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TNA 2006 -X Marks the Spot


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TNA Wrestling has come to terms with Larry Zbysko regarding his release from the company and TNA Owner Dixie Carter has made an announcement that at this weeks Impact a new Director of Authority will be hired and the only thing that we know about this person is that he is only 18 years old and has never officially run a wrestling promotion, but we will have more on this story as it develops and as always don't miss Impact every Saturday Night at 11PM on SpikeTV

Edited by OrtonFan24
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Even though you haven't done much yet, there are a couple of things. First off, your need to improve your grammar. Your sentences just seem to run on forever, like somebody talking without taking a breath. Maybe you're just writing too fast? Also, PLEASE don't make yourself the DOA. Maybe a booker behind the scenes, but from my experience, created characters (especially of the person writing) don't do very well.

This could be a very good diary though, I know that you post a ton of cards in the EWR forum, so it should be booked pretty well.

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Well I appreciate the input about my grammar and I will try to change that but as far as my character goes, I like the idea of being an on-screen Authority figure due to the fact that I have a substantial amount of experience at E-Fedding and am good at writing promos for my own charater.

Roster should be up soon followed by first show hopefully either tonight or tomorrow

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IPB Image (Credit to AD for great banner)

The Impact Entrance Video plays over the screen as the camera pans in on the iMPACT! Zone as pyro goes off on the stage and above the ring and the camera zooms in on Mikey Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Hello everyone and welcome to TNA iMPACT, I am Mike Tenay as always along with my broadcast partner Don West and DW do we have a great show in store tonight.

West: That's right Mike, because as reported on TNAWrestling.com Larry Zbysko has been released from his position as TNA Director of Authority and tonight the new Director of Authority will be making his debut and also tonight in the main-event we will see the "War Machine" Rhyno stepping in the ring with the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett.

Tenay: Also tonight we will see Team 3D in action as they take on Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas, The Naturals. Well folks let's get down to the ring for the first match tonight on iMPACT as you 60-Minute adrenaline rush has just begu......

Before Tenay can finish "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as the "King of the Mountain" and current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett comes down the ramp with Gail Kim

Jarrett: Well, it looks like TNA Management is up to their old tricks again, and they are trying once again to put the screws to me and stack the deck against me, but you see no matter what TNA Management tries to do to me, I am always one step ahead. They tried to bring Hulk Hogan here and I went and I took TNA to Hogan, and then it was Kevin Nash followed by DDP and now they have signed Christian Cage and while he hasn't received an NWA World Title shot yet, you can be sure that TNA Management is just waiting for the right time to put him in there and try to screw me again, but you see just like all of those other flavors of the month, Cage is the same and whenever TNA Management tries to spring him on me I will be one step ahead. Now as far as tonight goes, I understand that Larry Zbysko is no longer the Director of Authority and TNA has hired a new DOA that is supposed to be here tonight, but you see what I have also heard about this man is that he has absolutely no experience and I want to know what the hell gives him the right to run a wrestling promotion? Cause you see, this is TNA, this is Planet Jarrett and I run this place and there is no-one that can change that. Now.....

Before Jarrett can finish his mic goes dead and some strange rock music blares throughout the Impact Zone as a young man wearing dress slacks and a white long sleeve shirt comes walking out of the entrane tunnel with a mic in his hand

Wilson: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the so-called King of the Mountain, and the raining NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. You see Jeff I have been sitting at home and I have seen the way that the fans are reacting to you NWA World Title reign and I can see that this promotion is in desperate need of some changes and I am just the man to do it. You see Jarrett, I can understand your question about what qualifies me for running a wrestling promotion and I will tell you what that is, I am a Wrestling Fan, and I know what the fans want and that is a change in the NWA World Title Picture. And Now that I am in charge I can guarantee all of you fans that you are going to get what you want and that is some real wrestling and plenty of it and that all starts tonight, for you see I am announcing an 6-Man Single Elimination Tournament with the winner going on to face you Jarrett at Destination X for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. And that tournament starts tonight when Sting steps into the ring to face the monster Abyss and the tournament will continue Next Week as Christian Cage will take on Monty Brown and Christopher Daniels will step into the ring with AJ Styles.

Jarrett: Hold it right there Slap Nutz, you are the new DOA for all of 15 minutes and you think that you have the right to come out here and make matches and especially make matches that involve me the Kingpin of TNA?

Wilson: Jarrett, I can do whatever I want because I am the Director of Authority, now I suggest that you exit the ring and head backstage to prepare for your match with Rhino and let us get the first match started

Tenay: Well folks, that was certainly a blockbuster announcement by the new DOA Mr. Wilson and tonight has certainly shaped up to be a great night so far and we have only just begun. Now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest tonight on iMPACT!

Jeremy Borash: The Opening Contest ofTotal Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

Team Canada's music starts playing as Petey Williams comes out of the tunnel and comes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, representing Team Canada, Petey Williams

JB: And his opponent, Jay Lethal

The contest starts off with a good display of aerial maneuvers between the two and Lethal goes for a clothesline on Williams but Williams ducks and Lethal turns around and Williams hits a Back Heel Kick. Williams picks Lethal up and sends him into the corner and puts him up on the second turnbuckle and executes a Frankensteiner from the second rope but only gets a 2 count. Williams gets to the top rope and waits for Lethal to get up and goes for a dropkick but Lethal moves out of the way and Williams hits the mat. Lethal goes for a Elbow Drop but Williams rolls out of the way and floors lethal with a right hand and grabs the legs and locks on the sharpshooter forcing Lethal to submit

Winner: Petey Williams

Tenay: Well Don, what an excellent way to start out iMPACT tonight with the X-Division showcased.

West: Well Mike that is what makes TNA different then the rest of the other promotions out there, we give the fans what they want to see and that is wrestling.

Tenay: Well Don that is what TNA the New Face of Professional Wrestling, we offer the fans the best matches on every show and it is not over yet. Folks we have to go to commercial but when we come back Roderick Strong & Austin Aries will take on BG James & Ron "The Truth" Killings

JB: The following Tag Team Contest is set for One-Fall

Some Techno Music hits the PA as Austin Aries and Roderick Strong come out to the ring

Introducing First: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

"Beware" hits the PA as BG James and Ron Killings come walking down the ramp

BG James: Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, NWA:TNA proudly brings to you it's soon to be NWA Tag Team Champions of the Wooooooooorld, Not 1, Not 2, but the 3 Live Kru

The match starts off with Killings and Strong in the middle of the ring and Killings goes for a Clothesline but Strong ducks and catches Killings with a Suplex. Strong contiues to dominate Killings and nails a side kick getting only a 2 count. Killings boots Strong in the gut and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker to reverse the momentum. Killings makes the tag to BG who nails Strong with a DDT and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. BG goes for a Suplex but Strong counters with a knee to the gut followed by a clothesline which takes BG down long enough for Strong to tag in Aries. Aries hits James with a Spin-kick followed by a neckbreaker but only manages to get a 2 count. Aries whips James into the corner and tags in strong who places James on the second turnbuckle and hits a powerbomb out of the corner for a 2 count. BG James ducks a clothesline and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Strong and gets over to his corner and tags in Killings. Killings picks Strong up and goes for a suplex but Strong counters and goes for a backbreaker but Killings counters and boots Strong in the gut and hits the True Conviction to get 3LK the win

Winners: 3 Live Kru

Match Quality: 75%

Crowd Reaction: 62%

Overall Rating : 62%

Tenay: Well DW, tonight has certainly turned out to be another great night of Total Nonstop Action thus far and let's not forget we still have Team 3D vs. The Naturals and the Main-Event with the "War-Machine" Rhyno taking on Jeff Jarrett.

West: Mike, I couldn't have said it any better myself, this is showing the fans what TNA is all about and if this is the type of action this new DOA is going to give us every week I can hardly wait.

JB: The Next Contest this evening is set for one-fall and it is a Tag Team Match.

Some hard-hitting music hits the PA as Team 3D comes walking out of the tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing First: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, they are Team 3D

The Naturals music hits the PA as Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens come walking down the rampway

Introducing the Opponents: They are the team of Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens, The Naturals

Chase and Ray start the match off. Ray whips Chase into the corner and goes running and hits a big avalanche splash. Ray goes for a body slam but Chase counters and makes the tag to Andy. Andy steps into the ring and takes a running knee lift from Brother Ray . Brother Ray tags in Brother Devon who locks in a Full Nelson on Andy who manages to get out of the hold and Devon catches him with a big backbreaker. Devon makes the cover but Chase gets into the ring and breaks up the count, Ray comes into the ring and throws Chase out of the ring. Devon picks Andy up and they hit the 3D and Devon makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winners: Team 3D

Match Quality: 82%

Crowd Reaction: 67%

Overall Rating: 66%

Tenay: Well, this night is just getting better and better and now fans it is time for the first match in the NWA World Title #1 Contender's Match

JB: The Following contest is set for one-fall and is a first round in the tournament to be the #1 Contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Title

Abyss' music hits the PA as Father James Mitchell leads Abyss out of the entrance Tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing First: He is the Monster, Abyss.

Sting's music hits the PA as the camera shows a man standing in the tunnel in fog and Sting comes walking out of the tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing the Opponent: This is Sting

Abyss starts the match out with some rights and lefts and goes for a suplex but Sting counters and goes for a Irish Whip but Abyss counters and the ref gets knocked out in a collision with Sting. Sting turns around and Abyss goes for the Black Hole Slam but Sting counters with a poke to the eyes and goes for a piledriver but Abyss counters with a backdrop. Sting gets up and Abyss goes for a Chokeslam but Sting counters with a DDT. Sting foes for the Scorpion Deathlock but Abyss powers out of the hold and Sting turns around to see Samoa Joe come running down the ramp and hops up onto the apron. Joe grabs Sting and pulls him down across the ropes and Sting turns around and Abyss catches him in a Black Hole Slam. Abyss makes the cover and gets the 3 count. Joe grabs a chair from ringside and gets inside the ring as Sting gets up and gets nailed with a chair shot. Joe hits Sting with the chair twice more before setting the chair up in the middle of the ring. Joe picks Sting up and irish whips him into the ropes and catches him with a Drop Toe-Hold into the chair busting Sting open. Joe leaves Sting in the middle of the ring a bloody mess

Winner: Abyss

Match Quality: 78%

Crowd Reaction: 75%

Overall Rating: 68%

Tenay: What the hell was that? Why did Samoa Joe get involved in this match, and more importantly why did he attack Sting?

West: Well Mike, I guess there is only one person who knows the answer to that and that is Samoa Joe and I undertstand that Shane Douglas has caught up with Joe backstage and is trying to get a word with him

Douglas: Joe, Joe, why did you attack Sting?

Joe just stares at Douglas and then walks off

Douglas: Well as you can see no answers here tonight from Joe but you can be sure Sting will be looking for answers next week. Mie, Don, back to you

Tenay: Thanks Shane. Well DW, this has certainly been an interesting night and we still have our Main-Event to go.

West: Well Mike, like we say miss one edition of iMPACT you miss alot. Now let's send it to JB and the Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your iMPACT Main-Event of the evening

Rhino's music hits the PA as he comes running out of the tunnel and down the ramp into the ring

Introducing First: From Detroit, Michigan "The Man Beast" Rhino

Jeff Jarrett's music hits the PA as he comes walking down the ramp with Gail Kim

Introducing The Opponent: From Hendersonville, Tennessee he is the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion and the "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett gets the early advantage by hitting Rhino with a forearm to the face. Jarrett starts hitting Rhino with Right and Lefts and sends Rhino into the ropes and hits a big back-body drop. Rhino blocks a punch from Jarrett and picks him up and hits a slam. Jarrett is getting up and Rhino boots him in the gut and hits a piledriver but only gets a 2 count. Rhino picks Jarrett up for a Body Slam but Jarrett slides down the back and a back suplex and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Rhino walks into a Shoulder Block and Jarrett only gets a 2 count. Jarrett picks Rhino up and hits a body slam. Jarrett gets up and Rhino hits a right hand followed by a chop. Jarrett blocks a kick and hits a slam. Kip James comes running down the ramp as Rhino is using the ropes to get up. James grabs Rhino and pulls him down throat across the ropes and Rhino back into the Stroke by Jarrett and Jarrett gets the 3 count. Jarrett is in the ring celebrating as Kip James slides into the ring and waits for Rhino to get up and hits the Famouser

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Match Quality: 83%

Crowd Reaction: 78%

Overall Rating: 72%

The show goes off the air with Jarrett and Kip James standing over Rhino

TV Rating: 4.22

Attendance: 3004

Ticket Revenue: $90120

Edited by OrtonFan24
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In an update to the previously report of their being a major signing set to debut at Destination X, several rumors are running throughout the internet community on who the man could be and the names being thrown out as possibilities stem from Randy Savage to Bill Goldberg to Brock Lesnar to even Y2J Chris Jericho. The only thing that we here at TNAWrestling.com have learned about this signing is that it is one that will set the wrestling world on it's ear and this person is also a former multiple time world champion, but for the time being no other information is being released. We will have more on this story as it unfolds and as always don't miss iMPACT every Saturday Night at 11PM on SpikeTV


Edited by OrtonFan24
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IPB Image

The Opening iMPACT! video plays across the screen as the camera zooms in on the iMPACT! Zone as pyro goes off about the ring. The camera then zooms in on Mikey Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Hello and welcome to another edition of TNA iMPACT! on SpikeTV. I'm Mike Tenay and I would like to introduce my broadcast partner DW, Don West.

West: Well Mike, tonight we have another great night of action for all the fans out there in TV Land as the NWA World Title #1 Contender's Tournament continues and also we will see Team 3D team up with the guys they beat last week The Naturals to take on Team Canada & AMW in a 8-Man Tag Team Match. But Mike that's not all as we will see the Monster Abyss in action as well as hearing from Sting and trying to find out why Samoa Joe attacked him last week

Tenay: Well DW, let's not waist anymore time and send it down to JB for the opening contest and folks stay tuned cause your 60-Minute adrenaline rush has just begun.

JB: Ladies and Gentleman the opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is a 2-on-1 Handicap Match.

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as they come out of the tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing First: The team of Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

Abyss's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as father James Mitchell leads Abyss down the ramp

And The Opponent: He is "The Monster", Abyss

Abyss hits Strong with a spinning neckbreaker and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Abyss picks Strong up and slams him down hard on the mat and goes for a Legdrop but Strong moves out of the way. Strong grabs a wristlock on Abyss but Abyss counters and goes for a hammerlock but Aries comes into the ring and attacks Abyss. Aries and Strong grab Abyss and whip him into the ropes and goe for a double back body drop but Abyss counters with a boot to the face of Strong. Abyss turns around and Aries nails him with dropkick and goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Aries and Strong grab Abyss and whip him into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Aries gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and goes for a flying clothesline but Abyss catches him in a chokeslam but Strong clips Abyss' knee. Strong and Aries pick Abyss up and go for a Double Suplex but Abyss counters. Strong gets up and goes for a clothesline but Abyss ducks and grabs Strong and throws him out of the ring. Abyss picks Austin Aries up and hits the Shock Treatment and gets the 3 count

Winner: Abyss

Match Quality: 76%

Crowd Reaction: 51%

Overall Rating: 63%

Tenay: Well DW, what a way to kick off this edition of iMPACT!, the monster Abyss with another decisive victory.

West: Well Mike is this is any indication we certainly do have an excellent show lined up for the fans tonight, and tonight we will have the next two matches in the #1 Contender's Tournament.

Tenay: And Don, let's not forget we will hear for Sting tonight and get his comments....

Before Tenay can finish "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking down the ramp with the NWA Title over his shoulder.

Jarrett:I am sick and tired of hearing about Sting and what Sting has to say about what Samoa Joe did to him last week. You see everyone here is focusing on Sting simply because he is the new flavor of the month because as I have proven in the past there is no-one in this company or any other that can take this away from me. Now that brings me to the reason I came out here. TNA management is trying to put the screws to me by not informing me on who I will be defending my NWA World Heavyweight Title against at Destination X and while this is nothing new from TNA Management I would have expected better from this new DOA who claims he wants a fair and even playing field. You see this DOA is just Zbysko was and Rhodes before him and Russo before him, he likes to screw with me because he thinks he knows what the fans want. Well, I don't care what the fans want, it should be about what I want seeing as how I am the biggest star in this promotion. Now as far as this supposed mystery signing goes......

Before Jarrett can finish the DOA's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as he comes out on the stage with a mic in hand

Wilson: Hold it right there Jarrett. You know as well as I do that this signing is going to be the biggest thing to happen to TNA since it's inception and you know that it will change the face of TNA forever. Now as far as your opponent at Destination X, it's not like I am going to throw it on you at the last second who you are going to be defending the NWA Title against, you will be defending against the winner of the NWA Title #1 Contender's Tournament. Now I am sure that all of you fans have noticed that there are only 6-Man entered into this tournament and that is because it will be 3 First Round Matches followed by a 3-Way Match in the finals. Now Mr. Jarrett if you don't mind vacating the ring it is time for our next match

Tenay: Well there you have it folks, the winners of the 2 matches tonight will be facing Christian Cage next week in a 3-Way Match wih the winner going onto Destination X to face Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

West: Well Mike that is all well and good, but right now we have an 8-Man Tag Team Match and this is certainly going to be a great contest between 4 great teams

JB: The following contest is a 8-Man Tag Team Match

The Naturals music hits the PA and Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come walking down the ramp

Introducing First: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

Team 3D's music hits the PA as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come walking out of the entrance tunnel

Their Tag Team Partners: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Team 3D

AMW's music hits the PA as America's Most Wanted come walking out of the entrance tunnel with the NWA Tag Titles around their waist

Introducing The Opponents: They are the reigning NWA Tag Team Champions, Wildcat Chris Harris & Cowboy James Storm, America's Most Wanted

Team Canada's music hits the PA as Petey Williams & Bobby Roode come walking down the ramp

Introducing The Partners: Petey Williams & Bobby Roode, Team Canada

Storm and Douglas start the match off. Storm hits Douglas with a Suplex. Storm picks Douglas up and hits another snap suplex. Storm tags out to Petey Williams who nails Douglas with a dropkick and goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams whips Douglas into the ropes and foes for a back body drop but Douglas counters with a DDT. Douglas crawls over to the corner and tags in Brother Devon Devon comes into the ring and boots Williams in the gut and goes for a Piledriver but Williams counters with a backdrop. Williams gets over to the corner and tags in Bobby Roode. Roode and Williams grab Devon and whip him into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Roode makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Roode picks Devon up and hits a slam and tags out to Chris Harris. Harris comes into the ring and goes for a clothesline but Brother Devon ducks and catches Harris with a Powerslam for a 2 count. Devon tags Brother Ray who hits Harris with a running knee lift. Ray waits for Harris to get up and boots him in the gut and hits a piledriver. Ray goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Ray grabs Harris over to his corner and tags in Stevens and then whip him into the ropes and hit a double clothesline but Stevens only gets a 2 count. Stevens climbs to the top rope and hits Harris with a DDT from the top but only gets another 2 count. Stevens gets up and goes for a clothesline but Harris moves out of the way and hits Stevens with a Spear. Harris gets over to the corner and tags in Storm. Storm waits for Steve to get up and goes for a Superkick but Stevens ducks and hits Storm with a DDT. Stevens goes over to the corner and tags in Brother Ray. Ray goes to pick up Storm but Storm hits him in the gut and goes for the 8 Second Ride but Ray counters and hits the Deadly Bomb. Ray makes the cover and Harris comes into the ring but Stevens cuts him off with a springboard clothesline and Ray gets the 3 count.

Winners: Team 3D & The Naturals

Match Quality: 68%

Crowd Reaction: 61%

Overall Rating: 64%

After the match Brother Ray grabs a mic

Ray: AMW, you guys have something that we want, you guys have something that we have never had before and that is the NWA Tag Team Titles. So you see what I am thinking it that since I just pinned one of you then that makes us the #1 Contenders. So how about at Destination X, AMW vs. Team 3D for the NWA Tag Team Championship?

AMW shake their head yes

Ray: OK, so at Destination X it's you vs. us for the NWA Tag Team Championship, I can guarantee you there will be new NWA Tag Team Champions at Destination X

Devon grabs the mic away from Ray


Tenay: Well Don, it looks like we have another match made for Destination X as I have just had it confirmed through my headset that at Destination X it will be America's Most Wanted defending the NWA World Tag Team Championship against Team 3D

West: Well judging from last week this only adding to a stacked Destination X card, because after iMPACT! went off the air last week the new DOA made Kip James vs. Rhino for Destination X and and then there is the NWA World Title match so this is turning out to be a spectacular card already

Tenay: And DW, don't forget about the mystery signing that is supposed to make his debut at Destination X and if it is anything like the last signing TNA had you can be sure that it is a major star that will change the face of TNA forever. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match in the #1 Contender's Tournament.

JB: The following contest is a first-round match in the #1 Contender's Tourament.

Christopher Daniels' music hits the PA and he comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: He is "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles steps through, poses and walking down the ramp and gets into the ring

Introducing The Opponent: "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

Styles and Daniels lock-up and Styles grabs a sid headlock. Daniels shoves Styles into the ropes and hits a shoulder block, Daniels hits the ropes and hops over Styles and Styles leapfrogs Daniels and as Daniels comes back Styles nails a dropkick but only gets a 2 count. Styles gets up and catches Daniels with a hip toss, Daniels gets up and catches Styles with a hip toss, Styles goes for another hip toss but Daniels counters with a DDT but only gets a 2 count. Daniels waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Angel's Wings but Styles counters and hits a release Northern Lights Suplex. Styles waits for Daniels to get up and goes for the Pele kick but Daniels moves out of the way and Styles hits the mat. Daniels runs at Styles and hits the STO but only gets a 2 count. Daniels picks Styles up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Styles ducks and hits the other ropes and springboards back and hits a reverse DDT. Styles gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and goes for a Frog Splash but Daniels rolls out of the way and Styles crash to the mat. Daniels runs at Styles and goes for a spear but Styles moves out of the way and Daniels hits shoulder first into the turnbuckle, Daniels turns around and Styles boots him in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Daniels counters with a back body drop. Styles and Daniels start brawling and the ref tries to break them up but he gets shoved out of the way and he calls for the bell. Styles and Daniels continue brawling and the brawl to the outside of the ring and brawl up the ramp and to the backstage area

Winner: Double DQ

Match Quality: 100%

Crowd Reaction: 80%

Overall Rating: 90%

Tenay: Well folks what a match that was but unfortunately it had to end that way. Now DW, what does this mean about the #1 Contender's Tournament?

West: Well Mike, the only thing that I can think of is that whoever wins between Christian Cage and Monty Brown will face the monster Abyss with the winner becoming #1 Contender

Tenay: Well Don, it looks like it is now time to hear from Sting. Shane Douglas is standing by backstage with the man in paint to find out what he has to say about what Samoa Joe did to him last week

Shane Douglas: Well, it's the Franchise here, and I have the man that everybody has been wanting to hear from all week long here with me and that is Sting. Now Sting, I know that everyone has seen what Samoa Joe did to you last week and I was just wanting to get your thoughts on that.

Sting: Whoooooooo, Shane Douglas, the Stinger is back and the Stinger is back in TNA. Now as far as Samoa Joe goes, I have no idea why Joe did what he did to me last week but I do understand it because if I was in the same position as Joe then I would have done the same thing. Now as far as why he did that I guess that is just a question that you have to ask him, but as far as me goes I am formally issuing a challenge to Samoa Joe to meet me in the ring at Destination X and maybe we can settle this

The camera pans out and reveals Samoa Joe walking into the screen

Joe: Well Sting, as far as your challenge goes your on and I will even put the X-Division Title on the line with one stipulation that is that you step into the ring with me next week here in iMPACT! and you don't even have to beat me you just have to last 10 minutes and your on. Now as far as what I did last week goes, the reason that I did that was simple. You see ever since you have been here all I have heard was Sting, Sting, Sting and really what have you done since you have been here? You wrestle in one tag team match and scored a victory but othe than that you haven't done anything whereas I have went undefeated ever since I stepped foot inside a TNA ring. Then last week on iMPACT! I see that you are in the tournament to be #1 Contender and once again I see someone getting something that they deserve and you know how that makes me feel? That really pisses me off because I have busted my ass ever since I came to TNA and I am the X-Division Champion and not only that but I am the only man to go undefeated since my debut in TNA. So Sting, if you have got what it takes you will step into the ring with me next week and not you stand a chance of doing so but you don't even have to beat me all you have to do is last 10 minutes and you will get what you want

Joe goes walking off screen and Sting gets ready to continue talking when a Steel Chair comes into the screen and Sting is laid out on the floor with Joe standing above him

Joe: See you next week

Tenay: Well DW it seems like we are going to have another match added to the Destination X card next week when Sting steps into the ring with Samoa Joe and what about the stipulation? If Sting can step into the ring next week on iMPACT! and last 10 minutes the match at Destination X will be an X-Division Title Match

West: Well Mike that is a mighty big IF, because while Sting is a great competitor Samoa Joe is alot younger and has a more hard hitting arsenal and this will definitely be an interesting match next week, but let's send it down to JB for the Main-Event

JB: The Following contest is you iMPACT! Main-Event of the evening

Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Christian Cage comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, He is "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Monty Brown's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Monty Brown comes out of the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: He is "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Cage and Brown lock-up, Cage grabs Brown and hits a Suplex but only gets a 1 count. Cage waits for Brown to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for a Brainbuster but Brown slides down the back and hits the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Brown picks Cage up and hits a Body Slam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Brown picks Christian up and sends him into the ropes and goes for the Pounce bu Cage moves out of the way and Brown runs chest first into the turnbuckle. Brown stumbles backwards and Christian catches him with a reverse DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Brown picks Cage up and goes for a piledriver but Cage counters with a back drop. Cage picks Brown up and goes for a DDT but Brown counters and goes for a Suplex but Christian spins out of it and spins behind Brown and hits the Unprettier and gets the 3 count

Winner: Christian Cage

Match Quality: 76%

Crowd Reaction: 73%

Overall Rating: 74%

Tenay: Well folks, it looks like Next Week's Impact is going to have major implications on Destination X and I can now confirm that it will be Sting vs. Samoa Joe at Destination X and then in the time limit trial the night before if Sting last's 10 minutes it will be for the X-Division Title, also I have been told that it is now AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and Mr. Wilson has also OK'ed Team 3D vs. AMW for the NWA Tag Team Titles

West: Well Mike, it certainly looks like Destination X is shaping up to be an excellent night and not to mention the debut of the newest member of the TNA Roster and next week we have the finals of the NWA Title #1 Contender's Tournament so for Mike Tenay, I'm Don West see you next week

Overall Show Rating: 75%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The opening iMPACT! video plays over the screen and the camera zooms in on the iMPACT! Zone with pyro going off above the ring and the camera then zooms in on Mike Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Hello everyone and welcome to iMPACT! right here on SpikeTV. We are less that 24 hours away from Destination X and tonight we will find out who will be facing Jeff Jarrett tomorrow night for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship when "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage steps into the ring with "The Monster" Abyss.

West: And that's not all, don't forget tonight Samoa Joe will be stepping into the ring with Sting and all Sting has to do is last 10 minutes and there match at Destination X will be tfor the X-Division Title

JB: The following is the opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV and it is an X-Division Match

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Petey Williams comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Representing Team Canada, Petey Williams

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ steps through it and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: he is "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

Williams nails Styles with a right hand and whips him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Styles counters with a kick to the face and nails Williams with a Spinning Heel Kick. Styles goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Styles hits the ropes and goes for a Flying Forearm but Williams moves out of the way and Styles crashes to the mat. Williams waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Styles counters and hits a sitout spinebuster. Styles goes out of the ring and signals for the Spiral Tap and goes to the top rope but Williams gets up of the way and Styles leaps off and hits a Cross Body and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Styles waits for Williams to get up and goes for a Standing enziguri but Williams ducks and Styles hits a reverse enziguri. Styles runs at the ropes and hits a springboard moonsault but only gets a 1 count. Styles waits for Williams to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Williams counters and hits a bridging Northern Lights Suplex but only gets a 1 count. Williams gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and leaps off hitting a DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Styles and Williams lock up on the ropes and start trading rights and lefts and the ref takes a right hand as he is trying to break them up and goes down. Styles gets the Advantange and goes to whip Williams into the ropes but Williams counters and whips Styles into the ropes and Styles springs back and hits a reverse DDT. Styles gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope but Christopher Daniels comes running down the ramp and nails Styles across the back knocking him to the mat. Williams gets up and as Styles gets up he boots him in the gut and hits the Canadian Destroyer. Williams makes the cover and Daniels wakes the ref up who makes the 3 count. After the match Daniels slides the steel chair into the ring and places it in the middle. Daniels picks Styles up and underhooks him and hits the Angel's Wings on the steel chair busting Styles open

Winner: Petey Williams

Match Quality: 92%

Crowd Reaction: 68%

Overall Rating: 80%

Christopher Daniels then grabs the microphone from ringside

Daniels: AJ Styles, you and me have had some history here in TNA and we sure have put on some amazing matches here in this ring, and then last week we pitted against each other again and I have to be honest, it was one hell of a contest but you see you cost me something that I haven't had yet in my tenure here in TNA and that is a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title and now I am going to make it my personal mission to remove you from TNA permanently which is why at Destination X it is going to be you vs. me one more time and this time I guarantee you will not be walking away from this one

Segment Rating: 86%

Tenay: Well DW, it looks like another match has been added to the Destination X card and what a card it is shaping up to be.

West: Well Mike you are certainly right about that. We already have a NWA Tag Team Title match, and Kip James vs. Rhino, and Sting is going to be taking on Samoa Joe but whether it is for the X-Division Title all depends on tonight and whether Sting can last 10 minutes or not

Tenay: Well let's send it down to JB for the next match

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall

The Naturals music hits the PA as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come walking out of the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, they are Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

AMW's music blares through the iMPACT Zone as Chris Harris & James Storm come walking down the ramp with the NWA Tag Team Titles strapped around their waist

Introducing The Opponents: They are the current NWA Tag Team Champions, "Wildcat" Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm, America's Most Wanted

Douglas and Harris start the match off and Douglas nails Harris with a back heel kick. Douglas goes over to the corner and hops up to the second turnbuckle and nails a flying axe handle and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Douglas gets up and goes for a dropkick but Harris shoves him away and tags in Storm. Storm picks Douglas up and hits a powebomb and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Storm goes over to pick Douglas up but he counters with a drop toe hold and Douglas makes his way over to the corner and tags in Stevens. Stevens boots Storm in the gut and nails a DDT followed by a leg drop and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Stevens waits for Storm to get up and goes for a Superkick but Storm catches the leg and counters with a Spinning Neckbreaker. Storm picks Stevens up and goes for a Suplex but Stevens counters with a reverse DDT and makes his way over to the corner and tags in Stevens. Stevens comes in and he and Storm start trading rights and lefts and Stevens hits a boot to the gut and goes for a clothesline but Storm catches him and hits a Stun Gun. Storm tags in Harris who goes for a spear on Douglas but Douglas moves out of the way and Storm comes into the ring and nails Douglas with a Superkick. Douglas stumbles backwards and Harris picks him up and hits the Catatonic and makes the cover with his feet on the ropes. Storm nails Stevens with a Superkick while the ref counts the 3 count. After the match is over Chris Harris gets out of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair. Harris gets back in the ring and goes to nail Douglas with it but Team 3D hit the ring and they start brawling with AMW. Devon whips Harris into the ropes and he and Ray hit the 3D. AMW crawl out of the ring as Team 3D hold the NWA Tag Team Titles up

Winners: America's Most Wanted

Match Quality: 86%

Crowd Reaction: 63%

Overall Rating: 74%

Tenay: Well Don, it certainly seems that things are really starting to heat up in the Tag Team Division with Team 3D and AMW set to face each other in less that 24 hours for the NWA Tag Team Titles you can be sure that will be an incredible match

West: Mike I could have said it any better myself but what I am really looking forward to is Sting vs Samoa Joe and tonight will certainly help to add intrigue to that match as tonight we will find out if it is for the X-Division Title or not.

Tenay: Well then let's not waste anymore time here talking let's send it down to JB for Samoa Joe vs. Sting

JB: The Following contest is the 10-Minute Time Trial Match where if Sting can last 10 minutes in the ring with Samoa Joe he will earn a X-Division Title Shot tomorrow night at Destination X

Samoe Joe's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as he comes walking out of the entrance tunnel with the X-Division Title draped over his shoulder

JB: Introducing First: He is the Undefeated "Samoan Submission Machine" and he is the reigning X-Division Champion of World Samoa Joe

Sting's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone! as a fog fills the entrance tunnel and Sting comes walking out and lets out his trademark "Whooooooo" and then walks down to the ring

JB: Introducing His Opponent, This is Sting

Sting and Joe start brawling as soon as the match begins. Joe nails a combination of lefts and rights and goes for a DDT but Sting counters and hits a Spinning Neckbreaker. Sting grabs Joe's legs and goes to apply the Scorpion Deathlock but Joe shoves him away. Joe gets up and goes running at Sting but Sting catches him with a drop toe hold and hits him with a elbow across the neck. Sting makes the cover but Joe shoves him off before the ref can start counting. Sting waits for Joe to get up and nails a dropkick. Sting gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and waits for Joe to get up and hits a Flying Cross Body and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Joe and Sting get up and both start trading rights and lefts until Joe boots Sting in the gut and goes for a powerbomb but Sting counters with back drop and Joe gets back up and Sting catches him with a hip toss before dropping an elbow across the chest. Sting makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Sting picks Joe up and tries to go for a suplex but Joe counters with a knee to the gut and nails Sting with a straight kick to the head. Sting staggers around as Joe grabs him and send him into the corner and goes running for a splash but Sting moves out of the way and Joe hits the corner chest first. Sting grabs Joe from behind and goes for the Scorpion Death Drop but Joe spins out of it and hits a release Northern Lights Suplex. Joe goes to lock in the Kokina Clutch but Sting counters and grabs ahold of Joe's legs and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Joe manages to get to the ropes right as the ref is ringing the bell signaling the time limit has expired.

Time-Limit Draw

Match Quality: 75%

Crowd Reaction: 82%

Overall Rating: 79%

After the match is over Samoa Joe tackles Sting through the ropes and they start brawling on the floor. Joe grabs Sting and signals for the Muscle Buster on the floor but Sting counters and hits a Scorpion Death Drop on the floor. Sting stands over top of Samoa Joe as the camera pans to Mike Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Well Don it looks like Sting has done it, he lasted the 10 minutes and now his match with Samoa Joe tomorrow night at Destination X will be for the X-Division Title

West: Mike I honestly don't think Sting cares whether it is for the X-Division Title or not he just wants to get his hands on Samoa Joe when there is no time limit. Now our Main-Event is up next and it is the finals of the NWA Title #1 Contender's Tournament when Christian Cage steps into the ring with Abyss. Now Mike......

Before West can finish "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking down the ramp with the NWA World Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder

Jarrett: Well, Well, Well, another edition of iMPACT! another attempt at TNA Management trying to screw me. Because you see tomorrow night live on Pay-Per-View is Destination X and I am set to defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title in the Main-Event and I don't even know who my opponent is. Once again TNA Management is throwing everything they have at me in order to take the NWA World Heavyweight Title away from me and once again they are just going to come up short like they always do. Let's look at some of the other names that TNA Management has tried to throw in front of me shall we? Kevin Nash, well Nash was supposed to be the saving grace of TNA and what happened, after hearing that he was set to wrestle me he had "medical problems" and backed out of the match. Rhino, now I admit Rhino got lucky and lightning struck at exactly the right time allowing him to defeat me for the NWA Title but I won it back less than 2 weeks later so that shows you what kind of a champion he was. Let's see who else they tried putting in front of me before that, Raven, AJ Styles, Monty Brown, Diamond Dallas Page, Jeff Hardy. All of these men were supposed to be the saving grace of TNA and they were supposed to lead TNA in a new direction but they all fell at the hands on "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett. Now TNA has decided to put together a #1 Contender's Tournament in order to try and screw me out of the NWA title yet again but no matter who it is the result is going to be the same with the "King of the Mountain" standing tall at the end of the show. Now as far as this new signing goes, I know TNA wants to keep it a scret from all of you people so they spring him on you tomorrow night but I can assure one thing they will definitely put him as the next man to challenge me for the NWA Title and the result will be the same, Jeff Jarrett standing tall.

Mr. Wilson's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as he comes out of the tunnel with mic in hand

Wilson: Now Mr. Jarrett, I can understand you being upset at the fact that you don't know who you will be defending that title against at Destination X but you see it is the only fair way to determine a challenger for you tomorrow night. Now as far as all of those challengers you listed before, I had a unique position to view everyone of those NWA Title matches and that was the viewpoint of a fan and I saw you cheat to win or win via outside interference and I am out here to make sure that tomorrow night's NWA World Heavyweight Title match doesn't end in the same way all of those others have so therefore if anyone interferes in that match on your behalf you will lose the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Also if you use the guitar you will lose the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

Jarrett: Hold it right there Slap Nutz, what gives you the right to make those stipulations in a match involving the man here in TNA?

Wilson: Well Jarrett, what gives me the right is the fact that I am the Director of Authority. Why, you sound worried Jeff, and in all honesty you should be because without outside interference or use of the guitar you have a major challenge in front of you no matter who wins the #1 Contender's Tournament. Now Jarrett I suggest that you go backstage and get next to a monitor cause no matter who it is that wins the Tournament you are going to have one hell of a fight on your hands tomorrow night at Destination X. Oh and Jeff, Have a Nice Day!!!!

Segment Rating: 86%

Tenay: Well Don, you just heard it, no matter who wins the NWA Title #1 Contender's Tournament Jarrett is going to have a challenge on his hands now that there is no interference allowed and the guitar is outlawed.

West: Well Mike, it is now time to determine who is going to face Jeff Jarrett tomorrow night for the NWA World Title because up next we have "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage stepping into the ring with "The Monster" Abyss with the winner facing Jeff Jarrett tomorrow night at Destination X. It is time for the iMPACT! Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening and is the final match in the tournament to determine the #1 Contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Abyss' music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Father James Mitchell leads Abyss out to the ring

JB: Introducing First: Accompanied by Father James Mitchell, he is "The Monster" Abyss.

Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as he comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing The Opponent: He is "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Christian and Abyss tie up in the middle of the ring and Abyss whips Cage into the ropes and Cage comes back with a running forearm to the face. Cage goes for a Suplex but Abyss counters by pounding on his back and Abyss picks Cage up and hits a over-the-knee backbreaker and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Abyss picks Cage up and goes for a chokeslam but Cage boots Abyss in the gut and nails a DDT. Cage waits for Abyss to get up and boots him in the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage picks Abyss up and whips him into the ropes and hits a elbow to the gut followed by a running knee lift knocking Abyss to the ground. Cage hits a elbow drop followed by a legdrop across the throat and goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage picks Abyss up and whips him into the corner and goes running but Abyss nails him with a boot to the face causing him to stagger backward and Abyss follows up with a stiff clothesline. Abyss makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Abyss picks Cage up and whips him into the ropes and goes for the Black Hole Slam but Cage ducks out of the way and hits the other set of ropes and leaps at Abyss who catches him in the bodyslam posision. Abyss tosses Cage up onto his shoulder and goes for the Shock Treatment but Cage slides down the back and grabs Abyss and hits the Unprettier. Cage makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Christian Cage

Match Quality: 80%

Crowd Reaction: 71%

Overall Rating: 74%

Tenay: Well Don, it looks like it is going to be Christian Cage going to Destination X tomorrow night to challenge Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Title and with the stipulations in the match it is definitely going to be a fair fight

West: Mike, Christian Cage has stated that ever since he joined TNA his goal was to become NWA World Heavyweight Champion and now tomorrow night he gets his shot. Jeff Jarrett has got to be livid backstage

Tenay: I don't think so Don, cause look who just walked out onto the stage. It's Jeff Jarrett and he is holding up the NWA World Heavyweight Title as in to tell Cage he will never have it. Don, tomorrow night's Destination X is definitely going to be one hell of a card with the NWA Tag Team, X-Divison and World Heavyweight Titles on the line along with AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels, Kip James vs. Rhino and not to forget the debut of the newest member of the TNA Roster. So folks for Don West, I'm Mike Tenay and we are out of time for tonight so make sure you catch Destination X tomorrow night on Pay-Per-View because it is sure to be a night you won't want to miss it

The camera shows Christian Cage standing up on the second turnbuckle looking at Jeff Jarrett motioning that he wants the NWA World Title and Jarrett shanking his head telling him he will never have it

Overall Show Rating: 79%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The major problem I have with this is the fact that your character is only 18 years of age, has no experience at all, then why did TNA sign him for such a prominent on-air role? You could have at least given him some background as a local independent manager, and theatre graduate or something...worked on a local soap. God knows. Anything would give it more credibility.

The other major problem I have regards the character is how cocky and confident he seems as a little fish in a big pond. Nobody knows who he is, he knows who nobody else is (In kayfabe terms) yet he rules with somewhat an iron fist. I dunno, I just couldn't see an 18 year old kid putting Jeff Jarrett in his place. A much better way to have gone about it was to build up the whole 'Fish out of water' idea. Make him seem somewhat incompetent in early weeks, unable to handle the pressure, making a few mistakes. Have wrestlers keep coming and complaining to him and the like. Only for Jarrett to take him under his wing, and manipulate him into being his puppet and running the company as he sees fit. Only for eventually you to click on to what's happening and refuse to carry out Jarrett's orders. Still I wouldn't have you verbally stand up to Jarrett, as he'd knock you flat on yoru arse. Instead have someone else help you...it could possibly be a good way to have Raven/Jarrett go again. Raven helping another 'outsider' so to speak.

But then again it's your diary, and you're doing things a different way. :)

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I appreciate the input and I thought about doing it that way but I just don't like writing that way due to the fact that it makes the DOA seem weak when the DOA should be a strong symbol of authority and not someone who caters to the champ and does what the champ says when he says it. So thanx for the input and the PPV should be up in a couple of minutes because I have it written up just need to post it

"This world is full of dreamers, men who are willing to do whatever it takes to make their dreams a reality. Tonight one man attempts to make his dream a reality and tonight another man plans to crush that dream and bring this man back to life. One man claims it is his destiny to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, another man says it is his destiny to remain champion. And Now will dreams be crushed or will destines be fulfilled? Only Time Will Tell. And NOW Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Presents Destination X"

The camera shows the iMPACT Zone as Pyro goes off above the ring and on the stage and the camera zooms in on Mike Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Hello everybody, and welcome to another one of TNA's epic 3 hour Pay-Per-Views and tonight folks we have one hell of a shows lined up for you.

West: You are right Mike, nobody does Pay-Per-View like TNA and tonight the fans are going to be treated to another great card because tonight the NWA Tag Team Championship is on the line when America's Most Wanted defends against Team 3D. Also tonight the X-Division Title is on the line when Samoa Joe defends against Sting. Now you want to talk about something that has gotten personal this issue between Sting and Joe is about much more than a title is a matter of pride. Then Mike, the big daddy of 'em all.

Tenay: You are correct there Don, cause then the Main-Event will see Jeff Jarrett defending the NWA World Heavyweight Championship agaisnt "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage and with the stipulations Mr. Wilson made last night on iMPACT! you can be sure this will be an epic contest

West: You are right Mike, now if Jarrett has anyone interfere on his behalf he will lose the NWA World Title or if Jarrett uses the guitar he will lose the NWA Title and this has certainly added a new dimension to an already combustible NWA World Heavyweight Title Match.

Tenay: Don that's not all, we will see Kip James vs. Rhino and AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and then the debut that will change to face of TNA forever. Now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest

Some weird Techno Music plays throughout the iMPACT Zone as Low-Ki comes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Making his return to TNA, Low-Ki

"Hail Sabin" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Chris Sabin comes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Chris Sabin

Low-Ki and Sabin lockup. Ki grabs a side headlock and Sabin shoves him off into the ropes and Ki hits a shoulder tackle and Ki hits the ropes and Sabin gets up and leapfrogs Ki and Ki comes back and Sabin catches him with a Samoan Drop. Sabin makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Sabin picks Ki up and goes for the cradle shock but Ki slides down the back and grabs Sabin and hits a backbreaker across both knees and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ki picks Sabin up and whips him into the corner and goes running but Sabin catches him with a double boot to the face and Ki stumbles backwards and Sabin nails a running leg lariat. Sabin gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and waits for Ki to get up and goes for a cross body but Ki nails him with a dropkick in mid air. Ki picks Sabin up and goes for a Suplex but Sabin slides down his back and hits a bridging german suplex but only gets a 1 count. Sabin gets up and signals for the Cradle Shock as Ki gets up Sabin picks Ki up and goes for the Cradle Shock but Ki slides down the back and goes to lock in a Dragon Sleeper but Sabin spins around and goes for a Northern Lights Suplex but Ki counters going for a DDT but Sabin catches him on his shoulders and hits the Cradle Shock and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Chris Sabin

Match Quality: 84%

Crowd Reaction: 64%

Overall Rating: 74%

Tenay: Well Don, talk about an excellent match to set the tempo for what is sure to be a great Pay-Per-View event tonight. Don, if you had to pick one match to be looking forward to tonight over all others what match would it be?

West: Mike with a card as satacked as this it is a hard choice to make, but if I had to pick one there is nothing bigger than the Main-Event, Jeff Jarrett defending the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Christian Cage.

Tenay: Well Don, that is certainly going to be one awesome match tonight but I am most intrigued about Samoa Joe stepping into the ring with Sting for the X-Division Championship. Now up next we have Team 3D vs. AMW for the NWA Tag Team Championship and I understand Shane Douglas is standing by with Team 3D so now let's go to Shane with Team 3D

Shane Douglas: Hey everybody, it's "The Franchise" Shane Douglas and I am standing by with Team 3D as they prepare for their NWA Tag Team Championship Match against America's Most Wanted and guys I gotta know what is running through your minds as you prepare to face AMW here tonight for the NWA Tag Team Championship?

Brother Ray: What's running through our minds? Shane Douglas how can you honestly ask such a stupid question? We are focused on kicking AMW's ass and we are determined to walk out of Destination X as the new NWA World Tag Team Champions. Because you see Shane Douglas in our long careers we have held almost every major title in the world but throughout our entire career that has always been one title that has eluded us and before we can honestly call ourselves the greatest tag team ever we need to win the only tag team titles that mean anything anymore. We need to become NWA World Tag Team Champions and tonight that is exactly what we are going to do, so AMW you better be ready because we are coming for your titles and most importantly we are coming for a fight.

Brother Devon: OH MY BROTHER, TESTIFY!!!!!!!!!

Mike: Well DW it certainly looks like Team 3D is ready and now let's send it down to JB for the NWA Tag Team Title Match

JB: The Following contest is set for one-fall and is for the NWA World Tag Team Championship

Team 3D's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come walking down the ramp

Introducing First: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Team 3D

AMW's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Harris and James Storm come walking down the ramp with the NWA Tag Team Titles strapped around their waist

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the current NWA World Tag Team Champions, "Wildcat" Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm, America's Most Wanted

Ray and Storm start the match off by trading rights and lefts. Ray goes to whip Storm into the ropes but Storm counters and sends Ray into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Ray counters with a kick to the face and then nails a clothesline. Ray starts nailing Storm with rapid fire rights and lefts and then nails Storm with a big elbow to the forehead knocking Storm to the mat. Ray then drops a big elbow across Storm's chest and makes the cover buy only gets a 1 count. Ray picks Storm up and goes for a slam but Storm counters and hits a DDT and gets over in the corner and waits for Ray to get up and goes for a Superkick but Ray ducks and Storm turns around and Ray nails Storm with a stiff clothesline followed by a legdrop across the throat. Ray goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ray picks Storm up and whips him into the ropes but Storm counters and nails Ray with a desperation Superkick. Storm gets over to his corner and tags in Harris. Harris comes into the ring and waits for Ray to get up and goes for the Spear but Ray counters with a drop toe hold and Devon comes in and nails a big legdrop across the back on Harris' neck. Ray makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. The ref forces Devon to get up of the ring and Storm comes in with a steel chair and tosses it at Ray. Ray catches it and Storm Superkicks the chair into Ray's face. Ray turns around and Harris hits Ray with a spear and makes the cover and the Ref counts the 3 count.

Winners: America's Most Wanted

Match Quality: 85%

Crowd Reaction: 74%

Overall Rating: 79%

Tenay: Team 3D just got screwed, they were on the verge of defeating AMW and AMW knew that so they cheated to ensure that they remained NWA Tag Team Champions.

West: Like it or not Mike, AMW did what they thought they had to do to keep the NWA Tag Team Titles and they are still the NWA Tag Team Champions so it looks like mission completed I just don't like the way they went about it

Tenay: Well Don now it is time for Kip James vs. Rhino and for those of you who didn't catch where this all started lets show you

the screen shows a video of how Rhino vs. Kip James came about and shows the closing moments of Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino from iMPACT! a couple of weeks agao

Jarrett gets up and Rhino hits a right hand followed by a chop. Jarrett blocks a kick and hits a slam. Kip James comes running down the ramp as Rhino is using the ropes to get up. James grabs Rhino and pulls him down throat across the ropes and Rhino back into the Stroke by Jarrett and Jarrett gets the 3 count. Jarrett is in the ring celebrating as Kip James slides into the ring and waits for Rhino to get up and hits teh Famouser

Tenay: Now let's head backstage where Shane Douglas is with the "War Machine" Rhino

Douglas: What a great night of wrestling action we have had here so far tonight and the man that joins me next will be going into that ring next to face Kip James and that is "The War Machine" Rhino. Now Rhino, let me ask you, what is going on and why did Kip James attack you a couple weeks ago?

Rhino: Shane, your guess is as good as mine but the only thing that comes to mind is that he was sent by Jeff Jarrett which really when you think about it makes perfect sense, since Jeff Jarrett knows that anytime I step into the ring with him whether the NWA Title is on the line or not the outcome will be the same and that is Rhino's hand being raised at the end of the match. You see, Kip James is just another obstacle in the way of me reaching my goal and that is becoming the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, so Kip James you better be ready because tonight you will feel the GORE!!!!!!

Tenay: Well it certainly looks like Rhino is ready so let's send to JB for the next match.

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

Kip James' music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as he comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

Introducing First: Kip James

Rhino's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Rhino comes running out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The War Machine" Rhino

Rhino and James start the match off by brawling trading rights and lefts and James boots Rhino in the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker followed by a legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. James waits for Rhino to get up and goes for a clothesline but Rhino ducks and James bounces off the ropes and Rhino catches him with a powerslam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Rhino picks James up and goes for a suplex but James slides down the back and grabs Rhino for the One and Only but Rhino counters and gets behind James and hits a belly to back suplex. Rhino hops up to the second turnbuckle but James gets up and nails Rhino in the midsection and James bounces off the ropes and leaps up going for the famouser but Rhino catches him and hits a powerbomb. Rhino gets up and gets in the corner waiting for James to get up and goes for the GORE but James moves out of the way and Rhino comes back and James boots him in the gut and goes for the famouser but Rhino moves out of the way and hits the ropes and nails James with a GORE and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Rhino

Match Quality: 79%

Crowd Reaction: 74%

Overall Rating: 76%

Tenay: Well Don yet another example as to why there is nothing like a TNA Pay-Per-View and still to come tonight we have the X-Division Title on the line when Samoa Joe defends against Sting and also the Main-Event when Jeff Jarrett defends the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Christian Cage

West: Folks if this doesn't show you what TNA is truly about nothing else will and also tonight we have one of the best matches you will ever see when Christopher Daniels steps into the ring against AJ Styles. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall.

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Bobby Roode and Petey Williams come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, they represent Team Canada, Bobby Roode & Petey Williams

The Naturals music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas come walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the team of Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

Douglas and Williams start the match off by tying-up. Williams grabs a side headlock and Douglas shoves him offf into the ropes and goes for a hip toss but Williams counters with a DDT. Williams waits for Douglas to get up and goes for a side leg lariat but Douglas ducks and Williams hits the mat. Douglas picks Williams up and delivers a stalling vertical suplex followed by a series of 3 elbows across the chest and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Douglas picks Williams up and boots him in the gut and hits the ropes but when Douglas comes back Williams catches him in a powerslam followed by a legdrop. Williams gets to the corner and tags in Bobby Roode. Roode waits for Douglas to get up and runs at him nailing him with a stiff clothesline and Douglas hits the mat hard. Douglas gets back up and Roode hits a running shoulder block followed by a knee drop across the forehead and Roode makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Roode picks Douglas up and puts him over his shoulde and drops him face first on the top turnbuckle and by the time Douglas turns around Roode hits the ropes and nails a clothesline turning Douglas inside out. Roode makes the cover but Stevens comes in and breaks up the cover. Williams hits the ring and nails Stevens with a Superkick. Douglas goes after Williams but Williams shoves him backwards and Roode bounces off the ropes and nails the Northern Lariat. Roode, deciding not to go for the cover tags in Williams and Roode picks Douglas up as Williams boots him in the gut and hits the Canadian Destroyer. Williams makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winners: Team Canada

Match Quality: 82%

Crowd Reaction: 61%

Overall Rating: 71%

Tenay: Don, talk about a totally one-sided contest, The Naturals didn't stand a chance in that match and it looks like Team Canada are determined to make sure everyone realizes that they are the most dominant force here in TNA.

West: Well Mike it certainly seems that way, but up next we have a very intriguing match if I do say so myself because we will see "The Monster" Abyss stepping into the ring "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy.

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

Abyss' music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Father James Mitchell lead Abyss out of th entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "The Monster" Abyss

Jeff Hardy's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Hardy comes out of the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: He is "The Charismatic Enigma", Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy and Abyss lock-up. Abyss whips Hardy into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline followed by dropping an elbow across Hardy's throat. Abyss makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Abyss picks Hardy up and sends him into the ropes and goes for the Black Hole Slam but Hardy spins around him and hits a headscissors takedown. Hardy hits a flipping legdrop on Abyss and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Hardy waits for Abyss to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Twist of Fate but Abyss counters and hits Hardy with a PowerSlam. Abyss waits for Hardy to get up and grabs him and goes for a chokeslam but Hardy counters by booting him in the gut causing Abyss to let him down. Hardy boots Abyss in the gut and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope. Hardy goes for the Swanton but Mitchell gets up on the apron and shoves Hardy off the top turnbuckle and causes him to land throat first on the top rope. Hardy stumbles backward and Abyss catches him with a Black Hole Slam. Mitchell grabs a chair and slides it into ring and Abyss waits for Hardy to get up and goes to hit him but Hardy catches him with a drop toe hold causing Abyss to fall into the turnbuckle and causing the chair to bounce back into Abyss' face. Abyss stumbles backwards and Hardy boots him in the gut and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb. Hardy makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Match Quality: 73%

Crowd Reaction: 68%

Overall Rating: 70%

Tenay: This why TNA is the New Face of Professional Wrestling, because all of our guys come out here and give it everything they have night in and night out. Don, what a match we just saw between two of the top competitors here in TNA and what awesome finish.

West: Well Mike, this has certainly been an interesting night of TNA action and we still have the X-Divison Title to be defended and the World Title along with Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles. Now I understand that Shane Douglas is backstage with Sting so let's send it to Shane with Sting

Douglas: Sting, over the past few weeks we have seen alot of things transpire between you and Samoa Joe and tonight it all comes to a head when Samoa Joe puts the X-Division Title on the line coming up next

Sting: Well Shane Douglas, as far as the X-Division title goes this match is about alot more than the X-Division Title, this match about me getting my revenge for Samoa Joe costing me an opportunity at the NWA World Title. Because I can kind of understand Joe's point of view in that he has been undefeated here ever since he came to TNA and I can also understand that he feels he should have beenin the #1 Contender's Tournament but you see that is not my problem and Joe should be upset at management. Now tonight when I step into the ring Joe the X-Division Title doesn't matter, all that matters is tonight I am going to prove to Samoa Joe why I am the "Franchise" and what I am going to be the next X Division Champion of the World

Douglas: There you have it from Sting, now let's send it JB for more Destination X action.

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall and is for the X Division Championship of the World.

Samoa Joe's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Samoa Joe comes walking out of the entrance tunnel with the X Division Title draped over his shoulder

JB: Introducing First: From Samoa, he is "The Undefeated, Samoa Submission Machine" and the X Division Champion of the World, Samoa Joe

Sting's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as fog fills the entrance tunnel and Sting steps through the fog and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: This is Sting

As soon as Sting steps through the ropes Samoa Joe attacks him knocking him outside the ring. Joe picks Sting up and throws him into the guard rail outside the ring followed by ramming him face first into the ring post. Joe picks up a chair and goes to hit Sting but Sting ducks and the chair collides with the ring post. Sting catches Joe with a shot to the gut and hits a DDT on the floor. Sting picks Joe up and sends him into the guard rail but Joe counters and sends Sting back first into the guard rail. Joe grabs a steel chair and sets it up at the corner of the guard rail and places Sting in the chair. Joe goes to the other side and comes running and smashes Sting's face into the guard rail with the Ole Ole Kick. Joe picks Sting up and rolls him into the ring and Joe gets in the ring and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Joe picks Sting up and whips him into the corner and goes for a Avalanche Splash but Sting moves out of the way and Joe hits the corner chest first and as Joe stumbles backwards out of the corner Sting bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Sting drops a legdrop across Joe's throat and makes the cover but Joe powers out after the 1 count. Sting locks in a sleeper hold and the ref asks Joe if he wants to give up but Joe starts battling out of the hold and nails Sting with repeated elbows in the stomach and picks Sting up and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Joe picks Sting up and whips him into the ropes and catches him with a elbow to the gut and then bounces off the ropes and nails Sting in the head with a stiff kick to the head followed by a DDT. Joe makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Joe grabs Sting's arm and locks in an armbar but Sting trips Joe up and grabs his legs going for the Scorpion Deathlock but Joe counters and nails Sting with a kick to the head knocking Sting down to the mat. Joe gets up and grabs ahold of Sting and locks in the Kokina Clutch. The ref asks Sting if he wants to give up and Sting says no but Sting passes out and the ref lifts Sting's arm and it drops 3 times and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Match Quality: 75%

Crowd Reaction: 82%

Overall Rating 79%

After the match is over Joe gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. Joe picks the chair up and nails Sting across the back. Joe places the chair in the middle of the ring and picks Sting up and whips him into the corner. Joe puts Sting up on the second turnbuckle then up onto his shoulders and he runs across the ring and hits a Muscle Buster on top of the steel chair. Joe stands there staring at Sting for a few more seconds before the ref hands him the X Division Title and he leaves the ring

Tenay: Don, I can understand Samoa Joe doing whatever it takes to win a match but there was no cause for what he did to Sting after the match and I bet you if Sting has anything to say about it this issue between him and Joe is far from over

West: Well Mike, I guess Samoa Joe thought he had to teach Sting a lesson and while I don't agree with the way he did it I can undestand why he did what he did you Sting and you can be sure we haven't seen the end of it between these 2 men

Tenay: Wrestling Fans do we have a treat for, coming up next we have AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and you can be sure both of these men will give it everything they have in the middle of that ring

Christopher Daniels music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Christopher Daniels comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: He is "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles walks through it poses and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: He is "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles.

Styles and Daniels lock up. Styles grabs a side headlock and Daniels shoves him off into the ropes and when Styles comes back Daniels leapfrogs him and Styles hits the ropes again and Daniels goes for a hip toss but Styles spins around and counters with a hurracanrana. Styles goes for a spinning legdrop but Daniels moves out of the way and Styles hits the mat and when Styles gets up Daniels runs at Styles and goes for the STO but Styles counters and hits a release Northern Lights Suplex followed by a legdrop and elbow across the throat. Styles makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Styles picks Daniels up in a vertical suplex and drops him down into a neckbreaker. Styles gets out of the ring and waits for Daniels to get up and springs into the ring but Daniels catches him with a powerslam and then bounces off the ropes and nails a knee drop across the forehead. Daniels picks Styles up and goes for a Urinagi Suplex but Styles counters with a Tornado DDT. Styles gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and waits for Daniels to get up and goes for a cross body but Daniels moves out of the way and Styles crashes to the mat. Styles gets up and Daniels goes running at him and hits the STO and locks in the Koji Clutch. The ref asks Styles if he wants to give up but Styles says no and the fans start rallying behind AJ and AJ starts moving around on the mat and spins up onto his feet and throws his body over bridging putting Daniels shoulders to the mat but only gets a 1 count. Styles waits for Daniels to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Daniels counters with a back drop and when AJ gets up he catches him with a stiff clothesline. Daniels waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and hits a Urinagi Suplex and then goes over to the corner and bounces up to the second turnbuckle and springs up to the top rope and hits the Best Moonsault Ever and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Daniels waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Angel's Wings but Styles counters with a release overhead suplex. Styles waits for Daniels to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Daniels counters and slides through his legs and goes for the last rights but Styles counters and boots Daniels in the gut and hits the Styles Clash to gets the 3 count.

Winner: AJ Styles

Match Quality: 100%

Crowd Reaction: 83%

Overall Rating: 91%

Tenay: Well Don, talk about another classic match between two of the pioneers of the X Division and two of the greatest competitors in the world. Styles and Daniels just showed the world why they are two of the greatest competitors in the world

West: Well Mike, AJ Styles and Christopher are always great when they step into that ring and they are true artists and pioneers in the fast paced X Division Style.

Tenay: Well Don, it looks like it is time for the Main-Event and what a Main-Event we have for you fans. Jeff Jarrett stepping into the ring against Christian Cage with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Now with the new stipulations that Mr. Wilson made for this match last night it is certainly going to provide an even playing field. Now let's go backstage where Shane Douglas is standing by with "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Shane Douglas: Christian Cage, the time has finally come. Your first shot at the World Heavyweight Title and it is against Jeff Jarrett. Now tonight what I want ot know is what are your thoughts going into this match?

Christian Cage: Shane, for 12 years I have toiled in the professional wrestling industry in lure of one day becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Now I admit, there were times when it looked like that wasn't going to happen but now the time has come and it is Christian Cage's time because you see, all of these fans are smarter than Jeff Jarrett gives them credit for and they know what they want to see and that is not Jeff Jarrett walking around with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. These people want to see the NWA World Heavyweight Championship get injected with a shot of Charisma and that is exactly what I am going to give them, so Jeff Jarrett get ready cause your looking at the next NWA World Heavyweight Champion

Tenay: Well folks it is now time for the Main-Event and Jeff Jarrett defending the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage. Now let's send it to the ring for you Destination X Main-Event

"My World" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship strapped around his waist

Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as the lights go out and when they come back on Christian Cage is standing there on the ramp and starts walking toward the ring

JB: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is your Destination X Main-Event of the evening and it is for the NWA Heavyweight Championship of the World. When the bell rings the referee in charge of the action, TNA Senior Official Rudy Charles

Introducing First: He weighed in this morning at 230 pounds, originally from Toronto, Canada now residing in Tampa, Florida, he is the #1 Contender, he is "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Introducing His Opponent: From Nashville, Tennessee he weighed in this morning at 237 pounds, he "The King of the Mountain" and the current NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, Jeff Jarrett.

Jarrett and Cage lock up and Jarrett grabs a side headlock and Cage shoves him off into the ropes and knocks Jarrett down with a shoulder tackle. Cage hits the ropes as Jarrett gets back up and nails him with a clothesline followed by a legdrop and then a elbow across the throat. Cage makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage waits for Jarrett to get up and boots him in the gut and bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker followed by a legdrop and then a knee drop across the forehead. Cage picks Jarrett up and hits a vertical suplex followed by a legdrop across the throat and then a elbow across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Christian picks Jarrett up but Jarrett nails Christian with a show to the gut and follows it up with an attempted swinging neckbreaker but Chrisian counters with a reverse atomic drop and then bounces off the ropes and hits Jarrett with a clothesline. Christian grabs Jarrett's legs and locks in a sharpshooter. Christian sits back and applies pressure and Jarrett tries to shove him off but Cage applies more pressure and Jarrett crawls over to the ropes forcing Cage to break the hold. Cage goes to pick Jarrett up but the ref steps into the way and when Cage goes back to Jarrett, Jarrett nails him with a low-blow and hits the stroke. Jarrett makes the cover but Cage gets his shoulder up right before the 3 count. Jarrett gets out of the ring and grabs the guitar and waits for Cage to get up and goes to hit him with it but the ref takes guitar away from Jarrett and puts the guitar out of the ring. Jarrett picks Cage up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a powerslam but Cage counters with a Torado DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage picks Jarrett up and boots him in the gut and goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Jarrett counters with a elbow to the gut and goes for the Stroke but Cage spins out of it and hits the Unprettier and makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner & NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion: "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

JB: Here is your winner and NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Tenay: Christian Cage has finally climbed the mountain and is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. DW, what a a night of great action topped off with a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion

West: Well Mike, it looks like the rest of Planet Jarrett is giving him any time to celebrate because here comes Monty Brown and AMW

Monty Brown and AMW hit the ring and they start attacking Christian Cage when the camera fades to the backstage area where a limo has just arrived and a man steps out of it and the camera shows just the feet. The camera fades back to the iMPACT! Zone as Planet Jarrett keeps putting the boots to Christian Cage when the lights go out and a countdown appears on the screen.






And then the word JERICHO flashes across the screen as some rock music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone. The lights come back on and a man is standing on the stage with his back to the crowd with his arms stretched out and he turns around and it CHRIS JERICHO.

Tenay: OH MY GOD!!!! I knew that this was going to be a major signing for TNA but I had no idea it was going to be this big. Chris Jericho has come to TNA and boy Don did you ever think you would see something this big on a TNA Pay-Per-View?

West: Well Mike, you never know what you are going to get when you watch a TNA Pay-Per-View but no-one would have ever expected it to be something this big and look out Jericho is heading to the ring

Jericho goes running down the ramp and Monty Brown goes to attack Jericho but Jericho hits him with a standing enziguri. Jericho gets up and Chris Harris goes running at him but Jericho back drops him over the top rope. Storm is waiting for Jericho to turn around but Christian Cage comes from behind and hits an Unprettier on James Storm leaving Jeff Jarrett in the ring by himself. Jarrett gets up and stares at Jericho and Jericho takes him down and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. The ref comes into the ring and hands Christian Cage the NWA World Heavyweight Title and Christian Cage gets up on the second turnbuckle and poses for the audience and Jericho finally lets go of the Walls. Cage hops down from the second turnbuckle and he and Jericho embrace and the show goes off the air with Jericho holding Christian Cage's arm in the and Christian Cage has the NWA World Heavyweight Title held high over his head.

Overall Show Rating: 78%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The problem there is the age thing. An 18-year-old suddenly becomes the DOA of the second biggest wrestling federation in the USA, and is actually confident enough to do it? YI's idea of actually emphasising your character's inxperience here is an excellent one, and to sweeten the deal it would set up a possible feud (for want of a better word) - when the young DOA finally realises that Jarrett's been playing him all this time. It could even end up being similar to a Vince/Austin feud (except with the alignments reversed, of course)

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IPB Image

The opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera pans in on the iMPACT! Zone as pyro goes off above the ring and then zooms in on Mike Tenay & Don West

Tenay: Well Don, we are hot off the heels of an excitinng Destination X Pay-Per-View and the shocking debut of the newest member of the TNA Roster, Chris Jericho and do we have an excellent show lined up tonight

West: Well not to mention Mike the fact that there is a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion in "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage and tonight we will hear from both him and Chris Jericho and from what I understand Mr. Wilson has a announcement to make about the Main-Event of our next Pay-Per-View Unbreakable

Tenay: Well Don it was certainly another great epic 3-Hour Pay-Per-View that TNA put on and as you said Don we crowned a NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion in "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage and now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest cause your 60-Minute Adrenaline Rush has just begun

JB: The opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

Low-Ki's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Low-Ki comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Low-Ki

"Copacabana" by Barry Manilow hits the PA as Colt Cabana comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent making his Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Debut, "Classic" Colt Cabana

Low-Ki hits a dropkick to the knee knocking Cabana to his knees and then Ki nails a stiff kick to the side of the head and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ki picks Cabana up and goes for Ki Krusher but Cabana counters and slides down the back and hits a reverse DDT and then drops a legdrop across the throat followed by an elbow drop and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cabana picks Ki up and hits a bodyslam and hits the ropes and comes back with a legdrop and gets up and drops a knee across the head followed by a elbow drop. Cabana picks Ki up and boots him in the gut hits a swinging neckbreaker followed by a fist drop. Cabana picks Ki up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a powerslam but Ki counters with a DDT. Ki picks Cabana up and whips him into the ropes and catches him with a elbow to the gut and bounces off the ropes and goes for the a kick to the face but Cabana catches the leg and pulls Ki in for a clothesline. Cabana picks Ki up and boots him in the gut and hits the Colt 45 and makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Match Quality: 93%

Crowd Reaction: 63%

Overall Reaction:78%

Tenay: What a great way for Colt Cabana to debut here in TNA with a victor over Low-Ki. Now folks I understand the DOA is standing by backstage in his office with an announcement concerning the Main-Event of Unbreakable

The camera shows the backstage area and the office of Director of Authority Mr. Wilson

Wilson: Well first of all I would like to say that I hope all of you fans enjoyed the awesome Pay-Per-View that was Destination X and I would like to congratulate Christian Cage on becoming the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Now let's shift focus to our next 3-Hour Pay-Per-View on Sunday April 16, 2006 and that is Unbreakable and my announcement tonight concerns not only Christian Cage but the newest member of the roster Chris Jericho and it also involves Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown. Because at Unbreakable it will be Christian Cage teaming up with Chris Jericho to face Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown. Also at Unbreakable it will a rematch from Destination X when America's Most Wanted puts the NWA Tag Team Championship on the line against Team 3D only this time it will be a Tables Match

The camera pans back to Mike and Don

Tenay: What a major announcement by the DOA, at Unbreakable it will be Christian Cage & Chris Jericho against Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown in the Main-Event and the DOA also booked AMW to defend the NWA tag team titles against Team 3D in a tables match.

West: Well Mike that looks like a great Main-Event for Unbreakable and also Team 3D vs. AMW in a Tables Match. Now we are set for more action in the ring so lets send it down to JB for the next match

JB: The following X Division Contest is set for one-fall

"Hail Sabin" is heard throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Sabin comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, Chris Sabin

Christopher Daniels' music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Christopher Daniels comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels gets in the ring and just attacks Sabin. Daniels picks Sabin up and hits a vertical suplex followed by a legdrop across the throat. Daniels makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Daniels picks Sabin up and hits a Urinagi Suplex and then he goes over to the corner and jumps up onto the second turnbuckle and springs up to the top and hits the Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels picks Sabin up and boots him in the gut and hits the Angel's Wings and makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

Match Quality: 82%

Crowd Reaction: 73%

Overall Reaction: 77%

Tenay: Well Don, tonight Samoa Joe is stepping into the ring with AJ Styles and it is certainly going to be a great match, but up next we have Team 3D vs. Team Canada and Team 3D definitely needs to get some momentum when they go into their table match against AMW at Unbreakable.

West:Mike, America's Most Wanted will definitely have their work cut out for them cause they are wrestling Team 3D's match when they put the NWA Tag Titles on the line against Team 3D in a Tables Match. Now let's get down to JB for our next match on iMPACT!

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Petey Williams and Bobby Roode come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall. Introducing First, Petey Williams & Bobby Roode, Team Canada.

Team 3D's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponents: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Team 3D

Ray and Williams start the match out. Ray whips Williams into the ropes and hits a powerslam followed by a elbow drop across the throat and then a legdrop. Ray picks Williams up and whips him into the ropes and goes for the hip toss but Williams counters and hits a ace crusher and Ray staggers backwards and Williams hits him with a dropkick into the ropes and Ray comes back and Williams hits a DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams waits for Ray to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Ray counters and hits a sitout spinebuster. Ray picks Williams up and whips him into the ropes and catches him with a Samoan Drop and Ray goes for a big splash but Williams moves out of the way and Ray hits the mat. Williams gets over to the corner and tags in Roode who waits for Ray to get up and waits for Ray to get up and hits a stiff clothesline and follows it up with a knee drop across the forehead and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Roode picks Ray up and hits a stalling vertical suplex and then drops a elbow across the throat. Roode picks Ray up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a powerslam but Ray counters and DDT's Roode. Williams comes into the ring and boots Ray in the gut and Roode hits the ropes and goes for the Northern Lariat but Ray moves out of the way and Roode bounces off the other set of rope and Devon comes into the ring and lifts Roode up and Ray comes running and they hit the 3D. Devon throws Williams out of the ring as Ray makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winners: Team 3D

Match Quality: 78%

Crowd Reaction: 66%

Overall Rating: 72%

Tenay: Well Don, it certainly seems like Team 3D are gathering steam as they gear up to face AMW for the NWA Tag Team Championship at Unbreakable.

West: Well Mike it certainly looks like they are and honestly I don't think they need much more of an advantage considering the fact that it is a tables match and they plays right into Team 3D's strengths. Now let's send it backstage where the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage is standing by along with the newest member of the TNA Roster Chris Jericho and let's go back there right now

Shane Douglas: Well, Well, Well it's the "Franchise" Shane Douglas here with the newest member of the TNA Roster Chris Jericho and the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage. Now Gentleman I am sure that you heard the announcement Mr. Wilson amde about the main-event of Unbreakable and I just want to get your thoughts on it/

Jericho: You see, I came here to TNA for just one reason, and that was to find the very best competition in the world and on my very first night here I see a group of guys assaulting one person and that seemed very familiar to me so I decided to take it upon myself to make sure that as long as Chris Jericho was around that was never going to happen again. Now I find out that in my very first match here in TNA I am set to team up with this man here the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage to square off against Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown in the Main-Event of Unbreakable and you want to know what my thoughts are. You see ever since I left the company up north all I heard was how good TNA is and how they have some of the best kept secrets in the wrestling world so I started watching and I began to agree with all the fans but then I see something that seems familiar and that is a man that continues to suck and continues to dominate the title scene and he won't give up the title so I made it my goal to come down here and make a change to that but by the time I got here someone else and had already done that and I am happy for them and now the only thing left is to get that person out of this promotion for good so you fans can start seeing exactly what you want and that is good wrestling. Now as far as Monty Brown goes, I have nothing against Monty Brown except for the fact that he hangs around with that assclown Jeff Jarrett and that proves that he doesn't have a mind of his own, so Monty, Jeff you boys better be ready cause at Unbreakable you time on top is going to be over

Christian Cage: Chris you made alot of valid points and you made all of the same points that I have made ever since my debut here in TNA. You see TNA is supposed to be about wrestling, and the guys in this locker room going out there and giving it their all night in and night out and now that a true champion has rosen to the top that is what the fans will get. Now as far as Unbreakable goes I have defeate Monty Brown before and I have proven that I can defeat Jeff Jarrett and now with a tag team partner like Chris Jericho these two men stand absolutely no chance 'cause That's How WE Roll!!!!!

Tenay: Well Don, it certainly seems like Christian Cage & Chris Jericho are ready for Unbreakable and now it is time for tonight's Main-Event and fans do we have a great Main-Event for you

West: Boy do we Mike, because tonight in that ring Samoa Joe steps into the ring with AJ Styles and while the X-Division Title is not on the line both of these men are sure to give you fans a match to remember

JB:The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening

Samoa Joe's music hits the PA as he comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp with the X Division Title draped over his shoulder

JB: Introducing First: He is the current X Division Champion of the World and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe

"I Am" plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles step through and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Styles steps through the ropes and Joe attacks him knocking him out of the ring to the floor. Joe picks Styles up in a bodyslam and rams him into the turnbuckle and then slams him on the mat. Joe picks Styles up and whips him into the guard rail but Styles jumps up onto the guard rail and leaps off at Joe with a cross body. Styles waits for Joe to get up and boots him in the gut and goes to throw him into the guard rail but Joe counters and throws Styles back first into the side of the ring and then picks him up and drops him throat first across the guard rail. Joe picks Styles up and rolls him into the ring and slides in and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Joe waits for Styles to get up and nails him with a kick to the ribs and Styles grabs his ribs and Joe nails Styles with a stiff kick to the head and bounces off the ropes and nails Styles with a kick to the side of the head knocking Styles to the mat. Joe bounces off the ropes and nails a running a knee drop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Joe picks Styles up and whips him into the corner and goes over to the corner and places Styles up on the second turnbuckle and goes for the Muscle Buster but Styles counters with a Tornado DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Styles waits for Joe to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Joe counters and hits Styles with a series of stiff kicks to the ribs and head followed by bouncing off the ropes and nailing a big kick to the face. Joe locks on the Kokina Clutch and AJ Styles blacks out and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Match Quality: 89%

Crowd Reaction 76%

Overall Rating: 82%

After the match Joe gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and gets back in the ring. Joe places the chair on the mat in the center of the ring and grabs AJ Styles and pulls him over to the corner and places him on the second turnbuckle and puts him on his shoulders and goes for the Muscle Buster but Sting comes running down the ring and Joe drops Styles. Joe grabs the chair and goes to nail Sting but Sting nails Joe in the gut with the baseball bat and then hits Joe in the leg with the bat taking Joe down to the mat. Sting grabs Joe's legs and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock until Joe powers out of it sending Sting to the outside of the ring.

The show goes off the air as Sting and Joe are staring at each other

Overall Show Rating: 76%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera zooms in on the iMPACT! Zone as pyro goes off above the ring and the camera then pans to Mike Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Hello everyone and welcome to iMPACT! on SpikeTV and Don do we have a great show for the fans tonight. Coming up in the hour we will see the "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe stepping into the ring with Chris Sabin and also in the Main-Event the "War Machine" Rhino will be going one-on-one with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown and we will hear from Sting tonight.

West: Mike, also tonight we will se the debut of "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk when he steps into the ring with "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles and I have seen Punk in the ring before and I can assure you that AJ won't have a easy challenge tonight. Now let's send it down to the JB for the opening contest tonight

JB: The opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV and is set for one-fall

Samoa Joe's music hits the PA and Joe comes out of the entrance tunnel with the X Division Title draped over his shoulder and continues walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: He is the reigning X Division Champion of the World and is the Undefeated "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe

"Hail Sabin" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Sabin comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Chris Sabin

As soon as Sabin steps through the ropes Joe nails him with a series of stiff kicks to the ribs and follows that up with a stiff clothesline knocking Sabin to the mat and then bounces off the ropes and hits a knee drop across the forehead. Joe picks Sabin up and sends him into the corner and nails him with a running clothesline knocking Sabin down in the corner. Joe goes and does a face wash. Joe picks Sabin up and places him on the second turnbuckle and places him on his shoulders and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe locks in the Kokina Clutch and Sabin passes out and the ref calls for the bell

Winner: Samoa Joe

Match Quality: 85%

Crowd Reaction: 67%

Overall Rating: 76%

Tenay: Well Don, Samoa Joe with another impressive victory here tonight and Don, can anyone stop Joe?

West: Well Mike I don't know if anyone can but I can guarantee you the men will be lining up to try and do just that and from what we saw last week it looks like Sting might have something to say about that. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match here on iMPACT!

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

"Miseria Cantare" by AFI blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as the lights go out and CM Punk steps out of the entrance tunnel and a spotlight hits him as he does the Straight Edge pose and the lights come back up as Punk goes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: he is "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles steps through poses and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: he is "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Punk and Styles lock up. Styles grabs a side headlock and Punk shoves him off into the ropes and goes for a hip toss but Styles counters and delivers a hurracanrana and as soon as Punk gets up Styles nails him with a dropkick followed by a legdrop to the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Styles picks Punk up and goes for a suplex but Punk slides down the back and delivers a bridging german suplex but only gets a 1 count. Punk picks Styles up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Devil's Lock DDT but Styles counters with a release northern lights suplex. Styles gets out of the ring and waits for Punk to get up and springs up to the top rope and leaps at Punk but Punk moves out of the way and Styles crashes to the mat. Punk waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and locks him in a hammerlock and hits the Devil's Lock DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Punk waits for Styles to get up and boots nails him with a shot to the gut and then locks Styles up in a hammerlock and goes for the Pepsi Twist but Styles spins out of it and hits a bridging northern lights suplex but only gets a 2 count. Styles gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and waits for Punk to get up and leaps at him and goes for a hurracanrana but Punk counters with a sit out powerbomb and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk picks Styles up and whips him into the corner and Punk gets out of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle and pulls Styles up and signals for the Pepsi Plunge but Styles counters with a back drop sending Punk crashing to the mat. Styles gets up to the top turnbuckle and waits for Punk to get up and hits a missile dropkick. Styles makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Styles gets up and waits for Punk to get up and boots him in the gut and hits the Styles Clash and gets the 3 count.

Winner: AJ Styles

Match Quality: 81%

Crowd Reaction: 74%

Overall Rating: 77%

Tenay: What a great match and an awesome effort by the debuting CM Punk. Now Don, from what I understand Shane Douglas is standing by backstage with a man that is preparing to make his in-ring return here in TNA and that man is Jerry Lynn, so let's send it backstage to Shane Douglas with Jerry Lynn

Shane Douglas: I am here with one of the true pioneers of the X Division, Jerry Lynn and I am told that you have something you want to say.

Lynn: Well Shane as you know, I am a very gifted in-ring performer and I have been petitioning TNA Management for quite some time to be able to step into the ring again and they have finally granted my request and I will have my first match back at Unbreakable. So what I am out here for now is to issue an open challenge to anyone who wants to step into the ring with a true X Division SuperStar

??????????? ???????: Well, Well, Well

The camera pans out the reveal Christopher Daniels walking into the screen

Christopher Daniels: Well it seems that management is desperate to have a decent match so they drag out one of the old dinosaurs and throw him out there for a match. Now Jerry, I have seen some of your work in the past and I think that it was great but you see old man you would have been better off if you stayed out of the way and let the real pioneers of the X Division show you how things work but since you didn't it is going to be my pleasure to finally put you out of the wrestling industry which is why I accept your open challenge and see you at Unbreakable old man.

Segment Rating: 58%

Tenay: Well Don, harsh words from a cocky Christopher Daniels and how dare he say those things a to a man that pioneered the X Division and now it is going to be Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn at Unbreakable and we will see which one of these men is the true X Division pioneer

West: Well Mike, Daniels did make at least one valid point, Jerry Lynn has been away from the ring for quite some time and now he is going to step back in there with one of the best the X Division has to offer and that man is "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match on iMPACT!

JB: The next contest on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

Colt Cabana's music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Colt Cabana comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "Classic" Colt Cabana

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Petey Williams comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Petey Williams

Williams and Cabana lock up and Cabana grabs a side headlock and Williams counters with a belly-to-back suplex and follows through with a elbow across the throat followed by a legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams waits for Cabana to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Cabana counters and hits a northern lights suplex followed by dropping a legdrop across the throat and then hits the ropes and hits Williams with a big splash and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cabana waits for Williams tog et up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Colt 45 but Williams counters and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Williams picks Cabana up and goes for a vertical suplex but Cabana slides down his back and waits for Williams to turn around and boots him in the gut and picks him up and hits the Colt 45. Cabana makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Colt Cabana

Match Quality: 90%

Crowd Reaction: 67%

Overall Rating: 78%

Tenay: Well Don, Colt Cabana certainly seems to be a on a roll he made his debut last week and defeated the unpredictable Low-Ki and then this week he defeats another top X Division Star in Petey Williams and the future only looks bright for Colt Cabana.

West: Well Mike, this certainly proves that only the best competition is found here in TNA and that on any given night anyone can gain a victory over anyone. Now, I understand that Shane Douglas is standing by backstage with Sting and he has something to say concerning Samoa Joe

Douglas: Hello fans, it's "The Franchise" here and I am standing by with the other franchise in professional wrestling and that is Sting. Now Sting, I understand that you have something to say about Samoa Joe, so let's hear it.

Sting: Whoooo, You know Shane Douglas, Samoa Joe is one hell of a wrestler and I have to give him credit at Destination X he defeated me fair in the middle of that ring and I have no problem with that, what I have a problem with is what Joe did to me after the match. Joe attempted to end my career by dropping me head-first on top of the steel chair and while it takes alot more than that to keep the Stinger down it sickens me that Joe would stoup that low. Then last week on iMPACT! I saw Joe attempt to do the same thing to AJ Styles and I couldn't let that happen so I went out there and served up a little bit of stinger justice. So now Samoa Joe, at Unbreakable I want you in that ring and since you like using chairs and guard rails and ring posts to win you matches how about we make it all legal and have a hardcore match? Joe if you got the guts you will answer my challenge.

Segment Rating: 84%

Tenay: Well Don it certainly looks like the Stinger wants anothe piece of Samoa Joe and talk about the interesting aspect of the match Sting wants it to be a hardcore match

West: Now if it was any other member of the TNA Roster I would say that it wasn't a wise move for someone to challenge Samoa Joe to a hardcore match but with it being Sting you know he must have something up his sleeve.

Tenay: Good point Don, now let's send it down to JB for you iMPACT Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening

Monty Brown's music hits the PA as he comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: He is "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Rhino's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Rhino comes running out of the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The Man Beast" Rhino

Rhino and Brown stare each other down as the bell rings and they both start firing lefts and rights at each other until Brown gains the advantage by nailing Rhino in the gut and then hits a swinging neckbreaker followed by a chokehold. The ref forces Brown to break the hold and Brown picks Rhino up and whips him into the ropes and goes for the Pounce but Rhino side steps Brown and Brown runs right into the turnbuckles, Brown turns around and Rhino nails a stiff running clothesline followed by a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Rhino waits for Brown to get up and goes for another clothesline but Brown counters with a spinebuster and goes for a legdrop but Rhino moves out of the way and Brown hits the mat. Rhino gets up and waits for Brown to get up and nails the GORE. Rhino makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Rhino

Match Quality: 78%

Crowd Reaction: 69%

Overall Rating: 73%

The show goes off the air with Rhino standing on the second tunbuckle celebrating hs victory

Overall Show Rating: 74%

We got a 4.45 rating for 'TNA iMPACT!'!

The attendance level was 3009 people.

We made $90270 from ticket sales.

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The Opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera shows the arena with pyro going off above the ring

Tenay: Hello fans and welcome to iMPACT! and in the middle of the ring we have the Director of Authority Mr. Wilson and I understand that he has something important to say

Wilson: I hope everyone has been enjoying iMPACT! over the past few weeks since I have been in charge and I hope that you have enjoyed the quality of matches you have gotten over th past few weeks. Now onto the reason I am out here......

Before Mr. Wilson can finish "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

Jarrett: Hold it right there Slap Nutz, before you come out here and start running your mouth I have something to get off my chest and that is how I got screwed out of the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Destination X when that no good lousy Christian Cage slid in the back door and stole my NWA World Heavyweight Title away from me and what I was wanting to know is what are you going to do about that?

Wilsn: Jarrett, now I know that you are a little upset about losing your NWA World Heavyweight Title but you were not screwed out of the NWA World Title. You see Jeff, Christian Cage won the #1 Contender's Tournament fair and square and went on to defeate you for the NWA World Title fair and square and there is really nothing else to say about that. Now if you don't mind I have an announcement to make.

Jarrett: Hold it right there Slap-Ass, unless your announcement is of when the "King" gets his rematch I really don't care what you announcement is

Wilson: Well Jeff, I don't see why you should get a World Title rematch because while you were the last NWA Champion you haven't done anything to prove to me that you deserve an NWA World Title Match which means until you do something to show me that you deserve a NWA World Title Match then the answer is no. Now back to why I came out here. I have been sitting back in my office and have seen what has been going on between Samoa Joe and Sting and I have seen how violent this thing has gotten with Joe getting completely out of control and then last week I hear Sting challenge Joe to a hardcore match at Unbreakable. Well I liked that idea which is why I am making it official, so at Unbreakable it will be Samoa Joe defending the X Division Championship against Sting in a HARDCORE MATCH.

Jarrett: Hold it right there Slappy, you are just like the rest of the TNA Management you are just out to screw me out of the NWA World Title and at Destination X you succeeded and now you are doing more of the same in not giving me my rematch. I don't think you have been around here long enough to learn who I am and what planet you are on. You see you are on Planet Jarrett and I run this place so while you may think it is you that has all the power I am truly the one with the Stroke and I can guarantee you, you haven't heard the last of this

Segment Rating: 53%

Tenay: Well Don there you heard it from the DOA himself, at Unbreakable it will be the undefeated "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe defending the X Division Title against Sting and it will be a Hardcore Match

West: Well Mike, that will definitely be a can't-miss match and what is going on with Jeff Jarrett? He seems to grow even more paranoid week after week

Tenay: Well Don, Jeff Jarrett thinks that TNA revolves around him and it must have been a shock to him to realize that TNA could go on without him as the champion. Now tonight we have another debuting talent in a former Ring of Honor World Champion "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson and he will be taking on "The Straight Edge" SuperStar CM Punk and then in the Main-Event Christian Cage will step into the ring with "The Monster" Abyss. Now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest here tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The opening contest on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

Some weird music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Bryan Danielson comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Making hits Total Nonstop Action Debut, he is "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

CM Punk's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out in the arena and CM Punk steps from the entrance tunnel and a spotlight hits him and he does teh Straight Edge pose and then continues down the ramp

Introducing The Opponent: he is "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Danielson and Punk lockup. Danielson grabs a side headlock and Punk shoves him off into the ropes and goes for a hip toss but Danielson counters and hits a hip toss of his own and when Punk gets up Danielson grabs him and hits a release overhead suplex. Danielson brabs Punk's arm and locks in a armbar and then springs up off the mat and comes down with his knees nailing Punk's arm. Danielson turns the armbar into an arm scissors and applies pressure to the hold until Punk rolls over and turns it into a pinning combination but only gets a 1 count. Danielson goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks and Danielson bounces off the ropes and on his way back Punk catches him with a powerslam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Punk waits for Danielson to get up and boots him in the gut and bounces off the ropes and hits a shining wizard followed by dropping a elbow across the throat and then a knee drop across the forehead and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk waits for Danielson to get up and whips him into the ropes and goes running but Danielson moves out of the way and Punk crashes into the corner and stumbles backwards and Danielson grabs him and hits a bridging german suplex but only gets a 2 count. Danielson waits for Punk to get up and goes for a Roaring Elbow but Punk ducks and Danielson turns around and Punk boots him in the gut and goes for the Pepsi Twist but Danielson counters with a overhead suplex and locks in the Cattle Mutilation forcing CM Punk to tap out.

Winner: "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Match Quality: 91%

Crowd Reaction: 62%

Overall Rating: 76%

Tenay: Well Don, Bryan Danielson with an impressive victory against CM Punk here in his debut in TNA and I certainly hope we get to see more of Bryan Danielson in the future.

West: Well Mike that was certainly an awesome contest and up next we have another great contest when AMW steps into the ring with the Naturals. AMW has certainly got their work cut out for them at Unbreakable and they are wrestling in Team 3D's match so that even puts the match more in Team 3D's favor. Now let's send it to JB for the next match

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall

The Naturals music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

AMW's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Harris and James Storm come walking out of the entrance tunnel with the NWA Tag Team Titles strapped around their waist

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the current NWA Tag Team Champions, "Wildcat" Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm, America's Most Wanted

Chris Harris and Chase Stevens start the match off. Harris and Stevens start trading rights and lefts until Harris nails Stevens with a knee to the gut and then hits the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker followed by a legdrop across the throat. Harris waits for Stevens to get up and goes for a slam but Stevens counters with a spinning DDT and waits for Harris to get up and goes for a superkick but Harris catches the leg and spins Stevens around and Stevens nails a spinning heel kick. Stevens gets over to the corner and tags in Douglas who comes in and nails Harris with a clothesline followed but another one and then a dropkick knocking Harris to the mat and then bounces off the ropes and hits a elbow drop followed by a leg drop and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Douglas waits for Harris to get up and goes for a hurracanrana but Harris catches him in a powerbomb position and Harris goes over to the corner and tags in Storm who climbs to the top rope and hits a clothesline knocking Douglas to the mat. Storm waits for Douglas to get up and goes for a superkick but Douglas ducks and clips Storm's knee. Douglas gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and waits for Storm to get up and goes for a cross body but Storm moves out of the way and Douglas hits the mat. Storm waits for Douglas to get up and nails the Superkick and makes the cover as Harris knocks Stevens to the floor and gets the 3 count

Winners: America's Most Wanted

Match Quality: 89%

Crowd Reaction: 62%

Overall Rating: 75%

After the match Chris Harris grabs a mic

Harris: Team 3D, I bet you think you have the card stacked in your favor don't you? Considering the fact that the Table's Match is known as your match but you see we are just some jobber Tag Team, we are the Tag Team that TNA was built only, we are the only 6-Time Tag Team Champions in TNA and we are going to prove you boys at Unbreakable what it takes to be a good tag team and what it takes to hold the only Tag Team Belts that ever mattered and that's the NWA Tag Team Championship Belts and if you boys can handle that then......


Tenay: Well, it looks like AMW are ready for Team 3D and at Unbreakable we will find out if they truly are ready. Now Don, it is time for Samoa Joe to step into the ring with another undefeated man here in TNA and that is the rookie Colt Cabana and while Cabana hasn't gotten such a long streak of victories like Joe has but he is on a major roll since his debut here in TNA.

West: Cabana has certainly impressed alot of people since his debut here in TNA but tonight he goes up against the massive "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe and I think his luck has just about run out.

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

Colt Cabana's music plays throughout the iMPACT Zone! as Colt Cabana comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "Classic" Colt Cabana

Samoa Joe's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Samoa Joe comes out of the entrance tunnel with the X Division Title draped over his shoulder and goes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: he is the "Undefeated, Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe

Joe gets in the ring and attacks Cabana. Joe throws Cabana out of the ring and gets out of the ring and grabs Cabana and throws him into the guard rail. Joe picks Cabana up and drops him throat first across the top of the guard rail followed by a stiff kick the ribs and a side kick to the chest knocking Cabana to the mat. Joe picks up a Steel Chair and waits for Cabana to get up and goes to nail Cabana with the chair but Cabana ducks and Joe turns around and Cabana hits a dropkick knocking the chair back into Joe's face and Cabana nails Joe with a gut shot and tries to throw him into the guard rail but Joe counters and sends Cabana head first into the guard rail. Joe picks Cabana up and rolls him into the ring and picks up a Steel Chair and throws it into the ropes and waits for Cabana to get up and goes to nail Cabana with the chair but Cabana ducks and the chair bounces off the ropes and back into Joe's face causing him to stumble backwards and Colt Cabana rolls him up and the ref makes the 3 count.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Match Quality: 86%

Crowd Reaction: 71%

Overall Rating: 78%

Tenay:COLT CABANA, COLT CABANA has done the impossible here tonight. Colt Cabana has defeated Samoa Joe, and Don you talk about an awesome victory this certainly was an incredible win in the career of Colt Cabana

West: Well Jon was obsessed with dishing out a beating and not just going for the win when he had a chance and that backfired on him and Colt Cabana was just in the right place at the right time. Uh-Oh, Samoa Joe doesn't look too happy, if I was Cabana I would get out of there

Joe picks up the steel chair and goes towards Cabana who rolls out of the ring and the ref is trying to get Joe out of the ring but Joe nails the ref with the steel chair and then picks the ref up and goes for the Muscle Buster but Sting hits the ring and Joe puts the ref down. Joe picks the chair up and goes to nail Sting, but Sting ducks and nails Joe in the gut with the baseball bat and then grabs him from behind and hits the Scorpion Death Drop

Tenay: Totally uncalled for by Samoa Joe, but thank god Sting got there before Joe did more damage to that official. Now let's go backstage where Shane Douglas is standing by with the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Shane Douglas: Christian Cage, first-of-all I would like to say congratulations on becoming the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion, now what I was wanting to know is what are you thoughts on what has been going on between you, Chris Jericho, Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown

Christian Cage: Well first-off, Thank You. Now onto Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown, you see I have only been here in TNA for a little over 4 months and the entire time I have been here I have had to deal with those two and quite frankly I am getting sick of all the two-on-one attacks so I went out and got myself a little backup and now that everything is on a even playing field it seems that all those two boys can do is whine and moan about them being screwed by TNA Management. It seems to me that they are just running scared and are just trying to come up with any excuse they can to try and justify there fear and this is all going to stop come Unbreakable when Chris Jericho and I shut both of there mouths and prove once and for all that we deserve to be here in TNA.

Segment Rating: 80%

Tenay: Some strong words from "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage directed at "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett and now it is time for your iMPACT! Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening

Abyss' music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Father James Mitchell leads Abyss out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: He is "The Monster" Abyss

Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Christian Cage comes walking out of the entrance tunnel with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Belt strapped around his waist and he comes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: He is the NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Christian steps through the ropes and before he can get undressed Abyss attacks him and whips him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Christian counters with a boot to the face and follows it up with a clothesline knocking Abyss out of the ring and Christian unhooks the NWA Title and takes his entrance attire off. Cage goes over to the side of the ring and propels himself out of the ring taking Abyss down to the floor and starts nailing Abyss with rights and lefts. Cage rolls back into the ring and as Abyss slides into the ring he drops a legdrop across the back of his neck and makes the cover but Abyss powers out after a 1 count. Cage waits for Abyss to get up and boots him in the gut and bounces off the ropes and goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Abyss catches him in a powerslam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Abyss picks Cage up and whips him into the ropes and goes for the Black Hole Slam but Cage counters with a Tornado DDT and follows it up with a elbow across the throat and then a legdrop across the throat. Cage waits for Abyss to get up and whips him into the corner and goes for a big splash but Abyss moves out of the way and Cage lands on the second turnbuckle and leaps off at Abyss with a cross body and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage waits for Abyss to get up and goes for the Unprettier but Abyss counters and goes for the Shock Treatment but Cage slides down his back and grabs him and hits the Unprettier and makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Christian Cage

Match Quality: 81%

Crowd Reaction: 70%

Overall Rating: 75%

After the match is over Jeff Jarrett comes running down the ramp with a guitar in hand as Abyss attacks Cage. Abyss holds Cage for Jarrett to hit with the guitar but Cage ducks and Jarrett nails Abyss with the Guitar and Cage clothesline Jarrett over the top rope as the ref hands Cage the NWA Title and Cage celebrates as iMPACT! goes off the air

Overall Show Rating: 73%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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  • 2 weeks later...

IPB Image

The opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera shows the iMPACT! Zone as pyro goes off above the ring and then zooms in on Mike Tenay and Don West

West: Also tonight we will see the man who is on a roll here in TNA Colt Cabana goes one-on-one with the man who will face Jerry Lynn tomorrow night and that is "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

Low-Ki's music is heard throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Low-Ki comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Low-Ki

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles walks through the pyro and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Oppoent: "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Ki and Styles lock-up and Styles grabs a side headlock but Ki counters with a back suplex and waits for Styles to get up and nails a stiff kick to the ribs followed but a double foot dropkick to the face and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ki waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the 'Ki Krusher but Styles counters with a reverse DDT and follows up with a spinning legdrop across the throat and hits the ropes and comes back with a elevated running knee drop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Styles waits for 'Ki to get up an dboots him in the gut and springs off the ropes and goes for a reverse DDT but 'Ki counters with a spinning kick to the ribs and Styles crash to the mat. 'Ki waits for Styles to get to his knees and bounces off the ropes and nails Styles with another dropkick to the face and 'Ki bounces off the ropes and nails a elbow followed by a legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. 'Ki waits for Styles to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the 'Ki Krusher but Styles slides down his back as 'Ki turns around and boots him in the gut and hits the Styles Clash and gets the 3 count

Winner: AJ Styles

Match Quality: 99%

Crowd Reaction: 77%

Overall Rating: 87%

Tenay: Don, this was another example of what makes TNA's X-Division so special. The world's top superstars getting into the ring and giving their all to prove that they deserve their spot here in TNA and maybe eventually earn a X Division Title Shot

West: Mike you are right, the X Division is one of the highlights of TNA and you have just seen what these X Division guys can do when given the opportunity and the only place they are going to get the chance to showcase their skills is right here in TNA

Tenay: Well Don, tonight we have Christian Cage teaming up with Rhino to square off against Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown but tomorrow night at Unbreakable Christian Cage is teaming up with Chris Jericho to face Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown and from what I have been told before we went on the air Mr. Wilson has signed Rhino to face CM Punk tomorrow night at Unbreakable. Don that adds to an already stacked card and should definitely be one of the best Pay-Per-Views that we have done here in TNA. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match here on iMPACT!

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Bobby Roode and Petey Williams come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Bobby Roode & Petey Williams, Team Canada

The Naturals music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponents: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

Stevens and Williams start the match off and Stevens foes for a dropkick but Williams shoves him out of the way and waits for Stevens to get up and boots him in the gut and hits a DDT and follows it up with a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams waits for Stevens to get up and goes for a snap suplex but Stevens counters with a reverse DDT but Williams spins around and hits a bridging Northern Lights Suplex but only gets a 1 count. Williams waits for Stevens to get up and goes for a superkick but Stevens catches the leg and spins Williams around and Williams hits a spinning heel kick and follows it up with a elbow drop across the chest and bounces off the ropes and hits a legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams waits for Stevens to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Stevens counters with a sitout spinebuster and crawls over to the corner and tags in Douglas. Douglas comes in and Williams goes for a boot to the gut but Douglas counters with a boot to the gut and bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Douglas waits for Williams to get up and goes for a superkick but Williams ducks and Douglas turns around and Bobby Roode comes running into the ring nails Douglas with the Northern Lariat knocking him into Williams who boots him in the gut and hits the Canadian Destroyer and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winners: Team Canada

Match Quality: 86%

Crowd Reaction: 59%

Overall Rating: 72%

Tenay: Well Don, Team Canada steals another one and hopefully someone will put an end to these Canadian sooner rather than later and shut up that fat load they call Coach D'Amore

West: Well Mike it certainly seems like Team Canada are not going to stop soon and there is no-one on this roster that has been able to put a stop to them so far.

Tenay: Well Don, let's send it down to JB for the next match here tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

Christopher Daniels music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Christopher Daniels comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Colt Cabana's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Colt Cabana comes walking out the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "Classic" Colt Cabana

Cabana and Daniels lock-up and Daniels grabs a side headlock but Cabana counters with a side suplex and goes for a legdrop but Daniels moves out of the way and Cabana hits the mat. Daniels waits for Cabana to get up and nails a dropkick and follows up with a elbow drop across the abdomen and follows with a leg drop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Daniels waits for Cabana to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Angel's Wings but Cabana counters with a bridging northern lights suplex but only gets a 1 count. Cabana waits for Daniels to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for a spinning neckbreaker but Daniels counters with a slam and goes over to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle and bounces up to the top turnbuckle and goes for the BME but Cabana moves out of the way and Daniels crashes to the mat. Cabana gets up and waits for Daniels to get up and boots him in the gut and springs off the ropes with a swinging neckbreaker and follows up with a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cabana waits for Daniels to get up and whips him into the ropes and Daniels counters with a Running STO. Daniels gets up from the mat and sees Jerry Lynn come walking down the ramp and Daniels taunts to Lynn. Daniels picks Cabana up and signals for the Angel's Wings but Cabana counters with a elbow to the gut and picks Daniels up and hits the Colt 45 and makes the cover for the 3 count

Winner: Colt Cabana

Match Quality: 83%

Crowd Reaction: 76%

Overall Rating: 79%

Tenay: Well Don if this issue between Daniels and Lynn wasn't already personal because of what Daniels said to Lynn last week it certainly is now cause Jerry Lynn just cost Daniels a match

West: Well Mike, all Jerry Lynn did was come out here to get a better vantage point at Christopher Daniels and Daniels lost his concentration and it certainly looks like these 2 are ready for each other tomorrow night at Unbreakable

Tenay: Well Don, speaking of Unbreakable I have just been informed that tomorrow night at Unbreakable CM Punk will be going one-on-one with "The War Machine" Rhino, and Also AJ Styles will take on Abyss so you talk about some great matches added to an already stacked card Unbreakable is going to be a can't miss event. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

"Hail Sabin" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Sabin comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Chris Sabin

Samoa Joe's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Samoa Joe comes walking down the ramp with the X Division Title draped over his shoulder

JB: Introducing The Opponent: He is the reigning X Division Champion of the World and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe

Joe steps through the ropes and attacks Sabin with a stiff kick to the ribs and follows up with a couple of kicks to the head and whips Sabin into the ropes and nails him with a kick to the face and goes for the cover but only gets a 1 count. Joe picks Sabin up and sends him into the corner and follows up with a big splash knocking Sabin down to the bottom turnbuckle. Joe takes his foot and delivers a Face Wash to the sabin followed by another and kicks Sabin out of the ring. Joe gets out of the ring and goes over to the guard rail and makes a fan get up and takes his chair and places it in the corner of the guard rail. Joe picks Sabin up and sets him in the chair and goes to the other side of the guard rail and comes running back with the Ole Ole Kick. Joe picks Sabin up and rolls him into the ring and Joe grabs the chair and slides it into the ring also. Joe picks Sabin up and sends him into the corner and places Sabin up on the second turnbuckle and puts him on his shoulders turns around goes running across the ring and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe makes the and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Match Quality: 85%

Crowd Reaction: 67%

Overall Rating: 76%

Tenay: Well Samoa Joe certainly showed the world that he is ready for Sting tomorrow night but Don Joe doesn't look like he's done

West: Well Joe has had a history of abusing his opponents and here recently Sting has taken it upon himself to put an end to this but Mike as far as I know Sting isn't here tonight and that can only mean bad things for Chris Sabin

Joe picks the chair up and waits for Sabin to get up and swings the chair connecting with Sabin's head. Joe sets the chair down on the middle of the ring and picks Sabin up and goes for the Muscle Buster but Sting hits the ring and nails Joe in the gut with the baseball bat followed but hitting the Scorpion Death Drop on the steel chair. Sting grabs the X Division Title Belt and stands over a prone Samoa Joe as the camera pans backstage to Shane Douglas with Father James Mitchell and Abyss

Douglas: James Mitchell, I understand that you asked for this time and I assume you have something to say so let's hear it

Mitchell: Shane Douglas, you see my man Abyss has been here in TNA since it's inception and while he may not be the most charismatic superstar on the roster he has definitely shown that he is one of the most loyal men TNA has ever seen step through that ring and how long has it been since he has had a legitimate chance at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship? You have to look back to the No Surrender in July of last year to see the last time Abyss got a shot at the NWA Title, and now last week at iMPACT! Abyss was facing Christian Cage one-on-one in the middle of that ring and while he did lose the match it's after the match that is my concern. Jeff Jarrett decided to stick his nose into things that didn't concern him and what happened? Abyss got nailed with that guitar and Jarrett everything maybe copasetic between you and me but if you stick your nose into Abyss' business again I cannot be held responsible for what the big man will do to you

Tenay: Well Don, it seems like James Mitchell just sent out a warning to Jeff Jarrett to not screw up again or Abyss will destroy him, but now let's send it down to JB for the Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the Evening

"My World" blares throughout the iMPACT Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First, From Hendersonville, Tennesses he is "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett

Monty Brown's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Pyro shoots out from all sides of the entrance tunnel and Monty Brown comes walking out

JB: Introducing The Tag Team Partner: "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Rhino's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Rhino comes running out of the tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponents: First from Detroit, Michigan "The War Machine" Rhino

Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out and a spotlight shines on Christian Cage who turns around with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Belt strapped around his waist

Intorducing His Tag Team Partner: he is the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Rhino and Monty Brown start the match. They lock-up and Rhino sends Brown into the ropes and hits a back drop and waits for Brown to get up and springs off the ropes and goes for a flying shoulder block but Brown moves out of the way and Rhino lands on his feet and turns around as Brown bounes off the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. Brown waits for Rhino to get up and goes for a big powerslam but Rhino counters with a DDT and follows up with a elbow across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Rhino picks Brown up and sends him into the corner and tags in Christian and grabs a wristlock as Christian climbs to the second turnbuckle and hits a double axe handle across the arm followed but a short arm clothesline and follows through with a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but Jarrett breaks it up before the 3 count. Rhino comes into the ring and starts brawling with Jarrett but Jarrett drops down and hits Rhino with a low blow and throws him out of the ring. Jarrett attacks Cage and knees him in the gut and goes for the Stroke but Rhino gets back into the ring and nails Jarrett with the Gore. Brown waits for Cage to turn around and goes for the Pounce but Cage moves out of the way and Brown turns around Christian boots him in the gut and gets behind him and hits the Unprettier and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winners: Christian Cage & Rhino

Match Quality: 78%

Crowd Reaction: 76%

Overall Rating: 77%

After the match AMW hit the ring and start to attack Cage and Rhino and Chris Jericho hits the ring and the three of them and Cage and Jericho stand on the second turnbuckles staring at Jarrett & Brown

Tenay: Well Don, that's all the time we have for tonight and it looks like these guys could kill each right now but they will have to wait less than 24 hours when they step into the ring tomorrow night at Unbreakable. For Don West, I'm Mike Tenay and we will see you tomorrow night

Overall Show Rating: 76%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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  • 2 weeks later...

"In this world there are dreamers and then there are men, there are the ones who are Unbreakable and then there are the ones who have yet to be broken. Tonight 4 men will meet in the ring and 2 seem to believe they are Unbreakable while the other two think they have just not been broken yet and tonight a new era of professional wrestling will continue to flourish as a promotion proves to the world that they will not be broken. And NOW Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Presents Unbreakable"

The camera shows the iMPACT! Zone as Pyro goes off above the ring and on the stage and the camera pans in on Mike Tenay and Don West

Tenay: Welcome everyone to Unbreakable and what a great line-up we have for you tonight with AMW defending the NWA Tag Team Titles in a Tables Match against Team 3D along with Samoa Joe putting the X Division Title on the line against Sting in a Hardcore Match and then the Main-Event, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage teaming up with Chris Jericho to face "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown & Jeff Jarrett

West: Mike you are exactly right, this is just going to be another example as to why TNA is the best when it comes to putting on spectacular 3-hour Pay-Per-View events month after month and tonight is going to be no different so let's send it down to JB for the opening contest tonight at Unbreakable

JB: The opening contest tonight at Unbreakable is set for one-fall

Bryan Danielson's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone and Bryan Danielson comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Low-Ki's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Low-ki comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Low-Ki

Danielson and 'Ki lockup and Danielson grabs a side headlock but 'Ki shoves him off into the ropes and Danielson comes back with a shoulder block and springs off the ropes and goes for a elbow drop but 'Ki moves out of the way and Danielson hits the mat. Danielson gets up and 'Ki catchtes him with a stiff kick to the ribs and follows it up with a series of kicks to the ribs and legs and follows it up with a double kick to the face and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Low-Ki picks Danielson up and goes for a suplex but Danielson slides down the back and hits a bridging german suplex but only gets a 1 count. Danielson waits for Low-Ki to get up and hits a release northern lights suplex and waits for 'Ki to get up and hits a roaring elbow and follows through with a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Danielson waits for Ki to get up and sends him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Ki catches him with a stiff kick to the face and follows through with a stiff clothesline and a legdrop across the throat. 'Ki gets up and goes out to the apron and climbs to the top rope and waits for Danielson to get up and goes for a cross body but Danielson moves out of the way and 'Ki crashes to the mat. Danielson waits for 'Ki to get up and boots him in the gut and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker and picks 'Ki up and nails a northern lights suplex and rolls through with a release northern lights suplex and floats Low-Ki over and locks in the Cattle Mutilation for Low-Ki to tap out.

Winner: "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Match Quality: 97%

Crowd Reaction: 70%

Overall Rating: 83%

Tenay: Well DW, this is certainly going to be an excellent event tonight if that match is anything to judge by. Now let's send it back to Shane Douglas who is standing by with Team 3D who are set to take on AMW for the NWA Tag Team Titles in a Table Match tonight

Douglas: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, tonight you are going to step into that ring against AMW for the NWA Tag Team Titles in a match that you have made famous and that is a Tables Match and what I want to know is what is running through your minds?

Ray: Shane Douglas, tonight we are finally going to get the chance to shut AMW up because last month at Destination X we were screwed over and tonight we finally get an even playing field when we step into the ring with AMW in a Tables Match and AMW from as far as I know have never been in a Tables Match before so boys you are in for the fight of your life tonight if you think you are going to put me or my brother through a table. You see they don't call us the masters of the tables for nothing


Tenay: Well Don, it certainly seems like Team 3D are ready for AMW tonight

West: It certainly does Mike and fans we still have plenty of wrestling action left for you tonight so let's send it down to JB for the next contest

JB: The following contest is an X-Division Championship #1 Contender's Match

Chris Sabin's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Sabin comes out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Chris Sabin

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Petey Williams comes walking out of the the entrance area and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams

Sabin and Williams lock up and Williams sends Sabin into the ropes and Sabin comes back with a flying forearm and waits for Williams to get up and hits a dropkick and follows through with a legdrop across the throat and a elbowdrop across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Sabin waits for Williams to get up and goes for a suplex but Williams counters with a DDT and follows through by springing off the ropes and dropping a knee across the forehead and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Williams gets out of the ring and climbs to the turnbuckle and waits for Sabin to get up and leaps off at him but Sabin catches him with a PowerSlam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Sabin waits for Williams to get up and goes for a superkick but Williams grabs the leg and drops him to the mat and goes to lock-in the Sharpshooter but Sabin counters the hold and locks in a boston crab but Williams gets the to ropes before too much pressure can be applied. Sabin picks Williams up and nails him with a elbow to the gut and bounces off the ropes and goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Williams counters with a sidewalk slam and follows with a legdrop across the throat and then gets out of the ring and climbs to the top rope and goes for a legdrop but Sabin moves out of the way and Williams crashes to the mat. Sabin picks Williams up and puts him on his shoulders and goes for the Cradle Shock but Williams slides down the back and Sabin turns around and Williams boots him in the gut and hits the Canadian Destroyer and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Petey Williams

Match Quality: 98%

Crowd Reaction: 64%

Overall Rating: 81%

Tenay: Well DW another example of how good the X Division here is in TNA and how these men will go out there night after night and give everything that they have in order to earn a shot at the X Division Title and these two certainly just proves that the X Division is truly not about weight limits but is about no limits.

West: Well Mike, Petey Williams and Chris Sabin truly are two of the shining stars of the X Division and any time that the fans get the chance to see these two compete against each other they should certainly consider this a treat. But Mike to switch gears here it is now time for the NWA Tag Team Championship Match and let's send it down to JB for the introductions

JB: The following contest is for the NWA Tag Team Championship and it is a Tables Match[/colro]

Team 3D's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp carrying a table and propping it up against the ringpost

JB: Introducing First: The Challengers, Brother Ray, Brother Devon. Team 3D

AMW's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Harris and James Storm come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp with the NWA Tag Team Titles strapped around their waists

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the reigning and defending NWA Tag Team Champions. "Wildcat" Chris Harris & "Cowboy" James Storm, America's Most Wanted

AMW step through the ropes and Team 3D attacks. Ray grabs Harris and throws him out of the ring and Devon attacks Storm and they start trading rights and lefts until Devon sends Storm into the ropes and nails a powerslam and gets up and bounces off the ropes and hits a legdrop across the throat. Devon spins around taunting and when he spins around Harris slides back into the ring and nails a Spear knocking Devon to the mat and bounces off the ropes and lands a legdrop across the throat. Harris picks Devon up and throws him out of the ring and gets out of the ring and picks Devon up and sends him into guard rail. Storm gets out of the ring and he and Harris send Devon face first into the ring post and Devon turns around as Harris and Storm catch him with a double backdrop on the floor. Harris gets up under the ring and grabs a table and sets it up and the foot of the ramp. Brother Ray comes up from behind Harris and whips him into the side of the ring kidneys first. Harris comes staggering back and Ray goes for a Backdrop but Harris counters with a Tornado DDT on the ramp. Harris picks Devon up and lays him on the table as Storm climbs up onto the ring apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a legdrop but Ray comes up on the apron and knocks Storm off into the ring. Ray gets into the ring and picks Storm up and whips him into the ropes and nails a Samoan Drop and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a legdrop across the throat. Devon gets up and grabs the table and slides it into the ring. Devon slides into the ring and sets the table up in the middle of the ring and Devon picks Storm up and whips him into the ropes and they go for the 3D but Harris gets in the ring and nails Ray with a Spear. Harris picks Ray up and whips him into the ropes and catches him with a Samoan Drop. Harris picks Devon up in the Death Sentence position as Storm climbs to the second turnbuckle but Devon counters with a thumb to the eyes causing Harris to drop Devon to the mat. Devon goes over to Storm and nails him with a forearm to the gut and puts him on his shoulders and hits a Samoan Drop. Devon picks up the table and sets it in the middle of the ring and picks Harris up and whips him into the ropes and catches him on his shoulder as Brother Ray comes running and they hit the 3D through the table and the Ref calls for the bell

Winners & NEW NWA Tag Team Champions: Team 3D

Match Quality: 77%

Crowd Reaction: 82%

Overall Rating: 80%

Tenay: Well DW, Team 3D certainly came to fight tonight and they definitely looked dominate out there against AMW and they have finally captured the only Tag Team Titles that have eluded them and I can assure you I look forward to a long reign by Team 3D

West: Well Mike this was certainly a great contest and now we are moving onto another great contest with Jerry Lynn's in-ring return when he takes on Christopher Daniels. Now let's send it down to ringside for this exciting contest

JB: The next contest is set for one-fall

Christopher Daniels music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Christopher Daniels comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp with a towel over his head and he climbs up on the ring apron and takes the towel off and taunts the crowd

JB: Introducing First: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Jerry Lynn's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jerry Lynn comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Jerry Lynn

Lynn and Daniels lock-up and Lynn grabs a side headlock and floats around back and locks in a hammerlock and follows through with another headlock and takes him down to the mat and grinds in the headlock. Daniels spins rolls around on the mat and turns it into a cradle but only gets a 1 count. Daniels gets up and Lynn goes for another takedown but Daniels counters with a belly to back suplex and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a elbow across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Daniels waits for Lynn to get up and boots him in the gut and springs off the ropes going for a spinning neckbreaker but Lynn counters by spinning through and hits a DDT followed by dropping a legdrop across the throat and follows through by springing off the ropes and dropping a knee across the forehead and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Lynn picks Daniels up and goes for a northern lights suplex but Daniels counters and goes for a DDT but Lynn counters and hits a northern lights driver and makes a cover but only gets a 2 count. Lynn waits for Daniels to get up and hits a boot in the gut and goes for the Cradle Piledriver but Daniels counters and hits a bridging northernlights suplex but only gets a 1 count. Daniels waits for Lynn to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Angel's Wings but Lynn counters with a backdrop and waits for Daniels to get up and follows through with a dropkick and bounces off the ropes and lands a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Lynn picks Daniels up and goes for a suplex but Daniels counters by sliding down his back and hits a bridging german suplex but only gets a 1 count. Daniels picks Lynn up and knees him in the back and goes for the Last Rites but Lynn counters by spinning around and hitting a release german suplex. Lynn waits for Daniels to get up and boots him in the gut and picks him up and hits the Cradle Piledriver. Lynn makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Jerry Lynn

Match Quality: 100%

Crowd Reaction: 74%

Overall Rating: 87%

Tenay: Well DW, this was certainly a great showing by two of the top X Division competitors in the world and they have certainly given these fans a glimpse of why they are as good as they say they are.

West: Mike, Jerry Lynn has proven Christopher Daniels wrong about him not being able to go in the ring again and he has certainly proven that he should be one of the top stars here in TNA and hopefully he will be out in that ring more often. Now it is time for a unique match that it was just booked last week for Unbreakable and that is Rhino vs. CM Punk and let's send it down to JB for the next contest

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

CM Punk's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out in the building and spotlight hits on the opening to the entrance tunnel and CM Punk is doing the Straight Edge pose and goes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Rhino's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Rhino comes running out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The War Machine" Rhino

Rhino and Punk lockup and Punk grabs a side headlock and takes Rhino over to the mat and grinds in the side headlock and Rhino powers back up to his feet and goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Punk counters by taking him over with another takeover and Rhino counters by rolling into a pin but only gets a 1 count. Rhino powers up to his feet and powers into a belly-to-back suplex and waits for Punk to get up and goes for a clothesline but Punk counters with a drop toe hold and follows up by dropping a legdrop across the back of Rhino's kneck and follows through with a elbow drop across the kneck and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Punk picks Rhino up and sends him into the ropes and ducks his head but Rhino catches him with a kick to the face and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and hits a running shoulder block and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a knee across the forehead and follows through by dropping a elbow drop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Rhino gets in the corner and waits for Punk to get up and goes for the Gore but Punk moves out of the way and Rhino modifies his running style and springs off the ropes and when he comes back Punk comes running and nails Rhino with a Shining Wizard and follows through with a cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk picks Rhino up and whips him into the corner and places Rhino up on the second turnbuckle and climbs up and goes for the Pepsi Plunge but Rhino counters and hits a Rhino Driver. Rhino goes for the cover but the lights go out and when they come back on a masked man is standing in the middle of the ring and the masked man waits for Rhino to get up and nails him with a Superkick and Punk makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: CM Punk

Match Quality: 78%

Crowd Reaction: 73%

Overall Rating: 75%

Tenay: DW, who is that masked man? And what does he have to do with CM Punk?

West: Well Mike I don't know who that man is but it looks like we are going to find out now

CM Punk gets up and stares the masked man down as the masked man reaches up and takes off the mask revealing Steve Corino and Punk and Corino shake hands.

Steve Corino goes over to the ringside attendant who hands him a mic

Corino: Well Punker, I bet you are surprised to see me, but Rhino I bet you are even more surprised to see me seeing as how the last time we worked together was way back in 2000 when we were both representing the Network in ECW and boy Rhino look what a mess you have made of your career since then. You see while I went over to japan and started to perfect my craft against some of the top athletes in the world you landed the dream job for most guys in North America and that is a spot in WWE and you see Rhino you didn't really accomplish much while you were in WWE did you? Let's see you captured the Hardcore Title a couple of times but other than that you wasted what could have been a really promising career and then let's fast forward to 2005 shall we? You threw a fit in a hotel on the weekend on WrestleMania 21 and thus lost your job and went out into the cold cruel world of being an independent wrestler but that didn't last very long did it? You see let's fast forward to July of 2005 and you landed yourself a job here in TNA as nothing more than Jeff Jarrett's flunky and then when that didn't pan out for you you went your own way and by September you were competing for the NWA Title and then in October you captured the NWA World Heavyweight Title but that only lasted a week didn't it? You see Rhino the point that I am getting to is that while you were wasting your career as a flunky for Jeff Jarrett and having a measley 1 week NWA Title reign, Punk and I were out on the independent scene tearing it up and having 5 Star classic matches every single time we were stepping into the ring and now we have both come here to TNA and I have come to finally take back something that has belonged to me since 2001 and that is the NWA World Heavyweight Title and while Christian Cage may be the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion , you are looking at the next NWA World Heavyweight Champion and Rhino I am going to put you through hell while I do so

Tenay: Well DW, Steve Corino is certianly determined and what a surprise it to see Steve Corino showing up in TNA and it certainly seems like TNA Management is going to do whatever it takes to take TNA to the top

West: Well Mike you heard it from Corino himself he is after the NWA World Heavyweight Title and there is nothing that is going to stand in his way of capturing that title again. Now let's shift gears and talk about this issue between Samoa Joe and Sting. This issue between Sting and Joe has certainly gotten personal and now let's take you to comments recorded earlier by both Samoa Joe & Sting

Joe: Sting is a legend in this business, and he has been a multiple time World Champion, but you see that was all in the past and this is the new era, the era of TNA, the era of the new superstars, the era of Samoa Joe and tonight Sting is going to learn his lesson because Sting is a feeble old man and can't get it done in the ring and Samoa Joe is going to prove it once and for all

Sting: Samoa Joe is an outstanding athlete and he certainly is the future of this industry but you see he has one big mistake and that is that he tried to take me out and tried to force me into an early retirement but you see I am a true legend in this business and I am going to prove it tonight when I step into the ring with Samoa Joe and this is about much more than the X Division Title to me anymore this is personal, Samoa Joe attempted to end my career and tonight he is going to find out why you don't mess with the man in black

Tenay: Well fans this should certainly be an emotion fueled contest and let's send it down to JB

JB: The following contest is a hardcore match and is for the X Division Championship of the World

Samoa Joe's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Samoa Joe comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp with the X Division Title Belt draped over his shoulder

JB: Introducing First: He is the current X Division Champion of the World, "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe

Sting's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out in the iMPACT! Zone as a spotlight lands on the entrance tunnel and Sting steps out of the tunnel howls and walks down the ramp

JB:Introducing The Opponent: Sting

Sting steps through the ropes and Samoa Joe attacks with a stiff kick to the head knocking Sting out of the ring and to the floor. Joe gets out of the ring and picks Sting up and sends him into the guard rail and follows up with a running kick to the ribs. Joe picks Sting up and drops him across the guard rail and follows up with a stiff kick to the ribs and runs sting face first into the ring post and rolls Sting back into the ring. Joe crawls into the ring and makes the cover but Sting kicks out after a 1 count. Joe picks Sting up and sends him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Sting counters with a facecrusher and follows through with a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Sting picks Joe up and sends him into the corner and goes for the Stinger Splash but Joe moves out of the way and Sting lands on the second turnbuckle and when Joe turns around Sting leaps off and hits a crossbody and follows through by dropping a elevated knee across the forehead. Sting grabs Joe's legs and goes to lock-in the Scorpion Deathlock but Joe powers out of it and sends Sting back into the corner and when Sting comes out of the corner Joe catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Joe gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring and Sting picks up the chair and nails Joe across the back as he slides into the ring. Sting picks up the chair again and waits for Joe to get up and goes to smash the chair over his head but Joe counters with a stiff kick to the ribs causing Sting to drop the chair and Joe then grabs Sting and sends him into the corner and hits a big splash knocking Sting to the mat and Joe follows up with a couple of face washes knocking Sting all the way to the floor. Joe gets out of the ring and goes over to the guard rail and reaches over and grabs a chair sitting it in the corner of the guard rail and sets Sting in the chair. Joe goes down to the other side and comes running back going for the Ole Ole Kick but Sting moves out of the way and Joe's leg lands across the top of the guard rail and Sting picks up the chair and smashes it over Joe's leg twice. Sting picks Joe's leg up and slams it across the guard rail three times and follows up by rolling Joe into the ring. Sting gets up on the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits for Joe to get up and hits a flying cross body and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Sting grabs Joe's legs and goes to lock-in the Scorpion Deathlock but Joe counters by shoving Sting away. Joe gets up and as Sting comes running nails him with a stiff kick to the temple knocking Sting out. Joe turns Sting over on his stomach and locks in the Kokina Clutch and the Ref checks Sting and raises the arm and it drops 3 times and the Ref calls for the bell

Winner: Samoa Joe

Match Quality: 74%

Crowd Reaction: 83%

Overall Rating: 80%

Tenay: Well DW, I certainly hope that this issue between Sting and Samoa Joe is now officially over because I don't think that either one of these men can take another brutal beating like that again

West: Mike I can agree with you and I certainly agree that this thing between the two of these men is hopefully over but it certainly doesn't look like Joe is done with Sting yet

Joe gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. Joe picks the chair up and places it in the center of the mat and picks Sting up and sends him into the corner and follows through with a avalanche splash and then picks Sting up and places him on the second turnbuckle. Joe palces Sting on his shoulders and goes running across the ring and hits a Muscle Buster on top of the steel chair. Joe picks Sting up and loads him up onto his shoulders again and walks over to the corner and goes running across the ring and nails another Muscle Buster on the chair busting Sting open as refs hit the ring and get in between Joe and Sting and one Ref hands Joe the X Division Title and Joe holds it up and then leaves the ring.

Tenay: Well DW, it certainly looks like Samoa Joe wanted to put an exclamation point on this thing with Sting but if you ask me all he did was make Sting even madder and if Sting is able to return from this savage beating he is going to be looking for revenge

West: Mike you just made a excellent point right there, "IF" Sting is able to return he will be looking for revenge but it certainly seems like Joe wants to make sure that he doesn't return and I would say it's a safe bet that he won't be back for a while. Now Mike we have another intriguing contest coming up when "The Monster" Abyss steps into the ring one-on-one with "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles and these 2 men have certainly had some great battles in the past but do you think it will be the same this time?

Tenay: Well DW I think this will be another epic contest between the two because this is your classic big man vs. little man match and certainly each one of these men are going to have to play to there strengths in order to walk out victorious here tonight. Now let's send it down to JB for the next contest

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

Abyss' music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Father James Mitchell leads Abyss out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Being accompanied by Father James Mitchell, he is "The Monster" Abyss

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles steps through the pyro, poses and walks down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

Styles and Abyss lock up and Abyss sends Styles into the ropes and Styles leaps at Abyss but Abyss catches him and hits a big powerslam and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Abyss picks Styles up and sends him into the ropes and goes the Black Hole Slam but Styles spins around Abyss and hits a dropkick and follows it up by bouncing off the ropes and hitting a flying forearm knocking Abyss back into the ropes. Abyss comes staggering back into the middle of the ring and Styles dropkicks Abyss' knee taking Abyss down to one knee and follows up by springing up to the top rope and leaps off with a forearm knocking Abyss to the mat. Styles bounces off the ropes and leaps up and nails a knee drop across the forehead. Styles makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Styles waits for Abyss to get up and gets out of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Abyss to get up and goes for a flying clothesline but Abyss catches him in a chokeslam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Abyss picks Styles up and sends him into the ropes and catches him with a big backdrop and follows up by dropping a elbow across the throat and then bounces off the ropes and hits a big splash and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Abyss picks Styles up but Styles nails Abyss with a shot to the stomach and follows up by hitting a dropkick knocking Abyss into the ropes and nails the Pele kick knocking Abyss out of the ring. Styles goes over to the side of the ring and springs leaps out of the ring on Abyss but Abyss catches him and rams him into the ring post and powers him into the ring over the top rope. Abyss climbs back into the ring and picks AJ Styles up and sends him into ropes but Styles goes for a crossbody but Abyss moves out of the way and Styles crashes to the mat. Abyss turns around and Styles gets up and comes running at him by Abyss catches him with the Black Hole Slam and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: Abyss

Match Quality: 82%

Crowd Reaction: 69%

Overall Rating: 75%

Tenay: Well DW, that was certainly an excellent match by two excellent competitors and now it is time for the Main-Event, Chris Jericho in his first in-ring appearance since signing for TNA. Now let's go to a video package on this match

Destination X 3/12/06-

Monty Brown and AMW hit the ring and they start attacking Christian Cage when the camera fades to the backstage area where a limo has just arrived and a man steps out of it and the camera shows just the feet. The camera fades back to the iMPACT! Zone as Planet Jarrett keeps putting the boots to Christian Cage when the lights go out and a countdown appears on the screen.






And then the word JERICHO flashes across the screen as some rock music blares throughout the iMPACT Zone. The lights come back on and a man is standing on the stage with his back to the crowd with his arms stretched out and he turns around and it CHRIS JERICHO.

Tenay: OH MY GOD!!!! I knew that this was going to be a major signing for TNA but I had no idea it was going to be this big. Chris Jericho has come to TNA and boy Don did you ever think you would see something this big on a TNA Pay-Per-View?

West: Well Mike, you never know what you are going to get when you watch a TNA Pay-Per-View but no-one would have ever expected it to be something this big and look out Jericho is heading to the ring

Jericho goes running down the ramp and Monty Brown goes to attack Jericho but Jericho hits him with a standing enziguri. Jericho gets up and Chris Harris goes running at him but Jericho back drops him over the top rope. Storm is waiting for Jericho to turn around but Christian Cage comes from behind and hits an Unprettier on James Storm leaving Jeff Jarrett in the ring by himself. Jarrett gets up and stares at Jericho and Jericho takes him down and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. The ref comes into the ring and hands Christian Cage the NWA World Heavyweight Title and Christian Cage gets up on the second turnbuckle and poses for the audience and Jericho finally lets go of the Walls. Cage hops down from the second turnbuckle and he and Jericho embrace and the show goes off the air with Jericho holding Christian Cage's arm in the and Christian Cage has the NWA World Heavyweight Title held high over his head.

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TNAWrestling.com News:

It looks like Steve Corino's appearance at Unbreakable was not just a one time thing and he is now officially on the TNA roster and with Unbreakable going down as another sucessful Pay-Per-View, Sacrifice is right around the corner and early word going around backstage is that there will be a wargames style Main-Event to the show but as of right now nothing has been confirmed.

As far as the Director of Authority is concerned on air he certainly seems to be already well adjusted to his role but as far as backstage goes the guys say he is really starting to feel the pressure of trying to help and turn TNA into a worldwide pressence.

As far as iMPACT! goes TNA Wrestling officials are currently in talks with SpikeTV about possibly either moving iMPACT! to Prime Time of adding another late night show later in the week but nothing has been formally announced as of yet.

Coming off the heels of Unbreakable we can report that Sting has suffered a concussion and we be off Television for an undisclosed amount of time but some rumors go as far to say that it could be as long as 2 months but that is all just speculation at this point and we will have more on Sting as this Story progresses

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Reporter: Hello everyone and tonight I have the pleasure of interviewing the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage, and Christian first of all I want to congratulation you on winning the NWA World Title back at Destination X.

Cage: Thank You, it tooks 12 years of my life and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears but I finally pulled it off

Reporter: Well Christian, you mentioned all of the time you have spent trying to make this happen and all of the energy that you put into your career in the last 12 years and what I want to know is how did it feel to finally win a World Title?

Cage: Well it felt great to finally have a promotion put all of their faith in you and finally say that you are going to be their man to lead their company into the future and to finally have a company say that "we believe in you" that you are the man that we want out there as the face of our company and it felt pretty damn good

Reporter: Well now onto the future and more importantly your future as NWA World Heavyweight Champion, who do you really want to step into the ring against and put that NWA World Title on the line against?

Cage: Well there are numerous challengers here in TNA who I think really deserve a NWA Title Shot and who I would enjoy stepping into the ring with but if I have to name a couple off the top of my head I would have to say one of the obvious choices has to be AJ Styles, I have seen him in the ring with guys like Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe & Matt Bentley and he seems like the type of person I could mix well with in the ring. Another man that I would love to step into the ring with is a man that I have actually competed against a couple of times already here in TNA and that is "The Monster" Abyss and he certainly has an interesting style that I would love to prove myself against again. The final man that I would have to choose to defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against would be Christopher Daniels because he definitely seems like the type of person that my style could really gel with.

Reporter: I know you have already accomplished one of the biggest accomplishments here in TNA by winning the NWA World Title but what I want to know is what else do you want to accomplish here in TNA and more specific you are a former multiple time tag team champion in WWE, any thoughts of going after tag team gold here in TNA?

Cage: Well as for right now goes, I don't see myself going after tag team gold again but as far as accomplishments here in TNA goes there are still some other things I would like to accomplish but for right now I am just happy doing the singles thing and defending my title

Reporter: Well Christian Cage I have just one more question for you, what do you think about Chris Jericho coming here to TNA and do you see him as a threat to your NWA World Title?

Cage: Well, I was personally for Chris Jericho coming here to TNA and am certainly grateful to him for what he has done for me over my career and more recently what he has done for me since his debut here in TNA. Now as far as my NWA Title is concerned, Jericho knows where the belt's at and he knows if he wants a Title Shot all he has to do is ask, but he also knows that when he steps into the ring against me and he is trying to take my title I am going to fight him with everything I got to keep this title Cause THAT'S HOW I ROLL

Reporter: Well Christian Cage, Thank You for your time and once again congratulations

Cage: Thank You, and No Problem it has been a real pleasure

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The Opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera shows the arena with pyro going off above the ring

Before Mike Tenay can say a word "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

Jarrett: Wilson, now that you have had you fun and games at my expense it is time for you to give the King what he deserves and that is my rematch for my NWA World Heavyweight Championship and I have all the time in the world so get out here and give me what's mine

Mr. Wilson's music plays throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Mr. Wilson comes walking out onto the stage with a microphone in hand

Wilson: Now listen Jarrett, I had it in my mind to come out here and put an end to this #1 Contender Situation but after what happened this past Sunday it gave me an idea. There will be NWA World Heavyweight Title Match at Sacrifice, as a matter of fact there won't be a Tag Team Title Match at Sacrifice either, because at Sacrifice it is going to be Jeff Jarrett teaming up with Monty Brown & America's Most Wanted to take on the team of Chris Jericho, Christian Cage & Team 3D and it will be a War Games Match. Now I am sure all of you fans saw Unbreakable last Sunday and I am sure that you saw what Samoa Joe did to Sting and I have the unfortunate duty of letting all of you people know that Sting will be out of action indefinitely due to the concussion that he suffered at the hands of Samoa Joe

Jarrett: Wilson, no-one in this audience gives a damn about Sting and quite frankly I don't either, what I do care about is you just like the rest of TNA Management are trying to screw with me once again and stop me from taking back what is mine and that is tne NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Now I am the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion and as such I am the true #1 Contender to the NWA TItle and what I want to know is when will I get my title shot?

Wilson: Jarrett, this isn't the Larry Zbysko regime anymore and in my regime you have to earn a title shot you aren't just awarded title shots due to your name value or you backstage stroke so I tell you what. Tonight you are in the Main-Event going one-on-one with AJ Styles and if you can defeat him then you will get a NWA World Heavyweight Championship shot next week on iMPACT!

Jarrett: Wilson you will not hear the end of this, I am going to do everything that I can to make your tenure here as Director of Authoirty a living hell and I can personally guarantee that you haven't heard the end of this one yet

Segment Rating: 53%

Tenay: We haven't even been on the air 5 minutes and already we have a major main-event signed for Sacrifice not to mention the fact that tonight it is going to be Jeff Jarrett vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles and if Jarrett can be victorious then he will face Chrisitan Cage next week for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Well DW, there has certainly been alot of things transpired over the last 7 days and now we have this major Main-Event signed for Sacrifice and now Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles tonight boy what a way to kick off iMPACT!

West: Well Mike we also heard the DOA mention that Sting is going to be out indefinitely and it is all from what Samoa Joe did to him after the match but if you fans didn't see it then we will show you right now but it is a little graphic. Roll the footage

Joe gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. Joe picks the chair up and places it in the center of the mat and picks Sting up and sends him into the corner and follows through with a avalanche splash and then picks Sting up and places him on the second turnbuckle. Joe palces Sting on his shoulders and goes running across the ring and hits a Muscle Buster on top of the steel chair. Joe picks Sting up and loads him up onto his shoulders again and walks over to the corner and goes running across the ring and nails another Muscle Buster on the chair busting Sting open as refs hit the ring and get in between Joe and Sting and one Ref hands Joe the X Division Title and Joe holds it up and then leaves the ring.

West: Now Mike it is time for the opening contest so let's send it down to JB for the opening contest tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The opening contest tonight on Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV is set for one-fall

CM Punk's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out and a spotlight hits on the entrance tunnel as CM Punk is standing there doing to straight edge pose and the lights come back up and CM Punk goes walking down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Colt Cabana's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Colt Cabana comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "Classic" Colt Cabana

Punk and Cabana lock-up and Punk grabs a side headlock but Cabana shoves him off into the ropes and Punk goes for a shoulder block but Cabana catches him with a backdrop and follows up dropping a elbow across the sternum and legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cabana waits for Punk to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for a suplex but Punk counters with a DDT and follows through by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a legdrop across the throat and gets out and gets out of the ring and climbs to the turnbuckle and waits for Cabana to get up and goes for a Cross Body but Cabana ducks out of the way and Punk crashes to the mat. Cabana waits for Punk to get up and nails a running clothesline turning CM Punk and follows through by dropping a legdrop across the throat then gets out of the ring and climbs to the rope and waits for Punk to get up and nails a flying clothesline and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cabana waits for Punk to get up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Colt 45 but Punk counters with a neckbreaker and follows through by getting out of the ring climbing to the top turnbuckle and hitting guillotine legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk waits for Cabana to get up and boots him in the gut and hits the Devil's Lock DDT and follows through by locking in the Anaconda Vice and Cabana taps out

Winner: "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Match Quality: 98%

Crowd Reaction: 71%

Overall Rating: 84%

Tenay: What an excellent contest between two of the top competitors currently in the world and DW if this match is anything to judge by then these 2 men are going to be 2 of the top superstars in TNA.

West: Well Mike, CM Punk is a former World & Tag Team Champion in ROH and Colt Cabana is one of the most underrated superstars on the independent scene and they have finally found themselves a home here in TNA. Now mike let's send it back down th JB for the next contest here tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The following contest is set for one-fall

"Hail Sabin" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chris Sabin comes walking out the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Chris Sabin

Christopher Daniels' music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Christopher Daniels comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Daniels and Sabin lock-up and Daniels grabs a side headlock and follows up with a takeover to the mat and cranks down on the hold and Sabin turns it into a cradle but Daniels rolls back over until Sabin picks him up and hits a belly to back suplex. Sabin gets out on the apron and waits for Daniels to get up and springboards into the ring but Daniels catches him with a modified urinagi suplex and follows up by getting to the top turnbuckle and dropping a elbowdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Daniels goes to lock-in the Koji Clutch but Sabin counters with a modified texas cloverleaf and turns it into and bridging necklock but Daniels is too close to the ropes and the Ref forces Sabin to break the hold. Sabin picks Daniels up and boots him in the gut and springs off the ropes and goes for a spinning neckbreaker but Daniels counters with a sidewalk slam and follows up by dropping a elbow across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Daniels picks Sabin up and boots him in the gut and goes for the Angel's Wing but Sabin counters with a bridging northern lights suplex but only gets a 2 count. Sabin picks Daniels up and goes for the Cradle Shock but Daniels slides down his back and grabs Sabin and hits the Last Rites and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Match Quality: 82%

Crowd Reaction: 76%

Overall Rating: 79%

Tenay: DW, Another great match by two of the top superstars here in the X Division and you have to expect that some day soon these 2 gusy will eventually get another X Division Title reign and certainly they are both going to be gunning for Samoa Joe

West: Well Mike if either one of these two men are gunning for Samoa Joe they are going to have a major challenge in front of them if they think they are going to be taking that X Division Title Belt off the waist of Samoa Joe. Now from what I understand Shane Douglas is standing backstage with the newest member of the TNA Roster "The King of Old School" Steve Corino so let's send it to Shane

Douglas: Steve Corino, first of all I want to say welcome to TNA, but now what I want to know is why are you here? Last thing I heard was you were the AWA Champion and wrestling over in Japan, so why did you come here to TNA?

Corino: Shane Douglas, I came to TNA for one reason, it's the place where the most respected title in the history of professional wrestling is currently defended and it is the place that has the best competition in the world and I want to be a part of TNA so I can come in here and do wbat I do best and that is prove that there is no-one better than "The King of Old School" Steve Corino. Now onto the other reason that I came here to TNA and that is to deal with that pathetic excuse of a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion and that is the so-called "Man-Beast" Rhino because you see Rhino you were never worthy of being a World Champion and the only reason that you even had the opportunity to compete for teh NWA World Heavyweight Title was due to Kevin Nash's health scare which removed him from the match. Now Rhino, I have to give you credit, you did wrestle a hard Monster's Ball Match first followed by a gauntlet for the gold and then went on to defeat Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Title and I have never seen someone do that, but then Rhino a little more than a week later you choked and lost it all and now you are just a glorified midcarder here in TNA. Now Rhino, I know you have got to be upset about what I did to you at Unbreakable but you see Rhino that was all for the greater good because you see Rhino all I am trying to do is re-ignite that animal mentality that you had when we were in ECW together and just trying to show you the type of monster that you used to be. Now Rhino I know you must be upset about they way I went about doing it so how about at Sacrifice you step into the ring with me one-on-one and we can settle this think like men, If You have the guts?

Segment Rating: 81%

Tenay: Listen to Steve Corino, he thinks that he is actually better than everyone here in TNA and that he should be the next man to get the NWA World Heavyweight Championship if you listen to what he said last Sunday at Unbreakable and then here tonight, but there is one thing that Mr. Corino doesn't realize and that is that here in TNA you have to earn title shots you can't just demand them. Now as far as his little challenge to Rhino goes, you can just about guarantee that the Man-Beast will be more then willing to accept it.

West: Of course Rhino is going to accept it, even if Corino didn't issue the challenge to Rhino, Rhino would come looking for Corino to extract his own revenge for what Corino did to him at Unbreakable when he was going one-on -one with CM Punk. Now it is time to see our NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions in action as Team 3D are set to take on Team Canada and that match is right now.

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall

Team Canada's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Bobby Roode & Eric Young come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Representing Team Canada, "Showtime" Eric Young & "The Canadian Enforcer" Bobby Roode

Team 3D's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Team 3D come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp with the NWA Tag Team Titles draped over there shoulders

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions, Brother Ray & Brother Devon, Team 3D

Ray and Young start the match off by trading rights and lefts and Young whips Ray into the ropes but Ray comes back with a shoulder block knocking Young to the mat and bounces off the ropes and comes back as Young gets up and nails a big clothesline and follows up with a elbowdrop across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ray picks Young up and hits a body slam and springs off the ropes and goes for a legdrop but Young moves out of the way and Ray hits the mat. Young waits for Ray to get up and goes for a superkick but Ray catches the leg and spins Young around and nails a clothesline and follows up with a elbowdrop across the throat. Ray picks Young up and sends him into the ropes and catches him with a Samoan Drop and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and goes for a big splash but Young moves out of the way and Ray crashes to the mat. Young gets up and waits for Ray to get up and nails Ray with a superkick and gets over to his corner and tags in Bobby Roode. Roode gets in the ring and waits for Ray to get up and nails Ray with a clotheslins sending Ray in a 360 and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a knee drop across the forehead and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Roode picks Ray up and picks him up on his shoulder and hits a running powerslam and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and going for another knee drop but Ray moves out of the way and Roode lands on the mat. Roode gets up and Ray nails the flip, flop & fly combo and follows up with a elbow to the forehead and Ray falls to the mat but crawls to the corner and tags in Devon. Devon gets in the ring and Roode gets up and Devon picks him and hits a scoop slam and bounces off the ropes and lands a jumping legdrop and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Devon picks Roode up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a powerslam but Roode counters with a stiff clothesline and follows up with a missed legdrop. Devon gets up and Ray sneaks into the ring and Roode gets up and Devon picks Roode up and they hit the 3D and Devon makes the cover as Ray knocks Young off the apron and the counts the 3 count.

Winner: Team 3D

Match Quality: 80%

Crowd Reaction: 60%

Overall Rating:70%

Tenay: Well DW, Team 3D continue there major role and tonight they proved what kind of tag team they are when they can change from wrestling one style to wrestling another style in the span of less than 7 days. Now DW do you think they are ready for War Games at Sacrifice?

West: Well Mike, if you are going to be successful NWA Tag Team Champions you have to prove that you are able to face anyone at anything because if you aren't at the top of your game every night you won't be walking out of the ring with those tag team title belts.

Tenay: Now it is time for our main-event and what a main-event we have signed for all of you fans, because tonight it is going to be AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett and if Jarrett can be victorious he will be his NWA World Heavyweight Championship shot next week but if he isn't victorious he will have to wait until after Sacrifice. DW, this is certainly a high stakes main-event and who do you think is going to come out of this match victorious?

DW: Well Mike you know as well as I do that Jarrett will do whatever it takes to get the NWA World Title back and you have to think that he something up his sleeves and certainly AJ is going to have to be on the lookout for all of Jarrett's cronies that will certainly try to get involved to help Jarrett get back what Jarrett thinks is his. So now let's send it down to JB for the Main-Event

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening

"I Am" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Pyro falls from the entrance tunnel and AJ Styles steps through, poses and goes walking down the ramp gets up on the apron gets in the ring takes off his hood and poses to the crows

JB: Introducing First: From Gainsville, Georgia he weighs tonight at 218 pounds, he is "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles

"My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing His Opponent: From Hendersonville, Tennessee, he weighs in tonight at 237 pounds, he is a former 5-Time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett and Styles start brawling trading rights and lefts until AJ gets the advantage with a shot to the gut and nails Jarrett with a dropkick and follows up by getting out of the ring and waiting for Jarrett to get up and springboards into the ring going for a forearm but Jarrett catches him with a powerslam and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Jarrett picks Styles up and nails a vertical suplex and follows up by dropping a elbow across the throat and grabs a arm and leaps up and drops both knees on the arm as AJ screams in pain. Jarrett grabs the arm again but AJ trips the legs up and goes for a pinning combination but Jarrett kicks out at 1. Styles waits for Jarrett to get up and boots him in the gut and picks him up and goes for the Styles Clash but Jarrett counters by taking out Styles leg and locks in the figure four leglock. Jarrett clamps down on the pressure as Styles wriths in pain but Styles manages to turn the hold over and Jarrett immediately grabs the ropes making the Ref force the hold being broke. Styles gets up and picks Jarrett up and boots him in the gut and goes for a vertical suplex but Styles leg buckles and Jarrett lands on top of him and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Jarrett gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring but the ref catches the chair and goes to put it out of the ring and Jarrett gets underneath the ring and grabs the guitar and slides into the ring with it. Jarrett waits for Styles to get up and goes to nail him with the guitar but Styles moves and Jarrett nails the Ref. The ref goes down to the mat as Styles boots Jarrett in the gut and picks him up and nails the Styles Clash but there is no Ref to make the count and as Styles gets up Monty Brown hits the ring and nails Styles with the POUNCE. Brown puts Jarrett on top of Styles and wakes the Ref up and the ref counts the 3 count.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Match Quality: 85%

Crowd Reaction: 84%

Overall Rating: 84%

After the match Jarrett picks AJ up and tells Brown to go for another Pounce but Chris Jericho hits the ring and starts brawling with the two but Jeff Jarrett nails Jericho from behind and Brown signals for the Pounce but Christian Cage comes running down the ramp and pulls Brown out of the ring. Cage sends Brown face-first into the ring post and goes to slide into the ring but AMW come running down the ramp and attack Cage and roll him into the ring. AMW get up in the ring and as Cage gets up Storm nails him with a Superkick and Jarrett follows up by nailing Cage with a knee to the gut and hitting the Stroke. Harris picks Cage up in a Manhattan Drop position as James Storm climbs to the top turnbuckle going for the Death Sentence but Team 3D hit the ring and Brother Ray grabs Storm and sends him flying across the ring with a PowerSlam and Devon nails Harris with a scooping reverse DDT leaving Jarrett by himself. Christian Cage gets up and Brother Ray picks Jarrett up and Christian Cage ducks behind him grabs him and hits teh Unprettier and Jericho springs off the ropes and hits a lionsault. AMW pull Jarrett out of the ring as Cage, Jericho & Team 3D stare AMW, Brown & Jarrett down.

Tenay: DW this has certainly been an explosive edition of iMPACT! this week but next week DW Jeff Jarrett is going to be getting his rematch against Christian Cage and it is for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, our first World Title Match on iMPACT! on SpikeTV and DW what about the announcement Mr. Wilson made earlier about these 8 men facing each other in War Games at the next PPV?

DW: Well Mike that is certainly going to be an event that the fans don't want to miss but I don't want to say more importantly, but just as importantly they don't want to miss iMPACT! Next Week when "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage will be making his first NWA World Heavyweight Title defense when he puts the gold on the line against the former champion, Jeff Jarrett. Now Mike I am also being told through my headset that after seeing what just happened between these 8 men Mr. Wilson has made a ruling that all outside interference is barred from ringside in that match next week

Tenay: Well at least it is going to be an even playing field but you can bet the cagey veteran that Jeff Jarrett is he is going to have something up his sleeve in order to try and take back what he thinks is rightfully his and that is the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Now fans that is all the time we have for this week so for DW, I'm Mike Tenay and see you next week

Overall Show Rating: 76%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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The Opening iMPACT! video plays and the camera shows the arena with pyro going off above the ring

Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA iMPACT! and DW do we have a great show for the fans here tonight, because tonight in the Main-Event it will be Christian Cage's first NWA World Heavyweight Championship defense when he steps into the ring with Jeff Jarrett and all of the outside interference is barred from ringside so this should certainly be one great contest between these two.

West: Well Mike, Jeff Jarrett has been running around here for the past few weeks complaining about how he has been screwed over and how he has never been granted his return match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and tonight it is time for all that to end when he steps into the ring with "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage and with all of the interference barred from ringside it certainly seems that Jarrett is going to get what he wants and that is a straight-up one-on-one match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title and if he doesn't get the job done here than there is going to be no-one form him to blame but himself. Now let's send it down to JB for the opening contest he tonight on iMPACT!

JB: The following contest is a 3-Way Elimination Match

Homicide's music blares throuhout the iMPACT! Zone as Homicide comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Making his Total Nonstop Action Debut, "The Notorious 187" Homicide

Bryan Danielson's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Bryan Danielson comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Low-Ki's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Low-Ki comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing Their Opponent: Low-Ki

Ki and Danielson start brawling and trading rights and lefts until Ki gets the upperhand with a stiff kick to the ribs and follows up with a vertical suplex and follows up by dropping a elbow drop across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Ki picks Danielson up and sends him into the ropes and Homicide comes running and nails a stiff clothesline turning Danielson inside out and Homicide kicks at Ki but Ki catches the foot and Homicide hits a enzuiguri and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a legdrop across Ki's throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Homicide waits for Ki to get up and goes for the Lariat but Ki ducks and Homicide bounces off the ropes and Ki nails him with a stiff kick to the head and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a elbow drop across the throat and locks in a armbar on Homicide. Homicide rolls the hold over and turns it into a pinning predicament but only gets a 1 count as Ki rolls the hold back over but Homicide manages to get to the ropes forcing the Ref to call for the break. Ki picks Homicide up and goes for a suplex but Homicide counters with a neckbreaker but before he can follow up Danielson comes up behind him and hits a bridging german suplex but only gets a 1 count. Low-Ki and Homicide grab Danielson and send him into the ropes and go for a double backdrop but Danielson comes back with a double DDT. Danielson, Ki and Homcide get up at the same time and Ki grabs Danielson as Homicide bounces off the ropes and goes for the Lariat but Daniels ducks and Homicide nails Ki and when Homicide turns around Danielson picks Homicide up and nails a brainbuster. Danielson covers get and gets the 3 count eliminating Low-Ki. Low-Ki is eliminated Danielson picks Homicide up and goes for a brainbuster but Homicide counters with a DDT and follows up by dropping a legdrop across the throat and making the cover but only gets a 2 count. Homicide waits for Danielson to get up and goes for the Lariat but Danielson ducks and gets behind Homicide and grabs him with a bridging german suplex but only gets a 2 count. Danielson picks Homicide up and nails a brainbuster and turns Homicide over onto his stomach and locks in the Cattle Mutilation and Homicide taps out

Winner: "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson

Match Quality: 88%

Crowd Reaction: 70%

Overall Rating: 79%

Tenay: Well another excellent exhibition of wrestling skills by three of the top workers here in TNA and I certainly hope that we see more of these men in the future. DW, this is the reason why these fans have to see TNA live because you can't appreciate such a technical match on tv.

West: Well Mike, this is certainly an example of what kind of action the stars here in TNA can provide. Now for those of you who just tuned in, tonight marks a special edition of iMPACT! when in the Main-Event "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage defends the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against ....

Before West can finish "My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel down the ramp and gets in the ring and grabs a microphone

Tenay: Well it looks like we are going to here from "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett, and Don I don't know exactly what he has to say but you can just about guarantee it will be about TNA Management

Jarrett: Tenay, West I as well as the rest of the viewing audience is getting sick of hearing you two running your mouths so I have decided to come out here and put an end to all of it and give the fans what they want and that is ME, "The King of the the Mountain" & the NEXT NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. Well, it looks like TNA has finally made a smart decision and given me my rightful rematch at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. You see, Christian Cage has had that NWA World Heavyweight Title for far too long as it is and I know not very many fans want to admit this but TNA needs me as their World Heavyweight Champion, I don't need them. You see, the only reason that TNA got this deal here with SpikeTV was because by the time we went on the air I was the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and now the SpikeTV executives are putting pressure on TNA management to put me back into title contention but TNA Management having their grudge against me has been hesitant to give my my rematch but then last week they realized that the had no real choice left, but instead of just giving me my title shot like I deserved they put me in a match and once again trying to put the screws to me made me earn it. The one thing TNA Management doesn't get is the fact that I am the top star in TNA and when you are the top star somewhere you don't need to earn a title shot you are already worthy of the NWA World Title and tonight I am going to prove to TNA Management that they made a mistake waiting so long to put me back in the NWA World Title because I am going to step into the ring with Christian Cage in his first NWA World Heavyweight Championship defense and not only will it be his first defense it will be his last defense because.....

Before Jarrett can finish the lights go out in the iMPACT! Zone as on the screen it is shown counting down from 10 to 0 and then quickly back up to 10 as Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone and a spotlight hits the entrance tunnel as Christian Cage turns around and the lights come back up

Cage: Jeff Jarrett, you know I as well as the rest of the audience here in the iMPACT! Zone and the viewing audience at home and getting sick of you coming out here week after week talking about how TNA Management screwed you out of this and how TNA Management screwed you out of that and quite frankly man it is getting a little old. You see Jeff Jarrett, TNA Management never screwed you out of anything, you see Jarrett you were a good NWA World Heavyweight Champion while you had this title but now a real champion has the gold and Jarrett you just can't handle not being the center of attention anymore which is why you have gone on this tirade against everything representing Authortiy and been doing nothing but bitching and moaning about TNA and it's Management. Well Jeff Jarrett tonight is when all of your bitching and moaning is going to stop because tonight in the middle of that ring it's you and it's me and it's for this, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and there is going to be no excuses you can make when you lose because then you would have been beaten by someone that you have called on multiple times a midcard comedy act and not only would you be beaten by that person once it would actually make the second time that the supposed midcard comedy act has defeated you.

Jarrett: Christian Cage, you just made my next point for me. See, you have been NWA Champion for close to 2 months now and how many NWA World Title defenses have you had in that time? I'll tell you how many, ZERO. You see Christian Cage, you are not a Main-Event level superstar, you never have been and you never will be and the only reason you were even given a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title was as a act of charity because TNA Management didn't really think that you stood a chance in defeating me so they stuck you out there to do you a favor and maybe garner a few more viewers, but you see Chistian Cage TNA Management has never had faith in you, you are the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and you should have already had multiple title defenses but TNA Management doesn't feel comfortable with you being the face of this company which is why they haven't had you defend that title. You see Christian Cage, TNA Management always had faith in me carrying this company and faith in my ability of going out there on Pay-Per-View ans giving a great match everytime. So Christian Cage, in the next half hour or so you better get as many pictures taken with that NWA World Heavyweight Title belt that you can because at the end of the night it will be back where it belongs, around the waist of "The King of the Mountain"

Cage: Jarrett, once again you are running off at the mouth and once again you seem to think that you have this match in the bag but you see Jarrett you should have realized by now, don't ever underestimate Christian Cage because I kicked your ass once before and tonight I will kick your ass again because...


Cage: THAT'S HOW I ROLL!!!!!!

Segment Rating: 89%

Tenay: Well it certainly seems like Christian Cage & Jeff Jarrett are ready for each other tonight but DW you have to agree, each man made some valid points about each other and tonight we will find out which man will come out on top and more importantly which more will come out with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

DW: Well Mike, it seems like Christian Cage just got even more fired up about all of the comments that Jeff Jarrett made about him being a midcard comedy act and TNA Management not having any faith in him and now he is going to come out here and take it to Jeff Jarrett later tonight and with everyone being barred from ringside Cage doesn't have to worry about looking over his shoulder for someone trying to come to Jarrett's aid and help Jarrett regain the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Now let's send it down to JB for the next match

JB: The following tag team contest is set for one-fall

The Naturals music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas come walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing First: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas, The Naturals

Team 3D's music blares throughout the arena as Brother Ray & Brother Devon come walking out of the entrance tunnel with the NWA Tag Team Titles draped over their shoulders

JB: Introducing The Opponents: They are the current NWA World Tag Team Champions, Brother Ray & Brother Devon, Team 3D

Ray and Douglas start the match off by trading right hands and Ray sends Douglas into the ropes and catches him with a Samoan Drop and goes for the quick cover but only gets a 1 count. Ray picks Douglas up and hits a scoop slam and follows up with 3 elbow drops to the sternum then bounces off the ropes and drops a legdrop across the throat. Ray picks Douglas up and sends him into the corner and goes for a big splash but Douglas moves out of the way and Ray crashes into the corner and as Ray turns around Douglas boots him in the gut and hits a modified neckbreaker then gets out of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Ray to get up and hits a cross body and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Douglas waits for Ray to get up and goes for a boot to the gut but Ray catches the foot and Douglas goes for a enziguri but Ray ducks and Douglas hits the mat but comes back with a reverse enziguri and follows through by springing off the ropes and dropping a elevated legdrop. Douglas gets out on the apron and waits for Ray to get up and springboards into the ring with a missile dropkick and follows up by springing off the ropes and dropping a elevated knee drop across the forehead. Douglas goes over to the corner and tags in Stevens who climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Ray to get up and leaps at him but Ray catches him with a powerslam. Devon comes into the ring and bounces off the ropes and drops a elevated legdrop across the throat and follows up by bouncing off the ropes again and dropping a elbowdrop across the sternum and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Devon picks Stevens up in a front chancery and spins Stevens around and picks him up and hit a scooping reverse DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Devon picks Stevens up and whips him into the ropes and catches him on his shoulders as Brother Ray gets in the ring and comes running and they hit the 3D and Devon makes the cover as Ray nails Douglas and the Ref counts the 3 count

Winners: Team 3D

Match Quality: 83%

Crowd Reaction: 68%

Overall Rating: 75%

Tenay: Well DW, Team 3D picks up another victory here tonight and they certainly seem to be on a roll here in TNA and they are going to continue there winning ways at Sacrifice if they have anything to say about it.

West: Well Mike, if Team 3D want to be victorious they are going to have some major opposition to go through in the form of Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown & AMW in that War Games Match but now let's send it back to Mr. Wilson's office who I have been informed has an announcement concerning Sacrifce

Wilson: Hello everyone and I hope you all are enjoying iMPACT! here tonight and I certainly hope that you all enjoy the upcoming Main-Event because for the first time here on SpikeTV we are going to have a NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match when Christian Cage defends against Jeff Jarrett but this announcement has nothing to do with that. Now I am sure that all of you fans heard what Steve Corino said earlier and I am sure that you know that I am a fair man and I like giving you fans what you want to see so at Sacrifice it will be "The King of Old School" Steve Corino vs. "The War Machine" Rhino. Now everyone let's get ready for the great Main-Event that we have scheduled for all of you fans so let's send it back to Mike and Don

Segment Rating: 52%

Tenay:Well Fans it is time for a match that is going to be a showcase of the X Division SuperStars when CM Punk steps into the ring with Jerry Lynn and DW Jerry Lynn certainly had a great in-ring return at Unbreakable against Christopher Daniels and let's just hope he can remain healthy and be a big part of the TNA Roster

West: Well Mike Jerry Lynn is a true pioneer of the X Division Style and he is going to step into the ring with CM Punk and he is going to show all of these fans what the X Division is truly about so let's send it down to JB for the next match

CM Punk's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as the lights go out in the arena and a spotlight hits on the entrance tunnel revealing CM Punk doing the Straight Edge taunt and the lights come back up as CM Punk continues walking down the ramp and gets in the ring

JB: Introducing First: "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Jerry Lynn's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jerry Lynn comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp

JB: Introducing The Opponent: Jerry Lynn

Lynn and Punk lockup and Punk grabs a side headlock but Lynn counters with a belly-to-back suplex and follows up by dropping a elbow drop across the sternum and follows up by bouncing off the ropes and dropping a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Lynn picks Punk up and goes for a vertical suplex but Punk slides down the back and hits a reverse DDT and follows up with a kneedrop across the forehead and locks in a fujiwara armbar. Punk continues to apply pressure but Jerry Lynn turns his body and turns it into a pinning predicament but Punk breaks the hold and rolls out of the ring. Punk gets up on the apron and Lynn nails him with a right hand and hits a vertical sulex from the outside to the inside and follows up by getting out of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Punk to get up and nails a Missle Dropkic and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Lynn picks Punk up and goes for a northern lights suplex but Punk counters with a spinebuster and waits for Lynn to get up boots him in the gut knocking him to his knees and then hits a shining wizard and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Punk picks Lynn up and sends him shoulder first into the ring post and as Lynn stumbles out of the corner Punk boots him in the gut and hits the Devil's Lock DDT. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice and forces Jerry Lynn to tap out

Winner: "The Straight Edge SuperStar" CM Punk

Match Quality: 93%

Crowd Reaction: 78%

Overall Rating: 85%

Tenay: Well DW, this has been a great edition of iMPACT! and a great showing of what TNA is all about by those two men but now DW it's time for the match that we have all been waiting for and that is Christian Cage putting the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Jeff Jarrett and DW what are your thoughts on this match.

West: Well Mike, I think that the titme for talk is over and now these 2 men just need to step into that ring and do what they do best and that is wrestle in front of all these fans. So let's send it down to JB for the Main-Event

"My World" blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as Jeff Jarrett comes walking out of the entrance tunnel and down the ramp and gets into the ring

The screen starts counting down for 10 to 0 and then counts back up to 10 fast as the lights go out and Christian Cage's music blares throughout the iMPACT! Zone as a spotlight hits the entrance tunnel as Christian Cage turns around and poses with the NWA World Heavyweight Title Belt strapped around his waist and goes walking down the ramp and gets in the ring

JB: The following contest is your Total Nonstop Action on SpikeTV Main-Event of the evening and it is for the NWA Heavyweight Championship of the World

Introducing First: From Hendersonville, Tennessee, he weighed in this morning at 237 pounds, and he is a former 5-Time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, he is "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett.

Introducing The Opponent: Originally from Toronto, Canada now residing in Tampa Florida, he weighed in this morning at 223 pounds, he is the current, reigning and defending NWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, he is "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Cage and Jarrett start trading rights and lefts and Jarrett gets the upperhand with a knee to the gut and continues to pound on Cage with rights and lefts and follows up with a suplex and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Jarrett picks Cage up and sends him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop but Cage counters with a boot to the face and following up with a clothesline and follows up by dropping a legdrop across the throat and makes the cover but only gets a 1 count. Cage picks Jarrett up and sends him into the ropes and catches him with a backdrop and waits for Jarrett to get up and nails him with a dropkick and gets out of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Jarrett to get up and leaps off with a cross body and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cage picks Jarrett up and sends him into the corner and goes running but Jarrett moves out of the way and Cage crashe into the corner and when he turns around Jarrett boots him in the gut and hits a DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Jarrett picks Cage up and sends him into the roeps and catches him with a powerslam but doesn't go for the cover and gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. Jarrett waits for Cage to get up and goes to nail him with the steel chair but the Ref grabs teh chair and puts it out of the ring and Cage nails Jarrett with a shot to the gut and gets behind him and hits a reverse DDT and makes the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cage picks Jarrett up and sends him into the ropes but Jarrett counters and nails Cage with a knee to the gut and goes for the Stroke but Cage spins around him and grabs Jarrett and hits the Uprettier and makes the cover and gets the 3 count

Winner & Still NWA World Heavyweight Champion: "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

JB: Here is your winner & Still NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage

Match Quality: 88%

Crowd Reaction: 84%

Overall Rating: 86%

Tenay: Well DW it looks like Christian Cage has finally shut Jeff Jarrett's mouth and proved once and for all that he is worthy of being the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and now he can look forward to all of the other competitors he will be facing in future NWA World Heavyweight Championship defenses

West: Well Mike it certainly seems like Christian Cage has finally silenced Jeff Jarrett but you can be sure that come next week Jeff Jarrett will come out here with another excuse as to why he didn't win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and his newest way that TNA Management is screwing him. Well folks we are just about out of time, so for Mike Tenay, I'm Don West and we'll see you next week right here on iMPACT!

Overall Show Rating: 78%

Edited by OrtonFan24
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Just want to say I think you're doing a good job here but I have a couple of criticisms, mainly with the format. Some of the different colours you use makes it really hard to read, especially that light blue, I have to highlight it just to see what it says. Also the way you use the exact same sentence for each wrestler's entrance can get repetitive. On the other hand, I'm liking a lot of what you're doing, especially with Jericho and Corino. Keep it up.

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