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Posts posted by triplexpac

  1. Vampire Giles would be killer (no pun intended). He'd have all the inside knowledge on Buffy, as well as the vampire strength. He'd be like Angelus.

    Christopher Golden has written some good Buffyverse stuff. On that note, has anyone read the book adaptation of the last season of Buffy? If you haven't, don't. It was TERRIBLE.

  2. Yeah, rating childrens movies as bad seems a bit iffy to me. Like, I'm not going to go "Oh wow, time to rent this movie about a monkey playing hockey, I'm sure it will be a potential Oscar winner". I'd rather have a list of movies that actually really suck, not that are simple because they're meant for kids.

  3. http://pc.ign.com/articles/718/718911p1.html

    But seriously, shizzle aside, the Portal demo blew our minds. In the demonstration, Newell walked us through the concept. I'll back up a step. If you've played or heard of Humanhead's Prey, then you know the game offers organic portals throughout a giant sentient alien ship. The portals are dimensional doors into different areas in the ship, and they're graphically and conceptually well implemented and work seamlessly. They're also stationery. In Portal, a seemingly independent game that ships with the PC version of Half-Life Episode 2, and the bundle of Half-Life 2, Episode 1, 2, and Team Fortress 2 on Xbox 360 and PS3, players use a tool that creates portals on the fly. Yes -- a gun that creates instant openings through walls that transport you in the bat of an eye to another place.
  4. First Look: The new 'Buffy' comic


    From comics she was born, and to comics she shall return: Buffy the Vampire Slayer's post-cancellation adventures will soon begin anew -- penned by Joss Whedon himself -- in the pages of Dark Horse Comics. Here's an exclusive cover image (by artist Georges Jeanty) from issue No. 1. As you can see, she's kept in shape during her hiatus. (Dark Horse will debut No. 1 at Comic-Con this week.)

    This isn't Buffy's first foray into comics. And it remains to be seen if it ranks anywhere near Joss Whedon's best foray into comics: the all-too-brief "future slayer" saga Fray, which follows the dystopic advetures of Buffster's 24th-century successor. (Some will persuasively argue that this is Joss' best comics effort. I will counter with a spin move and the old axe-to-the-head. So watch it.)

    So what's going on in the extended Buffyverse? Well, you may recall the show ended with the creation of an army of Slayers. Now they're organized, and the tide has turned in favor of the good guys. Ah, but you know how much Whedon hates winners: Soon an "old enemy" surfaces (Dark Horse is cagey on Big Bad's identity), and Dawn starts "experiencing serious growing pains." I hope that means the Scoobies will be fighting a mutant, undead Alan Thicke.


  5. Amazing band, even better life. I've been pimping them out for a while now ever since I first heard 'Coin Operated Boy'. They're weird, and take a few listens before the awesomeness actually sinks in, but some of their faster, more drum based stuff is shockingly good!

  6. I know there's another thread about them, but it's also about other bands. And it's old. So sue me.

    Anyways, I liked the Dolls before, but never really loved them. I heard them live last night, and now I can safely say I LOVE them. They're so charismatic and fun. Anyone else like them?

    They have some free tracks on their myspace, also check out http://www.automaticjoy.com/

    They really support their community, and encourage recording shows to share with other people. And they do a mean cover of War Pigs.

  7. I picked up UFC 2, and it's the same thing. Gets old, fast. Plus I find most fights end really fast, and you can easily beat the computer just by pounding on him. Hopefully they make a better game sometime.

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