. Your Vector picture looks very cool, but the shadows are too dark. If they were just a little lighter, that pic would be amazing. For a second, I thought he had a black eye.

    I really like both of your Paramore banners, especially the second one. If you could reduce the brightness on just the face of the first one, that would make it better.

    The desert city/johnnie walker are pretty amazing. They look like paintings.

    Of all the other ones, I liked your Gambit posters the best. The Origins mock promo poster is good enough to be legit, and the banner was pretty good, too.

    Keep up the good work. (Y)

  4. The Lone Gunmen: God, that show rocked. If you all have a chance to check out the DVD boxset from Netflix or something, I highly recommend it. Three nerds who publish a newsletter exposing conspiracies, X-Files spinoff. Damn Chris Carter for killing off those characters!

  5. UFC 87: Seek and Destroy

    Saturday August 9th, 2008


    *Welterweight Championship Bout: Georges St. Pierre © vs. Jon Fitch

    GSP - TKO Round 2

    Brock Lesnar vs. Heath Herring

    Lesnar - TKO Round 1

    Kenny Florian vs. Roger Huerta

    Huerta - Decision

    Rob Emerson vs. Manny Gamburyan

    Gamburyan - Submission Round 1

    Jason MacDonald vs. Demian Maia

    Maia - Submission Round 1


    Luke Cummo vs. Tamdan McCrory

    Cummo - Decision

    Dan Evensen vs. Cheick Kongo

    Kongo - KO Round 2

    Joe Jones vs. Andre Gusmao

    Guasmo - TKO Round 2

    Steve Bruno vs. Chris Wilson

    Wilson - TKO Round 2

    Jared Rollins vs. Ben Saunders

    Saunders - Decision

  6. PWG "Guerrilla Warfare" on Sunshine Network


    Announcers: Doc Marlee, Excalibur and Disco Machine

    Nice little intro video package to start the show off, it features most of the PWG roster, including shots of Colt Cabana wearing novelty sunglasses, Super Dragon's mask, and Kevin Steen carrying the championship belt. Announcer Doc Marlee welcomes the crowd to the debut of PWG Guerrilla Warfare, and introduces Excalibur and Disco.

    Commissioner SoCal Val announces Main Event

    A pyro goes off as the crowd is hyped up, and some RAtM plays as Commissioner SoCal Val makes her way to the ring. Val is doing her best Ms. Hancock impression, as she is wearing a short skirt, white blouse, and black rimmed glasses. She enters the ring slowly to some cheers. Val welcomes the crowd to the first ever "Guerrilla Warfare" show on The Sunshine Network. She announces the Main Event PWG Championship Match for tonight with "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen defending against "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson! The crowd is happy. Val hopes everyone enjoys the show and is off.

    Rating - 47

    One half of the Havana Pitbulls, Ricky Reyes, comes out to some RAtM and some cheers. Ricky looks serious for his match. Next out is Samoa Joe, who comes out with a white towel around his neck. During the introductions, an on-screen graphic is shown to introduce new viewers to these wrestlers. Stats include Height, Weight, Finishers and Notes. These graphics would appear for each wrestler before every match. This should be a hard hitting match up.

    Ricky Reyes vs. Samoa Joe

    Reyes and Joe stare each other down in the middle of the ring, with Reyes showing that he is not intimidated by the big Samoan. On commentary, Excalibur mentions that Joe looks "extra-beefy" tonight, and Disco suggests that Joe probably just ate a baby before the match. Joe and Ricky go at it with stiff forearms to the face, back and forth, with Reyes holding his own until Joe stops with the forearms and just pummells on Reyes with a Thousand Hand Slap followed by a VICIOUS chop to the face! Reyes goes down in the corner and Joe hits a Face Wash as the crowd "Oooh!"s in appreciation.

    Reyes manages to come back and tries to take out Joe's knee with kicks to the thigh, but Joe fights thru them and keeps coming after Reyes. Reyes sticks and moves, but Joe catches his and hits a great looking Powerslam. At this point Reyes goes nuts and hits a barrage of kicks, capped off by a great looking Enziguri. The finish comes when Ricky goes for a flying forearm in the corner, but Joe counters with a harsh looking STO and nails the Musclebuster followed by the Choke for the submission victory!

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    O - 67

    C - 53

    M - 82

    2SBG vs. SBS Feud Recap

    A video is shown on the Guerrilla-Tron that recaps the ongoing feud between the SBS (Disco Machine and Excalibur) against the current PWG Tag Team Champions, 2 Skinny Black Guys (Human Tornado and El Generico). Several shots are shown, including SBS laying out 2SBG with chair shots and such. This is just to catch new viewers up with the program. Good little video recap.

    Rating - 66

    Ole, ole ole ole! Bouncing Souls plays as the Generic Luchador, El Generico makes his way to the ring, with the fans clapping along happily. Generico is wearing a shiny gold cape, and is followed by his tag team parter, Human Tornado. In a nice continuity touch, Disco and Excalibur are no longer in the booth, leaving new broadcaster, Doc Marlee, on his own to call this match.

    Disco Machine vs. El Generico

    Fairly quick and even match, with Generico using quick armdrags and headscissors to frustrate Disco, who takes back control with eye pokes and hits some nice backbreakers and clothesline to ground the luchador. Disco taunts the crowd by gyrating. Finish comes when Generico is in control and goes to hit a Yakuza Kick, but gets nailed by Excalibur with a chair as he bounces off the ropes, with the ref distracted by Disco! Generico staggers right into a Chokebreaker for the 1, 2, 3 and the victory for Disco Machine!

    Winner - Disco Machine

    O - 71

    C - 59

    M - 83

    After the match, Human Tornado comes out with a chair, swinging wildly and chasing SBS away. Excalibur yells about coming for their tag titles.

    Introducing... Arrogance

    Next out is Arrogance. Chris Bosh, Joey Ryan and Scott Lost come out and jaw with the crowd. Bosh stops and inhales deeply, ala The Rock, before entering the ring. Joey takes the mic to start with and tells the crowd to shut up. Scott yells out, “Shoosh! Or I will sleep with all of your mothers!” in such a deadpan voice that Joey has trouble keeping a straight face. Bosh takes over and states that they are the dominant faction in PWG, before focusing on their opponents for the night, Frankie Kazarian and the AXP. Joey says that Bosh is too modest to mention it, but he actually won the pool in the back guessing how long it would take for Kazarian to blow his shot with the “World Wildlife Fund”. Bosh does some self-congratulatory posing. Lost then takes the mic and tears into Scorpio, saying he couldn’t believe that he came back after the humiliation he suffered when Lost took his mask and left him bloody and broken in the middle of the ring. Good segment to get the crowd into Arrogance.

    Rating - 60

    Out next the Aerial Xpress make their way to the ring to a good pop. Scorpio looks pretty pissed. They are followed shortly by Kazarian, who comes out looking cool in his Nike Shox. The three look at each other and rush into the ring right away to start this one off!

    Arrogance (Chris Bosh, Scott Lost and Joey Ryan) vs. The AXP (Quicksilver and Scorpio Sky) and Frankie Kazarian

    The faces dump Bosh and Lost out with clotheslines and proceed to work on Joey Ryan, doing the spot where they take turns punching him, with him pinballing from one to the other. Finally, the ref restores order and Quick is in with Ryan. Quick dominates until Ryan rakes the eyes and tags in Bosh, who nails Quick with a Clothesline into a vicious Backbreaker for a two count. Bosh poses for the crowd to get some heat. The heels take turns tagging out and beating up on Quick until Quick tags out to Scorpio while Lost is in the ring, where Scorpio absolutely unloads on Lost. The crowd is into this. Scorpio hits a dropkick right to the chin and tags in Quick for their trademark AXP spots including the Sandwich Kicks (simultaneously kicking the chest and back) and the Wheelbarrow Leg Drop for a two count.

    Kazarian gets tagged in hits some nice dropkicks and a Back Suplex. Lost comes back with a spear into a bridge, before jumping back and hitting a Northern Lights Suplex for a 2 count. Scott then nails a sweet looking Superkick and tags out to Joey. The action continues for a few minutes with Joey doing some technical wrestling and Kazarian countering. The finish comes when all hell breaks loose, all 6 men come into the ring to brawl. Scott goes for his Superman Spear but Scorpio moves, and Lost hits his shoulder on the post and spills to the floor. Scorpio runs and hits a great running dive for a “Holy Shit” moment. Quick and Bosh clothesline out of the ring and brawl in the bottom. Joey goes to the top turnbuckle, looking to dive onto Quick, but Kazarian pops up there and nails the Flux Capacitor for the 1, 2, 3 for his team!

    Winners: Scorpio Sky, Quicksilver and Frankie Kazarian

    The Coolest Xpress celebrate in the ring as Scott and Bosh help Joey to the back.

    Enter the New Age Punisher

    We go to the back, where backstage interviewer Dino Winwood is standing by with “The New Age Punisher” B-Boy. B-Boy is getting fired up about Super Dragon, stating that he is going to make his name on a national basis by taking PWG’s darling Super Dragon and beating him within an inch of his life. Not a bad promo as B-Boy’s thug persona goes well with short promos.

    Rating - 59

    Back to the ring, Super Dragon makes his way to the ring to some nice “Super Dragon!” chants. Next out is B-Boy, who comes out looking thugish in baggy shorts and sunglasses. This should be a good one.

    B-Boy vs. Super Dragon

    Things start off basic with some chain wrestling, but soon breaks down into a brawl with punches, chops and kicks. Super Dragon hits a twisting dropkick, a kappo kick and a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. B-Boy comes back with a twisting neckbreaker, knees in the corner, and a diving dropkick in the corner for a two count of his own. Back and forth action with both men showing toughness.

    In the middle of the match, Samoa Joe is seen on the ramp entrance, observing the match up carefully. Super Dragon takes control with a powerbomb followed by a vicious Curb Stomp that gets the crowd riled up. The finish comes when B-Boy goes for a Shining Wizard, but Super Dragon counters it, spins B-Boy around, and nails the Supernatural Driver for the 1, 2, 3! Good match between these two.

    O - 70

    C - 50

    M - 91

    After the match, Super Dragon stays and plays to the crowd as they replay the Psycho Driver II for the viewers at home. Super Dragon and Samoa Joe stare each other down as the announcers recap the fact that in previous encounters, the two are tied at 1 win apiece, both by count-out. They wonder why Joe is out here as they go to commercial.

    Back from break, “Tear Away” plays on the speaker system as the PWG Heavyweight Champion, “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen, makes his way to the ring. He enters to some good heat and takes the mic.

    The Champion Speaks

    Steen introduces himself to those who may not know him, and rips into both the man who “got lucky” and pinned him in a tag team match, Colt Cabana, and the #1 Contender, “American Doofus” Bryan Danielson. Steen says that Danielson is known for being one of the best technical wrestlers, but Steen is better at him at everything else, and vows to put him away quickly. Short and sweet promo to promote the match.

    Rating - 59

    Out comes “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson to a good pop. On commentary, Doc Marlee is praising Danielson’s accomplishments, while Excalibur keeps insisting that he mention his Disney Channel cartoon show. Marlee ignores him in the face commentator way, and hypes up the fact that this is a PWG Heavyweight Championship Match.

    Bryan Danielson vs. Kevin Steen

    Amazing back and forth action as Dragon frustrates Steen with some great mat wrestling, including several funky pinning combinations, but Steen coming back with strikes and big moves like a Gut Buster and a Tornado Flatliner for a two count. Dragon starts working on the knee, including a knee breaker and a leglock, followed by a Mexican Surfboard where he bends Steen into a Dragon Sleeper before Steen finally makes it to the ropes. Steen hits a Superkick to buy himself some time, but Dragon comes back with some chops and European Uppercuts to rock the champion.

    Steen hits a couple of clotheslines followed by a nice moonsault for a two count. Steen now tries to go for some pinning combinations but they get reversed for believable near falls. The finish comes when American Dragon hits a Dragon Suplex for a two count, then calls for the Airplane Spin. Dragon gets Steen in the Airplane Spin and goes for 10 revolutions, but Steen squirms out and rolls up Dragon with a handful of tights to get the 1, 2, 3! Kevin Steen has defeated The American Dragon in a fantastic match!

    Winner: Kevin Steen

    O - 81

    C - 65

    M - 97

    After the match, Steen is smugly posing, and mockingly offers a handshake to Dragon, who turns to leave, but Steen hits him with the belt to the back of the head!

    A Clear Message

    Here comes “Classic” Colt Cabana! Cabana runs in and ducks a belt shot before kicking Steen in the gut and hitting the Colt 45! The champion is down! Cabana picks up the title belt and looks at it for a long moment before raising it in the air and proclaiming himself the new #1 contender! He now drapes the title over the fallen champion as the show ends with Marlee putting over the fact that Cabana has already shown he can beat Steen and that it looks like he's coming for the PWG Title as the camera fades to the PWG Logo...

    Rating - 65

    (OOC - Sorry for the long wait between updates, hectic week. Hope you all enjoyed it. OOC update in a day or two)

  7. I had successfully convinced some Sunshine Network executives to come check out "Howling at the Moon". Luckily, they caught a strong show, everything clicked, and they were impressed. After the show, we talked over some logistics, and came up with what I thought was a great deal for us. One hitch: They wanted this within two weeks. 2 weeks. I knew it would be tough, but I said fine, and the very next day set to work on getting things ready for weekly TV tapings.

    I went out and hired 2 more workers, got 2 back from injury, and was dealt a crushing blow...

    Jack Evans came up to me and talked to me in private about some problems he was having. It was a bad time, right before we got TV, but his health is most important. He's off to rehab for a while, I guaranteed him he'd have his spot when he came back.

    Chris Bosh is back from injury.

    Hook Bomberry (Heel, 29 Over) - Hook is a small guy, decent brawler, and tags with Top Gun Talwar as "Gunning for Hookers". Was sidelined with an injury, will now team with Top Gun on a more full-time basis.

    Jimmy Jacobs (Face, 42 Over) - Jimmy's trademark furry boots and "HUSS!" would make good TV. Good, solid worker.

    Jimmy Yang (Face, 50 Over) - The former Akio's non-compete had finally run out, and we were free to use him. He should be a solid addition to the roster.

    Things were tough, too little time for everything, but we managed. Before we knew it, November 1st was upon us, and our first "Guerrilla Warfare" show was to debut on the Sunshine Network. Time to step up our game...

    OOC: Thanks for the responses. I hope you all don't mind, I'll only be doing the major previews for the large, monthly shows. Nov. 1 "Guerrilla Warfare" should be up soon.

    rocksta, thanks for the compliment. I haven't had too much chance to see Burchall, but since PWG guys are pretty small, I figured it would be best to use him as a monster. Glad that you came out of lurking just for li'l old PWG. :)

    Haj, I promise to have someone cool at the gimmick table next Large Event. Just don't scare him away this time. :shifty:

  8. PWG "Howling at the Moon"

    Ring announcer Jon Ian welcomes everyone to the show and runs down the matches to get the crowd hyped up. He is rudely interrupted when "God Save the Queen" starts up and the British Monster, Paul Burchall, along with his lovely manager, Alicia Webb, make their way to the ring. Ian does the smart thing and quickly exits the ring as Burchall lifts Alicia over the top rope and places her gently inside the ring, before entering the ring himself...

    Putting Everyone on Notice

    Alicia grabs the mic and tells everyone to shut up and listen. She states that she has come to PWG to become the dominant woman that she knows she was born to be. She hypes up her client, Paul Burchall, noting how even though Burchall is big and strong, he's also quick and agile, and that, combined with her managerial genius, will propel him to the top. In the background, Burchall is silent and looking mean. She says that everyone has been warned, as Burchall will tear thru anyone in his path on the way to the top. Good promo work here by Alicia.

    Rating - 82

    Burchall's opponent, Quicksilver, comes out to the ring to some good cheers. He poses and warms up in the corner as they are announced.

    Paul Burchall (w/Alicia Webb) vs. Quicksilver

    Quicksilver sticks and moves to start, avoiding Burchall's attempts to lock up and nailing him with kicks to the thigh that seem to anger Burchall more than hurt him. After the 3rd time, Quicksilver is feeling pretty good about himself. He fakes left, goes right, and gets caught! Burchall tosses poor Quick into the corner like a rag doll and just pummels him with punches and chops. Most of the match is Burchall dominating, this time with matwork, with Quicksilver fighting out of some harsh looking submissions and mainly hitting Enziguris and Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors. Quick manages to turn a headscissors into a Cristo, but Burchall just turns it into a bodyslam for a 2 count. The finish comes when Burchall nails a Shooting Star Press from the top rope, an amazing move for a big man, for the 1, 2, 3. Good match, with Quicksilver playing the plucky underdog to a T.

    Winner: Paul Burchall

    O - 54

    C - 30

    M - 78

    Next out, the Wonderkid, Jonny Storm comes out to a decent reaction. Normally not a heel, he tries to get heat with the crowd by thicking up his accent and telling people their moms are slags, whatever that means. A funny "You're a Wanker!" chant starts up. On commentary, Excalibur points out that it's like another War of 1812, with PWG being invaded by British wrestlers. Disco tells the viewers that he saw a documentary on the History Channel about Paul Burchall... Excalibur wonders if he means Churchill. The two agree that it must have been Burchalls grandfather, as Jack Evans makes his way to the ring.

    Jack Evans vs. Jonny Storm

    The match starts off evenly, with both men hitting some nice armdrags and fast moves for some good action. Storm manages to turn a headscissors into a DDT that plants Evans on the top of his head for a 2 count. This match is really back and forth, with a lot of high-flying, including a Corkscrew Suicide Dive by Evans that leaves both men out for a minute. Back in the ring, Storm grounds Evans with a few painful looking submissions, working the neck and back. Evans comes back and hits some standing somersault splashes. The finish comes when Evans goes for a Victory Roll on Storm, but Storm puts on the brakes and grabs the ropes to hold Evans down for the 1, 2, 3 and the victory!

    Winner: Jonny Storm

    O - 70

    C - 47

    M - 94

    X-Foundation Reunion

    The X-Men Theme plays over the speaker system as 2/3 of Arrogance, Joey Ryan and Scott Lost make their way to the ring. Both men are wearing their Old School X-Men style tights. Joey gets on the mic and mentions that before there was an Arrogance, there was the X-Foundation, and the X-Foundation were the Tag Team Champions, and were not defeated for the titles. Scott gets on the mic and states that since Chris Bosh was injured, the X-Foundation would be reunited, and they would win the tag team titles again. He says that when Bosh comes back they will insist on the "Freebird Rule" so that any 2 members of Arrogance can defend the titles. Scott then gets on his cell phone and actually calls Bosh on the phone. "Can you hear me now skit?" skit that gets over with the crowd. Bosh cuts a promo thru the cellphone were he calls the Havana Pitbulls "dirty, dirty Mexicans" and talks about being back next month. Decent promo by Arrogance, but I think it went a little long.

    Rating: 49

    RatM plays as Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero make their way to the ring to cheers. Rocky shows off his right bicep. On commentary, Excalibur and Disco speculate as to why he only shows off his RIGHT bicep. For those keeping track at home, the X-Foundation are announced as hailing from "The Xavier Institute for the Gifted". Nice. This one is under way...

    The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero) vs. The X-Foundation (Joey Ryan and Scott Lost)

    Great match with the Pitbulls dominating the first 5 minutes with solid strikes and superior technical ability, until Joey Ryan rakes Ricky Reyes' eyes and takes over control for the X-Foundation. Joey and Lost make frequent tags to stay fresh and build up heat on Ricky. Ricky finally nails an Enziguri on Lost and crawls to the corner for the tag, but Joey cuts him off and drags him back to the heel corner to some nice boos. Rocky finally has enough and gets in, kicking Scott in the face and dragging Reyes to his corner and tagging in to a nice pop. Rocky is a house of fire, taking out both men with kick combos and bodyslams. Scott goes for a Superman Spear in the corner, stopping Romero's momentum, but Reyes is back up and fighting. The action is fast and furious. The finish comes when Reyes and Joey brawl out of the ring. Romero is signaling for a Tiger Suplex but Scott goes behind him and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for the 1, 2, 3! The X-Foundation steals one!

    Winners: The X-Foundation (Joey Ryan and Scott Lost)

    O - 65

    C - 45

    M - 86

    Next out are the challengers for the Tag Team Titles, SBS, to a chorus of boos. On commentary, they insist that the crowd is actually shouting "Boo-urns!" "Beat It" plays on the speaker system as 2 Skinny Black Guys make their way to the ring. The crowd is clapping along with the song as Tornado and Generico do the little shimmy dance until Excalibur and Disco jump them from behind to get this title match started!

    2 Skinny Black Guys (El Generico and Human Tornado) vs. SBS (Disco Machine and Excalibur) for the PWG Tag Team Titles

    Great back and forth match, with SBS showing they can wrestle as Disco hit a variety of backbreakers on El Generico, including a Lungblower, which he recently added to his arsenal. Generico comes back with a nice spinning armdrag and a Tornado DDT for a 2 count before tagging out to Tornado. Tornado with a leg lariat accidentally allows Disco to tag Excalibur. Ex and Tornado are about to go for the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock, but Tornado wipes his hands in his 'fro before offering his hand, much to Excalibur's disgust. Ex thinks about it before going for the lock, but decides to do it. He overpowers Tornado and goes for an Irish Whip, but his hands are slippery with 'fro grease, and his hands slip, giving Tornado the opportunity to hit the Pimp Slap! Excalibur goes flying out of the ring in a dramatic fashion as the crowd starts a "Tornado! Tornado!" chant. Disco tries to jump him, but gets dropped with a drop toe hold and lands in the corner, where Tornado nails his 2-step kicks, followed by a splits that leaves Disco singing Soprano. Ouch.

    Disco recovers and nails Tornado with some chops and hard clotheslines, taking down Tornado. The finish comes when Excalibur takes out Tornado and goes for the tag belt. He motions for Disco to distract the ref and goes to hit Generico, but Tornado has turned the ref around and he sees as Excalibur totally nail Generico with the belt and calls for the DQ! SBS are livid! The ref gets the hell out of dodge as the SBS proceed to beat down the Tornado and Generico. They grab the belts and place them on the fallen champions as the crowd boos them out of the building.

    Winners (by DQ): 2 Skinny Black Guys

    O - 77

    C - 57

    M - 98

    Intermission is next, as the crowd buys water and stuff.

    Back from Intermission, "Findum, Fuckum and Flee" plays as Super Dragon makes his way to the ring to some good cheers. Out next is Bryan Danielson, wearing his traditional cloak. Finally, they break out the smoke machine for the debut of Low Ki, who is wearing his NOAH tights, not his funky gangsta/pirate clothes. Ki gets a good split reaction, but uses his usual heat-getting mannerisms to turn the crowd against him. This should be an awesome match.

    American Dragon vs. Super Dragon vs. Low Ki for the #1 contendership

    Fantastic match with all 3 men looking great. Super Dragon and Low Ki mostly do chops and kicks, while AmDrag hits great-looking European Uppercuts. The first great spot of the match came when Low Ki went for a Tidal Wave, but Danielson caught him in a Firemans Carry and hit an 30 Revolution Airplane Spin that knocked Super Dragon out of the ring. The crowd counts along happily. Another cool spot was when Super Dragon had American Dragon in position for the Curb Stomp, and Low Ki nailed AmDrag with a vicious kick to his unprotected face right before Super Dragon hit the Curb Stomp! "Holy Shit!" chant starts up.

    Can't say enough about this match, it was a perfect three way match with all three guys shining. The finish comes when Low Ki hit the Ki Krusher on Super Dragon, and American Dragon nails Ki with a European Uppercut that sends him flying over the top rope. Danielson then locks in the Cattle Mutillation on Super Dragon who holds out for a few moments before tapping out.

    Winner: American Dragon

    O - 74

    C - 61

    M - 88

    After the match, Ki is not happy. Danielson is celebrating as Ki stares a hole in him before just taking off to the back. Super Dragon rolls out and leaves American Dragon to celebrate. Bryan Danielson is the new #1 Contender!

    Thank You

    In a skit filmed for the DVD release, Frankie Kazarian enters Colt Cabana's locker room and thanks him for helping him last month. Colt, being his usual goofball self, tells him to think nothing of it, then asks if he could have a try on Kazarian's Time Machine. Kazarian is confused. "You're from the future, right? Frankie "The Future" Kazarian. Hey, do you know who wins the World Series next year?" Kazarian has a priceless look on his face as he turns and exits. "What? You don't approve of gambling? That's cool. I'll see you out there." Funny stuff.

    Rating: 68

    "You're the Best" starts up as Frankie Kazarian makes his way to the ring to some cheers. He high-fives the crowd and jumps in. Next out is his partner, Colt Cabana, who comes out dancing and playing to the crowd. Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring to a split crowd. He looks intimidating. When doesn't he? His partner, the PWG Champion, Kevin Steen is out next, proudly carrying his championship belt. This match is on.

    Kazabana (Colt Cabana and Frankie Kazarian) vs. Kevin Steen and Samoa Joe

    Kazarian and Joe start things off. Joe uses his size to overpower Kazarian, but Kazarian fights back and hits some takedowns. Joe takes over and nails a Thousand Hand Slap and a Flying Knee in the corner before tagging out to Steen. Steen dominates for a few minutes, hitting a nice Northern Lights Suplex and a Swinging Back Suplex for a two. Kazarian manages to tag out to Cabana, who proceeds to out mat wrestle Steen badly, frustrating the champion. After a few minutes of that, Steen tags out. Cabana and Joe go pretty even for a while, before all hell breaks loose when Steen comes in for a double team, leading to a wild 4-man brawl.

    Kazabana are working well together, as they manage to take down Joe and work him over pretty well. The finish comes when Cabana ducks a DEVASTATING Lariat by Joe that accidentally hits Steen right in the face! Kazarian takes advantage and Superkicks Joe as Cabana picks up the still-loopy Steen and hits the Colt 45 for the 1, 2, 3! Cabana just pinned the PWG Champion!

    Winners: Colt Cabana and Frankie Kazarian

    O - 72

    C - 62

    M - 83

    Cabana and Kazarian celebrate at the ramp, while Steen looks at them, seething with rage as the show comes to a close...

    (OOC: Hope you all enjoyed that. I'm off to enjoy some indy goodness, including the Battle of Los Angeles Tournament! Whoo! Next update on Monday or Tuesday!)

  9. PWG presents "Howling at the Moon" on October 15th

    by Silverback, PWG Staff Writer

    Moonridge, CA - All Hollows Eve is almost upon us once again, bringing with it the traditional tooth-rotting and prank-pulling associated with this holiday. We here at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com) believe that all of the mayhem can be attributed to one culprit: The moon. Scientific studies have proven that the moon's cycles have an effect on human psychology. Or, in laymans terms, the moon screws with our thoughts! That is why on Saturday, October 15th, PWG will host "Howling at the Moon", where we plan to scare the moon into submission by howling loudly at it. Refreshments will be served. And by refreshments, we mean refreshing, non-e style wrestling! So join us!

    Last month at "Delorians Rule!", PWG Champion Kevin Steen successfully defended his title against mystery challenger Frankie Kazarian through highly dubious means. Steen had a malicious look in his eyes after the match, and probably would have committed some rather dastardly deeds if Colt Cabana had not rushed to the aid of Kazarian. Because of this, Commissioner SoCal Val has ordered a tag team match at "Howling at the Moon"

    with the team of Kazarian and Cabana (Which Cabana insisted be called Kazabana!) versus Steen and the partner of his choosing, Samoa Joe! Don't miss this exciting match up!

    Also at "Howling at the Moon", a new #1 contender will be crowned in a triple threat match! The match will have So Cal Favorite Super Dragon versus "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson versus the debuting Low-Ki! This match has the potential to be the MotN! Who will come out on top? Find out at "Howling at the Moon"!

    In another great high-flying matchup, one of the U.K's best high-flyers, the Jonny Storm will go up against Jack Evans! Evans won a great match up against Japan's CIMA last month, defending the honor of the United States of America! Now, it's up to Evans to defend us once again against that dastardly Brit, and kick some ass like it was 4th of July! U-S-A! U-S-A! What's that? What do you mean America and England are friends? Son of a Yankee Doodle! Well, I guess we'll just have a nice, friendly competition then. Yep, that'll have to do. Don't miss it!

    Also at HatM, the PWG Tag Team Titles will be on the line as 2 Skinny Black Guys (El Generico and Human Tornado) defend against SBS (Excalibur and Disco Machine)! SBS has been trying to get the attention of 2SBG, and apparently they have succeeded. When reached for comment, Human Tornado was quoted as laughing and saying "SBS? I'm RICK JAMES, B*tch!" to which Generico added, "OLE!" Strong words, indeed. But can 2SBG overcome the challenge of the SBS? Find out October 15th!

    Plus, Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, The Havana Pitbulls and more! Come howl at the moon with us. Sha-La-La! "Howling at the Moon" will take place on Saturday, October 15th, with a bell time of 7pm at the Hollywood Auditorium, located at 123 Fake St, Hollywood, CA.

    (OOC: Thanks for the suggestions. I think I got what I was looking for as far as naming the shows, but the Title name is still kind of iffy. What do you guys think of the Next Big Thing Title, maybe calling it the NBT Title or NBT Champion for short?

    Thanks for the feedback, Magell, I appreciate it. I think I'll rename the Cabana segment "Cabanarama!"

    You're just figuring out that Evans is a criminal, Haj? He's a hoodlum... and you knooow this, yo. :D

    Next: "Howling at the Moon"

  10. (Another bad show where things didn't click. Damn it. I can't figure it out. After this show I spend more money on production, just in case... the crowd had turned on Vampiro pretty quickly, so I wouldn't be using him again unless I was desperate. Obviously, Vamp was pissed when I told him, but there wasn't much he could do. I started looking towards the October show, "Howling at the Moon". Things would have to turn around if we had any chance of getting TV. FSN turned us down this month. I guess they had a bad taste in their mouths from TNA, and I wasn't about to take as bad a deal as they got. I would try Sunshine Network next month)

    (OOC: Oops, I did forget the ratings for the last match, that should be fixed.

    Now, a little help if you please. All suggestions will be considered...

    1) Name my new secondary title, that will be debuted in a couple of months. Remember, it should have a PWG-ish name.

    2) Name the November Event. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with Thanksgiving, just a creative name PWG would use.

    Thanks for the feedback, Haj. BTW, Top Gun's Shirts aren't out yet. They will be, though. ;) )

    Next: "Howling at the Moon" Preview

  11. PWG "Delorians Rule!"

    Ring announcer Jon Ian welcomes everyone to the show and runs down the matches to get the crowd hyped up. He also announces to the crowd that Bosh was injured at the last show and would be out for a couple of months. Crowd boos as they actually like Bosh. On with the show!

    "Dangah Zone" plays as Top Gun Talwar makes his way to the ring to a good ovation. He yells in a loud, squeaky voice that he can't control the volume of his voice, and gets into the ring, biting the ropes as he shakes them ala Ultimate Warrior. Next out is Quicksilver, who comes out to a nice reaction, and gets a pop for doing his pose. Finally, Scott Lost comes out to the theme from Smallville, prompting a "Smallville Rules!" chant from the crowd. For some reason or another, Scott has come out with an oriental-style parasol, which he pops open menacingly at a fan who is jawing at him. That was kind of funny. On with the match!

    Scott Lost vs. Quicksilver vs. Top Gun Talwar

    The action starts off quickly as all three men go for quick rollups for 2 counts. Lost finally slows it down by grabbing a headlock on Quicksilver, but Top Gun grabs both in the mighty BEAR Hug! Quick and Scott are screaming their heads off, selling it like they're in child labor. They finally fight out of it with elbows to the head of Top Gun, following it up with a double clothesline, knocking Top Gun out of the ring. After a few moments, they realize they're still holding hands and quickly let go, acting disgusted. Scott asks Quicksilver what's wrong with him, and Quicksilver points out that he's not the one that came out with a parasol. Ooooooh! It's on! The two exchange punches and chops as the crowd 'whoooos!' appreciatively, before an Irish Whip and a spinning leg lariat by Quicksilver puts Scott down.

    The match goes on for a few more minutes with all three men getting in some good offense. At one point, Scott hits a Dropsault on Top Gun, landing on Quicksilver for a two count, before putting both men in a Sharpshooter at the same time! Unreal. They manage to overpower Lost and throw him head-first into the turnbuckle. The first fall comes when Quicksilver hits the step-up kick on Top Gun in the corner, following it up with the Silverado Spinebuster for the 3 count! Top Gun Talwar has been eliminated! He rolls out of the ring and yells "I can't believe it!" all the way to the back. It's down to Lost and Quicksilver. Scott nails a nice Northern Lights for a two count, followed up by an Irish Whip and a Superman Spear to the back! Great pyschology for the rest of the match as Lost keeps working the back and Quick keeps making comebacks. The finish comes when Scott hits a great Superplex, grabs his parasol, walks the top rope and hits a perfect Elbow Drop to the back. Quite a visual, as he threw in a Van Halen mid-air splits. Scott tosses the parasol out, locks in the Sharpshooter, and Quicksilver has no choice but to tap out.

    Winner: Scott Lost

    O - 51

    C - 35

    M - 79

    After the match, Scott makes his way to the back, twirling his parasol. Quicksilver slowly gets up and makes his way to the back. The Clash plays on the speaker system as the debuting Paul Burchall makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Alicia. Unfortunately, Quicksilver is still slowly making his way to the back, and gets in the way. Alicia starts yelling at the poor, disoriented Quicksilver, before ordering Burchall to get rid of him! Burchall kicks Quick in the gut and presses him over his head, teasing throwing him off the small ramp, before Scorpio Sky appears to a great pop to save his tag team partner! Scorpio and Burchall brawl towards the ring as the ref decides to start the match right away!

    Scorpio Sky vs. Paul Burchall (w/Alicia Webb)

    Great David vs. Goliath-style match, with the newly unmasked Scorpio Sky getting in quite a bit of offense, but Burchall hitting some big-time power moves to ground the smaller Scorpio. Scorpio hit 2 great dropkicks that staggered Burchall, but on the third attempt Burchall caught him in a Fireman’s Carry and nailed a Rolling Samoan Crash for the two count. Burchall followed it up with a Pumphandle Sidewalk Slam and a Standing Shooting Star Press for another two count! The crowd is impressed. Burchall continues beating on Scorpio for about five minutes, before Scorpio Sky starts firing back with a Satellite Headscissors and a leaping Hurracanrana for a two count! Sky hits a snapmare and goes crazy with stiff kicks to the back that have the crowd going nuts, but Burchall shakes them off and tosses Scorpio sky-high with a flapjack maneuver! Scorpio was a legit 12 feet in the air on that one! Alicia yells at Burchall to finish him as he signals for the end, but Scorpio isn’t done yet! He nails a great Enziguri and a Final Cut onto his knee for a two count. Scorpio bounces off the ropes but Burchall hits a snap powerslam and signals for the C4 and hits it for the 1, 2, 3! A valiant effort by Scorpio Sky, but Burchall is successful in his debut.

    Winner: Paul Burchall

    O - 50

    C - 28

    M - 84

    After the match, Alicia plays to the crowd, trying to get her client a reaction, which she mildly does. It’s going to take a little while for the crowd to warm up to Burchall. Quicksilver makes his way down, avoiding Burchall completely, as he goes to Scorpio and helps him up. The reunited AXP hug in a manly way and pose for the crowd before heading to the back.

    Good Times, Great Memories

    "Copa Cabana" plays on the speakers as "Classic" Colt Cabana makes his way to the ring to some nice "Welcome Back!" chants. Cabana mentions that it’s good to be back in America, as his European Tour has just completed. He talks about all of the things he did, including being rude to the French, visiting the “Leaning Tower of Pizza”, and “driving on the correct, AMERICAN side of the road” just because he missed America so much. “You’d be surprised how quickly an old lady can move when she wants to! Thank god I didn’t hit the Queen! Hi-O!” Of course, this gets a laugh and a “Colt! Colt!” chant going.

    Colt welcomes everyone to the first “Good Times, Great Memories”, PWG Edition! Colt welcomes his guest, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen! Steen makes his way to the ring to be interviewed by Colt. Colt congratulates Steen on his PWG Title win, mentioning that he will now join all of the famous "Misters" in history, including Mr. Magoo, Mr. Belvedere, Mr. Rogers, and, "last but not least, Mister Mister!" Crowd is eating this up. Steen, however, is not amused. He tells Colt that he should have stayed in Europe and that he doesn’t like him very much to a chorus of boos. Colt acts hurt and goes to wipe his eyes and blow his nose on Steen’s shirt. Eww. Steen yells that that’s gross. Back on topic, he says that it’s very unfair that he has to defend his title against someone he didn’t have time to prepare for. Colt says that he has been given special permission to introduce Steen’s mystery opponent. Without further ado...

    “You’re the Best” plays on the speaker system as the crowd pops for the return of the Coolest Person in the World, Frankie “The Future” Kazarian! The crowd is very happy to see him back and sings along with his music as he walks around, high-fiving the ringside fans. Kazarian gets into the ring and poses. Steen tells Cabana that he suddenly remembered this ‘thing’ that he had to do, and quickly exits the ring and walks to the back, clutching his belt and telling Kazarian he’s not going to take his title. A loud “Welcome Back!” chant for Kazarian. Kazarian thanks everyone and cuts a funny promo about how the he feels about the “WWF”. He says he likes the WWF, as they have helped many animals over the years, like Rattlesnakes, Red Roosters, Brahma Bulls, Rhinos, Ravens, etc... but that it just wasn’t for him. A small “F*ck the Writers” chant starts up, as a lot of the crowd are smarks. Kazarian plays with his hair to some laughs. He says he’s glad to be back home and thanks everyone for supporting him. Colt and Kazarian shake hands to end this great segment.

    Rating - 62

    Next up, Japanese Superstar, CIMA, comes out to a decent reaction. Much of the crowd doesn’t really know him, except for a few of the more rabid tape-collectors. Everyone agrees that CIMA looks cool, though. His opponent, Jack Evans, comes out to a great reaction. Evans gets into the ring and does some cool break-dancing moves to a crowd pop. Referee Rick Knox goes to check Evans, who assumes the position to some laughs. This should be a great one.

    CIMA vs. Jack Evans

    Evans and CIMA start off with some nice technical wrestling exchanges, flipping out of arm-wringers and trading armdrags. The action goes outside early as CIMA clotheslines Evans out of the ring and quickly hits a Suicide Dive over the top rope to a good pop. They both roll back into the ring and trade dropkicks. Evans nails a flying Spin Kick and quickly goes up to the top rope, nailing a great 450 Splash for a two count! The crowd is into this action. Evans hits a bodyslam and goes to the top rope again, but CIMA pops up and hit his Venus Leaping Palm Strike, crotching Evans. He nails the GoroIconoclasm for a 2 count! The crowd pops for the move, as this move isn’t very common in the states. CIMA continues his beatdown with a Perfect Driver (Cross-Leg Michinoku Driver) for another 2 count. Evans fights back and nails a leg sweep and a standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. The finish comes when Evans fights CIMA on the top rope, dropping him before hitting a fantastic 620 Splash for the 1, 2, 3! What a match!

    O - 63

    C - 48

    M - 95

    After the match, the crowd gives both men an standing ovation, including a “Please Come Back!” chant for CIMA.

    RatM plays as Ricky Reyes makes his way to the ring to some cheers. Reyes looks focused. Next out is Super Dragon, who comes out to a great pop and a “Super Dragon!” chant. This should be a stiff match.

    Ricky Reyes vs. Super Dragon

    Reyes and Dragon start off by trading kicks to the thighs. Dragon catches Reyes leg and nails a Dragon Screw. Violence Party in the corner, but Reyes reverses it and nails chops and kicks of his own. The two trade stiff moves for about 10 minutes, including an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex into the corner by Reyes that caused Super Dragon to land right on his head. Dragon manages to come back and lock in the Curb Stomp... and nails it! Vicious. Super Dragon then climbs up to the top rope and nails a Flying Stomp to the back of the head for a two count. “Super Dragon!” chant starts up. Reyes fights back and hits a suplex and a STIFF kick to the face that gets an “OOOH!” from the crowd. On commentary, Excalibur points out that he hasn’t seen anything this stiff since the time someone gave Joey Ryan an all-Hillary Duff magazine. Disco tells him that he wouldn’t brag about noticing if he were him. Back to the match, Super Dragon nails a Kappo Kick and signals for the Psycho Driver, and hits it! Cover, 1, 2, 3! Awesome match!

    O - 55

    C - 37

    M - 88

    It’s intermission time, and Jack Evans signs autographs at the gimmick table.

    “Meant to Live” plays as “The Technical Wizard” Joey Ryan makes his way to the ring to some boos. Some fans are jawing with him, so Joey holds out his hand and slaps it away. “Copa Cabana” once again plays as Colt Cabana makes his way to the ring to a “Colt!” chant.

    "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Joey Ryan

    First 5 minutes or so consist of Colt goofing on Joey, with Joey trying to lock up a knuckle lock, but Colt turns it into a game of patty cake. After a little while, Joey and Colt start doing some great mat wrestling, pretty even, lots of reversals, with Colt frustrating Joey with some nice moves, following them up by playing 'got your nose' and pulling some of Joey's beard stubble. Funny stuff. Joey comes back with some nice armbars, a shoulder breaker, and an Oklahoma Roll for a near fall. Colt reverses an Irish Whip, but Joey ducks under a clothesline attempt and nails a great looking Superkick for a 2 count. Joey grounds Colt once again with a hammerlock. Colt makes it to his feet, only to be grounded by a single arm takedown into a Fujiwara armbar! Colt desperately tries to make it to the ropes, and finally does. Joey waits until the 4 count to let go. Joey backs Colt into the corner and hits some knees, then sets him up for his Duff Drop Neckbreaker, but Colt reverses it into a tornado snap suplex for a 2 count! Colt is on fire, hitting some knee strikes and a Kryptonite Krunch into his knee for a two count! Colt calls for the Colt 45! He lifts him up and nails it! Cover, 1, 2, 3! Great match.

    O - 62

    C - 49

    M - 89

    Next up, Samoa Joe comes out to a great reaction, 50/50 cheers and boos. His opponent, Vampiro, comes out to a decent reaction from the marks. A “Joe!” chant starts up.

    Samoa Joe vs. Vampiro

    This is almost a squash, as Vampiro doesn’t seem to have an answer to Joe’s offense. Vampiro tries to trade strikes with the Samoan, but Joe gets the upper hand with his hand slap/punches combo, nails a flying knee in the corner, and hits a vicious Face Wash to some great crowd cheers. During the match, the crowd basically turns on Vampiro. Vampiro hits an Enziguri and a clothesline, but Joe comes back with a Powerslam, followed by his chop/kick/knee combo for a two count. The finish comes when Samoa Joe hits the Musclebuster, followed by the choke for the tap out victory.

    O - 66

    C - 69

    M - 82

    Celebration Interrupted

    Commissioner SoCal Val makes her way to the ring, carrying the shiny, new tag team title belts. Val gets on the mic and asks 2 Skinny Black Guys to come to the ring. “Black or White” plays as El Generico and Human Tornado come out, dancing and playing to the crowd. SoCal Val presents the 2 with the tag titles as they hold them up and celebrate. Out of nowhere, SBS II come out and start attacking Tornado and Generico with chairs! The 2 Skinny Black Guys are laid out! On commentary, Disco mentions that he swung the chair so hard that he “left a dent in Tornado’s fro”. Excalibur and Disco grab the belts and pose with them to a chorus of boos. Some of the lower card babyfaces come out and chase the SBS away, and help 2SBG to the back.

    Rating - 63

    “You’re the Best” plays as Frankie Kazarian makes his way to the ring. “Tear Away” plays as the PWG Champion, “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen makes his way to the ring, holding up his title. The main event is next!

    “The Future” Frankie Kazarian vs. “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen

    This was a great match, as Kazarian kept using his technical skills to frustrate Steen. The first 10 minutes or so were clean mat wrestling, with Kazarian using solid holds, grabbing a headlock, and mentioning how ‘he learned this in the E’ to some laughs. On commentary, Excalibur mentions that he won the pool about how long it would take Kazarian to blow his shot in the WWE. Kazarian hits his Flying Legdrop for a two count, as the crowd starts up a “Too High Risk!” chant. Steen comes back with some chops and a Swinging Backbreaker for a two count. Steen is in control, hitting an Enziguri and a Superkick for another two count.

    The match is back and forth for a while, as both men beat each other down. Steen signaled for the Steenalizer, but Kazarian squirms out and nails the Wave of the Future! He covers, 1, 2, but Steen somehow kicks out! Kazarian picks Steen up and sets him on the top turnbuckle, signaling for the Flux Capacitor! He climbs up, but Steen fights him and knocks him down, following it up with a perfect Moonsault! 1, 2, and Kazarian kicks out! Kazarian starts to come back, but Steen hits a mule kick low blow behind the referees back! Steen picks Kazarian up and hits the Package Piledriver! 1, 2, 3!

    Winner: Kevin Steen

    O - 68

    C - 61

    M - 91

    Steen steals this one, but he’s not done yet. He grabs his title belt and is waiting for Kazarian to get up, but here comes Colt Cabana! Cabana makes the save, clotheslining Steen out of the ring! Cabana and Steen are yelling at each other, as Steen holds up his title as he makes his way to the back to end the show...

    (OOC: Thanks for the feedback, guys. Hope this new format is a little more aesthetically pleasing. As far as having Burchall, I think a lot of people use him because he has great all-around stats and menacing attribute. A talented big man? I'll take him)

  12. PWG Presents "Delorians Rule!" on Saturday, September 17

    by Silverback, PWG Staff Writer

    Motor City, CA - We here at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com), like most red blooded American males, like cars. Fast cars, shiny cars, cars with women in bikinis draped over the hood like an ornament... oh, yeah. Lately, however, we have noticed an alarming trend: 80% of cars now look alike. What is up with that? Whatever happened to those wacky, far out car designs? In honor of those days of yore, PWG presents "Delorians Rule!" on Saturday, september 17th. Because, let's face it: None of todays cars could ever be mistaken for a time machine...

    Last month at PWG's "Zombies Shouldn't Run", a new Heavyweight Champion was crowned as "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen defeated AJ Styles in a fantastic match. Kevin Steen was said to be in high spirits as he felt that he had finally proven to all of the naysayers that he is better than Styles. His spirits, however, took a turn for the worse, when Commissioner SoCal Val informed Steen that he would be defending his PWG Championship against the dreaded Mystery Opponent! For years, mystery opponents have plagued champions with their unpredictability. Can Steen withstand the challenge? Find out at "Delorians Rule!"

    Not only that, but PWG has signed 2 hard hitting match ups! Match #1 pits Samoa Joe vs Vampiro! The Vamp has been spending time in Mexico and Puerto Rico, and is now looking to make his triumphant return to the states. Standing in his way, however, is one of the toughest men in the sport today, Samoa Joe. Joe was last seen in PWG at All-Star Weekend: Night 1, where he lost a tough match against the man who would become PWG Champion that same weekend, AJ Styles. Needless to say, Samoa Joe is not a happy man. That should be a great one. Match #2 pits SoCal Favorite Super Dragon against Ricky Reyes. This match could be the sleeper of the night, as Ricky Reyes is an underrated worker, and defeating Super Dragon would be a major victory. Don't miss these 2 exciting match ups!

    Also at "Zombies Shouldn't Run", new tag team champions were crowned as 2 Skinny Black Guys (El Generico & The Human Tornado) defeated Arrogance. PWG will be presenting 2SBG with their Tag Team Titles at "Delorians Rule!" Be there!

    And in an International Dream Match, one of the best high-flyers in North America, Jack Evans, will be taking on one of the best high-flyers in Japan, CIMA! These two will surely put on an aerial display worthy of the Blue Angels! Don't miss it!

    Last, but definately not least, PWG welcomes "Classic" Colt Cabana back from his European Tour. Colt will be hosting "Good Times, Great Memories" at D.R, with special guest, Kevin Steen! Good times!

    Also in action, the debut of the British Monster, Paul Burchall, "The Technical Wizard" Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, Top Gun Talwar, and the return of Scorpio Sky!

    Tickets are only $15, and are available at the door, Saturday, September 17th, with a belltime of 7:00PM. The Hollywood Auditorium is located at 123 Fake St, Hollywood, CA.

  13. Things had not gone as smoothly as I would have hoped for, for some reason things just didn't click. After the show, I was pissed, and almost everyone avoided me. AJ and Daniels came up to me and started talking about the TNA rumor that starting next month they wouldn't be allowed to take bookings like PWG. I'd figured this out on my own, so I told them I knew and thanked them for what they'd done for the company, making Steen and Bryan on the way out. That put me in an even worse mood. To top things off, Bosh had hurt his shoulder bad during the Tag Title match, and he would be out for 3 months. Great.

    The next day I called in Sonjay Dutt and asked him if he wanted to come in. He sounded excited and we agreed to have him debut at the next show. 2 days after that, he calls me back and says that he's very sorry, but he can't do this right now. He admitted he had a cocaine problem and that he would be checking himself in to rehab. Great. I told him to go get well and we'd work something out when he was ready.

    I knew it would take a lot to replace AJ and Daniels' spots, but I managed to track down 2 guys who would do:

    Low Ki (Heel, 67 over) - Low Ki agreed to take a few matches in between NOAH tours and RoH. He's got a bad-ass persona, great moves, great martial arts. I told him to lose the gangsta pirate look and come down with his 'A' game for some quality matches against top opponents.

    Vampiro (Face, 70 over) - Mostly brought in because of name value with our hispanic fans (he's been working lucha for the last few years) and because he can brawl against our big guys like Joe.

    I also signed one more person, but I would use him as a surprise at the next show. Meanwhile, on the TV front, I had been unable to convince Comedy Central that we were worth a shot. I guess we didn't have enough comedy or something. I would try FSN next time.

    (OOC notes: No guessing on the 'mystery signing', it's too easy. BTW, Rich F, I totally know what you mean about the backstory, I didn't really have one and just wrote whatever down to explain why I started with good money. I did, however, have plans to do the updates (like the one above) as Super Dragon, which I thought would be interesting. Thanks for the feedback.)

    Next: Delorians Rule! Preview

  14. PWG “Zombies Shouldn’t Run”

    Saturday, August 20, 2005

    Ring announcer Michael Ian welcomes the crowd to the show. He runs down the matches, and hypes the main event between A.J Styles and Kevin Steen for the PWG Championship! On with the show!

    SBS II come out first to some good heel heat, and a loud “Disco Sucks!” chant. Los Luchas come out to a decent crowd reaction. Top Gun Talwar and Davey Richards come out to a very good pop, as the crowd enjoys Top Gun’s shenanigans. Top Gun comes out with a white powder all over his face, and Davey just looks intense as Top Gun plays to the crowd by yelling that he can’t control the volume of his voice, and acting like he’s “doing a line” off of the ring ropes. The crowd is eating this up.

    SBS II (Disco Machine and Excalibur) vs. Los Luchas (Phoenix Star and Zokre) vs. DaveyGun (Top Gun Talwar and Davey Richards)

    Top Gun and Disco start things off. Top Gun works the arm and shoulder with a variety of moves, including a pair of shoulder tackles and an Arm Wringer where he places Disco’s hand in between his “massive pecs” and flexes several times, with Disco selling it like death. Top Gun tags out to Davey, who continues to work on the arm, including a hammerlock takedown with a nice bridge. Phoenix Star tags himself in as Davey went for an Irish Whip, and hits a great springboard dropkick for a 2 count. Phoenix hits a few arm drags, but Disco reverses one and hits a quick neckbreaker, tagging Excalibur in.

    Excalibur knocks down Phoenix with a pair of clotheslines, and follows it up with a double knee strike in the corner. Vertical Suplex for a 2 count. Phoenix gets punished for a few minutes, but makes a comeback after hitting a Pele kick and tagging out to Zokre! Zokre cleans house, arm dragging everyone and hitting a foot clap on Excalibur’s head. The match breaks down at this point, with everyone hitting their trademark spots. Disco hits a Chokebreaker on Zokre, which gets a rise out of the crowd. Top Gun nails some clotheslines and hits his mighty “Chipotle!” Reverse Tornado DDT, but the pin is broken up by Excalibur, who throws Top Gun out of the ring. Disco and Top Gun fight out on the floor, but are taken out by a beautiful Asai Moonsault by Phoenix Star. In the ring, Davey Richards hits Excalibur with a few stiff kicks and forearms, but ends up taking a big DDT followed by the Tiger Driver ‘98 for the 3 count and victory for the new SBS!

    Winners: SBS II (Disco Machine and Excalibur)

    O - 49

    C - 29

    M - 82

    After the match, as Top Gun helps Davey to the back, he yells at him that “this is what happens when you refuse to inject stuff into your ass!” He promises to bring him back some of the good stuff on his next ‘hooker nailing’ trip to Tijuana. Funny stuff.

    Mr. Wrestling Speaks

    “Tear Away” plays as the #1 contender for the PWG Championship, “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen, makes his way to the ring and takes the mic. Even though he is a heel, the crowd starts up a “Mr. Wrestling!” chant. Steen tries to turn the crowd against him by picking on the crowd. He says that ever since he’s been wrestling, he’s always heard people praising A.J Styles, and he’s sick of it. It’s time that people started buzzing about Steen, and he says that tonight he’s going to “Phenomenally kick A.J’s ass!” as the crowd chants for Styles. Good promo by Steen.

    Rating - 67

    “Meant to Live” plays as “The Technical Wizard” Joey Ryan makes his way to the ring. Joey is wearing a Letterman’s jacket, and grabs the mic as the crowd starts a “Joey Sucks!” chant. Joey goes on about how he’s figured out why people boo him. A smart ass in the crowd yells out, “Because you suck!” to some laughs. He tells him that’s not it. No, it’s because people are jealous of him. He points out that he was popular in High School, was captain of the wrestling team, and dated the hot cheerleaders. On commentary, Excalibur points out that Joey still cruises for chicks at the local high schools. Joey continues by saying it’s not his fault that the crowd was too lazy and untalented to do those things, and that they are petty and jealous. Joey’s rant is interrupted by the debuting Sonny Siaki, who comes out to a nice crowd reaction.

    Joey Ryan vs. Sonny Siaki

    Mostly mat work early on, as Joey is actually shown up by the larger Siaki for a few minutes. Siaki then brings Joey up to a vertical base to hit his base offense. Siaki dominates with some good power moves, including a powerslam and a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Joey comes back after a thumb to the eyes and a chop block to the back of the knee. Now Joey shows some great mat wrestling by working over Siaki’s knee, using a lot of Flair-like spots, including a knee-breaker and several leg locks. Joey starts jawing with some fans, and Siaki fires back with some punches and chops, but is cut off by a leg sweep.

    The crowd gets behind Siaki, who finally makes his big comeback and nails Joey with a couple of clotheslines and a big Samoan Drop for a 2 count. Siaki sets up Joey for the Siakalypse, but Joey reverses out of it and rolls up Siaki with his feet on the ropes for the tainted victory! Joey gets out of dodge as the crowd boos him. Good match.

    Winner: “The Technical Wizard” Joey Ryan

    O - 63

    C - 52

    M - 89

    After the match, Siaki gets a standing ovation for his efforts as he shakes hands with a few of the fans on his way to the back.

    Some funky music plays as Spanky makes his way to the ring, dancing and generally acting like he’s too good to be here. “Findum, Fuckum and Flee” plays as Super Dragon makes his way to the ring to some loud “Super Dragon!” chants.

    Super Dragon vs. Brian “Spanky” Kendrick

    Super Dragon takes it to Spanky from the bell with some stiff chops and forearms to the face. Dragon back Spanky into a corner and nails the Violence Party, followed by an Irish Whip and a kappo kick for a 2 count. Super Dragon still in control as he nails a stiff clothesline and locks in his STF. Spanky makes it to the ropes, but Dragon holds on and counts along with the ref until the 4 count before releasing. Dragon pulls Spanky back to the middle of the ring and teases a Curb Stomp, but Spanky reverses with a Drop Toe Hold and kicks Dragon in the back of the head as he rolls out of the ring. Super Dragon is on the apron, and goes for a shoulder to the gut, but Spanky moves and kicks him in the head before jumping out of the ring and nailing a Sunset Flip Powerbomb onto the hard floor bellow! The crowd responds with a “Holy Shit!” chant as Spanky rolls in and out of the ring to break up the 20 count.

    Some great back an forth action for about 10 minutes as both men shine. Super Dragon regains control and nails a huge Senton for a 2 count. Spanky fights back, but Dragon nails a knee, takes Spanky down, and sets up for a Curb Stomp... and nails it! Dragon plays to the crowd by stepping on the back of Spanky’s neck like he’s putting out a cigarette as the crowd begins another loud “Super Dragon!” chant. Spanky comes back with a Hotshot and signals for the Sliced Bread #2! He goes for it, but somehow Super Dragon reverses it and Spanky ends up on Dragon’s shoulders, right in position for a Psycho Driver! Devastating! Super Dragon covers and gets the 1, 2, 3 for the victory.

    Winner: Super Dragon

    After the match, Super Dragon leaves to cheers as Spanky comes to in the ring and starts throwing a tantrum, kicking the ropes and generally acting frustrated before making his way to the back as well.

    The Commissioner has an Announcement

    RatM plays on the speaker system as Commissioner SoCal Val makes her way to the ring to some appreciative hollers. Val gets on the mic and says that she is always on the lookout for new talent, and announces that she has just signed a very talented wrestler, the British Monster, Paul Burchall! Val informs the crowd that Burchall will be debuting at the next show, “Delorians Rule!” on September 17th! On with the show!

    Rating - 48

    “Disposable Teens” plays as Christopher Daniels makes his way to the ring, complete with pinstripe coat and sunglasses, to a great ovation. Next out is American Dragon, looking equally cool in his cloak and with his new Star Wars music playing. A sign in the crowd reads “In Memory of the Beard”. This one should be awesome.

    “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

    The crowd chants “Where’s the Beard!?” at Dragon, which brings a smile to his face. Danielson goes for a handshake, but is refused by Daniels. Some incredible technical work in the first 10 minutes, with Daniels stalling a bit, but American Dragon keeping the pressure. Just a masterpiece between these two as they exchange mat holds. Dragon is in control with some European Uppercuts. On commentary, Excalibur calls Danielson a Benedict Arnold, as a supposed “American” Dragon should be using American Uppercuts, not Uppercuts from “Europa”. Dragon goes for a running forearm, but Daniels shows his veteran wile by hitting a defensive STO, and following it up with a Best Moonsault Ever for a 2 count.

    Daniels is in control for about 5 minutes, hitting most of his trademark offense. Dragon fights back and is able to hit a high angle German Suplex and hold the bridge for a 2 count out of nowhere. The crowd is appreciative. American Dragon then signals for an Airplane Spin, and hoists Daniels on his shoulder for an impressive 30 Revolution Spin as the crowd counts along. Dragon, still dizzy himself, throws a dropkick that misses Daniels by about 8 feet, much to the delight of the crowd. Both men make it up to their feet. Daniels sets up Dragon for an Angel’s Wings, Dragon reverses into position for a Dragon Suplex. Daniels fights out and hooks in the Last Rites, but American Dragon reverses that and drives Daniels down in the middle of the ring hooking in the Cattle Mutilation! Daniels holds out for almost a minute, but in the end has no choice but to tap out. Amazing match.

    Winner: “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

    O - 72

    C - 65

    M - 97

    After the match, American Dragon gets on the mic and tells Daniels that it could have gone either way, and that he really respects him. Dragon goes for a handshake yet again, and Daniels teases shaking his hand, but instead snatches the mic from Dragon and tells him he got lucky and calls the crowd morons. He yells out that he doesn’t need any of them, and walks to the back. Dragon receives a standing ovation as he exits and the announcer indicates it’s Intermission.

    SoCal Val poses for pictures and signs autographs at the gimmick table during intermission.

    Back from intermission, Arrogance make their way to the ring. They gloat about taking Scorpio Sky’s mask at the last show and vow to regain their titles. “Thriller” blares thru the speaker system as 2 Skinny Black Guys come out to a great pop! Human Tornado is wearing a red leather jacket and doing the moves from the Thriller music video, much to the delight of the crowd. Generico follows suit, moonwalking and high-fiving the fans at ringside. This match is on!

    2 Skinny Black Guys (El Generico and Human Tornado) vs. Arrogance (Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) for the PWG Tag Team Titles

    Lost and Generico start things off. Generico gains control with some quick armdrags and a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Lost tags out quickly and Bosh runs in and gets an armdrag for his troubles. Generico dominates for a few minutes, then whips Bosh into the corner and calling for his Yakuza Kick. Bosh, however, drops to his knee and nails him with a punch to the groin, holding the pose ala Bloodsport! Bosh hits a running clothesline into a backbreaker that gets a rise out of the crowd and a near fall. Tag in to Lost, who hits some nice looking punches and a spin kick. Generico takes a beating, including a reverse fireman’s carry into a backbreaker and a huge elbow drop from the top from Lost. Generico starts fighting back, and throws a kick, but Scott catches his leg, and is promptly nailed by an Enziguri! The crowd is behind Generico as he goes for the tag and gets it!

    Human Tornado is cleaning house with leg lariats to both Lost and Bosh, before he dumps Bosh to the outside with a clothesline and nails Lost with a gutbuster. Lost reverses an Irish Whip into the corner and goes for his Superman Spear, but Tornado counters with a perfectly timed Dragon Punch ala Street Fighter II, to a huge pop from the fans! Tornado tags out to Generico and tries to Irish Whip Lost, who reverses, but Tornado hits a full speed dive onto Bosh on the outside! The crowd chants “Holy Shit!” as Generico hits a Half-Nelson Suplex and signals for the Brainbustaaaaaah! He hit it! 1, 2, and Bosh breaks up the 3 count.

    Bosh starts wailing on Generico, but Tornado gets him off and whips him into the ropes... Pounce! Tornado hits the Pounce to a great pop, and rubs his forehead on the top rope, parodying Monty Brown. Bosh rolls to the apron, where Lost tags him back in against his will. Generico hiptosses Bosh back into the ring, where he signals for the Brainbustaaaah! once more... and hits it! Tornado restrains Lost as Generico makes the cover. 1, 2, 3! We have new PWG Tag Team Champions!

    O - 58

    C - 43

    M - 87

    After the match, Generico and Tornado celebrate their win by doing the choreography to “Thriller” as the crowd claps along...

    An Ambush

    Out of nowhere, Disco Machine and Excalibur come out and proceed to beat down the new tag champs! The Two Skinny Black Guys have just had a grueling match, and are easy pickings for the fresh SBS! On commentary, Disco and Excalibur cheer themselves on, wondering why those “handsome, completely justified” wrestlers are not more appreciated by the fans. The crowd boos loudly as Disco and Excalibur pose over the fallen tag team champions.

    Rating - 55

    After the ring is cleared, “Tear Away” once again plays as Kevin Steen makes his way to the ring to about a 50/50 crowd reaction. Steen continues warming up as “I Am” plays and the PWG Champion, A.J Styles makes his way to the ring to cheers. This promises to be a great Championship match.

    “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen vs. “The Phenomenal” A.J Styles © for the PWG Heavyweight Championship

    Very even match to begin with, with Steen gaining the upper hand thru some underhanded tactics and locking in a headlock. A.J whips Steen off and hits his Perfect Dropkick sequence, causing Steen to roll out of the ring. A.J hits a diving dropkick to the outside, knocking Steen into the third row. A.J, back in the ring, goes for a suicide dive, but Steen manages to catch him and throw him head-first into the steel post! Steen tosses A.J back into the ring and gets a 2 count. Steen starts mocking A.J by waving his hands to his side, asking A.J what the hell that’s supposed to mean. A.J fights back, but Steen quickly rakes the eyes to regain control. Steen dominates for about 5 minutes, hitting a nice suplex, Spinning Backdrop Driver, and a pretty Moonsault for a two count. Steen goes to Irish Whip A.J, but A.J holds on and nails a Pele kick to get the crowd behind him and turn the tide.

    Styles starts hitting his offense, including a couple of kicks to the chest, a spin kick to the face, and a springboard flying forearm for a two count. Styles is on the offensive for a few minutes. A.J signals for the Styles Clash, but Steen grabs a rope and refuses to let go, cradling A.J while holding the ropes! 1, 2, but the ref sees the ropes and stops the count! A.J gets up and nails a powerbomb. He signals for the Spiral Tap, and gets to the top rope... but Steen grabs the ref and places him on top of himself! The crowd is chanting for A.J to hit the move anyways, but A.J thinks better of it and gets off, throwing the referee out of the way. Steen takes advantage and nails A.J with a vicious low blow! He’s got him up now for the Package Piledriver, and he drives his head into the mat! That was sick! Cover! 1, 2, 3! We have a new PWG Champion! Kevin Steen has just defeated A.J Styles! What a match!

    O - 72

    C - 64

    M - 96

    After the match, Kevin Steen is on his knees clutching his newly won title. He gets up and celebrates as he makes his way towards the back, stopping at the entrance to soak in the moment.

    Overall - 63

    Attendance - 1,651

  15. PWG Presents "Zombies Shouldn't Run" On Saturday, August 6!

    By Silverback, PWG Staff Writer

    Hollywood Cementary, CA - Since we here at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com) find ourselves in the public eye more often than not, we find it very important not to give our opinion on any causes or issues that may alienate our fans. However, there is one political issue that PWG feels very strongly about, and that is Zombie Awareness, and we can no longer stand by as public perception of zombies is distorted. Recently, filmmakers have found it tougher to draw movie goers into theaters, whether it's due to the decreasing quality of films, or high prices at the ticket window, no one can say for certain. With the resurgence of the zombie movie genre, and increasing pressure on box office performance, filmmakers are now resorting to "gimmicks" to bring in the money. The most popular of these "gimmicks" is the dressing up of zombies, thereby defeating the purpose of the entire genre.

    All metaphors aside, zombies, by nature, are frightening because they are slow moving, single minded killing machines. You may be able to outrun them temporarily, but eventually, they'll catch up with you, and you'll be forced to make a stand. You can stab, shoot, maim, or crush them, yet all it takes is one bite from a zombie, and you're one of them. What could be more scary than that? Today's filmmakers have decided that's not scary enough, and have more or less changed the zombies of today's films into the raptors from Jurassic Park. These are not your grandfather's zombies, and frankly, PWG thinks the world is worse because of it. That is why on Saturday, August 20th, 2005 at the newly dubbed “PWG Arena” (also known as the Hollywood Auditorium), PWG is holding our own event to raise Zombie Awareness, "Zombies Shouldn't Run" (it is also rumored there will be a wrestling show.)

    After his savage battle with Super Dragon to earn the number one contender spot last month, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen is poised to take the PWG Championship from around the waist of AJ Styles. However, since Styles defeated Super Dragon to win the PWG Championship in April, he has faced some of the stiffest competition the world of professional wrestling has to offer, and each time he has prevailed. Despite AJ Styles' success, this time will be different, says Kevin Steen. Infused with a new found determination after defeating Super Dragon three times in a row since forming the new SBS, Steen is now ready to take the final step in proving he is better in every way than Dragon. Though it remains to be seen if Steen can even take the title from AJ Styles, let alone hold on to it longer than Dragon did.

    Also stemming from events taking place at PWG's 2nd Anniversary, Arrogance (Chris Bosh & Scott Lost) had their 9 month reign as PWG Tag Team Champions ended by the Aerial Xpress (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky). While they gained a small measure of revenge by brutally attacking and unmasking Scorpio Sky, they were still no longer champions. Though the AXP was scheduled to defend the titles the very next night, Scorpio Sky had virtually disappeared after his team's victory, and to this day has not been able to be contacted by PWG or even his tag partner, Quicksilver. Due to this, PWG Commissioner SoCal Val was forced to strip the AXP of the Tag Team Titles, setting up a match for the titles at "Zombies Shouldn't Run!"

    Due to the rematch clause in the contract, Arrogance was automatically granted a shot at the now vacant belts. Later that night, their opponents were determined in a Four Team Elimination Match, where 2 Skinny Black Guys (El Generico & Human Tornado) beat out the other competitors for a shot at the titles. While it's arguable which team had the tougher route to this title match, it can't be argued that both teams deserve it, and that the fans are the real winners in this match. Them, and the team that comes away from the match as the winners, oddly enough.

    "Zombies Shouldn't Run" will also feature:

    After some tough losses to Kevin Steen and the new SBS, Super Dragon is on the warpath, metaphorically speaking. Looking to redeem himself, Super Dragon will be taking on the returning Brian “Spanky” Kendrick. Kendrick, making his return to PWG after a lengthy absence, was offered the match as a way to get back in the good graces of Commissioner SoCal Val. Kendrick believes that Dragon will be easy pickings after being on a 3 match losing streak. Others ‘in the know’ believe that Super Dragon will be taking this opportunity to vent his frustrations out on poor Spanky. Who’s beliefs are correct? We’ll find out at “Zombies Shouldn’t Run”!

    And, in a match that has internet fanboys drooling on their keyboards, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels will go one on one with the returning “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. Danielson, returning from a lengthy National Lampoon-esque European Vacation without his trademark lumberjack beard (rumor has it he fell asleep while getting a massage from ‘Heidi’, and woke up sans beard and wallet), is looking forward to getting a chance to step into the ring with The Fallen Angel. Daniels, however, has stated that an American Dragon without his beard is like Samson without his hair, and is confident that defeating Danielson will propel him right back into title contendership against either Styles or Steen. Expect an incredible match at ZSR!

    Also in action, Top Gun Talwar, Excalibur, Disco Machine, and the PWG debut of TNA’s Sonny Siaki against “The Technical Wizard” Joey Ryan! All this and more, at the PWG Arena! Be there, and support our worthy cause. Tickets are only $15, and are available at the door, Saturday, August 20th, with a belltime of 7:00PM. The Hollywood Auditorium is located at 123 Fake St, Hollywood, CA.

    (OOC Note: Thanks for the replies, guys, I knew I could count on you. As far as Frankie and Akio, give me time. Also, xdailyplanetx, if you're reading, it's actually kind of cool to have someone dig up a 2 month old diary that was probably on page 12 or something and post on it, thanks for that. "Zombies Shouldn't Run" should be up by Tuesday)

  16. (OOC Notes: Greetings all. You may remember me from my last attempt at a PWG Diary about 1 1/2 months ago. Perhaps you are wondering why I abandoned that diary. Well, I'll tell you all anyways. About 5 months in, game time, a new federation named City Limits Wrestling appeared, and proceeded to raid the hell out of me. Stupidly, I had not put Super Dragon himself under written contract, so my in game owner and half my roster left, and I threw in the towel. This time around, I secured a written contract for Super Dragon, and am ready to give this another shot. Timeline wise, this is after the 2nd anniversary show. I hope you all enjoy. Oh, and yes, I will be recycling a few of my ideas from the last diary. Sorry.)

    My name is Super Dragon. Along with 5 other wrestlers, I am the owner of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, an independent group running out of Southern California. Lately, we've been on a roll, building up a reputation for fun, exciting shows with great matches. Our DVD's are selling well, we're doing well financially, and we're able to reinvest the money we make to bring in new, top-notch talent.

    Out of nowhere, we were presented with an incredible opportunity. One of our biggest fans won a lawsuit against some giant company that made him sick. He had been coming to the shows for a year, poor guy, stuck in a wheelchair. His face lit up when the wrestlers talked to him, posed for pictures, etc... and you could tell the fun he was having at the shows was the most fun he had all month. Sadly, he passed away about a week ago. I, as well as a few of the other wrestlers, went to the funeral out of respect. That is where we found out exactly how much PWG had meant to him: He had actually left Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2 million dollars. 2 million freaking dollars. In his will, he said the he wanted PWG to use that money to grow into a national company, so that we could make other people happy, like we had made him happy.

    Of course, it wasn't long before Excalibur, Disco, Top Gun, and Scott dipped into these new funds to get drunk and hire strippers. Idiots. Naturally, it was up to myself and Joey (who didn't partake, as he doesn't like to drink, and the strippers were too old for his tastes) to make sure things didn't get out of hand, money wise. After they awoke from their drunken slumber, thanks to my extra loud cowbell (That'll teach them to trash my place, those poor, hungover bastards), we had a meeting and I put myself in charge of the money. Not that they could object that much, especially Top Gun, who kept passing out every 5 minutes. I decided it was time to devote myself full time to PWG, so I wrote up a written contract and gave myself a 3-year deal at a reasonable rate. No more east coast shows for me. I found a better venue to have the events at, upgraded our production, and spent a little more on promoting the shows. Things were looking up, but to truly take the next step, we would have to get a TV deal. From this point on, that would be my main goal. For now, it would be business as usual...

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

    Size: Cult 20%

    Money: $3,000,000 (Our budget + the inheritance)


    Main Eventers

    A.J Styles (Face, 77 Over) - Our current PWG champion. What can I say, he's phenomenal. Great matches and our most over wrestler. Important part of PWG, but is almost surely going to give us up to work full time for TNA.

    "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (Face, 60 Over) - A technical god. Great psychology and awesome technique. Really lets loose in PWG, showing good personality. Returning from an extended European Tour, the American Dragon is set to shine in PWG.

    "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (Tweener, 72 Over) - The best at everything. I think he should play more of a straight heel. Of course, there will always be people who will cheer him no matter what, but Daniels is such a good heel. Also the most costly wrestler on the roster, but he is definitely worth it. Also very likely to leave for full time TNA.

    Samoa Joe (Heel, 66 Over) - Bruiser who can wrestle and makes his matches look realistic as hell. Great Heavyweight to have on our roster.

    Brian "Spanky" Kendrick (Heel, 65 Over) - The Showstoppa is an awesome, charismatic wrestler. He's a heel here because of his arrogance, but still has lots of people cheering him.

    Upper Midcard

    Super Dragon (Face, 50 Over) - That would be me. I pride myself on my moveset and bad-ass persona. The Psycho Driver is a crowd favorite.

    Colt Cabana (Face, 46 Over) - Hilarious hijinx and solid technical wrestling make Colt a must have on our roster. He's what PWG is all about: Entertaining yet solid matches.

    Jonny Storm (Heel, 46 Over) - Thought I'd give him a try as a heel. Good high flying, if a bit reckless at times.

    Rocky Romero (Face, 47 Over) - One half of the Havana Pitbulls with Ricky Reyes. Leaner than his partner and more technically sound, he could break out on his own and do well.


    B-Boy (Heel, 40 Over) - B-Boy is a solid wrestler, but not outstanding. Good all-arounder, though, and good to have around.

    Chris Bosh (Heel, 40 Over) - "Photogenic" Chris Bosh is an up-and-comer here in PWG. One half of the tag team champs with Scott Lost, Bosh can talk and has a good variety of moves. I wish he'd tone up a bit, though. Maybe get a tan. Has a small but rabid following, the B.W.O, and can be gold on the mic when he's on.

    El Generico (Face, 37 Over) - Generico is a lovable underdog white guy in a lucha mask. People love him. Recently started teaming up with Human Tornado to form 'Two Skinny Black Guys'.

    Excalibur (Heel, 36 Over) - Excalibur recently turned heel on former SBS teammate Super Dragon. Upset about not getting the recognition he deserves, he's looking to break out of the pack.

    Jack Evans (Face, 44 Over) - Jack is the best high flyer in the indies today. Great at getting a rise out of the fans with insane spots, but sometimes wrestles too lazy. Still, the fans forget all about that when they see him Corkscrew thru the air, so he's a great commodity... and you know this, yo.

    Joey Ryan (Heel, 41 Over) - "The Technical Wizard" is coming back from a pretty severe injury, and as a result is trying to shake off some ring rust. Recently rejoined former X-Foundation partner Scott Lost to form PWG's only stable (for now), Arrogance.

    "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen (Heel, 42 Over) - One of the guys I see as having the brightest future, Mr. Wrestling was recently revealed as the fake Super Dragon and won the feud against Super Dragon. The Package Piledriver is sick. One of his best assets is that he can talk crap while wrestling, which most of our fans find thoroughly entertaining.

    Ricky Reyes (Face, 42 Over) - The other half of the Havana Pitbulls, Ricky is a better brawler than his partner, but not as technically sound. Hard hitting.

    Scorpio Sky (Face, 36 Over) - One half of The Aerial Express with Quicksilver, Scorpio is fast, technically solid, and hell bent on improving. In great shape, he can really go. Toured in Japan with Osaka Pro and came back better than ever. Was recently unmasked in an effort to be taken more seriously as a wrestler.

    Lower Midcard

    Disco Machine (Heel, 30 Over) - Solid worker, even better behind the scenes. Recently turned heel by siding with Excalibur against former partner Super Dragon.

    Quicksilver (Face, 31 Over) - The other half of the Aerial Express, Quicksilver is just as quick as his partner, but not as technically sound. Does hilarious pose and sells great.

    Scott Lost (Heel, 34 Over) - One half of the tag team champions with Chris Bosh, Scott plays the straight man to Bosh's hijinx. Has a great Superman Spear and has also toured Osaka Pro. His technical abilities are among the best in the company.

    The Human Tornado (Face, 30 Over) - This kid just oozes charisma. The P-I-M-P from Niggakeeprunnin, Mississippi, has awesome comedy spots and good speed.

    Top Gun Talwar (Heel, 30 Over) - Top Gun is a good comedy spot worker, and is usually in tag matches or six mans. Entertaining. His gimmick is that he is all screwed up due to the effects of numerous performance-enhancing drugs.


    Davey Richards (Face, 17 Over) - Davey is an intense Blue-Chipper, very much like Austin Aries. Great kicks and stiff forearms are his forte.

    Phoenix Star (Face, 20 Over) - One half of Los Luchas (with Zokre), Phoenix is a talented luchador. Has a nice Pele-style kick.

    Zokre (Face, 20 Over) - The other member of Los Luchas, Zokre is almost as talented as Phoenix. Good lucha worker.

    Paul Burchall (Heel, 20 Over) - Recently released from OVW, Paul is a near-perfect big man wrestler. Has the size (especially against shorter indy guys) and has a menacing aura around him. Bringing him in slowly as a monster. Signed him to a written deal and gave him a manager to help with his sub-par mic skills.


    Alicia Webb (Heel, 45 Over, 90 Charisma) - Alicia is going to be managing Paul Burchall, great on the mic, has a generic Seductress gimmick, but it'll work because we're not overpopulated by generic divas.


    SoCal Val (Face, 18 Over, 71 Char) - Val is a 'friendly' girl who plays our People's Boss since Paul T left to surf full time.


    Kevin Steen just won a feud against Super Dragon, and is now #1 contender for the PWG Heavyweight Championship held by AJ Styles

    The Aerial Xpress (Quicksilver and Scorpio Sky) just won a feud against Arrogance (Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) to finally capture the PWG Tag Team Titles. After that match, however, Bosh and Lost stripped Scorpio of his mask and bloodied him up badly, taking him out of action for a while. AXP had to vacate the Tag Titles per Commissioner SoCalVal's decree.

    2 Skinny Black Guys (Human Tornado and El Generico) became # 1 contenders by winning a 4 way tag match. Per SoCalVal, they will face the former champions, Arrogance, at the next show.

    Next Show, August 20th, 2005:

    Zombies Shouldn't Run!

    Scheduled Matches:

    Main Event

    "The Phenomenal" A.J Styles vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen for the PWG Heavyweight Championship

    "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

    Brian "Spanky" Kendrick vs. Super Dragon

    2 Skinny Black Guys (Human Tornado and El Generico) vs. Arrogance (Chris Bosh and Scott Lost) for the PWG Tag Team Titles

    Also appearing: "The Technical Wizard" Joey Ryan, Excalibur, Disco Machine, Top Gun Talwar, and the PWG debut of Sonny Siaki!

    Next: PWG "Zombies Shouldn't Run!" Press Release

  17. Yes, this diary started right after the "Jason takes PWG" show, so Excalibur turned on Super Dragon. I decided to focus the feud more of a Steen vs. Super Dragon instead of Excalibur vs. Super Dragon. I'm not sure why I haven't used Excalibur as much. I find myself going a lot more for the outside talent. I'm pretty close to getting a TV deal, so when I do I think I'll push the homegrown PWG talent a little more.

    PWG "Strikes Back!"

    August 20, 2005

    Announcers: Excalibur and Stephan Peyton

    The show opens up with the ring announcer hyping up the crowd, announcing the matches for the show. He then announces the first match as the Ole! Ole! fills the JCC. Human Tornado, Jimmy Jacobs, and El Generico make their way to the ring. They play to the crowd, including a spot where Generico looks mesmerized by Jacob's furry boots, and Jacobs keeps 'Hussing' at him to get away. 'Dangah Zone' now plays as Top Gun Talwar, Excalibur, and Jonny Storm make their way to the ring...

    Jimmy Jacobs, El Generico and The Human Tornado vs Top Gun Talwar, Excalibur and Jonny Storm

    Generico and Top Gun start things off. Generico has grabbed a bag from under the ring that reads "Baja Fresh" and is holding it in front of Talwar. Top Gun is mesmerized...


    "Si, si."

    "Give it to me."


    "I said give it!"

    Top Gun starts chasing Generico around the ring. Generico is leading Top Gun with the bag. He stops short and gently tosses the bag out of the ring as Top Gun takes a dive over the top rope trying to catch the bag! The bag lands in the lap of a female fan as Top Gun lays on the floor, recovering from the nasty bump. Top Gun faintly grasps towards the bag as Excalibur comes over to check on his tag team partner... no! Excalibur is slapping Top Gun over and over. He gets into the ring, disgusted, as Top Gun looks like he's going to cry, until the fan waves the bag in front of Top Gun's face. Top Gun is suddenly all smiles as he takes out the chipotle and takes a big bite as the crowd cheers.

    Oh, yeah, there's also a match going on. Excalibur and Jacobs in the ring, Excalibur beating the hell out of Jacobs with punches and forearms the back. Ex backs Jacobs into the corner and tags in Storm, who proceeds to show off his technical skills. Nice matwork ending up with Jacobs in a leg headlock. The crowd is behind Jacobs, but Storm tags out and Excalibur cuts off Jacobs comeback. The heels are basically building heat on Jacobs for most of the match, until Jacobs comes back with some clotheslines and hits the tag! Tornado comes in with some leg lariats and a big dropkick to the mush of Jonny Storm. Tornado also hits the Dragon Punch ala Street Fighter II, to a nice pop from the Video Game geeks in the crowd. Storm ends up in the corner, and Tornado nails his two-step kicks, followed by his splits into the groin of Storm. Tornado sets Storm up for a Tornado DDT, but Excalibur cuts him off and throws Tornado off the top rope. Generico and Excalibur go at it for a bit, leading to a melee! Everyone is fighting and Storm is on top, where he nails a huge corkscrew plancha onto everyone. Excalibur nails the Tiger Driver '98 on Tornado. Generico nails the Brainbuuuuuuustah! On Excalibur, and Jacobs hits the Contra Code on Top Gun! Storm, however, is on the top rope, and nails an incredible twisting moonsault onto Jacobs to pick up the 1, 2, 3 for his team! Entertaining stuff.

    O -61

    C -43

    M -80

    The Debut of the Monster

    Alicia Webb makes her way to the ring in a short skirt and halter top. The crowd wolf whistles and whatnot. Alicia gets on the mic and tells everyone that she has brought her very own monster to PWG to make her money and beat people up. She introduces her client, the British Monster, Paul Burchill! Burchill comes out to The Clash and looks intimidating. At 6'4, he's taller than most of the roster right off the bat, but he's also got some awesome skill for a big man.

    Rating - 51

    Hey, you! What's that sound? The crowd claps along as Disco Machine makes his way to the ring with his big Disco ball. He makes the ref hold the Disco ball over his head as he dances. He then tries to go over to Alicia to try to get her to dance, but Burchill steps in and starts pummeling him to start the match!

    Disco Machine vs. Paul Burchill (with Alicia)

    Burchill pretty much dominates the first 5 minutes hitting Disco with some great looking punches and some power moves, which Disco sells like a champ. Burchill proves that he can wrestle as well, with some solid submission moves. Disco makes a comeback by going for the leg, with Burchill knocking him off, but Disco showing tenacity by sticking to his gameplan. Disco finally knocks the big man down with a sweep of the leg, but Burchill is quickly up and damn near takes Disco's head off with a clothesline. Alicia doing a good job of putting her man over. Burchill picks up Disco in the fallaway slam position and flips over, hitting his impressive C-4 for the 1, 2, 3! After the match, Burchill keeps beating Disco down to establish himself as a monster. On commentary, Excalibur points out that Super Dragon isn't coming out to help Disco, but Excalibur would have if Disco had joined him. Not a bad match.

    O -52

    C -29

    M -75

    Eminem plays on the speakers as Jack Evans makes his way to the ring. Jack has been getting really over with the fans, who love to see him do those crazy moves. Likewise, the former Akio, Jimmy Yang, is over because of some great quality matches lately. The ref goes to check Evans and Evans assumes the position to a few laughs. This should be a show stealer.

    Jimmy Yang vs. Jack Evans

    Evans and Yang work some great armbar switches, showing off their underappreciated tech skill. Yang gets the upper hand and starts nailing Evans with kicks, which Evans retaliates to with kicks of his own, including a spinning back kick. On commentary, Excalibur calls it a Kickapalooza. Yang reverses the corner position and nails Evans right in the mush before nailing his hanging legchoke as the ref counts to 4... This is a great back and forth match for about 10 minutes, with both guys getting rises out of the crowd. Evans hit a standing backflip press followed by a standing twisting shooting star press for a two. Evans goes up but Yang climbs up and nails a Super Armdrag for a two count of his own. Evans rolls out and Yang goes for a corkscrew plancha, but finds nothing but mat. Evans climbs in and hits way more twists than any person has a right to be able to do for a great pop and a "Holy Shit!" chant from the crowd. Evans rolls Yang into the ring as the announcer indicates 1 minute remaining. Evans and Yang trade roll ups for near falls, making for a very exciting minute, but ultimately time expires, leaving this contest a draw. The crowd is not happy about the no-finish, but still gives both men a standing ovation for their work, as this was the best PWG match in recent memory.

    O -74

    C -52

    M -97

    A Verbal Thrashing

    "The Technical Wizard" Joey Ryan makes his way to the ring to some "Joey Sucks!" chants. Joey shows the crowd what he thinks of them by holding out his hand and slapping it away. Sorry, I have no explanation for that one. Joey starts talking about how he doesn't get the respect he deserves, because he is a great technical wrestler. Out comes his opponent for the night, "Classic" Colt Cabana. He mocks Joey as only Colt can, making references to Joey secretly being a member of a failed boy band and generally makes fun of Joey, who can't take it in good humor. Joey tells Colt he won't be laughing when he beats him, and the match begins.

    Rating - 54

    "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Joey Ryan

    First 5 minutes or so consist of Colt goofing on Joey, with Joey trying to lock up a knuckle lock, but Colt turns it into a game of patty cake. After a little while, Joey and Colt start doing some great mat wrestling, pretty even, lots of reversals, with Colt frustrating Joey with some nice moves, following them up by playing 'got your nose' and pulling some of Joey's beard stubble. Funny stuff. Joey comes back with some nice armbars, a shoulder breaker, and an Oklahoma Roll for a near fall. Colt reverses an Irish Whip, but Joey ducks under a clothesline attempt and nails a great looking Superkick for a 2 count. Joey grounds Colt once again with a hammerlock. Colt makes it to his feet, only to be grounded by a single arm takedown into a Fujiwara armbar! Colt desperately tries to make it to the ropes, and finally does. Joey waits until the 4 count to let go. Joey backs Colt into the corner and hits some knees, then sets him up for his Duff Drop Neckbreaker, but Colt reverses it into a tornado snap suplex for a 2 count! Colt is on fire, hitting some knee strikes and a Kryptonite Krunch into his knee for a two count! Colt calls for the Colt 45! He gets Joey in position, but Joes squirms out of it and rolls him up while holding the tights to get the 1, 2, 3 and the pinfall victory! Colt is stunned, and Joey runs away quickly and celebrates at the entrance ramp. Great technical match.

    O -70

    C -50

    M -91

    (Intermission follows, with Jack Evans at the gimmick table signing autographs)

    After intermission, the announcer indicates that next up is the Guerrilla Warfare Match. Super Dragon enters the ring to loud "Super Dragon! Clap clap clap!" chants. He prepares in the corner as Kevin Steen makes his way past the entrance. He stares down Super Dragon for a moment before turning his attention to the crowd, at which point Super Dragon goes for a full speed flipping suicide dive to start off the match!

    Super Dragon vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

    Guerrilla Warfare Match

    The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit!" as Super Dragon really nailed Steen with his dive and took out a few rows of chairs in the process. Dragon recovers and goes to town on Steen, tossing him hard into a couple of rows of chairs, sending the fans scurrying. Great intensity shown here. Steen gets out of trouble by nailing a low blow followed by a flying chair to the head that sounds absolutely sick! Steen and Super Dragon make their way to the ring now where they proceed to have an absolutely BRUTAL match that needs to be seen to be appreciated fully. Dragon hits a Violence Pary, a kappo kick, and a backbreaker out of the corner. Steen fights back with a Ferris Wheel Slam, a superkick, and a picture perfect moonsault for a 2 count! Steen signals for a Steenalizer, but Super Dragon counters and gets Steen in position for a Curb Stomp... he then grabs a chair and places it near Steen's head... Curb Stomp on the Chair! Oh my god! Super Dragon accentuates the brutality by stepping on Steen's neck! The crowd is going nuts for this! Super Dragon picks Steen up and nails a Psycho Driver! 1, 2, Steen somehow kicks out! The crowd can't believe it! Dragon prepares to hit another Psycho Driver, but here comes Excalibur! Excalibur nails Dragon with a vicious shot to the back of the head, earning a collective "Ooooooh!" from the crowd. On commentary, Excalibur is cheering himself on, talking about "that handsome devil that just bent a chair over Super Dragon's head". Excalibur goes to help Steen up, and sets up two chairs side by side. Steen gets Dragon and stands up on the chairs, signaling for the Package Piledriver, and he hits it on the chairs! Vicious! Steen goes for the pin and gets the 1, 2, 3 for the victory! Excalibur and Steen continue the beatdown until Disco and a couple of the lower card babyfaces come out with chairs for the save. Brutal match.

    O -69

    C -53

    M -86

    Next up, the Triple Threat for the Tag Team Titles. The Aerial Express comes out to some nice "AXP! AXP!" chants. The Havana Pitbulls come out to some applause, and Arrogance comes out with their belts.

    The Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky and Quicksilver) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero) vs. Arrogance (Chris Bosh and Scott Lost)

    Some solid tag team wrestling from all of these men. Rocky Romero showed off his athleticism by hitting some stiff kicks and some fast tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Chris Bosh. Bosh quickly tags out to Scorpio Sky, and Scorpio and Rocky proceed to put on an impressive display for about 4 or 5 minutes. Rocky tags out to Lost, who hits a nice Northern Lights Suplex for a 2 count. Scorpio comes back and tags out to Quicksilver, and the AXP proceed to hit some great double team moves, including a double arm wringer followed by kicks, and a double team legdrop. The teams took turns dominating each other. Things broke down in the end when Scorpio hit Ricky Reyes with a nice backbreaker, Bosh hit a clothesline into a backbreaker on Reyes and then nailed Scorpio out of the ring while Scott Lost put on the Sharpshooter on Ricky! Ricky holds on for dear life and tries to reach the ropes, but Lost pulls him back to the middle of the ring and Reyes has no choice but to tap out!

    O -63

    C -46

    M -81

    It is time for the Main Event of the evening. Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and looks serious. Frankie Kazarian comes out to some cheers. Spanky dances to the ring and turns his nose up at the fans. Finally, the returning Bryan Danielson makes his way back to PWG to some great "Dragon! Dragon!" chants from the crowd. This promises to be a great match!

    "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Spanky vs. "The Future" Frankie Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe

    PWG Heavyweight Title

    The crowd is hyped for this Championship match. Samoa Joe starts things off against Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian with a go behind, but Joe powers out and goes right for chops towards the corner. Kazarian fights back, but Joe uses his power and goes for the Paint Brush-like slaps. Joe then hits some hard kicks in the corner, snapmares Kazarian over, then hits his backchop-frontkick-knee combo for a two count. Spanky tags himself in behind Joe's back and goes to work on Kazarian. Spanky hits a dropkick and locks on a headlock. Kazarian fights back, but Spanky pulls him down by his hair. Kazarian eventually fights Spanky off long enough to tag in Bryan Danielson, who comes in with some stiff European Uppercuts and a snap suplex for a two count. Spanky uses the beard to drag down Dragon, and actually steps on his beard until the ref counts to 4. Dragon fights back with chops, but Spanky hits a knee to the gut and a swinging DDT for a 2 count.

    About 15 minutes of solid action follow, with each man getting a chance to show off their stuff. Spanky nails a dive to the outside in a nice spot. Dragon and Joe trade stiff strikes to get a rise out of the crowd. Kazarian hits his jumping dropkick in the corner on Dragon, and Joe follows it up with a facewash. Kazarian and Spanky are in the ring, but Joe comes in and clotheslines Kazarian. Spanky takes advantage and sneaks up and hits the Sliced Bread #2 on Samoa Joe! Kazarian then hits the wave of the future on Spanky, then goes for one on Joe, but American Dragon nails a Dragon Suplex for a two! AmDrag clotheslines Kazarian out of the ring, and Samoa Joe goes for a Musclebuster! Dragon slips out, and drives Joe down with the Cattle Mutilation! Joe tries to hang on, but he was weakened by the SB#2... Joe POWERS OUT! He fights off Kazarian and Spanky, but Dragon goes behind him and nails the Dragon Suplex and gets the pin! American Dragon is the new PWG Champion! Dragon celebrates the win after the match as the crowd applauds the efforts of all 4 men involved. Spanky goes up to Dragon and yells that he only won because of the Sliced Bread #2, and storms off. Kazarian shakes Dragon's hand. Joe just leaves, holding the back of his head. Dragon poses in the ring with the belt.

    O -75

    C -65

    M -86

    Overall Card - 64

    Attendance - 511

    Gate - $10,220

    A few days after the show, the verdict was in: We had risen to Cult Level. Most of our guys gained a lot of overness. I decided to look for a bigger venue, as I thought it was time to run Large events. We found the Hollywood Auditorium (OOC: Fictitious place, as far as I know, anyways) and set up the deal. Next month, we'd be out of the JCC and into the newly named PWG Arena! Whoo!

  18. PWG “Strikes Back!” on August 20th!

    By Silverback, PWG Staff Writer

    Skywalker Ranch, CA – Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com) received a devastating blow this week when we were informed by NWA-TNA wrestling that they would no longer be allowing their contracted wrestlers to wrestle independent bookings on the side. Unfortunately, this means that two of our most popular superstars, “The Phenomenal” A.J Styles and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels will no longer be available to work PWG dates. This is especially bad since A.J Styles was the PWG Champion. While we here at PWG wish nothing but the best to both Styles and Daniels, we have no choice but to vacate the PWG Title.

    I realize many of you are expecting us to whine and complain, but we got that all out of our system yesterday. So now, we will march on, looking forward at putting out the best show possible! Never give up, never surrender! They can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom! We will not go quietly into the night! And so on, and so forth with the inspirational phrases…

    Now, we were planning to do a round-robin, 16 man tournament to crown a new PWG champion, but when we tried to explain the concept to Commissioner SoCal Val, she just stared at us with such an adorable, confused look on her face… seriously, it made us go aaaaawwww, it was so cute. Anyways, we instead decided to take 4 of our best talents and set up a Fatal 4-Way for the vacant title. So, at PWG “Strikes Back!” it will be Samoa Joe vs. “The Future” Frankie Kazarian vs. Spanky vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson! Now we could go on at length as to why these four men deserve to be in this match, but we’re pretty sure you don’t care that much. Just giggle with giddiness and drool on at this match, Internet Boy!

    Also at “Strikes Back!” the issue between “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen and Super Dragon will escalate into one of PWG’s most violent matches, a “Guerrilla Warfare” Match! Will Super Dragon gain revenge, or will Kevin Steen use his crafty cunning sneakyness to defeat his nemesis? Find out on August 20th at PWG “Strikes Back!”

    The PWG Championship will not be the only title on the line, as the Tag Team Champions Arrogance (Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) will be defending their newly acquired shiny gold belts in a Three Way match against The Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky and Quicksilver) and The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero)! The AXP and Arrogance have had their problems recently, but adding the Havana Pitbulls, one of the most hard-hitting tag teams in the world, the brutality level is sure to be upped a notch. Can Arrogance retain their titles, or will we have new champions this Saturday? Don’t miss this!

    In the possible show stealer of the show, the amazing Jack Evans will face off one-on-one with Jimmy Yang! Both of these men are considered the premiere high-flyers in the industry today, and you can see this match only at PWG “Strikes Back!” Caution: People in the first 4 rows will probably be crashed into.

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla “Strikes Back!" takes place at the Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC on Saturday, August 20th, 2005 with a start time of 7:00PM. The Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC is located at 1110 Bates Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029. Tickets are only $15, and will be available at the door. For more information, please visit http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com or email info@prowrestlingguerrilla.com

  19. Thanks for the feedback, Hajjhowe. I would sign Beef but I haven't seen enough of him to know how to write him. I know he does the Ass-Punch, but that's about all I know. As for the TV Show, I decided not to send tapes out until I'm atleast Cult Level, which should be within the next couple of shows.

    Thanks for the feedback on the length, Mysterio2000X, I try not to make it too long so it doesn't turn into a blur and you just end up skimming it.

    "God Damn Motherf*ckers screwed us over!!!!"

    Dishes and silverware clattered as Super Dragon pounded on the table repeatedly in frustration. He didn't care that he was making a scene and that they might throw us out. He was pissed off, and rightfully so. NWA-TNA had just gotten a national TV deal and clearance in worldwide markets, so they decided that they didn't want their talent working for any independent promotions, so in one fell swoop, they took our two biggest draws, Christopher Daniels and A.J Styles. A.J was also our PWG Champion, so when news of this hit the sheets, the image of our title took a dive. Ugh.

    I reassured Dragon and tried my hardest to figure out the best scenario so that our title wouldn't suffer too much. This was going to take a lot of work, plus I had to find some good main eventers to replace A.J and Daniels. The lone bright spot in all of this was that "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson was back from Japan. I worked to make a signing, but it would be a while before I would see our new star, as he was touring Japan until about September. Oh, well, I guess it was too much to ask for things to run smoothly for long...

    A preview for the next show should be up tomorrow.

  20. Thanks for the feeback, guys.

    As far as realism, in my alternate reality, Kazarian's developmental contract was dropped because he mouthed off to HHH, and Yang was let go. Obviously, a lot of guys were let go in the game, but I'm a big mark for both of those guys, so I gave myself a little creative license. I know it's not very realistic, but I hope it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the diary. These are the only 2 guys I couldn't help but sign.

    On with the next show!

    PWG's "Dysfuntional Family BBQ!"

    July 16th, 2005

    Announcers: Excalibur and Stephan Peyton

    The ring announcer welcomes the crowd to PWG's "Dysfunctional Family BBQ"! The crowd is hyped up, and we're ready to go...

    Hey, you, what's that sound? The people start clapping as Disco Machine and The Human Tornado make their way to the ring. Disco is carrying his disco ball and Tornado is playing with his afro pick. Disco gets Tornado to hold the disco ball above him so he can dance. Disco then tries to get Tornado to dance, but Tornado backs off, saying it probably wouldn't come off right, "since I AM Black and everything." Disco won't take no for an answer, and holds the disco ball over Tornado's head, causing him to dance uncontrollably. His dancing, however, is more Michael Jackson than John Travolta. Funny stuff.

    Goddamiiiiiiit! "Dangah Zone" plays on the speakers as Top Gun and Excalibur come down to the ring. Excalibur is still getting nice heat from the turn on Super Dragon.

    Disco Machine and The Human Tornado vs. Excalibur and Top Gun Talwar

    Top Gun and Tornado start things off with some nice exchanges, mostly running the ropes. Tornado has a pretty nice dropkick and leg lariat. Top Gun hits a shoulder tackle and a couple of clotheslines. They tag out to Disco and Excalibur, who proceed to go nose to nose. Excalibur starts yelling that Disco should have joined him when he had the chance, and Disco just punches him in the jaw. Nice brawl with some good mat wrestling thrown in. Excalibur starts raking the eyes and biting the forehead, and things break down with both Tornado and Top Gun coming in. Tornado makes the save and throws both of his opponents out of the ring. Top Gun and Excalibur are regrouping on the outside. Top Gun is huddling with Ex, acting like he is whispering about strategy, but he is actually yelling very loudly, giving their dastardly plans away. Tornado takes a running start and nails a suicide dive, ending up at about the 4th row. The crowd is appreciative. They recover from the spot and continue in the ring, where Disco is about to go for the Disco Bomb, but Top Gun fakes getting in, drawing in the young and inexperienced Tornado long enough for Excalibur to hit a low blow and follow it up with a Tiger Driver '98 for the 1, 2, 3! Excalibur and Top Gun run away as Tornado tends to Disco in the ring. Nice opener.

    O -59

    C -39

    M -79

    Good Times, Great Memories

    “Copa Cabana” plays on the speakers as “Classic” Colt Cabana makes his way to the ring. Colt, acting as his usual goofball self, welcomes everyone to the first Good Times, Great Memories, PWG Edition! Colt welcomes his guest, “Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen! Steen makes his way to the ring and is interviewed by Colt. Colt mentions all of the famous “Misters” in history, including Mr. Magoo, Mr. Belvedere, Mr. Rogers, and, “last but not least, Mister Mister!” Crowd is eating this up. Colt asks Steen what he has against Super Dragon, and Steen goes off about taking Dragon’s spot in PWG. Suddenly, Super Dragon runs into the ring, and a brawl breaks out! Steen tries to fight Dragon off, but Dragon gets the upper hand and hits TWO Psycho Drivers on Steen, leaving him laying! Loud “Super Dragon!” chants as Dragon stands over Steen.

    Rating - 66

    Jimmy Jacob’s music plays as the Hussman makes his way to the ring, hussing up a storm. The crowd is into him, and they chant “HUSS! HUSS!” along with his steps. Next, Joey Ryan makes his way to the ring as we prepare for this match.

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. Joey Ryan

    Joey overpowers Jacobs to start, doing some fancy mat wrestling to keep Jimmy down. Joey starts feeling a bit confident, but when Jacobs works his way back to a vertical base, he starts hitting a few armdrags and a dropkick. Joey is stunned, and Jacobs works on the neck with a few neckbreakers and a DDT. Joey gets the advantage back with a thumb to the eye, then goes to hit Jacobs’ head on the top turnbuckle, but Jacobs hulks up and doesn’t sell the effects, much to the delight of the crowd. Joey backs off, but Jimmy hits some nice clotheslines and backs Joey into the corner, where he goes for the 10 punches as the crowd yells “Huss!” after each one. Jacobs whips Ryan into the corner, but Ryan nails a charging Jacobs with a boot. Some great reversals here as they fight for control of the corner position, before Jacobs ducks a clothesline, hits a kick to the gut, and nails the Contra Code for the 1, 2, 3! Jacobs celebrates as the crowd cheers him on. Good match.

    O -68

    C -42

    M -94

    Tag Team Title Belts Ceremony

    Arrogance’s music hits as Scott Lost and Chris Bosh make their way to the ring to a mixture of cheers and boos. Bosh gets on the mic and calls out Commissioner SoCal Val, demanding that they be presented with their tag team belts. Lost tells her that it’s not that hard to walk and breathe at the same time, so she should get her scrawny ass out there, pronto. SoCal Val comes out with the new Tag Team Title Belts, and tells Arrogance to show some respect and not take out their anger over their “shortcomings” out on her. Oh no she didn’t! Val tells Arrogance that, personal feelings aside, they are the Tag Team Champions, and they should have their belts. She presents them to them, but the ceremony is cut short by the Aerial Express, accompanied by Dino Winwood.

    Scorpio Sky and Quicksilver get in the ring and declare themselves the #1 contenders for the belts. They want to fight right there, but Lost and Bosh play heel and say they aren’t ready for a match, as tonight was supposed to be a celebration. SoCal Val makes the match for next month, and says that there’s another team that deserves a title shot as well. Rage Against the Machine plays on the speakers as the Havana Pitbulls make their way to the ring! Arrogance gets the hell out of dodge as the AXP and Havana Pitbulls stand face to face in the ring. Val separates them as they each vow to win the titles next month.

    Rating - 54

    Next up, Jack Evans makes his way to the ring, flipping in and doing some break dancing to the delight of the crowd. Jonny Storm is next, to a mild crowd reaction. Next up, Jimmy Yang makes his way in to some cheers (even though he’s a heel) and our next match is introduced.

    Jack Evans vs. Jonny Storm vs. Jimmy Yang

    On commentary, Excalibur goes off on a rant about too many people’s names starting with the letter ‘J’, and starts calling himself ‘Jexcalibur’. In the ring, the action is fast and furious, as Storm tries to go for quick pins but Yang nails some kicks on his opponents, picking his spots. Evans is getting beat up for a while, before Yang and Storm start fighting, giving Evans a chance to come back and nail a flipping springboard dropkick on both, followed by a standing Shooting Star Press for a 2 count on Yang. Evans then hits a headscissors on Storm, sending him to the outside. He signals for a dive, but Yang cuts him off, earning him some heel heat. Storm and Yang fight on the apron, leading to Storm hitting a perfect Tornado DDT back into the ring. Storm and Yang go at it until Evans clotheslines them both out of the ring, the goes up top for a HUGE Corkscrew Moonsault! Great move. Evans throws Storm back into the ring, and gets a 2 count only. Storm comes back with an Enziguri and a backbreaker, but Yang distracts Storm and Evans hooks in a cradle for the 1, 2, 3! Storm is eliminated.

    Yang and Evans now start going at it, with Yang hitting some great strikes, including a leaping sidekick to the head. Yang goes up, but Evans catches him up there and nails a Huracanrana for a 2 count! Evans hits a couple of nice moves before going up top. He’s up there showboating for the fans, and then goes for a 620 Splash, but nobody’s home! Yang quickly leaps up to the top and nails his Corkscrew Moonsault for the 1, 2, 3!

    O -67

    C -48

    M -86

    Intermission follows, as Colt Cabana signs autographs at the gimmick table.

    Kazarian and Daniels Exchange Words

    After Intermission, “The Future” Frankie Kazarian makes his way to the ring. Frankie gets some nice, “You’re the Coolest” chants. “Disposable Teens” plays and out comes the TNA X-Division Champion, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. Daniels gets on the mic and tells everyone that, even though he would personally be happy to defend his X-Division Title tonight, that’s not going to happen. He says TNA has barred him from defending the X-Division Title, especially against someone who the company ‘cast off’ and wasn’t good enough to be in TNA anymore. Daniels made fun of Frankie for losing his developmental deal so quickly. Frankie comes back saying he’s been X-Division Champion before, and saying that he made the mistake of ‘telling Vince’s son-in-law what he really thought of him’ and that he would have just been held down at the E anyways. A loud “F*ck HHH!” chant fills the JCC. Frankie says that it’s fine that it’s not for the title, stating that he’d beat Daniels just for the hell of it.

    Rating - 76

    “The Future” Frankie Kazarian vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

    This was a technical masterpiece, as Kazarian and Daniels did some great psychology spots. Kazarian dominated the beginning, but Daniels clipped the knee and worked that over for about 10 minutes. Good holds and good selling by both men. With his knee really hurting, Kazarian hit a DDT to get the momentum back, only to have Daniels hit a Kneebreaker and put on a Figure Four Leglock. Kazarian inched his way to the ropes and got the break. Daniels got a single leg Boston Crab, but once again Kazarian made it to the ropes. Kazarian finally made a comeback with some chops and European uppercuts, but couldn’t run the ropes too well, so he pushed Daniels into the corner and hit a lot of strikes, including a Karate Kid-like bicycle kick for a 2 count. Daniels hit another kneebreaker and went for the BME, but Kazarian got his knees up! Kazarian limped up and went for the ‘Wave of the Future’, but Daniels blocked it and went for a ‘Last Rites’, but Kazarian reversed it into a backslide for the 1, 2, 3! Kazarian pinned the X-Division Title! Daniels got up, and couldn’t believe it! He was livid, and complained to referee Rick Knox that he had counted fast. Knox denied it, and Daniels nailed him with a stiff right hand, but Kazarian made the save as Daniels got out of the ring and pointed out that he was still champion. Great match.

    O -78

    C -70

    M -87

    Next up, Colt Cabana makes his way to the ring, still entertaining the crowd. His opponent, B-Boy, is less interested in that, more interested in looking tough.

    “Classic” Colt Cabana vs. B-Boy

    Colt tried to joke around with B-Boy, asking him why he looked so mad. B-Boy responded by nailing some stiff forearms and knocking Colt down with a clothesline. B-Boy brawled with Colt, knocking him down in the corner and nailing a diving dropkick to the face of Cabana. Cabana came back with a clothesline of his own, followed by a Fallaway Slam and a Belly to Back Suplex for a 2 count. Nice, stiff exchanges and counters for the majority of the match, with neither man gaining the clear advantage. B-Boy hit a kick and went for the Shining Wizard, but Colt had it scouted, blocked it, and picked B-Boy up for the Colt 45! It was academic from there, with Cabana picking up the 1, 2, 3!

    O -64

    C -48

    M -81

    The announcer makes a big deal out of the Main Event of the Evening! Samoa Joe comes out to “The Champ is Here”. On commentary, Excalibur points out that it is a bit presumptuous on the part of Joe to come out to that, basically disrespecting A.J Styles. “I Am” plays over the speakers as Styles makes his entrance. The crowd seems to favor Styles, starting chants early.

    Samoa Joe vs. A.J Styles

    PWG Heavyweight Title Match

    Staredown in the middle of the ring, before they trade some stiff forearms and chops, which Joe comes out on top of. Early on, AJ is reeling, but he reverses an Irish Whip and nails his Dropkick sequence, sending Joe down in a heap. Joe regroups in the corner as the crowd chants for AJ. Tie up and Joe backs AJ into the corner. Joe tries for a chop but AJ ducks and goes for a chop of his own, which Joe ducks out of as well. AJ can’t get out of the way of Joe’s Lightning Strikes, though, and AJ is down in the corner. Joe nails the Face Wash and whacks Styles with a huge kick in the corner. Joe dominates for about 5 minutes, hitting a variety of slams and kicks. AJ tries to come back, but Joe rolls out of the way of the Pele Kick and kicks AJ in mid air! Awesome counter. Joe dominates for another 5 minutes, but AJ rolls thru a powerbomb attempt and almost hooks on the Styles Clash, but Joe grabs the bottom rope and refuses to let go, so AJ kicks the hell out of Joe’s thighs.

    Joe rolls outside and AJ goes for a dive, hitting a pretty one and taking out a row of chairs. The fans start chanting and Joe seems furious, and starts absolutely stiffing the hell out of AJ, then throwing him into another section of chairs! The ref is now at 10, but Joe seems hell bent on beating AJ up, but AJ reverses and hits a huracanrana and Joe takes out ANOTHER row of chairs. Excalibur points out that those chairs aren’t cheap, but that they should get back in the ring or they’re going to be counted out. AJ looks like he’s trying to throw Joe back into the ring, but Joe actually surprises AJ by throwing a chair that nails AJ right in the head, and whips AJ into the steel post. Joe mounts AJ and keeps pummeling him with punces as the ref counts to 20, and declares this match a draw via Double Count Out! Joe and AJ brawl to the back as the show comes to an end.

    O -80

    C -75

    M -86

    Overall Show - 70

    Attendance - 466

    Match of the Night - Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles

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