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SmackDown! Preview

April 21st, 2005

SmackDown! comes to you this Thursday night from Madison Square Garden with a colossal main event. The WWE title will be on the line when John Cena squares off with “The Deadman” himself, The Undertaker. Can Cena get the job done and walk out of New York City as WWE champion? Or will darkness reign supreme on SmackDown!?

Eddie Guererro and Rey Mysterio’s one on one contest last week was ruined by interference from Rosey and Jamal – The Islanders. How will the WWE Tag Team champions respond this Thursday night?

Booker T suffered a heinous assault from a mystery attacker last week on SmackDown! The good news is that Booker has recovered, suffering only minor injuries and will be ready to compete in a rematch from two weeks ago with Carlito. The bad news is that at this stage nobody has a clue as to who the mystery man targeting Booker T is. Hopefully some clues will be revealed on SmackDown!

Chavo Guererro has been paying very close attention to the Cruiserweight champion Paul London over the last few weeks. Is Chavo merely scouting the competition, or is there more to the story? We’ll hear from Chavo this Thursday night and find out.

Plus, Orlando Jordan defends the United States title against Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho makes his return to SmackDown! and we see the debut of 2 Cold Scorpio! All this and more coming to you on SmackDown! this Thursday night, only on UPN!

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Hooray, I do get my wish of a main eventer coming to RAW. Now I see why you did HBK/Angle on Smackdown, so I take anything I said back with that.

Benoit/Angle match should be great, start of a rivalry perhaps?

This JBL/Kane feud is interesting, keep up the good work with it so far.

Benjamin/Haas is looking good as well, but you should've had Haas be made to look strong by beating Regal or Tajiri.

Like I said before, Kane/JBL feuding is interesting, as it is very new.

A Hogan promo is always good, nothing wrong with that as its just building up Edge/Hogan even more.

I don't think Y2J's going anywhere, it just seems like you want to restart Christian/Jericho, which isn't a good move as these two have feuded too much already. But if he does go, it was a great choice.

I guess with Y2J winning, he is going to SD.

What a weak match, and you're going to be ending Haas/Shelton so soon? Anyways, its obvious Christian is going to win.

Man, what a dream team in Hogan/Batista for the marks. I really doubt Hogan would job on RAW, it would've been much better to have Batista pinned.

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April 21st, 2005

United States Title: Orlando Jordan vs Matt Hardy

Hardy makes a big comeback as the finish nears, scoring several long two counts and almost getting the win on several occasions. Hardy then looks for the Twist of Fate but Jordan shoves it off before rolling Hardy up in a pinning combination and grabbing hold of is opponent’s tights for leverage to get the three count. Jordan quickly takes his US title from ringside and heads to the back as a frustrated Matt Hardy looks on from the ring.

Winner: Orlando Jordan via pinfall @ 8:25

Overall Rating: 66%

Crowd Reaction: 72%

Match Quality: 76%

Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring and gets on the mike. HBK says that he was planning to coming down here to challenge Kurt Angle to a rubber match to determine who truly was the better man. However, with Angle now on RAW, he’s had to make a change of plans. HBK says that he’s now officially challenging whoever is WWE champion after tonight’s show to a title match.

Segment Rating: 82%

Big Show vs Mark Jingrack

Jingrack struggles to land hardly any offence throughout the match as Big Show simply overpowers his much smaller opponent. Show dominates throughout the match before going on to hit the Chokeslam, pulling out the win in convincing fashion.

Winner: Big Show via pinfall @ 03:47

Overall Rating: 64%

Crowd Reaction: 74%

Match Quality: 78%

Chavo Guererro is questioned by Josh Matthews about his intentions in “scouting” cruiserweight champion Paul London in recent weeks. Chavo says that he simply wanted to get a closer look at London, who Chavo proclaims one of the greatest cruiserweight champions of all time. Chavo says that London is an amazing athlete before going on to “respectfully” challenge London to a cruiserweight title match, saying that it would be an honour to compete against such a talented champion. Matthews looks puzzled at Chavo’s comments as Michael Cole says “I don’t know what Chavo’s up to her, but I ain’t buying it.”

Segment Rating: 69%

2 Cold Scorpio vs Kenzo Suzuki

Scorpio makes his debut, strutting down to the ring. The newcomer controls the match, adding in a few little dance steps here and there to the delight of the fans. Scorpio levels Suzuki with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker late in the match before signalling to go up top for the 450 splash. Scorpio goes up top and scores with the 450 before making the cover for the three count, signalling a win and successful debut for the former “Flash Funk.”

Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio via pinfall @ 5:24

Overall Rating: 62%

Crowd Reaction: 65%

Match Quality: 75%

Eddie Guererro and Rey Mysterio make their way to the ring. Eddie says that last week their match was ruined by The Islanders. Eddie says that last week was his chance to prove something to himself in wrestling his partner and friend Rey Mysterio, but that The Islanders took that chance away from him. He says that we all saw how tough they can be when they’re attacking two men in the middle of a match but he wants to see what they can do in a fair fight. Eddie then calls The Islanders out to the ring immediately. He gets his wish as the Islanders stomp down to the ring. Eddie throws the mike down before he and Rey slide out of the ring and meet The Islanders on the runway. A brawl breaks out between the two teams, before Teddy Long comes out. Long instructs the two teams to step away from each other. He says that if they really want to go at it, they can do it in the ring next week on SmackDown! when Eddie and Rey defend the titles against The Islanders.

Segment Rating: 83%

Booker T vs Carlito

Booker gets on the mike before the match and tells whoever the “mystery attacker” is to be a man and reveal themselves so he can give them the ass whooping they deserve. Carlito interrupts and says that Booker is out here whining like a little girl and that .. that’s not cool. Carlito starts chewing his apple and goes to spit in Booker’s face, but Booker nails Carlito with a right hand to get the match underway. Late in the match Booker is about to nail the Scissors Kick when suddenly a mysterious figure appears on the titantron. In a muffled voice, the mystery man tells Booker to be patient, as he will be coming to SmackDown! soon. This distraction allows Carlito to sneak in a roll up from behind and get the three count for the win.

Winner: Carlito via pinfall @ 7:14

Overall Rating: 75%

Crowd Reaction: 86%

Match Quality: 80%

WWE champion John Cena is warming up for his upcoming WWE title match against The Undertaker when he is approached by Josh Matthews. “John Cena .. can you defeat The Undertaker tonight here in Madison Square Garden and walk out as WWE champion?” After a lengthy pause, an intense Cena says that everyone knows that Undertaker is a legend. Everyone knows that he’s one intimidating son of a bitch. But John Cena is the WWE champion. He didn’t get this *points to belt* for nothing, and he isn’t going to back down from anyone. “But to answer your question Josh .. can I beat the Deadman? .. We’re about to find out.” Cena then walks off as we go to a commercial.

Segment Rating: 88%

WWE Title: John Cena © vs The Undertaker

Late in the match Cena looks for the five knuckle shuffle, but Taker reaches up and grabs Cena by the throat before making it to his feet and hitting a thunderous Chokeslam. Taker makes the cover but Cena kicks out before three. Taker then signals for the Tombstone before dragging Cena up and putting him over his shoulder. Cena slides off of the back however and shoves Taker. Taker turns around and walks right into an FU, as Chris Jericho steps through the curtain! Cena is too spent to make the cover, both he and Taker are left lying on the mat as Jericho is nearing the ring. The fans cheer Jericho at first, but as he takes a chair from ringside and slides into the ring the cheers turn into a quiet state of confusion. As Taker and Cena make it to their feet, Jericho proceeds to level both men with steel chair shots to the skull! The ref calls for the bell, ruling the match a no contest!

Winner: No Contest through interference @ 12:52

Overall Rating: 72%

Crowd Reaction: 89%

Match Quality: 65%

As the fans boo Chris Jericho he continues to strike both Cena and Taker with multiple chair shots. Y2J then takes a mike and proclaims that SmackDown! .. is .. Jericho. He says that things are going to change on Thursday nights now that Y2J is here. Jericho says that SmackDown! has been nothing but crap without Y2J, but he is here to save the blue brand. He finishes by proclaiming to be the biggest name in all of professional wrestling and that SmackDown! is going to revolve entirely around Y .. 2 .. J!

Segment Rating: 97%

Show Stats:

Overall Rating: 75

TV Rating: 6.04

Attendance: 8,023

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Major Injury Update

April 22nd, 2005

Just two days before the Backlash Pay-Per-View this Sunday, a RAW superstar scheduled to compete on the card has been ruled out of the event due to a hand injury. Rhyno was scheduled compete in a fatal four way match to determine the number one contender to the Intercontinental championship. It is expected that the match will remain as a fatal four way, with the fourth participant now a “mystery opponent” that will not be named prior to the event.

The injury is said to be relatively minor, however it could become worse and possibly keep Rhyno on the sidelines for a much longer period of time if he competes this Sunday. He should only miss a week or two of action, returning to the ring in early May.

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WWE Backlash Preview – April 24th, 2005

The superstars of RAW invade the Verizon Wireless Arena as WWE Backlash hits Manchester, New Hampshire! “The Game” looks to recapture the World Heavyweight championship while “Mr Money In The Bank” Edge sets out to kill Hulkamania once and for all. With three titles on the line and seven huge matches, this promises to be a night that will not be forgotten any time soon.


World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista © vs Triple H


Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan


Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit


John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane


Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas


World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz


Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent

Prediction Contest:

1. The result of the 7 matches

2. Which match will open the show?

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"

The winner will get a prize of sorts that will be revealed at a later date. I'd be surprised to see more than one or two people to predict, so I'd say your chances of winning would be quite high! :lol:

Edited by Screamfeeder
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1. World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista © vs Triple H

I don't think he'll lose the title less than a month after he won it.

Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan

I would have said Edge, but I think Hogan will use his creative control to avoid losing.

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

A win for RAW's newbie.

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane

Same again, JBL is RAW's new guy so he needs to go over Kane.

Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

Haas isn't ready for the belt, but this won't be the end of this feud.

World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz

Regal and Tajiri were always just a thrown together tag team.

Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent

2. Which match will open the show?

Benjamin vs. Haas

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

Benjamin vs. Haas

4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

Batista vs. Triple H

5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"

I haven't got a clue, so I'll go with Stevie Richards.

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Prediction Contest:

1. The result of the 7 matches

1. World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista © vs Triple H

Not the time for Batista to drop the belt

Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan

Hogan at a PPV, with creative control.

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Pretty much a toss of a coin for this one.

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane

JBL will make a name for himself on RAW

Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

Haas, but I don't think this feud is over yet

World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz

They will retain, for now

Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent

Unless the mystery opponent is a big name, I don't see Hurricane or Dupree beating Christian, even though I think Christian should be in the ME status

2. Which match will open the show?

Tag Team Titles Match

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

Edge vs 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan

5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"

Spike Dudley?

Edited by sqeak
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Rematch at Judgment Day I'm guessing, hopefully this leads to a long & meaningful title regin for Hardy.

HBK going after the title is interesting, with whoever wins the match.

Show squash, nothing to note here.

This Chavo thing better lead to something good, otherwise this would've been a waste of time.

Nothing to say about Scorpio really, seems like a good micard face.

I wish that Eddie will turn soon, because they dragged it on too long in real life & I think you're going to do the same.

I wish that mystery man is Goldust, as Goldust is awesome.

You can go so many ways with Smackdown's main event scene now, which is what they need.

World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista © vs Triple H

Batista is obviously going to win, but I don't know how ýou're going to keep the title on him.

Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan

Hogan's creative control is going to stop Mr. MITB from getting the win here. It's a shame too,

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Just to cement his place on the RAW roster really.

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane

Just like Angle, needs to cement his spot.

Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

Cheap win here for Haas, but this one is definitely not over.

World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz

They will keep the titles for a little longer.

Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent

I can't see you adding a big name into the mix, so Christian gets the win.

2. Which match will open the show?

World Tag Team Titles

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

Batista vs. Triple H

5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"


Edited by TheTruth
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Been reading, great so far

1. The result of the 7 matches

Batista © vs Triple H - Batista

He won it quickly, and unless you're going to have Triple H drop it back at Vengence, which I doubt

Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan - Edge

Think he deserves this major push

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit - Angle

But I can see this one lasting a while

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane - JBL

He needs a big PPV victory to get off the bat

Intercontinental Championship: - Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

Like someone else said, I doubt this feud is over

World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz - Regal/Tajiri

They're too strong ATM

Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent - Hmm Dupree

2. Which match will open the show?

Tag Titles

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?


4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?


5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"

Hmm...going to go with a Smackdown superstar...let's say Carli

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1. World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista © vs Triple H


Edge vs ‘Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan


Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Kurt Angle

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Kane


Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs Charlie Haas

Shelton Benjamin

World Tag Team Championship:

William Regal & Tajiri © vs The Dudley Boyz

Regal and Tajiri

Intercontinental #1 Contender Match:

Rene Dupree vs The Hurricane vs Christian vs Mystery Opponent


2. Which match will open the show?

Tag Titles

3. Which match will receive the highest EWR match quality?

Angle Vs. Beniot

4. Which match will receive the highest EWR crowd reaction?

Batista vs. Triple H

5. Who will be the "mystery opponent?"


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