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Posts posted by steelpony

  1. (RWF Logo appears and then disappears, as the pyro explodes and "Scapegoat" By Fear Factory plays.)

    (After this you see a recap of what happened last week With the D. Revelle Vs. Vengeance and Dark Phantom. David's win...Joey Challenging Dave to a rematch..Dave accepting although bloodied and exhausted, accepts...Then you see clips of Morbid Sending out Lindsay to help Dave win with a schoolboy.)

    Jim- Welcome once again to the most heart pounding action anywhere...Right here on KFVS-12....We are live here from The Doniphon Auditoreum.

    Kenny- And I'm Kenny Larimar...Fans we have a feed that we are going to right away.

    (Nicole Jackson is seen at the Deli Table, women's title upturnedas a platter while she piles cold cuts and potato salad on the title.)

    Jim- Whata joke! I'd hate to envision this fed 2 months from now if Morbid continues the booking.

    Kenny-I don't know Jim, he's been fair since he's started.

    Jim- Fair??? That Behometh didn't win the title it was handed to her.

    Kenny- Jim, women that size don't need to be messed with. If you know big girls, you give them what they want, even if they can't wear it.

    Jim- Date a few porkers in your day eh?

    Kenny- No, but my cousin Lenny is a BBW lover.

    (Joey appears behind NIcole.)

    Kenny- Ah, the most talented Revelle in and out of the ring.

    Jim- Talented?? Joey was pinned with a school boy last week.

    Joey- Nicole, uh, I want to ask you something.

    Nicole-( Mouth full of Potato salad.)-Yes???

    Joey-I was wondering if I could look at your title. So Large...so gold...so beutiful.

    Jim- What the hell's his problem???

    Kenny- Hey, who could resist all that women? I heard the boys in the back were in a serious discussion on whether she's single or not.

    Jim-Stinkbomb and Trailer Trash don't qualify as the boys in the back. They would try to poke anything with a pulse, animal, vegetable, or mineral.

    Kenny- Stinkbomb prefers vegetable they put up less of a fight, then he puts them back in their wheelchairs.

    Jim- Will you stop??

    (Nicole hands the title over to Joey. Joey's eyes begin to enlarge as if he's been hypnotized by the sheen o the title.)

    Joey- Oh My precious. Yes my Precious!!(Puts on the title and runs off Camera.)

    Kenny- Oh My!! It's like watching that creepy Gollum!!! He's possessed.

    Jim- Something wrong with that kid!

    (Nicole Bellows for help and waddles off camera.)

    JIm- Well thatwas interesting???

    Towers of Terror vs. Trailer Trash (Non-Title Match)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Towers of Terror!!!

    [they come to the ring as the lights are lowered ]

    Vic Titan - and their opponents, the team of Trailer Trash.

    [walk to the ring as Dueling Banjos plays Mike Simpson checks Zero Fear's boots and knee pads. Cletus Gumm places Zero Fear on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Zero Fear punches Cletus Gumm repeatedly. ]

    Kenny Larimar - weak move by Zero Fear.

    [Zero Fear grabs Cletus Gumm's head and hites him in the face. Cletus Gumm tags Seymour Bush. Cletus Gumm runs and tackles Zero Fear. Cletus Gumm punches him in the head. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Come on ref! Do something!! Zero Fear is being double teamed!

    [Cletus Gumm picks up Zero Fear and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Cletus Gumm gets up. Cletus Gumm and Zero Fear go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Cletus Gumm applies the clawhold on Zero Fear. (...3) Zero Fear connects with a flying knee. Cletus Gumm goes down. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Cletus Gumm takes a knee.

    [Cletus Gumm moves back to his feet. (....4) Cletus Gumm bounces Zero Fear off the ropes and clotheslines him. (.....5) Cletus Gumm and Zero Fear move back into the ring. Cletus Gumm kicks Zero Fear on the mat. ]

    Kenny Larimar - stomp!

    [Zero Fear tags in QIX. QIX is back on his feet. QIX executes a corkscrew legdrop on Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush gets hit with the shooting star press from QIX. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 Seymour Bush escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - QIX should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

    [seymour Bush is up again. Seymour Bush hits QIX with a rolling elbow smash to the face. QIX tags in Zero Fear. QIX punches Seymour Bush repeatedly. QIX piledrives Seymour Bush. They lockup. Zero Fear sends Seymour Bush to the corner of the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

    [Zero Fear gets up. Seymour Bush executes a spinning back suplex on Zero Fear. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is how wrestling should be!

    [seymour Bush trys for a handspring moonsault but Zero Fear avoids it. Seymour Bush covers Zero Fear. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Zero Fear kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Seymour Bush almost won the match!

    [Zero Fear gets back to his feet. Seymour Bush tags Cletus Gumm. Cletus Gumm gets tiger suplexed by Zero Fear. Zero Fear moves back to his feet. Cletus Gumm tags in Seymour Bush. Cletus Gumm suplexes Zero Fear. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Come on ref! Do something!! Zero Fear is being double teamed!

    [Cletus Gumm stands up. Zero Fear nails Cletus Gumm with a double underhook suplex. Seymour Bush makes the tag to Cletus Gumm. They lockup. Cletus Gumm sends Zero Fear to the corner of the ring. They lockup. Cletus Gumm sends Zero Fear to the corner of the ring. Seymour Bush pins Zero Fear against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That's strategy right there! Double Team Zero Fear.

    [Zero Fear hits a spinning leg lariat on Seymour Bush sending him to the mat. Seymour Bush moves back to his feet. QIX tagged in by Zero Fear. QIX knees Cletus Gumm and rolls back to his feet. QIX tags Zero Fear. Zero Fear knee drops Cletus Gumm. Zero Fear chants start. Zero Fear sends Cletus Gumm to ringside. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Zero Fear can't get a pin at ringside.

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Zero Fear executes a corkscrew legdrop on Cletus Gumm. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a corkscrew legdrop.

    [Zero Fear is back on his feet. Cletus Gumm gets back to his feet. (...3) Cletus Gumm gets hit with a dragon scerw from Zero Fear. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Zero Fear executes a dragon screw.

    [Cletus Gumm moves back to his feet. (....4) Zero Fear gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Cletus Gumm. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a jumping neck snap.

    [(.....5) Zero Fear takes Cletus Gumm into the ring. Zero Fear grabs Cletus Gumm's leg and takes him down. ]

    Jim Reynolds - single leg takedown!

    [Zero Fear executes a corkscrew legdrop on Cletus Gumm. Zero Fear is back on his feet. Cletus Gumm is up again. Cletus Gumm makes the tag to Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Zero Fear executes a corkscrew legdrop on Seymour Bush. Zero Fear is back on his feet. Zero Fear tags QIX. Seymour Bush punches QIX repeatedly. Seymour Bush bounces QIX off the ropes and clotheslines him. QIX places Seymour Bush on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Now Seymour Bush standing. QIX and Seymour Bush go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) QIX swings a Steel chair and hits Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush is bleeding as a result. ]

    Kenny Larimar - What an outstanding match! Are you enjoying this match?

    Jim Reynolds - Yeah, you know it.

    [(..2) QIX executes a headlock takedown. (...3) QIX executes a corkscrew legdrop on Seymour Bush. QIX moves back to his feet. Seymour Bush stands up. (....4) Seymour Bush hits QIX with a baba chop. (.....5) Seymour Bush and QIX move back into the ring. Seymour Bush spinning mule kicks QIX. Seymour Bush goes for a pin. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 QIX kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - He should have just stayed on the attack.

    [seymour Bush with a headbutt on QIX. Cletus Gumm tagged in by Seymour Bush. Cletus Gumm uses a cradle suplex on QIX. Cletus Gumm moves back to his feet. Cletus Gumm grabs QIX's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Cletus Gumm tightens the hold. ... QIX trys to escape. Cletus Gumm breaks the hold. QIX climbs to his feet. Cletus Gumm gets thrown into the turnbuckle. QIX comes over and smashes Cletus Gumm's head into it. Cletus Gumm uses a lariat on QIX. Cletus Gumm kicks QIX on the mat. QIX makes the tag to Zero Fear. QIX suplexes Cletus Gumm. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Come on ref! Do something!! Cletus Gumm is being double teamed!

    [QIX neck snaps Cletus Gumm. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Cletus Gumm takes a neck snap.

    [Cletus Gumm tags Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush superkicks Zero Fear. Zero Fear climbs to his feet. Cletus Gumm tagged in by Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush grabs Zero Fear's leg and takes him down. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The double team is the key to Tag team wrestling!

    [Zero Fear slaps Seymour Bush. Cletus Gumm tags in Seymour Bush. Seymour Bush gouges Zero Fear's eyes out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Seymour Bush with a eye gouge.

    [Zero Fear pokes Seymour Bush in the eye with his thumb. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a thumb to the eye.

    [seymour Bush brings in Cletus Gumm for Trailer Trash. Zero Fear executes a headlock takedown. Zero Fear covers Cletus Gumm hooking the leg. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 ...2 Cletus Gumm kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Cletus Gumm.

    [Cletus Gumm gets back to his feet. Seymour Bush tagged in by Cletus Gumm. Cletus Gumm hiptosses Zero Fear. Cletus Gumm nails Zero Fear with a belly-to-back suplex. Cletus Gumm uses a running lariat to take Zero Fear down. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

    [Cletus Gumm leg lariats Zero Fear, sending him to the mat. Zero Fear gets back to his feet. Kneelock submission applied by Cletus Gumm. Mike Simpson asks Zero Fear if he quits. ... ... ... ... Cletus Gumm breaks the hold. Zero Fear puts Cletus Gumm on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. ]

    Jim Reynolds - If Zero Fear keeps using moves like that belly-to-belly superplex he could win the match!

    [Zero Fear moves back to his feet. Zero Fear covers Cletus Gumm hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Cletus Gumm kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

    [Cletus Gumm climbs to his feet. Zero Fear hooks Cletus Gumm in the abdominal stretch. Mike Simpson asks Cletus Gumm if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Zero Fear breaks the hold. Seymour Bush tags in Cletus Gumm. Zero Fear executes the jumping sidekick on Cletus Gumm. Cletus Gumm is up again. Zero Fear with a gut-wrench suplex on Cletus Gumm. Zero Fear chants start. Zero Fear stands up. Zero Fear executes a corkscrew legdrop on Cletus Gumm. Zero Fear stands up. Zero Fear chokes Cletus Gumm with his boot. Zero Fear chants start. Zero Fear executes the Supper DDT on Cletus Gumm! Zero Fear covers Cletus Gumm hooking the leg. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Vic Titan - The winners of this match, Towers of Terror!!!

    Jim- Well our next match stems from last week , Paige Cornell wants a hardcore match tonight against Gospel Dan. Vic Titan is backstage with Paige Cornell.

    Vic- I'm here with Paige Cornell, who ina few minutes will wrestle Gospel Dan. Any Comments.

    Paige- Gospel Dan, I hope youv'e been out at church with your pastor, praying to your God about this match, because brother, ther'es only one scripture to decribe your Imminent loss tonight. "Jesus Wept".

    Commercial Break

    "Gospel" Dan Reynolds vs. Paige Cornell (Non-Title Match) (Hardcore Match)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Hardcore Match. On his way to The Ring at this time, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Jericho, Israel, "Gospel" Dan Reynolds!!! (crowd cheers **********)

    [" God on the Mountain" By the MCamey's plays as he walks to the ring, Bible in Hand. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Seatlle WA, Paige Cornell!!! (crowd cheers ***)

    [walks to the ring as "Spoonman" by Soundgarden plays "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a pumphandle suplex on Paige Cornell. Mike Simpson checks Paige Cornell's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds uses a snap mare takeover on Paige Cornell. Paige Cornell gets hit with the shooting star press from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 Paige Cornell escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Not even close!

    [Now Paige Cornell standing. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits him with a back fist. Paige Cornell uppercuts "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a swinging bulldog on Paige Cornell driving Paige Cornell's face into the Mat. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds climbs to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds fist drops Paige Cornell on the Mat. Paige Cornell is back on his feet. Paige Cornell executes the German suplex on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Now Paige Cornell standing. Paige Cornell rolls onto "Gospel" Dan Reynolds connecting with a knee. Paige Cornell covers "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 "Gospel" Dan Reynolds escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Paige Cornell should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds knifehand chops Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds rakes the face of Paige Cornell in attempt to make a come back. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Paige Cornell with the crotch slam. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds Dumps Paige Cornell Into The Ringside Area "Gospel" Dan Reynolds swings A Window Pane and hits Paige Cornell. Paige Cornell is bleeding as a result. Paige Cornell moves back to his feet. Paige Cornell hits "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Paige Cornell with a rolling elbow smash.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds moves back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with an Aztecan suplex on Paige Cornell sends him to the Cement. Now "Gospel" Dan Reynolds standing. Paige Cornell climbs to his feet. Paige Cornell spinning mule kicks "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Now "Gospel" Dan Reynolds standing. Paige Cornell bounces "Gospel" Dan Reynolds off the ropes and clotheslines him. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is back on his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds goes for a spinning headscissors but Paige Cornell dodges the attack. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds swings A Stop Sign and hits Paige Cornell. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Ha!

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds rakes his fingers across Paige Cornell's back. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Paige Cornell with the back of his elbow. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds piledrives Paige Cornell. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Good standing piledriver by "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Are you enjoying this match?

    Kenny Larimar - Yes sir!

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a corkscrew legdrop on Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is up again. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds slaps Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Paige Cornell with a heart punch. Paige Cornell gets up. Paige Cornell trys for a bridging back suplex but "Gospel" Dan Reynolds avoids it. Paige Cornell goes for a belly-to-belly superplex but "Gospel" Dan Reynolds dodges the attack. ]

    Jim Reynolds - What an outstanding match! Is this a great match or not?

    Kenny Larimar - Oh yeah!

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Paige Cornell comes over and smashes "Gospel" Dan Reynolds's head into it. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Paige Cornell with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Paige Cornell takes a rolling elbow smash.

    [Paige Cornell gets hit with the shooting star press from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 Paige Cornell kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Gospel" Dan Reynolds should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

    [Paige Cornell bounces "Gospel" Dan Reynolds off the ropes and faceslams him onto the Cement. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is up again. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds tackles Paige Cornell. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a football tackle.

    [Paige Cornell gets hit with a diving elbow smash from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets up. Paige Cornell gets back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with a huge fisherman buster on Paige Cornell. Paige Cornell gets hit with the shooting star press from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Paige Cornell escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Gospel" Dan Reynolds was so close!!

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds places Paige Cornell on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds moves back to his feet. Paige Cornell gets back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds Brings Paige Cornell Up The Ring Ramp "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with a falling splash on Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds moves back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds rolls onto Paige Cornell connecting with a knee. Paige Cornell stands up. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes the Last Supper DDT on Paige Cornell! "Gospel" Dan Reynolds covers Paige Cornell. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Kenny Larimar - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, "Gospel" Dan Reynolds!!!

    RB2K vs. Stinkbomb (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 300 pounds, from the southside of Doniphan Mo, RB2K!!! (crowd boos **)

    ["The Humpty Dance" by digital Underground plays as he walks towards the ring ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 195 pounds, from the nearest trash bin, Stinkbomb!!! (crowd boos ******)

    [comes to the ring as "Rico Suave" plays RB2K places Stinkbomb on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Stinkbomb drops RB2K with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) RB2K uses a snap mare takeover on Stinkbomb. Stinkbomb gets back to his feet. Stinkbomb grabs RB2K's leg and takes him down. Now RB2K standing. RB2K uses a closed fist on Stinkbomb. RB2K rakes his fingers across Stinkbomb's back. Stinkbomb trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift RB2K.Stinkbomb with an illegal chokehold on RB2K. RB2K bounces Stinkbomb off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. RB2K climbs to his feet. Stinkbomb trys for a superplex but is unable to lift RB2K.Stinkbomb delivers a kick to the head of RB2K. RB2K is back on his feet. RB2K bounces Stinkbomb off the ropes and clotheslines him. RB2K hits Stinkbomb with the double arm DDT into the mat. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That double arm DDT was very good.

    [RB2K is back on his feet. Stinkbomb moves back to his feet. Stinkbomb trys for a tiger driver but RB2K avoids it. RB2K nails Stinkbomb with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. RB2K applies an arm wrench to Stinkbomb. Stinkbomb stands up. Stinkbomb pokes RB2K in the eyes. Stinkbomb hits a koppo kick on RB2K. ]

    Kenny Larimar - koppo kick by Stinkbomb.

    [stinkbomb covers RB2K. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 RB2K kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Stinkbomb should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

    [Now RB2K standing. RB2K short lariats Stinkbomb. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Stinkbomb takes a short lariat.

    [stinkbomb moves back to his feet. Stinkbomb trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift RB2K.Stinkbomb and RB2K go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is quality sports entertainment!

    Jim Reynolds - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

    [RB2K goes for a splash but Stinkbomb dodges the attack. (..2) RB2K dropkicks Stinkbomb. ]

    Kenny Larimar - dropkick by RB2K.

    [RB2K climbs to his feet. They fight into the aisle. (...3) RB2K executes a corkscrew legdrop on Stinkbomb. RB2K stands up. RB2K hits a frog splash on Stinkbomb. RB2K stands up. Stinkbomb climbs to his feet. RB2K and Stinkbomb move back to ringside. RB2K and Stinkbomb move back into the ring. RB2K leg lariats Stinkbomb, sending him to the mat. Stinkbomb is up again. RB2K gives Stinkbomb a reverse neckbreaker. RB2K sucks chants start in the crowd. Now RB2K standing. RB2K executes a snap mare on Stinkbomb and locks him into the sleeper. Mike Simpson asks Stinkbomb if he quits. ... RB2K tightens the hold. ... ... Stinkbomb is fighting the hold. ... Stinkbomb trys to escape. ... RB2K tightens the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... RB2K tightens the hold. ... RB2K tightens the hold. Stinkbomb taps out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, RB2K!!!

    (Morbid is out on the ramp)

    Morbid- I am out on the ramp tonight to announce my opponent tonight.

    Jim- (oozing with sarcasm)Who's it going to be tonight?? Well Let me take a wild guess...Me!!!

    Morbid- Your'e right.

    Jim- What, you're kidding me.

    Morbid-No I'm not. Get in the back and get ready wer'e next.

    Kenny-Nice knowing you Jim.

    Morbid- Oh and to give you a bit of a chance...I'm having Red Loser officiate the match. Also a Strip Club chaos match will be tonight. A ring has been set up in the Parkay strip club in Poplar Bluff.....Have fun Ladies.

    Commercial Break.

    Morbid Angel vs. Jim Reynolds (RWF World Title) gimmick (Standard Match)

    Kenny Larimar - This match is a Standard Match for the RWF World Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 325 pounds, from Atlantic City, NJ, Jim Reynolds!!! (crowd cheers *******)

    [Jim Walks to the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - and his opponent, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Death Valley he holds the RWF World Title title belt, Morbid Angel!!! (crowd boos ******)

    ["People Equal Shit", by Slipknot plays as the Morbid one walks Morbid Angel gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Jim Reynolds. Morbid Angel executes a pumphandle suplex on Jim Reynolds. (the bell rings) Jim Reynolds hits Morbid Angel with a baba chop. Morbid Angel does a cartwheel and kicks Jim Reynolds in the face. Morbid Angel measures Jim Reynolds up and drops a closed fist. Morbid Angel puts Jim Reynolds in an arm grapevine submission. Jim Reynolds is up again. Morbid Angel puts Jim Reynolds on the top rope and executes a superplex. Morbid Angel measures Jim Reynolds up and drops a closed fist. Morbid Angel puts Jim Reynolds in an arm grapevine submission. Jim Reynolds moves back to his feet. Morbid Angel gets sent into the turnbuckle while Jim Reynolds hits him with a splash. Jim Reynolds drags Morbid Angel to the floor. Red Loser starts the count (.1) ]

    Vic Titan - There is one thing that makes a hardcore match hardcore....and that is BLOOD! Blood is awesome!

    [(..2) Morbid Angel gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Jim Reynolds comes over and smashes Morbid Angel's head into it. (...3) Morbid Angel comes from behind and bulldogs Jim Reynolds. Morbid Angel moves back to his feet. (....4) Morbid Angel puts Jim Reynolds in an arm grapevine submission. Jim Reynolds stands up. Morbid Angel bounces Jim Reynolds off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. ]

    Vic Titan - Jim Reynolds is in trouble! Morbid Angel pulled out a pretty strong move!

    [(.....5) ]

    Kenny Larimar - I wish every match could be like this!

    [Jim Reynolds gets elbowed to his midsection by Jim Reynolds. Morbid Angel with an exploder suplex on Jim Reynolds. Morbid Angel and Jim Reynolds move back into the ring. Morbid Angel hits the handspring moonsault on Jim Reynolds. Morbid Angel sucks chants start in the crowd. Jim Reynolds stands up. Morbid Angel grabs Jim Reynolds by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Morbid Angel with the hammerlock on Jim Reynolds. The referee is checking the situation. ... Jim Reynolds trys to escape. ... Jim Reynolds trys to escape. ... ... ... ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Morbid Angel tightens the hold. ... Jim Reynolds trys to escape. Jim Reynolds taps out. ]

    Vic Titan - We can all get outta here now that Morbid Angel has won!

    Kenny Larimar - The winner of this match, and still RWF World Title champion, Morbid Angel!!!

    ( Joey is Backstage still with the women's title around his waist.)

    Joey- Dave you may have beat me last week, but i found someone you can't beat. Come on out Levi!!!!!

    ( Huge big man walks out>)

    Levi- Dave your'e gonna die TONIGHT!!!!

    (Commercial Break>)

    Levi vs. David Revelle (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

    Kenny Larimar - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 130 pounds, from Poplar Bluff, Mo, David Revelle!!! (crowd cheers **)

    [" This is Now" By Hatebreed plays as Dave enters the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - and his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Gooberville, AK accompanied by Amanda "Stank", Levi!!! (crowd boos ******)

    [Walks to the ring as Stank antagonizes the crowd. Red Loser checks David Revelle's boots and knee pads. Levi executes a pumphandle suplex on David Revelle. (the bell rings) David Revelle slaps Levi. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Levi takes a slap.

    [Levi nails David Revelle with a belly-to-back suplex. David Revelle bounces Levi off the ropes and clotheslines him. Levi moves back to his feet. David Revelle pins Levi against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. David Revelle gets tiger suplexed by Levi. Levi is up again. David Revelle gets up. David Revelle with a jumping DDT on Levi. David Revelle is back on his feet. Levi moves back to his feet. David Revelle locks Levi in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... David Revelle tightens the hold. ... David Revelle tightens the hold. ... Levi is fighting the hold. David Revelle breaks the hold. David Revelle tackles Levi and pummels his head. David Revelle covers Levi. The ref starts the count. ...1 Levi escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Not even close!

    [Levi hits him with a back fist. Levi rakes his fingers across David Revelle's back. Levi slaps David Revelle. David Revelle is hit with a backward kick. Levi delivers a spinning backbreak to David Revelle. Levi trys for a fisherman buster but David Revelle avoids it. Levi and David Revelle go to the floor Red Loser starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - Levi is taking it to David Revelle.

    [Levi with a takeover suplex on David Revelle. Levi stands up. They head back into the ring. David Revelle gets up. David Revelle trys for a superplex but is unable to lift Levi.David Revelle does a cartwheel and kicks Levi in the face. ]

    Vic Titan - You shouldn't use that in a match like this! You are never gonna win!

    [David Revelle covers Levi. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Levi kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - He should have just stayed on the attack.

    [Levi is up again. Levi knifehand chops David Revelle. David Revelle drives a forearm into Levi. David Revelle takes Levi down with a knee. ]

    Vic Titan - You shouldn't use that in a match like this! You are never gonna win!

    [Levi gets back to his feet. Levi executes a swinging bulldog on David Revelle driving David Revelle's face into the mat. Levi fist drops David Revelle on the mat. David Revelle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Levi. Levi stands up. David Revelle climbs to his feet. Levi rakes the face of David Revelle in attempt to make a come back. ]

    Vic Titan - Levi is the only person in the world that would use a wuss move like that!

    [Levi slaps David Revelle in the face. David Revelle trys for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but Levi avoids it. Levi goes for a crotch slam but David Revelle dodges the attack. David Revelle gets locked in the painful STF. Red Loser is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... David Revelle escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Revelle Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

    [Levi hits David Revelle with a heart punch. Now David Revelle standing. Levi gets hit with a back heel kick. Now Levi standing. David Revelle executes a swinging bulldog on Levi driving Levi's face into the mat. David Revelle climbs to his feet. David Revelle grabs Levi and applies an arm wrench. Levi climbs to his feet. Levi chops David Revelle. Levi executes a jawbreakeron David Revelle. David Revelle executes a neck-breaker on Levi. David Revelle chants start. ]

    Vic Titan - David Revelle surprised me with that!

    [Levi moves back to his feet. David Revelle and Levi go to the floor Red Loser starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Revelle Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

    [Levi is speared by David Revelle. David Revelle chants start. David Revelle moves back to his feet. David Revelle takes Levi into the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - I am hoping that one of these guys pin each other so that this match can end!

    [David Revelle applies an arm wrench to Levi. Levi spinning mule kicks David Revelle. David Revelle gets hit with the shooting star press from Levi. Red Loser counts. ...1 ...2 David Revelle kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Levi should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

    [David Revelle moves back to his feet. Levi hits David Revelle with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ]

    Vic Titan - Levi is the only person in the world that would use a wuss move like that!

    [David Revelle trys for a cobra clutch suplex but is not strong enough to lift Levi.David Revelle and Levi go to the floor Red Loser starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is quality sports entertainment!

    [(..2) David Revelle punches Levi in the gut. (...3) David Revelle bounces Levi off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor. David Revelle gets back to his feet. Levi is up again. (....4) David Revelle tackles Levi to the floor. (.....5) They head back into the ring. David Revelle applies an arm wrench to Levi. ]

    Kenny Larimar - arm wrench!

    [Levi is back on his feet. Levi hits David Revelle with the double arm DDT into the mat. David Revelle gets hit with the shooting star press from Levi. Red Loser counts. ...1 ...2 David Revelle escapes. ]

    Vic Titan - Almost! I wish Levi had won right there so we all could go home!

    [Levi sends David Revelle to ringside. Red Loser starts the count (.1) Levi swings a microphone cable and hits David Revelle. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Blood is all over ringside.

    [David Revelle sends Levi into Red Loser he goes down. David Revelle trys for a running powerbomb but is unable to lift Levi.David Revelle trys for a German suplex but is unable to lift Levi.Amanda "Stank" comes to ringside. Amanda "Stank" swings a Steel chair and hits David Revelle. David Revelle is bleeding as a result. Amanda "Stank" trys for a power move but is unable to lift David Revelle.Now Amanda "Stank" standing. Amanda "Stank" trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift David Revelle.Ordered is restored. Red Loser gets up. They head back into the ring. Morbid Angel runs out and Distracts Levi... as Dave pulls .......A SCHOOLBOY.... Red Loser counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Vic Titan - David Revelle won....I can't believe that!

    Kenny Larimar - The winner of this match, David Revelle!!!

    7 Man Battle Royal (Strip Club Chaos) (RWF Women's Title)

    Kenny Larimar - The following is a 7 woman Strip Club Chaos battle royal.

    [All 7 women are at Inside the club. (ding, ding, ding) Kat Wons clotheslines Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson uppercuts Kat Wons. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Kat Wons takes a uppercut.

    [Kat Wons executes the jumping sidekick on Nicole Jackson. Kat Wons hits Nicole Jackson with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kat Wons moves back to her feet. Kat Wons covers Nicole Jackson. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Nicole Jackson escapes. ]

    Vic Titan - Kat Wons, you have just executed the absolute worst move that I have ever seen!

    [Nicole Jackson moves back to her feet. Kat Wons gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Nicole Jackson. ]

    Kenny Larimar - What a backdrop driver!!

    [Nicole Jackson knees Kat Wons and rolls back to her feet. Nicole Jackson kicks Kat Wons on the concrete. ]

    Kenny Larimar - stomp by Nicole Jackson.

    [Nicole Jackson stomps Kat Wons. ]

    Vic Titan - Get some action in this match by using something that is strong!

    [Kat Wons moves back to her feet. Nicole Jackson shoulder tackles Kat Wons. Nicole Jackson climbs to her feet. Kat Wons stands up. Kat Wons does a handspring and hits Nicole Jackson with a bodyblock, what a move! ]

    Kenny Larimar - What a handspring bodyblock!!

    [Kat Wons is up again. Nicole Jackson is up again. Kat Wons swings A bottle of liquor and hits Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson is bleeding as a result. Kat Wons rakes the face of Nicole Jackson in attempt to make a come back. Nicole Jackson hits a hippo kick on Kat Wons. Nicole Jackson knifehand chops Kat Wons. Nicole Jackson hits Kat Wons with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Nicole Jackson knees Kat Wons and rolls back to her feet. Nicole Jackson goes for a pin. Red Loser counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Kat Wons escapes. ]

    Vic Titan - Nicole Jackson, you have absolutely no strength if you do such a weak move like that!

    [Kat Wons climbs to her feet. Kat Wons trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Nicole Jackson carries Kat Wons to the bar. Amanda "Stank" slingshot elbow drops Dee Dee Hanjob. ]

    Vic Titan - Amanda "Stank" is the only person in the world that would use a wuss move like that!

    [Kneelock submission applied by Amanda "Stank". Red Loser asks Dee Dee Hanjob if she quits. ... Dee Dee Hanjob trys to escape. ... ... Amanda "Stank" breaks the hold. After fight Diana measures Dee Dee Hanjob up and drops a closed fist. Diana hits a frog splash on Dee Dee Hanjob. Diana stands up. Diana hits a frog splash on Dee Dee Hanjob. Diana chants start. Diana climbs to his feet. Diana applies an arm wrench to Dee Dee Hanjob. Diana grabs Dee Dee Hanjob's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Red Loser is checking for a tap out. ... ... Dee Dee Hanjob trys to escape. ... Diana tightens the hold. ... Diana tightens the hold. ... ... Diana tightens the hold. ... Dee Dee Hanjob trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Dee Dee Hanjob taps out. Dee Dee Hanjob was elimintated by Diana. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That will do it for Dee Dee Hanjob. She's been eliminated!

    [Lacey Scott trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Lacey Scott swings A stool and hits Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson is bleeding as a result. Lacey Scott trys for a double underhook suplex but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Lacey Scott swings A broken bottle and hits Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson is bleeding as a result. Lacey Scott does a cartwheel and kicks Nicole Jackson in the face. Lacey Scott puts Nicole Jackson in an arm grapevine submission. Nicole Jackson trys for a jumping clothesline but Lacey Scott avoids it. Nicole Jackson swings A high-heeled shoe. and hits Lacey Scott. ]

    Vic Titan - Bust somebody open with a weapon damnit!

    [Nicole Jackson executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Lacey Scott's face to the concrete. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Lacey Scott really felt that slingshot facebuster!

    [Nicole Jackson is back on his feet. Nicole Jackson swings A broken bottle and hits Lacey Scott. Lacey Scott is bleeding as a result. Nicole Jackson hits a frog splash on Lacey Scott. Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson gets back to her feet. Lacey Scott gets up. Lacey Scott gets locked in the double chicken wing. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Lacey Scott is fighting the hold. Lacey Scott escapes. Nicole Jackson swings A high-heeled shoe. and hits Lacey Scott. ]

    Vic Titan - Blood....Blood....and more Blood!! Nothing can compare to the loss of blood!!

    [Nicole Jackson trys for a hotshot but Kat Wons avoids it. Nicole Jackson swings A high-heeled shoe. and hits Kat Wons. Nicole Jackson nails Kat Wons with an inverted DDT. Nicole Jackson gets up. They fight to the backstage. After fight Diana applies an arm wrench to Kat Wons. Kat Wons gets up. Diana trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Kat Wons.Diana trys for a body slam but is unable to lift Kat Wons.Diana hits Kat Wons with a single arm DDT. Diana moves back to his feet. Diana uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Kat Wons down. Diana pins Kat Wons with a rolling cradle. Red Loser counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 Kat Wons was elimintated by Diana. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That will do it for Kat Wons.She's been eliminated!

    [Nicole Jackson puts Diana in the double underhook position and gives her a double underhook backbreaker. Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson with a headscissors takeover on Diana. Nicole Jackson is up again. Diana gets back to her feet. Nicole Jackson uses a swinging DDT to plant Diana's head into the concrete. Nicole Jackson stomps Diana's head. Nicole Jackson powerbombs Diana into the concrete. Nicole Jackson covers Diana. Red Loser counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 Diana was elimintated by Nicole Jackson. ]

    Vic Titan - Diana, pack your bags and go back to your hotel! Cause, your outta here!

    [Nicole Jackson gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Lacey Scott chants start. Now Nicole Jackson standing. Lacey Scott double underhook faceslams Nicole Jackson hard to the Nicole Jackson. Lacey Scott throws Lindsay Willie out the window. Lacey Scott hits Lindsay Willie with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Lacey Scott chants start. Lacey Scott moves back to her feet. Lacey Scott with a falling splash on Lindsay Willie. Now Lacey Scott standing. Lacey Scott thrust kicks Lindsay Willie in the head. Lacey Scott goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 Lindsay Willie was elimintated by Lacey Scott. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Lindsay Willie has been eliminated!!

    [Nicole Jackson leg lariats Amanda "Stank", sending her to the concrete. Amanda "Stank" drags Nicole Jackson out the door. Nicole Jackson throws A broken bottle at Amanda "Stank". Amanda "Stank" is bleeding as a result. Nicole Jackson rolls onto Amanda "Stank" connecting with a knee. Nicole Jackson stomps Amanda "Stank". ]

    Kenny Larimar - Amanda "Stank" takes a stomp.

    [Amanda "Stank" gets back to his feet. After fight Amanda "Stank" trys for a over the shoulder stomachbreaker but is unable to lift Lacey Scott.Amanda "Stank" kicks Lacey Scott in the groin. Amanda "Stank" takes Lacey Scott back into the club. Amanda "Stank" drags Lacey Scott backstage. Amanda "Stank" takes Lacey Scott back to the stage. Amanda "Stank" punches Lacey Scott in the head. Amanda "Stank" mule kicks Lacey Scott. Amanda "Stank" executes the Super DDT on Lacey Scott! Lacey Scott gets hit with the shooting star press from Amanda "Stank". The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 Lacey Scott was elimintated by Amanda "Stank". ]

    Vic Titan - Lacey Scott has just gotten her dumbass eliminated!

    [Amanda "Stank" throws Nicole Jackson off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Now Amanda "Stank" standing. Amanda "Stank" swings A stool and hits Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson is bleeding as a result. Amanda "Stank" goes for a frog splash but Nicole Jackson dodges the attack. Amanda "Stank" locks Nicole Jackson in the kneebar. Red Loser asks Nicole Jackson if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Amanda "Stank" tightens the hold. ... Amanda "Stank" tightens the hold. Nicole Jackson escapes. Amanda "Stank" drags Nicole Jackson backstage. Amanda "Stank" swings A stool and hits Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson is bleeding as a result. ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is how wrestling should be!

    [Amanda "Stank" clotheslines Nicole Jackson. ]

    Vic Titan - Wussie....Wussie....Wussie! Start the damn chant cause Amanda "Stank" can't do anything good!

    [Amanda "Stank" applies the clawhold on Nicole Jackson. Amanda "Stank" neck snaps Nicole Jackson. Amanda "Stank" does a cartwheel and kicks Nicole Jackson in the face. Amanda "Stank" trys for a belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Amanda "Stank" swings A high-heeled shoe. and hits Nicole Jackson. Amanda "Stank" hits Nicole Jackson with a single arm DDT. Amanda "Stank" gets up. Amanda "Stank" takes Nicole Jackson back to the stage. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Revelle Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

    [Amanda "Stank" trys for a sidewalk slam but Nicole Jackson avoids it. Amanda "Stank" drops down from the stage. Nicole Jackson with an exploder suplex on Amanda "Stank". ]

    Kenny Larimar - Amanda "Stank" really felt that exploder suplex!

    [Nicole Jackson stands up. After fight Nicole Jackson with a falling splash on Amanda "Stank". Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson stands up. Amanda "Stank" stands up. Nicole Jackson executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Amanda "Stank". Amanda "Stank" gets back to his feet. Nicole Jackson throws Amanda "Stank" out the window. Nicole Jackson bites Amanda "Stank"'s arm out of desparation. Nicole Jackson nails Amanda "Stank" with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson gorrilla presses Amanda "Stank". Nicole Jackson covers Amanda "Stank". The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 Amanda "Stank" was elimintated by Nicole Jackson. ]

    Vic Titan - Amanda "Stank" is gone from this match!

    Kenny Larimar - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Kenny Larimar - The winner of the battle royal, and still RWF Women's Title champion, Nicole Jackson!!!

    Kenny- Ladies and Gentlemen that will do it for us this week. Next week we'll have an update on Jim Reynold's condition good night and we'll see you next week.

  2. I thought I might let Ya'll Know although the day of the show is monday expect updates every wednesday. Also, yo be fair I am not doing this alone My friend is helping me out we are just using my account for the diary,as he has yet to sign up.

  3. Your ring collapsed in the first segment. You can't go on and have matches with a collapsed ring. It was a chick too. For her to collapse a ring she would need to weigh about 800 pounds AT LEAST! If she is 800 pounds she is bed stricken and the corner would not hold her. Either way you have to think about what you are typing. Read your posts before you post them. I was winging my diary and people got on me quickly about it. Read one of the elites diaries and maybe learn something from them. I suck so don't use mine for help unless it is a what NOT to do example. Good luck and the positive is your commentary is decent. Not bad at all but nothing great either.

    Thanks for the feedback I just have one thing to say......I'm having fun with this diary.. And It ais a comedy with a little seriousness thrown in.

  4. Monday Night Mayhem June7th, 2004 Black River Colisseum, Poplar Bluff, MO

    (The RWF Logo fades then dissappears. as "Scapegoat" By Fear Factory plays. Big pyro show follows.)

    Jim- Welcome everyone to another block busting edition of Monday Night Mayhem here on KFVS12..I'm Jim Reynold's .

    Kenny- And I'm Kenny Larimar this promises to be a hell of a night.

    ( Suddenly "People=Shit" by Slipknot kicks up as Morbid the world's champ and commissioner makes his way to the ring.)

    (Crowd begins to chant Fuck you Morbid)

    ( Morbid grabs a mic.)


    (Crowd cheers??????)

    Morbid- I Said shut up!!

    (Crowd Cheers Louder and chants of Jobber ring out through the building.)

    Morbid- I am not a Jobber....I am Morbid Angel!!!

    (Crowd Kicks in Morbid Jobber clap clap clap clap Morbid Jobber.)

    Morbid-The only Job I did was fucking your moms last night!! The only reason it felt any good was because your sisters were licking my balls!!!

    Jim (At announcers desk)- Oh for crying out loud is there a point????

    Morbid- Now if I can get all you rejects to shut up... I have some important announcements!!!!

    Kenny- (At announcers desk)- Your'e giving up the title??? Your gonna quit wrestling??? Youv'e secretely been in gay porn??


    Morbid- See I wish to announce three things.... One--- I want to say that everybody in this damn arena sucks my nuts..

    Jim- Come on a point to this. I need a point!!!

    (Crowd boos as a Shut the Fuck Up chant emerges)

    Morbid- Like I was saying, tonight I am announcing that David Revelle, will take on Vengeance and Dark Phantom.

    Jim- Now that won't exactly be a 3 way??? It will be a handicap match...Morbid knows that!!! That's why he set up the match.

    Morbid- And Finally I would like to introduce to you the new Women's Champion...Nicole Jackson.

    Jim- What????????

    Kenny-He's right when he says women's because Nicole is a couple of tag teams.

    Morbid- But since I'm into fairplay...

    Kenny- And Foreplay, buggery.

    Morbid- Nicole will have a match tonight Against Lacey Scott and Lindsey willie!!!!

    (Commercial Break)

    Nicole Jackson vs. Lacey Scott vs. Lindsay Willie (RWF Women's Title)

    Vic Titan- This match is a Scheduled for on fall, and it is for the RWF Women's Title . Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Doniphan MO, Nicole Jackson!!! (crowd boos **)

    [Nicole waddles towards the ring ]

    Vic Titan - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Naylor, MO, Lacey Scott!!! (crowd cheers ****)

    [" Are you Gonna Be My Girl" By Jet plays as Lacey Scott walks to the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - And third, weighing in at 110 pounds, from Potosi, MO, Lindsay Willie!!! (crowd cheers ***)

    ["Why is the world in love again" by They Might Be Giants plays as she walks to the ring Nicole Jackson checks out the ring. . indsay Willie tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) Lacey Scott gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Nicole Jackson. Lacey Scott gouges Nicole Jackson's eyes out. Lacey Scott grabs Nicole Jackson by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Nicole Jackson gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Lacey Scott gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson gets up. Nicole Jackson drags Lacey Scott to the floor. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Nicole Jackson chokes Lacey Scott with a microphone cable. ]

    [(..2) Nicole Jackson stomps Lacey Scott. Now Lacey Scott standing. (...3) Lacey Scott drives a forearm into the head of Nicole Jackson. (....4) Nicole Jackson bounces Lacey Scott off the ropes and clotheslines him. Lacey Scott stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Lacey Scott does a cartwheel and kicks Nicole Jackson in the face. Nicole Jackson stands up. Lacey Scott bounces Nicole Jackson off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Lacey Scott gets back to his feet. Lacey Scott hits Nicole Jackson with an elbowdrop. Lacey Scott gets up. Lacey Scott puts Nicole Jackson in an arm grapevine submission. Nicole Jackson stands up. Lacey Scott grabs Nicole Jackson's leg and takes her down. Now Nicole Jackson standing. Lindsay Willie trys for a gut-wrench suplex but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Lindsay Willie apllies the camel clutch on Nicole Jackson. Mike Simpson asks Nicole Jackson if she quits. ... ... ... Lindsay Willie tightens the hold. Nicole Jackson escapes. Nicole Jackson gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Nicole Jackson stands up. Nicole Jackson uppercuts Lindsay Willie. Lindsay Willie get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Nicole Jackson. Nicole Jackson goes for a pin. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 Lindsay Willie escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Lindsay Willie.

    [Lindsay Willie is back on her feet. Lacey Scott goes for a jumping clothesline but Nicole Jackson dodges the attack. Lacey Scott with the hammerlock on Nicole Jackson. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... Lacey Scott tightens the hold. ... Nicole Jackson is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) Nicole Jackson escapes. Lindsay Willie trys for a cradle suplex but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Lindsay Willie executes a leg hammerlock on Nicole Jackson. Mike Simpson asks Nicole Jackson if he quits. ... ... ... Nicole Jackson is fighting the hold. ... Nicole Jackson escapes. Lindsay Willie and Nicole Jackson go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Lacey Scott spins around Lindsay Willie's back and DDT's her into the floor. ]

    [Lacey Scott moves back to her feet. (..2) ]

    Kenny Larimar - I wish every match could be like this! These galss are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

    Jim Reynolds - Not in this life time.

    [Nicole Jackson picks up Lacey Scott and executes the cradle DDT. Nicole Jackson sucks chants start in the crowd. Nicole Jackson takes Lacey Scott into the ring. Nicole Jackson knees Lacey Scott and rolls back to his feet. Nicole Jackson neck snaps Lacey Scott. Lindsay Willie is back on her feet. Lindsay Willie trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift Lacey Scott.Lacey Scott double underhook faceslams Lindsay Willie hard to the Lindsay Willie. Lindsay Willie gets up. Lindsay Willie trys for a double underhook piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Lacey Scott.Nicole Jackson executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Lindsay Willie's face to the mat. ]

    Jim Reynolds - If Jackson keeps using moves like that slingshot facebuster he could win the match!

    [Lindsay Willie gets up. Lacey Scott trys for a airplane spin but is not strong enough to lift Nicole Jackson.Lacey Scott pokes Lindsay Willie in the eyes. Lacey Scott nails Lindsay Willie with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Lacey Scott climbs to his feet. Now Lindsay Willie standing. Nicole Jackson pulls Lacey Scott's hair. Nicole Jackson hits a koppo kick on Lacey Scott. Nicole Jackson executes a neck breaker. Nicole Jackson covers Lacey Scott. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Jim Reynolds - Finally! We have a winner! Nicole Jackson has won!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, and still RWF Women's Title champion, Nicole Jackson!!!

    Pixie vs. IOTA

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Tampa FL, Pixie!!! (crowd cheers ******)

    [walks to the ring as "Move Bitch" by Ludacris plays ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Rom, Italy accompanied by Dee Dee Hanjob, IOTA!!! (crowd cheers ********)

    ["I will Be Heard" By Hatebreed plays as IOTA walks to the ring. IOTA gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Pixie. IOTA checks his boots. (the bell rings) Pixie legsweeps IOTA. Pixie covers IOTA. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 IOTA kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Not even close!

    [Pixie chops IOTA. IOTA legsweeps Pixie. Pixie is up again. Pixie hits IOTA with a baba chop. IOTA delivers a kick to the head of Pixie. Pixie executes a split legged moonsault on to IOTA. Pixie sends IOTA to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Pixie chokes IOTA with a microphone cable. IOTA climbs to his feet. (..2) IOTA spinning mule kicks Pixie. Pixie moves back to his feet. (...3) Pixie gives IOTA a reverse neckbreaker. Pixie is back on his feet. IOTA stands up. (....4) Pixie punches IOTA in the gut. (.....5) IOTA takes Pixie into the ring. IOTA trys for a Aztecan suplex but is unable to lift Pixie.IOTA mule kicks Pixie. IOTA knees Pixie and rolls back to his feet. Pixie get nailed with a double axhandle chop from IOTA. Pixie moves back to his feet. Pixie uses the verticle facebuster on IOTA. Pixie locks IOTA in the odd octopus hold. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... IOTA escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is quality sports entertainment!

    [iOTA trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift Pixie.Pixie shoulder tackles IOTA. Pixie moves back to his feet. IOTA is back on his feet. IOTA superkicks Pixie. IOTA executes a corkscrew legdrop on Pixie. IOTA moves back to his feet. Pixie climbs to his feet. Pixie with a huge super fisherman buster, driving IOTA into the mat. Pixie is up again. IOTA is up again. Pixie executes a huge gutbuster on IOTA. Pixie slaps IOTA. IOTA is t-bone suplexed by Pixie. Pixie hits IOTA with an elbowdrop. Pixie chants start. Pixie gets up. Pixie puts IOTA in the hangman submission. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... IOTA trys to escape. ... IOTA is fighting the hold. ... IOTA trys to escape. .. Pixie tightens the hold. ... IOTA taps out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Pixie!!!

    "Gospel" Dan Reynolds vs. Paige Cornell

    Jim Reynolds - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Jericho, Israel, "Gospel" Dan Reynolds!!! (crowd cheers ********)

    [" God on the Mountain" By the MCamey's plays as he walks to the ring, Bible in Hand. ]

    Jim Reynolds - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Seatlle WA, Paige Cornell!!! (crowd cheers ****)

    [walks to the ring as "Spoonman" by Soundgarden plays "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a pumphandle suplex on Paige Cornell. Mike Simpson checks Paige Cornell's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds kicks Paige Cornell in the head. Paige Cornell gets hit with the shooting star press from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Paige Cornell kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Gospel" Dan Reynolds, you should know that you can't win with such a weak move!

    [Paige Cornell moves back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds rakes his fingers across Paige Cornell's back. Paige Cornell is hit with a backward kick. Paige Cornell with a jumping DDT on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Paige Cornell stands up. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Paige Cornell. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Gospel" Dan Reynolds takes a diving elbow smash.

    [Now Paige Cornell standing. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds moves back to his feet. Paige Cornell spinning mule kicks "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Gospel" Dan Reynolds takes a spinning mule kick.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Paige Cornell with a heart punch. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with an Aztecan suplex on Paige Cornell sends him to the mat. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is back on his feet. Paige Cornell gets up. Paige Cornell executes the German suplex on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Paige Cornell is back on his feet. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Did you see that last move?

    Kenny Larimar - Oh yeah!

    [Paige Cornell piledrives "Gospel" Dan Reynolds into the mat. Paige Cornell locks "Gospel" Dan Reynolds in the kneebar. Mike Simpson asks "Gospel" Dan Reynolds if he quits. ... ... "Gospel" Dan Reynolds trys to escape. ... "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is fighting the hold. Paige Cornell breaks the hold. Paige Cornell sends "Gospel" Dan Reynolds to ringside. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Weapons are everywhere all over ringside.

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) . ]

    Kenny Larimar - Get back in the ring.

    [Paige Cornell knees "Gospel" Dan Reynolds and rolls back to his feet. Paige Cornell chants start. Paige Cornell springboard DDT's "Gospel" Dan Reynolds onto the floor! They head back into the ring. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds punches Paige Cornell repeatedly. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a swinging neckbreaker on Paige Cornell. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes the Supper DDT on Paige Cornell! Paige Cornell gets hit with the shooting star press from "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    JIm Reynolds- Dan wins the match!!!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, "Gospel" Dan Reynolds!!!

    (After the match Cornell grabs a mic.)

    Cornell- Next week Gospel Dan, I want a rematch. I want a hardcore match!!!!

    (Crowd Pops)

    Gospel Dan- Son ,Jesus don't want us to have hardcore matches. They are mean and cruel to everyone involved.

    Paige- I don't give a flying rat faced fuck what Jesus don't want me to do!!!!I want a damn hardcore match.

    Gospel Dan-Son Your'e language is absurd, you really need to be quiet. Jesus don't like them words like that.

    Paige- Don't you get it Holy Roller, I don't care.

    Gospel Dan- You May not but Jesus Does. Remember WWJD.

    Paig- WWJD???? I don't care, but I know one thing next week. WWPCD will reign Supreme!!!

    (Commercial Break)

    Hatchet vs. The Stuntman (RWF Hardcore title) Table Match

    Vic Titan - This match is a Table Match for the RWF Hardcore title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Hell, Michigan, Hatchet!!! (crowd cheers **)

    ["Somebody, Someone" By Korn plays as Hatchet walks to the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Hollywood CA he holds the RWF Hardcore title belt, The Stuntman!!! (crowd cheers ***)

    [walks to the ring as pyro explodes behind The Stuntman gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hatchet. The Stuntman walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Hatchet grabs The Stuntman by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Hatchet gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Hatchet hits The Stuntman with a headbutt to the mid-section. Hatchet grabs The Stuntman's leg and takes him down. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a single leg takedown.

    [Hatchet puts The Stuntman in an arm grapevine submission. ]

    [The Stuntman gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hatchet. Hatchet stands up. The Stuntman gets up. The Stuntman executes a swinging neckbreaker on Hatchet. The Stuntman chants start. The Stuntman takes Hatchet out to the floor. The Stuntman puts Hatchet in an arm grapevine submission. ]

    Kenny Larimar - arm grapevine!

    [The Stuntman kicks Hatchet on the concrete. Hatchet gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Stuntman. The Stuntman climbs to his feet. The Stuntman stomps Hatchet's head. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Hatchet takes a stomp.

    [Hatchet is up again. Hatchet applies the clawhold on The Stuntman. The Stuntman grabs Hatchet's leg and takes him down. ]

    [Hatchet gets back to his feet. The Stuntman trys for a back breaker but is not strong enough to lift Hatchet.The Stuntman takes Hatchet into the ring. The Stuntman trys for a vertical suplex but is not strong enough to lift Hatchet.The Stuntman takes Hatchet off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

    Kenny Larimar - short-arm clothesline by The Stuntman.

    [Hatchet gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Stuntman. The Stuntman moves back to his feet. Hatchet is back on his feet. Hatchet knifehand chops The Stuntman. The Stuntman gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Hatchet measures The Stuntman up and drops a closed fist. Hatchet powerbombs The Stuntman. Now The Stuntman standing. ]

    [Hatchet gives The Stuntman the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Hatchet is up again. The Stuntman gets up. Hatchet takes The Stuntman out to the floor. Hatchet punches The Stuntman in the gut. The Stuntman comes from behind and bulldogs Hatchet. The Stuntman gets up. Hatchet takes The Stuntman off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

    Jim Reynolds - The Stuntman takes a short-arm clothesline.

    [Hatchet bounces The Stuntman off the ropes and clotheslines him. The Stuntman gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hatchet. Now Hatchet standing. The Stuntman is back on his feet. Hatchet hits a dragon suplex on The Stuntman. Hatchet climbs to his feet. Hatchet takes The Stuntman into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Hatchet is taking it to The Stuntman.

    [Hatchet puts The Stuntman in an arm grapevine submission. ]

    Jim Reynolds - The Stuntman takes a arm grapevine.

    [Hatchet measures The Stuntman up and drops a closed fist. Hatchet gets back to his feet. The Stuntman trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Hatchet.The Stuntman takes Hatchet out to the floor. The Stuntman tackles Hatchet. Hatchet gets back to his feet. Hatchet hiptosses The Stuntman. The Stuntman gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hatchet. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Stuntman takes a diving elbow smash.

    [Hatchet puts The Stuntman in an arm grapevine submission. Hatchet kicks The Stuntman in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the concrete. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Nice scissor kick by Hatchet.

    [Hatchet takes The Stuntman into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - I wish every match could be like this!

    [The Stuntman is back on his feet. The Stuntman punches Hatchet in the gut. ]

    Kenny - Wussie....Wussie....Wussie! Start the damn chant cause The Stuntman can't do anything good!

    [Hatchet picks The Stuntman up and side slams him to the mat. Hatchet chants start. Hatchet is back on his feet. Hatchet measures The Stuntman up and drops a closed fist. Hatchet stands up. The Stuntman gets up. The Stuntman executes a neck-breaker on Hatchet. The Stuntman puts Hatchet in an arm grapevine submission. ]

    Jim Reynolds - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, and still RWF Hardcore title champion, The Stuntman!!!

    The Grand Dandies vs. Men At Work (RWF Tag Titles)

    Vic Titan- This match is a Standard Match tag match for the RWF Tag Titles titles. On there way to the ring at this time, The Grand Dandies!!!

    ["All the Young Dudes', by Mott the Hoople plays as the Dandies walk toward the ring ]

    Vic Titan- and their opponents, the team of Men At Work.

    ["Down Under", by Men at Work plays as the team comes to the ring Mitch Michaels checks his boots. Kurt Vile executes a pumphandle suplex on Mitch Michaels. (ring, ring, ring) Mitch Michaels punches Kurt Vile repeatedly. Mitch Michaels gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Kurt Vile brings in Dell Martinborough for The Grand Dandies. Dell Martinborough suplexes Mitch Michaels. Kurt Vile springboard DDT's Mitch Michaels onto the mat! Dell Martinborough piledrives Mitch Michaels. Mitch Michaels gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Mitch Michaels makes the tag to Hal Nichols. Dell Martinborough fist drops Hal Nichols on the mat. ]

    Kenny Larimar - fist drop by Dell Martinborough.

    [Dell Martinborough gets up. Dell Martinborough makes the tag to Kurt Vile. Hal Nichols punches Kurt Vile repeatedly. Hal Nichols tags Mitch Michaels. Mitch Michaels executes a swinging neckbreaker on Kurt Vile. Mitch Michaels with a gut-wrench suplex on Kurt Vile. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Come on ref! Do something!! Kurt Vile is being double teamed!

    [Mitch Michaels gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Kurt Vile. Mitch Michaels applies the clawhold on Kurt Vile. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Kurt Vile takes a clawhold.

    [Dell Martinborough tagged in by Kurt Vile. Mitch Michaels pulls Dell Martinborough's hair. Mitch Michaels brings in Hal Nichols for Men At Work. Hal Nichols slaps Dell Martinborough in the face. Dell Martinborough tags in Kurt Vile. Kurt Vile legsweeps Hal Nichols. Kurt Vile brings in Dell Martinborough for The Grand Dandies. Dell Martinborough leg drops Hal Nichols. Hal Nichols punches Dell Martinborough repeatedly. Dell Martinborough brings in Kurt Vile for The Grand Dandies. Kurt Vile uppercuts Hal Nichols. Kurt Vile rakes the face of Hal Nichols in attempt to make a come back. Kurt Vile makes the tag to Dell Martinborough. Hal Nichols gets hit with a dragon scerw from Kurt Vile. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is just awefull! Hal Nichols is being double teamed!

    [Kurt Vile executes a huge gutbuster on Hal Nichols. Kurt Vile measures Hal Nichols up and drops a closed fist. Kurt Vile stands up. Hal Nichols stands up. Hal Nichols delivers a spine buster to Kurt Vile. Kurt Vile climbs to his feet. Hal Nichols makes the tag to Mitch Michaels. Dell Martinborough legsweeps Mitch Michaels. Mitch Michaels brings in Hal Nichols for Men At Work. Dell Martinborough mule kicks Hal Nichols. Dell Martinborough fist drops Hal Nichols on the mat. Now Dell Martinborough standing. Now Hal Nichols standing. Dell Martinborough powerbombs Hal Nichols. ]

    Jim Reynolds - If Dell Martinborough keeps using moves like that power bomb he could win the match!

    [Dell Martinborough hits a tiger driver on Hal Nichols. Dell Martinborough sucks chants start in the crowd. Dell Martinborough drags Hal Nichols to the floor. ]

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Dell Martinborough with a falling splash on Hal Nichols. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Nice falling splash by Dell Martinborough.

    [(..2) (...3) Dell Martinborough measures Hal Nichols up and drops a closed fist. Dell Martinborough gets up. Now Hal Nichols standing. (....4) Hal Nichols applies the clawhold on Dell Martinborough. (.....5) Dell Martinborough takes Hal Nichols into the ring. Dell Martinborough bounces Hal Nichols off the ropes and clotheslines him. Dell Martinborough goes for a pin. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 Hal Nichols escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Hal Nichols.

    [Hal Nichols stands up. Hal Nichols gets hit with a back heel kick. Dell Martinborough pokes Hal Nichols in the eyes. Dell Martinborough hits a spinning leg lariat on Hal Nichols sending him to the mat. Hal Nichols moves back to his feet. Dell Martinborough makes the tag to Kurt Vile. Kurt Vile knifehand chops Hal Nichols. Kurt Vile kicks Hal Nichols in the groin. Hal Nichols tags Mitch Michaels. Mitch Michaels is up again. Mitch Michaels executes the jumping sidekick on Kurt Vile. Kurt Vile gets back to his feet. Mitch Michaels hits a running forearm smash on Kurt Vile's face. ]

    [Mitch Michaels slingshot elbow drops Kurt Vile. Now Kurt Vile standing. Mitch Michaels with a huge fisherman buster on Kurt Vile. Mitch Michaels climbs to his feet. ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is how wrestling should be! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

    Jim- No!!

    [Kurt Vile tags in Dell Martinborough. Mitch Michaels executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Dell Martinborough. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Mitch Michaels with a ropeflip hiptoss.

    [Mitch Michaels punches Dell Martinborough repeatedly. Dell Martinborough makes the tag to Kurt Vile. Mitch Michaels punches Kurt Vile repeatedly. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a punch.

    [Kurt Vile executes a back breaker on Mitch Michaels. Kurt Vile covers Mitch Michaels. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Mitch Michaels kicks out. Now Mitch Michaels standing. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is how wrestling should be!

    [Hal Nichols tagged in by Mitch Michaels. Kurt Vile hits Hal Nichols with a baba chop. Hal Nichols with a high crossbody on Kurt Vile. Hal Nichols stands up. Kurt Vile makes the tag to Dell Martinborough. Hal Nichols nails Dell Martinborough with a belly-to-back suplex. Hal Nichols stands up. Dell Martinborough gets up. Dell Martinborough tags in Kurt Vile. Kurt Vile pins Hal Nichols against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Kurt Vile short clothslines Hal Nichols. Hal Nichols makes the tag to Mitch Michaels. Kurt Vile forearm smashes Mitch Michaels. Kurt Vile tags in Dell Martinborough. Dell Martinborough delivers a spinning backbreak to Mitch Michaels. Dell Martinborough jabs Mitch Michaels. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Mitch Michaels is getting the stuffing beat out of him!

    [Dell Martinborough with a headscissors takeover on Mitch Michaels. Dell Martinborough sucks chants start in the crowd. Dell Martinborough is back on his feet. Now Mitch Michaels standing. Mitch Michaels nails Dell Martinborough with an inverted DDT. Mitch Michaels moves back to his feet. Mitch Michaels and Dell Martinborough go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Mitch Michaels chokes Dell Martinborough with a microphone cable. Dell Martinborough executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Mitch Michaels's face to the floor. Dell Martinborough sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That slingshot facebuster was very good.

    [Mitch Michaels climbs to his feet. (..2) (...3) Dell Martinborough gouges Mitch Michaels's eyes out. (....4) Dell Martinborough uses a snap mare takeover on Mitch Michaels. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Dell Martinborough measures Mitch Michaels up and drops a closed fist. Dell Martinborough moves back to his feet. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Dell Martinborough takes Mitch Michaels down hard. ]

    Vic Titan - Dell Martinborough surprised me with that!

    [Mitch Michaels uses a swinging DDT to plant Dell Martinborough's head into the mat. Mitch Michaels delivers a spine buster to Dell Martinborough. Mitch Michaels sends Dell Martinborough to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Mitch Michaels knee drops Dell Martinborough. Mitch Michaels moves back to his feet. Mitch Michaels slingshot elbow drops Dell Martinborough. Dell Martinborough stands up. Mitch Michaels and Dell Martinborough move back into the ring. Mitch Michaels hits him with a back fist. Mitch Michaels sucks chants start in the crowd. Mitch Michaels grabs Dell Martinborough's leg and takes him down. Mitch Michaels executes the Supper DDT on Dell Martinborough! Dell Martinborough gets hit with the shooting star press from Mitch Michaels. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Jim Reynolds - The winners of this match, and Still RWF Tag Team Champions...The Grand Dandies

    Justin Jobber vs. Il Petit Conchon(The Skinny Chicken) (RWF Cruiserweight Title)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match for the RWF Cruiserweight Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 165 pounds, from Snellville, GA he holds the RWF Cruiserweight Title title belt, Justin Jobber!!! (crowd cheers ******)

    ["Say it ain't So" By Weezer plays as Justin enters the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 110 pounds, from Paris, France, Il Petit Conchon!!! (crowd cheers **)

    ["Ray Steven's Version of in the Mood" Plays as Conchon Walks to the ring. Justin Jobber executes a pumphandle suplex on Il Petit Conchon. Il Petit Conchon walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Justin Jobber executes a jawbreakeron Il Petit Conchon. Justin Jobber gets back to his feet. Il Petit Conchon climbs to his feet. Il Petit Conchon trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.Il Petit Conchon sends Justin Jobber to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Justin Jobber trys for a running powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Il Petit Conchon.They fight into the aisle. (..2) (...3) Justin Jobber drives a forearm into the head of Il Petit Conchon. (....4) Justin Jobber trys for a superplex but is unable to lift Il Petit Conchon.Il Petit Conchon with a headscissors takeover on Justin Jobber. ]

    [il Petit Conchon is up again. (.....5) (......6) Il Petit Conchon and Justin Jobber move back to ringside. Il Petit Conchon and Justin Jobber move back into the ring. Il Petit Conchon hits Justin Jobber with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

    Jim Reynolds- Nice Move.

    [il Petit Conchon moves back to his feet. Il Petit Conchon covers Justin Jobber hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Justin Jobber escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Il Petit Conchon should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

    [Justin Jobber is back on his feet. Justin Jobber is hit with a backward kick. Il Petit Conchon applies an arm wrench to Justin Jobber. Il Petit Conchon covers Justin Jobber. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Justin Jobber kicks out. Il Petit Conchon hits a spinning leg lariat on Justin Jobber sending him to the mat. Il Petit Conchon trys for a super fisherman buster but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.Il Petit Conchon hooks Justin Jobber in the abdominal stretch. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... Il Petit Conchon tightens the hold. ... Il Petit Conchon tightens the hold. ... Justin Jobber trys to escape. Justin Jobber escapes. Justin Jobber trys for a double underhook backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift Il Petit Conchon.Justin Jobber and Il Petit Conchon go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is how wrestling should be!

    [(..2) Justin Jobber tackles Il Petit Conchon. Now Il Petit Conchon standing. Justin Jobber trys for a double underhook suplex but is not strong enough to lift Il Petit Conchon.They head back into the ring. Justin Jobber trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Il Petit Conchon.Justin Jobber drags Il Petit Conchon to the floor. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Il Petit Conchon executes a neck scissors on Justin Jobber. Il Petit Conchon moves back to his feet. Il Petit Conchon and Justin Jobber move back into the ring. ]

    [il Petit Conchon leg drops the throat of Justin Jobber. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Justin Jobber could use some help about now.

    [il Petit Conchon applies an arm wrench to Justin Jobber. Justin Jobber gets back to his feet. Il Petit Conchon chops Justin Jobber. Justin Jobber gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Now Justin Jobber standing. Justin Jobber trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift Il Petit Conchon.Justin Jobber uses a closed fist on Il Petit Conchon. ]

    [il Petit Conchon trys for a slingshot sommersault splash but Justin Jobber avoids it. Il Petit Conchon sends Justin Jobber to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Il Petit Conchon knifehand chops Justin Jobber. (...3) Il Petit Conchon punches Justin Jobber in the gut. (....4) Justin Jobber with an illegal chokehold on Il Petit Conchon. ]

    Kenny Larimar - choke hold!

    [il Petit Conchon is up again. (.....5) Il Petit Conchon takes Justin Jobber into the ring. Il Petit Conchon hits Justin Jobber with a baba chop. Justin Jobber pins Il Petit Conchon against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Il Petit Conchon trys for a power bomb but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.Il Petit Conchon sends Justin Jobber to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Justin Jobber gets elbowed to his midsection by Justin Jobber. (...3) Il Petit Conchon throws Justin Jobber off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Justin Jobber takes a diving shoulder block.

    [(....4) Il Petit Conchon hits Justin Jobber with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Il Petit Conchon moves back to his feet. (.....5) Il Petit Conchon takes Justin Jobber into the ring. Il Petit Conchon applies an arm wrench to Justin Jobber. Justin Jobber is up again. Il Petit Conchon hits Justin Jobber with a heart punch. Justin Jobber is up again. Justin Jobber executes a spinning DDT, planting Il Petit Conchon's head in the mat. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That spinning DDT was very good.

    [Now Justin Jobber standing. Il Petit Conchon gets back to his feet. ]

    Vic Titan - Killer is about to jump out of this seat, and beat the piss out of these guys! Justin Jobber trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift Il Petit Conchon.Justin Jobber trys for a bridging back suplex but is unable to lift Il Petit Conchon.

    [Justin Jobber trys for a cobra clutch suplex but is unable to lift Il Petit Conchon.Justin Jobber with a headscissors takeover on Il Petit Conchon. Now Justin Jobber standing. Justin Jobber uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Il Petit Conchon down. Justin Jobber makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Kenny Larimar - Justin Jobber has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, and still RWF Cruiserweight Title champion, Justin Jobber!!!

    (Morbid is in his locker room with a serious look on his face.)

    Morbid- I have failed to realize something... I have no opponent to fight against tonight.

    Jim- Well, figure something out!!!! You are the commissioner.

    Morbid- Wait a minute, I have it.( Laughs Maniacally) I know who I will face tonight. Someone talented. Someone strong . Someone bold. Someone who will give me some competetion.

    (Lindsay His valet walks into the room.)

    Morbid- And here she is now....

    Jim- What??? Your'e kidding me.

    (Lindsay with a shocked look on her face.)

    Morbid- And Lindsay if you kow what's good for you ,you'll do what you did in the hotel room last, tonight. And lay on your'e back for the Morbid One.


    Morbid Angel vs. Lindsay Willie (RWF World Title)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match for the RWF World Title title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Death Valley he holds the RWF World Title title belt, Morbid Angel!!! (crowd boos *********)

    ["People Equal Shit", by Slipknot plays as the Morbid one walks ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 110 pounds, from Potosi, MO, Lindsay Willie!!! (crowd cheers ********)

    ["Why is the world in love again" by They Might Be Giants plays as she walks to the ring Morbid Angel executes a pumphandle suplex on Lindsay Willie. Lindsay Willie tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) Lindsay Willie gets hit with a back heel kick. Lindsay Willie stands up. Morbid Angel pokes Lindsay Willie in the eye with his thumb. Lindsay Willie trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Lindsay Willie sends Morbid Angel to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Lindsay Willie chokes Morbid Angel with a microphone cable. (..2) Lindsay Willie pokes Morbid Angel in the eyes. (...3) Morbid Angel slaps Lindsay Willie. (....4) Morbid Angel superkicks Lindsay Willie. (.....5) Morbid Angel takes Lindsay Willie into the ring. Morbid Angel puts Lindsay Willie in an arm grapevine submission. Lindsay Willie stands up. Lindsay Willie kicks Morbid Angel in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. Lindsay Willie chants start. Lindsay Willie gets elbowed to his midsection by Lindsay Willie. Lindsay Willie tackles and begins punching Morbid Angel. Lindsay Willie clotheslines Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel tackles Lindsay Willie to the mat. Morbid Angel climbs to his feet. Lindsay Willie trys for a belly-to-back superplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Lindsay Willie hooks Morbid Angel in the abdominal stretch. Mike Simpson asks Morbid Angel if he quits. ... Morbid Angel trys to escape. ... Morbid Angel trys to escape. ... Morbid Angel is fighting the hold. Lindsay Willie breaks the hold. Lindsay Willie and Morbid Angel go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Lindsay Willie swings a chair and hits Morbid Angel. Lindsay Willie does a handspring and hits Morbid Angel with a bodyblock, what a move! They head back into the ring. ]

    Jim Reynolds- What a move by Lindsay.

    [Lindsay Willie punches Morbid Angel repeatedly. Morbid Angel hits Lindsay Willie with an earringer. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Follows up with a earringer.

    [Morbid Angel punches Lindsay Willie in the gut. Morbid Angel drives a forearm into the head of Lindsay Willie. Lindsay Willie nails Morbid Angel with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Lindsay Willie moves back to his feet. Lindsay Willie puts Morbid Angel in the hangman submission. Mike Simpson asks Morbid Angel if he quits. ... ... ... ... Morbid Angel is fighting the hold. Morbid Angel escapes. Lindsay Willie chokes Morbid Angel. Lindsay Willie punches Morbid Angel repeatedly. Morbid Angel hits a running forearm smash on Lindsay Willie's face. Now Lindsay Willie standing. Morbid Angel grabs Lindsay Willie's leg and takes him down. Morbid Angel executes the Last Blessing on Lindsay Willie! Morbid Angel covers Lindsay Willie hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Vic Titan - We have a winner in Morbid Angel!

    Jim Reynolds - The winner of this match, and still RWF World Title champion, Morbid Angel!!!

    David Revelle vs. Vengence vs. Dark Phantom (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

    Jim Reynolds - This match is a scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 130 pounds, from Poplar Bluff, Mo, David Revelle!!! (crowd cheers *)

    [" This is Now" By Hatebreed plays as Dave enters the ring. ]

    Jim Reynolds - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 300 pounds, from parts unknown, Vengence!!! (crowd cheers ********)

    [comes out to "Princes of the Universe" by Queen plays in the back ]

    Jim Reynolds - And third, weighing in at 335 pounds, from Parts Unknown, Dark Phantom!!! (crowd boos ******)

    [" Music of the Night" Plays as Dark Phantom enters the ring. David Revelle walks around the ring. Vengence walks around the ring. Dark Phantom drops David Revelle with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) David Revelle drives a forearm into Dark Phantom. David Revelle uses a snap mare takeover on Dark Phantom. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Dark Phantom takes a snap mare.

    [David Revelle grabs Dark Phantom and applies an arm wrench. ]

    Vic Titan - Wussie....Wussie....Wussie! Start the damn chant cause David Revelle can't do anything good!

    [David Revelle grabs Dark Phantom and applies an arm wrench. Dark Phantom moves back to his feet. David Revelle connects with a flying knee. Dark Phantom goes down. David Revelle covers Dark Phantom. The ref starts the count. ...1 Vengence kicks David Revelle off of Dark Phantom. ]

    Vic Titan - David Revelle, you have absolutely no strength if you do such a weak move like that!

    [Dark Phantom is back on his feet. Dark Phantom picks up David Revelle and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Dark Phantom sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That tilt-a-whirl suplex was very good.

    [Dark Phantom is back on his feet. David Revelle stands up. Dark Phantom grabs David Revelle's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... Dark Phantom tightens the hold. ... David Revelle trys to escape. David Revelle escapes. Dark Phantom sends David Revelle to ringside. ]

    Vic Titan - Weapons is the basis of a Hardcore Match! You need weapons to make it hardcore!

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - Damn!

    [Vengence spins aroround Dark Phantom's back and DDT's him into the floor. Vengence takes Dark Phantom into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Revelle Wrestling Federation is the only place to find matches like this!

    [Vengence chokes Dark Phantom. Vengence chants start. Now Dark Phantom standing. Vengence applies a nerve hold on Dark Phantom. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... ... Vengence tightens the hold. Dark Phantom escapes. Vengence forearm smashes Dark Phantom. Dark Phantom kicks Vengence in the groin. ]

    [Dark Phantom superkicks Vengence. Now Vengence standing. Dark Phantom hits Vengence with a heart punch. David Revelle hits a running forearm smash on Vengence's face. David Revelle is t-bone suplexed by Dark Phantom. Dark Phantom climbs to his feet. Dark Phantom executes the sleeperhold on David Revelle. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... ... David Revelle is fighting the hold. ... David Revelle trys to escape. Dark Phantom breaks the hold. ]

    Kenny Larimar - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

    [Vengence climbs to his feet. Vengence hits Dark Phantom with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Vengence puts Dark Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. Dark Phantom gets up. Dark Phantom uses a lariat on Vengence. Vengence chops Dark Phantom. Vengence bites Dark Phantom's arm out of desparation. Dark Phantom with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Vengence into the mat. Dark Phantom covers Vengence. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Vengence kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Dark Phantom almost won the match!

    [Vengence moves back to his feet. Vengence gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Dark Phantom comes over and smashes Vengence's head into it. Vengence punches Dark Phantom in the head. Vengence uses a lariat on Dark Phantom. Vengence puts Dark Phantom in an arm grapevine submission. David Revelle uppercuts Vengence. Vengence sends David Revelle into Mike Simpson he goes down. Vengence with a gut-wrench suplex on David Revelle. Vengence is up again. Vengence climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on David Revelle. Vengence gets back to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joey Revelle comes to the ring. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joey Revelle knees David Revelle and rolls back to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joey Revelle fist drops David Revelle on the mat. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joey Revelle moves back to his feet. Ordered is restored. Mike Simpson gets up. David Revelle trys for a power move but is unable to lift Vengence.David Revelle climbs to his feet. David Revelle throws Vengence off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. David Revelle locks Vengence in the kneebar. Mike Simpson asks Vengence if he quits. ... Vengence is fighting the hold. ... ... David Revelle tightens the hold. ... Vengence trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Vengence is fighting the hold. ... ... Vengence trys to escape. Vengence taps out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - David Revelle has won the match!

    Jim Reynolds - The winner of this match, David Revelle!!!

    (Joey is out again, standing in the ring.)

    Joey- Dave You may have just beat two guys tonight but I want a rematch NOW.

    Dave-(panting) Joey that would be like you to ask for a rematch after I almost had the life knocked out of me!But If you want a rematch....You Got one..Right now.

    ( The two start with a collar and elbow tie up, then switch and reverse moves.)

    Jim- An Impromptu match and were off the air in five minutes. what will happen.

    (Camera then is shown back in Morbid's Dressing. with Morbid Talking to Lindsay.)

    Morbid- I don't care Lindsay, get the hell out there now!!!!!!

    (Back to the in Ring action. Joey's Setting up Dave for the same move he used on him last wee When all of a sudden Lindsay appears on the ramp. She Calmly walks to the ring and reveals her breasts to Joe. Who with his wide eyed stare and all walks over to the near ropes.)

    Kenny- Jim did she Just show what I think she showed????

    (Just then Dave flips back over upright in the corner.He motions to the crowd to be silent...He slips behind Joey and hits....A SCHOOLBOY.. 1..2..3!!!!!)

    (Dave Raises his hands in Victory as He lets Lindsay in through the Ropes...They Celebrate together!! They Leave the ring and head back.The Crowd is in shock)

    Jim- What in the hell was that about???? Something ain't right! Anyways,that's all we have for you this week.Come bakc next week for another Show stopping.

    Kenny- Explosive

    Jim- Awesome wrestling that is the R.W.F. See ya next week...(Fades to black)


  5. Monday Night Mayhem


    (The RWF Logo appears and then vanishes. It is followed by a huge pyro show.)

    Jim Reynolds- Welcome back everyone to the Greatest show on the face of the planet earth...I'm talkin about the New RWF!!!!

    Kenny- I'm Kenny Larimar and this is our first show in a fucking....ooops can I say that here??? Hell Yeah I can. This is the RWF!!!

    ( Suddenly a very unfamiliar music hits the speakers. Out comes the Biggest woman to step in since Big Bertha Faye! She is Fricking Huge)

    Very Big Woman- Listen up I'm here to show all the woman what a real woman looks like.

    ( She slowly takes off her robe to reveal some very ugly fat mounds 20 or so extra tires.JIm is Gagging)

    Kenny- My GOD I'm BLIND!!!!!!! Dave hurry up and get the hell out here!

    (" This is Now" By Hatebreed plays as Dave runs to the ring wearing a pair of Blue Jean Shorts and a white T-shirt.)

    Dave- I don't know who the hell you are, but I'm going to give you just about 3 seconds to get your fat ass outta my ring!

    ( Crowd pops.)

    Dave- And I usually try to give the blessed RWF fans the greatest action. But when you stand in the middle of the ring nobody can see a damn thing!!!!

    (Crowd pops. All of a sudden she Avalanches Dave into the corner. She climbs to the top rope.)

    Jim- God No!!! Not that . You'll break his ribs, even worse you'll make him have an asthma attack.

    (She jumps off the top and crushes Dave.

    What the?

    (Commercial Break.)

    ( Dave is back in the center of the ring. His Ribs are taped up.)

    Dave- I have Just one question..Who the Hell brought her here? Why did you bring her here.

    Jim- Dave..how the hell should I know.

    Kenny-Dave why do you have a beef with her. Do you have something in your past?

    Jim- Shhhhh!!!!

    Dave- Whoever signed her up get your ass out here now!

    ( Some Zomby Squad music starts up and Jason walks out . He saunters out to the ring)

    Dave(pointing at Jason)- You? You signed her up? Why?

    Jason- She's a great talent man!

    Dave-You have got ot be kidding me? You signed that fat ass up for talent? Come on , She gets mad when you disturb when she's eating. Come on, She's So big she had to be baptized at Sea World!

    Dave- Jase that 's it I can't take it I can't take it anymore your'e Fucking Fired.

    (Crowd pops)

    Jase- You, you can't do that...I lead this fed to greatness.When I had it I sold out stadiums across the country.

    Dave- But you also made every one of the workers angry, except for your little shoddy group of lackeys.

    Like I said your fucking fired.

    (As Dave says that he hits Jase with DDT. He scales the roped and his an RFS, which immediatly sends pain through his ribs. Dave then slips outside and grabs a table and sets it up in the ring. He douses it with Lighter Fluid. Then Dave picks up Jase and Powerbombs him through it.)

    Dave- There Your'e fired!

    ( The crowd is Going nuts!!!!)

    "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle vs. IOTA vs. Stinkbomb vs. Justin Jobber (RWF Cruiserweight Title) gimmick (Hell in the Cell)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Hell in the Cell for the RWF Cruiserweight Title title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 120 pounds, from Poplar Bluff, MO accompanied by Ashley Grate, "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle!!! (crowd boos ***)

    ["Asshole" By Dennis Leary plays as he walks to the ring flipping off and mooning the crowd! ]

    Vic Titan - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Rome, Italy accompanied by Dee Dee Handjob, IOTA!!! (crowd cheers ******)

    ["I willBe heard" By Hatebreed plays as IOTA enters the ring ]

    Vic Titan - introducing third, weighing in at 195 pounds, from A dumpster near you, Stinkbomb!!! (crowd boos ***)

    ["I'm Too Sexy," by Right Said Fred plays as Stinkbomb flirts with the women ]

    Vic Titan - And finally, weighing in at 165 pounds, from Twin Falls Idaho accompanied by Diana he holds the RWF Cruiserweight Title title belt, Justin Jobber!!! (crowd cheers ****)

    [Walks to the ring as "I'm A Jobberholic", plays in the background "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle executes a pumphandle suplex on IOTA. IOTA checks his boots. Stinkbomb places Justin Jobber on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Justin Jobber walks around the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Justin Jobber gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on IOTA. IOTA slaps Justin Jobber in the face. Justin Jobber jabs IOTA. ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA takes a jab.

    [Justin Jobber hits a spinning leg lariat on IOTA sending him to the mat. Justin Jobber puts IOTA in an arm grapevine submission. IOTA trys for a backdrop but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA is doing quite well at this point in the match.

    [iOTA trys for a hotshot but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.IOTA trys for a airplane spin but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.IOTA locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... IOTA tightens the hold. ... Justin Jobber attacks IOTA breaking the hold. IOTA swings a steel chair and hits "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle is bleeding as a result. IOTA rakes the face of "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle in attempt to make a come back. IOTA hits a koppo kick on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle takes a koppo kick.

    [iOTA clotheslines "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. ]

    Jim Reynolds - What A move!

    [iOTA trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a exploder suplex but is not strong enough to lift Stinkbomb."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle takes Stinkbomb to the floor. Stinkbomb hits a running forearm smash on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle's face. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Stinkbomb with a running forearm smash.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle is up again. Stinkbomb and "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle climb into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is how wrestling should be!

    [stinkbomb hits "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle with the back of his elbow. ]

    Jim Reynolds - back elbow!

    [stinkbomb pulls "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle's hair. IOTA is speared by "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle gets back to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle wraps his legs around IOTA's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle breaks the hold. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle swings a steel chair and hits IOTA. IOTA is bleeding as a result. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle with a falling splash on IOTA. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Good falling splash by "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle stands up. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle slams IOTA on the tacks! ]

    Kenny Larimar - The RWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

    [Justin Jobber slingshot elbow drops IOTA. Justin Jobber throws the steel steps at IOTA. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is why the RWF is the number one wrestling program on television.

    [Justin Jobber hits IOTA with an elbowdrop. Now Justin Jobber standing. IOTA rakes his fingers across Justin Jobber's back. IOTA delivers a kick to the head of Justin Jobber. Justin Jobber moves back to his feet. Justin Jobber trys for a fireman's carry into flapjack but is not strong enough to lift IOTA.Justin Jobber does a cartwheel and kicks IOTA in the face. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Justin Jobber executes a cartwheel kick.

    [Justin Jobber knees IOTA and rolls back to his feet. Justin Jobber kicks IOTA on the tacks. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Justin Jobber executes a stomp.

    [Justin Jobber rolls onto IOTA connecting with a knee. Justin Jobber hits IOTA with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

    Jim Reynolds - elbowdrop!

    [Justin Jobber is back on his feet. Justin Jobber puts IOTA in an arm grapevine submission. Justin Jobber hits IOTA with an elbowdrop. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Justin Jobber executes a elbowdrop.

    [Justin Jobber climbs to his feet. IOTA is up again. IOTA trys for a backdrop driver but is not strong enough to lift Justin Jobber.Justin Jobber gets away from the tacks. IOTA uses a swinging DDT to plant Justin Jobber's head into the mat. IOTA chants start. IOTA climbs to his feet. Justin Jobber stands up. ]

    Jim Reynolds - The Revelle Wrestling Federation is the best..

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle spins aroround Stinkbomb's back and DDT's him into the mat. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That backspin DDT was very good.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle puts the chicken wing on Stinkbomb. Mike Simpson asks Stinkbomb if he quits. ... ... ... "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle tightens the hold. IOTA attacks "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle breaking the hold. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle swings a chair and hits Stinkbomb. Stinkbomb is bleeding as a result. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle knee drops Stinkbomb. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle climbs to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Stinkbomb escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That was almost the end of the match right there!

    [Now Stinkbomb standing. ]

    Kenny Larimar - This is how wrestling should be!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Stinkbomb. ]

    Jim Reynolds - jumping neck snap!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle superkicks Stinkbomb. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle puts Stinkbomb in an arm grapevine submission. ]

    Kenny Larimar - arm grapevine!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle hits Stinkbomb with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle gets back to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle covers Stinkbomb hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 IOTA attacks "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle stopping the count. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

    [stinkbomb gets up. Stinkbomb executes the front-layout suplex on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. Now Stinkbomb standing. Kneelock submission applied by Stinkbomb. Mike Simpson asks "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle escapes. Stinkbomb slams "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle on the tacks! ]

    Kenny Larimar - My God!! What a match!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle climbs to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle slaps Justin Jobber in the face. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle moves back to his feet. Justin Jobber picks up "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle and drops him neck first on the ropes. Justin Jobber chants start. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle gets up. Justin Jobber piledrives "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. Justin Jobber picks up Stinkbomb and hits him with a Back Suplex. Justin Jobber chants start. Justin Jobber moves back to his feet. Justin Jobber stomps Stinkbomb's head. Justin Jobber thrust kicks Stinkbomb in the head. Justin Jobber covers Stinkbomb hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Jim Reynolds - Justin Jobber has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, and still RWF Cruiserweight Title champion, Justin Jobber!!!


    (Dave is back in the ring)

    David- Ladies and Gentle men I am pleased to announce, tonight a Single elimination Tournament for the world title.

    ( "So what" blares over the P.A. as Morbid enters the ring.)

    Morbid- Revelle Youv'e just made the Biggest mistake of your life. See when You "Fired" Jason you forgot to check his Contract. There was a clause in his contract. Now I know you won't mind if I whip this out.( Crowd Gasps) He Whips out the Contract( Big sigh of Relief among the crowd.) In the event Mr. Ohara's contract gets terminated. Mr. Jakob Mikleson(M. Angel) takes over as commissioner.

    Jim- Dave in the Name of The Almighty God make sure that contract is legit.

    (Commercial Break)

    Men At Work vs. The Grand Dandies vs. The Mighty Whities vs. Towers Of Terror (RWF Tag Team Titles) gimmick (Double Table match)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Double Table match tag match for the RWF Tag Team Titles titles. On there way to the ring at this time, Men At Work!!!

    [They walk to the ring as "I want it that way" plays ]

    Vic Titan - and their opponents, the team of The Grand Dandies.

    ["All the Young Dudes", by Mott the Hoople plays as they walk to the ring ]

    Vic Titan - team number three is The Mighty Whities.

    [The team walks to the ring ]

    Vic Titan - and their final opponents, Towers Of Terror.

    [They walk to the ring. Dell Martinbourgh gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hal Nichols. Dell Martinbourgh checks out the ring. Wally Simpson checks his boots. Speedy Ramirez checks QIX's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Dell Martinbourgh mule kicks Wally Simpson. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Wally Simpson takes a mule kick.

    [Hal Nichols tags in Mitch Micheals. Wally Simpson clotheslines QIX. Wally Simpson hits him with a back fist. QIX gets hit with a back heel kick. QIX is back on his feet. QIX trys for a crotch slam but Wally Simpson avoids it. QIX and Wally Simpson move from the ring to the second table QIX throws Wally Simpson off the table to the ringside mats. QIX swings the steel ring steps and hits Wally Simpson. QIX uses a swinging DDT to plant Wally Simpson's head into the the ringside mat. QIX gets back to his feet. ]

    Kenny Larimar - What an outstanding match!

    [QIX hits the handspring moonsault on Wally Simpson. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That handspring moonsault was very good.

    [Now QIX standing. QIX chokes Wally Simpson with the announce table. QIX climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Wally Simpson. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That diving headbutt was very good.

    [QIX chokes Wally Simpson with the announce table. ]

    Jim Reynolds - QIX's momma would be proud! Did you see that last move?

    Kenny Larimar - Oh yeah!

    [QIX goes for a piledriver but Wally Simpson dodges the attack. QIX and Wally Simpson move to the top of the second table. ]

    Jim Reynolds - It was a smart move to the second table. Wally Simpson no longer has to watch out for weapons. QIX throws Wally Simpson off the table to the ringside mats.

    [QIX swings the steel ring steps and hits Wally Simpson. Wally Simpson breaks the steel ring steps. QIX climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Wally Simpson. QIX is back on his feet. QIX measures Wally Simpson up and drops a closed fist. Now QIX standing. QIX hits the handspring moonsault on Wally Simpson. Dell Martinbourgh punches Mitch Micheals in the gut. Dell Martinbourgh chants start. Dell Martinbourgh hits Mitch Micheals with the back of his elbow. Dell Martinbourgh is setting Mitch Micheals up on top of the second table. Dell Martinbourgh destroys the second table by slamming Mitch Micheals through it. ]

    Vic Titan - The winners of this match, and still RWF Tag Team Titles champions, The Grand Dandies!!!

    Derek Foreman vs. Beepo The Clown vs. Russell Hughes vs. The Stuntman (RWF Hardcore Title) gimmick (Table Match)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Table Match for the RWF Hardcore Title title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Derek Foreman!!! (crowd cheers *********)

    ["In A Gadda A Vida", plays over the p.a. as he walks to the ring ]

    Vic Titan - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 320 pounds, from The Carnival, Beepo The Clown!!! (crowd boos *********)

    [Calliope music plays as Beepo walks to the ring ]

    Vic Titan - introducing third, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois, Russell Hughes!!! (crowd boos **)

    [walks to the ring as "Fight The Power", plays over the p.a. ]

    Vic Titan - And finally, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Hollywood, California he holds the RWF Hardcore Title title belt, The Stuntman!!! (crowd cheers *****)

    [He walks to the ring as the pyro explodes Derek Foreman executes a pumphandle suplex on Russell Hughes. Beepo The Clown executes a pumphandle suplex on Derek Foreman. Derek Foreman gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Russell Hughes. The Stuntman drops Russell Hughes with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) The Stuntman neck snaps Russell Hughes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - neck snap!

    [The Stuntman kicks Russell Hughes in the groin. ]

    Jim Reynolds - kick to the groin!

    [Russell Hughes hits a power slam on The Stuntman. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That power slam was very good.

    [Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. The Stuntman gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes stands up. Russell Hughes fist drops The Stuntman on the mat. Russell Hughes gets back to his feet. The Stuntman gets back to his feet. Beepo The Clown kicks Russell Hughes in the groin. Russell Hughes hits a kneeling headbutt to Beepo The Clown's groin. Beepo The Clown get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Russell Hughes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Beepo The Clown takes a double axhandle chop.

    [Now Beepo The Clown standing. Beepo The Clown executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Russell Hughes. Beepo The Clown sucks chants start in the crowd. Russell Hughes bites Derek Foreman's arm out of desparation. Derek Foreman chops Russell Hughes. Derek Foreman kicks Russell Hughes in the head. Derek Foreman knees Russell Hughes and rolls back to his feet. Russell Hughes is up again. Russell Hughes nails Derek Foreman with a double underhook suplex. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes's momma would be proud!

    [The Stuntman executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Beepo The Clown's head onto the mat. The Stuntman chants start. The Stuntman stands up. The Stuntman follows Beepo The Clown to the floor. ]

    Jim Reynolds - What an outstanding match! Is this a great match or not?

    Kenny Larimar - Oh yeah!

    [The Stuntman slingshot elbow drops Beepo The Clown. The Stuntman chants start. Beepo The Clown is back on his feet. The Stuntman takes Beepo The Clown into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Beepo The Clown could use some help about now.

    [beepo The Clown gets sidewalk slammed by The Stuntman. The Stuntman chants start. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Good sidewalk slam by The Stuntman.

    [The Stuntman takes Beepo The Clown out to the floor. They lockup. The Stuntman sends Beepo The Clown to the corner of ringside. Beepo The Clown kicks The Stuntman in the stomach. The Stuntman uses a snap mare takeover on Beepo The Clown. The Stuntman get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Beepo The Clown. The Stuntman is up again. The Stuntman nails Beepo The Clown with a double underhook suplex. Beepo The Clown is back on his feet. The Stuntman hits a spinning leg lariat on Beepo The Clown sending him to the concrete. The Stuntman chants start. Beepo The Clown climbs to his feet. The Stuntman bounces Beepo The Clown off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. The Stuntman hits a frog splash on Beepo The Clown. The Stuntman gets up. The Stuntman clotheslines Beepo The Clown. ]

    Kenny Larimar - The Stuntman has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, and still RWF Hardcore Title champion, The Stuntman!!!


    (Joseph Revelle walks to the ring)

    Joey- Dave I already wrestled on match tonight..But I want another match..Against you! No Holds Barred!!!

    Jim- Why that little runt of a man.. Gimme A break Dave's Ribs are cracked and Maybe Broken! He can't wrestle tonight.

    Kenny- Kick a man while he's down that's a great tactic and no holds barred that's also a good one...Joey knows what he's... What stratagy, what supremacy, what...

    Jim- Stupidity....C'mon the only reason he wants a No Hold's Barred Match is because, well, He knows no moves!

    Joey- Dave I'm Giving you 10 seconds to get your skinny ass out to the ring.!











    Like I said My brother is a Fucking Coward. I'm sure the Thousands and Thousands of MY fans here in the Skydome would love to see me Take out my brother!

    ( Dave Limps to the ring)

    Dave- Joey I'm going to say this once and Only once Shut the Fuck Up(Crowd Pops) Back the fuck up(Crowd pops) Before I get in that ring and Fuck you Up!(CROWD POPS!!) Yeah I'll fight you, make It a Hell in the Cell

    Commentary Team Change

    "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle vs. David Revelle (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Hell in the Cell)

    Vic Titan - This match is a Hell in the Cell. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 128 pounds, from Poplar Bluff, Mo, David Revelle!!! (crowd cheers **)

    [He walks to the ring as " Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 120 pounds, from Poplar Bluff, MO accompanied by Ashley Grate, "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle!!! (crowd boos ******)

    ["Asshole" By Dennis Leary plays as he walks to the ring flipping off and mooning the crowd! David Revelle executes a pumphandle suplex on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle places David Revelle on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) David Revelle punches "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle in the head. David Revelle hits "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle with a rolling elbow smash to the face. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a standing piledriver but is not strong enough to lift David Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle locks David Revelle in the grapevine submission. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle breaks the hold. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle throws David Revelle into a camera cable. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle is doing quite well at this point in the match.

    [David Revelle trys for a double underhook suplex but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.]

    Jim Reynolds - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle could use some help about now.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle uses a running lariat to take David Revelle down. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Nice running lariat by "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle sends David Revelle to the floor. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle goes out after him. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle throws the steel steps at David Revelle. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Oh mY GOD THAT HAD TO HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a piledriver but David Revelle avoids it. David Revelle runs out of the cage. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle follows. David Revelle gets back to his feet. David Revelle hits a spinning leg lariat on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle sending him to the concrete. Now "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle standing. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift David Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle and David Revelle are taking the fight inside the hell in the cell. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle double underhook faceslams David Revelle hard to the David Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle grabs David Revelle by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle grabs David Revelle's leg and takes him down. David Revelle is up again. David Revelle trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.David Revelle hits "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle with a headbutt to the mid-section. ]

    Jim Reynolds - headbutt!

    [David Revelle trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.David Revelle forearm smashes "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. David Revelle trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle rolls into the ring. David Revelle follows. David Revelle chokes "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle with a camera cable. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle bounces David Revelle off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That jumping clothesline was very good.

    [David Revelle is up again. David Revelle hits a jumping elbow hrust on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle is up again. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a front slam but is not strong enough to lift David Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle swings a steel chair and hits David Revelle. David Revelle is bleeding as a result. David Revelle trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.Indian deathlock applied by David Revelle. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... ... David Revelle tightens the hold. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle could use some help about now.

    [David Revelle slaps "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle takes a slap.

    [David Revelle executes a ropeflip hiptoss on "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. David Revelle applies an arm wrench to "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. ]

    Kenny Larimar - David Revelle executes a arm wrench.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle is up again. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle throws David Revelle off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That cross-body block was very good.

    [David Revelle gets back to his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle slams David Revelle on the tacks! "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle chokes David Revelle with a camera cable. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This matchis Brutal and wer'e not quite sure how much more the KFVS12 will let us show you.

    [David Revelle trys for a gut-wrench suplex but is not strong enough to lift "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift David Revelle.]

    Kenny Larimar - This is how wrestling should be!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle executes a chairshot on to David Revelle. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Nice chairshotby "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle gets up. David Revelle gets locked in the painful STF. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... David Revelle is fighting the hold. David Revelle escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle's momma would whip jis ass for treating his brother like this!!!!!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle falls head first into David Revelle. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle grabs David Revelle's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... David Revelle trys to escape. ... David Revelle is fighting the hold. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle breaks the hold. David Revelle moves away from the tacks. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle nails David Revelle with a huge slingshot splash. ]

    Kenny Larimar - That slingshot splash was very good.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle covers David Revelle hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 David Revelle kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle was so close!!

    [David Revelle gets up. ]

    Kenny Larimar - My God!! What a match!

    [David Revelle is speared by "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle. Fuck You Joey chants start in the crowd. ]

    Jim Reynolds - That spear was very good.

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle wraps his legs around David Revelle's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... David Revelle escapes. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle slams David Revelle on the tacks! ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is a massacre!!! Stop It!!! Stop It now... That's Enough dammit!!!

    ["Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle puts David Revelle in an arm grapevine submission. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle sucks chants start in the crowd. David Revelle is back on his feet. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle kicks David Revelle in the groin. David Revelle gets away from the tacks. "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a brain buster but is unable to lift David Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle trys for a hotshot but is unable to lift David Revelle."Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle puts David into the tree of woe. Slidesa chair in front of his Face. He then heads up to the other turnbuckle opposite, but still on the same side....He Jumps....BAM...]

    ( Crowd chants HOlY SHIT)

    [ Joey Goes for the cover...1...2...3]

    Kenny Larimar - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle!!!

    1st Round Tournament Matches

    "Gospel" Dan Reynolds Vs. Hatchet

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 394 pounds, from Hades, Hatchet!!! (crowd boos ***)

    [He walks to the ring as pyro explodes. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Tupelo, MIssissippi, "Gospel" Dan Reynolds!!! (crowd cheers *******)

    ["God on the Mountain" by the McKameys plays as he walks to the ring. Hatchet places "Gospel" Dan Reynolds on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds executes a pumphandle suplex on Hatchet. (the bell rings) Hatchet pokes "Gospel" Dan Reynolds in the eye with his thumb. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Hatchet executes a thumb to the eye.

    [Hatchet uses a snap mare takeover on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Hatchet stomps "Gospel" Dan Reynolds's head. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is up again. Hatchet chops "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. ]

    Kenny Larimar - chop!

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Hatchet comes over and smashes "Gospel" Dan Reynolds's head into it. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Hatchet executes a headsmash into turnbuckle.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds hits Hatchet with a single arm DDT. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is back on his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds and Hatchet go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds chokes Hatchet with a microphone cable. (..2) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds applies an arm wrench to Hatchet. (...3) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds fist drops Hatchet on the floor. Now "Gospel" Dan Reynolds standing. (....4) "Gospel" Dan Reynolds knees Hatchet and rolls back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds and Hatchet move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds measures Hatchet up and drops a closed fist. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds climbs to his feet. Hatchet climbs to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds uppercuts Hatchet. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Hatchet takes a uppercut.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds short clothslines Hatchet. Hatchet stands up. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets hit with a running powerslam by Hatchet Hatchet moves back to his feet. "Gospel" Dan Reynolds is up again. ]

    Jim Reynolds - The RWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

    [Hatchet hits a running forearm smash on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds's face. Hatchet sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Hatchet executes a running forearm smash.

    Jim Reynolds - the ring is covered with blood., from the previous match.

    ["Gospel" Dan Reynolds gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hatchet. Now Hatchet standing. Hatchet executes a piledriver on "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Hatchet knees "Gospel" Dan Reynolds and rolls back to his feet. Hatchet hits "Gospel" Dan Reynolds with an elbowdrop. Hatchet thrust kicks "Gospel" Dan Reynolds in the head. Hatchet covers "Gospel" Dan Reynolds. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Kenny Larimar - We've got ourselves a winner!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Hatchet!!!

    Morbid Angel Vs. Rb2K

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 300 pounds, from Las Vegas, Nevada, Rb2K!!! (crowd boos ***)

    ["The Humpty Dance " By Digital Underground plays as he walks to the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Parts Unknown accompanied by Lindsay Willie, Morbid Angel!!! (crowd boos *****)

    [Pyro explodes, " So What" Blasts everybody's ears as Morbid stands in the center of the ring. Morbid Angel gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rb2K. Morbid Angel tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) Rb2K mule kicks Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel gets back to his feet. Rb2K gets elbowed to his midsection by Rb2K. Rb2K bounces Morbid Angel off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Rb2K gets back to his feet. Morbid Angel moves back to his feet. Rb2K hits a jumping elbow hrust on Morbid Angel. Rb2K hits Morbid Angel with an elbowdrop. Rb2K gets back to his feet. Rb2K hits Morbid Angel with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Rb2K standing. Morbid Angel is back on his feet. Morbid Angel hits Rb2K with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Morbid Angel puts Rb2K in the hangman submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Morbid Angel tightens the hold. ... Morbid Angel tightens the hold. Morbid Angel breaks the hold. Morbid Angel sends Rb2K to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Jim Reynolds - My God!! What a match!

    [Morbid Angel trys for a diving headbutt but Rb2K avoids it. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Morbid Angel hits the handspring moonsault on Rb2K. Morbid Angel stands up. (...3) Morbid Angel swings a Steel chair and hits Rb2K. Rb2K is bleeding as a result. ]

    Jim Reynolds - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

    [Morbid Angel clotheslines Rb2K. Morbid Angel executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rb2K. Morbid Angel and Rb2K move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Morbid Angel climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Rb2K. Now Morbid Angel standing. Rb2K is back on his feet. Morbid Angel picks up Rb2K and executes the cradle DDT. Morbid Angel is back on his feet. Rb2K is up again. Morbid Angel executes the Supper DDT on Rb2K! Morbid Angel pins Rb2K with a rolling cradle. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Kenny Larimar - Morbid Angel has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Morbid Angel!!!

    Russell Hughes Vs. Beepo The Clown

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois, Russell Hughes!!! (crowd boos **)

    [walks to the ring as "Fight The Power", plays over the p.a. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 320 pounds, from The Carnival, Beepo The Clown!!! (crowd boos ****)

    [Calliope music plays as Beepo walks to the ring Russell Hughes places Beepo The Clown on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Beepo The Clown drops Russell Hughes with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Russell Hughes rakes the face of Beepo The Clown in attempt to make a come back. ]

    Jim Reynolds - face rake!

    [Russell Hughes gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Beepo The Clown. Beepo The Clown gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Russell Hughes. Beepo The Clown executes a spinning DDT, planting Russell Hughes's head in the mat. Beepo The Clown gets back to his feet. Russell Hughes gets up. Beepo The Clown grabs Russell Hughes's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... Russell Hughes trys to escape. ... Russell Hughes trys to escape. ... Russell Hughes trys to escape. Beepo The Clown breaks the hold. Beepo The Clown drags Russell Hughes to the floor. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Beepo The Clown hits Russell Hughes with an earringer. (...3) Beepo The Clown gouges Russell Hughes's eyes out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - eye gouge!

    [(....4) Beepo The Clown uses a snap mare takeover on Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. Russell Hughes with a huge fisherman buster on Beepo The Clown. Russell Hughes gets up. (.....5) Russell Hughes head butts Beepo The Clown. Russell Hughes sucks chants start in the crowd. Beepo The Clown gets up. (......6) ]

    Jim Reynolds - Russell Hughes can't win the match out there.

    [Russell Hughes executes a jawbreakeron Beepo The Clown. Russell Hughes puts Beepo The Clown in an arm grapevine submission. Russell Hughes and Beepo The Clown move back into the ring. Russell Hughes hits a frog splash on Beepo The Clown. Russell Hughes with a falling splash on Beepo The Clown. Russell Hughes gets up. Beepo The Clown gets back to his feet. Russell Hughes puts Beepo The Clown in the hangman submission. Mike Simpson asks Beepo The Clown if he quits. ... Beepo The Clown trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... Russell Hughes tightens the hold. ... Beepo The Clown is fighting the hold. ... ... Beepo The Clown taps out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Russell Hughes!!!

    Mr. GQ Vs. IOTA

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from New York City accompanied by Kat Wons, Mr. GQ!!! (crowd boos ********)

    ["Serial Thrilla", by Prodigy plays as he walks to the ring ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Rome, Italy accompanied by Dee Dee Handjob, IOTA!!! (crowd cheers ******)

    ["I will be Heard" By Hatebreed plays as IOTA enters the ring Mr. GQ drops IOTA with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. IOTA checks his boots. (ding, ding, ding) Mr. GQ legsweeps IOTA. ]

    Jim Reynolds - legsweep!

    [Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the mat. IOTA connects with a flying knee. Mr. GQ goes down. Mr. GQ stands up. Mr. GQ pokes IOTA in the eyes. IOTA gets elbowed to his midsection by IOTA. IOTA trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.]

    Kenny Larimar - IOTA is doing quite well at this point in the match.

    [iOTA goes for a dragon suplex but Mr. GQ dodges the attack. IOTA trys for a head and arm suplex but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Mr. GQ.Mr. GQ gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mr. GQ is back on his feet. IOTA kicks Mr. GQ in the stomach. IOTA punches Mr. GQ repeatedly. Mr. GQ gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mr. GQ is back on his feet. Mr. GQ places IOTA on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Mr. GQ hooks IOTA in the abdominal stretch. The referee is checking the situation. ... IOTA trys to escape. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) IOTA escapes. Mr. GQ and IOTA go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is an awesome match!!!

    [(..2) Mr. GQ measures IOTA up and drops a closed fist. (...3) Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the floor. (....4) Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the floor. Mr. GQ is up again. IOTA moves back to his feet. IOTA hits a running forearm smash on Mr. GQ's face. (.....5) ]

    Kenny Larimar - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring.

    [(......6) They head back into the ring. IOTA clotheslines Mr. GQ. ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA with a clothesline.

    [Mr. GQ bounces IOTA off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the mat. Now Mr. GQ standing. IOTA is back on his feet. IOTA executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Mr. GQ. Mr. GQ climbs to his feet. IOTA gets hit with a back heel kick. IOTA moves back to his feet. IOTA executes a swinging neckbreaker on Mr. GQ. Gq needs a moveset chants start. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Good swinging neckbreaker by IOTA.

    [Mr. GQ gets hit with the shooting star press from IOTA. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Mr. GQ escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA was so close!!

    [Mr. GQ gets up. IOTA and Mr. GQ go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) IOTA grabs Mr. GQ's leg and takes him down. ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA with a single leg takedown.

    [(...3) IOTA clotheslines Mr. GQ. (....4) Mr. GQ uses a snap mare takeover on IOTA. IOTA is up again. (.....5) IOTA takes Mr. GQ into the ring. IOTA gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Mr. GQ. IOTA uses a lariat on Mr. GQ. Mr. GQ trys for a cross-body block but IOTA avoids it. Mr. GQ sends IOTA to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Kat Wons punches IOTA repeatedly. Mr. GQ with a takeover suplex on IOTA. (..2) (...3) Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the floor. (....4) Mr. GQ measures IOTA up and drops a closed fist. IOTA stands up. (.....5) IOTA takes Mr. GQ into the ring. IOTA executes the jumping sidekick on Mr. GQ. Mr. GQ climbs to his feet. Mr. GQ gouges IOTA's eyes out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - IOTA takes a eye gouge.

    [iOTA gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Mr. GQ with a elbowsmash.

    [Mr. GQ punches IOTA in the gut. Mr. GQ mule kicks IOTA. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Mr. GQ with a mule kick.

    [Mr. GQ fist drops IOTA on the mat. Mr. GQ moves back to his feet. IOTA trys for a airplane spin but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA puts a knee to Mr. GQ's back and pulls hims arms back. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... IOTA tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... IOTA breaks the hold. ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA's a great asset to this company.

    [iOTA trys for a gut-wrench suplex but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA puts a knee to Mr. GQ's back and pulls hims arms back. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mr. GQ trys to escape. ... Mr. GQ trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Mr. GQ escapes. IOTA trys for a waistlock suplex but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA drags Mr. GQ to the floor. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - I wish every match could be like this!

    [iOTA trys for a brain buster but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA takes Mr. GQ into the ring. ]

    Jim Reynolds - They're taking the fight back to the ring, Mr. GQ has to be careful to avoid being pinned by IOTA.

    Kenny Larimar - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

    [iOTA trys for a power slam but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.]

    Jim Reynolds - Iota needs to stay away from the power of GQ!!!! He can't go toe to toe with him.

    [iOTA connects with a flying knee. Mr. GQ goes down. Mr. GQ gets back to his feet. Mr. GQ hits a spinning leg lariat on IOTA sending him to the mat. Mr. GQ measures IOTA up and drops a closed fist. Mr. GQ gets up. IOTA gets back to his feet. Mr. GQ pins IOTA against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Mr. GQ uses a snap mare takeover on IOTA. IOTA gets up. Mr. GQ hits a spinning leg lariat on IOTA sending him to the mat. Mr. GQ goes for a pin. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 IOTA escapes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - He should have just stayed on the attack.

    [Now IOTA standing. IOTA trys for a backdrop driver but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA locks Mr. GQ in the odd octopus hold. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... IOTA tightens the hold. IOTA breaks the hold. IOTA drags Mr. GQ to the floor. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) IOTA swings a Steel chair and hits Mr. GQ. Mr. GQ is bleeding as a result. IOTA trys for a running powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.(..2) IOTA chokes Mr. GQ with a microphone cable. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is quality sports entertainment!

    [(...3) IOTA pins Mr. GQ against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. (....4) Mr. GQ pokes IOTA in the eyes. (.....5) Mr. GQ takes IOTA into the ring. Mr. GQ bounces IOTA off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mr. GQ covers IOTA hooking the leg. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 IOTA kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Mr. GQ should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

    [Mr. GQ jabs IOTA. Mr. GQ punches IOTA in the gut. IOTA uses a running lariat to take Mr. GQ down. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Blood is all over the ring.

    [They lockup. IOTA sends Mr. GQ to the corner of the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - IOTA with an Irish Whip.

    [iOTA rakes the face of Mr. GQ in attempt to make a come back. IOTA gets elbowed to his midsection by IOTA. Mr. GQ shoulder tackles IOTA. Mr. GQ is back on his feet. IOTA moves back to his feet. Mr. GQ nails IOTA with a belly-to-back suplex. Mr. GQ moves back to his feet. Mr. GQ covers IOTA hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 IOTA kicks out. ]

    Jim Reynolds - He should have just stayed on the attack.

    [iOTA is back on his feet. IOTA trys for a backdrop but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.]

    Kenny Larimar - IOTA can't put away GQ.

    [iOTA trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA gets hit with a back heel kick. Mr. GQ measures IOTA up and drops a closed fist. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Mr. GQ with a fist drop.

    [iOTA rakes his fingers across Mr. GQ's back. Mr. GQ gouges IOTA's eyes out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - IOTA takes a eye gouge.

    [Mr. GQ legsweeps IOTA. Mr. GQ measures IOTA up and drops a closed fist. Mr. GQ moves back to his feet. IOTA stands up. IOTA trys for a double underhook superplex but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA with the hammerlock on Mr. GQ. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... IOTA breaks the hold. IOTA trys for a spine buster but is not strong enough to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA sends Mr. GQ to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

    [iOTA throws Mr. GQ off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. IOTA chants start. IOTA gets back to his feet. IOTA takes Mr. GQ into the ring. ]

    Kenny Larimar - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

    [They lockup. IOTA sends Mr. GQ to the corner of the ring. IOTA slaps Mr. GQ in the face. IOTA throws Mr. GQ off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Mr. GQ stands up. IOTA trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift Mr. GQ.IOTA executes the Supper DDT on Mr. GQ! IOTA pins Mr. GQ with a rolling cradle. Referee Mike Simpson makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Jim Reynolds - IOTA has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, IOTA!!!

    2nd Round Tournament Matches

    Hatchet Vs. Morbid Angel

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Parts Unknown accompanied by Lindsay Willie, Morbid Angel!!! (crowd boos *******)

    [Pyro explodes, " So What" Blasts everybody's ears as Morbid stands in the center of the ring. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 394 pounds, from Hades, Hatchet!!! (crowd boos ********)

    [He walks to the ring as pyro explodes. Morbid Angel tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) Morbid Angel superkicks Hatchet. Morbid Angel clotheslines Hatchet. Hatchet nails the bridging back suplex on Morbid Angel. Hatchet sucks Joey's Nuts Doo Da Doo Da chants start in the crowd. ]

    Kenny Larimar - If Hatchet keeps using moves like that bridging back suplex he could win the match!

    [Hatchet moves back to his feet. Hatchet with the hammerlock on Morbid Angel. Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... Morbid Angel is fighting the hold. ... ... Morbid Angel escapes. Hatchet with a falling splash on Morbid Angel. Hatchet sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Good falling splash by Hatchet.

    [Hatchet gets back to his feet. Hatchet climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Morbid Angel. Hatchet sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Good diving headbutt by Hatchet.

    [Hatchet gets up. Morbid Angel gets locked in the painful STF. Mike Simpson asks Morbid Angel if he quits. ... ... ... Morbid Angel trys to escape. ... Morbid Angel escapes. Hatchet and Morbid Angel go to the floor Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Jim Reynolds - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

    [Hatchet slingshot elbow drops Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hatchet. Morbid Angel stands up. They head back into the ring. Morbid Angel short-arm clotheslines Hatchet to the mat. Morbid Angel with a falling splash on Hatchet. Morbid Angel is up again. Morbid Angel executes the Supper DDT on Hatchet! Hatchet gets hit with the shooting star press from Morbid Angel. Mike Simpson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

    Kenny Larimar - Morbid Angel has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Morbid Angel!!!

    Russell Hughes Vs. IOTA

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois, Russell Hughes!!! (crowd boos ****)

    [walks to the ring as "Fight The Power", plays over the p.a. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Rome, Italy accompanied by Dee Dee Handjob, IOTA!!! (crowd cheers ***)

    ["I will Be Heard" By Hatebreed plays as IOTA enters the ring IOTA gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Russell Hughes. IOTA places Russell Hughes on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Russell Hughes tackles and begins punching IOTA. Russell Hughes covers IOTA. The ref starts the count. ...1 IOTA escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like IOTA.

    [iOTA gets back to his feet. IOTA gives Russell Hughes a reverse neckbreaker. Now Russell Hughes standing. IOTA gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. IOTA with a high crossbody on Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes gets back to his feet. Russell Hughes puts IOTA in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. IOTA gets back to his feet. Spinning neck-breaker from Russell Hughes takes IOTA down. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is quality sports entertainment!

    [Russell Hughes head butts IOTA. ]

    Kenny Larimar - If Russell Hughes keeps using moves like that falling head butt he could win the match!

    [Russell Hughes stands up. Now IOTA standing. ]

    Jim Reynolds - This is how wrestling should be!

    [Russell Hughes nails IOTA with an inverted DDT. Russell Hughes gets back to his feet. Now IOTA standing. Russell Hughes grabs IOTA's head and DDT's him on the mat. Now Russell Hughes standing. Russell Hughes fist drops IOTA on the mat. Russell Hughes chokes IOTA with his boot. Russell Hughes executes the front facelock on IOTA. Mike Simpson asks IOTA if he quits. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Russell Hughes tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Russell Hughes tightens the hold. ... ... ... IOTA trys to escape. ... Russell Hughes tightens the hold. IOTA taps out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes has won the match!

    Vic Titan - The winner of this match, Russell Hughes!!!

    Final Tournament Match

    Morbid Angel Vs. Russell Hughes

    Vic Titan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois, Russell Hughes!!! (crowd boos *****)

    [walks to the ring as "Fight The Power", plays over the p.a. ]

    Vic Titan - and his opponent, weighing in at 500 pounds, from Parts Unknown accompanied by Lindsay Willie, Morbid Angel!!! (crowd boos *****)

    [Pyro explodes, " So What" Blasts everybody's ears as Morbid stands in the center of the ring. Russell Hughes drops Morbid Angel with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Russell Hughes grabs Morbid Angel's head and hites him in the face. Russell Hughes trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift Morbid Angel.Morbid Angel uses a snap mare takeover on Russell Hughes. They lockup. Morbid Angel sends Russell Hughes to the corner of the ring. Morbid Angel pins Russell Hughes against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Russell Hughes takes a forearm choke.

    [Morbid Angel hits Russell Hughes with an earringer. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes takes a earringer.

    [Russell Hughes get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Morbid Angel. They lockup. Morbid Angel sends Russell Hughes to the corner of the ring. Morbid Angel with a high crossbody on Russell Hughes. Morbid Angel is back on his feet. Now Russell Hughes standing. Russell Hughes trys for a hotshot but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes puts a knee to Morbid Angel's back and pulls hims arms back. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Russell Hughes breaks the hold. Russell Hughes and Morbid Angel go to the floor ]

    Jim Reynolds - Morbid Angel will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) ]

    Kenny Larimar - The RWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

    [Russell Hughes trys for a t-bone suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.(..2) ]

    Jim Reynolds - Get back in the ring!!!

    [Morbid Angel gets sidewalk slammed by Russell Hughes. Morbid Angel stands up. They head back into the ring. Russell Hughes rakes the face of Morbid Angel in attempt to make a come back. Russell Hughes with a high crossbody on Morbid Angel. Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. Russell Hughes covers Morbid Angel. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Morbid Angel kicks out. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Not even close!

    [Morbid Angel gets up. Morbid Angel rakes his fingers across Russell Hughes's back. Morbid Angel get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Russell Hughes. Morbid Angel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes measures Morbid Angel up and drops a closed fist. Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. Russell Hughes puts Morbid Angel in an arm grapevine submission. Morbid Angel gets up. Morbid Angel gets elbowed to his midsection by Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel goes for a DDT but Russell Hughes dodges the attack. ]

    Jim Reynolds - My God!! What a match!

    [Morbid Angel kicks Russell Hughes in the stomach. Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. Morbid Angel hits a kneeling headbutt to Russell Hughes's groin. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes takes a kneeling headbutt.

    [Russell Hughes is up again. Morbid Angel with an illegal chokehold on Russell Hughes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Morbid Angel executes a choke hold.

    [Now Russell Hughes standing. Russell Hughes trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes sends Morbid Angel to ringside. Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) Russell Hughes trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes takes Morbid Angel into the ring. Russell Hughes trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes trys for a double underhook superplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes throws Morbid Angel off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Morbid Angel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Russell Hughes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes with a diving elbow smash.

    [Russell Hughes puts Morbid Angel in an arm grapevine submission. Russell Hughes measures Morbid Angel up and drops a closed fist. Russell Hughes gets up. Morbid Angel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes is up again. Morbid Angel gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Russell Hughes. Now Russell Hughes standing. Morbid Angel executes the German suplex on Russell Hughes. Morbid Angel gets up. They lockup. Morbid Angel sends Russell Hughes to the corner of the ring. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Morbid Angel with an Irish whip.

    [Morbid Angel hits Russell Hughes with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Morbid Angel clotheslines Russell Hughes. Russell Hughes trys for a bridging back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes is doing quite well at this point in the match.

    [Russell Hughes trys for a head and arm suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes puts a knee to Morbid Angel's back and pulls hims arms back. Referee Mike Simpson is checking for a tap out. ... ... Morbid Angel is fighting the hold. Russell Hughes breaks the hold. ]

    Jim Reynolds - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

    [Russell Hughes executes a split legged moonsault on to Morbid Angel. Russell Hughes sucks chants start in the crowd. Russell Hughes climbs to his feet. Russell Hughes measures Morbid Angel up and drops a closed fist. Russell Hughes is back on his feet. Morbid Angel gets up. Russell Hughes gets tiger suplexed by Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel is up again. Russell Hughes moves back to his feet. Russell Hughes gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Morbid Angel. ]

    Kenny Larimar - Morbid Angel executes a fireman's carry.

    [Russell Hughes trys for a spinebuster bomb but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Russell Hughes and Morbid Angel go to the floor ]

    Jim Reynolds - Morbid Angel will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

    [Mike Simpson starts the count (.1) (..2) Russell Hughes hits a kneeling headbutt to Morbid Angel's groin. (...3) Morbid Angel pokes Russell Hughes in the eyes. (....4) Morbid Angel bounces Russell Hughes off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor. Morbid Angel gets back to his feet. Russell Hughes gets up. Russell Hughes trys for a takeover suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.(.....5) ]

    Kenny Larimar - Russell Hughes'll be counted out.

    [Russell Hughes trys for a belly-to-belly superplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.(......6) ]

    Jim Reynolds - They better get back to the ring!

    [(.......7) They fight into the aisle. Russell Hughes and Morbid Angel move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Russell Hughes hits Morbid Angel with a headbutt to the mid-section. Russell Hughes gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Morbid Angel. Morbid Angel drives a forearm into Russell Hughes. ]

    Kenny Larimar - forearm smash!

    [Morbid Angel with an Aztecan suplex on Russell Hughes sends him to the mat. Morbid Angel is up again. Russell Hughes trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Morbid Angel.Morbid Angel is hit with a backward kick. Morbid Angel gets back to his feet. Russell Hughes get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Morbid Angel. Russell Hughes gets hit with the shooting star press from Morbid Angel. Mike Simpson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Russell Hughes escapes. ]

    Jim Reynolds - Morbid Angel should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

    [Russell HugMorbid Angel pins Rus

  6. Name Height Weight

    "Bad Mutha Fucka" Joseph Revelle 5'5" 120 (H)

    "Gospel" Dan Reynolds 6'0" 232 (F)

    Beepo The Clown 6'2" 320(F)

    Chip Henry 5'11" 225 (F)

    Cletus Gumm 5'10" 225 (H)

    Dark Phantom 6'5" 300 (H)

    David Revelle 5'3" 128 (F)

    Dee Dee Handjob 5'3" 115 (F)

    Dell Martinbourgh 6'3" 235 (H)

    Derek Foreman 6'3" 225 (F)

    Diana 6'1" 135 (F)

    Hal Nichols 6'3" 300(H)

    Hatchet 7'0" 394 (F)

    Il Petit Conchon 5'3" 190 (F)

    IOTA 6'3" 225 (F)

    Justin Jobber 5'6" 165 (F)

    Kat Wons 5'5" 125 (H)

    Kurt Vile 6'1" 220 (H)

    Lacey Scott 5'11" 125 (F)

    Lindsay Willie 5'2" 110 (F)

    Mitch Micheals 6'5" 290 (H)

    Morbid Angel 7'5" 500 (H)

    Mr. GQ 6'3" 225 (H)

    Nicole Jackson 5'4" 500 (H)

    No Neck Nelson 5'8" 160 (F)

    Paige Cornell 6'1" 250 (H)

    Pixie 5'2" 155 (H)

    QIX 6'5" 325 (F)

    Rb2K 6'4" 300 (H)

    Russell Hughes 6'3" 275(H)

    Seymour Bush 6'0" 225 (H)

    Simon Dawe 5'6" 200 (H)

    Stinkbomb 5'8" 195 (H)

    The Stuntman 6'1" 220 (F)

    Vengeance 7'1" 300 (H)

    Wally Simpson 6'0" 225( F)

    Zero Fear 6'9" 315 (F)

    Team Roster Name

    Men At Work Hal Nichols and Mitch Micheals

    Phantom and Vengeance ummmm DUH

    The Grand Dandies Dell Martinborough Kurt Vile

    The Mighty Whities Chip Henry and Derek Foreman

    Towers Of Terror Qix and Zero Fear

    Trailer Trash Cletus Gumm and Seymore Bush

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