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Mike Jones

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Posts posted by Mike Jones

  1. Aren't minor overness changes largely moot given that they'll change within the first few weeks of playing depending on how you use them? I'm not saying never bother, but I don't see it as a big issue.

    Why not be as accurate as possible? The stats, imo, shouldn't be set in accordance to what may or may not/can or can not happen when you start your specific game but as an accurate reflection of reality PRIOR to when you start your game.

  2. Since there's some Chris Jericho discussion, I went ahead and looked all the legends signed to WWE in the May update:

    Lower Bret Hart's overness to 83 (He gets reaction closer to Dusty and Piper than he does HBK and Flair)

    Lower Chris Jericho's overness to 92 (Batista could have easily been put in the same spot Jericho was in during his last return, and until he started embracing the heel role wasn't any more over than him.)

    Lower Kevin Nash's overness to 82 (puts him on par with Booker T, who got a similar/slightly better reaction during their RR returns a few years ago)

    Lower Undertaker's overness to 96 (100!? Seriously!? He ain't Hogan, Austin, or Rock. He should be exactly the same as Shawn Michaels, who I think is at the right number.)

    Also, I think it should be noted that they're considered legendary for what they did at or near their peaks, not how much the crowd cares about them today other than the initial nostalgia pop(s). That's more a comment on Bret than anything because I feel people would be against lowering his overness just because he's Bret Hart.

    • Like 2
  3. In my opinion the top charisma stats in the data should be:

    Steve Austin: 100

    The Rock: 100

    Mick Foley: 98

    Ric Flair: 98

    Paul Heyman: 98 (+2)

    Mr. McMahon 98

    Roddy Piper: 98 (+1)

    Shawn Michaels: 97 (-1)

    Chris Jericho 97 (-1)

    John Cena: 97

    CM Punk: 96 (-4)

    Hulk Hogan: 95

    Dusty Rhodes: 95 (+1)

    Raven: 94

    Terry Funk: 94 (+1)

    Jim Cornette: 94 (-2)

    Edge: 94 (-4)

    Jerry Lawler: 93 (+2)

    Triple H: 93 (-5)

    Sting: 93

    I would lower:

    JBL's charisma to 91

    James Mitchell's charisma to 88.

    What is everyone's thought on this?

    The thing about Jerry Lawler is that he would merit that ratings at his peak, and I know charisma never changes in game, but he just doesn't have it like he used to. Jerry Lawler's commentary doesn't warrent a 93 to me anymore. Maybe that shouldn't really be considered, but I would (and did in my game) lower it by 5 to 86.

    I don't know about putting Paul Heyman as high as Ric Flair or Mick Foley, who are two of like the top 5 ever at cutting promos in my opinion. I think him and Punk should be more or less equal so 96 works for both to me.

    I know it's just one point but I would leave JBL's alone too.

    The rest are pretty solid.

    Edit: And I agree with the above post that some of the older guys have probably lost a step due to age and/or not consistently doing it anymore, but idk if given something serious to do they wouldn't knock it out of the park. Jerry Lawler was a different case to me because I hear him every single week.

    • Like 1
  4. I agree that Punk's charisma should be lower than 100. I'd say around 89-92 or so at the most.

    A more sensible question, regarding the Unique gimmick for these guys, would be "if CM Punk/John Cena's gimmick isn't unique, what is it instead?"

    I wouldn't lower Punk's charisma lower than 95. 95 seems perfect to me actually.

    I would put him right up there as one of the top 50 of all time (although obviously he probably didn't make the wwe.com list but idk). That would put him on the same level of Heyman as far as promos go, but he doesn't have the presence that John Cena has, for example, and Cena's at 97 so it really shouldn't be higher than that imo.

    • Like 2
  5. If Brock and Heyman don't get the Unique gimmick then remove it from Punk and we're done with it.


    No one thinks that ending the streak makes one unique, but an argument can be made that since they are playing up his uniqueness (which existed prior to the match/promo) we should consider it GIVEN CM Punk is less unique than Brock Lesnar or Paul Heyman but has it. If you think Brock is just a dime-a-dozen giant mauler that's fine. I disagree, but if you think another Brock Lesnar is coming around, who am I to say you're wrong. I just don't see how you could see CM Punk as anything but a loudmouth rebel who cut tamer "shoot" promos than I've heard from Shane Douglas, for instance. Daniel Bryan is already so similar to what CM Punk was (small, indy guy who was held down by the establishment but isn't afraid to speak his mind and gets ahead by just being better than his peers) that he isn't exactly one-of-a-kind.

    But enough of that...

    I would also suggest that Mr. McMahon be set to unique. There is more substance to his character than just 'Authority Figure' or even 'Evil Boss'. We will probably never see a character quite like Vince ever again. He was in prior updates wasn't he? Why the change?

    Edit: Set Dusty Rhodes' gimmick to unique as well.

    • Like 1
  6. Brock Lesnar's gimmick is LITERALLY that he is the only man in history that can do what he does. He's the 1 in 21-1...

    I'm not saying he should 100% be unique. I can see the argument against it. But given what his gimmick has evolved into and the fact that he really is unique from a physical/athletic standpoint (and that's not just a fact but actually played up in his character), he deserves it much more than CM Punk. If we never see CM Punk again, are we really considering him legendary? It would be as if HBK was considered unique in 1998 when he had to retire originally. Shawn was great back then...amazing even...but legendary?

    If Brock isn't going to be set to unique, then remove it from CM Punk as well. Hulk Hogan should be unique though. Period. If anyone else could be Hogan, we would have seen one of the countless imitations succeed anywhere near that level. Daniel Bryan (who also should not be unique yet if ever) is already in the same position that CM Punk was before he left...unique is irreplacable.

    Edit: I would also vote for Paul Heyman as unique over CM Punk. Since 2001 when he joined WWE, there hasn't been a single person that matches what he can do on the microphone or as a character without being the one going into the ring himself.

    Winning a pre-determined match does not make one unique.

    Yeah...and? Maybe you should consider that second sentence within the context established in the rest of the post.

    His gimmick is LITERALLY that he is the most unique athlete to ever grace a WWE ring and he actually IS the most physically gifted athlete they have ever had. He transcended pro wrestling itself by becoming a credible athlete in an actual sport AFTER he broke into professional wrestling, came back, and was a infinitely bigger star than when he left. He has done more to establish himself as one of a kind than, for example, a guy who did a couple worked shoots and whose character was frustrated with the status quo (you know like countless guys before him). The thesis of the post, which you so clearly ignored/missed, is that he is comparably more unique than someone who ALREADY has it set as their gimmick. "If Brock isn't going to be set to unique, then remove it from CM Punk as well."

    CM Punk is comparable with other guys. Brock Lesnar is undisputedly less so and imo not at all. That's the actual point I was making. I only vaguely referenced "a pre-determined match" because that is where the catchphrase "the 1 in 21-1" came from. That was one half-sentence in a 200+ word post....

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  7. Brock Lesnar's gimmick is LITERALLY that he is the only man in history that can do what he does. He's the 1 in 21-1...

    I'm not saying he should 100% be unique. I can see the argument against it. But given what his gimmick has evolved into and the fact that he really is unique from a physical/athletic standpoint (and that's not just a fact but actually played up in his character), he deserves it much more than CM Punk. If we never see CM Punk again, are we really considering him legendary? It would be as if HBK was considered unique in 1998 when he had to retire originally. Shawn was great back then...amazing even...but legendary?

    If Brock isn't going to be set to unique, then remove it from CM Punk as well. Hulk Hogan should be unique though. Period. If anyone else could be Hogan, we would have seen one of the countless imitations succeed anywhere near that level. Daniel Bryan (who also should not be unique yet if ever) is already in the same position that CM Punk was before he left...unique is irreplacable.

    Edit: I would also vote for Paul Heyman as unique over CM Punk. Since 2001 when he joined WWE, there hasn't been a single person that matches what he can do on the microphone or as a character without being the one going into the ring himself.

    • Like 1

    There have been a handful of proposed WWE changes, but I think there needs to be a fairly major overhaul on overness.

    I feel like a lot of them get inflated for whatever reason, but a lot of WWE talent are not nearly as over as their overness would lead you to believe. I think the problem is that the stats are increased without keeping in mind that they should be looked at in relation to other's overness. Just my opinion obviously, but just looking at the overness numbers, it seems like people are just increasing them by only looking at that particular wrestler and not looking at what that number means next to someone else that has a number close to it.

    Additionally, the more people that are at that level diminishes the significance of it. There should be more of a difference between the most and least over wrestler on the card, you know? What does it matter if Dean Ambrose is at 86 (just using this number to make the point...haven't looked at his specific number yet) if Kofi Kingston is at 83 (same)? In real life, Dean Ambrose plays a much more significant role on the major shows, but if you just look at the numbers, it seems as if Kofi is at that same level and in-game could easily be pushed as such just as Dean Ambrose could be. That does not accurately reflect real life because Kofi Kingston would take much more effort to be received at even the level of a Dean Ambrose. His overness should reflect the level of difficulty it would take for fans to buy him at an uppercard level.

    BTW, I think Mancuerda's 1998 scenario is a good example of distinctive overness levels where the midcard guys are significant behind the main eventers. I am trying to use his distinctiveness as a guideline.

    Here's a list of the changes I would make:

    *spoiler tags are for the reasoning behind them...I assume it would be easier for Bill1996 to compile the potential stat changes first without having to wade through a bunch of other text and then go back to it*

    Lower Alicia Fox's overness to 62

    She is virtually on the exact same level as Aksana who is actually a couple points behind her for some reason.

    Lower Antonio Cesaro's overness to 76

    Lower Brie Bella's overness to 70

    Honestly the divas just aren't that over in general compared to their male counterparts, and the Bella's are less over as faces than they were heels.

    Lower Christian's overness to 82

    No idea what type of reaction he would get with the fans since he hasn't been a regular on TV for a while so I could see not wanting to change his overness just yet, but I do not see him being too much more over than an Alberto Del Rio nor pushed any higher up the card.

    Lower Darren Young's overness to 64

    Maybe he had a little buzz when he first came out publicly, but WWE did nothing with the PTPs really and it has since died off. Should not be any higher than the C-show regular level.

    Lower David Otunga's overness to 56

    Hasn't been seen in about a year. Shouldn't be any higher than other guys who have been MIA like Camacho.

    Lower Evan Bourne's overness to 57 (absolute max, could be lower)

    Another wait-and-see guy and it looks like he was lowered a bit recently, but how much are we expecting from a guy who hasn't been on TV since January 2012?

    Lower Hunico's overness to 56

    Should be on par with Camacho.

    Lower JBL's overness to 82

    He's seen as just an announcer now. Should be on par with Booker T. They're both guys who probably would be more over if they weren't regulars.

    Lower Luke Harper's overness to 72

    72 actually seemed about right for Erick Rowan. The Wyatt's are over as a unit, but these guys don't have any name value on their own nor have been featured on their own as much as the other teams, meaning all their heat is in relation to Bray unlike the other teams who at least stand on their own.

    Lower Titus O'Neil's overness to 64

    Lower Tyson Kidd's overness to 60

    Lower Zack Ryder's overness to 60

    Additional WWE notes:

    - Alisha Ceraso has a corporate job with WWE now so she should be removed as a worker and moved to staff (I would butcher any staff stats so I cannot provide anything that would be accurate)

    - Add Bob Backlund to an open contract.

    - Lower Chris Jericho's overness to 95 as well. He is a legitimate star, but he was not a ratings or buyrate mover on the level of Brock Lesnar, for example, last time he was around. I perceive him is on the same legendary level as Ric Flair, Bret Hart or Mick Foley

    - Add DDP to an open contract. Idk if he officially has a legend's contract, but he is often a talking head and keeps getting brought in for the old school stuff. More regular than someone like Rikishi.

    - Finlay should be moved from wrestler to staff (road agent). I know there was a debate about this type of thing before but I'm just throwing it out there since it seems at least while he is with WWE he will not be wrestling in any capacity.

    - Hunico's position should be lowered to a developmental deal. Same as Camacho.

    - Add Jim Duggan to an open contract.

    - Joey Mercury should be moved from wrestler to staff (trainer). Hasn't wrestled since 2010. No since in keeping him as a wrestler if we're shooting for realism. No one is jumping to re-add Sgt. Slaughter as a worker, for example, even though he has wrestled more recently.

    - John Laurinaitis should be moved from wrestler to staff (road agent). Once again if we're not going to re-add all the guys that may make an appearance like Sgt. Slaughter or Ted DiBiase than it's just a unnecessary double standard and he should be removed.

    - Kevin Nash should be removed. Legend deals are iffy, but I think the only one's that should stay are ones that do regular stuff like the panels or appear on the Old School Raws.

    - Rob Van Dam should be removed. Same as Chris Jericho he isn't officially under contract as of today (I wouldn't count out either returning at the Rumble is why I say that but until that happens I think we should plan for them to be removed).

    - Robbie Brookside should be moved from wrestler to staff(?). Idk much about whether he still takes indy booking, but I am under the presumption that if you are working for WWE you aren't working anywhere else, and he has yet to work a match in WWE.

    - Add Roddy Piper to an open contract.

    - Add Ron Simmons to an open contract.

    - Ryan Katz and Sara Del Rey should be moved from wrestler to staff(?). See: Robbie Brookside.

    Alicia Fox should be at 63, she is just above Aksana.

    Though someone backstage is high on her.

    Antonio Cesaro should be at 78. Swagger barely gets any heat on his own.

    Brie Bella should be at about 72. Total Divas got her decently over.

    Chris Jericho gets more of a reaction than Batista so I would make them equals at 96.

    Christian's overness is fine as is. The crowds respond to him when he is active.

    Darren Young should be at 66.

    Evan Bourne should be at 68 and no lower. The guy is over because fans know him for the shooting star press.

    Hunico notes:

    Hunico is the new Sin Cara so do NOT demote him and make his overness 74.

    JBL still gets fan chants during boring matches (not even Post Mania) so I would make him at about 85.

    Luke Harper should be at 73 if Rowan is at 72. He does have notice from the indies.

    Nikki Bella should be at about 70.

    Rob Van Dam is under contract but is part-time and works three months on, three months off.

    Titus O'Neil should be at 68 as he is seemingly getting the overness out of the two PTP.

    Tyson Kidd should be at 62.

    Zack Ryder should be at 64 IMO. He can get an OK fan pop similar to a Koko B. Ware but not many people take him serious when it comes to a match.

    The legend contract is touchy because some do show up semi-regularly, others don't.

    I would not switch Brookside, Katz, Laurenitis and Del Rey to staff, they are young enough to return to the indies if they are let go. Compare that to Finlay who would likely be retiring into month two. I am not sure on Mercury. I would agree on Ceraso being removed. I think she works Admin with WWE so just get rid of her altogether.

    I think that the whole database needs to be looked at, I agree with most of the changes bar Batista being 96, no more than 94 for now IMO, I think that everyone in TNA needs to be lowered by 10(Main Eventers) - 15(Upper Midcarders, Midcarders and Lower Midcarders) bar Hardy Sting and Angle, and everyone in WWE bar most people who are 90+ need to be lowered by 5(Upper midcarders) - 10(Mid and Lower midcarders) and everyone in ROH by 10(Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders) - 20 (Mid, Lower mid, Opener etc) I wouldn't specifically lower everyone by them amounts but it's a lot of effort to completely go through everyone in the top 5ish promotions and completely overhaul their overness' but I think something has to change as if AJ Styles was signed by WWE on the game he would be around the same level as WWE Main Eventers which is ridiculous and the best way to counter act is would be to lower TNA to mid-high cult and ROH to low cult and modifying everyone's overness.

    I can definitely see the argument against raising Batista's overness too high since it was just one week, but at the same time, he should not be any lower than Jericho. The only time one of Chris Jericho's returns made an impact on the level of Batista's as far as viewership was coming off the show that aired Christmas, which never does that well. Last Monday was built around his return as far as what was heavily advertised and he helped increased viewership a lot (the viewership went back to normal after the first hour once the focus had completely shifted). Different circumstances maybe because of the longer layoff so maybe have them both at 95 for now?

    I would also argue that all the JBL chants mean is he is more over than whoever happens to be wrestling so I wouldn't consider that a reason to keep his overness that high. Reminds me of when Larry Zbyzsko used to get chants back in WCW on Nitro whenever there was a lull...they just had nothing better to do really.

    Also I just really doubt that your average fan even remembers Evan Bourne at all let alone remembers the SSP being his spot, but it is hard to gauge since according to profightdb he has only had one match (non-televised I believe) period since January 2012. Two years is a long layoff for someone that was never above midcard status in the first place to be remembered/cared about. I couldn't/wouldn't put up much of an argument for the rest of your re-edits though.

    As far as TNA (didn't look at ROH nor am I familiar enough with the product to judge) yeah just looking at some of the overnesses I agree with you ModestATT on that. It seems like they were made without keeping in mind their relation to wrestlers in bigger promotions. AJ Styles at the same level of Big Show is absolutely ludicrous. Coming in I would imagine he would be closer to Cesaro's level (higher still because Claudio was never as big as AJ at any point) so maybe shoot for keeping the tip-top TNA guys in the low 80s besides Sting, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy like you said. Maybe they could be lowered a little (I wouldn't) but remain in the high 80s at least and everyone else be adjusted to fit the low 80s being the ceiling. The promotion level should probably be altered to fit that being the realistic overness for main eventers too.

    • Like 3

    There have been a handful of proposed WWE changes, but I think there needs to be a fairly major overhaul on overness.

    I feel like a lot of them get inflated for whatever reason, but a lot of WWE talent are not nearly as over as their overness would lead you to believe. I think the problem is that the stats are increased without keeping in mind that they should be looked at in relation to other's overness. Just my opinion obviously, but just looking at the overness numbers, it seems like people are just increasing them by only looking at that particular wrestler and not looking at what that number means next to someone else that has a number close to it.

    Additionally, the more people that are at that level diminishes the significance of it. There should be more of a difference between the most and least over wrestler on the card, you know? What does it matter if Dean Ambrose is at 86 (just using this number to make the point...haven't looked at his specific number yet) if Kofi Kingston is at 83 (same)? In real life, Dean Ambrose plays a much more significant role on the major shows, but if you just look at the numbers, it seems as if Kofi is at that same level and in-game could easily be pushed as such just as Dean Ambrose could be. That does not accurately reflect real life because Kofi Kingston would take much more effort to be received at even the level of a Dean Ambrose. His overness should reflect the level of difficulty it would take for fans to buy him at an uppercard level.

    BTW, I think Mancuerda's 1998 scenario is a good example of distinctive overness levels where the midcard guys are significant behind the main eventers. I am trying to use his distinctiveness as a guideline.

    Here's a list of the changes I would make:

    *spoiler tags are for the reasoning behind them...I assume it would be easier for Bill1996 to compile the potential stat changes first without having to wade through a bunch of other text and then go back to it*

    Lower AJ Lee's overness to 80

    Yes she is the most over female wrestler, but would most fans buy here in a upper-level feud as a wrestler which an overness of at least 81 would suggest?

    Lower Alberto Del Rio's overness to 81

    Regardless of where he actually is on the card he has never been as over as his push nor is he a major enough box office draw in the US.

    Lower Alicia Fox's overness to 62

    She is virtually on the exact same level as Aksana who is actually a couple points behind her for some reason.

    Lower Antonio Cesaro's overness to 76

    He has a cult following maybe and a couple of decently over spots, but fans are not ready to buy him in an uppercard spot given his current overall reactions/positioning.

    Lower Bad News Barrett's overness to 70

    He was off TV for a while, his gimmick is not working at all, and it shows. Are we really trying to say he even has the credibility as a midcarder than even an Antonio Cesaro has at this point?

    Raise Batista's overness to 96

    This change was mentioned earlier. Maybe this one is jumping the gun a little bit, but he significantly moved the ratings on Monday. Could be just because it was the first appearance and it could taper off, but for now he should be one of bigger stars in the company.

    Lower Big Show's overness to 90

    I think the buyrate for Survivor Series shows that fans do not see him as a "bonafide" main eventer in the sense that he is bulletproof. He can be hurt by bad booking. He is the very definition of someone with enough credibility to be in that spot on occasion, but fans do not see him as a tippy-top guy.

    Raise Billy Gunn's overness to 83

    The Outlaws get more of a reaction than say an Alberto Del Rio. They are being pushed as a top tag team, and at least in the short term, are being bought as older guys that can still go at that level.

    Lower Booker T's overness to 81 and charisma to 90

    He doesn't get much of a "legend" pop anymore now that he's a regular on the shows. Still a name obviously, but he's not any more over than The Outlaws. Also, is he really more charismatic or better on the mic than Christian?

    Raise Bray Wyatt overness to 86 and charisma to 89

    Cody Rhodes is just right to me at 84 so Bray should see a raise in his overness. The fans have not turned on his spot on the card (main eventing/being in the main segment on several episodes of Raw) and as a far as I can tell they buy him as a legitimate threat to Daniel Bryan who is legit star at this point. Also, he is just as good with his character as Dean Ambrose is with his.

    Lower Brie Bella's overness to 70

    Honestly the divas just aren't that over in general compared to their male counterparts, and the Bella's are less over as faces than they were heels.

    Lower Brock Lesnar's overness to 96

    A little on the fence about this one. He has lost a bit of his specialness since returning in 2012, but I still see him on the same level as Batista. He's big name and a numbers mover, but he doesn't connect as much as CM Punk does so I think there should be some distinction between them.

    Lower Brodus Clay's overness to 63

    Way too high at 73. He is not even over enough to justify being a regular on Raw or SmackDown at this point nor did his heel turn set the world on fire. With as much exposure as WWE wrestlers get nowadays no one that is on TV at all should really be low enough to just be a lower midcarder (41-60 I believe), but people who are almost completely relegated to the C-shows should all be in the low 60's at best unless they are just WAY more over than their push.

    Raise Cameron's overness to 66

    The Funkadactyls pretty clearly outshined Brodus Clay and Tensai and do not seem out of place on Raw or SmackDown, but at the same time they do not have the credibility that the Bella Twins do.

    Lower Christian's overness to 82

    No idea what type of reaction he would get with the fans since he hasn't been a regular on TV for a while so I could see not wanting to change his overness just yet, but I do not see him being too much more over than an Alberto Del Rio nor pushed any higher up the card.

    Lower Curt Hawkins's overness to 56 (absolute max, could be lower)

    Haven't seen much of him lately, but as far as guys that get virtually no push at all, Alex Riley was the only one that got any reaction at all as far as I remember so he should not be higher than him.

    Lower Curtis Axel's overness to 75

    I know one point seems nitpicky, but he is on the same level as Antonio Cesaro as far as positioning but doesn't have the spots that fans are actually into by comparison.

    Lower Damien Sandow's overness to 78

    He is at 80 right now, which isn't far off because fans do not buy him as being anything other than a midcarder at this point, but I think Big E Langston is seen as closer to breaking through to that level than he is in the fans' eyes.

    Raise Daniel Bryan's overness to 98

    He is this hottest performer in the company despite the WWE not putting the rocket on him and just letting him run with the ball. His "Yes!" thing has bled into legitimate college sports and he is very clearly THE guy to the fans. Did not move numbers like crazy or anything but his reactions are undeniable enough such as that can be written off as lackluster overall booking.

    Lower Darren Young's overness to 64

    Maybe he had a little buzz when he first came out publicly, but WWE did nothing with the PTPs really and it has since died off. Should not be any higher than the C-show regular level.

    Lower David Otunga's overness to 56

    Hasn't been seen in about a year. Shouldn't be any higher than other guys who have been MIA like Camacho.

    Lower Dolph Ziggler's overness to 80

    He gets more of a reaction than Alberto Del Rio and is certainly more still over than his push, but he would need some significant rebuilding for fans to think he has a chance to actually defeat someone in the uppercard like one of The Shield just because no matter how behind him they are he is presented as a lesser opponent.

    Lower Drew McIntyre's overness to 62

    3MB are just about the least popular guys that creep up on Raw or SmackDown.

    Lower Evan Bourne's overness to 57 (absolute max, could be lower)

    Another wait-and-see guy and it looks like he was lowered a bit recently, but how much are we expecting from a guy who hasn't been on TV since January 2012?

    Lower Ezekiel Jackson to 56 (absolute max, could be lower)

    Same situation as Curt Hawkins or Evan Bourne.

    Lower Fandango's overness to 76

    He's another midcard guy with little credibility as far as moving up the card, but like Antonio Cesaro has something (his music/Fandango-ing) that gives him at least some type of appeal.

    Lower Heath Slater's overness to 62

    See: Drew McIntyre.

    Lower Hornswoggle's overness to 62

    I don't even remember the last time he was on TV other than just coming to the ring with The Great Khali, but he essentially has the same comedy role as 3MB.

    Lower Jack Swagger's overness to 75

    The only difference between Swagger and Cesaro is that Cesaro is slightly more over because of he has spots that fans like. Neither are particularly over and their team is on the same level as Rybaxel essentially.

    Lower Jerry Lawler's overness to 83

    86 made more since when he was actually being used in angles, but now that he's back in the booth virtually until he retires (no angles surely after the heart attack) he should just be on the high-end of the part timers and no higher.

    Raise both Jey & Jimmy Uso's overness to 79

    Nitpicky again as it is just one point, but they are being pushed as guys just on the brink of breaking out just like Big E and are getting decent reactions.

    Lower JBL's overness to 82

    He's seen as just an announcer now. Should be on par with Booker T. They're both guys who probably would be more over if they weren't regulars.

    Lower JTG's overness to 56 (absolute max, could be lower)

    Lower Justin Gabriel's overness to 60

    Should be in the range as the other Superstars/Main Event level guys, but used even less sparingly for some reason so that's why I went with a couple points lower.

    Lower Kane's overness to 87

    He's one of the better authority figures, as in the fans are actually invested in his character. To me it was either lower him or raise Vickie Guerrero to 89, but people in authority figures are usually only over to a certain point except for rare ones like the McMahons, Bischoff or Vickie at her peak so I went with the lower end. Plus, I think Paul Heyman is in a league of his own as far as prominent non-wrestlers not named McMahon so he should be at 89 by himself.

    Lower Kofi Kingston's overness to 76

    Just a midcard guy, but he still gets somewhat of a pop I guess so put him on the same level as Fandango. You cannot really argue that he is on the same level as Big E Langston (he was at 79). Remember 79 should mean they are on the brink of being uppercard guys and no one is even clamoring for Kofi to be in the spot as much as they are Dolph Ziggler.

    Lower Layla's overness to 64

    Hasn't been seen in a while, but not as long as others. Hard to imagine that fans would be as receptive to her as The Funkadactyls especially since she was floundering before she was off TV. She was just AJ Lee's lackey before so I put her where Tamina Snuka is now.

    Lower Luke Harper's overness to 72

    72 actually seemed about right for Erick Rowan. The Wyatt's are over as a unit, but these guys don't have any name value on their own nor have been featured on their own as much as the other teams, meaning all their heat is in relation to Bray unlike the other teams who at least stand on their own.

    Lower Mark Henry's overness to 84

    He's no longer a big focus on any of the shows unless you want to count being cannon fodder for Brock Lesnar. Before then he was just being used to give Big E a rub. Same level as Goldust as a respected guy who the fans will get behind in a higher spot on the card but nothing more.

    Raise Naomi's overness to 68

    Just maintaining her being two points higher than Cameron. She's clearly the one that stands out for being the better athlete of the two.

    Lower Natalya's overness to 70

    I could see the argument for her being a point higher than the Bellas but I feel like most fans see them as pretty interchangeable.

    Lower Nikki Bella's overness to 70

    Lower Rey Mysterio's overness to 81

    I think his past few matches with Alberto Del Rio show that they are on the same level. Fans weren't getting behind him to a point where I can make an argument about him definitely being higher.

    Raise Road Dogg's overness to 83

    Raise Roman Reigns's overness to 87

    He should be at least one point above the rest of The Shield. He's clearly the one that fans are expecting to break out and have already started getting behind him with "Roman Reigns" chants.

    Lower Rosa Mendes's overness to 62

    Lower R-Truth's overness to 70

    Best reasoning for this move is that I used Mancuerda's 1998 stats as a base. R-Truth reminds me a lot of Disco Inferno in 98 (rated at 70 overness in that scenario). He kind of get a pop for having a distinct entrance, but fans know he is what he is so they don't invest in him too much. Nothing more than a more over C-show guy.

    Lower Ryback's overness to 80

    He's a guy that was being pushed in the uppercard, but has been very obviously depushed. I feel like it wouldn't take much to get him back into a spot where fans would buy him at that level again but not right now.

    Lower Santino Marella's overness to 78

    He should be on par with Ricardo Rodriguez. He's funny and gets a reaction because of his humor, but he's never going to move up from his spot. 81 fit more around the time he was the last guy to be eliminated in the Rumble/fans got behind him in the EC.

    Raise Seth Rollins's overness to 85

    I agree with him being the least over member of The Shield. Just closing the gap in a bit.

    Raise Stephanie McMahon's overness to 92

    Anything she is involved in is going to be looked at as a main-event level angle, but she clearly isn't as big as Triple H or Vince.

    Lower Tensai's overness to 61

    Just keeping two points below Brodus like he was before

    Lower The Miz's overness to 77

    You should already know the speil at this point. Only difference is I think he should be one point ahead of Kofi Kingston due to the results of the Raw poll also including Khali. Khali was the obvious winner just because he presented the biggest challenge to Damien Sandow logistically due to his size, not necessarily because of overness. Weird reasoning I know, but I think it shows he should not be exactly on the same level as Kingston. Plus, he was one point ahead of him anyway.

    Lower Theodore Long's overness to 70

    Lower Titus O'Neil's overness to 64

    Lower Triple H's overness to 95

    On par with Vince McMahon sounds perfect to me. He ain't Austin or Rock or Undertaker no matter if he thinks he is. He ain't even Shawn Michaels. He is as much of a legend as Chris Jericho, even more so actually, but I think the fact that he is a little overexposed and clearly not as popular as CM Punk or Daniel Bryan or as much of a numbers mover as Brock Lesnar and seemingly Batista either.

    Lower Tyson Kidd's overness to 60

    Lower Undertaker's overness to 99

    Undertaker (at WrestleMania) is the biggest draw that they have not named John Cena or The Rock, but he isn't a transcendent star like Rock, Austin, or Hogan. If there was a 99.5, he'd be the guy but 100 is something special and he just is never going to be there.

    Lower Vickie Guerrero's overness to 82

    Not on the level of Paul Heyman like she was on her absolute peak. Not even close really. She should be closer to Booker T's level.

    Lower William Regal's overness to 70

    Now I don't watch NXT so maybe I'm out of line, but it's hard for me to imagine that if he came back full-time that the fans would immediately believe he's on the cusp of being an uppercard guy. Someone else could probably provide a more accurate rating though.

    Raise Xavier Wood's overness to 58

    This puts him one point below Eva Marie, who has the added Total Divas exposure. He is actually featured so fans would recognize him faster than someone like JTG or Curt Hawkins, but he is not getting much in the way of a reaction at all. Not even the courtesy-like pop that a Justin Gabriel gets (he's usually just one of the first babyfaces the crowd sees).

    Lower Yoshi Tatsu's overness to 56 (absolute maximum, could be lower)

    Lower Zack Ryder's overness to 60

    Lower Zeb Colter's overness to 81

    Once again it may seem nitpicky, but he's a guy that could just barely be transitioned into a upper card spot as a manager. He should be as low as possible while still fitting the criteria.

    Additional WWE notes:

    - Alisha Ceraso has a corporate job with WWE now so she should be removed as a worker and moved to staff (I would butcher any staff stats so I cannot provide anything that would be accurate)

    - Andrea Lynn should be removed. She was Fandango's original dancer but has since been replaced.

    - Add Bob Backlund to an open contract.

    - Camacho's position should be lowered to a developmental deal. He has only been at 3 main card tapings since September 2012.

    - Chris Jericho, while he would never work for another company, is not currently signed with WWE at least not publicly as of today so he should be removed.

    - Lower Chris Jericho's overness to 95 as well. He is a legitimate star, but he was not a ratings or buyrate mover on the level of Brock Lesnar, for example, last time he was around. I perceive him is on the same legendary level as Ric Flair, Bret Hart or Mick Foley

    - Add DDP to an open contract. Idk if he officially has a legend's contract, but he is often a talking head and keeps getting brought in for the old school stuff. More regular than someone like Rikishi.

    - Finlay should be moved from wrestler to staff (road agent). I know there was a debate about this type of thing before but I'm just throwing it out there since it seems at least while he is with WWE he will not be wrestling in any capacity.

    - Hunico's position should be lowered to a developmental deal. Same as Camacho.

    - Add Jim Duggan to an open contract.

    - Joey Mercury should be moved from wrestler to staff (trainer). Hasn't wrestled since 2010. No since in keeping him as a wrestler if we're shooting for realism. No one is jumping to re-add Sgt. Slaughter as a worker, for example, even though he has wrestled more recently.

    - John Laurinaitis should be moved from wrestler to staff (road agent). Once again if we're not going to re-add all the guys that may make an appearance like Sgt. Slaughter or Ted DiBiase than it's just a unnecessary double standard and he should be removed.

    - Kevin Nash should be removed. Legend deals are iffy, but I think the only one's that should stay are ones that do regular stuff like the panels or appear on the Old School Raws.

    - Lilian Garcia should be moved from wrestler to staff (production). She isn't involved in angles nor does backstage interviews so I don't see why she was a worker in the first place.

    - Linda McMahon should be removed from the game entirely. No longer an official part of the company still I don't think nor would she be anything but a staff member anyway.

    - Maria Menounos should be removed in the case that other celebrities that only appear sporadically are going to be removed.

    - Raise Ric Flair's overness to 96. Should be on par with Shawn Michaels.

    - Rob Van Dam should be removed. Same as Chris Jericho he isn't officially under contract as of today (I wouldn't count out either returning at the Rumble is why I say that but until that happens I think we should plan for them to be removed).

    - Robbie Brookside should be moved from wrestler to staff(?). Idk much about whether he still takes indy booking, but I am under the presumption that if you are working for WWE you aren't working anywhere else, and he has yet to work a match in WWE.

    - Add Roddy Piper to an open contract.

    - Add Ron Simmons to an open contract.

    - Ryan Katz and Sara Del Rey should be moved from wrestler to staff(?). See: Robbie Brookside.

    - The Rock should be removed. He is booked by Hollywood for the foreseeable future and they never reworked an extension or anything as far as I know.

    - Trish Stratus should be removed. I don't even think she is under a legends contract anymore, has her own ventures, and I believe just started a family recently. She's done.

    Edit: Completely forgot that Hunico had taken over as Sin Cara as pointed out later in the thread. I agree that his overness should be raised to 74.

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  10. Let's try to clear the air on the Daniel Bryan situation...

    This isn't technically fact...just theory, but this is really the only probable explanation of what is happening/happened. He was released. This is not a work. He was legitimately released according to protocol because he simulated strangling someone on WWE programming. This action was banned after the Chris Benoit double murder-suicide case. WWE was allegedly pressured by other companies that they have partnerships with to change certain rules to separate themselves from what happened with Chris Benoit. WWE also has to keep an eye on Linda McMahon's Senate campaign and has to avoid any situation that can jeopardize it. They had no choice but to legitimately release Daniel Bryan.

    With that said, it's obvious that WWE was pretty high on Daniel Bryan because he was put into a program right out the gate with The Miz and Michael Cole. The entire NXT show was basically centered around him from day one until he was eliminated from the show. WWE obviously had/has plans for Daniel Bryan. Therefore, it is not out of the question that he will be resigned as soon as WWE legally can. The ONLY reason they released him was because they had to due to the circumstances surrounding his mistake . If not, they likely would have given him a more lenient punishment. To avoid further problems, they did what they had to do.

    To sum things up, Daniel Bryan should not have a contract with WWE in the game because...well he doesn't have one in real life technically. Even with a traditional 90-day no-compete clause, he wouldn't be able to sign with any other company before the next update is released. Remove Daniel Bryan from WWE (for now).

  11. Drew McIntyre's charisma at 72 is not doing him any justice. I agree with whoever suggested that his overness should at least be on par with Dolph Ziggler but he is more charismatic than him imo. He's smoother on the mic than Ziggler and his delivery doesn't sound as forced. Right now he has the same charisma as Shad Gaspard even though he showed much more intensity and charisma with his beatdown on Matt Hardy than Shad did on JTG. I recommend raising Drew's charisma to 79 at the least.

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