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Posts posted by Vamp

  1. 15 hours ago, Maxx said:

    We has a Flash thread young Tristy!

    And apparently the director's cut of Batman/Superman is rated R.  Because Superman is totally a character that needs to be in an R rated movie, director's cut or not.

    To be fair I found Dark Knight Returns (which inspired this film) pretty grim. A straight adaptation of that would probably get a 'R' rating. Although I found reading it pretty miserable and probably wouldn't bother to see it if it was adapted for the cinema. 

    Also, it's just a directors cut. It's basically a fan boy getting to make his grim dark movie that they'll only flog to a tiny percentage of everyone who sees the film. 

  2. It does seem slightly odd that aside from the audios, the only Doctor and Susan reunion was the extremely low key one in the Five Doctors. Seeing her with 10 or 11 would have been fun just for the age dynamic. 


    Really the next companion should be a talking penguin or what's the point? 

  3. I preferred the glasses if only because it meant a series of the Doctor not pointing it like a TV remote that doesn't want to work.

    Plus the bits where he points  it at  things and gets a.reading made some semblance of sense for a little while. I know it not making a lick of sense is the gag and part of the whole camp charm of all of it but sometimes it's nice to mix things up a bit. 

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  4. That really felt like a big step backwards for me. The frame removed much of the drama, the ending lacked any conviction and it seemed to share two.problems with the latest Bond movie, I don't want to know more about the Doctor's past and the thing that's meant to tie several plots together doesn't really make a lick of sense. And I'm a bit tired of this constant promise that now the Doctor is going to start being the Doctor that he's forgotten how to be that seems to have been promised every season since Matt's second. Which seems even more of a shame in a series that has been so bold and in which Capaldi has been a fantastic Doctor. 

    I think the initial disappointment is just frustrating maybe. There were cool moments, some tragic moments and the theme is a real strong idea but the whole just didn't hold together at all for me. I felt it really lacked the confidence the other episodes had. Maybe I'll like it more on a second viewing. I think the previous episode set my hopes up too high. 

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  5. I always used to assume that's so that Game shops or whoever could whack the disc in a console, rig it up to the telly safe in the knowledge that when they don't press x the game trailer will play but presumably they just send a dvd or a download or something... 

    There'll be some horrible product design reason about how pressing x to advance to the main menu reminds people of childhoods spent in arcades or means they're invested more into the product or something. 

  6. It was interesting to see Doctor Who having something political to say as it doesn't really feel like it's done that while Moffat has been the head writer. So I thought that was brave. I felt somewhat detached from everything though, which might have been the drink rather than the episode I suppose. The hostage video being so close to an actual terrorist video felt a little near the knuckle.  

  7. If I'm remembering the right episode didn't she do that by her own choice to protect a legacy than Tennant had told her all about? I don't think it's quite the same scenario, a different person might not have been so noble.

    I think it's meant to be a bit of bboth isn't it? There will always be something that will make her death and her daughter's success a fixed point but the woman, can't remember her name, has also taken things into her own hands. And when he tried to change the rules he became a mad God and there's a sense that he won't know where to stop. 

  8. On the Han Solo talking about everything as if it's ancient history, I mean, it's really just a fairly tale in space. An old bloke talking about stories in a way that makes them sound magical is pretty much part of the deal. I'm presuming whoever he's telling is cynical in the way he was in A New Hope. 

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  9. I loved the elephant in the room.

    I didn't love the fact that there wasn't a message of some sort at the end. I sort of expected something thanking Jeremy for his years of service to Top Gear.

    The only thing that actually angered me was them leaving in Jeremy saying "I hate working on Top Gear" during the SUV race. I can't think of any other reason to leave it in than for either a huge dose of irony or vindictiveness.

    I'd be surprised if anyone other than the Top Gear team decided to leave it in for irony.

  10. I think May and Clarkson were. Hammond auditioned but explains in his autobiography that he and Clarkson clicked in the audition when they started ribbing each other. But there's also the fact that the first couple of series tend to be a little dull. The problem is that the new Top Gear probably doesn't have the luxury of time. It's going to get compared to what the last version became rather than what it started with.

    That said maybe sending whatever three people they end up with out on one of those epic road trips will speed the process up. Probably a better way of introducing their personalities than studio links.

  11. The big concern at this stage is that they won't realise that the show is at its best when it's three mates mucking about. Ideally you'd want to cast it as a package, which it doesn't appear that they're doing. They could have gone for three very different people to the original trio and it probably wouldn't have hindered the show as long as they had the right chemistry.

    Chris Evans just feels very uninspired. And it does make me think they've missed what makes the show really tick.

  12. Secret Wars is the final act of a storyline built up over a couple of years, but it will apparently do something of a not really reboot. It seems like it's the comics that come after secret wars chronologically that are the good jumping on points but some of those comics are being released during the secret wars event just to make things more confusing to anyone outside the bubble. It's titles like All New All Different Avengers and A-Force that I think are meant to be the easier jumping on points.

  13. The mummy running around the orient express in space was mentioned in the last episode of Matt Smith's first series right? Or have I made that up? I seem to remember them mentioning something similar and thinking that it sounded like a cool Christmas special and then we got something else. I wonder if that'll be mentioned.

  14. The preview kind of makes me think it's going to be a bit like School Reunion without Sarah Jane. Seems like a brilliant opportunity to do an Ian Chesterton appearance but I'm guessing that's not happening.

  15. I kinda think it's something we'll find out about later but I hope not. I think you're meant to think they might have imagined it but it doesn't really work.

    The really disturbing answer is that it was a kid used to having strange adults roaming around the building.

  16. Quite an important episode in proving that it's not all going to be gloomy with Capaldi and achieved its sole aim of being a bit of amusement between a sombre dalek episode and next week's terror. Some rather wonderful references.

    My only quibble is last week Clara wasn't sure if the Doctor was a good man and here she considered the Doctor to be her ultimate impossible hero. I'm not sure about that one.

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  17. I'm pretty sure it was a Moffat one too, and one of the ones people used as proof that Moffat should be the next head writer.

    It was mostly teasing out the timey wimey possibilities, writing an odd relationship and seeing the Doctor struggle to come to terms with being trapped. It was a pretty good episode, and one of Moffat's best (if it was Moffat?). It was pretty fresh at the time too, although probably feels less so now.

    I think the androids were partly brought back (in a somewhat different form) to allude to how long ago the Tennant things are for Capaldi's Doctor. The reason he can't remember where he got his face from is the same reason he can't remember the androids straight away, it's was thousands of years ago for him now.

    Although it didn't quite make sense why they'd want a dinosaur part. It's not like their ship was SS Dinosaur. But eh, plot holes are part of the fun of Doctor Who. I'd say "timey wimey" but maybe the new approach is "meh, have a scotch" which I can get behind.

  18. You're forgetting an episode. The androids were from a sister ship of the SS Marie Antoinette that Tennant's Doctor came across in the second new series. In that story the androids were using the crew to try and power the engines so that they could stalk Marie Antoinette and use her to fix the spaceship.

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