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ECW 1995

Guest Robbie B

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Guest Robbie B

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ECW began operating in 1992 as Eastern Championship Wrestling. On 08/27/1994, the name was changed from Eastern to Extreme. It operated in Philadelphia, with spot shows in the surrounding Pennsylvania area. The wrestling operations were handled by Paul Heyman (manager Paul E Dangerously) who bought the promotion from former owner Tod Gordon in 1996. ECW was, as of 1997, also branched out in the pay-per-view universe, putting on three shows in 1997 with four more planned for 1998. The top stars were Shane Douglas, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Taz and more. ECW did not rely on the traditional face/heel structure. Instead, used high-impact, fast paced action to get its wrestlers over.

On April 11, 2001, ECW declared bankruptcy making it officially dead.

A young boy, only 11 years old, named Robbie Brooksbank was very upset as he had been watching ECW since 1999 on Bravo.

Four years later, WWE was at an all time low(since 1995 anyway). They were producing sub-standard matches on a regualar basis and their two biggest draws were a wigger and a steriod freak with no talent.

Robbie Brooksbank, now fifteen, unhappy with the current state of wrestling, decided to build a time machine and go back to 1995. And he did, he built a time machine. He was now in 1995, he travelled to America to meet ECW owner Tod Gordon and ECW Booker Paul Heyman. Robbie told them of what will happen in six years time and Paul handed over the role of head booker to.....fifteen year old Scottish schoolboy Robbie Brooksbank.

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Guest Robbie B


Main Eventers

Terry Funk

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Upper Midcarders

Cactus Jack

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Public Enemy (Rocko Rock and Johnny Grunge)(Current ECW Tag Team Champions)

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Shane Douglas(Current ECW World Champion)

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The Sandman

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Guest Robbie B


2 Cold Scorpio

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Axl Rotten

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Chris Benoit

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Chris Jericho

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Dean Malenko(Current ECW TV Champion)

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Hack Myers

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Ian Rotten

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Mikey Whipwreck

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The Pitbulls

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"Dancin'" Stevie Richards

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Tommy Dreamer

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Lower Midcarders


(sorry, i can't find a picture)

Eddie Guerrero

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Juventud Guerrera

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Rey Misterio Jr.

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Guest Robbie B


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To win, you must stack two tables, set them on fire and then throw your opponent through them!!!!

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This is the debut of English wrestler Leeds-gbh-crew. He is taking on ECWs very on monster, 911!!!!

Expect more news as we get it.

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Guest Robbie B


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The Franchise and The Sandman will do battle to see if Sandman can dethrone Douglas from the top of ECW, where he has been for months.

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Two of the biggest teams in ECW collide in Taped Fist, Taipei deathmatch. If you don't know, a Taipei deathmatch includes glass glued to the fists of the men. Damn, that's a bad graphic.

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These high-flyers will clash in a bout to decide the Number One Contender to Dean Malenko's TV Title.

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These two crazy Mexicans take it to eachother again in another "Extreme Luchadore" bout.

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These two massive powers in ECW will collide at the edn of this month. The winner of the match will take on the winner of the Douglas/Sandman match next month at House Party '95.

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Four men known worldwide will come together for the first time ever on January 29th in the ECW Arena. Konnan is looking to impress new booker Robbie Brooksbank after Brooksbank declared he "isn't fond" of Konnan.

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These two young, amazing talents will come to blows this month in a Job v Mask match. If Eddy loses he gets fired, if "The Juice" loses he won't be allowed to use his mask in ECW.

Full Card for Cyberslam 95:

Double Flaming Tables

Sabu v Terry Funk

World Championship

Shane Douglas v The Sandman

Number One Contender to World Title

Raven v Tommy Dreamer

Taipei Deathmatch

Bad Breed v The Pitbulls

Konnan and Scorpio v Malenko and Benoit

No1 Contender to TV Title

Mikey Whipwreck v Rob Van Dam v Chris Jericho

Job Vs Mask

Eddy Guerrero v Juventud Guerrera

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Guest Robbie B

CYBERSLAM 1995 29th January 1995

The show kicks off with Joey Styles introducing Robbie Brooksbank to the ECW fans. Styles then reads out the card for tonights show. The crowd go crazy at the thought of Sabu/Funk tonight.

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911 v Leeds-GBH Crew

Leeds comes out to the theme from Match Of The Day. The crowd is already booing him. He gets on the stick and says it's about time they got some talent in ECW. The crowd chants "SHUT THE FUCK UP" and "LEEDS ARe SHIT". This causes 911 to run out from the back. He gets in the ring and chokeslams Leeds-GBH. 911 pins him and Jim Molyneux counts the 3. (0:09). 911 is blown up already and he makes his way to the back. Leeds-GBH slowly gets up and makes his way to the back. The crowd chants "DON'T COME BACK". DUD.

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Rey Misterio Jr v Psicosis

Quick start as Rey runs to Psicosis and hurricaranas him through the ropes. Rey attempts a plancha onto Psicosis but Psicosis evades it and lands on the guard rail. Ouch. Psicosis rolls Rey back in the ring. Psicosis powerbombs him for a 2 and then whips him into the corner. Psicosis attmeps a tackle into the corner but Rey moves and Psicosis goes shoulder-first into the steel ring post. Rey works on his shoulder for a while and goes to the top. Rey hits a moonsault but Psicosis manages to kick out after only a 1. Rey hits a twisting senton on Psicosis and throws him back out of the ring. The fight into the crowd and Psicosis throws chairs at Rey to stop him. Psicosis gets the advantage and hits Rey with a bulldog onto a chair. Psicosis throws Rey back over the guard rail and onto the concrete, Psicosis goes onto the apron and climbs onto the top turnbuckle and............GUILLOTINE LEGDROP onto Rey Misterio who is still on the floor. Psicosis goes into the ring and does some posing. He turns around to shout at a fan who is mocking him. Meanwhile Rey is getting up, he's on the apron. Psicosis turns around and Rey quickly gets the West Coast Pop. He quickly grabs Psicosis' legs and gets the win. (9:43). Both men get a standing ovation from the fans. After the match, Psicosis fakes a handshake and beats poor little Rey up. MOTNC ***1/2

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Juventud Guerrera v Eddy Guerrero - Job or Mask match!!!

Both men do a lot of reversals and counters to get the fans into it. The pace picks up though when gets headscissors on Eddy. Eddy gets up and laughs at this young kid trying to out-wrestle him. Eddy charges at Juvi and starts to hit a clothesline but when Juvi ducks Eddy stops, when Juvi gets back up Eddy DDTs him. Eddy points to his cranium and gets a laugh from the crowd. Juvi gets up and manages to get a droptoe hold on Eddy. With Eddy on the mat, Juvi quickly locks in the dreaded fujiwara(sp?) armbar. Eddy teases that he is going to tap but looks at the camera, smiles and quickly rolls out the armbar. Eddy powerbomb Juvi and then locks in a Boston Crab. Juvi pushes away with his legs and sends Eddy to the ropes. Juvi charges but Eddy backdrops him to the cold, hard concrete. Eddy hits a tope onto Juvi and both men stay down for a while. Eddy is the first one up. He drags a table to Juvi and rolls him on top of it. Eddy gets on top of it, picks Juvi up and hits a TIGER DRIVER through the table. Eddy rolls Juvi back into the ring but as Eddy is getting in the ring, Juvi kicks him in the nads. Juvi gets up and hits a tornado DDT on Eddy. This gets a two count. Eddy quickly sweeps Juvis legs for another 2 count. This leads to an excellent pinning sequence. Eddy gets tired of it and kicks Juvi in the gut followed by a brainbuster for a very close 2 count. Both men are starting to look hurt. Eddy pushes Juventud into the corner and sits him on the turnbuckle. Eddy goes up as well and hits a super-rana but Juvi quickly gets up before Eddy has time to get a pin. They trade several stiff blows until Juvi attempts a Juvi Driver but Eddy reverses it into a headscissors. With Juventud down, Eddy goes upstairs and hits the Frog Splash. 1....2......3. Ding-Ding-Ding. (17:28). Eddy offers a hand to the downed Juventud and both men shake hands. Eddy asks for a microphone and tells Juventud that he knows the stipulation of the match. Juvi looks at the crowd who are all on their feet. He slowly takes his mask off and it turns out he's pretty boy. Both men hug and walk to the back together to the thunderous applause of the ECW fans. MOTN. Sorry Rey and Psicosis, but you got served. ****

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Konnan & 2 Cold Scorpio v Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit.

Scorpio and Benoit start. They circle eachother for a while and Benoit immediately takes Scorpio down with a DDT. Benoit goes to the top and attempts a flying knee drop but Scorpio moves and it looks like Benoit has blown his knees out. Scorpio goes to the top and Malenko pushes him to the outside. Benoit quickly finds the strengh to stand up and tags in Malenko. Malenko goes to the top and hits a fying crossbody onto Scorpio who is still on the ground. Back in the ring, Malenko pushes Scorpio into the corner and stomps him down. Dean lifts Scorpio up and signals for him to run away. Scorpio quickly goes into the other corner and tags in Konnan. Konnan puts Malenko in an armbar but Malenko flips out of it and legsweeps Konnan. Dean locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and Konnan taps.(3:54). Call that your basic squash match. Still pretty entertaining though. Dean Malenko takes a seat next to the ring for the next match. **3/4

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Mikey Whipwreck v Rob Van Dam v "Lionheart" Chris Jericho - No 1 contender to TV Title

RVD and Jericho both team up against Mikey to start. RVD knocks Mikey down with a stiff roundhouse kick and Jericho goes to the outside and pulls a ladder out from under the ring. RVD takes Mikey into the corner and stomps him down. Jericho gets the ladder in the ring and runs up to RVD and hits him in the back of his head with the ladder. RVD turns round and punches Jericho in the mouth sending down. Both men start brawling in the ring while Mikey stacks several tables on the outside of the ring. Mikey gets in the ring and Jericho automatically charges at him but Mikey backdrops Lionheart over the ropes and he smashes through 3 stacked tables. RVD climbs to the top of the ladder and delivers a flying crossbody to Mikey. RVD jumps out the ring and starts brawling on the outside. Mikey goes to the apron and hits both men with a weak axehandle. RVD sets up another table on the outside, he then puts Chris Jericho on top of it. RVD goes back into the ring runs into the ropes and hits a springboard legdop on Jericho through the tables. RVD covers Jericho. 1.....2.....3. CHRIS JERICHO HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. RVD throws Mikey in the ring and gets a split-legged moonsault for 2. While Mikey is down, RVD nips out the ring and grabs two chairs from the audience. He enters the ring with them and sets one up and leaves it in the center of the ring. Mikey gets up and RVD throws one of the chairs at him, Mikey catches it and RVD debuts the Van Daminator here. The crowd marks out and RVD pins Mikey. 1....2..HE KICKED OUT. RVD reacts angrily to this and repeatadly smacks the chair full-force across Mikey's back. RVD picks him up and tombstones Mikey on the chair that is set up, destroying the chair. RVD pins him and again only gets a 2. RVD picks him up but Mikey low-blows him and rolls RVD up. 1....2.....3. (14:39). Mikey Whipreck has done it!!!!!! He has earned himself a shot at Dean Malenko's TV Title. After the match, Dean Malenko gets in the ring and clotheslines Mikey. He then puts Mikey in the Texas Cloverleaf and the roadies have to come out and get Malenko off of Whipwreck. **1/4

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Bad Breed v The Pitbulls - Taipei Deathmatch

Axl and the bald one both start in the ring. Both men waste no time and they start punching eachother right in the face. Bald guy takes Axl down and rubs his fists into Axl's forehead. Axl is dripping blood. Ian and the other Pitbull start fighting on the outside. Ian whips Pitbull #2 into the guardrail and rubs the glass in his face as Hat Guy marks out and carresses Ian's belly. Axl is making a comeback and back suplexes Pitbull and unleashes a flurry of punches on the Pitbulls back. Ian and Pitbull#2 go into the ring and both punch eachother in the face. All 4 men are now pouring blood. Bad Breed both deliver punches to the Pitbulls at the same time, sending them down. Ian then clotheslines Axl and rubd his fists in his face. He then grabs a fryinng pan from the audience and waffles Axl with it. Ian then puts Pitbull over Axl to get the 3. *3/4

Yes, you read that right i am re-creating the feud between Ian and Axl Rotten. Hey, i liked it.

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Raven v Tommy Dreamer - No 1 contender to World Title

Tommy kicks the crap out of Raven to start and brawls with him to the back of the arena. Dreamer gets handed dozens of chairs from the audience and wastes Raven with them. They brawl back through the crowd and Tommy throws Raven over the guardrail. Tommy whips out a cheese grater and uses it on Raven's forehead, getting a lot of juice. Raven grabs a chair from the audience and whacks Tommy's head. Raven takes Tommy into back into the audience and they fight upto the bleachers. They fight to the top of the bleachers and Raven powerslams Tommy from the top and through some tables on the ground. Back in the ring, Tommy piledrives and DDTs Raven for a 2. Stevie Richards throughs a chair into the ring and Raven backsuplexes Tommy on it. 1....2.Tommy quickly kicks out. Raven whips Tommy into the ropes and on his way back Raven bashes the chair in his face. Raven press slams Tommy back to the ground. Tommy quickly grabs the cheese rater and rubs it in Raven's face. When he stops Stevie gives Tommy a Stevie Kick and Raven DDTs him on a chair onto the conctrete. 1....2....3. (7:04). Raven will now take on the winner of the next match next month at House Party. *1/2

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"The Franchise" Shane Douglas v The Sandman

Franchise DDTs Sandman straight away for a two. Two more DDTs lead to two more twos. Douglas throws Sandman over the ropes and tries to get Jim Molyneux to count him out. Not in ECW, my friend. Douglas exits the ring and throws Sandman into the guardrail and another DDT, this time on the concrete gets a very close 2 count. Douglas whallops Sandman's head with a chair. For no apparent reason The Public Enemy storm the arena and try to take out the Franchise, but Shane decks them both and beats up Sandman some more with the chair. The Public Enemy get back up and club Douglas repeatadly. Raven then comes out with Stevie. Stevie appears to be dragging a fat man dreesed in blue to the ring with him. All 3 of them take out the Public Enemy and Sandman. AS if this match could get any more over-booked, Tommy Dreamer runs down to the ring with a singapore cane and about kills Stevie and Random Blue Guy. He then turns to Raven and Raven gets on his knees and begs not to get levelled with the cane. Raven lowblows Dreamer, grabs the cane and smashes it across the side of Dreamer's head. Sandman and Douglas brawl to the back, never to return and Molyneux is forced by TPE to end the match. (8:48). Raven looks pissed because it looks like he won't be getting his title shot next month at House Party. All six men brawl to the back. *1/2

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Sabu v Terry Funk - Double Flaming Tables!!!

To win the match you must stack to tables, set them on fire and throw your opponent threw them.

Sabu dropkicks Funk and throws him out of the ring. Sabu gets a plancha on Funk. Sabu sets up a table between the apron and the guardrail. He puts Funk on it and goes in the ring. Sabu grabs the ropes and attemps a springboard moonsault on Funk, but the Funker moves and Sabu just goes straight through the table. With Sabu down Funk locks in the SPINNING TOE HOLD OF DEATH which Sabu easily gets out of. Back in the ring, Sabu hits a Air Sabu and Arabian Facebuster on Funk. Sabu with the help of Molyneux pushes three tables into the ring. Sabu sets one up in the corner and overhead suplexes Funk through it. Taz, the midget of death, makes a run-in here and takes Sabu out with suplexes left, right and center. Taz sets up the two tables on top of each other and set them on fire. He then orders Funk to take Sabu upstairs and superplex them through the tables. He does and that's thr match. (5:19). The crowd are pissed that they didn't see what they paid to see, Funk and Sabu beat the shit outta eachother. After the match, Cactus Jack makes a run-in and takes out Terry Funk with a spool of Barbed Wire. After that, Cactus challenges Funk to a Barbed Wire match next month. He accepts. **1/4.

End of show.

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Guest Robbie B




911 v Leeds-GBH-Crew

I know the latter from a forum and allowed him to wrestle one match. He got decent heat from the crowd so i'll probably be using him again next month at House Party 1995!!

Rey Misterio Jr v Psicosis

we here at ECW were very proud of thi match. Misterio was the obvious choice to put over. Because he's a lot smaller the fans will warm to him. Also both mens arsenal of moves had the fans on the edge of their seats throughout the match. Expect to see alot more of these two in the future.

Juventud Guerrera v Eddy Guerrero - Mask or Job

Match of the night. Both men wowed the crowd with a series of high risk manouvers. I'm surprised some people thought we'd actually put Juventud over Guerrero, Eddy has a lot more talent and i could really use him in the future. Juventud stated he was becoming more uncomfortable in the mask so we allowed him to wrestle without it.

Konnan and Scorpio v Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit

What we wanted with this match was to get Malenko and Benoit more over so we could move them further up the card and i think we achieved that.

Mikey Whipwreck v Rob Van Dam v "Lionheart" Chris Jericho - No 1 contender to TV Title

I thought it was a good match, that fat asshole Scott Keith obviously didn't think so and only gave the match **1/4. Mikey and Malenko next month should be a good match if not, a bit of a mis-match of skills.

Bad Breed v Pitbulls

This match was only to a) set up a fued between Axl and Ian and b) to give the fans what they wanted - blood. I never really liked they Pitbulls, I always thought they were boring so don't expect to see them a lot.

Raven v Tommy Dreamer - No 1 contender to World Title

Was your average Dreamer and Raven brawl. I'm not gonna re-create their fued because i hate Dreamer and don't really want to be using him a lot. Raven will be getting the title shot soon although probablt not for a couple of months.

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas v The Sandman - World Title

Sandman has never had a good match in his life but Shane is good so i though he'd be able to carry him to a godd match. Which he didn't.

Sabu v Terry Funk - Double Flaming Tables!!!

The match was basically to set up two new fueds(Sabu/Taz and Funk/Cactus) while still putting on a good match. I think i accompished this.

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damn i was gonna say Whipwreck (as i love him, hes so kool) but i thought u'd have Jericho go over, but it was a good show, not to sure on the end for Douglas and Sandman match though, and Dreamer hit Dreamer :o wow dreamer really is hardcore

btw i'm not 2 fond on the fact u have made the 8 man match on a house party background but the other 3 matches on the basic ECW background

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Guest Robbie B

and Dreamer hit Dreamer :o wow dreamer really is hardcore

btw i'm not 2 fond on the fact u have made the 8 man match on a house party background but the other 3 matches on the basic ECW background

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Guest Robbie B

Rest of House Party card announced!!!!

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Sabu has challenged Taz to a match after he cost him a win last week.

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Dean Malenko v Mikey Whipwreck - TV Title

I forgot about this one. After Mikey defeated RVD and Lionheart last month he's earned himself a shot at the TV Title.

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Lance Storm v Tajiri

The two latest signings for ECW will battle it out in a match that is sure to be a classic.

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Jericho and Benoit v Rey Misterio and Scorpio v Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis - Tag team 3-way dance.

The winners of this match will take on The Public Enemy next month at Living Dangerously.

Plus: Special dark match:

Hack Myers v Leeds-GBH-Crew v Johnny Hotbody v Jason

Battle of the people who won't get pushed. But, get this.....i will push the winner to the moon. The moon, i tell yas.

ECW are very happy to announce we have come to a deal with Delta Music to produce tapes of ECW shows. CyberSlam '95 will be released the morning after House Party so look out for this:

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Elimination Match - Last man standing wins ECW World Title!!!

Blue Meanie, Stevie Richards, Raven and Shane Douglas v The Public Enemy, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

No Ropes Barbed Wire match

Cactus Jack v Terry Funk

Sabu v Taz

TV Title

Mikey Whipwreck v Dean Malenko(Ch)

Barbed Wire Bat

Axl Rotten v Ian Rotten

Lance Storm v Yoshihiro Tajiri

No1 Contenders

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit v Rey Misterio Jr and Scorpio v Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis

Hack Myers v Leeds-GBH-Crew v Johnny Hotbody v Jason Knight

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Guest SquadBoy

Hack Myers Over the other three

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit v Rey Misterio Jr and Scorpio v Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis

Lance Storm v Yoshihiro Tajiri

Axl Rotten v Ian Rotten

Mikey Whipwreck v Dean Malenko

Sabu v Taz

Cactus Jack v Terry Funk

Raven, Blue Meanie, Stevie Richards and Shane Douglas v The Public Enemy, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

This should be a really good show.

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Elimination Match - Last man standing wins ECW World Title!!!

The Public Enemy, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

No Ropes Barbed Wire match

Cactus Jack

Sabu v Taz

TV Title

Dean Malenko(Ch)

Barbed Wire Bat

Axl Rotten

Lance Storm

No1 Contenders

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Hack Myers

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Guest Robbie B

HOUSE PARTY 1995 : TRIPLE MAIN EVENT 27th February 1995

The show starts with Joey Styles in the ring, gretting the fans. The Public come to the ring to explain why they interfered in last weeks title match between Sandman and The Franchise. They explain that Douglas gave them money to help him re-tain his belt. TPE were offended but took the money anyway, they did make an interference in the match but it was to help the Sandman. Styles inquires if they still kept the money and Rocko Rock replies "Hell yeah, mutha fucka." to chants of "ECW". The crowd seem pumped for the show tonight.

Hack Myers v Leeds-GBH-Crew v Johnny Hotbody v Jason Knight

Myers and Leeds battle it out on the outside, trading stiff blows. This leaves the two(relatively) talented guys in the ring. Johnny quickly takes Jason down with a leg sweep and legdrops him. Johnny puts Jason on the turnbuckle, climbs up and manages to take him back down with a sloppy hurricarana. He puts Jason in a front face lock and the crowd chants "boring". Meanwhile, Leeds and Hack are brawling viciously in the crowd. A fan gives Hack a chair and he waffles Leeds with it. They fight back up to the railing and Hack crothces him on the railing. Leeds leans over the barrier. Johnny notices this and hits a guillotine legdrop from the apron onto him. Jason hits a tope onto Johnny and Hack. Jason rolls Leeds into the ring and sizes him up until he stands....THE KNIGHT RIDER. Jason hooks the legs of Leeds..1....2....3. Leeds-GBH-Crew has been eliminated. Johnny slowly gets in the ring and piledrives Jason for a 2. Jason pushes Johnny into the corner and delivers some nice forearms to the side of the head. Hack finally gets in the ring and is met with stomps from Jason. Johnny comes over and helps Jason and stomps a mud hole in Hack. Johnny breaks this very short-lived partnership by lifting Jason above his head and comes back down for a brainbuster,1....2....3. Jason Knight has been eliminated. Hotbody gets up and when he turns round Hack is waiting for him...Coupe De Grace!!! Hack goes for the pin. 1...he kicked out before the 2 count. Hack whips Johnny into the ropes and he comes back with a clothesline. Johnny picks him up for a swift DDT and a pin. 1....2....he kicks out just before the 3. Hotbody picks Myers up and positions him between his legs for a powerbomb but Hack quickly gets a roll-up on Johnny. 1....2.no, they can't seem to be able to pin eachother. Johnny gets angry and stiffly kicks Hack several times. He then picks him up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Hotbody goes up aswell both men stand up and Johnny puts Hack's head between his legs. He jumps back and it's a SUPER PILEDRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both men seem hurt but Johnny manages to drape an arm over Hack for the 123. (17:59). *1/4. After the match, Hotbody plays to the crowd but only gets boos in return, Hack Myers walks to the back while looking REALLY dis-heartened.

Whoa, i kinda wrote that like it was a main event didn't i??

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit v Rey Misterio Jr and Scorpio v Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis - No1 Contenders to Tag Titles

Rules are that if one person is eliminated, his partner must leave aswell. Rob Van Dam along with 911 come down to the ring and demand to be added to the match. 911 roughs up Joel Gertner and he tells them to go right ahead. Rey Misterio and RVD start in the ring while everyone else goes to the apron. Hey, that isn't ECW style. RVD tries several roundhouse kicks to Rey's head and he evades all of them. Rey comes back with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown and puts RVD in a leglock. RVD rolls around and manages to get a surfboard on Rey. He lets go and comes down on Rey with a corkscrew legdrop. Big "ECW" chants here. RVD whips Rey into the ropes and hits a flying sidekick to Rey when he comes back. A fan throws a chair into the ring and RVD sets it up in the center of the ring. RVD runs into the ropes, jumps onto the chair and lands a flying senton onto Rey. RVD goes for the pin. 1....Rey kicks out quickly and tags in Scorpio. RVD and Scorpio do some mat wrestling and RVD stops when he notices he sucks at it. To make up for it RVD kicks him in the balls and tags in 911. Scorpio overwhelms 911 with his speed. Scorpio connects with a forearm and comes off the ropes with a shoulderblock, it takes six more before he knock 911 down. Scorpio goes to the top and hits the Scorpio Splash. 1...2...Oh no, RVD broke the pin with a springboard legdrop. 911 methodically stalks 911 around the ring until Scorpio makes the mistake of going in the corner. 911 lunges at him, grabing him by the throat. 911 lifts Scorpio high above his head and comes back down with all his power for a chokeslam.1....2....3. Rey and Scorpio have been eliminated. Chris Jericho hops into the ring to take on 911. But before he has a chance, 911 tags in Psicosis. They circle eachother for a while and tie-up. They trade wristlocks and Psicosis German suplexes Jericho. Jericho gets up and goes low on Psicosis. He whips Psicosis into the ropes and hits a flting forearm. With Psicosis down, Jericho runs into the ropes and tries to hit the lionsault but as he's doing it Psicosis moves and Jericho lands on his feet. Jericho whips Psicosis into the ropes again but on his way back, Psicosis hits a flying headscissors. Psicosis sits Jericho on the turnbuckle. Psicosis climbs up and goes for a hurricarana but when he jumps onto Jericho's shoulders, Jericho grabs him, turns round and powerbombs him through the table at ringside. Jericho jumps down and gets a pin over Psicosis. Juventud and Psicosis have been eliminated. As they walk to the back, Juventud looks very angry towards Psicosis and even pushes him into the guard rail. RVD jumps into the ring. RVD back suplexes Jericho to the cold, hard, concrete floor and hits a tope con hilo. Jericho responds by jumping up on the apron and getting a sprinboard elbow onto RVD. Jericho slowly rolls back in the ring and tags in Benoit. Benoit wastes no time in dragging RVD by his hair back into the ring where he unleashes a series of vicious chops. Jericho pushes a table into the ring. 911 drops down to the floor and rolls Jericho in the ring. He presses Jericho above his head and throws him onto the guard rail. jericho quickly takes down Benot and goes to the apron. RVD then debuts the Guillotine Legdrop in ECW when he legdrops Jericho who is still on the railing. Benoit leaves the ring and hits RVD with a chair and roll him into the ring. 911 and Jericho continue to brawl on the outside. Benoit sets up the table in the corner. Benoit attempts a German suplex but RVD reverses it and clubs him in the back of the head. Benoit turns around and DDTs RVD for a 2. Benoit picks up RVD and dragon suplexes him through the table. 1...2..RVD manages to raise an arm. Benoit with a snap suplex. He then goes to the top and hits a Diving Headbutt on RVD. He covers him, 1....2....3. (22:52). **1/4. Jericho and Benoit will now take on Public Enemey for the Tag Titles next month at Living Dangerously. 911 gets angry and chokeslams Jericho into the crowd and then chokeslams Benoit through another table.

Joey Styles is back in the ring. "OH MY GOD, did you see those 2 matches? Wow.". Crowd cheers and chant "ECW". Just then Cactus Jack comes out from the back. He was building up to the barbeb wire match later against Terry Funk. He says it's about time that Funk stopped trying to hold onto his spot in wrestling and that Funk's body just isn't cut out for wrestling anymore.

Lance Storm v Yoshihiro Tajiri

Waistlock and a reverse DDT on Tajiri to start things of. Storm dropkicks him and snapmares him for a 2. Half-crab and a standing legdrop. Tajiri with some blows to the midsection and a bulldog. Tajiri places Storm on the top turnbuckle and dropkicks him to the floor. Tajiri misses a springboard corkscrew moonsault and hits the concrete hard. Storm throws Tajiri into the crowd. Storm stands on the railing and comes down with a double axe handle on Tajiri. Storm sets up the chair, sits Tajiri on it and dropkicks him. Back in the ring, Storm dropkicks the knee of Tajiri and locks on a STF. Tajiri manages to break out of it. Hurricarana on Storm. Storm ducks a clothesline and Superkicks Tajiri when he turns around. 1...2...3. (6:21). After the match, Storm grabs a chair from the audience and tombstones Tajiri on it. (6:21). ***3/4.

Axl Rotten v Ian Rotten - Barbed Wire Bat.

A bat is sitting in the center of the ring, the goal is to get it before your opponent and beat them up with it. Both men are standing in opposite corners. The referee rings the bell. Both men dive towards the bat and fight eachother over it. Ian kicks Axl in the face and grabs the bat. Axl challenges Ian to hit him with the bat. Ian levels Axl with the bat and gets busted wide open. When Axl gets up, Ian hands him the bat and tells Axl to hit him. He does and Ian falls into the corner with blood streaming down his face. He gets back up and goes toe to toe with Axl. Axl throws the bat down and both men go at it trading big punches. After several blows Ian finally gains possesion and gets a sit-out powerbomb on Axl for the win. (2:45). 3/4*. Ian rubs the barbed wire in Axl's face and then begins his way to the back. On his way Axl runs up behind him and takes him down with the bat. They both brawl into the back.

We cut backstage and Taz is ranting about and raving about Sabu to Paul Heyman. He is asking why Sabu is always in the main event and challenging for the title. Taz didn't even have a match last week. Sabu walks in and both men start brawling. The whole locker room has to hold them apart.

Mikey Whipwreck v Dean Malenko(Ch) - TV Title

Mikey puts Dean in a wristlock but he flips out of it and clotheslines Mikey. Dean powerbombs him and then picks him up for a DDT and a 2. Headlock takedown and a headscissors on Mikey. Big powerslam on Mikey. Dean picks him up and Mikey is very groggy. Dean just touches him with his finger and he falls over. Mikey mounts a comeback with some forearms and manages to push Dean through the ropes and onto the outside. Mikey tries a tope but Dean catches him and hits a northern lights suplex through a table. Dean rolls him into the ring. Dean throws Mikey into the corner with a belly-to-belly suplex. Wheelbarrow suplex on Mikey. Dean tries to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf but Mikey kicks him away and the ref gets bumped. Dean dragon suplexes Mikey and goes for the pin but the ref is down. Dean goes over to wake the ref up, the ref starts to get up and Mikey rolls Dean up! 1....2....3. (9:24). *3/4. We have a new World TV Champion. Mikey is celbrating in the ring and Dean wrecks him with a series of suplexes and makes his way to the back.

Sabu v Taz w/Bill Alfonso

Sabu brings a chair to the ring with him. He puts the chair in the corner. Huge brawl erupts and both men fight over the ropes. Sabu with a dropkick to the knee and he props a table between the apron and the guard rail. T-bone suplex on Sabu on the concrete and Taz rolls him back in. Sabu goes to the apron and hits a slingshot dropkick. As Taz gets up, Sabu runs into the ropes and as he comes back Taz grabs him and belly-to-belly suplexes him through the table on the outside. Sabu slowly gets climbs up to the apron and no-sells the belly-to-belly by doing an asai moonsault 5 seconds after it. Sabu throws Taz into the corner and sets the chair up in front of him. He takes a few steps back, takes a run up...AIR SABU. Sabu puts an arm over Taz and only gets a 2. Sabu grabs the chair and goes up top. He tries a Arabian Facebuster but Taz moves and Sabu lands on his ass. Taz advances towards Sabu and locks in the Tazmission. Sabu is just about to tap when Bill Alfonso throws in the towel on behalf of Taz. The referee stops the match and declares Sabu the winner. (12:32). **1/2. Taz looks confused until he sees the towel in the ring. He catches Bill in his sight and chases him around the ring. Taz nearly catches him but Sabu stops him in his path by hitting him with a chair. Alfonso hides behind Sabu and both make their way to the back together. I guess Fonzie will be managing Sabu now.

After that match we see Stevie Richards trying to look through the key hole of Shane Douglas' locker room. Somebody behind Richards clears their throat and when Stevie turns around it is Raven.

Raven: What are you doing?

Stevie: I'm trying to catch a look at Shane working out.

Raven: Why??

Stevie: Because he's ho....nevermind why, shouldn't you be getting ready for the match?

Raven: I don't need to get "ready" for a match. I'm Raven, there's no way i'm gonna get beat. But you, you should be getting ready and what's the deal with that fat blue guy you got following us everywhere?

Stevie: First of all, i'm excercising my hand right now and two, that "fat blue guy" is THE BLUE MEANIE. The best god-damn wrestler on the east coast.

Just then Meanie come along and asks the guys what they are talking about. Raven walks away and Meanie asks what his problem is.

cactus Jack v Terry Funk - No Ropes Barbed Wire match

Fans are chanting "ECW" as the wire is getting set up. Both men stall for a while until they tie-up and Funk bodyslams Cactus. They exchange punches for a while and Funk is the first one to take a bump into the wire. Big pop from the crowd there. Funk attempts to whip Cactus into the wire but he slides under the ropes and onto the ground. Funk follows and they brawl on the outside. Funk slams Cactus onto the guard rail and they fight into the crowd. Both men batter each other with chairs and make their way back into the ring. cactus takes his first bump into the wire and gets a huge gash on his shoulder. Funk pushes Cactus into the corner and delivers some of those trademark huge punches. Cactus retaliates with forearms and double-arm DDTs Funk. Cactus goes for a pin but only gets a 2. Cactus picks Funk up but Funk grabs him and whups him into the wire. Cactus does his trademark hangman thing ..WITH THE WIRE. when he gets out Funk slams him and locks in the Spinning Toehold. Cactus manages to get on powerslams Funk onto the wire. Cactus tries to push him into the wire again but he reverses it and whips Cactus into the wire. The wire collapses and Cactus falls out of the ring with wire wrapped around him. Funk rolls him into the ring and pins him for the win. (14:19). ***. The ref has to pull the wire off Cactus because it's stuck in him. Cactus gets up and fakes a handshake with Funk but only cheapshots him.

Blue Meanie, Stevie Richards, Raven and Shane Douglas v The Public Enemy, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman - Elimination Match - Last man standing wins ECW World Title!!!

All four men start in the ring, no tags needed. Sandman destroys the whole of the other team with his cane and finally breaks it over Raven's head. Rocco Rock and Stevie battle it out in the crowd and trade chair shots. First elimination comes 1 minute in when Blue Meanie misses a Meaniesault on Johnny Grunge and gets pinned. PE together go for Stevie. Sandman and Douglas fight eachother in the ring. Raven makes his way over to Johnny Grunge and gets the Raven Effect on him for a pinfall. It's now even. Dreamer grabs a cookie sheet from a fan and takes Raven out with it. Douglas sets up a table in the corner of the ring. Stevie and Sandman brawl on the ground and Raven and Grunge are now in the ring. Grunge with a lariat on Raven. Raven quickly gets up and suplexes Grunge through the table and gets a pin. 1...2...3. Rocco goes with him. Sandman front suplexes Stevie onto the guard rail and goes up top and come sback down with a Legdrop. He gets the pinfall over Stevie. It's now 2-on-2. Sandman absolutely levels Douglas with a chair. Raven comes up behind Sandman and hits a back suplex. Dreamer busts Raven open with a shot from another cane. Raven goes crazy and delivers several stiff punches to the face of Dreamer. He props a table between the ring and the guard rail. He places Dreamer on it and hits a tope onto him for the 123. Raven turns around and gets DDT'd by Sandman. 1....2....3. It's now just Douglas and Sandman. Both men fight in the crowd and do some pointless brawling. They fight upto the Eagle's Nest. Sandman gets Douglas in a piledriver position and steps towards the ledge. He pulls back and he piledrives Shane back down to the ground and drapes an arm over him. 1.....2.....3. (27:48). *1/2. WE HAVE A NEW ECW CHAMPION, THE SANDMAN!!!!! Sandman celebrates. he better enjoy it while he can, he's taking on Raven next month at Living Dangerously.

End of show.

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