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What is this? WMMA 1 data starting in November 1993. I used a both Modern Warriors and Tap or Snap as the base for this. Its beta but very playable up to 1997. Then things might get little weird.

Why is it here? So you can enjoy it and beta testing past the year 2000. I can see that being as tedious as when I started this project.

So this is a copy of Dawn of MMA but for WMMA1? Not exactly no. Fighters are different and I think I have more. The premise is similar but with no one night tournaments options in WMMA1 it makes playing UFC as it was in the early 90s ill advised. I also stunted the debut times for many of the fighters and gave them historically accurate records. Many fighters debut after winning tournaments. An example would be instead of Igor Vovchanchyn starting off in the beginning of the year he starts in September when he hit the world circuit with a record of 14-2. Also there are allot of cans for your fighters to crush.

How many characters are in this data? Well over 2100 fighters!

What is the goal? Is to have a kick ass real world data that has all the fighters from 1993 to 2010 with realistic world scene debuts, cans to crush, and all the promotions for WMMA 1. I personally don't like being thrust into 2008-2010 overwhelming MMA scene before experiencing it beginnings.

Thank you and credit goes to Nathan McCarter (ACCBiggz), Derek Oliver (D.O.), Tag01, Brian Hayward and Joe Howery (JoeMimic).


One day I was inspired by ZJ Penn's diary on the ewbattleground forums. As I read six or seven pages of it in one sitting

I started thinking; "Well, maybe if he did this, or his data must be off, wait why the fuck would UFC fly some dude with no fights

named Wanderlei to the states to fight?" My mind started rushing. I had purchased WMMA1 in November and was happy playing the default

data. When I found Modern Warriors and the Tap or Snap datas I fired them up and was very disappointed with the lag and the overwhelming

amount of shit happening. Then I said to myself; "Heh, I'll just move the start date back to 1993 and start fresh!"

-----------------345 CRITICAL ERRORS---------------------

"Jesus! What the hell?" After going through all the hard work already credited previously I see some half assedness on a good number of fighters.

Born 1988ish debut 2001. After a few days of mind numbing tedium of correcting all these errors I finally had a fresh start.

Once started there were few if any fighters from the early nineties. So I proceeded to add them one after the other. Then simulated

three years three times(Bas Rutten 13-0, 10-2, 12-2). All the new debuting fighters had huge records and needed to be fix. After a few more days of

tedium/nostalgia tweaking all the fighters from 93-97 and adding RINGS I started fresh again. Now I think I have a releasable beta.

I RECOMMEND THAT YOU TURN OFF REGENERATE FIGHTERS OPTION! You do not need 2K fighters to deal with when you get to 2010!


V 0.1




V 0.3




V 0.5 (NEW)




Edited by duce
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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated with the next versions links.

I left the older version to show the work. I also waited 10 days for a response with permission. Feel free to post any errors, opinions etc on the data. I'll try to update at least once monthly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great save and I've played a couple of years but I was checking out other fighters stats and I saw GSP had 99% in submissions while Ken Shamrocks submission skills are fairly low compared to real life back then he was tapping out people like mad. I'm suggesting his ground game gets a little bit of a boost. But its really authentic for its time. Good work.

BTW. Royce is really bad in the save it seems. He lost 3 in a row and Renzo is amazing.

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Great save and I've played a couple of years but I was checking out other fighters stats and I saw GSP had 99% in submissions while Ken Shamrocks submission skills are fairly low compared to real life back then he was tapping out people like mad. I'm suggesting his ground game gets a little bit of a boost. But its really authentic for its time. Good work.

BTW. Royce is really bad in the save it seems. He lost 3 in a row and Renzo is amazing.

Tomorrow, I'll have another update. Its playable to 2001 now and I've corrected/added/deleted... I've done a ton of work to the data.

I put some time into Pancrase also. I fixed Minoru Suzuki he is no longer a can and I am working on a graphics pack. I've raised Shamrock's sub skills to 70. I think anymore would be overkill. He starts with the Lions Den and his sub skills should be through the roof after few years. GSP is fixed.

Who did Royce lose to and how?

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*I've added a few face pictures for Pancrase fighters in the data.

*Added around 40 fighters to the database like Edson Diniz, "Red Tarzan" Datsik, Lee Murray, Phil Emsinger, Frank Nillson, Keith Hackney, etc.

*Playable until January 2001. The database at that will debut 500 plus workers who are out

of place/time/skill.

*Deleted doubles of Tom Attencio, Hong Man Choi, and others

*Added/fixed 20 or so relationships.

*Added/fixed a few promotions.

The first hurdle of the data was the 356 critical errors and now the seond is the 500 or so fighters that were created with the default debut date of January 2001. I'll be going through them one by one and fixing the debute date for an appropriate international MMA debut date with corrected records, name value and in some cases skill.

The data is still fun to play though and I appreciate any feedback. The next update will be either when I get through the 500 out of place workers or one month from now.

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