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Posts posted by stephenbutler

  1. May I please have the following on KyKy?

    http://wrestlingpronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/christian-wwe-jason-reso.jpg (With the WHC {sorry for huge pic})

    AlexShelley.jpg and

    Chris_Sabin.jpg with the World Tag titles (The old RAW titles)

    Tyler_Black.jpg with the US title


    and just three random pic bases. One is a female manager, another is a male manager (so a guy in a suit would be great) and a huge brawler (Menacing ticked). Thanks heaps to anyone who can do these for me :)

  2. As for the friendship, everything seems to indicate that they are friendly. I don't think it is up to us to speculate what Cena would do, as we have no idea. I would add the friendship.

    Yeah, but we should base stuff off the mechanics of the game. Do you really think Cena's morale in the locker room/faith in the WWE would lower because they cut Zack Ryder?

    And I see very little evidence to suggest he's great friends with Ryder. Chris Jericho was joking around with him on twitter before. I don't think they're suddenly bff's. Most guys in the wrestling business are friendly with each other. You see each other more than your own family, and you're gonna become friends and form bonds, but I don't think this is a case where they're really gonna be friends for life or stick their neck on the line for each other. Just my two cents, and I agree that we don't know what Cena would do, but I don't think he would be affected by Ryder getting hired, fired, or anything.

    I think it's silly to think like that. If you change the scenario, it's a bit different. Hawkins is friends in-game with Trent Barreta. If WWE decided to fire Baretta, or Hawkins, I highly doubt the other would speak up about it...not that they don't care, but they may get in trouble for such actions. We can't be sure what the wrestlers would do, so this line of thinking is silly. Cena and Ryder seem like friends, but if others don't agree, I won't be fussed.

    But I had to give my opinion on your opinion.

  3. I guess people have different musical tastes...I'm inclined to agree with nufan...I REALLY enjoyed this album, especially Hero of War...though I do say the SatW was better than this...but overall it is still a good album, and it is a lot better than the shite being produced by The Jonas Brothers or Metro Station!

  4. World X Cup Ultimate X Final: Teddy Hart (Canada) vs. Mistico (Mexico) vs. Bryan Danielson (USA)

    As said before, Danielson isn't exactly XL material, and Mistico is on loan. Hart FTW.

    Sean O'Haire vs. Abyss vs. Raven in Monster's Ball VI

    Just to build up Abyss/O' Haire some more, giving Abyss a bit of redemption.

    Team 3D vs. Avatar & Bane

    Coterie have been built up so much they can't lose

    Nicho El Millionaro © vs. Rob Van Dam for the X-Division Title

    Revitalize XL

    Carlos Colon © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian Cage for the TNA World Heavyweight Title

    Colon to retain, possibly after botched Tomko interference?

    Gauntlet for Gold to decide a #1 contender

    Confirmed participants include: Samoa Joe, Sonjay Dutt, Homicide, Rhino, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Bob Backlund, and someone who goes 'Woo'

    I really can't tell, but most likely Rhino or Styles

    WWE No Mercy

    Brock Lesnar & Edge vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Age Outlaws in a TLC match for the WWE Tag Titles

    Just for now, but it won't be for long. I just don't think Lesnar will take the loss.

    Scott Hall vs. Kane

    Kane continues to job

    Rey Mysterio vs. X-Pac for the WWE United States title

    Yep, Gen Y interference

    Mr. Kennedy vs. Lashley for the WWE Intercontinental Title

    don't know why

    Chris Masters vs. Tommy Dreamer in Extreme Rulez for the ECW World Heavyweight Title

    Is obvious.

    Randy Orton vs. Triple H for the World Heavyweight Title

    Backstage powers kick in again

    The Rock vs. John Cena for the WWE Heavyweight Title

    Cena to win. possibly Helms interference, but you said nothing comes from it so I doubt it.

  5. RAW preview

    This week, RAW will be held at the Independance Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina.

    As announced on WWE.com last night, two six-man matches will be held. In one match we will have Lashley, Umaga, RVD, Carlito, Kenny Dysktra and CM Punk. The other match will include Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Chris Masters, Viscera and Charlotte's own, Ric Flair. Who will win these matches and move one step closer to the Main Event at the Great American Bash.

    Another Match announced is as such. As stated last week, RVD was scheduled to defend the Hardcore title in a Fatal Fourway match. Since two of the four competitors are in the first Battle royal, the Hardcore title will be defend by RVD at the start of the show. He will face the mystery superstar who was also scheduled the be in the fatal fourway. Who will this mystery person be?

    Also announced for tonight is a tag title defence. The Hardyz will defend against Rene Dupree and Rob Conway, La Resistance. Can the returning La Resistance capture another Tag title reign?

    Also, last week Vince McMahon made a massive tag team Main Event. He announced that John Cena and Shawn Michaels would team with WWE champion, Chris Jericho. They will face Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro and The Game, Triple H. Which team will gain the edge heading into Judgment Day, which is only 6 days away. Which team will be victorious? Which team will leave Charlotte, North Carolina with a victory? Find out on RAW.

    But the biggest thing about RAW this week is the announcement of RAW's New GM! Who will it be? Will it be former GM's Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff or Stephanie McMahon. Or will it be someone unexpected? To hear the big announcement, tune into MONDAY NIGHT RAW, Live on the USA network.

    Scheduled matches

    Lashley vs Rob Van Dam vs Carlito vs Kenny Dykstra vs Umaga vs CM Punk

    Randy Orton vs Chris Masters vs Shelton Benjamin vs Charlie Haas vs Viscera vs Ric Flair

    The Hardy Boyz © vs La Resistance - Tag Team Championship

    Triple H, Johnny Nitro and Randy Orton vs John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho

    NEW RAW GM!!

    Plus More...

  6. Nicho El Millionaro © vs. Sonjay Dutt in a Ladder Match for the X-Division Title

    Nash, Matthews and Gruner will provide interference for the win.

    The Steiner Brothers © vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns in Tag Mayhem for the TNA Tag Titles

    MCMG will start their rise here.

    Abyss vs. Sean O'Haire

    O' Haire is Mitchell's new bitch, Abyss will lose

    AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

    This feud will continue for longer, bank on it

    Homicide vs. Samoa Joe in an 30 Minute Iron Man match

    MOTY right here.

    Sting vs. Christopher Daniels in an 'I Quit', Loser Leaves TNA Forever match

    As said before, Sting won't mind putting Daniels over. I also see Sting's "daughter" defending herself.

    Carlos Colon © vs. Rhino in a Steel Cage for the TNA World Heavyweight Title

    Colon for a long title reign

    Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam vs. Christian Cage & Tomko

    Coalition to win. As they gained heaps of HEAT from Impact

    WWE Unforgiven

    Kevin Thorn vs. Charlie Haas

    Thorn push starts here

    Val Venis vs. Viscera

    Let me guess, random filler match or crappily booked feud. Either way Vis gets the win

    MVP © vs. Jim Duggan for the United States Title

    MVP easy win

    Melina © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria for the WWE Women's Title

    Melina seems to be the "biggest" diva in the WWE so she will win

    Santino Marella © vs. Paul London for the WWE Intercontinental Title

    Yep. Marella still winning

    The Hardy Boyz © vs. The Highlanders for the World Tag Titles

    Hardyz will retain

    The Great Khali © vs. Triple H for the WWE Title


    Bobby Lashley © vs. William Regal for the ECW World Heavyweight Title

    Vince's fetish for big guys continues

    Brock Lesnar © vs. The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title

    Taker for the strap. This is WWE's good month. But expect a shit reign.

  7. Judgment Day Card

    The Undertaker© vs Brock Lesnar/Batista - World Heavyweight championship

    Chris Jericho© vs Triple H - WWE Championship

    Chris Benoit© vs Montel Vontavious Porter - United States Championship

    ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? - Number 1 contender

    Londrick vs Blue Bloods© - WWE Tag Team Championship

  8. www.wrestlezone.com

    Changes to Judgment Day card - WWE.com announced after Smackdown last night that the Judgment Day card has changed. The Batista/Undertaker match has been removed and will be replaced with Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker - If Lesnar can beat The Undertaker on Smackdown. The match will be inside a cage. A number one contenders match will be on aswell. Further details below.

    Number one contenders tournament - This will be a huge tournament which will give many superstars the opportunity of fighting their brand's champion at The Great American Bash. On RAW and Smackdown this week, there will be two 6 man matches, with the winner going into the final at Judgment Day. What type of matches will be contested are yet to be released.

    Identities of new stars - This week on Smackdown, Brock Lesnar and Teddy Hart debuted and Jack Evans' name was used. The superstar known in WWE as AJ is TNA star AJ Styles who, despite saying he was loyal to TNA, was to enticed by the promises made by WWE. He has apparently been promised a title run in the future and has been given a very large paycheck.

    Teddy Hart feuds - Early plans for Teddy Hart's first feud is a small feud with either Gregory Helms or William Regal. If his Regal feud goes through, it is believed he will be teamed up with Jack Evans. Although, he and Evans may just build popularity on HEAT first.

    Crusierweight/Women's division - There are early plans to bring in heaps of new talent to fill up these divisions. Some names being thrown around are Beth Phoenix, Mickie Knuckles and possibly Trish Stratus if she is willing. Trish is currently on Hiatus ATM. Some crusierweights to watch are Matt Sydal, Jody Fleisch, Orlando Colon and the returning Brian Lawler. Whether Lawler has a new gimmick or keeps his Grandmaster Sexay gimmick is yet to be decided.

    Former WWE star returns? - WWE have recently signed Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust, who has been immediately added to the roster. He will have the Goldust gimmick.

    Smackdown reverts to Tapings - This week's Live Smackdown's ratings were lower than usual so Smackdown will now be taped on Wednesdays.

  9. WWE Smackdown. Held in the Cow Palace, California.

    WWE HEAT tapings

    The first of our HEAT matches is between The Vampirism follower, Kevin Thorn and The Prince of Punk, Shannon Moore.

    The match starts with Thorn delivering a stiff-looking clothesline to Moore. Thorn then stalks Moore. When Moore gets up, he is destroyed by another clothesline. Moore slowly stands. He he grabbed from behind by Thorn, who gives him a strong backbreaker. Thorn goes for the pinfall, but only gets a two. Thorn lifts Moore, then irish whips him into the corner. Thorn runs at Moore and crushes the crusierweight with a shouldercharge. Thorn walks back, then runs and hits another shouldercharge. Thorn then lifts Moore to the top turnbuckle. He climbs up with Moore. He grabs Moore to hit a superplex. Moore starts attacking with some headbutts, knocking Thorn down. Moore leaps off but is caught by Thorn. Thorn then destoys the PoP with a devestaing powerbomb. Thorn pins Moore for the three count. (No pun intended.)

    Your winner by pinfall, Kevin Thorn

    (Match Rating: D+)
    The next match is a high-flying crusierweight match. Jamie Noble will be taking on the Asian Redneck, Jimmy Wang Yang. Winning this match will really set yourself on course to win the Crusierweight championship.

    The match starts with Yang and Noble locking up. They are stuck in a stablemate, until Noble quickly locks a hammerlock in on Yang. Yang reverse the hammerlock into a hammer lock. Noble, trying to release himself, swings and elbow, which connects with Yang's head. Yang loosens the hold, allowing Noble to twist Yang's arm. Noble then wrenches Yang's arm twice, before hitting a calf kick on Yang, knocking him to the ground. Noble, who still has a hold of the arm, legdrops Yang's arm, before locking in an armbar. Noble lets go after a minute, before climbing onto the second rope. Noble waits for Yang to rise, before jumping off and nailing Yang with a diving hammer. Noble picks Yang up, then irish whips him to the ropes. Noble tries to flip Yang over for a back body drop, but Yang dives over Noble before pulling him into a sunset pin. Yang gets a two. Noble stands up, right into a dropkick from the redneck. Yang does his hoedown dance, before lining up Noble. When Noble stands, Yang drills him with an Enzuiguri. Yang goes for the pin straight after, but Noble kicks out before the two. Yang delivers a suplex to Noble, then climbs the turnbuckle. He goes for the Moonsault, but Noble rolls out fo the way. Yang stands up holding his chest. Noble spins him around and lifts Yang onto his shoulders. Noble then delivers a modified F5/gutbuster, before pinning Yang for the 3.

    Your winner by pinfall, Jamie Noble

    (Match Rating: D+)
  10. Holy fucking shit!!! That's all i can say. This is the best diary I have read. I can actually imagine this happening IRL

    The Jericho debut was greatness. Compared to the shit WWE is pulling out it's ass TNA is owning. I can see this turning in to something extremely legendary. Good work

  11. www.wrestlezone.com

    Shawn Waters injured!!!

    In last night's House Show, Shawn Waters was injured when recieving a botched Powerbomb from Mark Henry. He will require surgery on his neck immediately. WWE.com have announced that Edge will replace Waters in the Main Event.

  12. www.wrestlezone.com

    WWE RAW results-Held in Air Canada Centre.

    (HEAT)-CM Punk beat Super Crazy

    (HEAT)-Snitsky beat Eugene

    Santino Marella beat Chris Masters-Intercontinental

    Mickie James beat Melina (DQ)-Women's

    The Hardyz & Cryme Tyme beat Cade, Murdoch and WGTT

    Johnny Nitro beat Ric Flair

    Val Venis beat Randy Orton

    Umaga beat Carlito

    Chris Jericho beat John Cena-NEW WWE champ

    Triple H beat Shawn Michaels

    New RAW GM?

    So far in the running are Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman, although Dusty Rhodes is an offside chance.

    HBK Injury

    The HBK injury is kayfabe. It is so HBK can wreslte a lighter schedule, meaning all House Show appearances will be cancelled for Shawn.

    OVW call-ups

    Mark Henry has been called up from OVW. He will be assigned on Smackdown. Rene Dupree has also recieved a call-up, but we are not yet sure where he will be assigned. WWE are also looking to call Conway up.


    WWE have signed Chris Sabin to a developmental contract. He will report to OVW once his indy contracts are finished.


    WWE.com announced that they have released Jimmy Snuka Jnr (Deuce), Cliff Compton (Domino), Kara Slice (Cherry) and the Highlanders. They have also released Sylvan from his developmental contract. They wish these superstars the best in their future.

    Special Smackdown!

    This week's Smackdown will be held live on Friday night, instead of it's usual tapings on Tuesday. Mr. McMahon has reported that he wants to see how Smackdown does live. If it goes well he may consider a permanent spot on Fridays.

    Bringing in new Talent

    Vince, Steph and the other people in control of the hirings/firings have requested negotiations with many popular indy talents including Matt Sydal, Jody Fleisch, Christopher Daniels and the Backseat Boyz. This rush of new talent will fill up OVW for many months to come. WWE have also begun negotiations with former stars Raven and Hulk Hogan. Raven will either manage a newer star or wrestle again. Hogan will be working backstage till a suitable storyline is found for him.

  13. www.wwe.com

    NEW WWE podcasts!

    View all of WWE's RAW and Smackdown shows via your Mobile Phone/iPod. Our first available show is this week's RAW.

    WWE RAW. Held in The Air Canada Centre, Toronto Canada

    WWE HEAT tapings-

    The first HEAT match was between the Straight Edge superstar, CM Punk and the Crazy Luchadore, Super Crazy. This match already looks to be good.

    The match started as both superstars locked up. Punk, being slightly larger than his opponent, overpowered Crazy, locking in a headlock. Crazy pushed Punk off, but Punk dodged a punch from Crazy and locked in a sleeper. Crazy, who was slowly drooping, stuck out a foot and it connected with the rope. The referee made Punk release the hold. Punk let go, but regained the initiative, leveling Crazy with an enzuiguri. Punk then lifted Crazy into a standing position and Irish-whipped Crazy to the corner. Punk lined up Crazy and nailed Crazy with a jumping knee attack. Punk, feeling a momentum rush lined up Crazy for another. He hits with another. Punk was wanting to finish off Crazy here and went for one final knee. But this time, all Punk connected with was turnbuckle. Crazy jumped at this opportunity, rolling Punk up. But Punk kicked out at the 2 count. Crazy stood up and climbed the turnbuckle, hoping to take down Punk, but Punk was too fast, pushing Crazy to the floor outside. While Punk sat inside taking a breather, the ref began to count out the mexican star. By the time the ref got to 8 though, Crazy was up and in the ring. But was demolished by a dropkick from Punk. Punk began working on Crazy's legs, taking out his strong point. At the 8 minute mark, Punk locked in a painful leglock. But Crazy was close to the ropes and was able to break the hold. But the damge was done, because when Crazy tried to stand, he was limping badly. Punk dropped Crazy again, delivering a stiff-looking dropkick to the knee. When Punk was sure that Crazy was not rising, he climbed the turnbuckle. When Crazy got to his feet again, Punk leapt off, aiming to hit a spinning elbow. But Crazy rolled out of the way, causing Punk to crash into the mat. Crazy stood up and delivered a smooth hurracanrana to Punk. Crazy went for the pin, but Punk kicked out at 2. Crazy looked at the ref, then stood up. He turned around and was decimated with Punk's Uranage. Punk then locked in the Anaconda Vice, and that was it for Crazy.

    Your winner by submission, CM Punk

    Punk walked over to Crazy. He held out his hand and helped Punk to his feet. Does this signify a face turn for Punk? Punk and Crazy head to the back together, the fans applauding their efforts.

    The next HEAT match up was between the Monster, Snitsky and RAW's most special superstar, Eugene. Eugene entered the ring ring first. He grabbed a microphone.

    “Hello, my name is Eugene. It's awesome in Canada. I..I met the Maple Leafs * cheer*, I went to the skydome, it's so cool in there. And I saw a cute little puppy dog walking down the road. I LOVE Canada. But my favourite part of Canada is the WWE fans...”

    Snitsky's music hits, causing Eugene to drop the mic in fear. Snitsky walked to the ring as Eugene talked to the ref. As Snitsky entered the ring Eugene ran at Snitsky, clubbing him with heavy blows. But Snitsky just used his strength and shoved Eugene across to the other side of the ring. Eugene stood up and was hit with a vicious Big Boot, causing Eugene to drop like a sack of potatoes. But instead of going for the cover, Snitsky just picked Eugene up above his head. He held poor Eugene in the air for about five seconds, before letting Eugene drop straight on the ring. Snitsky then picked up Eugene again, who was unable to stand. Snitsky nearly tore Eugene's arm out of socket with an irish whip that sent Eugene into the turnbuckle at a very high speed. Eugene collided with the turnbuckle and was left knocked out. Snitsky then decided to finish Eugene off for good, as he delivered a powerful Pumphandle Slam to Eugene. Snitsky got the 3 count after that.

    Your winner by pinfall, Snitsky

    Snitsky looked down at the unconscious heap that was Eugene. As trainers and EMT's tended to Eugene, Snitsky walked to the back with a sick smile on his face.

    We cut to JR and King.

    “I'm Jerry Lawler here with good old JR by my side. And JR, it's looking to be a combustible RAW.”

    “Your right, King. Tonight's match up between 'The Game' and Shawn Michaels will surely be a slobberknocker.”

    “That's right JR. Don't forget, Johnny Nitro looks for another win tonight, as he faces 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair. This cocky young star took out RVD last week, and looks to do the same tonight to Flair. Meanwhile, Santino Marella defends his Intercontinental Championship against 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters. Can Marella retain his title, despite having to face 'The Masterpiece'. I couldn't handle myself, staring across the ring at the 'Masterpiece'.

    “Oh, King. Shut up. Marella has proven that he can defend his title when he needs to. I think Marella can keep his title tonight.But King, don't forget about that explosive Tag Team match.”

    “Yeah. The Hardy Boyz will team up with Cryme Tyme to face RAW's Redneck team, Cade and Murdoch and the World's Greatest Tag Team. This should be a very exciting match.”

    “Can Randy Orton kill another 'legend'? He takes on Val Venis tonight.”

    “Now, JR. I wouldn't exactly call Val Venis a 'legend'. But Orton will get the win over Val.”

    ...NO CHANCE...

    “We will continue this argument later, King. Here comes Mr. McMahon. I wonder what he has planned for us.”

    Vince grabs a microphone.

    “Welcome, to WWE RAW. Live in Toronto Canada. Tonight will feature some big matches. But the main event will huge. We will determine the new number one contender to the WWE title held by John Cena. Will it be The Game, Triple H. Or The Showstopper, Shawn Michaels? But I'm not out here tonight to hype tonight's matches, no that's JR and King's job. I'm out here on two acts of official business. Firstly, I am here to announce that next week RVD will make his first defence of the Hardcore title when he takes on Bobby Lashley, 'The Monster' Gene Snitsky and a “new” superstar. Who will it be?”

    The fans chatter at the announcement. JR and King contemplate on who it could be.

    “And my second, biggest announcement for today is that RAW will have a brand new GM.”

    Fans cheer.

    “I will announce RAW's new GM next week on RAW.”

    Vince drops the mic and struts to the back, a smirk on his face.

    “Wow JR. What an announcement. A new GM. Maybe it's me?”

    “Yeah, you wish King.”

    Cena's music hits.

    “King, look. It's the WWE champion John Cena.”

    The Canadian crowd gives Cena deafening boos, which drown out the small group of cheering girls. Cena picks up the mic that Vince drops.


    More boos.

    “Yo, what's happening? THE CHAMP IS HERE!”

    More boos, followed by a loud, “CENA SUCKS, CENA SUCKS.”

    “Alright, enough of this. Y'all wanna see me put this title on the line?”


    “That's it. First person to walk out that curtain gets a title shot.”

    Cena waits.

    “Come on, anyone. I don't care if you're Triple H or Viscera. I don't care if you're a Smackdown superstar. I'm waiting.”

    Suddenly the arena goes dark, except for the titantron. The titantron is flashing many colours. The flashing speeds up, creating a sense of dizziness. Then the flashing stops and we are left with a single number on the screen.


    “Yo, what's happening. Someone get out here.”

    It seems that everytime Cena talks, the number lowers.


    “What's with all the numbers, yo.”


    “I'm sick of waiting. Anyone get out here.”


    Cena freezes here. As he finally realises what's going on.

    “No way. No way. No way.”

    One final word is left sitting on the screen.



    The fans go absolutely nuts now, as a spotlight shines to the entrance ramp. There, microphone in hand, is Chris Jericho.

    “Cut the music.”

    Jericho stands there smiling.

    “Remember me, John? Remember me? I got fired because of you. But I'm back tonight. Tonight, on RAW is JERICHO.”

    Fans go apeshit for Jericho.


    “So John. I'm taking your challenge. Tonight, it's me against you. For that WWE title.”

    Cena looks at Jericho, still disbeliving he is there.

    “Fine, you got it Jericho. I sent one canadian to Smackdown last week. Lets see if I can send another there.”

    The fans boo Cena like crazy at the remark against there hometown hero Edge.

    “See you in the ring, John. Be a good boy and polish that title for me. It has to look good around the waist of Chris Jericho.”

    Jericho drops the mic and walks out, fans going nuts for the return of Y2J. Cena stands in the ring, heavy boos flying at him from all directions. He just drops the mic, holds up the title and walks out.

    “Well King, what a shock. Chris JERICHO makes his return to the ring. And he faces Cena tonight for the WWE title.”

    “I know JR, I can't believe it either.”

    Masters music begins.

    “Wait JR. We can talk later. Here comes the Masterpiece.”

    “That means it's time for our first match. Santino Marella defends the Intercontinental title against Chris Masters.”

    “Quiet JR. Your defeating the awe of the Masterpiece's entrance.”

    “Well I'm sorry, King.”

    Marella enters next.

    The ref rings the bell. Masters looks at Marella then runs, trying to surprise him. Masters sticks out an arm, ready to decapitate Marella. But Marella ducks the clothesline and delivers a beautiful looking dropkick to Masters' back. Masters is propelled forward into the ropes and bounces back. Marella quickly rolls up Masters and gets the shock win!

    Your winner and still Intercontinental champion, Santino Marella

    “Bah Gawd, King. Marella did it. He defeated the Masterpiece.”

    Marella grabs his title and runs through the crowd, celebrating, as Masters picks up a steel chair. Masters, pissed off, throws the chair to the ground and walks to the back. Looking to get revenge on Marella.

    “No. Masters lost? How does that happen?”

    Mickie James' music plays.

    “Look JR, PUPPIES!”

    Melina and Nitro follow Mickie out.

    “Well our next match appears to be Mickie James against Melina.”

    Melina and Mickie face off across the ring. Mickie then leaps, taking Melina down with a spear. Mickie lays punches into Melina's head. Mickie gets back to her feet and moves back, looking to hit a Mick Kick. Melina stands up and turns around, but when Mickie goes for the kick, Nitro jerks the leg she is balancing on, causing her to crash hard into the mat. Melina gives James a vicious kick to the gut, before stepping on her head. Mickie rolls around in pain as the ref warns Melina to watch her actions. Melina plays up the innocent act well, then lays another boot into Mickie. Melina lifts Micke up now. She irish whips Mickie to the ropes. She tries to take Mickie down with a clothesline, but Mickie ducks underneath. Mickie hits a bulldog on Melina and goes for a pin, but only gets a two. Mickie is tripped again by Nitro as she stands. She stands up, runs at the ropes and hits a sliding dropkick on Nitro. Nitro crashes hard into the barricade. Mickie stands up. Melina is standing behind her with a chair. Melina swings the chair, but Mickie ducks. Mickie then kicks Melina and the midsection, causing her to drop the chair. Mickie then looks to finish the match hitting a devstating MickieDT. Mickie goes for the pin. She gets to the two count when she is jerked out of the ring by Nitro. She slams face first into the exposed floor, that Nitro took up. Nitro then grabs a chair. He lines up Mickie. This time she doesn't duck. Nitro polishes her off with with a sickening chair shot. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell.

    Your winner by disqualification, Mickie James

    Nitro grabs Melina's belt and drags Melina out of the ring. They slowly make their way up the ramp as Mickie is checked on.

    “How cheap. Nitro knocked out poor Mickie with that chair shot, just to save his girlfriend title. We will return to RAW after this break.”

    “Hey Mickie, need someone to kiss you better?”

    “Oh, King.”


    “Welcome back to RAW. It's time for some explosive tag team action as The Hardyz and Cryme Tyme will team up to face Cade, Murdoch and The World's Greatest Tag Team.”

    The two team are assembled and it will be Shad and Cade starting. Shad and Cade lock up. Shad sweeps out Cade's legs, knocking him down. Shad begins stomping away at Cade. Shad runs to the ropes, bounces off and is leveled with a clothesline from Cade. Cade tags in Benjamin. Benjamin drops some elbows on Shad, before lifting him to a sitting position. Shelton leapfrogs over Shad's head, and delivers a dropkick to the jaw. He picks up Shad, who reverse a DDT into a spinebuster. Shad tags in Jeff. Jeff runs in and hits a high dropkick. He climbs up top, but is pushed off by Haas. Shelton waits for Jeff to stand and nails him with a T-Bone. Shelton goes for the pin, but Matt break it up. Shelton goes to pick up Jeff, but Jeff rolls up Shelton for a two count. Jeff whips Benjamin to the corner. Jeff tags Matt in. As Jeff prepares himself, Matt hits Shelton with some punches. Matt then drops down to all fours. Jeff runs and launches off Matt's back, connecting with a modified Lariat. Shelton is irish whipped, but tags in Murdoch. Murdoch runs at Jeff. Jeff dodges Murdoch and hits a Whisper in the Wind. Jeff tags in Matt. Matt runs in and clotheslines the unsuspecting Murdoch. Cade runs in and recieves a Side Effect for his troubles. Shelton goes for a super kick, but Matt blocks it. But Shelton spins around and hits a dragonwhip. JTG runs in, but is given a T-Bone Suplex from Benjamin. Murdoch tags Haas in, who goes to pins Matt, but Matt kicks out. Haas stands up and takes a couple of steps back. He runs a Matt, who ducks under his arm. Matt runs back at Haas, who jumps over Matt's head. Matt bounces of the ropes again, straight into powerful Spinebuster from Murdoch. Haas goes for a pin as the ref regains control. Matt kicks out. Haas irish whips the older Hardy, then hangs him up on the top rope with a flapjack. Haas tags in Shelton and they deliver the Leapfrog attack to Matt. Shelton goes for the pin, but Jeff breaks it up. Shelton tags in Cade, who climbs the turnbuckle. Shelton spins Matt around and Cade hits a bulldog. Cade goes for the pin, but gets a two count. Cade tags in Murdoch, and they look to hit the Sweet n Sour, but Matt moves. Matt whips Murdoch into the corner. He clotheslines Murdoch and then takes him down with a headlock bulldog. Matt stands up and tags in JTG. JTG clotheslines Cade and gives Haas a cross body. Shelton runs in, but is dropped with a drop toe hold. JTG tags in Shad, who picks JTG up and drops him on Shelton. Shad tags in Jeff, who runs and gives Shelton a Twist of Fate and goes for the pin, but Shelton isn't the legal man. Cade tags in Haas, who is the freshest, but Haas is met with a dropkick. The heels team run in and begin attacking Jeff. The faces run in for the save. Cade runs straight at Matt, who Side Effects him, as Shad and JTG do their Neckbreaker finisher on Murdoch. Matt gives Shelton a Twist of fate. Jeff gives Haas a Twist of Fate. Jeff climbs to the top as the faces hold off the heels. Jeff gives Haas a smooth Swanton Bomb. He pins Haas for the 3.

    Your winners by pinfall, Cryme Tyme and the Hardy Boyz

    As Jeff and Matt celebrate in the ring, Cade and Murdoch come from behind with chairs. Matt is taken out, as is Jeff. Cade and Murdoch stands Matt up and give him the Sweet n Sour. They head backstage taunting the Hardyz.

    Maria is backstage with Johnny Nitro and Melina.

    “So, Nitro. You are facing Ric Flair tonight. Do you think you can beat him?”

    “Do I think? I know I will beat him. I will destroy Ric Flair, just like I destroyed Rob Van Dam last week.”

    “But Ric Flair has been wrestling for a long time. He knows more than you.”

    “Excuse me? How dare you claim that Ric Flair is better than Johnny Nitro? He has me, the Women's champ, Melina by his side. But even if I wasn't there, he'd still win. Because Ric Flair is old. Ric Flair will not be able to keep up with a star like Johnny Nitro.”

    “Aren't you at all worried that he might beat you?”

    “What did we just say. Ric Flair cannot beat Nitro. I will make sure of that. And so will you.”

    Melina grabs Maria by the hair and pulls her to the ring.

    “Well JR, it appears that there will be three beautiful Divas at ringside for this match. Look at Candice.”

    Candice is in the ring doing announcing duties.

    As Melina, Maria and Nitro make there entrance, Maria tries to escape. But Melina has hold of her hair. Melina and Maria stand at ringside, Maria realising it's no use trying to escape.

    Nitro and Flair meet in the centre of the ring. Naitch sticks out his hand for Nitro to shake. Nitro slaps him across the face. Flair recoils, then pounces on Nitro, punching him in the head. Flair quickly locks in a Figure 4, hoping to finish off the cocky star quickly. Nitro is just out of reach of the ropes. That is until Melina pulls him close enough. Flair is forced to break the hold and complains to the ref. Nitro pulls himself up. When Naitch turns around, Nitro takes him down with a strong clothesline. Nitro hits Flair with a Standing SSP and goes for the pin. Flair kicks out at 2. Nitro stands up and looks to finish off Flair now. As Flair stands, Nitro begins tapping his foot against the ground. HE IS TUNING UP THE BAND. Flair turns around and is drilled with some Sweet Chin Music. Nitro taunts Michaels some more by doing the HBK pose. Nitro then goes to pin Flair. But Maria puts Flair's arm on the ropes, causing Melina to rip her top off. Candice runs in from behind and tackles Melina. Maria runs off, top in hand. Candice and Melina end up in the ring. Candice strips Melina down to her Bra and Panties. Candice stands up and raises her arms, until her skirt is ripped off by Melina. The ref finally sends the girls outside. He turs around and finds Nitro on Flair. Nitro pins for the 3. A replay shows Nitro whacking Naitch with a set of Brass knux.

    Your winner by pinfall, Johnny Nitro

    After the match, Johnny Nitro continues beating down Naitch. That is until Shawn Michaels runs out. The Showstopper gives Nitro a real Sweet Chin Music. Nitro rolls out of the ring as HBK and Candice tend to Flair. Nitro threatens HBK.


    Nitro is backstage with Melina, rubbing his Jaw.

    “Goddamn Michaels. He will regret sticking his nose in my business. I'll get payback, just you watch.”

    “I know you will. But what about that bitch Candice, how dare she strip me in front of all those worthless Canadians. I'll show her stripping. Me against her next week. Bra and panties.”

    Randy Orton makes his entrance first. The crowd boo him heavily. He gets on the mic.

    “This is the first step before Orton climbs to the top and beats John Cena for the title”

    He waits for Val Venis.

    Val enters the ring and is ambushed by Orton. Orton lays into Val with some heavy blows. Orton takes a second to pose and that is all Val needs to regroup. Val pushes Orton to the ground. Orton stands up and is knocked down again by a Val clothesline. Venis picks Orton up and pushes him into the corner. Val knees Randy in the gut, then irish whips him into the other corner. Val runs at Orton and digs his shoulder deep into Orton's midsection. Orton flops to the ground. Val does his taunts Orton by rubbing his body. He then climbs up to the top. Orton falls back when he sees Val on the corner. Orton trips the ref, who bumps the ropes. Val crotches himself on the corner. Orton stands and gives Val an RKO from the corner. Orton goes for the pin. Val kicks out at the last second. Orton stands and complains to the ref about a slow count. Val reaches up and takes the opportunity to rollup orton. Venis nearly gets the win, but Orton kicks out just before the 3. Orton lines Val up for an RKO. When Val stands Orton grabs him, but Val pushes him into the rope. Orton bounces back and is given a German Suplex. Val points to the top, signalling for a Money Shot. Venis climbs up the top and steadys himself. He jumps, but Orton was playing possum. Orton grabs Val's falling body and hits and RKO. Orton goes for the pin. Venis puts his foot on the ropes though. Orton begins getting frustrated. Orton goes face to face with the ref. Orton RKO's the ref. Orton goes to the outside and grabs the ring bell. Orton climbs back in the ring. He swings the bell at Val who ducks. But Orton prepared for this and slammed the ringbell over Val's head. Val was knocked out straight away. Orton pins Val, but the ref is still out. Orton picks up Val and suckerpunches him. He exits the ring and grabs a chair. The Legend killer lies the chair down under Val's head and lifts Val. He is going to RKO Val onto the chair. Orton delivers the crushing RKO, busting Val open. John Cena runs out to stop Orton. Cena and Orton begin trading punches until Cena ducks a punch and nails Orton with the Protobomb. Cena then proceeds to hit Orton with the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then waits for Orton to stand. The Champ lifts Orton up for the FU, but Orton slides out the back. Cena spins around and is decimated by a sick-looking RKO onto the chair. Orton poses as the ref slowly begins stirring. Val low blows Orton, twice, causing Orton to drop in pain. Va climbs to the top and connects with the Money Shot. The ref slowly counts the pinfall.

    Your winner by pinfall, Val Venis

    Orton stands in the ring after Val has left. Cena is near the top of the ramp, when Orton calls him back.

    “John Cena, how dare you interfere. I would have beaten Val if it wasn't for you. I demand a shot at your WWE title. Add me to that match with Jericho. I demand it.”

    Before Cena can respond, Vince McMahon walks out.

    “Randy, why do you deserve a title shot? You lost. If you complain again about a title shot I will fire you. But I can promise you this. You will be in my contenders tournament I'm holding next week. The winner will fight either John Cena, Chris Jericho, Triple H or Shawn Michaels on the Monday Night RAW straight after Judgment Day.”

    Vince walks out, leaving Randy Orton slightly more happier.

    Chris Jericho is backstage with Maria, who is wearing a new shirt.

    “Hey, Chris. Are you ready for your match against John Cena?”

    “I am more ready than ever, little lady. All the Jerichoholics in attendance will scream my name when I lock John Cena in the Walls of Jericho. There will be no escape. Do you wanna join me in my little celebration party after I win?”

    “Where is it?”

    “Back at my hotel, baby.”

    “Will there be cake?”

    “Oh yeah, there will be everything. Cake, food, music, balloons and The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll, Y2J Chris Jericho.”

    Jericho's party explanation is interupted by Shawn Michaels.

    “So. You're back? Well here's a warning. If you beat Cena tonight, I'm coming after your title. You think RAW is Jericho? Just wait till the Showstopper takes over RAW. No one will stop me. No one CAN stop me.”

    HBK walks off in the direction of the lockerooms.

    “So anyway, are you going to come back to Jericho's pad? For my party?”

    “Yes, definitely Chris.”

    Jericho smiles...

    Carlito is standing in the ring.

    “For the past couple of weeks I have been shown no respect. I have seen Chris Masters get an Intercontinental title shot, but not Carlito. Dat's not cool. Carlito demands to fight Santino Marella at Judgment Day. I will take the title off him. I will show the WWE fans a good representative. A good champion.”

    ...No Chance...

    Vince walks out.

    “So, Carlito. You think you deserve to get an Intercontinental title shot do you. Well you can have the title shot if you win your next match. Your opponent will be...”

    Umaga's music hits

    The SAMOAN Bulldozer, Umaga.”

    Umaga enters the ring. Carlito stares at Umaga. Carlito rushes Umaga, but the Samoan Bulldozer lifts Carlito. Umaga then demolishes Carlito with a devestating Samoan Drop. Umaga hit a Samoan Spike on Carlito and pinned him.

    Your winner by pinfall, Umaga


    We return from the commercial to find officials surrounding the bloodied body of Shawn Michaels. Vince runs up.

    “Who did this?”

    Cryme Tyme walk over to Vince.

    “Yo, we saw who did it.”

    “Who did this. Tell me now.”

    “Uh uh uh, we don't just do things for free. It's gonna cost ya.”

    “You can't be serious, I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon dammit.”

    “It's gonna cost you no matter who you are.”

    Vince grumbles and pulls out a fifty.

    “There, now who did this.”

    “Oh, we forgot.”

    Vince walks off angry. He runs into Super Crazy.

    “Do you know who attacked Shawn Michaels?”


    “Well, can you tell me who did it?”


    Vince waits.


    Crazy stops in fear. He points behind Vince. Vince looks behind him and sees The Great Khali. Khali looks at Vince then walks off.

    “Well King. It appears we know who attacked Shawn Michaels. But whether Michaels can make it to our Main Event is the main question.”

    “Well, it's now time for the WWE title match. Chris Jericho actually returned this week and answered an open challenge from John Cena. Can Jericho finally beat John Cena for the WWE title?

    Once both Jericho and Cena are in the ring the ref rings the broken ring bell.

    Jericho stares at Cena. Cena signals for Jericho to “bring it”. Cena and Jericho circle the ring, before locking up. They stay locked up for about a minute, as neither competitor can gain the advantage. Eventually Cena grabs Jericho in a headlock. Jericho elbows his way out and whips Cena into the ropes. Jericho bends down ready to hit a back body drop, but Cena reverses with a kick to the chest. Jericho recoils. Cena hits a running shoulderblock knocking Jericho off his feet. Cena taunts to the crowd for a second, receiving a heavy stream of boos. Jericho stands and spins Cena around. He chops Cena's chest drawing “WOOO” chants. Jericho then places Cena on the second rope. He then does a little shuffle and runs to the rope. He bounces off and runs to where Cena is hung up and bounces off Cena's back. Jericho prepares to lock in the Walls of Jericho. He gets halfway before Cena pushes out of it. Jericho kicks the bottom rope. Cena stands up and is taken down by a clothesline. Jericho lays some heavy boots to Cena's head. The King of the World then signaled for the Lionsault. Y2J attepmpted the Lionsault, but Cena rolled out of the way. Cena ran at the fallen Jericho, but Jericho speared Cena to the ground. “I am King of the World.” Jericho tries to lock Cena in the Walls again. And he succeeds. Cena is locked in the Walls of Jericho. Cena struggles to reach the ropes. He gets close to the ropes. John Cena is nearly hyperextending his arm, just to reach the ropes. Just as Cena is about to grab the ropes, Jericho drags Cena back to the centre of the ring. Cena cannot last much longer, He raises his hand. He lets it drop, but still doesn't tap. Jericho is getting frustrated, so he pulls back more. But this is a bad move. Jericho tires out quickly. This allows Cena to summon up the rest of his strength, as he pushes himself off the ground and drags both him and Jericho to the ropes. Jericho is forced to release the hold. Jericho whips Cena into the corner. He charges, but Cena lifts a boot. Jericho staggers back and knocks out the referee. Jericho lifts Cena up and goes for a suplex, but Cena knees Jericho and suplexes Y2J instead. Cena does the You Can't see Me taunt and lifts Jericho up for the FU. He drops Jericho down with a thunderous FU. Randy Orton runs in and RKO's Cena. While Orton begins reviving the ref, Jericho finally nails the Lionsault. The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll does another one, just for good measure. Jericho begins pinning Cena. The now revived ref counts the pinfall.

    Your winner and NEW WWE champion, Chris Jericho

    As Y2J celebrates with his newly won title, Orton stands up. He walks over the Y2J and puts his hand out. Jericho looks at his hand, and he shakes it. Jericho turns to leave but Orton pulls him back. He points at the title and RKO's Jericho. Otron signals that he wants the title.

    As Jericho passes Triple H, Hunter signals that the title will be his a Judgment Day. Triple H climbs in the ring and grabs a microphone.

    “I was scheduled to face my old friend Shawn Michaels tonight, but he was unfortunately attacked earlier tonight by The Great Khali. So it appears that Shawn cannot make the ring tonight, which means I win by forfeit. I win the title shot at Judgment Day. And I am officially better than Shawn Michaels.”

    The fans boo the loudest for Triple H.

    “So Chris Jericho, I will see you at Judgment Day.”

    As Triple H goes to leave the ring, Shawn Michaels music begins playing. The fans pop like crazy. Triple H stares in disbelief. When Michaels walks out from behind the curtain, he is a bloody mess. It seems he only just regained consiousness. He staggers to the ring.

    Michaels stares at Trips as we go to commercial.


    When we return from commercial, Shawn Michaels slides in the ring. The referee rings the bell and the match starts.

    The Game stands face to face with Shawn. Shawn is staggering. Trips gives Michaels a very light, one finger push and Shawn falls like a sack of bricks. The Game just smiles. He picks Michaels up and gets ready to give him a Pedigree. The Cerebral Assasin then told the referee to count the fall to Ten. Trips laid out Michaels with a sick-looking Pedigree, which was definatley oversold. The Game then pinned the Showstopper for a ten count. But Shawn showed no response whatsoever.

    Your winner by pinfall, Triple H

    EMT's rush out to check on Shawn. But Johnny Nitro beat them to HBK. Nitro began stomping HBK. The Game looked at what the young rookie was doing. Trips also started stomping Michaels. John Cena ran out to save Michaels, FUing Nitro in the process. Orton comes out of nowhere though, RKOing Cena to slow his momentum. But Chris Jericho, looking for revenge on Orton runs out with a chair. Trips, Nitro and Orton all leave the ring as Jericho swings the chair. Jericho throws the chair at orton, who dodges.

    Vince McMahon walks out as Cena helps Shawn Michaels to his feet.

    “All this mayhem has given me the perfect idea. Next week on RAW, in the Main Event, we will see Triple H, Johnny Nitro and Randy Orton team up. They will fight the team of Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and John Cena.”

    Chris Jericho and John Cena stare at each other. Cena asks to shake Jericho's hand. Jericho accepts and they raise the WWE title as Jericho's music plays.

    Feedback appreciated

  14. WWE RAW Preview 7th May, 2007.

    WWE RAW this week will be held in the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario.

    Five big matches have been announced for RAW this week.

    Firstly, as announced on RAW last week "The Game" Triple H will take on longtime rival and former friend, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels in a No DQ match. This match has more than the No 1. Contendership on the line. This is a battle of supremecy between the two stars. Since DX first broke up, "The Game" and Michaels have been at each others throat. That is until last year, when DX reformed once again, to take on Vince McMahon. DX prevailed, but were challenged by Rated RKO. This lead to HHH being injured. He returned at the end of April, and began acting very different. DX eventually split last week, and Vince McMahon booked this match. Who will win this battle. Will it be the "Cerebal Assasin", "The Game", Triple H. Or can the "Showstopper", Shawn Michaels, stop Triple H on RAW. Tune in to see this explosive battle.

    Johnny Nitro, who defeated Rob Van Dam last week, has a chance to really make a name for himself when he takes on 16 time champion, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Can Johnny Nitro defeat another established star on his way to the WWE title?

    Also, announced on WWE.com, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin will team up with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch to take on Cryme Tyme and World Tag Team champions, Jeff and Matt Hardy. Can the two heel teams work together? Can they beat the Tag team champions? We will find out on RAW.

    Also in action is Intercontinental champion Santino Marella, who takes on "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters. This match is for Marella's title. Can Marella retain his title against the Masterpiece, despite tremendous odds? Will the Underdog champion remain champion. See this match on RAW.

    And finally, "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton looks to kill another "legend" as he takes on former Intercontinental and Tag Team champion Val Venis.

    John Cena will also address the fans.


    Current RAW card

    Santino Marella vs "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters: Intercontinental Championship

    The World's Greatest Tag Team and Cade & Murdoch vs Cryme Tyme and The Hardy Boyz

    "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton vs Val Venis

    Johnny Nitro vs Ric Flair

    "The Game" Triple H vs "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

  15. www.wrestlezone.com

    6th May

    Latest from OVW-OVW has recieved some new wrestlers to compensate for the firings of Nick Mitchell, Ryan O' Reilly and Chris Nawrocki as Tyler Black, Jimmy Jacobs, Orlando Colon and Eddie Colon have all signed with WWE.

    New Team on Smackdown!-WWE have not only expanded Smackdown's tag division, but also the Crusierweight division with the signings of Teddy Hart and Jack Evans, who will be teaming as Generation Next.

    Hassan to return?-Former WWE superstar Mark Copani, aka Muhammed Hassan, who was taken off TV due to controversy surrounding the London Bombings in 2005, has resigned and is on the RAW brand. Whether he will be reusing his Muhammed Hassan character is yet to be released, but many sources report this to be true.

    No news on surprise star-When Vince McMahon announce a surprise star on Smackdown this week, we tried our best to find who it was. We have had no luck. WWE are keeping this a major secret and many people from inside the company are not even sure.

    Jeff Hardy arrives late-Jeff Hardy arrived late to last night's house show, causing a tag title defence to be cancelled. Reports say that he only recieved a warning from the company.

    Shawn Waters?-The relatively unknown Shawn Waters, who debuted after WM 23, is apparently one of Vince's favourites. The Heavyweight Technician is described as the modern day Bret Hart with the mic skills of The Rock. But the 19 year-old still has alot to prove. Some say that they were disappointed with Waters' showing against Ken Kennedy. More news on this rising star released when we get it.

    Sabin to WWE?-WWE have begun negotiations with TNA and RoH star Chris Sabin. WWE will most likely assign him to OVW.

  16. Wow, thanks for all the help. Firstly, I think I get what you mean with writing matches, so I'll do an example match at the end. Also is it cool to post hings backstage i.e www.wrestlezone.com fake notes, announcing signs/firings?

    With a match, is it ok to just write out the big parts i.e. Finishers, close calls, high spots, interferences. Or is a play-by-play required?

    Example Match:

    John Cena vs Triple H


    The match start with some brawling from the two workers, but HHH eventually got the upperhand. HHH irish whipped Cena to the rope and hit a spinebuster. HHH worked on Cena's head and legs for a minute or two, then locked in a submission. Cena came close to tapping but HHH released the hold. HHH picked up Cena and looked ready to hit a Pedigree. But Cena dropped to his knees and nailed HHH with a low blow. Cena rolled outside trying to shake off his leg injury. This was a bad move. When Cena re entered the ring, HHH gave Cena a clothesline. HHH then locked in the leglock again. Cena grabbed the ropes. HHH lifted Cena and gave him a DDT. HHH went outside and grabbed a chair. The ref tried stopping HHH, only for Cena to roll out of the ring. HHH followed. HHH swung, but Cena ducked. Cena then picked up HHH and FU'd him. The ref calls for the bell. Cena looks at the ref.

    A replay show HHH dropping the chair just where he was about to land, meaning Cena FU'd him on a chair.

    HHH was laughing at Cena.

    (How is that for a match review? I'm not to good.)

  17. www.wrestlezone.com

    This week's May 2nd WWE Smackdown Tapings were held at the American Airlines arena in Miami, Florida.

    *Dark Matches*

    Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Shannon Moore via The Worm.

    Marcus Cor Von defeated Funaki via The Pounce.

    Main Show


    Smackdown opens with Teddy Long. He is in the ring. He welcomes everyone to the new WWE Smackdown, playa. He announces that tonights main event will be The Undertaker vs The winner of tonights first match, a fatal fourway between No 1 contender Batista, King Booker, Kane and Rey Mysterio. He then announces that we will see Chris Benoit defend his US title shot tonight against Elijah Burke.

    He leaves.

    "It's now time for our first match. On the way to the ring, from Houston, Texas. KING BOOKER!"

    "Now coming to the ring, KANE!!!"

    "On the way to the ring, from San Diego, California. REY MYSTERIO!"

    "And finally, from Reston, Virginia. He is the Number 1 contender, BATISTA!"

    ENDING: Rey tries to take Kane down with a Hurracanrana, but is Powerbombed. Kane turns around and is knocked down by Batista. Batista picks Kane up and hits him with a Batista Bomb. Pin 1-2- Kick out. Batista stands and ducks a chair shot from Booker. He then hits a Spinebuster on Booker. Rey comes off the top with a dropkick, knocking Batista into the ropes. 619!!! Pin. 1-2- Kick Out. Rey stands and is Chokeslammed by Kane. 1-2-3. Kane wins.

    "Wow Cole. That will be an interesting Main Event. Brother vs Brother."

    London & Kendrick vs Deuce & Domino (non-title)

    Ending: London gets the hot tag to Kendrick. Kendrick cleans house. Cherry runs in and Low Blows Kendrick for the DQ.

    Deuce and Domino beatdown Kendrick afterwards. London runs them off.

    *AD BREAK*

    In Teddy's office. Elijah Burke is in Teddy's office, thanking Long for a shot at the US title. Vince walks up behind Burke.

    "So, you think your hotshot because you get a US title shot?" Burke bows to Vince. "Get off my floor. Don't grovel to me." Burke scurries out of Teddy's office.

    "Teddy, I'm liking what you are doing with Smackdown this week. But, what about Judgement Day? Who is going to fight Benoit or Burke for the US title?"

    "Well, Mr. McMahon. I have the perfect candidate in mind. MVP."

    MVP walks in.

    "That's right Mr. McMahon. I will show you what I can do tonight, when I beat Steven Richards tonight."

    Chavo vs Yang (Non-title)

    Ending: Yang goes for a Moonsault, but Chavo moves. Chavo hits a bulldog, then goes up top. He connect with the Frog-Splash. 1-2-3. Chavo is your winner.

    Ken Kennedy comes to the ring.

    "I am Mistahhhhhhh....Kennedy

    Kennedy. And I should be the one fighting Undertaker at Judgement Day, not Batista."

    Shawn Waters interupts.

    "Oh, stop your whinging. I didn't get picked either, but ya don't hear me complaining. But lets prove who really is worthy, by fighting in this very ring? What do you say?"

    "I accept."

    Ken Kennedy vs Shawn Waters

    Ending: Kennedy plants Waters with a DDT. He goes up top. KENTON BOMB! Pin 1-2- Kick Out. Kenton gets frustrated and tries again. 1-2- Kick out. Kennedy picks up Shawn and whips him into the corner. He runs at Shawn, who moves. Kennedy slams into the turnbuckle. Shawn hits Kennedy with a German Suplex. He then locks in an Ankle Lock. Kennedy taps.

    "So Ken. Looks like the better man won. Good luck in your campaign."

    *AD BREAK*

    MIZ TV:

    The Miz is in the ring, ready to host Miz TV. His guest tonight is....EDGE!

    "So Edge. Are you going to do us all a favour and take the title off the Undertaker?"

    "Yes, I am. But the first thing on my mind is the European title."

    Regal's music.

    "So Edge, you really think you stand a chance against the A league on Smackdown do you? Well come on, you bastard. I'm ready for you."

    Edge vs Regal-European title.

    Ending: Regal nearly makes Edge tap, but Edge reaches the ropes. Regal picks Edge up and whips him to the ropes. Edge ducks a clothesline and takes out Regal's leg. Edge locks in the Edgecator. But Regal perserveres. Edge prepares to Spear Regal. Regal stands. Edge runs. Regal somehow rolls up Edge. The ref counts 1-2-3. Pin.

    As Regal is celebrating, Edge comes from behind with a chair. He beats down Regal.

    Backstage, Kristal is interviewing Batista.

    "So, Kane won the right to fight Taker tonight. How do you feel about that?"

    "Well, Kristal. I'm unhappy that I lost. But It's not going to bother me. I'm only concerned with Judgement Day."

    He walks off.

    MVP vs Richards.

    Ending: MVP hits a Playamaker on Richards after only a minute. 1-2-3.

    "Benoit, If you can keep your title, then I'll see you at Judgement Day."

    *AD BREAK*

    Benoit is being interviewed by Kristal.

    "Benoit, are you at all concerned about tonights match with Burke?"

    "Do I look like a concerned man, Kristal? No I don't. I'm not concerned at all. Burke is just another one of those windbags who think they are the greatest, like Kennedy or MVP."

    "Speaking of MVP, he is facing you or Burke at Judgment day. Do you think you can beat him?"

    "Of course I can beat him, I already proved that at Wrestlemania 23."

    Benoit walks off for his match.

    Benoit vs Burke-US title

    Ending: Benoit reverses an irish whip into a Crossface. Burke taps.

    MVP attacks Benoit after the match.

    "See you at Judgment Day."

    *AD BREAK*

    Vince walks out.

    "Well, how are you fans enjoying the new WWE? Well you will like it even more when a new star joins Smackdown next week."

    Vince leaves the fans in suspense.

    "It is now time for the MAIN EVENT. On the way to the ring first. KANE!"

    "Now on his way to the ring. From Death Valley. He is the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. He is the Phenom. THE UNDERTAKER."

    Ending: Kane hits a Chokeslam. Taker sits up. Taker hits a Chokeslam. Kane sits up. Kane hits a Tombstone. 1-2-Kick out. Taker hits a Tombstone. 1-2-Kick out. Taker hits another Tombstone. 1-2-3. Pin.

    After the match, Shawn Waters, Ken Kennedy and King Booker run in and attack Kane and Taker. Batista makes the save.

    Taker and Batista have an intense staredown to close the show.


  18. OK, thanks for the tips. Basically with the HBK/Nitro feud, it's not really a feud with backstory. It hasn't totally started yet. ATM HHH/HBK are finishing a mini-feud. I shouldn't have told about the storylines. And Punk is slowly getting a push. That's the storyline. And the next episode will be up, maybe later.

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