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Posts posted by Trey

  1. I've been getting pumped for this to come out on the 360, but the fact I don't have X-Box Live and the idea you can trade CAWs online (I had forgotten) is going to probably sway my decision. Well, that and the fact I'd be the only one getting it for the 360 around here.

  2. I've always liked VII the most out of any Final Fantasy, followed by 10 and then Tactics.

    But like people have said before, it's insanely easy to get through 10 quickly, and if for some reason you're having trouble at the end, you can always use the King Cactuar trick (I believe that's what he's called) to get really good stats very quickly.

    After I beat the game, I did that trick for a while, and I could kill the final boss in 2 hits.

  3. Riceman, let me help.

    Did you talk to the moogle by the save point in the Sanscale Bank? If not, go talk to him, then you'll end up fighting the Urutan-Eater. After that, go talk to the moogle, follow them back, blah blah. You end up getting a seed that slows the Garuda WAY down. If you need more explanation, let me know.

  4. I almost always fight with Vaan, with Balthier and Basch as the two guys with me. I just got to the part where you "kidnap" Ashe and I'm running through the desert when I come across a big fire-orb. He hit me for fucking 2300 damage when my guy's HP is only like, 300.

    So far, that's my biggest gripe. Sometimes, you run into an opponent that just kills you in one hit, and if you haven't had a chance to save it lately shit like that can really piss you off.

  5. I'm pumped, and hopefully getting this game tonight with the guide following this weekend.

    Oh, and I just like to remind posters to use spoiler tags if they are discussing the game. If you aren't sure whether to use them or not, go ahead and use them.

    I, along with many others, have been waiting a long time for the latest offline Final Fantasy RPG, and I'd hate to have something spoiled because of some stupid fuck.

  6. Being a Cardinals fan, it's great to see a championship. Ask almost anyone and they'll tell you that the Cardinals have the best fans in baseball, so that's even better.

    And Lowerdeck, just because a team with 125-200 million dollar payroll didn't win shouldn't take away from who won. Sure, more people would've cared if it was your Red Sox or Yankees, but since you're Red Sox couldn't even make the postseason and the Yankees were out in the first round, it's been clear that the World Series was going to be more of a regional matter.

  7. If the Yankees are really looking to move A-Rod, being a Cardinals fan I think that they should look into seeing if the Yankees would be interested in Scott Rolen. They don't need much offense, and Rolen is known for his great defensive play.

    I'm not saying it's likely, but it at least is something that they could look into.

  8. I'll admit that "game manager" was a wrong choice of words. I don't really want Grossman to be just a game manager, but I guess I would prefer him to play more like Big Ben rather then Kyle Orton last year. I want the deep ball thrown at least 5 or 6 times a game and I want Grossman to get more then 2 throws a drive. If it's 2nd and 8, I want to throw, not run the ball. Grossman, when he's playing under control, is exactly what I like to see.

  9. Scoring 21 points against Carolina is not considered a bad game, at least in my opinion. I keep repeating myself, but for some reason it keeps getting ignored. You're right when you say that he needs to learn, but he still hasn't played in a whole lot of NFL games. He has shown this season that when he keeps his cool and controls his gun-slinger mentality, he can be a very good quarterback.

    As a Bears fan, I would much rather have someone who is willing to take a few chances then a game manager like we had last year. Last game is one of those learning experiences that hopefully will help reign in Grossman.

  10. I agree with almost everything ACCBiggz says, I just like to put positive spin on it rather then negative.

    You're right, Grossman will make a bad decision or two every game. But he also has shown that when he's going good, he'll make great throws and that he CAN be the leader of a team.

    He still doesn't have a lot of in-game experience, and that shows in games like this. Early on, he checked down very well, while in this game it seemed like he thought that he could get it going like he has most of the season.

    Grossman is by no means the next Joe Montana, but whenever he's reigned in and the coach's do their job, Grossman is more talented then 85% of the other starting quarterbacks in my opinion.

  11. Grossman has played very well until last night. With his play the previous five games, he looked like he was forcing things thinking that it would come eventually.

    I like Grossman more then most, he just needs to learn when to just tone down everything. That will come with experience, and this game will be a great learning tool for him I believe.

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