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Posts posted by Vendetta

  1. Tampa Bay had a touchdown taken off the board by a bogus and i mean fucking bogus pass interference call. The line judge who was right on top of the play signaled touchdown and then the back judge who was underneath the goal threw the flag. The DB had a hold of Winslow's hands, facing away from the QB never looked for the ball and Winslow yanked his hands away and caught the ball....

    Then the catch by Johnson in overtime was bullshit because he only got one foot inbounds and did the replay booth bother to buzz the ref to let him have a look...fuck no....

    Even though we couldn't stop the run..that touchdown by Winslow was legit...When you have 50 thousand plus in the stands and even fans of the opposing team know it's a touchdown....you're a fucking moron...eat shit and die back judge...get off you're knees..you're blowing the game...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YlVgr0B-Ww play in question occurs about the 2:00 mark...you can clearly see the DB playing the player and not the ball... The very next play goes to the opposite side and the DB clearly armbars Williams...

  2. Ward rips NFL as hypocritical on player safety

    CBSSports.com wire reports

    Dec. 1, 2010

    PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward lashed out Wednesday at the NFL for what he calls its hypocritical stance on player safety, arguing the league recently toughened its stance only because it wants to expand to an 18-game season.

    Ward said there is considerable confusion among players about which hits are legal and which aren't since the league stepped up its policing of dangerous hits. Steelers linebacker James Harrison has been fined $125,000 for four separate hits since mid-October, two of which weren't penalized.

    "They league doesn't care about us anyway," said Ward, a 13-year veteran and the leading receiver in Steelers history. "They don't care about the safety of the game. If the league was so concerned about the safety, why are you adding two more games on? You talk about you don't want players to drink ... and all you see is beer commercials. You don't want us to gamble, but then there are (NFL-endorsed lottery scratch-off games)."

    The NFL is currently pushing for an expanded season during ongoing labor negotiations with the players union.

    "It almost seems like the more flags we throw, the more fines we dish out, we can say we're protecting the game," safety Ryan Clark said, reflecting his opinion of the league's stance. "Now, we can have 18 games because look how we're protecting (the players)."

    Ward also predicted a team will lose a game -- possibly in the playoffs -- because an official makes an incorrect call out of fear of being disciplined by the league for not adhering to its new policy.

    "It's going to change the outcome; somebody's going to lose a game because of it," Ward said. "It's going to be a huge play in a playoff game, somebody's going to hit a quarterback or do something and the referee is going to be too scared to call it. So he's going to call it anyway so he can save his tail. He (the player) may not even get fined or not, but it will come down to the outcome of a ballgame.

    Ward's comments reflect the growing anger among the players on one of the NFL's showcase franchises. The Steelers are becoming increasingly upset over the near-weekly fines levied Harrison, a perceived lack of protection for quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and hits that are fined and penalized one week, but aren't subject to any penalty a week later.

    "We don't know what the league wants," Ward said.

    Steelers linebacker James Farrior said the league has quickly become "the wild, wild west. We're on our own right now. There's no type of (predictable) regulation going on."

    Farrior also said NFLPA chief DeMaurice Smith hasn't properly supported NFL players on the issue.

    Ward and several other Steelers players argued the NFL wouldn't hesitate to fine a player who injured the Colts' Peyton Manning or the Patriots' Tom Brady, yet did nothing when Roethlisberger appeared to be roughed up by Buffalo's Arthur Moats and Marcus Stroud after being sacked Sunday. Replays of the hit appear to show Moats twisting Roethlisberger's right leg while he is on the ground.

    Neither player drew a penalty or fine. Roethlisberger, who injured his right knee and foot, wore a walking boot on Wednesday, although he said he expects to play Sunday in Baltimore.

    Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs took the unusual stance of agreeing with the rival Steelers during a conference call with Pittsburgh reporters.

    "The league has their favorites," Suggs said Wednesday. "One being in Indy (Manning) and one being with that team up north (Brady). Besides those two, everybody is fair game. Like I always said, (the Bengals') Carson Palmer got his knee hurt in 2005, but there was no rule made. Then Tom Brady got hit in the knee and all of a sudden there is rule and possible suspensions, excessive fines. It's just getting ridiculous."

    Roethlisberger, asked about Suggs' comments, said, "He seems to know some things about the game of football."

    Despite the weekly confusion they're expressing, the Steelers won't change their playing style to adopt to the ever-shifting rules, according to Ward.

    "We're going to keep playing the way we always have been playing," Ward said. "If they fine us, they fine us. It's football. I don't care what type of rules you do, you can't protect (against) the physicality of this game. It's always going to be a physical ballgame."

    So who thinks that the nfl will fine Ward? They fine the players when ever the speak out against officials...Roger Godell is a douchebag...and is ruining the game...

  3. Don't know if this was posted but...

    Before the Iron Bowl on Friday, Cam Newton and his Auburn teammates warmed up on the field to a couple of specially selected songs. Newton had already been showered in fake money by the Alabama student section as he made his way to the field, and once he was out there the songs "Son of a Preacher Man" and "Take the Money and Run."

    Obviously, the selections were in reference to the rumors that Newton's father Cecil Newton, a preacher, was shopping his son to the highest bidder after he left Florida. Honestly, when I heard about all of this before the game started, I found it to be rather amusing. Maybe it wasn't the classiest way to go about things, but it wasn't exactly harmful.

    Well, unless that was what motivated Newton to lead the Tigers back from a 24-0 deficit and win the game, but considering how things went in the first half, i doubt that's the case. Either way, the man who was in charge of those musical selections has been fired by the school.

    "Our processes require that all music and videos played in the stadium prior to and during every game be carefully scripted and approved by a senior administrator in the Athletics Department," Alabama public relations director Deborah Lane said in a statement. "The former staff member deviated from the script that had been approved for the game with Auburn, and the University took steps to immediately terminate his contract."

    "The University of Alabama takes great pride in our football team's long-standing tradition of playing the game with dignity and class, and showing respect for players and coaches of opposing teams. We are disappointed when the actions of any staff member undermine our deeply held values and expectations."

    Am I the only one who finds this to be a bit of an overreaction? So the guy played some songs that weren't on a pre-selected list,* it's not like he set the building on fire here. Now, had he started playing some Justin Bieber, then by all means, fire him. Heck, lock him up, but all he did was play a couple of songs as a joke.

    A joke on the best player of the school's biggest rival, in what was the biggest game of the season for both schools. I mean, isn't stuff like that what a rivalry is basically all about? You're not supposed to like your rival, and I don't see any problem with having a little fun with him.

    Besides, that's nothing compared to what Newton probably heard from fans in the stands. Are the students who threw money at him going to get in trouble too?

    *By the way, I'd love to be in on those meetings. "Listen, I'm cool with 'Who Let The Dogs Out' but if you think I'm playing 'Zombie Nation' you can just get the hell out of this meeting right now."

  4. Got a big problem don't know who to start this week..I can start two receivers and two running backs so I don't know who to start out of the following....

    RB Mike Tolbert

    RB Fred Jackson

    RB Thomas Jones

    WR Derrick Mason

    WR Wes Welker

    WR Marques Colston

    Colston and Tolbert are a definent..I'm leaning towards Mason because he has done very good in the slot the past three games with three touchdown catches...Fred Jackson is facing Cincy and Jones is facing Arizona...

  5. Come on ELI I need another touchdown. I have survived a beat down today.

    Guy i'm facing has Moss, Peterson, Orton, Deshan Jackson, BJGE, Ravens D, Matt Bryant and Vernon Davis. he still has Jackson and BJGE to play.

    I have Wes Welker. Gates, Tolbert, and Colston was on a bye so I had to start Fred Jackson, Eli Manning, Wes Welker, Steve Breston, Thomas Jones, and no TE as Scaife was on my practice squad so he isn't eligible to play until next week.

    Yet i'm still winning 36- to 31

  6. Personally I think the NCAA should just fuck off period and just turn a blind eye towards all of it...I mean we all know they are making millions and millions off of these kids and so what if these kids pocket some money on the side..I mean they don't even get to keep their fucking jersery's at the end of the year..that's some bullshit.

  7. My suggesiton to you guys is to establish a few rules. I played in a few madden leagues and we had a few rules for for fair play with such things as no lob passes between the 20's and such. Just to try to make things more competitive and make things more realistic...

  8. Canes lose,I'm not happy but the way I see it we lost to the number 1 team in the nation and we lost to a team that has played lights out football since losing to Oklahoma. I have no problem losing like that.

    LOL Florida. I told everyone that Florida was going to lose four games this year. LSU, Alabama, South Carolina, and Florida State.

    The reason for this is because karma is a bitch and Urban Meyer is a douche bag..a grade A douche bag

  9. Need some fantasy advice asap..here's the roster.


    Eli Manning

    Mike Tolbert

    Thomas Jones

    Marques Colston

    Dexter McCluster

    Antonio Gates

    Adam Vinateri

    Giants D

    Saints ST


    Vince Young

    Fred Jackson

    Leon Washington

    Wes Welker

    Bo Scaife

    Roy E Williams

    49ers D

    Jets ST

    So I have a delimma, Colston has stunk it up so far this year and Fred Jackson does have a favorable match up. I don't want to bench McCluster because of how explosive he is in the Return game and a deep threat at receiver, So I thought of benching Colston, Move Mcluster from Flex to Receiver and then start Fred Jackson at Flex...thoughts?

    I play in a keeper league that has been around for 18 years. This is my first year as the gm for this team. It's been almost two years since they have won a game and I've done a pretty good job at assembling a roster as a stop gap measure while I work on building the team...Don't mind losing but don't want to get blown out. We got our first win last week thanks to Gates and the Giants D.

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