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Posts posted by edcq

  1. I went to a Mets game during that whole John Rocker controversy a long time ago. The Mets were down going into the 9th and the Braves brought out Rocker to close out the game. He ended up blowing the save and it was such an incredible experience surrounded by strangers high fiving and jumping for joy. One of my favorite experiences of all time. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, Gazz said:

    Spotted an Opossum, aimed my gun at it and it flopped onto it's side like it was dead. Thought 'ha, that's a weird bug' and went to pick it up to skin it, little fucker jumped up and tried to run away. Then I remembered that Opossum's are known to play dead in an effort to hide from predators.

    Rockstar thought of everything.


    That’s actually the second to last challenge of the “master hunter” challenges.


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