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Posts posted by Kustimonia

  1. NWA Anarchy

    Adrian Hawkins is the new NWA Anarchy Young Lions Champion

    Add The H.H.Nemesis to NWA Anarchy, reacivate Urban Assault Squad(with Shadow Jackson),make them Heels

    Add the NWA Elite Stable(consisting of Jerry Palmer, John Johnson, Bo Newsom,Jacoby Boykins,Shadow Jackson, The H.H. Nemesis,Se7en, Shaun Tempers, Jagged Edge, Jeff G. Bailey).They are all Heels.

    Add Jagged Edge (not in the Game, can´t provide Stats) to NWA Anarchy

    Azrael & Slim J are the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Champions

    Jeff G.Bailey manages Shaun Tempers, Se7en, Bo Newsom & Jacoby Boykins

    Add Bobby Moore to NWA Anarchy

    Bo Newsom is the NWA Anarchy Television Champ

    Forgot to add:

    Shaun Tempers is the NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champ

  2. From an objective standpoint - Red is way closer on this issue. IF any changes really need to be made at all.

    And who tell you what is objective in this case?

    Just in case you`re German as well as I am:

    Du kannst im Editor des Spiels die Stats doch selbst ändern, wenn sie dir zu niedrig( oder zu hoch) erscheinen. Mach ich selbst auch. Die Vorschläge hier sind allgemein gültig und, wie ein andere User schon gesagt hat, rein subjektiv. Ich finde sie gut so wie sie sind. Wie gesagt, du kannst sie selber ändern, wenn du willst

  3. NWA Anarchy TV Taping January 14th

    Anthony Henry beat Bo Newsom to be the new NWA Anarchy Young Lions Champion

    Se7en and Lane Vasser(the NWA Elite), both not in the Game right now, are the new NWA Anarchy Tag Team Champs

    ECCW Spoilers

    -Create NWA Canadian SuperGirls Title(Image 10(or 15), Woman`s Title Lightweight,Singles)

    Create NWA Vancouver 1st Heavyweight Title (Image 15, No Gender Restriction, Singles)

    Add Ladies Choice,Randy Tyler & Mike Roselli to ECCW (Create the Brains Brawns And Class Stable, Leader is Ladies Choice)

    Add El Phantasmo

    KC Spinelli is the new NWA Canadian SuperGirls Champ

    Artemis Spencer should be NWA Canandian Heavyweight Champion, not Jr. Heavyweight Champ as far as I understand

    Retire the NWA Canadian Jr. Heavyweight Title

    Add Alex Plexis(as a Face) to the ECCW and hook him up with Randy Myers. Make them the NWA Canadian Tag Team Champions

    Azeem the Dream is the new NWa Vancouver 1st Champ

  4. Add Se7en to the Game


    Deadly Sinn




    B: 68

    S: 44

    T: 62

    Stiff: 56

    Sell: 55

    Over: 10

    Charisma: 68

    Att: 90

    Behav: 90

    Finisher: Chokeslam(Impact)

    Deadly Sinn(Impact)



    Check Menacing

    NWA-A,Midcard, Heel, Monster, Manager Jeff G.Bailey

    Loyality to Tracy Smothers

    Add Corey Hollis

    Corey Hollis



    23 (Guess)


    B: 38

    S: 64

    T: 68

    Stiff: 56

    Sell: 65

    Over: 12

    Charisma: 48

    Att: 90

    Behav: 90

    Finisher: Shining Wizard(Impact)

    Satellite Crossface(Submission)



    Check High Spots


    Loyality to Jimmy Rave

    Friendship with Chip Day and Mike Posey

    Create a NWA Anarchy Tagteam called Jimmy Rave Approved, consisting of Chip Day and Corey Hollis, exp.20


    Rename Spade and Jonze to OMFG!(That is how they were calledon Episode 644

  5. Add Eric Ryan to the Game

    Eric Ryan





    B: 48

    S: 64

    T: 59

    Stiff: 46

    Sell: 68

    Over: 18

    Charisma: 58

    Att: 90

    Behav: 90

    Finisher: Sweet ol Amherst(Impact) x2



    Check Menacing

    MCW, Opener, Heel, Bad Ass

    Add John Silver to the Game

    John Silver

    Number One




    B: 35

    S: 64

    T: 68

    Stiff: 46

    Sell: 68

    Over: 15

    Charisma: 68

    Att: 90

    Behav: 90

    Finisher: Number One Splash (Impact) x2



    EVOLVE, Opener,Face, No Gimmick Needed

    ECWA,Midcard, Face,No Gimmick Needed

    • Like 1
  6. Ohio Valley Wrestling

    Add The Mascagni Family (consisting of Christian Mascagni, Lennox Norris, Rudy Sitchblade and Marcus Anthony, Jessie Godderz) as a Heel Stable(Marcus Anthony ( in the Game, Jesse Godderz(also in the Game)) and Chris Mascagni(not in the Game)) should be added.M.Anthony shoud be Lower Midcard or Midcard Heel.

    Tony Gunn, Ace Hawkins(opener), Dylan Bostic(Face Jobber), Andrew Patton, Brandon Espinosa, Joe Coleman and Nick Dumeyer(Heel Jobbers)should be added to the Game (OVW), but all of them are currently not in the Game as well.

    Shiloh Jonze and Johnny Spade are the OVW Southern Tag Team Chanmpions. They beat The Elite on December 3th. Make Jonze and Spade Faces( on the las Episode they acted as Faces) or Tweeners. Both should be positioned Opener or Lower Midcard). Add Spade to OVW

    Also, Ted Mc Naler is the new OVW TV Champion

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