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Media 2.0

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Posts posted by Media 2.0


    i had no chans to do annything against it, it coasts me the work of FOUR FUCKING MATCHES in wich no matter how strong the oponent was i only (like almost usual in every match) only gave one Points.


    Next match against Kane, who needs 3 strikes and one finisher to beat me without me having even a chans to counter ore run away,

    And once again :lol::lol::lol: You people suck at this game...and that's not sarcasm ;)

  2. I was playing HCTP last night and did an Elimination Chamber. I was the last one released, and the second I got into the ring (with my created character with ability at 100) Triple H booted me, hit me with the Pedigree, and got the 3.... with a MAXED OUT CHARACTER. How ever if I give my character the Pedigree and do it to say.... Mysterio, he'll kick out at 1, it makes no sense.

    HOLY CRAP...you just suck. :blink: but really, that's never happened to me..NEVER. What do you do when you get pinned? press X once or twice or something..? cuz that's Bs. Unless you suck at kicking out.

    more shittynes, this storyline, i bet you saw it yourselfs once was like this

    And for those that don't have the 'privelage' to play KOC...can you please explain the story mode of KOC :ohwell: , or just a part of it?..

  3. CPU vs Player, Season Mode, Last Man Standing - How to win, beting the shit out of your oponent with Wepons, Wapon Finishers did never work, simple moves, simpel finishers and stolen simple finishers did never work, even if the match lasts 3417 minutes and the guy is bloodyed and his whateveritscalledbodymetterthingydingi is all red sinc forever to.

    Player however gets easylee killed by 1-2 finishers and/ore some weapon Shots.

    The thing is..that never really happens to me :ohwell: Unless I'm like...a CAW that i've decided to not add attributes..and I'm going against Lesnar or something. And still...I dont' lose.

    And the reason I'm defending that 'I get treated like shit' is because I dont. I for one..like the SD games..GAMEPLAY also. I would prefer, if to pull off a move, I didn't have to hit O, /\, /\, O, X, and so on and so on..the simplicity of it..I actually like :|..so umm..whatever I guess lol, Different strokes for different folks..

  4. just proves that you would buy and hype everything, even a pice of poo, as long as it sais WWE PS2 game on the title. . .

    No..it has to say WWE Smackdown PS2 game. :shifty:

    it´s fun how people havent gotten that smackdown issent selling becaus of anny kind of qualety, it´s selling because of the licens, so dos WM, so dos Raw, two other game series as shitty as posible.

    But the thing is...SO WHAT!! :huh: They can do that..it's been working all these years..it still is. The game sales...the game sales, simple as that.

    If they decide to improve the game..sure that's a bonus..but seroiusly the whole point of all the series is to get a WWE game out every year, simple as that. Not to give you 'THE BEST GAMING EXPERIENCE EVAR!@'

  5. I'm bitching because it's been almost 6 years, and they believe everyone is still going to rush out and buy a game they're updating. Think of it this way, look at all the sports games they make that are just updates of rosters with a couple tweaks to the gameplay.

    I don't know if you've noticed..but people do STILL rush out and get this little 'updated' version. In most places SD is usually sold out within the first few days. ;) I don't know if you saw the HCTP thread when the game first came out..but ummm..yea, that sort of proves that people do still rush out and get the game on release date, just an update or not.

    Think of it this way, look at all the sports games they make that are just updates of rosters with a couple tweaks to the gameplay.

    Madden says hi. :thumbsup: Madden is STILL one of the top games there are...after how many years? Since like the sega or something...and yet every year people stilll go out and buy it. NBA Live...people still go out and buy..So that arguement doesn't hold up the greatest. :ohwell:

  6. I actually take his point on Undertaker - how will they seperate them?

    *takes it you didn't play HCTP :P

    But seriously...I'm sure it's gonna be just like HCTP. One is 'The Undertaker' and the other is 'Legend Taker'. And if you mean look wise...current Taker..isn't exactly Old...Deadman Taker.

    *Played HCTP to death

    I know look wise current taker isn't EXACTLY old 'taker, but their isn't much difference - its just as SelfHighFive said - ever so slightly different costume. Their isn't much point in them both. Thats why I agree with him on this point. They'd barely be a difference.

    I dunno...I have to say this.. (Yes, it's from DOR)


    is kind of dif from HCTP old school Taker. I mean, , there wasn't that MUCH of a diff between old school Taker, and regular Taker in HCTP also..at least in my eyes..but they were both still in there.

    EDIT- mdm8.jpg

    Yea..there's better pics..but didn't feel like searching lol.

    I personally wish they didn't put ANY legends in...much less ones already in the game, thats kind of stupid. :ohwell: But hey, some people like it.


    Ok, so not much, but it's some :P

  7. I actually take his point on Undertaker - how will they seperate them?

    *takes it you didn't play HCTP :P

    But seriously...I'm sure it's gonna be just like HCTP. One is 'The Undertaker' and the other is 'Legend Taker'. And if you mean look wise...current Taker..isn't exactly Old...Deadman Taker.

  8. Menace 2 Society up until the other day. (I think I did but I was like so freakin young..)

    That made 'Don't be a Menace to South Central while drinking Juice in the hood' SO MUCH fucking funnier lmao. I always only thought they were copying boys n the hood mostly..but no. Even though it's not that hard to tell..by the name lol

  9. Wrong title belt.  :lol:

    I'm pretty sure it was cuz whoever the player is won it during season...seeing as all the pics are season pics.

    German mag scans..



    I have a feeling eventually I'm going to get tired of the staredown/test of strength stuff...hopefully it only occurs when you want it to..

  10. I dunno to be honest, I don't think he looks at all bad. Sure he could look a little better, but I think they've done well with him.

    Also what's this 'X - Continue' stuff about? You can use it during a pin? or is that just a scene? Looking really good though.

    I'm pretty sure it's stuff during season...

    Those look really good. Lookin foreward to this one. Has anyone heard any news about DOR yet?

    There's actually a 'LOT' of info on DOR :ohwell: . They're (IGN) currently in the middle of that countdown...add a wrestler every day thing. The newest one up is Doug Basham. Go to IGN and there's a lot of pics..and videos...and the like.

    More pics..



  11. I am glad they got rid of holly. And even better, other then Jase it was unanymous. Heh..that should cause some problems.

    And I have to say the HOH competition sucked...cuz it's still going on. :( So we have to wait to find out who won...or look at live feed whatever

  12. I still don't understnad why they don't utilize the HOH "secret" weapon once again, (TV monitors) but oh well, I'll leave that alone like a bad plot in a movie.

    Looking at some of the live feed stuff...I don't believe they are able to choose the feed they are looking at. For instance if Diane and Will are talking in the bathroom..they can't change the monitor to that...it'll automatically be set on something..the Kitchen for instance.

  13. All this game will be is a polished HCTP with an updated roster. Really not worth $80(Canadian).

    Well that really is the whole point. :ohwell: Just like NBA Live that just updates rosters, graphics, etc the next year. Just like Madden who updates roster, graphics, etc the next year. Just like all games that come out year after year after year all it is, is an 'update' of the previous game.

    Going on kind of what Doc said...I believe it's the truth that they are just smart...there's a reason they don't make it 'The best game ever'. If they did, what would be the point in buying the next one? They add little updates...just like all games that come out every year, and none of them are ever perfect because they want people to buy the next one...

  14. First time I bought HCTP I watched all of them.

    I was disappointed. Sean O'Haire, Randy Orton, Haas & Benjamin all had the same entrance.

    Well I mean, I've seen them all before...and when someone is a champion, I usually watch it more.

    But that shouldn't be something that makes or breaks a game.

  15. WOw...people actually care that much about something such as...music? Well entrance music?

    How many times do you watch the entrances anyways?

    I was talking about a Name selling the game

    And yes...people would rather have a Jericho/Benoit main event at a real PPV arena, rather then wrestler A vs wrestler B. :rolleyes: That automatically means they don't know what a good game is! OMG!

    Not everyone thinks that SD is a bad game. That being graphics, gameplay whatever. Hell, some might not see 'THE MAGIC THAT IS KOC~~!!' that interesting if they were to play it...so I guess it's just difference of opinion.

  16. without the WWE label no one would give shit about this game

    I don't believe that's true whether you do or not. People bought Def Jam Vendetta. Didn't see a WWE label on that. People bought backyard wrestling..nope, no WWE logo on thta. And I'm sure people will probaly buy Rumble Rose, and that will be another wrestling game with no WWE logo. So don't assume..that without a WWE label people wouldn't buy the game.

  17. Yup, it's true, and I can't wait to see it. :D

    But anyways..onto the topic, I have to say WOW, people are...ummm, something that's like a critic but a hell of a lot worse. I just finished watching this movie..and it wasn't bad as people say at all, and sure as hell shouldn't be classified as worst movie ever...

    Sure, it was a little, well bad that they used the Catwoman name, because she wasn't 'Catwoman' aka Selina Kyle and all of that crap, but whatever it still wasn't bad at all. And contrary to what some stay it had a decent, simple story. She was killed...she wanted to find out who her killers were....not a horrible story. Really.

    She was neither villian nor hero...as I said, she just wanted to find out who her killers were...really nothing was wrong with the movie, other then people wanting 'Catwoman' (Comicbook/batman returns version). :ohwell:

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