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Posts posted by Pepsi

  1. From ECWonTNT.com


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    FRIDAY ---- JANUARY 14th ---- 9PM EST


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    Round 1 Match-Up

    "The Insane Luchador" Super Crazy -vs- "The Juice" Juventud Guerrera

    The tournmant for Television Title gold continues this week when two of the best high flyers from Mexico face off in the New ECW Arena.  Super Crazy, meant to compete in last weeks four-way tag, is looking for tonight to make his impact by being one step closer to becoming a two-time ECW World Television Champion.  Standing in his way is former WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera.    If you haven't seen either man in the ring then you haven't lived.  Winner of this match will face Sonny Siaki next week,

    Round 1 Match-Up

    Adam Windsor w/ Jonny Storm -vs- Jason Cross

    Adam Windsor made a smashing debut last week, pun intended.  Though The Royal Studs were eliminated, Windsor made sure that he was not going go quietly.  Tonight, he has a chance to advance towards true stardom in ECW by winning the tournament for the ECW Television Title. However it's not going to be just handed to him on a silver platter.  He must first face-off against one of the premiere young talents in wrestling today, Jason Cross.  A man with a signature move so astonishing, you may want to invest into TiVo so you can watch it again, and again. Winner of this match will face Kid Kash next week.


    Backlash from the events of last week's Tag Titles match and Main Event.  How will Justin Credible and The Sandman react to "The Innovator of Innovention" Chris Candido capitalizing on the mysterious interference and becoming ECW World Heavyweight Champion?  What will "Acting Commissioner" Bill Alfonso do to discover what is going on?  Plus, Bigger Than Jesus members Perry Saturn and Horace Hogan will make their tag team wrestling debut tonight against a still unnamed team. 

    This Friday After 'Law & Order' only on

    user posted image

  2. It has a sniker every now and then but it really just isn't as good as it should be. Joey was my favorite character on Friends but only when he was with Chandler (pre-Monica). If it was Joey & Chandler, the show would be golden. As it is now though...it's just not very funny.

  3. <center>user posted image</center>




    TV Report by Alex de Large

    Black and White video of old school wrestlers like Terry Funk, Jimmy Snuka, and Don Muraco.

    Joey Styles:   Professional wrestling.  The sport of the magnificant and the amazing.  A historic past-time of man-against-man in an epic struggle of physical warfare.  Long had the squared circle belonged to the memories and traditions of the past.  No where else can you see the classic battle of good versus evil like you can inside a wrestling ring.  Pride....Tradition....Respect.....You can just kiss all that goodbye.

    Opening video package with highlights from the "glory days" of ECW set to Powerman 5000's "Danger is Go".  

    Joey Styles: This isn't your grandfathers wrestling this....is E-C-W and it begins...now.


    The Opening Titles begin with flashy explosions and on-screen graphics.  The New ECW Arena is packed to capacity and the fans were chanting "E-C-Dub" even before cameras started rolling. 

    Joey Styles:  Welcome to the new era of Extreme Championship Wrestling right here on TNT.  The air in the New ECW arena is electrifying and we haven't even begun yet.

    Cut to Joey Styles and Mortimer Plumtree in the production area above the crowd in the raven's nest. 

    Joey Styles:  I'm Joey Styles and with me will be the one and only, Mortimer Plumtree.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Wait a minute Joey, why am I with you?  Why aren't you with me?

    Joey Styles:  Well I just thought -

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Stop thinking just announce the damn show.  We're at the premiere of ECW Joey and your worrying about things like this, what the hell is wrong with you?

    AC/DC fills the arena's speakers and the fans start to cheer and go wild. 

    Joey Styles:  Well I think we don't have to wait any longer Mortimer.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Thank god!

    Cut to the ring area and out from behind the ECW Curtain, Chris Candido enters.  Some scattered booing but mostly cheers as he is the first returning ECW name to be announced tonight.  Walking down to the ring he laughs off some fans holding out for a handshake. 

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Look at those fans trying to attack Chris Candido!  Security!

    Joey Styles:  They're wanting a high-five.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Yeah I know where you want a high-five you sick freak.

    Candido get's into the ring and picks up a microphone there for him.  He allows the boos to slowly start sinking in before he begins speaking.

    Chris Candido:  How un-(beep)-ing believable is this!

    The fans cheer in response and a "E-C-Dub" chants starts again.  Candido pauses and smiles.

    Chris Candido:  How unbelievable that you get to be in the presence of Chris Candido?

    The fans start loudly booing.

    Joey Styles:  Apparently not that unbelievable.

    Chris Candido soaks it in before speaking.

    Chris Candido:  Now I'm not going to take your boo's seriously, I'll blame it on sheer ignorance.  Now, let's get down to the brass tax here, I'm allowing you all the priviledge to be in my presence for a reason.  A good reason, because lord knows I have better ways to spend my time...like flossing.

    More boo's.  Chris Candido goes to thr ropes and speaks directly to a fan in the front row.

    Chris Candido:  Shut your disgusting mouth if you don't floss.  I  have no respect for people who don't floss. 

    The kid says something.

    Chris Candido:  I'll kick your ass faster then tooth-decay you little (beep).

    He goes back to the center of the ring and once again he starts to smile as he speaks.

    Joey Styles:  Can you believe the arrogance?

    Mortimer Plumtree:  No I can't, so shut the hell up Joey your embarresing me!

    Chris Candido gets ready to speak but is cut-off by "Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck" on the speakers.  The fans start to cheer as Justin Credible enters from behind the ECW Curtain, microphone in hand.

    Joey Styles:  It's Justin Credible!  Business has just picked up here tonight folks!

    Candido looks pissed about being interrupted and is showing it in the ring by walking back and forth.

    Justin Credible:  I think that of the two people holding microphones right now...one half of them needs to shut the hell up!

    The fans cheer and Candido still looks angry.

    Justin Credible:  I was back there listening to you talk about your teeth and your greatness and I got to thinking...Since when did ECW allow (beep)'s like you in the ring.

    Chris Candido looks flabbergasted. 

    Chris Candido:  Do you know who I am?  I'm Chris Candido!  I'm the Innovator of Innovations! 

    Justin Credible:  Oh really?  Well, I'm Justin Credible and in case you haven't heard I'm the Innovator of kicking Chris Candido's ass!

    Justin Credible charges the ring and slides in.  Before they start fighting though Chris Candido retreats out of the ring and just then the speakers once again fill with music this time of "Enter Sandman".  The fans go wild as it could mean only one person was here.  The Sandman comes out carrying a singapore cane and a beer can. 

    Joey Styles:  The Sandman!  Former ECW World and Tag Team Champion.  The Sandman is in The New ECW Arena tonight!

    Mortimer Plumtree:  What the hell is this crap?  I didn't pay to see Justin Credible and The Sandman, I payed to see Chris Candido!

    Joey Styles:  We didn't even have to pay to be here!

    Mortimer Plumtree: ....What?

    The Sandman makes his usual long enterence, stopping to drinking beer with a fan and smashing it against his own head.  He finally gets into the ring.  Chris Candido, still on the outside of the ring with a microphone.

    Chris Candido:  I demand both of you get the hell out of my ring!  You have no business being there, your not even wearing tights!

    The Sandman starts lighting up a cigarette in the corner of the ring.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Obviously Sandman is trying to kill Chris Candido with second-hand smoke, that's grounds for immediate termination Joey!

    Suddenly from the curtain -

    Bill Alfonso:  Wait a minute!  Wait a minute!

    Joey Styles:  It's Acting Commissioner Bill Alfonso! 

    Bill Alfonso:  Paul Heyman appointed me, Bill Alfonso, Acting Commissioner on ECW!  And I'll be damned if I'm going to let you three come out here and stall the entire premiere with your crap!  However, since you three happen to be out here and I'm sure you'll be impossible to get rid of tonight, by the authority invested in me by Mr. Paul Heyman himself, I'm making a three-way match between The Sandman, Justin Credible, and Chris Candido for the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  

    The crowd erupts in cheers.

    Joey Styles:  I don't believe it!  A Championship triple threat tonight!

    Bill Alfonso:  Wait a minute, wait a damn minutes!  On the grounds that they get the hell out of Paul Heyman's ring and do not interfere with the rest of the show!

    Chris Candido looks a little worried about being in the ring with Justin Credible and The Sandman. 




    We're back with Joey Styles and Mortimer Plumtree. 

    Joey Styles:  Well ladies and gentlemen if your just joining us, Acting Commissioner Bill Alfonso just made the announcement that Justin Credible, The Sandman, and Chris Candido are going to compete in a triple-threat match tonight for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Does he have that kind of authority?  Besides, why waste the people's time, just give the title to the true ECW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Candido.

    Joey Styles:  How is Chris Candido the "true" Champion?

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Well that's simple, take the reason that Joey Styles will never get laid, reverse them, and that's why Chris Candido deserves to be Champion.

    Joey Styles:  Well speaking of champions, the first match of the first round in the tournament to crown ECW World Television title is about to begin.

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Way to change the subject.




    KID KASH def. LAZARUS via pinfall

    Pre-Match:  "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock starts playing and Kid Kash comes out, obviously fired up and the crowd obviously loves him in Philly.  Styles comments about Kid Kash being a former ECW World Television champion while Mortimer Plumtree says that the past means nothing as does Joey Styles comments.  Lazarus comes out to "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney SPears which quickly gets him boo'd to no end.  Lazarus dances his way down to the ring and starts humping the turnpost.  Joey Styles and Mortimer Plumtree don't know what to make of this guy as doesn't Kid Kash who looks confused.  Lazarus enters the ring and holds a hand for Kid Kash to shake.  Kash shakes it and Lazarus places it on his ass.  Kash immediatly pulls it away.  Kash pushes Lazarus away to which Lazarus looks upset about.  The bell finally rings.

    Match:  A quick match which put Kid Kash over as the obvious aggressor.  Lazarus did impress some with moves like a asai moonsault off the guard rail and a leaping powerbomb type move.  However it was Kid Kash who was able to pick up the victory after showing what he is known for, high rish moves and variations on the hurricanrana.  At one point Kid Kash turned a top-rope plancha into a hurricanrana .  Kid Kash picks up the victory with two back-to-back Money Makers

    Post-Match:  Kid Kash celebrates as Joey Styles puts over the match and Mortimer Plumtree apologizes to wrestling in general for having to announce a Lazarus match.

    (57, 43, 87)




    Back from Commercial with Shannon Rose in the back area.

    Shannon Rose:  We're here with Mr. Aguila and Super Crazy.  I was just wondering guys if you feel a sense of expectations going into tonights four team tables match for the ECW Tag Team titles?

    Mr. Aguila:  Let me tell you what, we're back here in ECW and we're going to show the world what Mexican wrestler's are all about.  Super Crazy and I are --

    The interview is cut short as Perry Saturn and Horace Hogan come in out of nowhere and proceed to beat the hell of Mr. Aguila and Super Crazy!    Once they are down, Perry Saturn grabs the microphone from Shannon Rose and speaks directly into the camera.

    Perry Saturn:  Enough of these p(beep)'s.  Me and Horace Hogan here are letting those teams competing tonight for the ECW Tag Team Titles that your pain is coming for you.  No matter what you go through tonight you better be damn sure you are prepared to feel more agony then you have ever felt before in your lives.  We're "Bigger Than Jesus" and your just place holders.

    Perry Saturn throws the microphone to Shannon Rose and he and Horace Hogan exit.

    Joey Styles:  "Bigger Than Jesus"? 

    Mortimer Plumtree:  What?  How big do you think Jesus was?  The guy was a carpenter.






    SONNY SIAKI def. 2 COLD SCORPIO via pinfall

    Pre-Match:After the break Joey Styles informs us that Mr. Aguila and Super Crazy will not be able to compete tonight due to injuries sustained by "Bigger Than Jesus" members Perry Saturn and Horace Hogan.  "The Friend Song" by The Union Underground starts to play and Sonny Siaki comes out first with a microphone and has this to say;

    Sonny Siaki:  Tonight, once I beat that old-timer 2 Cold Scorpio in front of all you and then move on to the next victim I want you all to be aware of one thing.  The time of doubting Sonny Siaki is over and the Age of the Siakalypse begins!

    Joey Styles states that 2 Cold Scorpio is not to be taken lightly but Mortimer Plumtree says that is what they said about John Kerry.  "Jungle Boogie"  starts and the fans start to cheer as 2 Cold Scorpio makes his way from behind the ECW Curtain to the ring.

    Match:  Siaki wasted no time in attacking 2 Cold Scorpio immeditaly when he entered the ring.  Siaki was in control at the beginning with some impressive power moves but Scorpio was soon able to turn the tide with series of spinning heel kicks.  Scorpio hit a frankensteiner and attempted a Scorpio Splash but missed.  Siaki picked Scorpio up and after a series of reversals, Siaki hit the Siakalypse for the three count.

    Post-Match:  Siaki picks 2 Cold Scorpio up and hits another Siakalypse!  Joey Styles raves about how Siaki is just plain mean while Mortimer Plumtree comments that retirement must look good for 2 Cold Scorpio about now.

    (66, 59, 85)


    To the back with Shannon Rose who is with Balls Mahoney.

    Shannon Rose:  Balls Mahoney, you announced that tonight you'll be tagging with someone you call a "Special Friend."  I was hoping you'd be able to share with the ECW fans who that is right now?

    Balls Mahoney:  Right now?  Well sure!

    Balls Mahoney goes to a nearby metal door and opens it. 

    Balls Mahoney:  Come on out here and say hello!

    Chilly Willy appears from within the room and the fans are heard showing their appreciation to what they see on the big screen.

    Joey Styles:  It's Chilly Willy!  Back from Iraq and here tonight as Balls Mahoney's special friend!

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Chilly Willy?  Balls Mahoney is better off picking you Joey!

    Joey Styles:  Well Chilly Willy and Balls Mahoney look to take on Danny Doring and Roadkill and the team of The Royal Studs, Adam Windsor and Jonny Storm in a tables elimination match next!







    Pre-Match:   Doring and Roadkill come out first to a big pop from the crowd.  Joey Styles puts over how they were the final ECW Tag Team champions before it's closure.  Mortimer Plumtree comments that with tag Champions like them, it's not surprising ECW closed.  The British National Anthem begins playing and The Royal Studs, Adam Windsor and Jonny Storm come out wearing British flag robes and receive many boo's due to they're obvious cockiness.  DMX's "Party (Up In Here)" starts to play and Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy appear from behind the ECW curtain to a huge pop.  Joey Styles explains the rules that each person from each team must be put through a table in order for that team to be eliminated.  The bell starts and the match begins.

    Match: A proverbial clusterfuck, but a fun one.  Doring, Roadkill, Balls, and Chilly teamed up on The Royal Studs to start things off but failed to put them through tables.  Doring accidently pushed Balls and Balls pushed back.  Finally these two teams started going at it.  The first elimination was Danny Doring with Balls Mahoney and Chilly Willy giving him a double-superplex through a table.  Jonny Storm was next when he went for a frankensteiner on Balls and was powerbombed off the top-turnbuckle through a table meant for him.  Roadkill turned the tides however with a DDT through a table in the corner on Balls Mahoney.  Windsor and Storm beat on Chilly on the outside for a bit before setting him up on a table.  Windsor came off the top with a leg-drop but Balls moved Chilly out of the way and Windsor went crashing through eliminating himself and The Royal Studs.  On their way out, Windsor hit Balls and Chilly with two vicious chair shots each.  Roadkill tried to take advantage with setting Chilly Willy up for a piledriver off the ring apron to the outside through a table.  However Balls stopped him but was quickly hit with a chairshot by Danny Doring.  Roadkill tried it again but this time Chilly Willy turned it into a DDT off the ring apron through the table!   Roadkill was eliminated meaning Chilly Willy and Balls Mahoney were Tag Team Champions. 

    Post-Match:  Doring and Roadkill shook the hands of Chilly and Balls in the ring as the referee gave the champions the titles.  They didn't have time to celebrate however as the lights in the arena went out.  Mortimer Plumtree said that Paul Heyman must have bounced the electricity bill check already.  When the lights came back on, all four men were down in the ring, covered in blood and the tag team titles gone.  Joey Styles starts freaking out as we go to another commercial.

    (69, 65, 74)




    We come back to the arena from commercial and Bill Alfonso is in the ring.

    Bill Alfonso:  Due to the recent attack after the Tag Team Championship match, I've decided that by the power given to me by Paul Heyman, to avoid any such incident in the upcoming ECW World Heavyweight title match...that the triple threat match, will now take place in a cage.

    The fans start to go wild.

    Joey Styles:  A cage match!

    Bill Alfonso:  Wait a minute!  Wait a minute!  Unlike other cage matches, this can only be won when one man pins another!  First pin wins the match.

    Joey Styles:  Did you hear that?!

    Mortimer Plumtree:  How is that fair for Chris Candido Joey?  How is that fair to be locked in a cage with those animals?

    A cage conveniantly above the ring begins to be lowered and Bill Alfonso exits to the back.


    To the back once again with Shannon Rose this time with Chris Candido, who is wearing his classic ring attire, amatuer wrestling ear protecters and all.

    Shannon Rose:  Chris, Bill Alfonso just decalred your upcoming match with The Sandman and Justin Credible as being held within a steel cage, your thoughts?

    Chris Candido:  Let me tell you I --  Did you just call me Chris?

    Shannon Rose:  Well I --

    Chris Candido:  Unless you can walk on water, bench press a Buick, or packing a rocket in your pants the size of the Florida pan-handle, then you don't get the privledge of calling me by my first name.  Only my friends may call me by my first name and do you know who my friends are Shannon?

    Shannon Rose:  Well no but --

    Chris Candido:  I'll give you a hint, none of them have a first name in common with an actress on 90210 you dumb (beep)!  This interview is over!

    Chris Candido walks away, pissed, towards the ring.

    Joey Styles:  What a prick!

    Mortimer Plumtree:  Joey, Shannon Rose is just trying to do his job which isn't to upset the Innovator of Innovation Chris Candido.






    CHRIS CANDIDO def. JUSTIN CREDIBLE and THE SANDMAN via outside interference

    Pre-Match:  "Enter Sandman" starts to play and out comes The Sandman.  he doesn't get time to showboat this time as Chris Candido attacks him from behind.  Stealing his Singapore Cane and hitting him with it a couple of times.  Candido brings Sandman down to the ring and into the cage through the open door.  Candido continues to beat on Sandman some more until "Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck" starts to play and Justin Credible comes running out.  Candido tries to keep the door shut but Credible gets in when Sandman nails Candido from behind with the cane. 

    Match:  Match was more of a handicap match in the beginning with Credible and Sandman teaming up on Candido.  Candido attempted to scale the cage and escape at one point but Credible and Sandman stop him and nail him with a double-powerbomb.  When Credible goes for the cover, Sandman pulls him off and tries to cover for himself.  Credible gets angry and this leads to them fighting.  They exchange brutal cane shots before brawling again.  Candido comes back in now and again when one goes down and gets some offense like rolling fisherman suplex's on Justin Credible and a flying elbow drop on Sandman.  Sandman and Credible continue to go at it until Candido tries to attack them both with knife-edge chops and they once again team up on him.  He's able to poke them both in the eyes which buys him enough time to scale the cage and get to the outside.  Joey Styles wonders about this strategy since it means he can't break up any pin attempt inside the ring but concludes it's because he's a coward.  Mortimer Plumtree says Styles just isn't smart enought to understand anything about strategy.  Credible and Sandman look at eachother and decide together to go out the ring and get Candido.  However, the lights suddenly go out once again!  This time there is the sound of a chainsaw and soon sparks a flying near ring-side.  Styles and Mortimer Plumtree have no idea what is going on and soon afterwards the lights are once again on.  There is now a hole that has been cut in the side of the cage and Justin Credible and The Sandman and laying in the ring covered in blood!  Candido, who was outside the ring looks confused but quickly slides into the ring through the hole and coveres both The Sandman and Justin Credible.  The referee in the ring doesn't know what to do so he counts to three giving Chris Candido the victory!

    Post-Match: Chris Candido is given the ECW World Heavyweight Belt and holds it above his head while standing above the bloody Sandman and Justin Credible.  Joey Styles is screaming about the lights going out while Mortimer Plumtree is screaming in victory.  That's when the show fades out.

    (76, 70, 82)



  4. Worse remake ever has to belong to "Rollerball". Ok, granted the original is not James Caan's finest hour....but the remake it just the biggest peice of garbage this side of Battlefield Earth..which gets the worse Novel Adaptation of all-time by the way.

  5. Haven't seen a RAW yet but I didn't like the Smackdown very much. The layout was just annoying to read. Plus I have problems with these diaries that bring in guys from TNA which wouldn't have been brought in otherwise. I have no problem with diaries being less then realistic but seriously....Tazz back on the active roster? The SAT in the WWE? Dustin Rhodes...why would they fire him and then re-sign him? Just doesn't make any sense. And as for being in "Real Time" alright it's a cute gimmick but you realize there are only so many of these "behind the scenes" posts I'd be willing to read. I want to read shows. But thats just my opinion.

  6. <center>

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    FRIDAY ---- JANUARY 7th ---- 9PM EST

    ECW is Back and even more hardcore then ever before! If you missed ECW the first time around then you missed the most innovative and ground breaking wrestling in history.  So this Friday don't miss what you'll be talking to your friends and co-workers about for the weeks to come!



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    'The Insane Luchador' Super Crazy & Mr. Aguila -vs- The Royal Studs (Adam Windsor & Jonny Storm) -vs- Danny Doring & Roadkill -vs- Balls Mahoney & "Special Friend"

    Four teams willing to put they're bodies and careers on the line in order to be the first ECW World Tag Team champions of the new ECW.  Danny Doring and Roadkill are trying to regain what they held at the end of the last era in ECW history.  'The Insane Luchador' Super Crazy and Mr. Aguila are both former ECW wrestlers, both trying to show that mexican wrestling is going to reign supreme in the ECW tag division.  The Royal Studs, Adam Windsor and 'The Wonderkid' Jonny Storm are two British wrestlers who are looking to debut not just with a win but with solid gold.  ECW Fans are no stranger to the man named Balls Mahoney but what they are wondering is who his tag team partner will be.  All we know is that Balls calls him his "special friend."

    user posted image



    Round 1 Match-Up

    Kid Kash -vs- Lazarus

    Will the 'Master of the Hurricanrana' be able to handle one of the strangest human beings to ever step foot inside the ring?  Kid Kash is a former ECW World TV Champion but he has never had to face an opponent who by every meaning of the saying is "stranger then fiction", the one and only Lazarus.

    Round 1 Match-Up

    2 Cold Scorpio -vs- Sonny Siaki

    Former ECW World TV Champion, 2 Cold Scorpio looks to advance in his quest for the title but the first man standing in his way could not be any tougher an opponent however.  Sonny Siaki is looking to establish himself as a real threat in ECW and a win over 2 Cold Scorpio in Round 1 could do just that.


    'Acting Commissioner' Bill Alfonso, Justin Credible, The Sandman, Chris Candido, and  surprises around every corner!

    This Friday After 'Law & Order' only on

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  7. <center>

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    The New ECW Arena - Philadelphia, PA

    Paul Heyman is sitting in the new ECW offices next to the New ECW Arena. He knew in order for this thing to be successful and not flop or be quickly destroyed by Turner, he'd have to run it as cheaply as possible. Granted, Ted Turner did give him much more in terms of financing and a late night TV deal with TNT which drew a couple high profile advertisers. He was aware that the buzz regarding the reforming of ECW was astonishing especially on the internet where he knew his core audience was. But in order to pack an arena he knew only one place where it would be a given. But that place was currently in use and the last thing he wanted to do was the share a Bingo Hall with another promotion. So with a bit of fancy financing he was able to secure a building a little larger then the Bingo Hall which also had offices to the side he could use for production purposes. Not only that, it wasn't being used by anyone which meant it was all his.

    His train of thought was disrupted with a knock on his door.

    Paul Heyman: Come in!

    The door opens and Justin Credible walks in.

    Paul Heyman: Justin!

    Heyman stands and they both shake hands.

    Justin Credible: It's been a long time hasn't it?

    Paul Heyman: Too long, too long. Have a seat.

    So Justin Credible and Paul Heyman spent the next three hours in that office discussing everything from the WWE to TNA to ECW. Heyman told Justin Credible that this time everything would go exactly the way it was meant to go. They would silence those saying that ECW would sell-out under the eyes of Ted Turner and they would rock the wrestling world with a bang. Justin Credible could really care less and knew that this would be a steady pay check and would see him back in a scene that he had long been absent from, the main event.

    Paul Heyman: So, what do you say? Will you come back to ECW?

    Justin Credible: Fuckin' A.

    They shook hands and Heyman sent him to the next office to finalize some paperwork, on his way out Justin Credible stopped and turned around.

    Justin Credible: Hey Paul?

    Paul Heyman: Yeah?

    Justin Credible: What about the other guys?

    Paul Heyman: Don't worry bout it.

    And with that Justin Credible walked out, knowing that when Paul say's "Dont worry bout it," it's usually a time to start worrying.


    2 Cold Scorpio

    Adam Windsor

    Big Vito

    The Sandman

    Jarelle Clark


    Mr. Black

    Mr. Aguila

    David Young

    Chris Candido

    Justin Credible

    Horace Hogan

    Balls Mahoney

    Jonny Storm

    Jason Cross

    Kid Kash

    Perry Saturn

    Sonny Siaki

    Mortimer Plumtree

    Joey Styles


    Bill Alfonso


    Danny Doring


    Joey Corman

    Super Crazy

  8. <center>


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    Ted Turner and Paul Heyman

    A Flying Dutch Man/Pepsi Split Diary



    Ted Turner Returns ; Paul Heyman Officially Released from Contract


    <li>Ted Turner has expressed interest in forming another wrestling promotion to air on his network TNT.  Turner failed to elaborate on the matter but this news has worried TNA who have been struggling to gain national exposure.  TNA feels that a Turner-backed wrestling company could seriously threaten the company and its growing popularity since it'd have the financial backing of Ted Turner himself.  No comment has been made by WWE officials and none is expected.

    <li>As reported earlier, Paul Heyman was officially "let go" by the WWE following his actions backstage at the last Smackdown! taping in Houston, Texas.  As previous reported Heyman was extremely upset with the direction Bruce Prichard wanted the show to go.  Heyman went to Stephanie McMahon with his complaints to which he was told that Bruce Prichard's direction was from her and HHH.  Heyman agreed to the changes but when the time came for a segment involving him and Teddy Long, Heyman went off script and starting making shoot comments about the Smackdown! booking team.  The segment was never edited-out and never aired but Vince was so upset he immediately fired Heyman.  Most of the Smackdown! locker room, while upset, understand that it's Heyman's fault for making those comments.


  9. I think giving you answers isn't always cheap if it's done right. But Vanilla Sky just laid it all out for you. Like Matzat said, it felt like it didn't trust it's audience.

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