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Posts posted by Bill1996

  1. Gonna go with a DATA only this month and have a FULL and DATA for September...  In short, just flip-flopping them in the rotation.  I've already converted FWE to HOH for the August Update, but haven't done any logos or banners, so those will be included in the September Update, as well as other additions that I've already started working on.  I completed my move to my new home this month (for the most part) and was without internet for a while, so that's partially why it's taken so long to release this month's update.  But, as I said, already working On September and should have more time, now that I'm mostly moved, kids are back in school, etc, etc...

    Still managed to get most everything in the July request thread done, so will probably start working on backlog at the start of next week.




    • Like 5
  2. I know this is normally a FULL/DATA month, but I have been so busy (dealing with a 17 year old daughter and buying a house are merely the tip of the iceberg) and it's already so late in the month that I'm just going to release a DATA version this month. The immediate plan is to get as caught up as I can on necessary things in the data and release the June DATA Update before the end of the first week of June. Hopefully, by then, most of the chaos that currently dominates my free time will be settled down at that point and I can get back on track for July with a FULL, DATA and BEGINNERS update, per the schedule.

    So please, for this month especially, only changes that cannot wait 2 weeks and please don't repeat things from the past months as that's where I'll be devoting my updating time to, for the most part.


    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/v74or6mvictc4ng/MAYDATA.zip

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  3. Again, apologize for the delay, but was working on adding the Lucha Underground promotion to the game when I had a family emergency come up that put pretty much everything else in life on hold for a couple weeks. The plan is to start immediately (well, almost, as I plan to sleep tonight and start tomorrow) on the May Update.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/mh7j58kcd8u5crn/APRUPDATE.zip

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wre1cx4va8xeuz5/APRDATA.zip

    BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cu5bv27cgydhxbf/APRBEGINNERS.zip

    • Like 5
  4. Due to my computer issues last month, I'm only releasing a DATA and BEGINNERS version of the January 2015 update, as there were no worker/staff additions and no name changes. As long as nothing unexpected occurs (knock on wood) the plan is to have all three updates (FULL, DATA and BEGINNERS) included with the February update. with it already being the 8th of January, it was either do it this way, or probably have to scrap the January Update altogether.

    So, if you had a suggestion from last month and it hasn't been done, please do me a favor and refrain from repeating it at least until the February Update is out. I know there's a lot that didn't get done and the immediate plan is to get that backlog cleared within the next week.



    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xje526q054ewouo/JANDATA.zip

    BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/download/px9dcsp33y26i26/JANBEGINNERS.zip

    • Like 2
  5. Real quick, I know that December is a "DATA only" month, but had enough time and did enough that I did both FULL and DATA updates. January 2015 will be back to a BEGINNERS/FULL/DATA and will continue with the normal schedule.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/zlo3apy5u3j9529/DECUPDATE.zip

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/mf66p5d7cvzli4p/DECDATA.zip

    • Like 5
  6. Nice job bill.

    Here's the Japanese touring commitments I promised earlier.

    Japanese Touring Commitment Changes:

    Akihiko Ito: NOAH to None

    Amigo Suzuki: BJPW to None

    Big Van Walter: BJPW to None

    Brother YASSHI: None to Zero1

    Chango: BJPW to None

    Chase Owens: None to New Japan

    Daichi Hashimoto: Zero1 to None

    Daikokubo Benkei: BJPW to None

    Daniel Gracie: New Japan to None

    HUB: BJPW to Zero1

    Jun Ogawauchi: BJPW to None

    Katsumasa Inoue: BJPW to None

    Kengo Nishimura: None to Zero1

    Kenou: Michnoku to NOAH

    K-Murda: Zero1 to None

    K-Pusha: Zero1 to None

    Marshall Von Erich: NOAH to None

    Pesadilla: None to NOAH

    Quiet Storm: None to NOAH

    Rob Conway: New Japan to None

    Rocky Lobo: None to NOAH

    Rolles Gracie: New Japan to None

    Ross Von Erich: NOAH to None

    Shiori Asahi: None to BJPW

    Shisaou: None to Michonku

    Takashi Sakasi: BJPW to None

    The Sheik: Zero1 to None

    Also lower Jiro's behavior down to 75 due to being a peeping tom (he got busted for trying to watch women in changing rooms in 2013)

    OK, these are done... Didn't find anyone named "Kengo Nishimura" though...


  7. OK, things finally slowing down some, hopefully that continues. The current plan is to start right into the December Update tomorrow, since there's a fair amount of catching up to do and I'd like to get as much done possible before the January 15 Update.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/78ta43i39jcay24/NOVUPDATE.zip

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wmx8g6c4b9bc2s7/NOVDATA.zip

    • Like 1
  8. Bill, I am just wondering when the lucha stats I've suggested like six months ago will be added in as well as the renames from sooner?

    As soon as I can get to them... Usually, Months with a FULL update will have worker adds, but I just didn't have the time this month. Seemed like everytime I sat to catch my breath, something new came up.

    WWE's March event is blank. Did I miss something where they did away with a PPV for March?

    No Way Out is in February, with WrestleMania being at the beginning of April. Pretty sure this has been standard for a while now in WWE. Next year, WrestleMania is at the end of March, so that'll change probably with the January 2015 Update. But, then, pending on the PPV schedule, April might be blank then.


  9. OK, long story short, this month was insanely busy for me... I apologize for the lack of updating and it being the 7th of the month, but where I usually average 40-50 hours a month updating, I had maybe 10 to update this month.

    There are a couple updates, but not a lot. Mainly title changes, a few removals from WWE and the Deletion of Sean O'Haire. All of the workers/staff who had a September birthday have also had their age raised, so at least that got done.

    Hopefully, things will slow down this month (dunno how they could be more hectic, to be honest) and I'll get more time to work on November.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/20afbm98r35bxpd/OCTUPDATE.zip

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3o39ebqtflwx5lh/OCTDATA.zip

    BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/download/i1acfvlov75w742/OCTBEGINNERS.zip

    • Like 5
  10. Just wanted to let everyone know that the September DATA Update will be up within the next 12 hours. Apologies for the delay, but I had some unexpected things pop up and really didn't get to update at all last weekend, so I've been playing catch up, because I want to get a lot of things done that have been neglected. I won't get completely caught up, but plan to actually start right back in working on October by the middle of next week.


  11. Someone in another thread requested these, so might as well post them here as well:





    WWE Board of Directors Pic:


    Have to delete all of the junk off of the back of the names of them, but should work fine after doing that.

    Also, preorders for September Update are now available for $9.99 [/wwenetworkpitch]

    A preview of the preorder bonuses:




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