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Posts posted by Glabine

  1. First off, I would like to thank you for your constructive opinions.

    You're right, I only watched 5 shows of ECW ( including ECW ONS and R&F ).

    In my opinion, RVD, Tazz, The Dudley Boyz etc.. are all loyal to Heyman. If ECW would be back with money, they would return to ECW. They hate Vince McMahon for doing what he did but they need to work.

    As I said in my backstory, Vince Russo was hired because of the guys he took out from TNA and ROH. But I guess that wasn't a smart booking choice, huh.

    I wanted to give ECW fans a taste of what was coming with the ECW after our first month. So, I gave them 2 of the biggest stars in the most brutal match I could take. It's a money match, but I though I had to gave something big at first ! I'll have other good matches in other shows.

    As far as Nunzio is concerned, I forgot to change his name : another mistake. duh.

    Yeah, Syxx-Pac is a good wrestler but I have so much better workers like him who could get the job done better than him. But, I needed heavyweights. I could have open contracts with some jobbers but as that time, Syxx-Pac was the guy I wanted for a squash match.

    For the promos, I'll try to have better promos. I can't promess that thought since I don't know much of the ECW characters and that I am not 100 % bilingual ( I'm coming from Québec ). Writing promos is tough but I'll try.

    Again, thanks for the comments , I appreciate it more than Kittler's comments. :P

  2. Thanks for your comments Kittler they are always appreciated.

    As for the others, I always see people reading but no one's replying. It takes only 10 seconds to give your thoughts, so please, do it ! :crying:

  3. user posted image

    August 16th Slam Card

    Main Event

    Tag Team Match

    Raven & Rob Van Dam versus Tommy Dreamer © & Cactus Jack

    4th match

    Tag Team Match

    Christopher Daniels & Low Ki versus A.J. Styles & Jerry Lynn

    3rd match

    Taz's Human Suplex Challenge

    Taz versus Teddy Hart

    2nd match

    Tag Team Titles - Tag Team Tourney FINALS

    The Dudley Boyz w/ Sign Guy Dudley versus Nunzio & James Gibson

    1st match

    Television Championship

    Champion : Bryan Danielson versus Challenger : Colt Cabana

    Plus, appereances by the bWo, The Backseat Boys and CM Punk ! Paul Heyman will also be in the house to add more matches to the Barely Legal Card.

  4. user posted image

    ECW's war with the NWA:TNA.

    - He is the weekly report from Sophie, ECW's coordinator : We have superior star power on our roster, which is hurting their image. We are seen as having better workers, and this is causing fans to choose us over them.

    ECW's Hardcore TV Ratings.

    - ECW Hardcore TV completely DESTROYED NWA:TNA Xplosion in the ratings war. Hardcore TV also beated WWE Velocity ! These are FANTASTIC news for the ECW and for the staff of Hardcore TV.

    ECW + Steve Corino = no more ?

    - ECW superstar Steve Corino is on the verge of leaving after putting himself in rehab. What will happen with this Canadian Star in the wrestler world ? ECWnewsonline.com doesn't know much about Corino's future with ECW but it's sure that this is not the best thing that could've happen to him. He was scheduled to start a new Network with Cyrus The Virus and Second City Saints following his run-in attack after their match at the first Slam. It sucks for Colt Cabana who would have had a great push with this stable and now that CM Punk is in a singles feud, what will happen with him ?

    ECW's new wrestlers !

    - ECW has signed 5 wrestlers to development deals. ECW stole The Thrillseekers ( Johnny Jeter and Matt Cappotelli ) from the WWE ! Also, the ECW stole former ROH Champion Austin Aries. ECW has high hopes for him but he needs to learn who to work ECW Style ! And lasts but not the leasts, The HWA Icons ( Cody Hawk & Matt Stryker ) were both signed to written contracts before the WWE did it. The publicity about Stryker and his teaching story interested the WWE but ECW was faster and signed his partner and him !

  5. user posted image

    Saturday, August 13rd 2005

    Joey Styles : With only 8 days before Barely Legal, ECW brings you another edition of ECW Hardcore TV ! Hello everyone, my name is Joey Styles and alongside of myself is Cyrus The Virus !

    Cyrus The Virus : Hey Joey, great to be here ! Tonight, 6 matches are scheduled plus the appereance from many wrestlers and the two authorities of this federation. Let's start now with the ECW Television Championship Match !


    Bryan Danielson © versus Low Ki

    ECW Television Champion

    Another great match from The American Dragon against the young Low Ki who makes his debut tonight. Danielson wins the match with the Cattle Mutilation. After the match, CM Punk runs in the ring and hits the Pepsi Plunge on Danielson to prepare him for Barely Legal.

    Winner by submission : Bryan Danielson

    Overall Rating : 81 %

    Crowd Reaction : 66 %

    Match Quality : 97 %

    Bryan Danielson gained overness from the match. Low Ki gained overness from the match. The ECW Television Title gained in image.


    Sabu & The Backseat Boys versus Cactus Jack & Nunzio & James Gibson

    3 versus 3

    Good match with a lot of action. A good mix of both high-flying and brutal wrestling with Johnny Kashmere getting the win on Cactus Jack after Alfonso distracted the referee and RVD hitted the Five Star Frog Splash on Jack.

    Winners by pinfall : Sabu & The Backseat Boys

    Overall Rating : 75 %

    Crowd Reaction : 70 %

    Match Quality : 81 %

    ---------------------- Yahoo Commercial Break ----------------------

    The Dudley Boyz versus Rhyno & Tajiri

    Tag Team Tourney - Semi-Finals

    4 of ECW former stars battle it out in this match that saw D'Von getting the pinfall after the 3-D on the table on Tajiri. During the match, The bWo tried to interfere but were stopped by Sign Guy Dudley who received a Stevie Kick from Steven Richards. The bWo and the Dudley Boyz brawled a bit before referees sent the bWo backstage.

    Winners by pinfall : The Dudley Boyz

    Overall Rating : 85 %

    Crowd Reaction : 76 %

    Match Quality : 94 %


    Paul Heyman : What ? You're not happy is that it ?

    Vince Russo : One match per pay-per-view isn't enough Heyman ! I was supposed to be the commisionner of the federation godammit !

    Paul Heyman : And you are. But not full-time !

    Vince Russo : What are you talking about..

    Paul Heyman : For now, it will be one match per pay-per-view and that's final.

    Vince Russo : You will hear about me Heyman.. That's for sure !

    [ Russo gets out of Heyman's office. ]

    Paul Heyman : Let's hope for you that you won't be alone hahaha !

    Overall Rating : 87 %

    Vince Russo gained overness from this segment.

    ---------------------- Acclaim Commercial Break ----------------------

    Taz versus Al Snow

    Human Suplex Machine Challenge

    When Taz asked for someone, the only one who answered the challenge was Al Snow. In the match, Snow lost control of the bout because he stopped to talk with Head.. Funny stuff, huh.. Taz put Snow in the Tazmission and the match finished at 4:02. Less than 1 minute before the 5 minutes.. As of now, no one even asked Taz what he was going to win if he beats him in less than 5 minutes.

    Winner by submission : Taz

    Overall Rating : 82 %

    Crowd Reaction : 80 %

    Match Quality : 85 %


    Christopher Daniels versus Jerry Lynn

    Special Guest Referee : A.J. Styles

    Best match ever and probably one of the greatest in-ring match of all-time between those two. But the history is another thing as the feud between Styles and Daniels continued to rage on in this match. Daniels controlled the match, but in the end, Styles walked properly ( without any sign of his knee injury ) and gave Daniels a Styles Clash. Jerry Lynn won the match by a quick count by Styles. It was a set-up by Styles and Daniels played his game !

    Winner by pinfall : Jerry Lynn

    Overall Rating : 86 %

    Crowd Reaction : 73 %

    Match Quality : 100 %

    Jerry Lynn gained overness from this match.

    ---------------------- Budweiser Commercial Break ----------------------

    [ Tommy Dreamer is talking with some staff members backstage. He is showing his ECW Heavyweight Title but from behind, Raven attacks him with a garbage can. ]

    Raven : This is my weapon.. And THIS ( pointing the title ) will be MY BELT ! Hahaha ! Quote the Raven : NEVERMORE !

    [ Raven exits the arena and the staff members help Tommy Dreamer to his feet. ]

    Raven gained overness from this segment. Tommy Dreamer gained overness from this segment.

    Overall Rating : 91 %


    Rob Van Dam w/ Sabu & Bill Alfonso versus Terry Funk w/ Cactus Jack

    Friend versus Enemy

    **¾ match with Terry Funk picking up the victory following a chairshot to Van Dam's head by Cactus Jack. At the end of the match, Jack and Sabu brawls until RVD and Funk got back on their feet and it was a tag team battle.

    Winner by pinfall : Terry Funk

    Overall Rating : 77 %

    Crowd Reaction : 80 %

    Match Quality : 72 %

    ------------------------------------------------------------------ END OF THE SHOW ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Show Overall Rating : 82 %

    Hardcore TV Rating : 4.58


    - Bryan Danielson defends his TV title against Low Ki.

    - The Backseat Boys won another match against Nunzio & James Gibson.

    - The Dudley Boyz won their semi-final match with a botched interference by the bWo.

    - Vince Russo isn't happy with his position in the ECW.

    - Al Snow fails the first edition of the Taz's Human Suplex Challenge.

    - The injury of A.J. Styles was nothing more than a fake !

    - Raven attacks Tommy Dreamer backstage.

    - The feud between Rob Van Dam & Cactus Jack continues to rage on !

  6. user posted image

    Hardcore TV Card.


    Friend facing enemy

    '' The Whole Fucking Show '' Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso & Sabu versus '' Hardcore Legend '' Terry Funk w/ Cactus Jack

    5th match

    Special Guest Referee : A.J. Styles

    '' The Fallen Angel '' Christopher Daniels versus Jerry Lynn

    4th match

    Taz's Suplex challenge

    '' The Human Suplex Machine '' Taz versus '' Snow Man '' Al Snow

    3rd match

    Tag Team Tourney - Semi-Finals

    The Dudley Boyz w/ Sign Guy Dudley versus Rhyno & Tajiri

    2nd match

    3 versus 3

    Sabu & The Backseat Boys w/ Bill Alfonso & RVD versus ''Hardcore Legend'' Cactus Jack, Nunzio & James Gibson w/ Terry Funk

    1st match

    ECW Television Championship

    Champion : Bryan Danielson versus Challenger : Low Ki

    Also on the show : bWo, Paul Heyman, Vince Russo and the two main-eventers for Barely Legal : Raven and the Heavyweight Champion Tommy Dreamer !

  7. user posted image

    A.J. Styles' condition.

    - The Phenomenal One wasn't hurt more on the last edition of Slam. He will definetively be at Hardcore TV and at Barely Legal to fight his nemesis Christopher Daniels. When asked about his presence on Hardcore TV, he answered : '' You'll see when the card will be up. ''.

    Bryan Danielson vs CM Punk feud.

    - The company is said to be very high on this feud after the great match the two had. The crowd seemed to enjoy the match and now that the feud is becoming even bigger, don't be surprised to see one or the two in the next main-events for ECW in the future.

    Taz's Suplex Challenge.

    - Expect for the Human Suplex Machine Taz to have a part in the next shows of the ECW. It's not known where it will start, but it will be a challenge to hold more than 5 minutes with Taz. It may start after Barely Legal but could start as soon as on the next Hardcore TV !

    Card for Barely Legal.

    user posted image

    user posted image

    Heavyweight Championship

    Fans Bring The Weapons Match

    Champion : Tommy Dreamer versus Challenger : Raven

    user posted image

    Single Match

    A.J. Styles versus Christopher Daniels

    Television Championship

    Single Match

    Champion : Bryan Danielson versus Challenger : CM Punk

    Card subject to changes

  8. user posted image

    Tuesday, August 9th 2005

    Joey Styles : Welcome everyone to this second edition of ECW SLAM! On my right, my broadcast collegue Cyrus The Virus ! Good night Cyrus !

    Cyrus The Virus : Hello Styles ! Tonight, 3 HUGE matches are scheduled plus appearences of the two authority figures Paul Heyman and Vince Russo. Also on the show, A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels who I will have on my Cyrus' Show that will debut TONIGHT on SLAM !

    Joey Styles : That's some great news to have your show and to have The Phenomenal One back on the show as early as this week. We all know that last week, A.J. Styles suffered an injury at the hands of Christopher Daniels. He is medically cleared to wrestle at Barely Legal and the match between Christopher Daniels and A.J. Styles is already signed for BARELY LEGAL !

    Cyrus The Virus : We'll surely have more matches for the pay-per-view tonight, but let's get down to business with our first match of the evening !

    Sabu & Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso versus Nunzio & James Gibson

    Tag Team Tourney - Semi Finals

    Good match between two ECW generations as one of the most experienced Tag Team in ECW history faced one of the best new teams in ECW. In this match, Bill Alfonso played a huge role by attacking Nunzio with a steel chair without the referee to see it. Before Alfonso did another chair shot, Cactus Jack and Terry Funk interfered in the match. Cactus Jack hit a Double Arm DDT on RVD for James Gibson to have the win. After the match, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, Nunzio and James Gibson argued over the tag team titles and a brawl started. Out comes The Backseat Boys with steel chairs and takes everyone out.

    Winners by pinfall : Nunzio & James Gibson.

    Overall Rating : 79 %

    Crowd Reaction : 74 %

    Match Quality : 85 %

    Sabu lost overness from that match. Nunzio gained overness from that match. James Gibson gained overness from that match.


    Cyrus' Show w/ Cyrus The Virus

    Guests : A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels

    Cyrus The Virus : Tonight, here on the first ever Cyrus' show, we have The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and The Phenomenal One A.J. Styles.. Guys, I would like you to not fight each other during this interview since you have a match at Barely Legal.

    A.J. Styles : How could I fight.. This guy almost broke my leg in half ! I'll wait for Barely Legal to be at 100 % !

    Christopher Daniels : If you make it to Barely Legal ! Because I am not here to answer any question about the reasons for my actions. I did it and I'm proud of it ! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do !

    [ Daniels walks out of the ring but Styles catches his arm before he can pass the ropes. Daniels returns inside the ring and faces off with Styles in the middle of the ring. Daniels starts laughing and KICKS Styles on the his left knee ! Styles is in MAJOR pain right here ! Daniels goes under the ring and gets two chairs. He puts one under Styles's leg and takes the other in his hands and he is going to JUMP from the third rope ! But Jerry Lynn enters the ring to make the save ! He punches Daniels down and helps Styles to get up before getting hit by a chairshot on the back of his head. Daniels takes the microphone and starts to talk. ]

    Christopher Daniels : So, you wanna play the super-hero ? Fine with me. Be ready, because at Hardcore TV, it's going to be Jerry Lynn against Christopher Daniels !

    Joey Styles : WOAH ! Huge match announced over here !

    Overall Rating : 80 %

    Cyrus the Virus gained overness from that segment.

    ---------------------- Yahoo Commercial Break ----------------------

    Bryan Danielson © versus CM Punk

    ECW Television Champion

    Best match since the return of the ECW. Punk used a lot of cheap shots during the match but Danielson was able to pull off the win and get his first title defense. The ending of the match was CM Punk arguing with the referee and Danielson doing a School Boy for the win. Nice pure wrestling match.

    Winner by pinfall : Bryan Danielson

    Overall Rating : 81 %

    Crowd Reaction : 68 %

    Match Quality : 94 %

    CM Punk gained overness from the match. Bryan Danielson gained overness from the match.


    Barely Legal's matches.

    With Vince Russo

    Vince Russo : It's now time for myself to announce the only match I will be able to decide for Barely Legal. This show will take place on August 21st live from Philadelphia ! And my match will be..

    [ CM Punk takes Vince Russo by the shirt and threatens him.. ]

    CM Punk : I hope for you that the next words you were going to say are going to be : CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, TV Title, Rematch at Barely Legal.

    Vince Russo : Exa... Exactly ! It will be the Television Champion Bryan Danielson who will defend his Television Title against ''Straight-Edge'' CM Punk at BARELY LEGAL !

    [ CM Punk lets go Vince Russo. ]

    CM Punk : I think I'm going to enjoy my stay here in ECW ! Hahaha !

    Overall Rating : 80 %

    Vince Russo debuted his new gimmick, it got a negative response.

    ---------------------- Budweiser Commercial Break ----------------------

    Masato Tanaka versus Raven versus Rhyno

    ECW World Heavyweight Championship's #1 Contenders Match

    Pretty intense match-up between the three of them. Raven wins it with the Evenflow DDT on Rhyno with Tanaka not able to break the fall before the 3 count. Dreamer runs down to the ring, gets in a brawl with Raven that is interrupted by Paul Heyman.

    Winner by pinfall : Raven

    Overall Rating : 80 %

    Crowd Reaction : 78 %

    Match Quality : 82 %


    Barely Legal's matches.

    With Paul Heyman

    Paul Heyman : So.. I hope you two are happy to face each other at Barely Legal, because I am ! It's time for ECW to have an EXTREME match-up. And it will be like in the old time.. The fans will be able to interact like before.. Because at Barely Legal.. It will be Raven challenging Tommy Dreamer for the ECW Heavyweight Championship in a FANS BRING THE WEAPONS match ! But that's not all.. IT WILL BE OUTSIDE OF THE ARENA ! Have a great return to home everyone !

    Overall Rating : 79 %


    Show Overall Rating : 79 %

    Slam Ratings : 4.52


    - Barely Legal : A.J. Styles versus Christopher Daniels

    - Gibson and Nunzio advances in finals.

    - A big four team brawl between Hardcore Legends, RVD & Sabu , Backseat Boys and Nunzio & Gibson.

    - Daniels injures Styles even more !

    - Barely Legal : Bryan Danielson © versus CM Punk [ TV Title ]

    - Barely Legal : Tommy Dreamer © versus Raven [ Heavyweight Title in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match ]

  9. user posted image

    Bryan Danielson's TV title run.

    - The word backstage is that young Bryan Danielson impressed Paul Heyman and the booking commitee in house shows and was given the title. This was changed only minutes before the match officially got under-way. The rumor says that CM Punk was supposed to win the title but Punk told management that he would have liked best to run after the title instead of having it right now in a Battle Royal. Expect a long fued between Punk and Danielson for the TV Title.

    Cactus Jack / RVD feud.

    - With two of the biggest draws of the company in a feud, expect them to have a lot of airtime to give the rivaltry a good push for the future. These wrestlers are two of the hottest draws in the wrestling business and the ECW is proud to have them under their roof !

    August 9th Slam Card

    Main Event

    Heavyweight Championship Contender's match

    Raven versus Masato Tanaka versus Rhyno

    2nd match

    Television Championship

    Champion : Bryan Danielson versus Challenger : CM Punk

    1st match

    Tag Team Tourney

    '' The Whole Fucking Show '' Rob Van Dam & Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso versus Nunzio & James Gibson

    Also A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Dreamer, Paul Heyman and Vince Russo will all be on the show.

  10. user posted image

    Tuesday, August 2nd 2005

    Joey Styles : Welcome everyone to the edition of Hardcore TV of the Extreme Championship Wrestling ! Tonight, we have a great show with 4 matches that could possibly be matches on the Pay-Per-View !

    Cyrus The Virus : Talking about the Barely Legal Pay-Per-View, Paul Heyman and Vince Russo are scheduled for Slam to announce the ECW Heavyweight Title Match as well as the ECW Tag Team Situation.

    Joey Styles : On tonight's main-event, we'll have the third and last quarter-final match for the Tag Team Tourney with the team of Rob Van Dam and Sabu facing the Hardcore Legends, Terry Funk and Cactus Jack ! We know that RVD did an interview against Jack on the last Slam, we'll see what's gonna happen tonight !

    Cyrus The Virus : Also, the ECW Television Title will be on the line tonight with wrestlers like Christopher Daniels, CM Punk, Taka Michinoku, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Kid Kash, Mike Awesome and Low-Ki who will all compete in a 20 man battle royal to determine the new ECW TV champion !

    Joey Styles : The World's most dangerous man Ken Shamrock signed a contract last week with ECW and had to do his last indy match on tuesday, retarding his arrival on ECW shows. But tonight, he'll be facing Syxx-Pac in his debut match for the company. Will Syxx-Pac be able to fight back against Shamrock ?

    Cyrus The Virus : And for the first match of the evening, The Backseat Boys asked for another match against the team of Nunzio & James Gibson. What are they planning to do ?

    [ The Backseat Boys's theme ]

    Joey Styles : I guess we'll know now.

    Trent Acid : What's up Norfolk !!

    [ Boos ]

    Johnny Kashmere : Euh Trent.. We're in Long Island..

    Trent Acid : Same crap anyway !

    [ Loud boos ]

    Johnny Kashmere : Tonight, we're facing the team of Nunzio & James Gibson AGAIN. We asked for that match for one simple reason : REVENGE.

    Trent Acid : On Slam, they shouldn't have won that match against us, The Backseat Boys !

    Johnny Kashmere : So tonight, we'll teach them a lesson..

    Both : Backseat Boys' way !

    Overall Rating : 70 %

    Trent Acid gained overness from that segment. Johnny Kashmere gained overness from that segment.


    The Backseat Boys versus Nunzio & James Gibson

    Rematch from Slam

    Both teams were more agile in this match than on Slam. It was the best match of the night with The Backseat boys taking the victory after Kashmere hold up Nunzio's tight without the referee seeing the cheating manoeuver. The Backseat Boys celebrated their victory and Nunzio and Gibson argued with the referee.

    Winners by pinfall : The Backseat Boys

    Overall Rating : 79 %

    Crowd Reaction : 61 %

    Match Quality : 97 %

    Both teams gained overness from that match.

    ---------------------- Acclaim Commercial Break ----------------------

    [ We see Ken Shamrock motivating himself backstage. He is walking towards the wrestler's entry and we are in for another debut match ! ]

    Overall Rating : 74 %


    Ken Shamrock versus Syxx-Pac

    World's most dangerous man debut

    Squash match by Ken Shamrock against Syxx-Pac who wasn't able to stand after the Anklelock that was applied by Shamrock on his left ankle.

    Winner by pinfall : Ken Shamrock

    Overall Rating : 71 %

    Crowd Reaction : 70 %

    Match Quality : 73 %

    ---------------------- Budweiser Commercial Break ----------------------

    [ Video recapitulation on the Daniels-Styles incident at ECW Slam on Tuesday. We clearly see how Styles hurt his left knee with the violent shot Daniels gave him on the ring post. At the end of the video, we see a promo for next Slam : Styles >< Daniels.. IN THE SAME RING ON SLAM ! ]

    Christopher Daniels : I'll make sure that you won't be able to fight me at Barely Legal ! Mark The Fallen Angel's words on that !

    Overall Rating : 80 %


    20 man Battle Royal

    ECW Television Championship Match

    The Final Four is composed of Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels and CM Punk. Double-clothesline by Punk and Danielson to eliminate Daniels. Samoa Joe tries to do the same to Punk but he reverses the move and send Joe on Daniels ! It's down to Punk and Danielson with Danielson who picks up the win after a great finish between the two.

    Winner and the NEW ECW TELEVISION CHAMPION : Bryan Danielson ©

    Overall Rating : 66 %

    Crowd Reaction : 67 %

    Match Quality : 66 %


    [ We see Bryan Danielson with Joel Gertner for an interview. ]

    Joel Gertner : On your first match with ECW, The American Dragon wins the ECW Television championship.

    Bryan Danielson : It's quite an honor for me to hold that title and I am proud to announce that The American Dragon Bryan Danielson will defend his Television Title on EACH and EVERY show of the ECW.

    Joel Gertner : That's some fantasic news ! And do you know who will be your opponent at Slam ?

    [ CM Punk attacks Bryan Danielson with a steel chair ! ]

    CM Punk : It's going to be me.. CM PUNK !

    Overall Rating : 74 %

    Bryan Danielson gained overness from that segment.

    ---------------------- 1-800-Collect Commercial Break ----------------------

    Rob Van Dam & Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso versus Hardcore Legends

    Tag Team Tourney

    On the main-event, the match was the highlight of the show. On the finish, Bill Alfonso distracted the referee and Sabu held the chair for a Van Terminator on Cactus Jack for the win after the pinfall. RVD taunted Cactus Jack at the end of the match to continue their feud.

    Winners by pinfall : Rob Van Dam & Sabu

    Overall Rating : 81 %

    Crowd Reaction : 85 %

    Match Quality : 74 %


    Show Overall Rating : 75 %

    Hardcore TV Ratings : 4.56 %


    - The Backseat Boys beats Nunzio & Gibson.

    - A strong debut by Ken Shamrock.

    - The return of A.J. Styles on Slam !

    - Bryan Danielson : New ECW Television champion.

    - Slam : Bryan Danielson © versus CM Punk for the TV Championship.

    - Rob Van Dam and Sabu advances in the semi-finals of the Tag Team Tourney.

  11. user posted image


    - We learned from the FOX website that they were moving the ECW show on their network to a late evening timeslot each tuesday night. Going head-to-head with WWE cost ECW a lot of viewers. But ECW assured that this will return to their original time slot as soon as possible !


    - A.J. Styles was seen still walking on his crutches and when we asked him what was the plan about ECW, he told us : Wait for Slam. Adding that he would be on the show but not in a wrestling capacity. He is scheduled to be back in time for ECW first pay-per-view since the return : Barely Legal.

    ECW Hardcore TV Card.

    - The card of the new ECW show is out and we have all the matches.


    Tag Team Tourney

    '' The Whole Fucking Show '' Rob Van Dam & Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso vs Cactus Jack & Terry Funk

    3rd match

    Television Championship

    20 man battle royal that will includes the likes of Christopher Daniels, Kid Kash, Mike Awesome, Taka Michinoku and much, MUCH MORE !

    2nd match

    World's Most Dangerous Man Debut Match

    '' The World's Most Dangerous Man ''Ken Shamrock vs Syxx-Pac

    1st match

    Backseat Boys' revenge

    Backseat Boys vs Nunzio & James Gibson

  12. user posted image

    A.J. Styles on the shelf ?

    At the end of last night's Slam, ECW informers to ld ECWnewsonline.com that the Phenomenal One left the building on crutches with a huge amount of tape of his left knee. Many people wonders that A.J. Styles won't be able to wrestle for the next month, compromising his fued with The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. We'll post more info on Styles' condition as soon as we get them.

  13. user posted image

    Tuesday, August 2nd 2005

    Joey Styles : Welcome everyone to the first ever ECW SLAM ! My name is Joey Styles and along with me is my broadcast collegue, Cyrus The Virus. Cyrus, welcome back in ECW !

    Cyrus The Virus : It's great to be back here Joey and I'm sure you'll agree with me that ECW is far from dead with all the new acquisitions from Paul Heyman and Vince Russo.

    Joey Styles : With the wrestlers who were stolen from WWE, TNA, ROH and other indy promotions as well as former ECW wrestlers who decided to come back in the ring, we have a great roster for the new ECW.

    Cyrus The Virus : Paul E. wouldn't be about what you said.. It's not the new ECW.. It's the ECW that rise from the grave and tonight, you'll see only a small part of what ECW truly is : EXTREME !

    Joey Styles : We have a great card for you tonight with 6 matches. In the main-event, you'll see 4 for the best ECW wrestlers go at it in a Fatal Four Way to determine the new ECW Heavyweight Champion. With The Franchise Shane Douglas, The Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer, Hardcore Legend Cactus Jack and The Whole FUCKING show Rob Van Dam, we are sure to have a new champion tonight between those 4 guys !

    Cyrus The Virus : Plus, the debut of the tag team tournament between 9 teams with 6 of them who will be wrestling tonight. The first match between The Backseat Boys, Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere against Nunzio and James Gibson as well as Second City Saints, the team of CM Punk and Colt Cabana. In the other match, the best ECW tag team to ever step foot in the ring, The Dudley Boyz will face the team of Rhyno and Tajiri and 2 members of the bWo : Nova and The Blue Meanie.

    Joey Styles : We'll have the return to the ring of the Human Suplex Machine Taz who will square off with one of the member of the Hart Family : Teddy Hart who accepted the open challenge from Taz just to make a name for himself.

    Cyrus The Virus : And for the first time ever, The Phenomenal One A.J. Styles and The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels will face each other in their ECW debut tonight. The two faced each other so many times in the past but tonight, they're taking it to the extreme in ECW !

    Joey Styles : And the first match since January '97 will be Sabu against The Sandman. We know that Bill Alfonso will be in Sabu's corner and that it will be a...

    [ Paul Heyman's theme song ]

    Paul Heyman : Welcome to the return of the ECW ! As you may know, myself and Vince Russo are partners in the re-opening of the federation. Russo cannot be here tonight but heck, who really cares anyway ? He just has 10 % of the company ! So Russo, I know you can't hear what I'm saying now but if you do here's what I say about our partnership : FUCK YOU !

    [ The crowd cheers for Heyman. ]

    Paul Heyman : As far as tonight's show is concerned I'm making some changes to the card. The Tag Team Tourney won't be a 9-team tournament. Instead, it will be a 8-team tournament with 3 of the first 4 matches will take place tonight. bWo will face the Dudleys, Backseat Boys against Nunzio & Gibson and Second City Saints against Rhyno & Tajiri. And the first match of Slam will still be Sabu against The Sandman.. But it will be a BARBEDWIRE MATCH !

    [ Crowd starts chanting ' EC-Dub '. ]

    Paul Heyman : Have a nice show everyone !

    Overall Rating : 82 %.

    Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso versus The Sandman

    Barbedwire ropes match

    Intense match that saw many barbedwire spots with a lot of kendo stick and chair shots. Sandman was going on the third rope with his kendo stick but Alfonso distracted him so Sabu could have done a Body Press Slam to the mat. Sabu jumped on the third rope and grabbed the chair that Fonzie gave him to do his Arabian Facebuster to get the 3 count and the win.

    Winner by pinfall : Sabu

    Overall Rating : 70 %

    Crowd Reaction : 73 %

    Match Quality : 64 %

    ---------------------- Yahoo Commercial Break ----------------------

    The Backseat Boys ( Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere ) versus Nunzio & James Gibson

    Tag Team Tournament

    Excellent match with a lot of good spots by both teams who works well with each other. The end of the match saw Nunzio doing the Arriverderci on Johnny Kashmere to get the win. Nunzio & Gibson played with the crowd at the end of the bout to celebrate their victory and their upcoming tag team title match.

    Winners by pinfall : Nunzio & James Gibson

    Overall Rating : 77 %

    Crowd Reaction : 61 %

    Match Quality : 93 %


    [ Christopher Daniels is backstage with Joel Gertner who is doing the interviewer role for tonight. ]

    Joel Gertner : What are your thoughts about doing your first ECW match tonight, live in New Jersey ?

    Christopher Daniels : What ? You want to know my thoughts about wrestling that jackass named A.J. Styles ? Gertner, I've faced that guy a million times, if not more. Lately, he wasn't able to beat me. What do I have to prove to be in the main event with all the others huh ?

    Joel Gertner : Impress Paul Heyman would be a great thing for your career.

    Christopher Daniels : Oh, he'll be impressed, trust me !

    [ Daniels walks off to the ring entrance. ]

    Overall Rating : 78 %.


    Christopher Daniels versus A.J. Styles

    Battle of the Cruiserweights

    Certainly the best match of the night as Daniels and Styles knows each other very much because of their many rivaltries in other indy promotions before the ECW. In this bout, Styles was able to win with a Styles Clash for a 3 count. After the match, Daniels was arguing with the referee and went to attack Styles while he was celebrating. He hitted Styles' knee on the ring post and Styles was screaming in pain. Daniels left the ring with an evil grin on his face.

    Winner by pinfall : A.J. Styles

    Overall Rating : 87 %

    Crowd Reaction : 81 %

    Match Quality : 94 %

    ---------------------- Budweiser Commercial Break ----------------------

    Second City Saints ( CM Punk & Colt Cabana ) versus Rhyno & Tajiri

    Tag Team Tournament

    Good match between the newcomers and the veterans. Tajiri won the match on Cabana with a Stiff Kick to the head for the 3 count. After the match ended, Steve Corino ran to the ring and hitted the Super Kick on Rhyno and the Old School Expulsion on Tajiri. Second City Saints didn't know why Corino did that but were happy about it.

    Winners by pinfall : Tajiri & Rhyno

    Overall Rating : 74 %

    Crowd Reaction : 70 %

    Match Quality : 78 %


    Taz versus Teddy Hart

    Human Suplex Machine's in-ring return

    Squash match by Taz who won the match by submission with his Tazzmission. After the referee ended the match, Tazz didn't let go the submission hold on Hart and the road agents and referees needed help the young rookie to survive against Taz.

    Winner by submission : Taz

    Overall Rating : 70 %

    Crowd Reaction : 71 %

    Match Quality : 71 %


    [ The Blue World Order members, The Blue Meanie, Nova and Steven Richards were backstage , waiting for some air-time. ]

    The Blue Meanie : D-D-D-D-D-D-o you know who we are ?

    Steven Richards : We are the BLUE WORLD ORDER, oh TESTITY !

    Nova : And who are we gonna destroy tonight ?

    The Blue Meanie : The D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D udley Boys !

    Steven Richards : Oh TESTITY !

    [ The camera stops as the trio were still laughing at the Dudley Boyz. ]

    Overall Rating : 79 %.

    ---------------------- Acclaim Commercial Break ----------------------

    The Dudley Boyz versus bWo ( The Blue Meanie & Nova )

    Tag Team Tournament

    Good tag team match because of the Dudley Boys who are the most experienced tag team in the ECW. The Dudleys won the match with the intervention of Sign Guy Dudley who distracted the referee when Spike Dudley hit the Dudley Dogg on Nova to have Bubba get the 3 Count. Richards ran in for the save and cleared the ring with a chair. This is definetively going somewhere !

    Winners by pinfall : The Dudley Boyz

    Overall Rating : 71 %

    Crowd Reaction : 71 %

    Match Quality : 72 %


    [ Rob Van Dam is standing in the interview set to request some air-time before the main-event. ]

    Rob Van Dam : First of all, I would like to welcome you in Rob Van Dam's show : Slam. We all know it, it's because the Whole FUCKING show is back in ECW that you have Slam. I make the shows around here, not guys like Cactus Jack. That guy is an has-been and will never be able to win this title in the federation. Tonight, Mister Tuesday Night will reign supreme with the ECW Heavyweight Championship around my waist. Is that clear Cactus Jack ? And while I'll be champion, you'll never be able to have a title shot because you just DON'T deserve it. The only person who deserves it around it is me :

    [ RVD does his thumb taunts. ]

    Rob Van Dam : R ! V ! D !

    [ Van Dam smiles and the camera goes to another publicity. ]

    ---------------------- 1-800-Collect Commercial Break ----------------------

    Rob Van Dam versus Cactus Jack versus Shane Douglas versus Tommy Dreamer

    Fatal Four Way for the ECW Heavyweight Title

    For tonight's main-event, a new ECW Champion was crowned. RVD and Cactus Jack battled together for the biggest part of the match as a rivaltry started to grow up between the two. At the end, Raven entered the ring with a steel chair and wanted to hit Dreamer but hit Douglas instead. Dreamer landed a Dreamer DDT on Raven and went for the cover on Douglas and he is the NEW ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION !!

    Winner by pinfall and the NEW ECW Heavyweight Champion : Tommy Dreamer ©

    Overall Rating : 78 %

    Crowd Reaction : 82 %

    Match Quality : 72 %


    Show Overall Rating : 76 %

    Slam Ratings : 4.56


    - Gibson and Nunzio advances in the Tag Team Tournament.

    - Daniels hurts A.J. Styles on his left knee.

    - Corino helps Second City Saints to get a measure of revenge, why ?

    - Taz squashes Teddy Hart.

    - Dudleys vs bWo : a clan war ?

    - RVD vs Cactus Jack : A new rivaltry ?

    - Tommy Dreamer is the new ECW Champion.

  14. user posted image

    Monday, August 1st 2005

    The Story So Far...

    - In early 2005 Vince McMahon fired Paul Heyman for disrespecting WWE on a radio show. After a month of hatred, Vince got in touch with Paul Heyman and offered a fresh start. Paul Heyman denied Vince's requests and the two had a heated confrontation on a TV show which was not scripted. Paul E. took McMahon to court to fight for the rights for ECW copyrights. Heyman won and decided to re-open ECW. He recruited many WWE stars from Vince most noteably RVD, Tazz, Rhyno, The Dudleyz, all of them who were more loyal to Heyman than to McMahon.

    - Within a month Paul was close to re-debuting ECW on Television after making two successful bids. He made 2 exclusive deals with 2 of the biggest TV networks available. On a monday night prime time slot, ECW would have a new show called SLAM that would be broadcast LIVE on FOX. It was now time for another Monday Night War. The second show was an early evening show each saturday on the USA Network. They decided to choose ECW over WWE because of the buyrates that the ECW's One Night Stand had and the ratings of WWE that were slowly going down. Heyman decided to had some history to the new ECW by naming the show Hardcore TV. Before the ECW opened, Paul Heyman received a phone call from Jerry Jarrett to take the booker job of Vince Russo ( who was never really fired ). Heyman denied Jarrett's request and he recruited Vince Russo who also recruited some NWA:TNA and ROH superstars to written contracts for the ECW. Russo now owns 10 % shares in ECW while Heyman owns the other 90 %. With ECW now about to start a war with WWE, TNA and ROH, to debut their new television shows, now to start the WAR. It's time to show the world what ECW stands for : EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING !

    - ECW starts with much more money with some new sponsors like 1-800-Collect, Acclaim, Yahoo and Budweiser. Older wrestlers came back and didn't ask for a pay raise to come. ECW is now back with only one goal : Stay ECW. In less than 2 weeks, ECW will have their first show since January 7th 2001. Fans from all around the country will now be able to say EC-Dub as loud as they want, because ECW is BACK !

    ** Based on a scenario with some adjustments. **

    user posted image




    Injured : *

    Overness : (--)

    Developpement Deal


    Shane Douglas ( 85 )

    Rob Van Dam ( 90 )

    Taz ( 92 )

    Cactus Jack ( 91 )


    The Sandman ( 77 )

    Rhyno ( 79 )

    Terry Funk ( 80 )

    Tommy Dreamer ( 81 )

    Masato Tanaka ( 80 )

    Sabu ( 80 )

    Tank Abbott ( 80 )

    Mike Awesome ( 83 )

    Raven ( 87 )


    Bryan Danielson ( 60 )

    Nunzio ( 61 )

    James Gibson ( 62 )

    The Blue Meanie ( 62 )

    Spanky ( 65 )

    Samoa Joe ( 66 )

    Nova ( 69 )

    Syxx-Pac ( 70 )

    Tajiri ( 72 )

    Ron Killings ( 74 )

    Frank Shamrock ( 75 )

    Jerry Lynn ( 75 )

    A.J. Styles ( 77 )

    The Sandman ( 77 )

    Al Snow ( 78 )

    Balls Mahoney ( 58 )

    2 Cold Scorpio ( 65 )

    Chris Candido ( 65 )

    Spike Dudley ( 65 )

    CM Punk ( 66 )

    Low Ki ( 66 )

    TAKA Michinoku ( 67 )

    Kid Kash ( 70 )

    Christopher Daniels ( 72 )

    D'Von Dudley ( 76 )

    Bubba Ray Dudley ( 78 )

    Steve Corino ( 75 )

    Ken Shamrock ( 77 )


    Teddy Hart ( 54 )

    The Amazing Red ( 58 )

    Colt Cabana ( 46 )

    Johnny Kashmere ( 55 )

    Trent Acid ( 55 )

    Frankie Kazarian ( 57 )


    Sign Guy Dudley ( 56 )

    Bill Alfonso ( 70 )


    Don Callis ( 65 )

    Paul Heyman ( 82 )


    Afa Jr. ( 25 )

    Allison Danger ( 21 )

    Greg Pawluk ( 20 )

    Jay Briscoe ( 42 )

    Kevin Steen ( 30 )

    Mark Briscoe ( 42 )

    Paul Birchall ( 15 )

    Sexxxy Eddy ( 32 )

    The Arsenal ( 25 )


    Backseat Boys : Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid - Experience = 75

    bWo I : The Blue Meanie & Steven Richards - Experience = 35

    bWo II : Nova & The Blue Meanie - Experience = 40

    bWo III : Nova & Steven Richards - Experience = 35

    Dudley Family II : Bubba Ray Dudley & Spike Dudley - Experience = 65

    Hardcore Legens : Terry Funk & Mick Foley - Experience = 80

    Gibson and Nunzio : James Gibson & Nunzio - Experience = 30

    Rhyno and Tajiri : Rhyno & Tajiri - Experience = 12

    RVD and Sabu : Rob Van Dam & Sabu - Experience = 80

    Second City Saints : CM Punk & Colt Cabana - Experience = 45

    Sexxx and Violence : Sexxxy Eddy & The Arsenal - Experience = 25

    The Briscoe Brothers : Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe - Experience = 60

    The Dudley Boyz : D'Von Dudley & Bubba Ray Dudley - Experience = 100

    Monday, August 1st 2005

    Meeting old ennemies

    [ Tommy Dreamer was standing in the center of the ring where the first ECW show was going to take place since the return of the promotion. He was looking at all the empty seats and stood there for a minute until Raven came down the aisle and joined Dreamer in the ring. ]

    Raven : Refreshing your memory ?

    Tommy Dreamer : Yeah. I kinda lost hope about that ECW thing.. But now, it's here and I'm gonna appreciate it from the beginning 'til the end.

    Raven : Let's hope that the end won't come too soon, if you know what I mean !

    Tommy Dreamer : No, I don't understand what you're trying to told me.

    Raven : Naah.. Nevermind.. You'll see tonight at Slam.

    [ Raven gets out of the ring, leaving Tommy Dreamer all by himself. ]

    Tommy Dreamer : Still the same weird guy I used to know !


    Meeting old friends

    [ Sabu, Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso were all standing in their locker room. They were talking about the future.. ]

    Bill Alfonso : Hey RVD.. Do you know what Paul E. wanted to do with those ECW belts ?

    Rob Van Dam : Nah.. But it doesn't matter for Rob Van Dam, you know why ?

    Bill Alfonso : Because you're..

    Rob Van Dam : ROB ! VAN ! DAM !

    Sabu : Let's hope it's something BIG !

    Rob Van Dam : And let's pray that R ! V ! D ! and Sabu will be in that title decision !

    [ Alfonso starts to blow his whistle under the laughs of Rob Van Dam. ]


    Slam matches

    [ Paul Heyman was at his office, with his trademark Yankees cap on his head and he was waiting to start speaking. ]

    Paul Heyman : Hello everyone and welcome to the return of the Extreme Championship Wrestling. Tonight, live from FOX at 8PM, you will witness something that nobody thought to be possible someday. The REAL return of the ECW. Not some new ECW.. We still are the ECW from the beginning with no pyros, but now, we have money to give you the best show possible. If you want to go and watch all your soap operas from Monday Night RAW, you can do it. Switch channel to Spike TV and you'll have your Monday Night Raw. But if you want to have real wrestling, real blood, real massive destruction, tune in tonight on FOX because we have one hell of a show for you ! Here's the line-up for tonight.


    Fatal Four Way for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

    " The Franchise "Shane Douglas vs " The Whole Fuckin' Show " Rob Van Dam vs Cactus Jack vs Tommy Dreamer

    5th match

    Tag Team Tourney

    The Dudley Boyz vs bWo's members Nova & The Blue Meanie vs Rhyno & Tajiri

    4th match

    The Return to the ring of the Human Suplex Machine

    " The Human Suplex Machine " Taz vs Teddy Hart

    3rd match

    Battle of the Cruiserweights

    " The Phenomenal One " A.J. Styles vs " The Fallen Angel " Christopher Daniels

    2nd match

    The Beginning of the Tag Team Tourney

    The Backseat Boys vs Nunzio & James Gibson vs Second City Saints

    1st match

    ECW's first match since January '97

    The Sandman vs Sabu

    Paul Heyman : Hope you'll enjoy the first edition of Slam ! But, if you think you have everything on the card, think again because ECW will always have something else for you !


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