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Capcom made devil may cry 4 multiplatform which kind of sucked for PS3 users as it was a good exclusive franchise (but I understand why it had to be done due to the cost of game development these days) then last week they shifted Monster Hunter 3 from PS3 to Wii which irked me because I love the PSP versions and this actually made many PS3 users angry at capcom because they had said they would be making more PS3 games well after the monster hunter 3 announcement Capcom said "let's see how ps3 fans feel about us next week" and a countdown was placed on their website that would announce an earth shattering event well the countdown ended one hour ago and it was pretty big.

Lost Planet is coming to PS3 with all the downloadable content included.

Now to the 360 users out there you probably don't care as you already have the game, but I am happy because this looks like a solid game and I want to play it without having to buy a 360.

Capcom has also stated that thursday and friday they will have more announcements. I am hoping for Dead Rising to come to PS3 but I am guessing that won't be in those announcements.

So my fellow PS3 owners how do you feel about this?

PS Bionic Commando also looks good.

Edited by CKN
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Eh, Lost Planet was a very big "meh" for me. Plus, all the downloadable content is free on 360 anyway, so you'd be paying 59.99$ for a year old game with content that should be free anyway. Unless they release it at a greatest hits price, which would be okay. Still a very below-average game though. :\

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