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Posts posted by uk-joe

  1. If anyone could knock up an event poster for me that'd be great. I'm pretty much leaving it in your hands regarding what is on the poster. The only things of note are that the event is called NCW Fame and Fortune, it's on pay-per-view and i'd like Kevin Nash to be on there somewhere.

  2. - Don West should be removed as Amazing Red's manager as they have not appeared together in quite some time.

    - Chelsea should be removed as Abyss's manager as they have not appeared together in quite some time.

    - Chelsea should be made manager to Brutus Magnus, she has accompanied him to the ring during dark matches and his return this week on Xplosion.

  3. Just to ask, are All Star actually connected to the BWC at all? I was under the impression have their own school completely unaffilated named WrestLeicster. I may be wrong but just thought i'd put it out there.

    I think currently the idea is not to have any camps/schools since some do and some dont

    Okay, that's fair enough, makes alot of sense. I only sort of skimmed through the thread anyway so didn't quite get to grip on the matter.

  4. CurtHawkins-2.jpgDavidOtunga.jpgJTG.jpgKofiKingston.jpg


    Curt Hawkins, David Otunga, JTG, Kofi Kingston

    Montel Vontavious Porter, Ted DiBiase, Vance Archer, Zack Ryder

    Wasn't sure whether these had been done yet but posted them up regardless. If anyone could KyKy or link me to somewhere that has them KyKy'd that'd be great.

  5. I've checked some data from the '80s and most of them simply suck. Abnormal stats for some wrestlers, while others get 0 in every field. That is bad, because it would be great (at least for me) to play with some legends at their prime.

    It's ridiculous that some wrestlers who were in their prime then have better stats in the June 2010 update than the old ones. I'm keen to do a WCW 1990 game, picked up a few events from that year and in my opinion the roster was top notch, especially the really strong tag team division.

  6. Want to start a new game some time in the past but am struggling to find information on which historical updates are accurate and which are not. The ones on EWRInventory aren't very good what with certain workers having stupid stats and having the wrong nationality etc. I know there have been 1998, 1999 and 2000 ones done well but are there any other decent ones out there?

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