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Posts posted by triplexpac

  1. Yeah, I Just got done playing 2k5 for the xbox this afternoon, it was pretty darn fun. Unless Madden totally blows it out of the water, I'd say 2k5 gets the nod because of it's cheap price.

    On another note, I can't wait to pick up nhl 2k5 if it has presentation anywhere near the nfl game.

  2. W00t, looking cool, I'll bookmark this so I won't forget about it

    Who may join your promotion? let's see....

    I see Mick Foley coming in....

    I also see Scorpio coming in....

    I see Bill Goldberg coming in....

    CHRIS CANDIDO! Shane Douglas! or not....

    Let's see, I see Shark boy coming into the promotion, and the same goes for Buff Bagwell.

    Silly rabbit, Goldberg is already a part of his federation ;)

    But yeah, Bagwell may be a good fit in there. I mean, I don't think the guys running the fed are going to be looking for the best technical indy stars out there... they may be looking to make another WWF.

    But yeah, who knows?

  3. Fun diary so far! My top 5 guys eh... well here's some, in no order

    Michael Shane - related to HBK, so maybe he'll have some pull with Nash? Plus I like him as a wrestler, which is a plus.

    Teddy Hart - If he's as much of a hotshot backstage as is said, he might add a bit of HBK-esque feel to the diary. Could be fun to have his ego clashing with some of the owners.

    I'm guessing with the guys in your diary so far, there will probably be a bit more of a WWE "Big Guy" mentality to your roster though. Maybe all the light indy guys aren't the best choices.

    Raven - Raven rules all. I don't know what his relationship is with the owners of your fed, or if he's under written contract to TNAW... but still.

    Steve Corino - He's just plain cool.

    Well, really, I don't have any great suggestions. I'm not that fluent in the world of wrestling. I just think your owners have a lot of personality, so having their relationships develop with the talent would be cool. You know, pushing their friends, personality clashes, stuff like that.

    I'm sure your diary will be great, I'll be reading.

  4. If memory serves me right, he was wearing a ninja suit or something. I don't know why that would make him pitch black, buthey. It was a phase of some sort he was going through...

    I have a couple of comics with him in that suit anyways. I think one took place in a desert.

  5. I was just thinking, an online hockey game like musicmaven would be pretty cool. Say you got to make a rookie player, and set up his stats and whatnot. Everyday you could pick something to practice, and raise that stat, etc etc

    Then there could be teams within the game (like musicmaven labels) and one could draft you. Teams would play each other, there could be awards, and so on and so forth.

    So... is there such a game?

    I've been into simple online games like project rockstar, musicmaven and hollywood mogul lately. If there's any games like those that you'd reccommend, feel free to post 'em!

  6. I've always been a fan of Pearl Jam - Alive for some reason. Also:

    Anything Iron Maiden

    Anything by Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen... all the virtuosos

    Doobie Brothers - China Grove

    Eddie - Beat It

    Anything Randy Rhodes

    Ratt - Lay It Down

  7. It's been said before, but I just wish the WWE would focus more on the product they're making, and less on what we're doing on the net.

    Now I can understand them going after places where you can download PPVs and such, but really, little efeds and freeware games aren't going to hurt them at all. It's not like someone out there is having a really hard time deciding on whether or not they should buy the new Smackdown game or just download EWR...

    The WWE should be happy that the fans are interested enough in their characters and products to write efed promos and make small free games. It's not undermining the real WWE product, it's just fans being enthusiastic.

    Basically, I'd compare it to Buffy fans writing fanfics. It's not hurting actual Buffy storylines or the Buffy universe in general, it's just letting the fans take part in it.

  8. Well that's just dumb. Leave the friggin' movies alone! Although I am interested to see how bad these new versions will be...

    Meh, I'd like to see the franchise go far, far away from George Lucas. He may have created the idea, but he's also killing it. A lot of the books that have been created in the Star Wars universe destroy anything Lucas could think up... I think it's time for some fresh blood to run the franchise.

  9. Wasn't that in japanese though? I totally forgot about the original.

    It was announced the same day as the EB 1+2 game

    Makes me think that there's going to be a remake.

    EB 1+2 was only released in Japan. It's a collection of Mother (for NES, in Japan) and Mother 2 (Earthbound for SNES), released together on a lil' GBA cartridge.

    Apparently they changed a few small things in the conversion, and the sound quality isn't quite up to the original games standards... but still, I'd love to have the collection.

  10. So apparently there is a new EB sequel coming out for the GBA. It was announced the same day as the EB 1+2 game, but since then there has been very little info released on it. So far all I know iiiiiis:

    Earthbound 3 Next Year in Japan?

    Mother 3 is far away...

    According to Shigesato Itoi, the producer of the GameBoy Advance and cancelled N64 version of Mother 3, the game is to 60 percent finished. He thinks that the game will be out in Japan at the end of next year.

    A release for Europe or the USA isn't planned.

    While I'm glad that the Earthbound franchise isn't dead.... no release for the english speaking community? Nooooooo :angry:

  11. You might wanna try at the message boards at fhockey.com. You'd get more from them because I'm not so sure people have NHL:EHM as much as they do EHM.

    Yeah, I posted there... I've been waiting for a response all day, so I figured I'd post here too, since this board seems a lot more active.

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