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Posts posted by Phobia

  1. Sad to hear that Cult wasn't very good. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but I was planning too. Knepper is a great actor and is really the only reason I stuck out for Heroes Season 4. My favorite villain in the entire series.

    Anyone have any opinions on 24 for a guy who has never seen it? Been hankering for a new show to start watching through after finishing The Shield for the first time.

  2. That was probably the best episode of the season so far in my opinion. Was not expecting the last 15 minutes to happen whatsoever. I didn't even pay any mind to the Governor being gone. I just expected them to show him looking out or something like that. Daryl and Merle is a good dynamic and I really want to see more and more interaction between the two of them.

  3. How has noone attempted to put up Fallout 3 yet? :P

    And by the way. I DO want to set the world on fire.

    I prefer the first two games, myself, though some of the tracks on the game aren't bad.

    Most people do. But I take the game for what they are. Fallout 3 is a sequel in name only for the most part. I love that VAT's system. Alot different than the point/click scheme from the first two. But I love the transition to FPS.

    Sorry I strayed off topic.

    I only wish the game had a few more tracks. It gets repetetive to hear the same 6 or some odd songs over and over. Especially after killing Three Dog.


  4. So angry I haven't gotten this game yet. The demo was pure awesomeness. Went so far as to torrent track it to get it before it was on XBL, *shh*.


    And by the way, I hate youtube for spoiling some of the bigger surprises from this game. Should be getting it within the next week. So I will be totally zoned out in this game for the same ammount of time, as I was with RE4.

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