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Wrestling Hobo

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Posts posted by Wrestling Hobo

  1. I'd like to request current present-day stats for Stevie Ray (Lane Huffman)

    Stevie Ray of the Harlem Heat, Booker T's brother. He wrestled as recently as 2002. In 2005 he and Booker T opened up their training center where he is currently training wrestlers so he can still go. Just wanted to get opinions on what some good solid stats for him would be.

  2. A WWE great is out.


    user posted image

    AP - Earlier today it was announced that one of the greatest wrestlers to set foot in the WWE ring is out with a minor injury. While practicing for an upcoming potential apperance with the WWE, as he has an open contract at $90k per show, wrestling great Mick Foley was injured. Trainers said that Foley took a fall incorrectly and ended up landing on his arm in an awkward position. The arm injury is said to not be entirely too seirous, as it will only take 2 months or so for Foley to recover. However this will delay any return that the WWE had in mind for him, as he will most likely require a cast.

  3. News & Notes - Friday, July 8th, 2005


    Email News


    -The road agent stated that Billy Kidman and Paul London both worked well together due to their similar cruiserweight styles.

    -Big Show complained about John Bradshaw Layfield working stiffly. Adding that he was fearful that he could have easily been hurt.

    -Chris Benoit stated that he would be open to working with Christian

    -On the other side of the spectrum Christian expressed a desire to wrestle The Hurricane.

    -Smackdown! realed in a 5.85 rating, with 7,033 people in attendance and a total of $281,320 made in ticket sales.

    Fued Status


    Major Fueds

    1.Batista - Vs. - Triple H - Heat: 96

    2.John Cena - Vs. - Kurt Angle - Heat: 94 (- 1)

    3.Chris Jericho - Vs. - Edge - Heat: 98

    Other Fueds

    4.Rey Mysterio - Vs. - Chavo Guerrero - Heat: 86 (- 2)

    5.Victoria - Vs. - Trish Stratus - Heat: 66

    6.Bill Goldberg - Vs. - Randy Orton - Heat: 95

    7.Paul London - Vs. - Sean Waltman - Heat: 63

    Other Notes


    -Jim Cornette was recalled from Development. Charisma (95), Overness (70), Brawl (10), Speed (0), Technical (0), Morale (77), Condition (100)

    -William Regal was asked for a new gimmick Coach.

    -Backstage there was some fighting between Luther Reigns and John Bradshaw Layfield. The reason for the fight has not been revealed, but apparently Reigns and Bradshaw are not happy with each other. The WWE has not used Reigns in some time, and many people believe that Reigns could be headed out of the WWE. He still has 35 months left at $30k per month on his contract. Will the WWE bite the bullet of r $510,000 price tag to terminate Reigns contract?

  4. Yeah I was thinking about just keeping Sean Waltman, that's what he's put up on the roster file as. I just refered to him in these posts as X-Pac. But I may go that way. Yeah, I'm planning on keeping him as a heel cruiserweight, and maybe having someone like Billy Kidman tag up with him for some nice matches against guys like Paul London and Psychosis or some other cruisers.

    May go back and re-write those parts. *edit - just did*

  5. Yeah, after I started the smackdown show I realized / remembered that Grenier was actually RAW.

    I didn't know about the roster splits for Velocity/Heat so that'll be correct from now on thanks to the information mentioned afterwards.

    I figured on trying to slowly change X-Pac into a face just because of the overwhelming number of Heel's in his card on Smackdown already. But I may change that with the draft, and keep him as a heel. I figured though a crowd would potentially "pop" for anybody that's new, whether they were previously hated or not. Maybe not?

  6. user posted image

    Smackdown! - July 4th, 2005.


    Opening Credits Roll


    Michael Cole: "Good evening WWE fans and welcome to Smackdown! The crowd here is going nuts as we continue getting closer and closer towards Vengeance!

    Tazz: "As well as that WWE Draft that's coming up next week on RAW!"

    Michael Cole: "That's right, the entire WWE roster will be hand selected to be split, once again, between Smackdown and Raw. Nobody is safe, not even stars the likes of Triple H, Batista, or even....Kurt Angle?"

    *Camera pans backstage where Kurt Angle is being interviewed.*

    Kurt Angle: "I saw what John Cena said last week on Heat. He talked about how I keep flapping my lips, and don't put out anything to prove myself. Well, he's being rather hypocritical as he himself didn't do anything after that little chat he had. I'm an olympic gold medal winner, the only thing Cena's ever done is make some cheesy rap videos!

    *a mixture of laughter and boos come from the crowd*

    Kurt Angle: "However tonight we're going to end that. Tonight, when John Cena and I fight in our match. I'm going to break his ankle. Win, OR LOSE!"

    *commerical break*

    Overall Rating: 94%


    *Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson walk out form the back in bathrobes, this illicit cheers from the crowd as they seductively make there way to the ring.*

    Announcer: "Ladies and Gentleman, introducing the bikini contest contestants, Dawn Marie..and Torrie...Wilson!"

    *The two divas start dancing to the background music, and Torrie goes first. She poses for the crowd after disrobing herself. Soon after, Dawn goes, and struts what she was born with around the ring. The judges gauge the crowd reactions and then suddenly he declares Torrie Wilson the winner. Torrie celebrates, in the meantime, Dawn Marie remains in the corner frustrated.

    Overall Rating:83%

    Notes: Dawn Marie gained Overness.


    Angle - Debut

    *Vince McMahon enters the ring*

    Vince McMahon: "I made the trip over here from RAW to announce something i've been waiting for ever since I found out that we had resigned that talentless hack Goldberg again."

    *crowd pops at his name*

    Vince McMahon: "So i'm here to announce a new wrestler that i've signed. He will be performing here on Smackdown! and i'm going to do my best to get him to RAW at the draft."

    *crowd boos*

    Vince McMahon: "This man has a lot of history with the WWE, until he collapsed (*wink*) out of the scene. So here he is, the newest member to the WWE, Sean! or as we know him, X-PAC!"

    *The crowd roars with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. Suddenly Sean Waltman steps out onto the sound stage, he plays with the crowd chopping his pelvic region illiciting more cheers. Vince McMahon remains in the ring with a smile on his face.*

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Notes: Sean Waltman gained Overness


    Match - Tag - No Belt

    Fuanki & Nunzio - Vs. - Joey Matthews & Johnny Nitro (MnM)

    *Two new debuts occur as a new tag team formation of Fuanki and Nunzio sprawls onto the stage to a decent crowd reaction. Then newcomers Joey Matthews and Johnny Nitro, along with Melina Perez, who go under the name MNM enter into the ring in cocky fashion.*

    Funaki starts the match of with a solid strike to Joey Matthews. Funaki follows it up with a dropkick to the chest of Matthew. Funaki goes for a leg hook, but Matthews immediately pushes out of it. Funaki tags out to Nunzio. Funaki and Nunzio, together, whip Matthews into the ropes and then launch a double bacdrop. Nunzio hooks Matthews leg, 1...2... no good! as Matthews gets a shoulder up. Nunzio lifts Matthews up and implements a flying neckbreaker. However Matthews soon fires back with an unsuspected right hand, knocking Nunzio down. Matthews then climbs the turnbuckle and launches off of it with a flying cross body off of the top rope! He goes for the cover, 1...2.. kick out! Matthews tags out to Nitro. Nitro runs in and pops off a missle dropkick, going for another pin, 1..2...no good. Shoulder up at the very last second. Nitro then pulls out a spin kick to Nunzio's face, the startled Nunzio though manages to lay a right hand and then a dropkick to knock Nitro to the ground. A hurt Nunzio stumbles to his side and barely tags out to Funaki. Funaki jumps out and does a standing leg lariat. However Nitro manages to manuever his way to Matthews and tags out. But Matthews is greeted by a driven DDT when he enters the ring. Then suddenly, Funaki...RISING SUN! RISING SUN! 1....2....3... it's over, Funaki and Nunzio grab the victory! But wait! MNM aren't done with this match. As Funaki and Nunzio celebrate they attack them, a few blows later MNM leaves the ring as Funaki and Nunzio are laid out across the canvas.

    Winner: Funaki & Nunzio

    Overall Rating: 69%

    Crowd Reaction: 59%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Notes: None


    *Rene Dupree comes out into the ring with microphone in hand.*

    Rene Dupree: "I challenge any stupid non-canadian to come out here and challenge me! They don't stand a chance!"

    *A momentary pause before suddenly.....Sylvain Grenier appears???*

    Sylvain Grenier: "If there's one thing I know, it's that I am better then you!"

    Rene Dupree: "You're not an American! What's wrong with you, if anything we should be working together!"

    Sylvain Grenier: "I realized something, I realized that no country is really better then the other. People are different, and people deserve to be whoever they want to. Whether they're canadian...french...or american."

    *camera pans back stage to a confused looking Rob Conway who's staring at the TV listening to Grenier*

    Rene Dupree: "How did you come to this so called epiphany."

    Sylvain Grenier: "It's when I realized, after acting nice, that people didn't care where you were from, and the people backstage starting treating me better. Something you should learn from. Maybe if you opened your mind a little, they wouldn't hate you as much."

    Rene Dupree: "You're an Idiot Grenier, they're all just playing you, they don't really care!"

    Sylvain Grenier: "That's where your wrong!"

    *Grenier runs to the ring. Grenier lays many right and left hoooks on Dupree. A hurt Dupree manages to escape out of the ring, and starts heading towards the lockerroom. But suddenly, Al Snow comes out?*

    Al Snow: "We do care!"

    *Snow snow plows Rene Dupree! Snow and Grenier celebrate in their respective areas to a mixed crowd reaction.*

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Notes: Sylvain Grenier debuted new gimmick, got a positive response. Sylvain Grenier turn was complete, now faec. Sylvain Grenier gained overness.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Paul London - Vs. - Billy Kidman

    Paul London nailes Kidman. Palu London then missed a big legdrop. A Kidman dropkick manages to connect, knocking London down. Kidman then misses a followup clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Kidman turns around and nails London with a super kick. Goes for the cover, but nobody is there to count it out. London then slips behind the back of Kidman and bodyslams him. London nails a dropkick. Then follows with a spinning bulldog in the corner of the ring, Kidman is out. London hooks Kidman's leg, 1..2... shoulder up at the last second! Then a tiger suplex on kidman, 1...2. kick. London gives a shooked look, only to have Kidman surprise him with a hit to the back of head. Kidman then hits a missle dropkick, goes for the pin 1...2. shoulder up! Close one there. London then eblwos Kidman in the face breaking his hammerlock attempt. London then knocks Kidman on the floork, he climbs up the turnbuckle, and nailes a 450 Splash. It's over! 1...2...3...! London retains his cruiserweight title. But wait, what's this, the newly aquired Sean Wlatman is already causing trouble!

    *Sean Waltman runs into the ring! Sean Waltman grabs London and spins him around the face him, Sean Waltman nails the surprise X-Factor! London is out on the canvas. Sean Waltman taunts, grabs a mic.

    Sean Waltman: "I'm here to get the Cruiserweight belt, and i'm going to do it anyway I can! I deserve it! And I WILL WIN it!"

    *Sean Waltman tosses the microphone and exits the ring*

    Winner: Paul London

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 58%

    Match Quality: 91%

    Notes: WWE Crusierweight Belt gained image.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Charlie Haas - Vs. - Psychosis

    Haas Thrust Kick. Haas short range spear. Pin 1..2...shoulder. Psychosis blocks punch. Psychosis, stiff high kick. Psychosis, DDT. Pin..1...2..no good. Psychosis, slingshot clothesline. Pin...1...2..kickout. Psychosis, spin kick to face. Haas, powers out of headlock. Haas, flying cross body. Haas pin..1...2.. shoulder. Haas, Nadowa. Pin..1...2. no! Haas, 2nd rope flying axe handle. Haas, double arm suplex. Psychosis hard hit. Psychosis, avoids avalanche. Haas hits turnbuckle hard. Psychosis, flying neckbreaker. Psychosis, face jame. Psychosis, climbs turnbuckles, Guillotine Leg Drop. Pin.1...2...3! Psychosis, celebrates.

    Winner: Psychosis

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Notes: None


    Interview - Chavo Guerrero

    *Chavo is backstage*

    Chavo Guerrero: "I'm not going to be happy until I officially beat Rey Mysterio out of Eddie's life. Rey has taken everything we ever had, and he doesn't deserve to be considered family by my brother. Eddie may not agree with this now, but he'll realize in the end that I was right when it's all done. Rey better be prepared for our match, because i'm going to pull out all the stops."


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Rey Mysterio - Vs - Chavo Guerrero

    Mysterio = Flying elbow. Back heel kick. Pin 1...2..shoulder up. Tripped!

    Chavo = punches and strikes. dropkick. pin..1...2..no good! back heel kick from 2nd rope. pin..1....2..no good. Rolling kick.

    Mysterio = Powers out of headlock. Missle dropkick. Pin...1...2..no! Flying Knee to face.

    Chavo = Stiff high kick.

    Mysterio = SPin kick to face. Stiff high kick.

    Chavo = Counter backdrop, kick to face. Rolling kick. Back heel kick off 2nd rope. Accidentally hits referee, knocking out.

    Mysterio = Punches Chavo to the ground. Signals 619.

    Chavo = Something in his hands. Mysterio wanders. Brass knuckles to face! *ref wakes up* Pin...1...2...3!

    *Chavo celebrates.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Notes: Rey Mysterio lost overness. Chavo Guerrero gained overness.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Title

    Big Show - Vs - John Bradshaw Layfield

    Big Show = Big backdrop (executed well). Spike slam. Pin..1...2..no.

    JBL = Elbow to face, breaks hammerlock. Punches and kicks. Rude Awakening. Pin.1...2.. kickout! Tornado punch. Pin...1...2.. no! Bodylsam. Misses Big legdrop.

    Big Show = Powerslam. Pin..1...2...kick out. Flapjack. Pin..1...2. kick out!

    JBL = BLocks right hand. Spinning neckbreaker. Side choke slam. Whipped into corner.

    Big Show = Charges

    JBL = Big boot to face. Roll up. FEET ON THE 2nd ROPE! 1...2...3! JBL runs into the crowd to celebrate his victory!

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Notes: None


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Title

    John Cena - Vs - Kurt Angle

    Cena = Forearm to face. Headbutt. Spinning neckbreaker. Flying shoulder tackle. Splash attempt, Angle rolls out of way.

    Angle = Vertical suplex. Jaw breaker. Pin...1....2..shoulder!

    Cena = Blocks punch. Powerslam. Pin...1...2..no! Standing spinebuster. Pin..1....2..no!

    Angle = Kick in gut. Momentum reverses! Double arm suplex. Misses clothesline.

    Cena = Running knee lift. F-U! 1...2....3.. Cenea celebrates in the ring.

    *Kurt Angle shoves the referee, surprises Cena from behind with a smack to the back of the head, and then puts on the Ankle lock. Cena screams in pain as Angle starts ripping his ankle to shreds. Nobody is there to stop him. The show fades out on a closeup of a painful expression on a screaming John Cena's face.

    Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Crowd Reaction: 95%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Notes: John Cena gained overness.


    Overall Show Rating: 78%

  7. News & Notes - Wednesday, July 6th, 2005


    Email News


    -Sylvain Grenier has expressed interesting in going higher up in the card. The WWE has aleady announced they are attempting to push him higher, and seperate him from Rob Conway.

    -Apparently the road agent believes that Trish Stratus and Victoria did not click in their matchup.

    -RAW got a 5.56 rating, with 7,042 people in attendence and $281,680 recieved from ticket sales.

    -After the suggested gimmick change of Val Venis from Adult Film Star to Mysogonist, it appears that it may not fall through. The heads believe that the gimmick would be ineffectively implemented because of the lack of risk the WWE is willing to take with it.

    Fued Status


    Major Fueds

    1.Batista - Vs. - Triple H - Heat: 96

    2.John Cena - Vs. - Kurt Angle - Heat: 95

    3.Chris Jericho - Vs. - Edge - Heat: 98

    Other Fueds

    4.Rey Mysterio - Vs. - Chavo Guerrero - Heat: 88

    5.Victoria - Vs. - Trish Stratus - Heat: 66

    6.Bill Goldberg - Vs. - Randy Orton - Heat: 95

    7.Paul London - Vs. - ?????? - Heat: 63

    Other Notes


    -Shannon Moore was sent to Development.

    -Chet Jabolonski was sent to Development.

    -Funaki was promoted from Opener to Lower Midcarder.

    -Joey Matthews was recalled from Development and assigned to Smackdown!

    -Johnny Nitro was recalled from Development and assigned to Smackdown!

    -Psychosis was recalled from Development and assigned to Smackdown!

    -Melina Perez was assigned to Smackdown!

  8. user posted image

    Monday RAW - July 4th, 2005.


    Opening Credits Roll


    Jim Ross: "Good evening WWE fans and welcome to this nights edition of Monday night RAW! We're here at Cleveland, Ohio where the fans are pumped for this show."

    Jerry Lawler: "Screw the show, i'm pumped for this lovely lady I have sitting right next to me."

    Jim Ross: "Yes, we are joined here tonight by Trish Stratus. Trish."

    Trish Stratus: "That's, WWE Woman's Champion, Trish Stratus, Jim."

    Jime Ross: "Of course, my apologies."

    Jerry Lawler: "Oh she's fiesty!"

    Trish Stratus: "I just want to come on tonight to tell you that i'm giving an open challenge later tonight to any diva out there who thinks she has what it takes, which none of them do, to take this belt away from me."

    Jim Ross: "You heard it here ladies and gentleman, a challenge has been offered to any female in the back who wants a shot at the WWE Woman's Championship Title!"

    Jerry Lawler: "Oh she likes to take charge too! My kind of woman."

    *Trish gives Jerry a foochi face*

    Trish Stratus: "I thought i'd throw those bitches a bone, I mean, I know there's no way that they'll beat me, but I just wanted to help prove it by defending it once again."

    Jim Ross: "Well look forward to that match later tonight, in the meantime it appears that the man, Vince McMahon is coming to the ring to say something!"

    Overall Rating: 82%


    *Vince McMahon enters the ring.*

    Vince McMahon: "Thank you thank you, As you all probably now, we're coming up on the draft day soon. I just wanted to get a few thing straight with you guys. I must re-itterate that absolutely no one is safe from this draft. Whether there currently wrestling or not. Whether they're new, or old veterans. It doesn't matter! Either way it's certainly going to shake things up in the WWE...."

    *Suddenly, there's a loud explosion of fireworks, the lights dim and a new entrance video plays. The lights shoot back on,a dn suddenly, standing on the sound stage, holding a microphone, surrounded by the lights of fireworks and a sudden tremendous roar from the crowd, as Goldberg appears.*

    Goldberg: "I'll show you how to shake things up!"

    *Camera cuts to an absolutely stunned look on Vince McMahon's face.*

    Vince McMahon: "Now wait just a minute there Goldberg. You have no right to be here. Get out!"

    Goldberg: ""You may have tried to keep me out Vince, but Linda saw it differently, and i'm back, and i'm going to certainly shake things up here."

    Vince McMahon: "I explecitly said that we would not bring you here, and your term in the WWE was over!"

    Goldberg: "It's just beginning!"

    Vince McMahon: "Before Linda and I have a little chat, i'm going to make your life a living hell Goldberg. Whether you stick around or not."

    Goldberg: "Go ahead, that's just what I came to hear."

    Vince McMahon: "You seem to forget one thing Goldberg, I may not have signed you, but I sure as hell have control over who you fight, and tonight, i'm going to work this in my favor. I'm setting you up in a match against one of my superstars. They'll show you how real talent wrestles!"

    *commercial break*

    Overall Rating: 99%

    Notes: Goldberg gained overness, Vince McMahon gained overness.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Chris Masters - Vs. - Steven Richards

    *Chris Masters enters into the ring, grabs the microphone* "Steven Richards, get out here, we're going to see just how good you are at breaking my master lock. You think you have what it takes?" Chris Masters throws the microphone out of the ring. Suddenly Steven Richards comes running out of the back locker room, slides into the ring and the match beings.*

    As soon as Richards gets to his feet from the slide Chris Masters lands a couple punches on his face. Richards stumbles backwards, and a charging Chris Masters throw a flying shoulder tackle sending Richards to the mat. Masters goes for the quick cover 1..2... kick out! Richards manages to duck a wild right handed attempt by Masters and begins his attack. Richards manages to lift the large Chris Masters with a big backdrop that was perfectly executed. Richards then grabs Masters by the head, lifts him up, and then grapples him into a bodyslam. Masters comes to his feet, only to be greeted by the elbow of Steven Richards as Masters staggers backwards. Richards charges towards Masters, but Masters moves to the side and trips up Steven Richards. Masters then capitalizes and powerslams Steven Ricahrds, as he rolls on the mat in pain. Suddenly Masters looks at the crowd and yells, then positions himself behind Richards, waits a few moments, and then puts on teh Master Lock! He violently shakes Richards body around like a ragdoll yelling at Richards before dropping his seemingly lifeless body to the mat as the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Chris Masters

    Overall Rating: 60%

    Crowd Reaction: 43%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Notes: Steven Richards lost overness, Chris Masters gained overness.


    *Triple H walks into the ring with microphone in hand.*

    Triple H: "Batista!!!! This isn't over yet! Tonight, I want that belt around my waist, and i'm going to sit here, until you offer me a shot!"

    *Triple H grabs a folded chair and then props it in the center of the ring, he sits down in it, crosses his leg, leans back, and waits. The crowd silences, there's a pause, more quiet...continued pause.... then all of the sudden Batista's music blares, the crowd pops! Triple H stands up and watches as Batista comes into view from the locker room.*

    Batista: "You, want another shot? Again? We already went through this...let me refresh your memory. You came into the ring, I came into the ring, you messed around, and I...kicked your ass! BANG!" *Batista taunts*

    Triple H: "That was a fluke Batiasta and you know it! I had you right where I wanted you, and you cheated."

    Batista: "Cheated? Cheated??? Are you sure you're not talking about yourself here? The only thing remotely like that was when you cheated me out of a shot in evolution, you were so self centered that you never gave any of us a shot."

    Triple H: "I was self centered because I know i'm the best in this buisness and what I say goes. And tonight, i'm going to show you exactly why i'm the best."

    Batista: "Alright, i'll play along. I'll give you your title shot!." *crowd pops* "Under one condition, I win, it's over. I'm the champion, and you walk away."

    Triple H: "Deal, although it won't matter because when i'm through with you, you won't be winning."

    *Batista and Triple H have a stare off as it goes to commercial.*

    *Commercial Break*

    Overall Rating: 95%


    *Trish Stratus is in the center of the ring*

    Trish Stratus: "Alright girls, you've had time to think about it, who thinks they have what it takes!

    *Momentary pause, then Victoria comes running out from the locker room.*

    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - WWE Woman's Title

    Trish Stratus - Vs. - Victoria

    Trish starts off with mutliple strikes to Victoria. Trish then tries to go for a hammerlock but Vicotira reverses it. A startled Tirsh Stratus then gets arm dragged by Victoria. Victoria then picks Trish up and whips her into the turnbuckles, but oh no! The referee gets sandwiched into the turnbuckle and his knocekd out. Vicotria pulls off a highlight reel enziguri and goes for the pinfall. But wait! The referee is still out. Victoria walks over to try and revive the referee, however during her recovery process Trish nails a running clothesline. Trish then hits a stump piledriver on Victoria and hooks her leg, 1...2... shoulder up! Trish then levels Vicotira once again with another clothelsine. She goes for another pin but once again Victoria kicks out after 2. Vicotira then manages to avoid an avalanche and Trish hits the turnbuckles with force. Victoria then runs and nails a running dropkick into the corner. She goes for the pin 1...2... no dice! Tirsh then recovers and elbows Vicotira in the face, breaking her hammerlock attempt. Vicotira then follows it with a suplex but Trish flps out and manages to land on her feet! She then grabs the ropes and goes for a pin, the referee has recovered and goes for the couunt 1...2...3! The referee never saw her levrage with the ropes and missed the blatant cheating! Trish leads the ring and heads down the aisle with the belt in hand.

    Winner: Trish Stratus

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 55%

    Notes: WWE Women's Title gained image.


    *Backstage Cameras show Chris Jericho talking to Christy Hemme, then suddenly out of nowhere Edge blasts onto camera nailing Jericho in the face and knocking him over.*

    Edge: "You think you can make fun of me on your stupid show!"

    *Edge picks up a metal briefcase sized box and wails away on Jericho. Jericho's forehead suddenly splits open and blood runs down his face as Edge brutally begins beating him.*

    Edge: "You think your better then me!"

    *Suddenly a massive number of staff and security manage to enter into the area and pull Edge off of a bloody Jericho.*

    Overall Rating: 85%


    *Chris Benoit is in the ring*

    *Christian interrupts Benoit and then they begin a match*

    Overall Rating: 85%


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Chris Benoit - Vs. - Christian

    Christian pulls off a basement dropkick and hits Benoit in the knees. Christian then high flies with ah hurrancarana. He immediately goes for the pin but Benoit gets a shoulder up after 2. Benoit then manages a surpirse mule kick that came out of nowhere. A big forearm to the face of Christian and a followup leg sweep knocks Christian on his back. Benoit covers, 1..2... kick out by Christian. Benoit then follows with an enziguri and goes for another pin 1...2. no good, shoulder up! Another legsweep by Benoit, then a kick, but Christian manages to block to the kick. Christian knocks Benoit to the ground and then gets onto the second rope, he jumps and Splash! on Benoit. Christian pins 1...2.. NO! Christian then pulls out a diving headbutt and hooks the leg, another shoulder up after 2! Christian can't believe it and plays his frustration to the crowd. Christian then spin kicks Benoit in the face, it seemed stiff. But Benoit fights back with a backdrop out of a piledriver attempt. Benoit then hits a dropkick, a diving headbutt, and then knocks Christian to the ground. Benoit then wraps Christian in a Crippler Crossface! He's in the middle of the ring, there's nowhere to go! Christian taps out, submission victory!.

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Notes: None


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Goldberg - Vs. - ?????

    *Goldberg is pacing back in forth in the ring awaiting his opponent that Vince had set him up with. Suddenly alternative nu metal screams across the arena, as Randy Orton comes out from behind the locker to an elated fan reaction.*

    Randy Orton shows his strength by pulling a butterfly suplex on Goldberg. Orton then suplexes Goldberg once more and pins for a two count. Goldberg quickly recovers and backdrops Randy Orton out of a piledriver attempt. Goldberg then lands a fe punches and then bounces off the rops and implements a huge clothesline. Goldberg goes for the pin 1...2.. shoulder up. Goldberg then follows with a tornado punch, and a spinning neckbreaker. Goldberg tries another clothesline but misses. Randy Orton capitalizes with a powerslam, and hooks the leg, 1..2.. shoulder up! Goldberg thne fights with a splash mountain out of the corner, then a hard gutbuster. Randy Orton struggels to fight back with a big forearm, but Goldberg coutners it with an elbow to the side of the head. He then pulls a big backdrop on Orton that was perfectly executed. Then suddenly, SPEAR! Orton is down and hurt, Orton's in trouble! Goldberg lifts Orton up, here it comes, JACKHAMMER! 1...2...3.. it's over! Goldberg remains in the ring celebrating his debut victory over Randy Orton on the WWE, things are certainly looking like there going to change around here!

    Winner: Bill Goldberg

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Crowd Reaction: 98%

    Match Quality: 70%

    Notes: Randy Orton debuted his new gimmick (obnoxious), it got a positive response.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - World Heavyweight

    Batista - Vs. - Triple H

    Triple H receives multiple punches from Batista, but then ducks Batista's attempt clothelsine. Triple H then fires back with punches of his own, and Triple H then misses a clothesline....and hits the referee accidentally! Batista then walked right into a side choke slam by Triple H, who goes for the pinfall, but the referee is knocked out. Triple H then fires a wild right hand but misses, Batista pops off a rude awakening on Triple H with a full nelson slam! Batista folllows it up with a standing spinebuster, and then goes for the pin: 1...2.. shoulder up by Trips! Batista drops an elbow, but Triple H rolls out of the way at the last second. Triple H gets up and DDt's Batista, then immediately pins, 1...2. no good! Triple H then attempts a splash, but Batista rolls out of the way and Triple H wrecks his knees. Batista then bounces of the ropes in preperation for a big move, but wait, Ric Flair at ringside trips him up! The referee however sees it and calls for the DQ! Ric Flair flips, however the pre-occupied Batista recieves a cheap shot below the belt form behind by Triple H. Then Ric Flair gets into the ring with Triple H and they tie Batista up in the ropes, and start punching away. The beat down continues until a cascade of referees run from the back and break it all up as the camera slowly fades out!

    Winner: Bill Goldberg

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 96%

    Match Quality: 68%

    Notes: World Heavyeweight title has gained image.

  9. Monday, July 4th, 2005


    Around The WWE


    Mail News


    1. Sylvain Grenier wants to go higher up the card. The heads are discussing whether or not they should pursue a more active singles career with him by breaking up La Resistance. Grenier is open to any gimmick changes that it may entail.

    2. Spike TV showed concern over the risky nature that our last show had, they have politily asked for us to tone it down a notch.

    3. Heat pulled a 4.96 rating, with 7,041 people in attendance. The total amount made off of ticket sales was $281,640.

    4. There is rumored to be a few controversial signings upcoming in the next few weeks. Including a dispute between Vince and Linda McMahon themselves as to whether or not to accept one of the workers into their environment.

    Fued News



  10. user posted image

    Sunday Night Heat - July 3rd, 2005.


    Opening Credits Roll


    Todd Grisham: "Welcome fans to this edition of Sunday Night Heat, and we're going to start it off with a bang with this man right here, John Cena."

    John Cena: "Thanks for letting me sit in tonight boys."

    Jonathan Coachman: "Now Cena, there seems to be some blood boiling here between you and Kurt Angle on Smackdown. Why are you trying to stir things up?"

    John Cena: "hey man, I ain't tryin' to stir up nothin. I play it straight, I don't spit game and then not follow up. Kurt Angle got on my nerves after he put on the front and called me out two weeks ago. I'm merely representin' myself and comin up to the challenge."

    Jonathan Coachman: "Do you think you have what it takes to beat a Kurt Angle? He's a pretty accomplished character, with that gold medal and all."

    John Cena: "Pssh, gold medal don't mean jack, he got that ish long ago. This is different, i ain't no olympic "by the book" wrestler, so he ain't gonna even put that into the equation."

    Todd Grisham: "You seem pretty confident that you have what it takes to defeat Angle."

    John Cena: "I'm confident becasue I'm bein' real. I know what I can do, and what I can do is shut Angle up. He can run his mouth all he wants, but when I put it out in the ring, he won't be flappin those lips anymore."

    *Commerical Break*

    Overall Rating: 88%


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Akio - Vs. - Funaki

    Fuanki sets Akio up brilliantly with a back heel kick. A stunned Akio stumbles backwards, but not before Fuanki lands a stiff high kick. Fuanki continues his barrage of attacks with a wicked chop, eliciting a loud smack across Akio's chest. Akio stumbles to the mat, where Funaki attempts the cover 1...2... shoulder up! Fuanki takes a step back and then commences with a flying elbow which causes pain to errupt from Akio's rolling face. Funaki tries for another pin 1...2... no good, as the match continues. Suddenly life comes into Akio as he manages to throw out a right hand followed by a stiff high kick. The kick levels Funaki as Akio attempts his first cover, 1...2... kick out! Funaki manages to get a leg up at the very last second. A frustrated Akio then launches into a springboard reverse elbow, and then follows it up with a grabble attempt. However the effecient Fuanki manages to fight his way out of the grapple, he then destroys Akio with a super kick. Funaki feels the momentum on his side and then follows with a Rising Sun!!! The disabled Akio lies on the mat as Funaki goes for the cover 1...2...3!! and Funaki pulls out the victory. Funaki rises and celebrates his victory in the ring.

    Winner: Funaki

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Crowd Reaction: 53%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Notes: None


    *A video appears on the monitors*

    *The video that proceeds to develop recaps the events that took place at Velocity. It shows images of a frustrated Chavo Guerrero yelling at this brother Eddie, which is soon followed by images of Chavo stomping a hurt Rey Mysterio on the ground. These actions illicit boos from the crowd*

    Overall Rating: 71%


    Match - 2 vs 2 - Tag - World Tag Team

    William Regal & Tajiri - Vs - Robert Conway & Sylvain Grenier

    As William Regal turns to talk to his partner Tajiri before the match starts, a lunging Robert Conway dropkicks him in the back with some impressive elevation. A flustered William Regal is then short-range speared by Conway, who immediately goes for the cover following. 1....2... kick out by Regal. Conway stomps over to Sylvain Grenier and tags him, but stays in the ring. Grenier enters the ring and then scoops the hurt Regal. A few moments later Robert Conway richochets off the ropes and nails a flying Hart Attack clothesline on Regal and then steps out of the ring. Grenier immediately follows the Hart Attack up with a bodyslam of his own and then a cover. 1....2... kick out! Sylvain Grenier then tries it once more as he repeats the same slam on William Regal. Grenier slowly lifts Regal up by the hair, and prepares to lay another grapple attack on him, but Regal manages to work the crowd with a shaking fist. He then punches his way out of Grenier's grasp, grabs onto him and face-first suplexs Grenier to the ground. An exhausted Regal manages to squirm to the corner and tag out to Tajiri. Tajiri leaps from his position on the outside of the ring onto the turnbuckle, he then launcehs forward with a flying elbow. Tajiri grabs Grenier and gives him a spinning bulldog in the corner of the ring. Grenier collapses to the ground, rolling in agony. Tajiri walks over to perform his next move, and Grenier surprises him by tripping him up. Grenier then hustles to his corner and tags out to Robert Conway. Robert Conway then performs a delayed suplex on Tajiri, following it up with a flying knee to the face. Conway then goes for the cover, 1....2...kick out at the last second by Tajiri! Conway looks at the crowd with a shocked expression and his hands on his head in frustration. Tajiri manages to then reverse Conway's hip toss attempt. Tajiri tosses Conway into the corner turnbuckle, chases after him, and dropkicks him into it. A flustered Conway stumbles to the middle of the ring, where Tajiri lies in wait as he pulls off a Buzzsaw Kick! Tajiri then goes for the cover 1...2....3!! it's over! Regal and Tajiri remain in the ring to celebrate there hard fought victory.

    Winner: Funaki

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 70%

    Notes: William Regal lost overness because of his weak gimmick. Robert Conway lost overness because of his weak gimmick.


    *Another Video Plays*

    The video replays highlights from the past several weeks of matches between Batista and Triple H. It ends with a closeup of a hurt Triple H lying on the canvas after Batista stripped him of his title belt.*

    Overall Rating: 84%


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Maven - Vs - Eugene Dinsmore

    As Maven slides under the ropes into the ring, he hops to his feet and goes at it with a lame kick to Dinsmore's body. Maven then follows it up with a right hand that nails Dinsmore on the temple. Dinsmore falls to the ground and Maven goes for the quick cover. 1...2.. Kick out! Maven then tries to throw antoher right hand, but Dinsmore blocks it with his forearm, Dinsmore follows with a counter of his own and hits Maven. Dinsmore then lifts Maven up for a high angle back suplex. Eugene claps to the crowd which illicits an elated response. Eugene then hugs Maven and flips him over for a belly to belly suplex. Eugene then lifts Maven back up and performs a butterfly suplex. As he turns around to the crowd to celebrate, he wasn't prepared for Maven's clothesline to the back of the head. However before Maven can continue his attack Eugene whips Maven into the corner turnbuckle. Eugene charges head first towards Maven but Maven raises his boot and nails him. Maven then rolls Eugene up, and uses the ropes for levrage as he places his feet on the second rope! The referee is oblivious and goes for the count 1...2...3!!! Maven then rolls underneath the ropes to the outside and quickly exits the arena, eager to celebrate his victory, but not eager to stick around in case the referee catches light of his cheating.

    Winner: Funaki

    Overall Rating: 69%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 70%

    Notes: Eugene Dinsmore is loosing overness because of his weak gimmick.


    Match - 1 vs 1 - Singles - No Belt

    Booker T - Vs. - Rene Dupree

    Rene Dupree starts off the match with a back elbow to Booker T's face. Booker T staggers backwards in consequence. Dupree then lifts Booker T up and hits a stump piledriver. Dupree goes for the quick cover and hooks Booker T's leg 1..2.. shoulder up! Booker then hops to his feet and counters a backdrop attempt by Rene Dupree with a hard kick to the face. Booker T then does his Muhammed Ali impression and fires right and lefts at Dupree. Booker T grapples Dupree and pulls out a fallaway slam. Booker T goes for the cover, 1...2... kick out! Booker T then with a massive lariat, and immediately pins again 1...2... no! A close call there. Booker T then slams Rene Dupree once more. Dupree gets to his feet, and manages to duck a wild right hand punch by Booker. Dupree then gives a hard slam to Booker and goes for the cover 1...2.. kick out! Booker T gets up, but walks into a side choke clam, once again, Dupree with a cover 1...2.. shoulder up! Dupree then performs a flying shoulder tackle to send Booker T to the mat. A stiff chop echos throughout the arena and awakens Booker T. Booker T then ducks a wild right hand from Dupree, big backdrop on Dupree, which was executed greatly. Booker T then goes with a standing spinebuster. Booker T glances at the crowd and shakes his fist in the air. He looks up to the sky, drops to one knee, and then spins his legs like a breakdancer before hopping back to his feet. A unbalanced Dupree walks into Booker T as he moves in for the kill and pulls out a Book End! Booker T with the cover, 1...2....3!! Booker T then climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd and celebrating his victory over Rene Dupree.

    Winner: Funaki

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Notes: None


    Shows Overall Rating: 62%

  11. Sunday, July 3rd, 2005


    Around The WWE


    Mail News


    1. Maven recently spoke that he didn't feel comfortable fighting Val Venis. Granted it was only for a single match, but the crowd obviously agreed with him. Maven expressed interest in working with a worker like Eugene Dinsmore, and it is being taken into consideration as a likely possibility.

    2. Main Even, Xplosion, and IWC Ignition are all trying to compete with the WWE, however they are no threat at the moment.

    3. The lackluster Velocity program on Saturday garnered a 4.31 rating, with 7,034 people in attendence, raking in a solid $281,720 in ticket proceeds.

    4. The WWE signed a 10th writer to their staff, unemployed, Laura Corbett who has come highly recommended. Talent - 96. Corbett was offered a 2 year $41,000 written contract to work for the WWE.

    Fued News


    -New Fued to involve Maven against Eugene Dinsmore to be implemented on RAW

    :pinch: Morning Meeting


    PA Sophie: Well so far were doing pretty strong considering how the months been. Taking a look at this paperwork shows that the market is probably going to be heading towards a solid boom. There has been some demand for more writers on our staff, if you can, look into that.

  12. WWE Velocity


    Opening Credits Roll


    Todd Romero - "It seems Marie has managed to get ahold of Triple H, let's see what he has to say."

    Marie interviews Triple H,

    Marie - "Last week you lost to Batista, what is it about him that makes him such a tough opponent for you?"

    *Triple H looks menacing as he glares down at Marie. Triple H Grabs the microphone away from Marie.*

    Triple H - "There is nobody better then the game, I am the best, i'm the greatest wrestler to have ever stepped into this, or any other arena, and to be mocked by some nobody like you here on this show, is a disgrace to the WWE."

    *Marie gives an 'oops' facial expression as she attempts to retrieve the microphone from Triple H's clutches.* "Not to mention, Batista, isn't, and never will be, even close, to achieving what I have accomplished. And later this month, when I get Batista alone, in a cage, there will be no hope for him. I will tear him apart and show the world who the greatest wrestler really is. That championship belt will be around my waist, once again, where it rightfully belongs!"

    *Triple H throws the microphone, gives a quick angry look to Marie, and then storms out of the cameras view. The camera focuses on a nervous-faced Marie biting her lip.*

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Notes: None


    Match - 1v1 - Singles - No Title

    Fuanki - Vs. - Billy Kidman

    Winner: Funaki

    Overall Rating: 61%

    Crowd Reaction: 60%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Notes: None


    *Camera pans to backstage, into the locker room, where Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero are sitting on one of the benches.*

    Chavo Guerrero: "Eddie, something's been buggin' me these past couple weeks."

    Eddie Guerrero: "Well holmes, why don't you just speak your mind esse, we're familia, there's nothing to hide here."

    Chavo Guerrero: "That's just it Eddie, we're family, but you sure as hell don't make it seem that way."

    *Eddie gives a look of confusion and then slides closer towards Chavo on the bench, and places his arm around his shoulder. However before he could utter a word Chavo pushes Eddie's arm off of him.* "Don't try and make up for it now, it's been brooding these past weeks, and i'm starting to think you actually think of Mysterio as more of a brother to you then I."

    Eddie Guerrero: "Don't be rediculous bro, I mean, Rey is my bro too, but we're blood, that's something that Rey could never change. I didn't know you felt this way holmes, you should've said something sooner."

    *Chavo stands up and heads out, Eddie remains sitting on the bench with a continued look of confusion, the camera then begins to follow Chavo, suddenly, Chavo has entered into a back room where Rey Mysterio is lounging on a sofa. Rey looks up to see Chavo, but only just before Chavo lays a punch on Rey. Rey collapses off the sofa, Chavo starts unleashing a barrage of kicks to the gut of Rey as Rey squirms for protection.*

    Chavo Guerrero: "You think your better then me! You think your more family then I! I'll show you just how much family you really are!"

    * Chavo lifts the beaten Rey admists his screams of "Stop" and "What are you doing!", he then tosses him back onto the sofa, Rey falls awkwardly on the sofa's back and it tips over, spraying sofa cushions everywhere. Chavo, breathing hard, pauses for a few seconds to view his chaos, before leaving the room, the camera focuses on Rey who's now rolling on the floor in agony.*

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Notes: None


    Match - 1v1 - Singles - WWE United States

    Orlando Jordan (b) - Vs. - Hardcore Holly

    Winner: Orlando Jordan (b)

    Overall Rating: 58%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 63%

    Notes: The WWE United State title has lost image.


    *Coming back form a commercial we find Josh Matthews, Todd Romero, and Vince McMahon sitting at the announcers booth preparing for discussion.*

    Josh Matthews: "We're now here with the main man, Vince McMahon, who apparently has some information regarding the whole draft lottery situation."

    Vince McMahon: "That's right Josh, i'm here to help shed some light on the upcoming WWE Draft Lottery that will be occuring over the course of the next 5 weeks. Not only will the WWE be shaken up by the changes to both RAW and Smackdown, but I have a feeling many of our fans will also be shaken up. The first pick of the draft will be a Smackdown wrestler coming to RAW at the beginning of the next program this Monday. I hope you all tune in to check it out, because its going to certainly change the buisness. You have to remember that not a single person is safe from this draft, hell, it could be as remedial as one of you guys going to annoucne a different show, to something large, like Batista heading to Smackdown and taking the belt with him. Which is why you need to tune in to RAW this Monday on Spike TV, because you won't want to miss the first pick in this draft."

    Todd Romero: "Very good Mr. McMahon, we all can't wait."

    Overall Rating: 94%

    Notes: Vince McMahon has gained overness from this segment.


    Match - 1v1 - Singles - None

    Maven - Vs. - Val Venis

    Winner: Maven

    Overall Rating: 57%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 59%

    Notes: Val Venis is loosing overness because of his weak gimmick.


    Velocity Recap


    Overall Rating: 59%

    Comments: Ouch, I wasn't expecting such a low rating. All of the interviews seem to go extremely well, however the crowds did not like the matches that I set up. I felt this was an important event since it was the first, to not only solidify Triple H's hatred towards Batista, but also bring the fued of Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio into light. Chavo's sudden catapult into attack, will setup some future altercations between Eddie and Chavo, and ultimately Rey and Chavo. I wanted to do as suggested and try and get Funaki some more coverage by having him take down Billy Kidman. The match had good quality, but once again, the crowd wasn't very into it. Another meaningless defense match for Orlando Jordan to retain the WWE United States championship belt didn't get the ratings I was expecting (70 or so) and instead fell short, and even the belt's image dropped unfortunately. The final match was just to slowly begin boosting Maven into a slightly more important heel, as he tries to take a stab at the cruiserweight championship as suggested by the writers.

  13. Saturday, July 2nd, 2005


    Around The WWE


    Mail News


    1. UXR released Al Snow

    2. ROH released Mick Foley

    3. IWC released Jerry Lawler

    Fued News


    -New Fued to involve Batistia and Triple H on RAW

    -New Fued to involve Chris Jericho and Edge on RAW

    -New Fued to involve John Cena and Kurt Angle on Smackdown!

    -New Fued to involve Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero on Smackdown!

    Indies on the Rise / Scouting Reports



    -Steve Corino is in demand.

    -Minoru Fujita high flying antics are catching him some glances.

    -Three new promising youngers, Halo, Brother Yasshi, and Derek Wyld are under 21 years old.

    Independents - Raven / Sean Waltman / Jerry Lynn / Scott Hall / Jeff Jarrett / Shane Douglas / BG James / Konnan / Kid Kash / Christopher Daniels / AJ Styles / Sabu

    Unemployed - The Rock / D'Lo Brown / Kevin Nash / Hollywood Hogan / Randy Savage / Scott Steiner / Steve Corino / The Sandman / Terry Funk / New Jack

    Morning Meeting


    PA Sophie: Well so far were doing pretty strong considering how the months been. Taking a look at this paperwork shows that the market is probably going to be heading towards a solid boom. There has been some demand for more writers on our staff, if you can, look into that.

    Writers Talk





    -Chet Jablonski

    Failing Gimmick

    -Stephanie McMahon

    -William Regal

    -Val Venis

    -Robert Conway

    -Eugene Dinsmore

    -Danny Basham

    -Doug Basham

    -Jesus Aguilera

    -Jerry Lawler

    Top Faces

    1. Steve Austin

    2. Chris Jericho

    3. The Undertaker

    4. Batista

    5. Chris Benoit

    Top Heels

    1. Kurt Angle

    2. Triple H

    3. Vince McMahon

    4. Ric Flair

    5. John Bradshaw Layfield

    Talking with the Head Trainer


    Trainer: Danny Davis


    - Next students graduate and the end of July 2005.

    -Campe has 6 trainers

    -Workload is more than covered.

    Talking with the Development Booker


    Booker: Danny Davis


    -Psychosis has achieved as much as he is going to here.

    -Jim Cornette has achieved as much as he is going to here.

  14. Putting Things In Perspective


    For the sake of convinience the time period that this shall start is the exact time period that the rosters were updated. I.E. There has been no awkward hate fued between Eddie and Rey yet, however, I am going to start it off near the point of the draft. As I find the freshness of the draft could make for some good things. However, I am going to not follow the same draftee's that have already been done, and instead, will do, a truely random attempt at the draft and see who goes where.

  15. Hi Guys, I just recently aquired Extreme Warefare Revenge and messed around quickly with one WWE game, and think I have a general grasp of what needs to be done. Now I just downloaded the latest #34 update and think i'm ready to bring my Madden 2005 franchise storytelling to the EWR scene.

    World Wrestling Entertainment Business


    Owner: Linda McMahon

    Money: $40,000,000

    Size: Global

    Public Image: 60%

    Monthly Performance -????

    Based In: America

    Roster Splits 1. Raw 2. Smackdown!

    Product Controls

    Risk Level: 66%

    Production Values: 100%

    Merchandising: 100% / $2,000,000 p.m.

    Advertising: 90% / $900,000 p.m.



    Main Sponsor: Electronic Arts - 6 months - 25% Morality - $575,000 P.P.S.

    Minor Sponsor 1: FHM - 9 months - 25% Morality - $400,000 P.P.S.

    Minor Sponsor 2: Google - 9 Months - 30% Morality - $170,000 P.P.S.

    Development Territory


    Ohio Valley Wrestling

    Status: Open

    Head Booker: Danny Davis

    OVW Training Center


    Status: Open

    Facilities: Superb

    Head Trainer: Danny Davis

    Next Graduates: July 2006

    WWE Roser


    Main Eventers


    Big Show

    Chris Benoit

    Eddie Guerrero

    John Bradshaw Layfield

    Kurt Angle

    Randy Orton

    Shawn Michaels

    The Undertaker

    Triple H

    Upper Midcarders



    Booker T

    Chet Jablonski (whats he doing here?)

    Chris Jericho



    John Cena


    Rob Van Dam



    Al Snow

    Billy Kidman

    Bubba Ray Dudley

    Carlito Caribbean Cool

    Charlie Haas

    Chavo Guerrero

    D-Von Dudley

    Eugene Dinsmore

    Gene Snitsky

    John Heidenreich


    Luther Reigns

    Marty Jannetty

    Matt Hardy


    Molly Holly

    Muhammed Hassan

    Rene Dupree

    Rey Mysterio


    Robert Conway

    Shelton Benjamin


    The Hurricane

    Trish Stratus

    William Regal

    Lower Midcarders


    Chris Masters

    Danny Basham

    Doug Basham

    Hardcore Holly

    Kenzo Suzuki

    Mark Henry

    Mark Jindrak


    Orlando Jordan

    Paul London


    Scotty 2 Hotty

    Shannon Moore

    Simon Dean

    Spike Dudley

    Sylvain Grenier

    Tyson Tomko

    Val Venis






    Jesus Aguilera

    Steven Richards


    Current Developmental Deals


    Aaron Stevens

    Alexis Laree

    Angel Williams

    Antonio Thomas

    Beth Phoenix

    Blaster Lashley

    Brent Albright

    Brian Black

    Brian Carlucchi

    Chad Toland

    Chilly Willy

    Chris Cage

    Daniel Puder

    Danny Inferno

    Dean Jablonski

    Derrick Neikirk

    Deuce Shade

    Frankie Kazarian

    Garrison Cade

    Gregg Groothuis

    Jillan Hall

    Jim Cornette

    Joey Matthews

    Johnny Jeter

    Johnny Nitro

    Johnny Swinger

    Justice Smith

    Ken Anderson

    Ken Doane

    Mac Johnson

    Marty Wright

    Matt Cappotelli

    Matt Morgan

    Mike Hettinga

    Mike Mondo

    Mike Shane

    Mike Taylor

    Nick Mitchell

    Paul Birchall


    Romeo Roselli

    Ryan Reeves


    Steve Lewington

    Tank Toland

    Todd Shane

    Tony Straddlin



    Candice Michelle

    Christy Hemme

    Dawn Marie


    Joy Giovanni

    Khosrow Daivari

    Maria Kanellis

    Melina Perez

    Michelle McCool

    Miss Jackie

    Paul Heyman

    Ric Flair

    Rochelle Loewen

    Stacy Keibler

    Torrie Wilson

    WWE Title Belt Holders


    World Heavyweight Belt

    Holder: Batista

    Image: 90

    Previous Holders:

    World Tag Team Belt

    Holder: William Regal , Tajiri

    Image: 75

    Previous Holders:

    WWE Cruiserweight Belt

    *Lightweigths Only

    Holder: Paul London

    Image: 70

    Previous Holders:

    WWE Heavyweight Belt

    Holder: John Cena

    Image: 87

    Previous Holders:

    WWE Intercontinental Belt

    Holder: Shelton Benjamin

    Image: 80

    Previous Holders:

    WWE Tag Team

    Holder: Eddie Guerrero , Rey Mysterio

    Image: 70

    Previous Holders:

    WWE United States Belt

    Holder: Orlando Jordan

    Image: 75

    Previous Holders:

    WWE Woman's

    Holder: Trish Stratus

    Image: 58

    Previous Holders:

  • Create New...

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