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Posts posted by TCO

  1. Grr. If a player fails a work permit, is there ANYTHING I can do to get him into my team?! Found a Ghanaian striker in Belgium, would've been fantastic to bolster my strikeforce ahead of the new season as he's young, impressive and above all cheap. Anderlecht accept my bid, he accepts his wages, and bam! Work permit denied, appeal does nothing. I did this two more times in the vain hope of it working on another try, but no dice.

    Any help?!

  2. Very interesting read.

    It highlights the main problem of the Wii there, for me anyway. The Wii-mote is not made for serious games, besides maybe FPS', so developers will take the easy way out and make Party Games, rather than go the hard way and try to adapt fiddly controls for the Wii. So with the mega sales of the Wii, people will be buying these like hot cakes

    But that being said, I can't see games like that coming out on the 360 or PS3, I se them as the Big Boy Consoles. So even though he does have a point, the Wii will go like that, due to lack of power and limited controls, I highly doubt Sony and MS will follow suit.

  3. Thinking about the franchise, has Neville replaced Dobby? He give Harry the Gillyweed in GOF and found the Room of Requirement in OTOTP. Pointless, but something I noticed

    That makes no sense either, much like the other things that RK mentioned. They are following the books and they each have different roles in helping Harry. Dobby feels debt toward Harry and loves him while Neville is one of his classmates and friends. Dobby basically does whatever Harry asks of him and the whole thing with Gillyweed was that Crouch Jr planted that information with him so that he would tell Harry.

  4. 2 things pissed me off big time in this.

    Firstly, they didn't explain that Trelawny made the prophecy and that, that was the reason he kept her in the castle instead of leaving Umbridge remove her. That bit was pointless because of this and because the Trelawny thing wasn't included, the Dumbledore/Harry scene at the end was comletely different to the book, it was all calm in the movie but Harry went nits in the book.

    Lastly why put Kreacher in, when they left out his main function, to tell Harry that Sirius wasn't at home. It was a little detail, but pissed me off.

    Other than that, it was alright.

    Thinking about the franchise, has Neville replaced Dobby? He give Harry the Gillyweed in GOF and found the Room of Requirement in OTOTP. Pointless, but something I noticed

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