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Posts posted by Bill1996

  1. well I don't really need multiple cuts of certain workers, just 1 will do. But I need a pic of every worker in the January update. Not just the updated pics that come with the update, I need a pic of every worker. I haven't been updating every months update, infact I haven't updated much at all. So sometimes I go to update the game and there's a ton of workers with no pics. I don't wanna go on a search through the forum to find pics from each and every update either.

    I have no problem downloading a big file, as long as it's worth it. So maybe just upload your PICS folder?

    PS: I also find it quite annoying when I downloaded the January update and the "Updated Pics" folder with it had all the file names ending in stuff like "2_Jan_08". Those file names are too long for the game to use them for one, and secondly, I don't want to sit there removing those long tags at the end of all 106 pics.

  2. I'm actually in the process of putting together an "Archivial" version of EWR 2K7. The idea behind it is, so that players can play starting with any month in the year 2007. Just update the data to that point and off you go. In this version, I have every single pic that I have ever cut or included in my updates. The main problem? It is 134 MB in size. To this point, I haven't included logos or banners in my updates, so all's I would have is worker pics. But, I do have them. I'm debating on breaking the Archivial version into two segments: Data/Notes/Etc, and all of the Pics in another part. I have Cable internet, but I know some don't and what a pain it would be for them to have to download a 134 MB file. If you're just wanting the worker pics, I could throw those into a zip and upload it. Gonna look at it and think about it some more, but let me know if that would help you out. Others are free to chime in as well.


  3. I don't think I'm really good at the whole "graphics" facet of the game, but I was toying around the other night, and came up with a new WWE banner... Someone might like it:


    That, and a pic cut some might want as well... This will probably be included in my update tomorrow, but I thought it came out rather well:

    Triple H "Terminator"



  4. This was actually in this thread...

    This pic was requested a few weeks ago or so... I had one, but this one is much better.



    From his myspace site, he's 47 and his birthmonth is either September or October. He also states that his best friend/mentor is Jimmy Valiant, so probably a loyalty relationship there.


  5. I have some requests I hope can get done, they're for IWS workers and I think it'd be nice to have pictures for them since they either don't have pictures or have really old ones.


    Stefany (LuFisto's girlfriend and a decent wrestler as well)


    (Carl Choquette, in pink)


    (Fred La Mervaille, the one in the white cop shirt)


    (Shayne Hawke)


    (Paranoid Jake Matthews)


    (Joey Soprano)


    (Victoria Soprano)


    (Jimmy Stone)




    (Eric Lauze in black and silver)



    Alos, if anyone does cut pics from the Chikara fansite, could they cut pics of Hydra, Ryan Cruz, Darin Corbin, Chuck Taylor, Ricochet and American Balloon?

    I know that's a lot of requests, if anyone could do even a few I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

  6. Are all of these people on the game already? I'm only missing like 6 female worker pics, so, if Stefany and Victoria Soprano are on the game already, I'd love to know who they're on under. If not, and you got stats for them, I'd like to have those as well...

    I got 2 cuts of Stefany already... I can cut the others and post em, but it'll probably not be done until Monday. If I'm gonna cut them, I'm gonna take the time and do it right.


  7. looking for some the IWS guys like


    Jagger W. Bush


    Player Uno

    Christopher Wells


    Elsa Bangz

    Fred La Merveille

    Dru Onyx

    Shinjiro Hashinoku

    Vanessa Kraven

    Jake Matthews

    Jimmy Stone

    Kenny The Bastard

    Peter LaSalle

    Pierre Carl Ouelette

    Pornstar Juan

    Shayne Hawke


    alo i know but hey =]]

  8. Is there a faq that tells you how to cut pics? I know that probably sounds stupid but I have no idea where to start. That's not entirely true I suppose. I have some pics that I like that I would like to cut and put on a background but I don't know how to resize and stuff. Do you all use photoshop? Thanks for any help.
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