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ClaRK! Kent

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Posts posted by ClaRK! Kent

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    NWA: Texas Live!

    Week One - 4/4/05

    Location: Amarillo, TX

    Announcers: Jim Ross and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan

    Pre-Show Segment…


    As NWA: Texas’ first-ever television broadcast begins, we open up to a bare locker room, with only a single black steel chair in the centre of view. Sitting on the chair, a towel over his shoulder and with his trusty guitar leaning against his leg, is Jeff Jarret. Jarret looks into the camera for a moment, and then peers over the top of his shades as he speaks…

    Jeff Jarret: All I’ve really been hearin’ for the last couple of weeks is ‘what’s gonna go down in the 4-War match?’ Callaway, Austin, Savage, Vader, they’ve been gettin’ all the attention for a while now… who’s gonna walk outta Amarillo with the title? It doesn’t matter. Any of those four men will be nothin’ but a transitional champion, a footnote in history… why? Because tonight, the new school is in session, Jeff Jarret is in town and that spells nothin’ but trouble for whoever takes that title home tonight. It doesn’t matter who wins, because I’m a shoe-in ’gainst DDP tonight, and that means you’ll be seein’ a new Texas Heavyweight champion soon, you can damn well count on it, slappy. Now get outta my face.

    Jarret gets up from the chair, pushing his hand into the camera and covering up our view, shoving the hapless cameraman out of his locker room.

    (Segment quality 82%)

    From there, we fade out of the pre-show segment and the opening video montage is shown, set to some traditional country music and heavily playing on the old-school aspect of the promotion, featuring Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Randy Savage, and Mark Callaway. Additionally, a few of the younger stars also feature, with Garrison Cade and America’s Most Wanted both shown. From there, we head over to the Amarillo National Center, where Jim Ross and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan are at the announcer’s position.

    Jim Ross: Welcome to the Amarillo National Center, welcome to NWA: Texas Live, on UPN! This is our first show on national television, folks, and it feels good to be nationwide! I’m the voice of the Great State, Jim Ross, alongside Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan! And Brain, we’ve got a huge main event in store tonight! Mean Mark Callaway, the NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion, defends against not one, not two, but three men! Steve Austin, Randy Savage, and the man-mountain Vader!

    Bobby Heenan: You’ve gotta think that Callaway won’t be coming out of this one on top, Jim, he won’t even have to be pinned to lose this one!

    Jim Ross: That’s right, under 4-War rules the champion does not have to be involved in the fall to lose the title, something which Callaway has been very vocal about in recent weeks! And not only do we have that match, Brain, but it’s a night of champions tonight with the Massacre championship up for grabs and the return of the Rock’N’Roll Express as they shoot for the Tag Team titles!

    Bobby Heenan: I’m just interested to see who Dusty got to face Garrison Cade! He’s been through every man in the division, and Dusty said he’d get somebody in from outside the state to take a shot at Cade - the question has to be who, and from where?

    Jim Ross: Well, Brain, it looks like we won’t be waiting long!


    Jim Ross notes that Garrison Cade’s music, a gritty southern rock track, has begun, and the ‘Unstoppable’ Massacre champion is strolling down to the ring, wearing his usual cowboy hat and tassled denim jacket, with the belt slung casually over his shoulder. Cade steps into the ring, and grins as ring announcer Gene Okerlund lists off his accomplishments to the booing crowd. Eventually, Cade’s music fades, and it is left up to Okerlund to introduce his opponent…

    Gene Okerlund: And his opponent… hailing from Memphis, Tennessee and coming to you out of Japan’s legendary PRIDE promotion, he stands 6’1’’ and weighs 210lbs… this is ‘Rampage’ Quinton Jackson!

    Sure enough, the mixed martial artist has stepped out from behind the curtain, wearing a black robe, staring down Cade with a terrifying expression on his face. Jackson takes a few steps down the ramp, casts off the robe, and barrels down to the ring, setting upon Cade immediately as Jim Ross notes that in his mixed martial arts career, Jackson currently holds a 22-5-0 record.

    Garrison Cade © vs. Quinton Jackson - NWA: Texas Massacre title

    Cade attempts to duck out of the ring, but Jackson is wise to him and cuts off his escape with a furious punch, sending the champion sprawling to the mat. The ‘Unstoppable’ attempts to come back with some punches and strikes of his own, but it soon becomes obvious that he is outmatched against the mixed martial artist and he attempts to slow the bout down by resorting to technical wrestling, but Jackson manages to overpower him on the mat as well. ‘Rampage’ shows why he earned that nickname as his dominance continues unabated, and he soon pounds Cade into the mat with some brutal punches and almost takes his head off with a haymaker. The Massacre champion, seeing that there is no way out here, manages to get the referee’s attention, and then boots Jackson in the crotch with a furious lowblow to get himself disqualified at 4:38! *¼

    Winner: Quinton Jackson via DQ (Garrison Cade retains by default)

    As Quinton Jackson crouches on the mat, winded by the underhanded strike, Cade snatches his title and hat back from the timekeeper and bolts to the back, clearly spooked by that near-miss. Jackson gets to his feet, snarling with fury, and watches Cade run backstage with fury in his eyes. He walks to the back, receiving a round of applause for his impressive, if cut-short, display.

    (Match Quality 73%, Crowd Reaction 73%, Overall Rating 64%)

    Jim Ross: Quinton Jackson sure impressed on his debut, Brain, he looks quite the hoss - but in the end Garrison Cade took the coward’s way out and got himself disqualified to retain the Massacre championship!

    Bobby Heenan: Do you blame him? That guy’s a phenom! He should have his own division.

    Jim Ross: He’d be about the only one in it.

    Bobby Heenan: Exactly! Best to keep a guy like that away from everybody else, he could do some serious damage!

    Jim Ross: Well folks, the night is still young, and up next we’ve got the first of two contendership matches tonight - Dusty Rhodes and his son, Dustin, team up as the number-one ranked duo in the state besides the Texas Tag Team champions, but looking to knock them off of that spot are America’s Most Wanted!

    ---Commercial Break---


    As we return, Dusty’s music is playing over the speakers, and the ‘American Dream’ strolls down the ramp from the back, with his son Dustin a few paces behind. Dusty tosses his cowboy’s hat to a fan in the front row, and steps into the ring with Dustin, awaiting AMW’s entrance. More rock music heralds the arrival of the youngest team in the promotion, Chris Harris and James Storm - America’s Most Wanted. The duo get a great reaction, especially from the female fans in attendance, showing why they have sparked comparisons to the Rockers recently. Harris and Dusty shake hands in the ring, and lock up to start.

    The Rhodes vs. America’s Most Wanted - #1 contendership to NWA: Texas Tag Team title

    Dusty wins the initial lock-up and pushes Harris into the ropes, clotheslining him down on the rebound and dropping an elbow. Wildcat quickly gets back up and fires off a few left-handed strikes, before slamming Dusty down with a body slam to take control for his team. AMW show their expert style in this bout, utilising quick tags and some great double-team moves on Rhodes senior and junior, and always seem to know where the other man is at any given moment. Dustin and James Storm, eventually, end up in a pinning-reversal sequence on the mat, which Storm rolls out of, hitting a neckbreaker and signalling for the finish, but as he attempts the Eight Second Ride, Dustin seems to get a sudden burst of energy, dodging the attack and hitting the Curtain Call! Both men are down with the force of the move, crawling to their partners as the fans will them on… Dusty is tagged in first, and hits a picture-perfect elbow on Harris, who rolls back to his feet, taking a second, and a third! Somehow, the Wildcat keeps coming, and floors Dusty with a huge Spear for the pinfall at 7:54! **¼

    Winners: America’s Most Wanted via pinfall (Harris pins Dusty)

    America’s Most Wanted get a great reaction from the live crowd for finally achieving their goal of gaining a shot at the Texas Tag Team titles, and a bigger reception as Harris helps Dusty to his feet and all four men shake hands. They head backstage together, and our view switches to the announcer’s position.

    (Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 73%, Overall Rating 67%)

    Jim Ross: What a great victory for America’s Most Wanted, and what consumate sportsmen those two are! It makes a change from some of the younger guns we see these days!

    Bobby Heenan: Garrison Cade won’t like you saying that about him, Jim. He watches these broadcasts, you know, to critique his technique. He’s quite the perfectionist.

    Jim Ross: Here’s a tip for him - try finishing a match on your own steam instead of getting yourself disqualified. Anyway, you know what’s next, Brain?

    Bobby Heenan: Of course - Bam Bam Bigelow, the man of the epic losing streak, meeting yet another challenge he’s sure to fail! This guy is bad with a capital B, Jim.

    Jim Ross: That’s not very nice.

    Bobby Heenan: Oh come on, I once asked Bigelow what came at the end of a sentence - he said parole, ha ha!


    Bigelow is making his way out from the back now, to a fairly good reaction from the fans despite his long-standing knack of losing matches, which Jim Ross attributes to the fans loving an underdog and Brain claims is due to Bigelow paying each of the 1009 fans in attendance. As Bam Bam warms up, some unfamiliar music plays - dark, brooding cellos and resonant bass - and a wild-haired, bearded man wearing an expansive black robe steps out onto the ramp, accompanied by a raven-haired woman in a leather corset, micro skirt, fishnet stockings, and knee-high boots.

    Bobby Heenan: Who’s that guy? No, wait - who’s the girl?

    Jim Ross: That’s - that’s Devon Storm! Dusty has brought Devon Storm to Texas!

    Bobby Heenan: Who?

    Jim Ross: Devon Storm - he’s a former NWA: Los Angeles and Strong Style man, but he’s been a pariah for a long time! He’s seriously unhinged, people won’t touch him!

    Bobby Heenan: Is that the guy who put a valet through a windshield for parking his car next to a handicapped space?

    Jim Ross: The very same.

    Bobby Heenan: Oh boy, then our man Bigelow is in even more trouble than usual!

    Storm stands atop the ramp as Gene Okerlund introduces him and the woman, who is named Lucy, and then stalks down the ramp with something predatorial in his strides. He steps into the ring, where Bigelow is looking a little more confident based on the size advantage, and retreats into the corner as the bell rings, his back turned on his opponent. Storm removes his robe now, revealing some black, pentagram-decorated tights and a black wifebeater.

    Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Devon Storm w/Lucy

    Bigelow tentatively approaches Storm to start out, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. Almost immediately, Storm wheels round with a brutal right hand, sending Bigelow reeling, and follows up with a series of hard-hitting kicks and a dropkick. Devon is in almost total control for the opening few minutes, displaying his hard-hitting style and a range of aerial offense that Bigelow cannot hope to match and that is certainly not the norm for the Texas fans. Bam Bam eventually capitalises on Storm’s high-risk style, dodging a missile dropkick and going to work with his own powerful offense, dominating the smaller man now. A few times, it looks as if he will finally break his catatonic losing streak, but Storm somehow kicks out each time, only to suffer more punishment. Bigelow tosses Storm to the outside and attempts a high-risk maneuver of his own, a suicide dive, but Storm has it scouted and Bam Bam hits only the steel railing. Devon barrels him back into the ring, following up with a springboard dropkick from the apron! Bigelow is in trouble now as Devon follows up with some more big kicks and a splash, before attempting a top-rope hurricanrana… but Bigelow counters it into a powerbomb! The fans go wild for the counter-attack as Bam Bam crosses to the top, undoubtedly for a flying head butt. As he does, however, Lucy jumps onto the apron, and shoves him down to the mat! The big man hits the ground hard, and Devon Storm is able to capitalise with a big Moonsault to win the bout at 13:15! **¼

    Winner: Devon Storm via pinfall

    Lucy climbs into the ring as Storm gets to his feet, and the two embrace over Bigelow’s fallen form as the fans boo and hurl empty soda cartons at them. Eventually, the couple exit the ring, still all over each other to the chagrin of the crowd, and EMT personnel help Bam Bam Bigelow to his feet and to the backstage area.

    (Match Quality 78%, Crowd Reaction 64%, Overall Rating 63%)

    (Devon Storm debuted his new “Gothic” gimmick, it got a positive response)

    Jim Ross: Bam Bam Bigelow loses again, but Devon Storm had to be helped out by his woman there!

    Bobby Heenan: You say that as if you don’t approve, Jim?

    Jim Ross: Well, it hardly speaks volumes if your valet is giving you assists, does it?

    Bobby Heenan: Please, Jim, this is the twenty-first century. Try to have a little respect.

    Jim Ross: You were the one yelling at her all match, asking for her phone number!

    Bobby Heenan: Let’s not dwell on it, Jim. Next up, folks, it’s the NWA: Texas Tag Team title match!

    Jim Ross: That’s right, Brain, Southern Pride have defended against all comers from inside and outside the Great State of Texas for some time now, but tonight they face perhaps their toughest challenge yet - a three-way dance match against the legendary Midnight Express and the returning Rock’N’Roll Express, who specially petitioned Dusty Rhodes for this match on their return to the state!

    ---Commercial Break---


    Southern Pride are on their way out now, accompanied by their raging southern-rock track, holding up the Texas Tag Team titles and making it clear just who the top dogs are. The powerhouse duo head down to the ring, shedding their matching jackets on the way, and hand the straps over to the referee. The Midnight Express are out next, receiving a great reaction from the fans in light of their simply legendary status, although tainted with boos for their always underhanded tactics. Eaton and Lane head down to the ring, ignoring Southern Pride, and await the third team. Once again, it is up to Gene Okerlund to do the introductions…

    Gene Okerlund: And their opponents… they are six-time former NWA World Tag Team champions and five-time Texas Tag Team champions… please welcome the Rock’N’Roll Express!

    The legendary tag team specialists head out from the back, receiving an ear-splitting welcome from the Texan crowd, high-fiving a few fans on the way down to the ring, and jumping into the ring to face off against Southern Pride and the Midnight Express.

    Southern Pride © vs. Midnight Express vs. Rock’N’Roll Express - NWA: Texas Tag Team titles

    Morton and Gibson quickly establish control over the other two teams, making short work of sending Bobby Eaton and John Bradshaw to the outside, leaving Lane and Simmons inside to take a beating. Eventually, the referee is able to force Gibson to the outside, taking Simmons with him, as three-way dance matches run under the two-in-the-ring tag formula. The Rock’N’Roll Express quickly begin to isolate Stan Lane now, making quick tags and keeping him away from either his own partner or Southern Pride, working him over with their individual brawling skills and the tag team chemistry that has made them so legendary. Eventually, however, Lane is able to make a tag, but to Bradshaw instead of his own partner. The big Texan decimates the Rock’N’Rollers now, using his hard-hitting, powerful offense to counter the agility of the two men, often cutting off their attempts at coming back in mid-execution with a big strike or boot. The match becomes more of a bout between Southern Pride and the Rock’N’Rollers now, with the Midnight Express becoming increasingly isolated and increasingly frustrated as Simmons and Bradshaw dominate their much smaller opponents. Eventually, after a huge clothesline that looks to have Robert Gibson beaten, Bradshaw finds himself hard-tagged out by Stan Lane! Lane sets to work as a clearly-annoyed Bradshaw exits the ring, but he is unable to match Bradshaw’s power and soon Gibson is able to escape, tagging out to Ron Simmons. Simmons knocks both of the Rock’N’Roll Express off of the apron with a shoulder charge, and turns around, but gets caught with a sly low kick from Stan Lane, followed with a small package for the 1-2-3 to win the titles at 15:00! *¾

    Winners and NEW NWA: Texas Tag Team champions: Midnight Express via pinfall (Lane pins Simmons)

    Jim Ross: Stan Lane just pinned Ron Simmons, Brain! We’ve got new Texas Tag Team champions!

    Bobby Heenan: The Rock’N’Roll Express came all this way for nothing, Jim!

    Jim Ross: Well, I don’t think it’s nothing, Brain, look at this!

    The Midnight Express are stepping out of the ring now, but Gibson and Morton are on the outside as well. The old enemies begin jawing and tossing threats, and the situation threatens to come to blows until security restrain the two teams. Lane and Eaton head backstage with their titles, while the Rock’N’Rollers take their time in returning backstage. Finally, Bradshaw and Simmons head to the back, clearly frustrated at having lost their straps.

    (Match Quality 72%, Crowd Reaction 66%, Overall Rating 62%)

    (The NWA:TX Tag Team titles have lost image)

    Jim Ross: Well, that was slightly anticlimatic. Up next, we’ve got somewhat of a personality clash on the cards - Steve Corino, perhaps the most serious man in the state, meets a man who is, in his own words, a fun-loving ladykiller… ‘Teen Dream’ Billy Gunn!

    ---Commercial Break---


    As the show returns from the commercial break, Billy Gunn is already heading down the ramp, receiving his usual great reaction from the female element of the crowd, flashing his winning smile to a few front-row fans, with Terri Runnels in tow. Gunn steps into the ring, tosses his robe into the crowd - where it is promptly scuffled over by some teenage girls - and awaits his opponent. Steve Corino heads out to a mixed reaction from the crowd, betraying his ‘tweener’ status, carrying the NWA Zero-One Heavyweight title with him. The ‘King of Old School’ eyes Gunn with evident disgust as he steps into the ring, and the two men go at it.

    Billy Gunn w/Terri Runnels vs. Steve Corino

    Gunn offers a handshake to start, but Corino slaps it away and locks him up in a waistlock. Gunn struggles to free himself and comes back with some of his signature punches, but Corino soon re-applies the waistlock and gets a German suplex on the ladies’ man. The ‘King of Old School’ dominates Gunn now, tossing him around the ring with suplex after suplex for the opening few moments and dropping him on his head with a brutal t-bone suplex, before latching on a painful scissor sleeper hold. Terri Runnels wills Gunn on as he struggles to his knees, with Corino clinging to him like a limpet, and eventually gets back to his feet for a moment before dropping backwards, crushing Corino to the mat! The ‘Teen Dream’ is in control now, much to the joy of the female contingent of the crowd, dominating the old-school technical wrestler with his powerful, roughneck brawling style, eventually sending him over the top rope to the outside, and slamming him into the steel guard rail. Billy Gunn looks to have the bout all but wrapped up right now, sending Corino back into the ring and hitting a big jackhammer slam, but as he signals for the his Sweet Dreams finisher, a figure comes careering down the ramp - it’s Michael Shane! The ‘New Rocker’ jumps into the ring, even as the referee checks on a possum-playing Corino, and blasts Gunn with the Sweet Shane Music! The ‘Teen Dream’ hits the mat like a stone, and the ‘King of Old School’ gets the sly cover to win the bout at 10:55! *½

    Winner: Steve Corino via pinfall

    As the bell rings, Steve Corino nods at Michael Shane, confirming a plot between the two men. Corino leaves, his task for the night complete, but Shane jumps back into the ring to continue the punishment. He stomps away at Gunn, driving him into the corner, before choking him out and then hitting the Rocker Dropper onto the helpless ‘Teen Dream!’ The referee and Terri Runnels check on Gunn as Shane exits, jawing angrily with a few of the more vocal fans in the front row, as we take another break.

    (Match Quality 69%, Crowd Reaction 74%, Overall Rating 64%)

    ---Commercial Break---

    Jim Ross: We’re back, folks, and Billy Gunn has been helped to the back. What a despicable showing by Michael Shane, Brain!

    Bobby Heenan: I guess he thinks that Gunn is ripping him off?

    Jim Ross: We’ve all heard what Shane has to say about Billy Gunn, but I think that him pointing the finger regarding ‘stealing from the Rockers’ is a little rich when he bills himself as a ‘New Rocker’, don’t you?

    Bobby Heenan: Shane is a Rocker, Jim, Gunn just acts like a Rocker. I guess that’s the distinction.

    Jim Ross: It’s tenuous, to say the least. Well, folks, right now we’ve got our semi-main event - Jeff Jarret meets DDP, with the winner receiving a Texas Heavyweight title shot at a date of their choosing!


    Sure enough, Diamond Dallas Page is on his way out, not down the ramp but through the crowd as always, playing up his ‘man of the people’ image and generally buddying up to the baying crowd. Page jumps into the ring, performs his trademark ‘Bang’ pose along with the fans, and awaits Jarret. As Jarret’s music plays, the fans rise to their feet in the loudest chorus of boos so far tonight, hurling all kinds of garbage at the ramp as Double J steps out, wearing his long coat and cowboy hat, and as always carrying his guitar. Staring over his shades at the fans in disgust, Jarret strolls down the ramp, dodging soda cartons and beer cans, before stepping into the ring. He places the guitar on the outside and removes his coat, before tossing the cowboy hat at Page’s face and setting upon him before the bell!

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jeff Jarret - #1 contendership to NWA: Texas Heavyweight title

    Jarret’s pre-match assault stands him in good stead for the opening moments, with a flurry of wild right and left hands folding Page over and forcing him into the corner, where Jarret starts to boot and chop away at him, wearing him quickly and powerfully down. As always, though, Double J stops to pose and to toss insults at the more vocal members of the crowd, allowing DDP to recover and hit him from behind with a face crusher, before dropping an elbow to the face and locking on a chinlock. Page takes control now, using his powerful brawling offense to wear Jarret down, playing to the crowd all the while and hitting several of his trademarks, including the discus clothesline and a spinning uranage! This last move sends Jarret rolling from the ring, clutching his back, and DDP follows him out, only to get kneed in the crotch! Jarret uses his surroundings well, hurling Page into the guard rail and the ring steps, weakening him up, before tossing him headlong into the ringpost! DDP falls to the floor, bleeding, and Jarret shovels him back inside. As Double J attempts the Figure-4 Leglock, however, the people’s champion kicks him in the face and rolls to his feet! Amazingly, the bloodied DDP mounts a comeback now, devastating Jarret with his powerful offense once more, with one suplex even knocking the official down as well! With the referee out, Jarret quickly exits the ring, grabbing his guitar as Page nobly checks on the official. The boos and hurled snacks of the crowd cannot stop Jarret as he jumps back into the ring, winds up… and blasts DDP with the guitar! Page drops to the mat, stunned, in a shower of sawdust and wood chips, as Jarret disposes of the guitar and hauls the referee to his feet, before making the cover to take the match at 14:05! **¾

    Winner: Jeff Jarret via pinfall

    The bell rings, and Jarret rises from the cover in jubilation, his hands raised high in the air. Grabbing his coat and hat from the referee, he leaves the squared circle quickly, as the crowd begins to fill the ring with garbage in protest. Jarret strolls back up the ramp, a sly smirk on his face, mouthing “I told you so” at our camera as he passes it.

    (Match Quality 79%, Crowd Reaction 82%, Overall Rating 72%)

    Jim Ross: Oh, come on! What in the name of God is this guy’s problem? He’s been spouting this anti-tradition bull and cheating for years now, and now he’s been rewarded with a shot at the Heavyweight title! Where’s the justice?

    Bobby Heenan: I’m just surprised that he keeps getting away with that guitar stunt. You’d think the referees would be wise to it after seven years, Jim.

    Jim Ross: We’ve got to take a commercial break now, people, but when we return we’ve got one Hell of a main event in store for you - Mark Callaway, defending the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title against Vader, Randy Savage, and his nemesis Steve Austin!

    ---Commercial Break---

    -- THE FOUR-WAR…

    As we come back from the break, Mark Callaway is stalking down the ramp, the Heavyweight title over his shoulder, all but ignoring the boos he is receiving from the crowd. He steps into the ring, cutting an imposing figure as always, and stares down Gene Okerlund, who quickly leaves the ring to get away from him. Smirking, Callaway tosses his belt to the official, and awaits his challengers. Vader is the first out, his boos rivalling Callaway’s, snarling and yelling with determination and fury. Randy Savage follows, playing to the crowd, who give him a great reception as always. As Savage removes his leather trench coat and sunglasses, Gene Okerlund tentatively steps back into the ring, his eyes fixed on the imposing Callaway…

    Gene Okerlund: And, finally… he is a three-time former NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion… hailing from Austin, Texas and weighing in at 250lbs… this is ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ Steve Austin!

    Austin’s music fills the arena, and the fans rise with the most staggering display of support thus far tonight, cheering and chanting his name. Moments later, the Rattlesnake storms out from the back, wearing his usual black trunks and boots, hurtling down the ramp with his eyes fixed on Callaway. As Austin dives into the ring, Callaway takes the coward’s way out, grabbing Gene Okerlund and throwing him into the Rattlesnake’s path, and ducking out to the apron as the bell rings.

    Mean Mark Callaway © vs. Steve Austin vs. Randy Savage vs. Vader - NWA: Texas Heavyweight title match

    Under tag rules, Austin and Vader start the bout off, and it looks as if the man-mountain has the upper hand in the first few moments, taking advantage of the tangle of arms and legs between Austin and Gene Okerlund to unleash a frenzied combination of punches, forearm strikes, and kicks on the Rattlesnake as he gets to his feet. Vader follows up with a huge shoulder block and a body slam, before taking a run-up for another shoulder block… which Austin dodges! The Rattlesnake, staggeringly, matches Vader blow-for-blow now, and even gets the upper hand, forcing the masked menace into the corner and stomping a mudhole into him, before tossing him to the outside and making a beeline for Callaway! Once again, Callaway pulls another man in his way, this time the referee, allowing Randy Savage to tag his way in and bring Vader back into the ring. Savage slugs away at Vader in the middle of the ring, with the fans chanting his name all the while, and eventually attempts a suplex, but cannot lift the big man! Vader swats him down like a fly, following with a powerslam for a 2-count. On the apron, Callaway becomes interested now, suddenly realising that he cannot win the bout if he is not in it, and tags himself in at Vader’s expense. Going to work at Savage with a huge boot to the face and a stalling suplex now, the Heavyweight champion is all over the Macho Man, working him over for several minutes and getting several near-falls, until Savage is able to tag in Steve Austin! The fans go wild as Austin rushes into the ring to face his nemesis, but Callaway once again tags out, putting Savage right back into the action. Austin is in no mood for games, and unloads his frustration on Savage, dominating him with some big suplexes, strikes, and a powerful Thesz press that shakes the ring and gets a 2-count. Austin remains in control now, as we take a break.

    ---Commercial Break---

    We are back, Austin is still in the ring, with Vader now, still in control as seemingly no-one can stop the onslaught. Eventually, Austin and Vader’s fight spills to the outside, and Vader takes it one step further with a running tackle than breaks the security barrier, sending both men into the crowd! The two men slug it out, surrounded by the screaming fans, and eventually battle their way back into the ring. As Austin takes the upper hand once more, however, Mark Callaway decides to get involved - as the Rattlesnake bounces off of the ropes, the Heavyweight champion yanks them down, causing him to sail to the outside, with Callaway tagging himself in on the way! Vader has just tagged in Randy Savage, and the Macho Man attempts a big tackle, but Callaway bats him aside with ease and nails the Choke Slam to retain his title at 24:55! **

    Winner and STILL NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion: Mark Callaway via pinfall

    The fans boo as Callaway grabs his title from the referee and leaves the ring, upset that the bully has retained through dubious means and managed to slyly avoid Steve Austin for the entire bout. Austin is, understandably livid, and jumps back into the ring, unloading on anything that moves! As he gets up, Savage takes a Stun Gun, and Vader suffers the same fate, before the Rattlesnake follows up with Stun Guns for the referee and Gene Okerlund as well! The fans go wild as Austin climbs the turnbuckle, staring down Callaway, who is standing on the ramp with the first signs of fear creeping across his usually calm visage.

    (Match Quality 70%, Crowd Reaction 91%, Overall Rating 75%)

    (The NWA:TX Heavyweight title has gained image)

    Jim Ross: My Gawd, Brain! Callaway retains the title, but he ducked the Texas Rattlesnake, and Austin is mad! This man is on a mission, folks, and he’s got the Texas Heavyweight champion in his sights!

    Bobby Heenan: Nobody’s safe, Jim, not even Gene Okerlund! We could be at risk, even! This guy needs to be restrained, or something!

    Jim Ross: I don’t think anybody could retain Steve Austin right now, Brain! Well, folks, we’re out of time… I’ve been Jim Ross alongside Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, goodnight!

    Overall Card Rating: 69%

    Television Rating: 3.34

    Attendance: 1,009

    Match of the Night: Jeff Jarret vs. Diamond Dallas Page (79%)

    Segment of the Night: Jeff Jarret’s interview (82%)

    Worst Match of the Night: Billy Gunn vs. Steve Corino (69%)

    Worst Segment of the Night: Southern Pride vs. Midnight Express vs. Rock’N’Roll Express (62%)

    -- There's very little colour, that's my first acknowledgement about the format, and it's largely because the banners/logos for my promotion feature no colour either. I'm working with what I have, there.

    -- The booking/writing style is still very up in the air at this stage, I'm feeling out the Southern style. I tried to keep the idea of tradition strong, but also get in a feeling of the promotion trying to modernise a little for TV and to remain afloat in turbulent times. Let me know how that went.

    -- A lot of things are still, I'm sure, confusing or unclear at this stage. I've tried to toss you into the action halfway through, rather than overcomplicate things with huge, detailed explanations. Again, that is still being felt out at this stage, so we shall see how it goes there.

    -- More stuff will be up when the first round of shows goes through. Sorry if I've trodden on anybody's toes by posting this - especially BD, TGC, and whoever else hasn't posted a backstory yet - but I just wanted to get my first show done and dusted.

    Raven's Kid!


  2. user posted image

    NWA: Texas Live on UPN

    Week One Preview

    Following our triumph at the Ides of March just two weeks ago, the Great State has achieved another coup - securing a TV deal on UPN! NWA: Texas Live will bring your favourite, old-school traditional action to your screens every Monday night at 6:45pm!

    To commemorate this moment, the first edition of NWA: Texas Live will be a Night of Champions event, with every championship in the promotion on the line!

    As confirmed at the Ides of March by Dusty Rhodes, Mean Mark Callaway will be defending his Heavyweight title in Amarillo this week, against three of his toughest opponents yet! Callaway has defeated Randy Savage, Vader, and even his nemesis Steve Austin one-on-one, but can he defeat all of them at the same time in a 4-War bout with the title on the line? The odds are certainly stacked against the champion.

    Southern Pride will also be facing off against opponents from all corners - they defend their Texas Tag Team championships against two of the most legendary teams in the sport - the Midnight Express and, as announced by Dusty Rhodes last month, the returning Rock'N'Roll Express, in a 3-Way Dance! With such a wealth of experience tagging up against them, will Bradshaw and Simmons be able to hold onto their belts?

    Garrison Cade has dubbed himself 'Unstoppable' lately, and you'd be hard-pressed to disagree. The fans may question his methods, but Cade has defended his Massacre championship against all comers, and has gone through every contender in the division to do it. So much so, in fact, that the NWA Board of Directors have intervened, and have promised to bring in a man from outside of the Great State of Texas to face Cade! Lips are sealed as to who this man will be, but it is promised that this opponent will be unlike any that Cade has ever faced.

    In addition to these title bouts, two number one contenders will be secured at the inaugral Live show - America's Most Wanted, the up-and-coming young team of Chris Harris and James Storm, will be facing the father-son combination of Dustin and Dusty Rhodes, with the winners securing a Texas Tag Team title bout! And, as if that wasn't enough, Diamond Dallas Page will have another chance to make his date with the Heavyweight title after a two-year absence from the title picture, but to do it he will have to get through the most hated man in Texas - Jeff Jarret.

    And, finally, 'Teen Dream' Billy Gunn will be looking to further advance himself in the eyes of the NWA Board of Directors and Dusty Rhodes, after an impressive showing of late, as he meets 'The King of Old School' Steve Corino. Gunn certainly has the support of the ladies, but he must be worried about outside factors after hearing from Michael Shane at Ides of March - Shane, dubbing himself the 'New Rocker' after his uncle, Shawn Michaels, has claimed Gunn is "stealing" the Heartbreaker's image, and has vowed to put things right.

    For all of this hard-hitting action, tune in to the new home of old school, UPN, on Monday night at 6:45pm for NWA: Texas Live!

  3. Absolutely fantastic, syco, I was gripped from start to finish with that one. A little sceptical about putting Sting/Flair over the World title, even if it is a feud of such magnitude, but that's your call I guess. Interesting to see Ron Waterman knocking around, I thought I was the only person who knew who he was these days.

    RVD losing on his debut was unexpected, but the thing with Storm serves to start a pretty promising feud between the two so that's obviously a good thing, they'll mesh quite well I suspect.

    Great show, again, but this'd better not detract too much from the split, boy! :P


  4. user posted image

    NWA: Texas - Historical Archives…

    NWA: Texas, the brainchild of the Von Erichs, was taken over by Southern wrestling promoter Dusty Rhodes in 1990 in the wake of Vince McMahon’s failed WWF venture, and was the most recognisable of the new NWA territories to open - indeed, McMahon’s East Coast promotion would not open until two years later, a time at which NWA: Texas was full-formed and on its feet.

    Rhodes quickly established a traditional, Southern-style feel to the promotion, filling it with local Texans and those who worked the Southern, or ‘roughneck’ style. Amongst the first to arrive were Randy Savage, Mean Mark Callaway, who would quickly establish himself as the company’s impact player over the next few years, and little-known tag team specialists Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. With these workers, and a host of other Southern talents including Marty Jannety, Jake Roberts, Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane and Shawn Michaels, NWA: Texas quickly gained a reputation as a no-frills, throwback promotion in the early nineties, a bastion of wrestling tradition in a rapidly evolving decade.

    In 1993, following a fallout with the NWA Board, World Heavyweight champion Ric Flair was stripped of his title, and soon showed up in NWA: Texas as an exclusive talent, bringing his prestigious stable the 4 Horsemen - at the time also including Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Sting - with him. This publicity boosted NWA: Texas’ standing and publicity, and battles between Callaway and Flair especially were the talk of the pro wrestling community for the next few years.

    As the decade wore on, Texas rapidly established itself as the ‘outlaw’ amongst the three top NWA affiliates, with its traditional stance held over the ‘crash TV’ given more and more prominence by NWA: East Coast and the technical wizardry displayed by the Hart family amongst others in NWA: Canadian Stampede. Following the tragic death of Brian Pillman in 1996, Steve Austin struck out on his own, and soon became one of the biggest names in the world, up there with Flair and Hogan. At around this time, disgruntled former East Coast employees Lex Luger and Jeff Jarret arrived in NWA: Texas, and breathed new life into the promotion with their smart mouths and anti-traditional attitudes. Indeed, Jarret would often win bouts by breaking an acoustic guitar over an opponent’s head, a direct slap in the face of traditional, sporting competition.

    Towards the end of the 1990s, and into the new millenium, NWA: Texas began to lose much of what had made it great ten years earlier. The roster was ageing rapidly, a problem exacerbated by injuries and the booking team’s stubborn refusal to move away from traditional Southern-style wrestling and the established, old-school stars that now struggled to hold the promotion. Any new talent emerging in the promotion tended to be of the same ‘hoss’ categorisation, and offered little in the way of a solution to the very real problem that the wrestling business had changed since the promotion was established, and traditional 1980s-style wrestling was rapidly being consigned to the history books.

    In 2005, the situation worsened rapidly. On-screen, the promotion was moving from strength to strength, a shocking Mark Callaway assault on Steve Austin in January setting up a huge rivalry between them and leading to a title showdown at the March event - the Ides of March. In the boardroom, however, things were becoming less rosy. Buyrates for the January pay-per-view event were down, attendances were dwindling, and without the national TV exposure enjoyed by NWA: Canadian Stampede and NWA: East Coast, it seemed inevitable that NWA: Texas would soon lose its nationwide fan base.

    Seeing the more cutting-edge attitude employed by NWA: East Coast, and several of the smaller NWA affiliates now snapping at the heels of his promotion as the key to long-standing success, Dusty Rhodes approached writer Mark Jackson in March of 2005. Jackson, a young writer formerly of NWA: Los Angeles and NWA: Detroit Michigan, was brought onto the NWA: Texas booking committee in order to help turn the promotion’s fortunes around and offer a way to keep the sense of tradition alive whilst moving NWA: Texas into the twenty-first century.

    user posted image

    NWA: Texas - Roster…

    Steve Austin - The most popular man in NWA: Texas and perhaps the whole NWA. Since his partner Brian Pillman’s death in 1996, Austin has moved out of the tag team scene and firmly into the main event. His alcohol-fuelled, ass-kicking rampages have been the stuff of legend since then, earning him the nickname ‘The Texas Rattlesnake.’ A three-time NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion, Austin shows no signs of slowing down despite being 40 years old at the present time, currently embroiled in a battle with Mean Mark Callaway for the title.

    Mean Mark Callaway - The current NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion and a former NWA World champion, Callaway has been with the promotion since its inception and is known backstage as a locker-room leader. He has fought just about every man who has come through the promotion’s doors, and his willingness to push others around to get his way has lead to his status as the most feared man in the promotion. Currently in his fifth reign as Heavyweight champion, Callaway is determined to hold onto the belt for as long as possible, to the extent of ‘persuading’ Lex Luger to watch his back.

    Randy Savage - The Macho Man is one of the NWA’s oldest and most recognisable names. With a career stretching back over 20 years, Savage exemplifies NWA: Texas’ commitment to tradition. A notorious womaniser - a trait which has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions - and a fearsome fighter, Savage embodies the never-say-die spirit of the state, and is hugely popular amongst the fans. Holding the record for the longest-standing reign with the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title - a staggering 21 months, amazingly his only tenure as Texas champion - Savage is looking to rekindle that success by becoming a two-time champion.

    Ric Flair - The Nature Boy, Space Mountain, the 60-Minute Man… the list of names goes on, as does the list of accolades. An amazing 16 reigns with the NWA World and Texas Heavyweight titles have placed Flair firmly in the history books, as have his resume of classic bouts and unparalleled wrestling skill. Since arriving in NWA: Texas in 1993, Flair has been a mainstay, earning both the hatred and grudging respect of the fans thanks to his questionable methods and unquestionable talent. These days, the Nature Boy is in semi-retirement, and has recently expressed a desire to ‘pass the torch’ on to a new generation.

    Dusty Rhodes - The American Dream, the man in charge, has been at the helm of NWA: Texas since the beginning. A tough but fair employer, Rhodes has been shown time and again to have little time for disrespect or egomania amongst his roster, something that has seen him in almost constant confrontation with Ric Flair. Often stepping into the ring to teach an out-of-line wrestler a lesson, or more recently to team with his son Dustin, Dusty has proven that the American Dream is timeless.

    Vader - Entering NWA: Texas in 1996 alongside Jim Cornette, who has since left the promotion, Vader has left a path of destruction in his wake for nigh on a decade. An uncontrollable beast - only Cornette could ever hope to direct his charge’s attacks, and since his departure in 1999 none have been safe - Vader has put numerous NWA: Texas stars on the shelf with his high-impact, take-no-prisoners style. Amazingly, he has never held the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title, although he has held the NWA: Texas Massacre championship - which was created for the big man - seven times. Now, his sights are set on the top, and some see it as only a matter of time before he prevails.

    John Bradshaw - The big Victoria native has been with Texas for ten years, and has gained the support of the fans for his ready defense of traditional Southern wrestling and Texan values - the right to come home from a day’s work and drink heavily, play cards, and kick ass. Teaming with former NWA World champion Ron Simmons as Southern Pride, Bradshaw is a former three-time NWA World Tag Team champion and a six-time Texas Tag Team champion, and the duo currently hold the Texas belts.

    Jeff Jarret - One of the most hated men in the promotion, Jarret’s intense attitude, rule breaking, and total disregard for tradition have resulted in fans often attempting to lead the guardrail to get at the obnoxious, guitar-wielding egomaniac. That guitar is not just for show, either, as Jarret has shown on numerous occasions, taking any opportunity possible to blast opponents across the head with it, often sealing the victory with just that. A three-time Massacre champion and two-time Texas Tag Team champion with Brian Armstrong, Jarret is now firmly focused on the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title.

    Diamond Dallas Page - DDP began his NWA: Texas career as the manager behind The Diamond Studd and Scotty Anthony, before breaking out on his own as a formidable force in the Texas Tag Team division alongside Bam Bam Bigelow, and as a former Heavyweight champion in his own right. Always a man of the people, Page has not had the best of times of late, targeted by Jeff Jarret and Steve Corino amongst others, but is looking to bounce back and retake the Heavyweight title in 2005.

    Lex Luger - The Total Package first showed up in NWA: Texas in 1996, shocking the promotion after defecting from Vince McMahon’s NWA: East Coast. Allying himself with Ric Flair, Luger became a two-time Texas Tag Team champion and held the Heavyweight championship, before striking out on his own and holding the Heavyweight title another time. Luger’s arrogance and obnoxiousness have earned him the disdain of the fans, but it is clear that he cares not a jot for their opinions, content with being an ‘object of desire’ as he puts it. Recently, Luger has been coerced into watching Heavyweight champion Mark Callaway's back, out of fear more than anything else.

    The Best of the Rest…

    Bam Bam Bigelow,

    Barry Windham,

    ‘Teen Dream’ Billy Gunn w/Terri Runnels,

    ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Eaton,

    Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan,

    Brian Lee,

    ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris,

    David Flair,

    Dustin Rhodes,

    ‘Unstoppable’ Garrison Cade,

    Honkey Tonk Man,

    ‘Cowboy’ James Storm,

    Johnny B. Badd,

    Larry Zybysko,

    Michael Shane w/Missy Hyatt

    Mike Barton,

    ‘Slick’ Mike Rotundo,

    ‘Above Average’ Mike Sanders,

    Ray Gordy,

    ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper,

    Ron Simmons,

    ‘Sweet’ Stan Lane,

    ‘Old School’ Steve Corino,

    Terry Funk,

    Tracy Smothers.

    Tag Teams…

    America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris/James Storm),

    Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton/Stan Lane),

    Southern Pride (John Bradshaw/Ron Simmons),

    Texas Outlaws (Barry Windham/Dustin Rhodes),

    The Rhodes (Dustin Rhodes/Dusty Rhodes).


    Arn Anderson (Road Agent/Booking Committee),

    Charles Robinson (Referee),

    Chris Brannan (Medical),

    Emile Dupre (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer),

    ‘Mean’ Gene Overland (Announcer),

    Jack Lanza (Road Agent),

    Jerry Jarret (Road Agent/Booking Committee),

    Jim Ross (Announcer/Booking Committee),

    Johnny Rodz (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer),

    Mark Johnson (Referee),

    Marty Valenza (Referee),

    Michael Hayes (Writer/Booking Committee),

    Ricky Steamboat (Road Agent),

    Ron Hutchison (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer/Booking Committee),

    Rudy Charles (Referee),

    Tim White (Road Agent),

    Tommy Carlucci (Production).

    NWA: Texas Champions-

    -- NWA: Texas Heavyweight

    user posted image

    Mean Mark Callaway

    -- NWA: Texas Massacre

    user posted image

    ‘Unstoppable’ Garrison Cade

    -- NWA: Texas Tag Team

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Southern Pride


    -- Corrected from the original post in a few places for the new backstory, etc. The roster in that post is by no means the full roster, a few new hirings have been kept back for in-diary introduction. I've tried to keep them all fairly 'Southern' in style and not hire anybody who is with one of the other territories, although by the looks of things one of the other writers has obviously had the same idea as me. Oh well.

    Raven's Kid!


  5. user posted image

    NWA: Texas - Historical Archives…

    NWA: Texas, the brainchild of Southern wrestling promoter Dusty Rhodes, was founded in 1990 in the wake of Vince McMahon’s failed WWF venture, and was the first of the new NWA territories to open - indeed, McMahon’s East Coast promotion would not open until two years later, a time at which NWA: Texas was full-formed and on its feet.

    Rhodes quickly established a traditional, Southern-style feel to the promotion, filling it with local Texans and those who worked the Southern, or ‘roughneck’ style. Amongst the first to arrive were Randy Savage, Mean Mark Callaway, who would quickly establish himself as the company’s impact player over the next few years, and little-known tag team specialists Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. With these workers, and a host of other Southern talents including Marty Jannety, Jake Roberts, Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane and Shawn Michaels, NWA: Texas quickly gained a reputation as a no-frills, throwback promotion in the early nineties, a bastion of wrestling tradition in a rapidly evolving decade.

    In 1993, following a fallout with the NWA Board, World Heavyweight champion Ric Flair was stripped of his title, and soon showed up in NWA: Texas as an exclusive talent, bringing his prestigious stable the 4 Horsemen - at the time also including Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Sting - with him. This publicity boosted NWA: Texas’ standing and publicity, and battles between Callaway and Flair especially were the talk of the pro wrestling community for the next few years.

    As the decade wore on, Texas rapidly established itself as the ‘outlaw’ amongst the three top NWA affiliates, with its traditional stance held over the ‘crash TV’ given more and more prominence by NWA: East Coast and the technical wizardry displayed by the Hart family amongst others in NWA: Canadian Stampede. Following the tragic death of Brian Pillman in 1996, Steve Austin struck out on his own, and soon became one of the biggest names in the world, up there with Flair and Hogan. At around this time, disgruntled former East Coast employees Lex Luger and Jeff Jarret arrived in NWA: Texas, and breathed new life into the promotion with their smart mouths and anti-traditional attitudes. Indeed, Jarret would often win bouts by breaking an acoustic guitar over an opponent’s head, a direct slap in the face of traditional, sporting competition.

    Towards the end of the 1990s, and into the new millenium, NWA: Texas began to lose much of what had made it great ten years earlier. The roster was ageing rapidly, a problem exacerbated by injuries and the booking team’s stubborn refusal to move away from traditional Southern-style wrestling and the established, old-school stars that now struggled to hold the promotion. Any new talent emerging in the promotion tended to be of the same ‘hoss’ categorisation, and offered little in the way of a solution to the very real problem that the wrestling business had changed since the promotion was established, and traditional 1980s-style wrestling was rapidly being consigned to the history books.

    In 2005, the situation worsened rapidly. On-screen, the promotion was moving from strength to strength, a shocking Mark Callaway assault on Steve Austin in January setting up a huge rivalry between them and leading to a title showdown at the March event - the Ides of March. In the boardroom, however, things were becoming less rosy. Buyrates for the January pay-per-view event were down, attendances were dwindling, and without the national TV exposure enjoyed by NWA: Canadian Stampede and NWA: East Coast, it seemed inevitable that NWA: Texas would soon lose its nationwide fan base.

    Seeing the more cutting-edge attitude employed by NWA: East Coast, and several of the smaller NWA affiliates now snapping at the heels of his promotion as the key to long-standing success, Dusty Rhodes approached writer Mark Jackson in March of 2005. Jackson, a young writer formerly of NWA: Los Angeles and NWA: Detroit Michigan, was brought onto the NWA: Texas booking committee in order to help turn the promotion’s fortunes around and offer a way to keep the sense of tradition alive whilst moving NWA: Texas into the twenty-first century.

    user posted image

    NWA: Texas - Roster…

    Steve Austin - The most popular man in NWA: Texas and perhaps the whole NWA. Since his partner Brian Pillman’s death in 1996, Austin has moved out of the tag team scene and firmly into the main event. His alcohol-fuelled, ass-kicking rampages have been the stuff of legend since then, earning him the nickname ‘The Texas Rattlesnake.’ A three-time NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion, Austin shows no signs of slowing down despite being 40 years old at the present time, currently embroiled in a battle with Mean Mark Callaway for the title.

    Mean Mark Callaway - The current NWA: Texas Heavyweight champion, Callaway has been with the promotion since its inception and is known backstage as a locker-room leader. He has fought just about every man who has come through the promotion’s doors, and his willingness to push others around to get his way has lead to his status as the most feared man in the promotion. Currently in his fifth reign as Heavyweight champion, Callaway is determined to hold onto the belt for as long as possible, to the extent of ‘persuading’ Lex Luger to watch his back.

    Randy Savage - The Macho Man is one of the NWA’s oldest and most recognisable names. With a career stretching back over 20 years, Savage exemplifies NWA: Texas’ commitment to tradition. A notorious womaniser - a trait which has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions - and a fearsome fighter, Savage embodies the never-say-die spirit of the state, and is hugely popular amongst the fans. Holding the record for the longest-standing reign with the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title - a staggering 21 months, amazingly his only tenure as champion - Savage is looking to rekindle that success by becoming a two-time champion.

    Ric Flair - The Nature Boy, Space Mountain, the 60-Minute Man… the list of names goes on, as does the list of accolades. An amazing 16 reigns with the NWA World and Texas Heavyweight titles have placed Flair firmly in the history books, as have his resume of classic bouts and unparalleled wrestling skill. Since arriving in NWA: Texas in 1993, Flair has been a mainstay, earning both the hatred and grudging respect of the fans thanks to his questionable methods and unquestionable talent. These days, the Nature Boy is in semi-retirement, and has recently expressed a desire to ‘pass the torch’ on to a new generation.

    Dusty Rhodes - The American Dream, the man in charge, has been at the helm of NWA: Texas since the beginning. A tough but fair employer, Rhodes has been shown time and again to have little time for disrespect or egomania amongst his roster, something that has seen him in almost constant confrontation with Ric Flair. Often stepping into the ring to teach an out-of-line wrestler a lesson, or more recently to team with his son Dustin, Dusty has proven that the American Dream is timeless.

    Vader - Entering NWA: Texas in 1996 alongside Jim Cornette, who has since left the promotion, Vader has left a path of destruction in his wake for nigh on a decade. An uncontrollable beast - only Cornette could ever hope to direct his charge’s attacks, and since his departure in 1999 none have been safe - Vader has put numerous NWA: Texas stars on the shelf with his high-impact, take-no-prisoners style. Amazingly, he has never held the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title, although he has held the NWA: Texas Massacre championship - which was created for the big man - seven times. Now, his sights are set on the top, and some see it as only a matter of time before he prevails.

    John Bradshaw - The big Victoria native has been with Texas for ten years, and has gained the support of the fans for his ready defense of traditional Southern wrestling and Texan values - the right to come home from a day’s work and drink heavily, play cards, and kick ass. Teaming with former NWA World champion Ron Simmons as Southern Pride, Bradshaw is a six-time Texas Tag Team champion, and the duo currently hold the belts.

    Jeff Jarret - One of the most hated men in the promotion, Jarret’s intense attitude, rule breaking, and total disregard for tradition have resulted in fans often attempting to lead the guardrail to get at the obnoxious, guitar-wielding egomaniac. That guitar is not just for show, either, as Jarret has shown on numerous occasions, taking any opportunity possible to blast opponents across the head with it, often sealing the victory with just that. A three-time Massacre champion and two-time Texas Tag Team champion with Brian Armstrong, Jarret is now firmly focused on the NWA: Texas Heavyweight title.

    Diamond Dallas Page - DDP began his NWA: Texas career as the manager behind The Diamond Studd and Scotty Anthony, before breaking out on his own as a formidable force in the Texas Tag Team division alongside Bam Bam Bigelow, and as a former Heavyweight champion in his own right. Always a man of the people, Page has not had the best of times of late, targeted by Jeff Jarret and Steve Corino amongst others, but is looking to bounce back and retake the Heavyweight title in 2005.

    Lex Luger - The Total Package first showed up in NWA: Texas in 1996, shocking the promotion after defecting from Vince McMahon’s NWA: East Coast. Allying himself with Ric Flair, Luger became a two-time Texas Tag Team champion and held the Heavyweight championship, before striking out on his own and holding the Heavyweight title another time. Luger’s arrogance and obnoxiousness have earned him the disdain of the fans, but it is clear that he cares not a jot for their opinions, content with being an ‘object of desire’ as he puts it. Recently, Luger has been coerced into watching Heavyweight champion Lex Luger’s back, out of fear more than anything else.

    The Best of the Rest…

    Bam Bam Bigelow,

    Barry Windham,

    ‘Teen Dream’ Billy Gunn w/Terri Runnels,

    ‘Beautiful’ Bobby Eaton,

    Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan,

    Brian Lee,

    ‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris,

    David Flair,

    Dustin Rhodes,

    ‘Unstoppable’ Garrison Cade,

    Honkey Tonk Man,

    ‘Cowboy’ James Storm,

    Johnny B. Badd,

    Larry Zybysko,

    Michael Shane w/Missy Hyatt

    Mike Barton,

    ‘Slick’ Mike Rotundo,

    ‘Above Average’ Mike Sanders,

    Ray Gordy,

    ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper,

    Ron Simmons,

    ‘Sweet’ Stan Lane,

    ‘Old School’ Steve Corino,

    Terry Funk,

    Tracy Smothers.

    Tag Teams…

    America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris/James Storm),

    Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton/Stan Lane),

    Southern Pride (John Bradshaw/Ron Simmons),

    Texas Outlaws (Barry Windham/Dustin Rhodes),

    The Rhodes (Dustin Rhodes/Dusty Rhodes).


    Arn Anderson (Road Agent/Booking Committee),

    Charles Robinson (Referee),

    Chris Brannan (Medical),

    Emile Dupre (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer),

    ‘Mean’ Gene Overland (Announcer),

    Jack Lanza (Road Agent),

    Jerry Jarret (Road Agent/Booking Committee),

    Jim Ross (Announcer/Booking Committee),

    Johnny Rodz (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer),

    Mark Johnson (Referee),

    Marty Valenza (Referee),

    Michael Hayes (Writer/Booking Committee),

    Ricky Steamboat (Road Agent),

    Ron Hutchison (Funkin’ Conservatory Trainer/Booking Committee),

    Rudy Charles (Referee),

    Tim White (Road Agent),

    Tommy Carlucci (Production).

    NWA: Texas Champions…

    -- NWA: Texas Heavyweight

    user posted image

    Mean Mark Callaway

    --NWA: Texas Massacre

    user posted image

    ‘Unstoppable’ Garrison Cade

    -- NWA: Texas Tag Team

    user posted imageuser posted image

    Southern Pride


    Raven's Kid!

  6. WCW World Heavyweight Championship

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Booker T

    -- Booker is your only viable choice at this point for carrying the company, so I'd have to say him.

    One Last Fall, To Solve It All!

    'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair vs. Sting

    -- For loyalty's sake, Sting. They'll shake hands afterwards, I'm sure

    WCW United States Championship

    Triple Threat Match

    Booker T vs. Lance Storm vs. Mystery Opponent

    -- I'm anticipating this being Van Dam, based on the fact that he almost went to WCW in 2001, and I'll pull for him winning.

    WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Shane Helms vs. Jamie Knoble

    -- Pulling the title off of Helms this early would be a travesty, and he'd just superkick you into a wall for doing it anyway. Oh yeah!

    WCW World Tag Team Championships

    Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire vs. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman

    -- No sense in putting the belts onto the cruiserweights in a fairly 'big' division, if my memory of the programming of the time serves me. Would they be credible champs in a heavyweight divison? Maybe not. If you're making lots of lightweight teams, though, in the fallout from the Cruiserweight Tag division's death, you may put the strap on them though. We shall see.

    Diamond Dallas Page vs. Marcus 'Buff' Bagwell

    -- Bagwell does not belong in employment with this or any other company. Make it a Handgun-on-a-Pole match. I know loads of people who would kill to see THOSE results!

    A WCW diary with potential and a talented writer at the helm? Colour me interested!


  7. WWE RETALIATION live on Pay-Per-View from Springfield, MA

    26th February, 2005

    Pay-Per-View Match Listing

    World Heavyweight title match

    Triple H © vs. Batista

    Chris Jericho and Edge vs. Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels

    WWE Intercontinental title match

    10-Man Battle Royal

    Shelton Benjamin ©, Al Snow, Garrison Cade, Gene Snitzky, Mark Henry, Maven, Rhyno, Rosey, Simon Dean, Val Venis

    Rhyno and Tajiri vs. Muhammed Hussan/Khosrow Daivari

    World Tag Team title match

    La Resistance © vs. William Regal and Mystery Partner

    Grudge Match

    Christian vs. Steven Richards

    -- Credit: WWE.com

  8. user posted image



    Location: Penn State University, Pennsylvania

    Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler

    RAW begins, as ever, with a run-down of events from the week that was, showing last week’s tag team main event to RAW and the fallout from that, as well as the bouts between Randy Orton and Ric Flair, and the ending to last week’s show - Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, and Batista standing tall in the ring as Evolution hightail backstage. From there, we head over to the esteemed Penn State University in Pennsylvania, where Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler are at ringside, along with 7,514 fans, for this week’s action-packed RAW!

    Jim Ross: Welcome to RAW! We’re five days away from Retaliation, and oh boy do we have a show for you! Chris Benoit meets Ric Flair in what could be one for the ages, Edge and Batista face off one-on-one after last week’s main event, and Chris Jericho faces Randy Orton! And that’s not all!

    Jerry Lawler: We’ve got Captain Charisma in the house, JR! La Resistance! Triple H! The list goes on, and even the return of a certain devious snake to the show can’t bring me down!

    Jim Ross: I assume you’re talking about Shawn Michaels?

    Jerry Lawler: Yeah, that guy’s bad news! I’ve just got fingers crossed that Edge and Chris Jericho take him out at Retaliation this weekend!

    Jim Ross: What are you talking about?

    Jerry Lawler: Oh JR, you poor thing - haven’t you heard the rumour? Edge and Chris Jericho versus Chris Benoit and the so-called Heartbreak Kid! It’s been doing the rounds all week!


    “I’m back! And I’m better than ever!”

    Eric Bischoff’s music opens the show, cutting JR and King short in their rumour-mongering, and the General Manager strolls out onto the ramp, grinning and looking very pleased with himself despite the usual chorus of boos he is receiving from the fans. Ignoring them, for the most part, Bischoff enters the ring and takes a microphone, smiling to himself still…

    Eric Bischoff: Welcome to the award-winning RAW, as tonight we visit Penn State!

    A small pop for this, but most of the fans are too wise to Bischoff to fall for the cheap heat…

    Eric Bischoff: Of course, you people should be used to that by now - you’re used to the winners being the visitors! But, I digress… I’m out here tonight in an official capacity, and that is to announce the run-down of the matches for this weekend’s Pay-Per-View extravaganza, WWE RAW presents Retaliation! Now, we’ve all been excited by Shelton Benjamin’s quest to be a fighting champion, and I for one salute his professional integrity. So, this weekend, we’ll see a ten-man, over-the-top battle royal match for the Intercontinental championship! And the best news for you, Shelton, is that even if William Regal beats you tonight, you’re still confirmed for the battle royal, so you’ll get a chance to win the belt right back! Now, that is a fighting champion!

    The crowd gives a good pop for that match, and the General Manager ploughs on…

    Eric Bischoff: And, it gets better… Chris Jericho and Edge have been pretty vocal lately, criticising WWE management and attacking superstars outside of sanctioned matches, so we’ll give them something to keep them both busy this weekend, and I think even they’ll be happy with this - Jericho and Edge meet Chris Benoit and the Showstoppa himself, Shawn Michaels!

    Another rapturous reception from the crowd for that one, and Bischoff continues…

    Eric Bischoff: Now, two weeks ago we all watched, open-jawed, as Batista attacked his former comrade Triple H in the middle of this very ring. He may have gained your support, but he’s gained the rage of Triple H and Evolution, so much so that the Game has personally requested a bout with Batista… it’s my duty to respond to my champion’s wishes, so at Retaliation we’ll see Triple H vs. Batista… with the World Heavyweight title on the line! Have a nice night, people!

    Jim Ross: What a match! Triple H vs. Batista, title on the line, and time could be up for the Game!

    Jerry Lawler: Oh, please! Batista might be the young pretender, JR, and he might have the people in his corner, but the Game has fought men like him before and won, that’s why he’s the champion!

    Jim Ross: If Triple H underestimates Batista, King, he’s lost already!

    Jerry Lawler: You can bet he won’t be underestimating Batista, JR, he taught the man everything he knows! It’ll be a tough victory, but it’ll be a victory nonetheless for Evolution!

    As the announcers discuss things further, Bischoff’s music plays again, and the General Manager heads to the back, still looking incredibly pleased with himself for throwing together such a promising card in next to no time at all.

    (Segment quality 78%)


    Only moments after Bischoff has disappeared behind the curtain, his music does not fade out but is abruptly cut off by the familiar 5-second countdown ticking away on the TitanTron…

    “C’mon, you know I’ve got you, yeah… BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!”

    Moments later, Chris Jericho is out from behind the curtain, pirouetting around on the stage amidst a hail of boos and abuse from the crowd. He heads on down to the ring, yelling abuse right back at some of the more vocal members of the front-row, before heading into the ring and snatching a microphone…

    Chris Jericho: Welcome to RAW… is… unfair!

    The fans are a little taken back by this slightly childish variant on the usual catchphrase, but Jericho carries on unabated…

    Chris Jericho: You know, a little while ago we had something on this show that we called the Highlight Reel… simply put, yours truly, the Highlight of the Night, got the chance to wax poetic about anything he chose and interview some of the fightingest superstars in the WWE today. But, ever since I saw the truth at the heart of this company’s rotten core, ever since I spoke out, I’ve been ignored! The Highlight Reel has been pulled from the schedule! I… have… been… oppressed! The management thinks that if they take my show then they can shut me up, but as my partner-in-crime always says - ‘you will never know me!’ Vinnie Mac, Eric Sleaze-off, none of you people can silence me! You people can’t see it, but Vinnie’s running around like mad backstage, whoever they’ve got in the Gorilla position is screeching into his headset like a hawk, because I’m not supposed to be here!

    There is a cheer for that, although it is less of a cheer in support of Jericho’s rule breaking and more of a cheer designed to get him to take the advice of the management and leave. Jericho, of course, takes the crowd’s reaction entirely incorrectly…

    Chris Jericho: Exactly! But, luckily for you conspiracy-loving Jerichoholics, I’m fighting the propaganda machine! Next week, on RAW - whether the bigwigs and the conspirators like it or not, the Highlight Reel WILL return! I’ll set up the equipment myself if I have to, I’ll lug it all the way to the show and all the way back onto the plane… I’ll do whatever it takes to put my message across, because I will not be ignored! The more you ignore me, the closer I get! You’ve seen it tonight, already… Eric Bischoff gives me and Edge a tag team match to ‘keep us busy’ at Retaliation, not so we don’t cause trouble as he claims, but so we don’t take headlines from his precious World champion by excelling, as we always have, in singles competition! But Hell, the joke’s on you, Bischoff, because that tag team match is ours, just like your pawn Randy Orton is mine tonight! This corrupt, evil regime is gonna be demolished around you, and I’ll be the man operating the wrecking ball! Think about that one, Jerichoholics.

    With the rant over, Jericho tosses the microphone back to Howard Finkel, who drops it, and leaves the ring with his music playing once more, swaggering backstage and ignoring the boos and jeers of the crowd.

    (Segment quality 96%)

    Jim Ross: Well… as he mentioned, Chris Jericho wasn’t scheduled to be out here right now, and we appear to be out of time for this segment.

    Jerry Lawler: He’s being held down, JR, cut the man some slack!

    Jim Ross: That remains to be seen, King, and even so - he can’t just run around doing what he wants! We’ll be back after this.

    ---Commercial Break---


    “Ain’t no stoppin’ me, no!”

    Shelton Benjamin’s music greets us as we return from the commercial break, and the fighting Intercontinental champion strolls out onto the ramp, the belt over his shoulder, to a good reception from the Penn State crowd. He heads down to the ring, seemingly not worried about the prospect of facing William Regal, or about the recently-announced battle royal at Retaliation, and hands the title to the official. William Regal’s music replaces his now, and the Brit makes his way out from the back to a good response from the crowd. The two men shake hands before the match, and the bell sounds to start the match.

    Shelton Benjamin © vs. William Regal - WWE Intercontinental title

    Benjamin offers a lock-up to start, and Regal takes it before effortlessly spinning behind him and landing a back suplex, dropping the Intercontinental champion on his neck and applying a headlock. Shelton fights his way to his feet, still in the hold, and falls back into the ropes, shoving Regal away from him and catching him with a clothesline. From there, Shelton follows with an armbar and a few stomps to Regal’s elbow, before picking him up and landing a jumping arm-breaker. The match sways back and forth as it wears on, with both men displaying their technical gifts and showing good ring sense. Benjamin continues to work on Regal’s arms and hands, with some submissions and well-placed kicks, at several times holding the Brit in some painful mat-holds. Regal tries to keep his assault focused on Shelton’s head with submission holds and some high-impact maneuvers such as a stalling brainbuster and a jumping DDT, but eventually the Intercontinental champion’s work on his arms becomes apparent as Regal finds it harder and harder to apply a secure hold. Changing tactics now, Regal floors Benjamin with a tackle and begins stomping away at his head, even dropping a knee to his face and applying a leg-sleeper submission. Shelton starts to wilt in the hold, unable to reach the ropes or escape the Brit’s vice-like legs, and looks set to tap out before a figure is seen jumping onto the apron - it’s Sylvain Grenier! Grenier’s gesticulating distracts the official, allowing his partner Rob Conway to slide into the ring with his Tag Team title belt, and blast it over Regal’s head! The Brit slumps to the mat, and Conway is out of the ring before anybody notices - least of all a groggy Shelton Benjamin, who is just able to roll on top of Regal for the pinfall at 8:55. ***½

    As the bell rings, La Resistance celebrate their successful interference on the outside of the ring, and jump back inside the squared circle. Whilst Grenier holds his Tag Team title aloft for all to see, posing and grinning, Rob Conway lands some stomps to Regal’s head and arms, yelling obscenities at him in French. After a minute or so of this, with the bell ringing incessantly to no avail, La Resistance finally stop, and Conway turns around - right into a Dragon Whip kick from Shelton Benjamin! The Intercontinental champion, obviously deducing that interference won him the bout, follows up with another kick to Grenier, and tosses both Tag Team champions to the outside, before helping Regal to his feet. The two men stare down the Tag Team champions as the scene cuts to commercials.

    (Match Quality 90%, Crowd Reaction 68%, Overall Rating 79%)

    ---Commercial Break---


    As we return from commercials, Christian’s music is playing, and Captain Charisma is strolling down to the ring in full ‘cocky ass’ mode, playing to the fans despite the boos he is getting and generally inciting hatred amongst the Penn State faithful. Stepping into the ring, Christian takes a microphone and begins to speak…

    Christian: A big hello to all of my Penn State Peeps! What’s up?

    A chant of “C-L-B!” from certain sections of the crowd answers that one, and Christian furrows his brow…

    Christian: Oh come on, that’s hardly fair, is it? What have I done to deserve tha… oh, wait a minute! Peeps, just because none of your teams can get ahead, don’t take it out on the Peep-Master General! Do I cry to you guys if my team loses? No, I get on with it and I keep on living that high life! Speaking of which, my lowlife opponent for Retaliation, Steven Richards…

    The ‘Peep-Master General’ is cut off at this point by a cheer for Richards, which further annoys Christian…

    Christian: What? You people want to cheer for that garbage reject? Alright, fine, it’s your funeral, Peeps. I just hope you have some insurance once you’re done betting the farm on that lowlife, interfering son-of-a-bitch, because once I unveil his mystery opponent tonight he’s got no chance in Hell! I mean, what kinda opponent would I be if I kept Stevie-boy sweet with an easy victory, some sort of warm-up match? That’s not sportsmanlike, Peeps! So, in the interest of fairness and your viewing pleasure this weekend, I’ve given Stevie a battle tonight… because he won’t win the war with Captain Charisma without winning a few battles, right?

    The Penn State faithful entirely fail to respond to that, save a few isolated shouts, so Christian ploughs on…

    Christian: O…kay. Ah, you know what? Screw it, Peeps, and screw you too Stevie! I hope you’ve got that medical insurance, buddy boy… because you’ve got KANE!

    The stage shakes with an explosion of pyro, and Kane’s music booms out of the speakers, almost drowned out by the boos and jeers from the crowd. The Big Red Machine steps out onto the ramp, looking maniacal and psychotic as ever, storming down to the ring in a few big strides and sharing a glance with Christian before ‘igniting’ the turnbuckles. Captain Charisma leaves the ring, and heads up the ramp.

    (Segment quality 80%)

    Jim Ross: How in the Hell is this fair, King? Kane’s a monster, he’s a damn inhuman menace, and Christian has fed Steven Richards to the proverbial lion in this one!

    Jerry Lawler: JR, Stevie’s a big boy, I’m sure he can handle himself and… hey, check it out! Christian’s joining us! Here to scout your opponent, Christian?

    Jim Ross: He’s probably just here to watch the sacrifice.

    Christian: I’m just taking in the show, JR, and you need to watch your tongue in case it gets you in trouble.

    Jim Ross: I’d like to see you try anything.

    Christian: You want to go some, little man?

    Jerry Lawler: JR, leave it, please! This is a man of the Peeps we’re talking about here, a man of dignity and reverence, you can’t go around threatening him!

    Jim Ross: Oh, quit kissing up.

    Christian: Yeah, I really don’t like you either, King.


    “I’ll show you, you’ll see!”

    Steven Richards’ music plays over the speakers now, and the HeAT GM heads out onto the stage, accompanied by Victoria, with his arms raised into the air. He walks down the ramp now, pausing to trade yelled insults with Christian, before stepping somewhat apprehensively into the ring with Kane as the bell rings.

    Kane vs. Steven Richards

    Steven tentatively approaches Kane, sizing him up, whilst the big man simply stares down at his opponent with a sick gleam in his eyes. Richards throws a punch, which Kane blocks before sending him flying across the ring with a throat thrust. The Big Red Monster follows up with some more hard strikes, each one knocking Richards off of his feet, and a big boot to send him down to the mat, followed with a leg drop and a choke. Steven rolls to the outside, hurting, and regroups for a moment, before Kane steps over the ropes to the outside, grabbing him as if to throw him into the steps. Richards somehow counters, however, tossing Kane hard into the ring steps and slamming his head against them! The two men head back to the ring now, where Kane takes control again, but cannot seem to keep the upper hand. He nails numerous big power moves against the smaller man, but cannot put him away or even keep himself on the up-and-up as Richards uses his quickness and technical superiority to hack away at Kane as the match wears on like a lumberjack targeting a tall tree - going for the base, the legs. After a shin breaker and a figure-4 leglock, Kane is a little unsteady on his legs, and it shows during a stalling suplex attempt as his legs seem to buckle and he drops Steven hard onto his head. Amazingly, that only gets a 2-count, and Richards is up a few moments later, exchanging right hands. On commentary, Christian is stunned that Steven has last so long, even as Richards blasts the Big Red Monster with a desperation Stevie Kick! Richards follows up with the Stevie-T, and makes the cover… but at 2 he is pulled to the outside by Christian! Captain Charisma, furious that his plan has failed somewhat, smashes Steven into the ring steps and even gives him an Unprettier on the outside as Kane distracts the official, before tossing his helpless rival into the ring, where he is easy prey for the Chokeslam and the pinfall at 9:08! ***

    After the bell rings, Christian rolls into the ring, hauling Steven back to his feet and giving him another Unprettier, before calling to Kane. The Big Red Monster holds Richards up as Christian takes a few steps back, poses mockingly to the crowd and Victoria, and levels him with a Stevie Kick! Christian exits the ring, laughing, while Kane fires off his pyro from the turnbuckles and makes his way backstage alone, leaving Steven Richards unconscious on the mat as we take a break.

    (Match Quality 76%, Crowd Reaction 75%, Overall Rating 75%)

    ---Commercial Break---

    Jim Ross: We’re back, and folks I can hardly believe what we saw just before the commercials - Steven Richards, put in an impossible situation by that damned CLB, Christian, just decimated and destroyed by Kane and the so-called ‘man of the Peeps.’

    Jerry Lawler: Oh Jim… Jim, Jim, Jim… when will you realise this is the game these men play? Steven knew what he was getting into when he came down to the ring, and he gave a good showing, we all said it!

    Jim Ross: How can you excuse such blatant cheating and unnecessary violence?

    Jerry Lawler: Christian’s doing what needs to be done, simple.

    Jim Ross: You know what? It’s not even worth discussing it with you. Up now, though, we’ve got Rhyno and Tajiri meeting the team of Muhammed Hussan and Khosrow Daivari!


    Tajiri’s music plays now, and the Buzzsaw heads out onto the stage to a great reaction from the fans, alongside his tag team partner. The two men walk down to the ring, Tajiri pausing at times to play to the crowd and high-five, whilst Rhyno simply stalks his way down the ramp and into the ring, determined to achieve victory here. As the two men warm up, Muhammed Hussan’s music hits, and the controversial Arab-American heads down to the ring with his fighting manager, Khosrow Daivari, who is also in wrestling gear. The two men enter the ring, and immediately set upon their opponents.

    Rhyno and Tajiri vs. Muhammed Hussan/Khosrow Daivari

    The Arabs beat their opponents back to start, with Daivari quickly bundling Tajiri to the outside and the duo then forcing Rhyno into the corner and hammering away at him with stomps and kicks. Daivari eventually exits the ring, leaving Hussan in control of the Man Beast, using his technical and brawling style to wear down the much bigger man. The Arabs use continual tags and underhanded tactics to their advantage in the early stages, keeping Rhyno away from his partner and carving out a hold on the match. Eventually, however, Rhyno’s size and power advantage comes into play, as he powers out of a Daivari sleeper hold and beheads him with a clothesline, before tossing him across the ring with a t-bone suplex and a back suplex, tagging in Tajiri. The Buzzsaw exerts some control over Daivari now, using his quick kicks and unorthodox aerial maneuvers, as well as his clear speed advantage, to dominate the fighting manager and keep him away from Hussan, clearly the more schooled member of the duo. After a big karate kick, Tajiri lines up for the Buzzsaw Kick, but telegraphs it and loses balance, allowing Daivari to tag Hussan into the match. The Arab-American dominates Tajiri now with some crisp technical holds and some powerful maneuvers, before eventually latching on the Camel Clutch, pulling back on the Buzzsaw’s head and leaving him yelling in pain. Tajiri does not submit, however, and Hussan becomes bored of waiting, instead releasing the hold and setting Tajiri up for a powerbomb. Somehow, however, Tajiri counters into a modified rocker-dropper, leaving both men down on the mat, crawling to their partners. They make the tag, Rhyno in a moment after Daivari, and the Man Beast dominates the manager with a rib-breaker and a fall away slam, hurling him across the ring. With Hussan still reeling from Tajiri’s innovation, the coast is clear for Rhyno to hit the Gore for the 1-2-3 at 9:37! ***

    Rhyno and Tajiri celebrate their victory after the match, with their arms raised. Rhyno, especially, seems happy that the team have now broken their duck and are on the winning trail once more. As they celebrate, however, Muhammed Hussan comes at them from behind with a steel chair! The Arab-American floors Tajiri with a shot from behind, and catches Rhyno across the face as he turns around! With both men down, Hussan stomps away at them for a few moments, before grabbing a dazed Khosrow Daivari and pulling him out of the ring, heading backstage as quickly as possible.

    (Match Quality 79%, Crowd Reaction 67%, Overall Rating 73%)

    Jim Ross: Look at those two, hitting and running like a couple of cowards!

    Jerry Lawler: It’s not often I agree with you, JR, but on this one we’re on the same page! These boys show up, insult our country, and then run with their tails between their legs - they make me sick!

    Jim Ross: Wait a moment, King, I’m getting something through my headset… we’re heading to the back, folks!


    Indeed we are, as the view switches to the interview area, where interviewer Todd Grisham is standing with a tired, angry-looking William Regal, who is sporting a swollen cheek after Rob Conway’s interference in his match earlier tonight, and is flexing his hands as if they are in pain following Shelton Benjamin’s work on them over the course of that match…

    Todd Grisham: Uh, we’re here with William Regal, who has something to say to Rob Conway in relation to his earlier assault. Mr. Regal?

    William Regal: You’re bloody right I’ve got something to say. Conway, in my country we’ve got a lot of respect for the French nation, and the French people, we do. I myself have visited France on numerous occasions and I’ve been nothing but thrilled with the people there… but you, sunshine, are the obvious exception to the rule, and you’re really beginning to try my patience!

    Regal’s exclamation gets a few cheers from the fans, which can be heard echoing through the backstage corridors…

    William Regal: So, I got to wondering just how I could go about rectifying that little problem… the solution I’ve come to, sunshine, is to challenge you and your tag team partner to a match at Retaliation for the Tag Team titles!

    Todd Grisham: But, uh, you don’t have a partner.

    William Regal: I know that, you half-wit, I was getting onto that. I’ve managed to find a man that is very much partner material, and he’d be most obliged to team up with me. Now, I know the idea of a mystery opponent might seem a little clandestine for you both to accept, so I’ve arranged a little sweetener, shall we say? If you toe-rags defeat me and my partner, I will never challenge you again for the Tag Team titles!

    Todd Grisham: So it’s all or nothing?

    William Regal: A prudent observation. It’s all or nothing, as my friend here so eloquently stated, boys… think it over.

    Regal stares into the camera for a moment, an intense and determined look in his eyes, and then walks away, leaving Grisham standing alone in the interview area as we take another break.

    (Segment quality 79%)

    ---Commercial Break---


    “Evolution is a mystery, all that change that no-one sees!”

    Evolution’s music is booming throughout the arena as we return from the break, and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, is stepping out onto the stage in a black and gold robe, getting his usual mixed reaction from the crowd in light of his recent dastardliness and his legendary accomplishments. As Flair steps into the ring, his music is replaced by Chris Benoit’s, and the Rabid Wolverine storms out from behind the curtain, getting a thunderous reaction from the Penn State faithful. His eyes fixed on Flair, Benoit races down the ramp and into the ring, so fast that Howard Finkel cannot even finish his introduction before the bell rings.

    Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

    Benoit quickly forces Flair into the ropes, even as the bell is echoing around the arena, and starts chopping away at his chest fiercely, much to the love of the crowd, clearly looking for retribution after last week’s events. This aggression keeps on coming with more chops and a fiery clothesline, but eventually works against the Wolverine as Flair manages to duck a wild right hand and catch him with a sleeper hold to cut off his momentum. The two men start to feel each other out now, working each other over indiscriminately and trying to find a weak spot to attack. Eventually, the Nature Boy begins to go after Benoit’s lower back and stomach, whilst Benoit goes after Flair’s legs. Naitch takes the upper hand quickly with a backdrop and some stomps, as well as a few suspect kidney punches. After one such punch, Flair removes the padding from one of the turnbuckles, and whips Benoit into it, slamming his back against the exposed steel and causing him to roll to the outside. Flair attempts a baseball slide, but the Wolverine somehow dodges and drags him to the outside, feet-first, applying a Boston crab! Benoit keeps up this pressure now, sending Flair back inside and going after his legs, to the point where the Nature Boy is having trouble finding his footing. Flair attempts a desperation German suplex on Benoit, but the force of the suplex causes him to fall to his knees, giving Benoit an opening to latch on a sharpshooter! Naitch is all locked up with nowhere to go, and taps out… but there is no bell! Benoit looks up, to see the referee out on the mat and a steel chair flying towards him, wielded by Chris Jericho! Y2J’s shot connects, and Benoit slumps back to the mat. As another official races down to the ring, Flair rolls on top of him for the 1-2-3 at 9:27! **¾

    As the bell rings, Jericho sets upon Benoit again with some fierce stomps, before Flair gets to his feet a and starts questioning him. Jericho yells back that he just handed Naitch the match, to which Flair takes exception, prompting Y2J to knock him down with a furious haymaker! Y2J starts punching away at Flair now, but is suddenly caught from behind by a chairshot from Chris Benoit! The Rabid Wolverine tosses him to the outside, and then follows suit with Flair, leaving both men backtracking up the ramp as he stands tall in the ring and we head backstage.

    (Match Quality 71%, Crowd Reaction 91%, Overall Rating 84%)


    Edge: So Shawn Michaels is back tonight. Big deal. Have you seen him?

    The scene fades in after the sound, and we find Edge standing alone in a white corridor, in his ring attire, seemingly on the way to the ring for his match with Batista…

    Edge: The fact is, the Heartbreak Kid isn’t anywhere to be found… now why could that be? To preserve the suspense, to make sure that the people are ready to burst by the time he finally heads out to greet them? The time-honoured HBK tradition, always leave the people wanting more, that has to be it, right?

    Edge pauses, shaking his head, and suddenly yells out loud, his words echoing in the empty corridor…

    Edge: WRONG! You people are still hemmed in to the way they want you to think, don’t you see? Shawn Michaels is waiting in the wings by the stage, flexing his ageing muscles, waiting for a chance to screw me over! He’s a venomous little snake, and nothing would give him greater glee in his black heart than to see me defeated tonight, and my quest for the World’s Heavyweight title, my unavoidable destiny, set back by weeks, maybe even months! And, in the meantime, Shawn and his best friend Triple H get to swap that belt around their little posse, keeping the true talent, the DESTINED CHAMPION, from the prize… go ahead, Michaels, go ahead and screw me tonight. This weekend at Retaliation, I’ll punish you for it and for every sin you’ve committed, for every sin you’re plotting in that twisted, pseudo-religious head of yours. It’s an aptly-named event, Shawn, because for every time you wrong me - I… will… RETALIATE!

    With that, Edge stares the camera down with malice for a few moments, before turning on his heel and walking off towards the stage, as we go to a commercial.

    (Segment quality 91%)

    ---Commercial Break---

    Jim Ross: We’re back, and we’re just a few moments away from Edge vs. Batista!

    Jerry Lawler: I hope Shawn Michaels has the sense to keep out of this one, JR!

    Jim Ross: I’m sure he wouldn’t interfere, King.

    Jerry Lawler: You heard what Edge said! Michaels is a conspirator, you can’t trust anything he does! He’s out to stop Edge from achieving what we all know he can!

    Jim Ross: I’ve got no doubt in Edge’s abilities, King, but I take exception to his half-baked conspiracy stories, it’s getting a little old. Between him and Chris Jericho, it’s like watching Magnum P.I. repeats!

    Jerry Lawler: Are you in on it, JR? That would explain a lot, wouldn’t it? Like why you get a better rental car than me, why you stay in the biggest hotel suite, why you seem to shift so much of that barbecue sauce despite it tasting like cardboard! Admit it!

    Jim Ross:

    Jerry Lawler: Aha! A silence is as good as a confession, JR!

    -- ROUND TWO

    “You think you know me?”

    Before King can call the CIA, however, Edge’s music begins over the speakers, and the mist rises over the stage. Moments later, the Toronto native walks out through the mist onto the ramp, ignoring the hail of boos and abuse that the Penn State faithful are greeting him with. He strolls down to the ring, takes off his trench coat, and awaits his opponent. Batista’s music replaces his now, and the boos turn to cheers in an instant as the three hundred-plus pounder walks out onto the stage, arms raised in salute to the crowd, and races down the ramp to the ring, eager to get this one over with.

    Edge vs. Batista

    Edge tries to escape the ring as he sees Batista barrelling down the ramp, but the big man is too fast and catches him by the seat of his tights, dragging him into the centre of the ring and flooring him with a stiff clothesline. Edge gets back to his feet and starts unloading right hands at Batista, trying to knock him down, but Batista simply seems to take each punch in his stride, eventually firing back with a haymaker that sends Edge stumbling into the ropes, where the behemoth fires off another clothesline, knocking him to the outside. When Edge returns to the ring, however, after a brief moment’s respite, he seems to have regrouped and is far more on target, dodging Batista’s powerful-yet-cumbersome offense and keeping one step ahead with his agility and technical superiority, knocking the big man down with a dropkick pulled from nowhere and applying a body scissor, working on the ribs and stomach to squeeze the fight out of his opponent. This tactic seems to work as the bout wears on, with Batista’s powerful offense becoming increasingly more isolated and less hard-hitting, to the point where Edge can even roll to his feet directly after a usually-devastating body slam. Edge looks to finish things off, taking a run-up for the Spear, but the big man somehow dodges, and catches him with a desperation tilt-a-whirl slam! The behemoth somehow fires off a combo of clotheslines to follow up, leaving Edge on the floor, rolling to the outside. Frustrated at Batista’s comeback, he grabs the timekeeper’s chair, brandishing it high and heading back into the ring. The two men start to struggle over the chair, and Edge eventually wrestles control of it, but is stopped from doing anything with it as a figure appears as if from nowhere on the apron, grabbing the chair as the Canadian winds up - it’s Shawn Michaels! The crowd goes wild as HBK pulls the chair away from Edge, forcing him off balance enough for Batista to hit a brutal clothesline for the 1-2-3 at 10:30! ***

    Edge rolls to the outside after the match, pounding the floor and cursing, before rising to his feet with a rabid expression on his face and fixing his eyes on Shawn Michaels, who has already made his way halfway up the ramp. Yelling and screaming, on the verge of tears, that he has been screwed, Edge heads to the back, leaving Batista alone in the ring. As the behemoth celebrates, however, a figure jumps into the ring out of the crowd, and smashes him over the back of the head with a championship belt - it’s Triple H! The Game, wearing a sleek black suit, starts to hammer away at Batista with kicks and stomps, stamping him into the mat, and finishing the assault with another hard belt shot, busting his Retaliation opponent wide open and leaving him down on the mat. The World Heavyweight champion poses, much to the chagrin of the crowd, over his fallen foe.

    (Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 87%, Overall Rating 83%)

    Jim Ross: What the Hell is wrong with this man? This is the way our champion conducts himself?

    Jerry Lawler: He’s evening the odds! Edge said he’d be screwed, and he was screwed! Triple H is just watching out for another talented competitor!

    Jim Ross: Uh, they don’t like each other, King.

    Jerry Lawler: In time, JR, in time. I just can’t get over that Shawn Michaels, showing up just to cost Edge a match and running off before he could get his come-uppance!

    Jim Ross: …I’m not even going to bother, you know that? We’ll take a break now, folks, but after that we’ve got the main event - Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton, it’s next!

    ---Commercial Break---


    “Hey! Nothing you can say can change what you’ve done to me!”

    Randy Orton’s music greets us on our return from the commercials, and the fans are screaming their lungs out for the Legend Killer as he strolls onto the ramp, pirouettes around for photographs, and heads on down to the ring, high-fiving fans on his way down. Stepping into the ring, Orton flexes and poses again, grinning from ear-to-ear, awaiting his opponent.

    “C’mon, you know I’ve got you, yeah… BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!”

    Chris Jericho’s music replaces Orton’s, now, and the Ayatollah of Rock’n’Rollah struts out onto the stage, staring daggers at Orton following the end to last week’s show, and wastes little time in heading down to the ring, wasting no time with his usual formalities, sliding into the squared circle to begin the main event.

    Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton

    Jericho offers a lock-up with Orton to start, and quickly turns it into a test of strength, dropping back into the ropes and springboarding up and over him, dropping him to the mat. From there, Y2J pulls Orton back to his feet and applies a wristlock, cinching it in and moving around the ring. The two men begin to feel each other out now, trading the wristlock back and forth with some impressive athletic counters, but neither man is able to take a clear advantage. Eventually, Jericho releases a the hold, takes a step back, and dropkicks Orton down, following up with a brutal kick to the back of the head to keep him down. Quickly breaking with the feeling-out stage, Jericho begins to take control of his opponent now, dominating him with some fierce kicks and strikes to the head, weakening up his equilibrium, before whipping him off of the ropes and catching a neckbreaker on the way back. Randy gets back to his feet, but takes some vicious chops and staggers into the corner, where Jericho follows up with a running clothesline and a bulldog for 2. Y2J dominates the Legend Killer in the next few minutes, dropping him on his head with some big, inverted and spiked maneuvers, including a spiked powerbomb and a brutal inverted DDT, which sends Orton rolling to the outside. Jericho follows him out with an attempted asai moonsault, but Randy somehow catches him for a pumphandle slam onto the hard outer floor! Y2J screams out loud as Orton stomps at his back and forces him into the crowd barrier, and the match is in danger of degenerating into a Pier 6 brawl as we take a commercial break.

    ---Commercial Break---

    As we return, Randy Orton is tossing Chris Jericho back over the crowd partition, following some crowd brawling, covered in soda and beer. Y2J gets to his feet, wiping his eyes clear, and takes a dropkick from the barrier, before being shovelled back into the ring by Orton. The Legend Killer is clearly in control now, going after Jericho’s head and neck with some hard-hitting clotheslines and a series of German suplexes, as well as a beautiful scissor sleeper hold. Jericho attempts to fight his way out of the hold, but the leg-scissor has him tightly gripped, and eventually it looks as if he will submit. Inexplicably, however, Orton releases the hold, tapping his head as if he has some master plan or other. Indeed, he motions for the RKO as Jericho stands, but Y2J sees it coming and drops back into the ropes with Orton, bouncing off of them and flying back with a forearm to the face. Angered now, Jericho begins raining stomps down on his opponent, yelling so loud that we can clearly hear him without a microphone…

    “You’re a Legend Killer, huh? Kill this, jackass!”

    With those words, Jericho boots Orton hard in the face, busting him open at the nose. Furiously stomping away now, Jericho almost wears himself out, and takes a moment’s respite. As he does so, Randy starts to make his way to his feet, but Jericho sees it coming and floors him with a brutal lowblow. Heading to the outside now, he grabs the ring bell from the timekeeper, taking it into the ring. The referee tries to reason with him, but takes a stiff right hand for his trouble, sending him down. Jericho winds up with the bell now, cleaning Randy’s clock with it and leaving him slumped on the mat, but as he turns around he is dragged down to the mat - Chris Benoit, Crippler Crossface on Jericho! Jericho yells and screams, writhing in the hold, tapping out furiously, and eventually Benoit releases him. Y2J rolls to his feet, rabid at Benoit, but takes his eye off of the ball and allows a groggy Orton the opportunity to hit the RKO for the pinfall at 25:09! ****¼

    The bell doesn’t ring after the match, as it is in the ring, but Orton’s music plays as Benoit helps him back up. Blood is streaming from Orton’s nose and a gash on his head, and he looks to be having trouble standing, but nevertheless he raises his arm in victory, to the cheers and chants of the Penn State faithful.

    (Match Quality 92%, Crowd Reaction 93%, Overall Rating 92%)

    (Randy Orton gained 1 point of overness from this match)

    Jim Ross: My God, King - Randy Orton gave it his all, he gave blood and tears, and he’s beaten Chris Jericho in this fantastic main event!

    Jerry Lawler: He cheated! He cheated Chris Jericho out of the victory!

    Jim Ross: Jericho did just as much, and worse, King, he got his due!

    Jerry Lawler: How can you say that? Chris Benoit screwed him, again! Chris Jericho keeps getting screwed!

    Jim Ross: Please, you’re starting to sound like him. We’re out of time, folks, I’ve been JR and he’s the King, we’ll see you this Saturday night for Retaliation!

    Overall Card Rating - 83%

    -- This one took ages to write, I've had a busy week. I apologise. Hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy!

    Raven's Kid


  9. user posted image

    WWE Sunday Night HeAT


    Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

    Announcers: Todd Grisham and Johnathan “Coach” Coachman

    HeAT begins with our highlights from the week that was in the WWE, featuring Christian’s challenge to Steven Richards for Retaliation next Saturday, as well as a brief overview of William Regal’s continuing issues with Rob Conway and the main event scene and all of its drama. From there, we cross over to HeAT with Todd Grisham and the ever-excitable Johnathan Coachman.

    Todd Grisham: Welcome to HeAT! I’m Todd Grisham alongside…

    Johnathan Coachman: The Coach, dawg!

    Todd Grisham: …and oh boy have we got a show for you! Steven Richards teams up with The Hurricane in our main event tonight to face Christian and his Problem Solver, Tyson Tomko, and we’ll also see Mark Henry and Coach’s favourite wrestler Garrison Cade meet Rhyno and Tajiri! It’s tag team heaven!

    Johnathan Coachman: And let me just tell you that I’ve spoken to Garrison Cade today and he’s feeling pumped up for tonight!

    Todd Grisham: Did you have anything to do with that, uh, pumping up?

    Johnathan Coachman: I don’t know what you’re implying, Todd, but I don’t like it.


    “The Simon System can save your life!”

    Simon Dean’s music, with an added spoken-word line at the beginning, begins to play now and the self-help guru strides out from behind the gorilla curtain and down the ramp. The fans jeer and yell at Dean as he heads towards the ring, but he eyes them with a look of superior disgust and simply continues down to the ring, awaiting his opponent. The Justice League’s music plays next, and Rosey heads out to a good reaction from our live crowd, posing for photographs and then heading down to the ring with a purposeful stride. The two men circle the ring for a few moments, and the bell rings.

    Simon Dean vs. Rosey

    Rosey takes a step back as the bell rings, and Dean rushes forwards to capitalise - right into a clothesline. The superhero follows up with a big leg drop and a jumping knee drop to the gut, leaving Simon rolling around on the mat in pain. Rosey hauls him up and into the air for a body slam, but the wily self-help guru manages to drop down behind the superhero and nail a coy lowblow without the official seeing! Capitalising on Rosey’s momentary incapacitation, Simon hits some elbows to the back and a Russian legsweep, taking control. He continues to display his clever psychology and technical skill now, locking the superhero in a longbow backbreaker submission and then switching to an STF, wrenching on the back to the point that when Rosey makes it back to his feet he is clearly in some difficulty. Simon continues his work on the back throughout now, and eventually is able to capitalise on a painfully-telegraphed clothesline from the superhero to nail a huge backdrop driver, slamming the big man down on his back and neck, and easily rolling on top for the 3-count at 4:51. **¾

    After the bout, Simon leaps to his feet in celebration, jumping onto the bottom rope and yelling that the Simon System has been proven successful once more. As he spouts off more sales pitches to front-row fans, Rosey makes it to his feet, a little shakily, and stands behind. Simon jumps off of the ropes and turns around… coming face-to-face with an angry superhero! His post-match bravado ebbing away now, Simon begins to back away, stuttering anxious apologies as Rosey advances on him, before eventually ducking under his legs and rolling out of the ring to safety, running to the back!

    (Match Quality 74%, Crowd Reaction 66%, Overall Rating 70%)

    Todd Grisham: Simon Dean picks up a big win here on HeAT, Coach, but he’s left running for the back afterwards!

    Johnathan Coachman: That Rosey needs to learn to let go, Todd! He’s just a bully, pushing around people smaller than him… and let’s face it, pretty much everybody is smaller than him! Maybe if he stopped and listened to Simon Dean, he’d lose some weight and he wouldn’t be such a joke!

    Todd Grisham: Have you sampled the Simon System?

    Johnathan Coachman: Nope, but he’s shown me some results - one woman lost two hundred pounds in three weeks, can you believe that?

    Todd Grisham: No, I really can’t, and not in the incredulous way. More in the way of Simon being a liar.

    Johnathan Coachman: Nobody likes a doubting Thomas, Todd. Anyway, let’s head to the back!


    Indeed, we journey to the backstage area now, where Christian is standing, resplendent in a casual black suit, alongside WWE interviewer Chris Leary. Captain Charisma adjusts his shades, and grins heartily at the camera…

    Christian: What’s up, HeAT Peeps? It’s that time of the show once more - Captain Charisma’s on the stick! Steven Richards… you’ve been quite the thorn in my side of late, but I’ve got to say I’ve calmed down since RAW last week and I’m prepared to do the mature and reasonable thing here - and that’s kick your ass all the way over Springfield at Retaliation next week!

    Despite his somewhat dubious definition of ‘reasonable’ here, Christian continues…

    Christian: Thankfully for all of my Ohio peeps… you’re getting a special preview of that one tonight, as my main man Tyson Tomko and I take Stevie and his comic book wannabe down a peg or two in your HeAT main event, Peeps! Oh yeah, Peeps, this is one decision that the people of Ohio are gonna be able to make without a recount - it’s gonna be Captain Charisma and the Problem Solver all the way, because Hell - where Steven Richards is concerned… I live the high life, and he’s just a lowlife. Hit the road, Leary.

    With that, Christian shoves Chris Leary out of shot, and beams once more at the camera before strolling away, as we go to a commercial.

    (Segment quality 75%)

    ---Commercial Break---


    Returning from the break, we have some highlights from this week’s action-packed edition of RAW, featuring the main event situation. After a short introductory flash, we head to some highlights from RAW…

    Chris Jericho: …they’ve sent Batista and Chris Benoit to take us out before we expose them - well, it ain’t gonna happen, juniors! You people just watch us, we’re going to survive anything the WWE management throws at us, and as of now, we’re in this together!

    Y2J holds out a hand to Edge, and the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring to cement their alliance…

    ~Scene Skip~

    …Batista exits the ring as well, grabbing Jericho and hauling him up, before tossing him headlong into the ring steps. Moments later, however, the behemoth is attacked from behind by a figure that has just come from the crowd - Triple H! The World Heavyweight champion drives his former associate’s head into the ringpost, and then launches him into the steps. Chris Benoit, now on his feet, looks to the referee to stop this, only to see Ric Flair standing over the official with a lead pipe in hand! In the ring, Edge begins to round on Flair, clearly not trusting him, and Naitch responds by blasting him with the pipe as well! Meanwhile, the Game grabs Batista and sends him into the ring, before smashing Benoit’s head against the steps and then throwing Chris Jericho back into the ring as well. Evolution watch on as a dazed Jericho regains enough sense to get up and hit a Lionsault on Batista, and the referee regain enough sense to make the 3-count…

    ~Scene Skip~

    …As they (Jericho/Edge) hightail up the ramp, they are passed by a figure streaking down towards the ring - Randy Orton! The Legend Killer dives into the ring, carrying Triple H’s trademark sledgehammer, and blasts the World Heavyweight champion square across the face with it! Flair tries to intervene, grabbing the weapon, but Orton just grins wildly at him, before dropping the Nature Boy with the second RKO he has felt tonight! With Evolution dealt with, Orton helps Batista to his feet, just as Chris Benoit enters the ring. Triple H and Flair manage to escape now, and backtrack up the ramp, yelling abuse at the three men standing tall in the ring.

  10. user posted image

    WWE Sunday Night HeAT Preview

    February 20th, 2005

    HeAT this week is tag team central, with two big tag team bouts signed for your enjoyment - not only will the newly-paired duo of Mark Henry and Garrison Cade attempt to get their first victory in tandem as they meet Rhyno and Tajiri, who are having their own issues as a team lately - but in the main event, Christian and Steven Richards will attempt to get in a few more licks at each other before their bout at Retaliation, teaming up with Tyson Tomko and the Hurricane respectively.

    Further carving out his niche in the singles division, as he and his partner have a ‘monopoly’ on the tag team division as he puts it, Rob Conway will be facing off with Val Venis on HeAT. With William Regal confirmed to be at the show, and the two men’s recent problems, will the Brit make himself known in this match?

    In other action, we’re set to see the Justice League face off against the pairing of Mark Henry and Garrison Cade, who have not teamed together before. Will the experienced superheroes see off the challenge, or will it be a case of beginner’s luck for the new kids on the tag team block?

    Also confirmed is another chance for Simon Dean to show off his patented Simon System - with the Hurricane otherwise indisposed for the show, Dean has challenged his fellow superhero Rosey to take the Simon System Challenge, in an attempt to sell some product.

    Join us, as always, at 8/7 CT on SpikeTV for an action-packed HeAT!

    Confirmed matches:

    Steven Richards/The Hurricane vs. Christian and Tomko

    Rob Conway vs. Val Venis

    Henry and Cade vs. Rhyno and Tajiri

    Simon Dean vs. Rosey

  11. WWE RAW rating down on last week, Helms/Reso commended, more…

    The overnight rating for the 14/2/05 edition of RAW has come in at 5.27, with a 5.05 and 5.49 in the respective hourly slots. This rating is down by almost a whole point on last week’s show, and the WWE are said to be unsure as to just why this may be. The Creative team are said to be hoping that this incident is just a blip, and Head Booker Mark Jackson has spoken to the press, quipping that “it was probably because it’s Valentine’s Day,” displaying his usual devil-may-care attitude. 7,547 were in the US Bank Arena for the show, which is almost a full house.

    Shawn ‘Khosrow’ Daivari has apparently complained to road agents backstage that Tajiri’s work during their tag team match was far too stiff, and could have resulted in injury. This is not the first time that Tajiri’s stiff working has been noticed, and it is likely that the road agents will speak to him regarding this.

    Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho’s match from RAW has been commended by those backstage within the WWE, especially road agent Dean Malenko and the head booker himself. Both men are reportedly very pleased with what they produced, and rumours of an early Match of the Year candidate are certainly not unfounded.

    Shane Helms and Jason Reso have both been commended by management for their stellar performance on RAW, putting on a brilliant match and producing arguably a second Match of the Year candidate in just two weeks for the company. The decision to have the two men face each other on the show was reportedly made at the eleventh hour, and both men reacted incredibly well to the prospect of being given half an hour on the show and told to run with it.

    The word backstage after RAW this week was that the low ratings for the show could have been caused by the fact that the programme somewhat turned into the ‘Randy and Dave Show’ as Johnny Ace called it, referring to the heavy use of both Randy Orton and Batista. It is certainly possible that the overuse of the two men resulted in a negative reaction from viewers, which would reflect the audibly smaller reactions both men received towards the end of the night in the US Bank Arena itself.

    Both HeAT and RAW previews are expected within the next few days on WWE.com, so check back here for more details.

    -- Credit - www.grapplefanatics.com

  12. user posted image



    Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

    Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler

    This week’s broadcast begins with some highlights, showing the events of last week’s main event, featuring Batista’s dramatic turning on his Evolution comrades following Triple H’s successful title defense, and also touching on Chris Jericho’s shocking actions following his epic submission bout with Chris Benoit, Edge’s brutal attack on Shawn Michaels, and some highlights from two weeks ago detailing the Randy Orton situation. From there, we head over to the packed-out US Bank Arena, where Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are ready to do the introductions for tonight’s show.

    Jim Ross: Welcome to RAW! 7,547 excited fans join us tonight in the US Bank Arena, and it’s gonna be one wild night! We’ve got a huge tag team main event, and we’re going to get the bottom of the twists and turns we saw last week! Not only that, King, but Randy Orton is back tonight!

    Jerry Lawler: It’s a big night, JR, for sure, but frankly I’m only interested in one thing - I want to hear what Batista has to say for himself after turning on Evolution! Has he no gratitude for the men who made him?

    Jim Ross: Batista is a great athelete in his own right, King, I’d be wary of saying Evolution made him!

    Jerry Lawler: They did!

    Jim Ross: Well, whatever the case, King, we’re going to see him in action in tonight’s main event, teaming up with Chris Benoit against Chris Jericho and Edge, and… wait a minute!


    “You think you know me?”

    JR is cut off by Edge’s whispering voice echoing across the arena, and the mist rises as his music begins to play. Moments later, the Edgester storms out onto the ramp, eschewing his usual mannerisms and taunts, walking quickly down to the ring and grabbing ring announcer Tony Chimel’s microphone without a word. The boos of the fans seem to be irritating Edge, but he tries not to show it as he talks over them…

    Edge: Last week, we witnessed a travesty! In full view of countless WWE officials, Triple H was allowed to get away with cheating, using his friends, to beat me and retain the World Heavyweight title… the title that I was only moments away from winning before old man Flair got involved! I’ve had a lot of time over the last week to think about just why this was allowed to happen, and I’ve come to a conclusion… everybody is against me!

    The fans boo at this remarkably self-serving statement, but Edge ignores them and ploughs on…

    Edge: It’s all another brick in the wall that has been built around men like myself for years in this company, men who aren’t sleeping with the owner’s daughter or running around the back finding God every half hour! The WWE is obsessed with Triple H, and they won’t let him lose the belt, so every time he gets into a rough spot they send out Naitch to help him get the job done! And you know what? It’s even deeper than that… this is institutional racism, people, plain and simple! Ever since Montreal, ever since Bret Hart, the WWE hasn’t wanted a Canadian champion, and they’ve done everything they can to hold Canadians down… and if they can’t, if we rise above their glass ceiling, the propaganda machine kicks in to make sure nobody realises that we’re Canadian… why do you think they changed Benoit and Jericho’s home towns? Perhaps they’ll try to claim that I’m from Los Angeles next, or Florida, huh? There is a conspiracy against Canada, against ME, in this company, and it’s about time somebody lifted the lid on this cesspit of corporate corruption once and…

    “C’mon, you know I’ve got you, yeah… BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!”

    Chris Jericho’s music cuts Edge off in mid-sentence now, and Y2J walks out with a microphone of his own. He locks eyes with an angry-looking Edge for a moment, and then begins to speak, walking down the ramp to the ring as he does so…

    Chris Jericho: You know, a few weeks ago, I might have rubbished you, I might have asked you to please…

    The fans begin to yell ‘shut the Hell up’ in unison, but Jericho cuts them off…

    Chris Jericho: SHUT UP! You people are the ones who need to take that advice, you know that? Edge… I was sitting backstage, and I realised that you’re right, every word you’re saying is correct! This company is built on a web of lies, politics, and friendships, and it makes me sick! Whether it be Shawn Michaels popping in to wish Chris Benoit luck, or Ric Flair screwing you out of the title that everybody in this arena knows you were set to win, it all comes down to one thing in the WWE - it isn’t what you know, it’s who you know, and it makes me sick! Let’s analyse here, if you don’t mind?

    As Y2J steps into the ring, Edge shrugs as if to say ‘go ahead,’ and Jericho continues…

    Chris Jericho: I’ve been held down since day one in this company… in the Elimination Chamber match at New Year’s Revolution , you all saw Triple H and Randy Orton trying to take everybody else out because they wanted the whole Pay-Per-View to be about them! Heaven forbid anybody with talent be involved in the main event, oh no, it’s all about Hunter and Orton - those bastards are best buddies, no matter how they make it look to you idiot fans, the only reason they pretend to hate each other is so it makes it easier for them to keep the World Heavyweight title in their inner circle! Who was the last World champion before Triple H? Randy Orton! Who had the title before him? Chris Benoit, another member of their little conspiracy clique! And before him? Triple H, once again - need I say more?

    Edge: And, if you step back one step further, Chris… Shawn Michaels!

    Chris Jericho: You’ve got it, buddy, the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? We’re through the looking glass here, people - this man and I are the only two men who can see the WWE for what it really is, and it just so happens that we’ve been booked together in the main event tonight! You know what that says to me? It says that the WWE knows we’re onto them, and they’ve sent Batista and Chris Benoit to take us out before we expose them - well, it ain’t gonna happen, juniors! You people just watch us, we’re going to survive anything the WWE management throws at us, and as of now, we’re in this together!

    Y2J holds out a hand to Edge, and the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring to cement their alliance, much to the chagrin of the crowd. With that, Jericho’s music plays again, and the two men head backstage, talking to each other in a conspiratorial fashion the whole time, as if they are afraid of being bugged or similar.

    (Segment quality 97%)

    (Edge gained 3 points of overness from this segment)

    Jim Ross: O…kay. That was certainly something, King.

    Jerry Lawler: I get it! It all makes sense!

    Jim Ross: Does it?

    Jerry Lawler: Well, you’ve got to admit they make a convincing point, JR, I don’t think all of that could be down to just plain coincidence, do you?

    Jim Ross: The way I see it, King, all of that is just those two egomaniacs trying to explain away their own shortcomings with some half-baked conspiracy theory! Let’s just get on with the wrestling.


    “Ain’t no stoppin’ me, no!”

    Shelton Benjamin’s music plays over the speakers now, and the Intercontinental champion heads out to the ring, basking in the reaction he gets from the Ohio crowd. High-fiving a few front row fans and jumping into the ring, Benjamin hands over his belt and awaits his opponent. La Resistance’s music plays now, and Rob Conway heads out to the ring, his Tag Team title around his waist, waving the tricoleur all the way down to the squared circle. Aping his tag team partner’s strategy from HeAT last night, Conway hands his possessions over to the official, and makes use of the distraction for a quick pre-bell assault on Benjamin.

    Shelton Benjamin © vs. Rob Conway - WWE Intercontinental title

    Conway forces Benjamin quickly into the ropes here, and blasts him across the chest with some forceful chops, followed by a dropkick and a series of hard shots to the jaw, before the anti-American takes a run-up and charges at the all-American, only to eat turnbuckle as Benjamin dodges. Shelton hits a neckbreaker on the rebound, and begins to take control now, working on Conway’s neck with some grounded submission holds, slowing the pace of the match right down, whilst also using some hard-hitting backdrops and a scary back body drop that almost sends Conway out of the ring to further weaken the neck area. Eventually, the Tag Team champion begins to fight back, using a sly lowblow to even the odds and going after Benjamin’s back with a backdrop of his own and some brutal kicks and strikes, sending the Intercontinental champion sprawling to the mat. Conway goes to the top for an uncharacteristic high-flying attempt now, but his break from his area of expertise proves costly as he misses a flying splash, almost rebounding back onto his feet with the impact, allowing Benjamin to hit a modified ace crusher, setting Conway up for the Dragon Whip and the pinfall at 5:45! *¾

    After the bout has finished, Shelton takes his title and exits the ring, getting a good reception from the crowd. As he heads up the ramp, however, Rob Conway gets to his feet, angry at having blown such an opportunity, and grabs his French flag from the outside, running at Benjamin with the flag raised like a weapon! Benjamin is almost at the top of the ramp before Conway reaches him, but the anti-American is then knocked down by a figure who has just darted out from behind the curtain - William Regal! The Englishman floors Conway with a stiff southpaw punch, sending him sprawling out on the stage. Benjamin notices the disturbance and turns around, before thanking Regal for his aid. The two men nod courteously at each other, and then head backstage, leaving a dazed Conway on the ramp.

    (Match Quality 73%, Crowd Reaction 70%, Overall Rating 71%)

    Jerry Lawler: What was that about? Why the Hell did William Regal get involved there, JR, he wasn’t involved in this match!

    Jim Ross: You know, there’s something very wrong about you complaining about outside interference. Besides, it was after the match had finished, and Conway was clearly about to waffle Shelton Benjamin with that flagpole!

    Jerry Lawler: Still - William Regal might’ve had his problems with La Resistance lately, JR, but they’ve thus far been confined to the ring and he should try to keep them there! It’s hardly sporting to be running around attacking people from behind!

    Jim Ross: Again, the flagpole incident springs to mind. We’ll be right back.

    ---Commercial Break---


    We return from the break to find Johnathan Coachman standing in the interview area, alongside an angry-looking Triple H, who is wearing his usual open-collared suit, with the World Heavyweight title slung over his shoulder. Next to him is Ric Flair, also wearing an open-collared suit, clearly attempting to restrain his friend’s temper with a warning hand placed on his arm…

    Johnathan Coachman: The Coach here, with Triple H and Ric Flair. Guys, we’re just a week removed from the events in Japan which saw Batista knock both of you out and apparently leave Evolution… I guess what we all want to know is how are you both feeling?

    Triple H: How am I feeling, Coach? How am I feeling? HOW AM I…

    Ric Flair: We’re doing fine, Coachman, Hunter here is just a little off-kilter about the whole business. Frankly, we’re surprised more than anything, that Dave would just turn on us with no hint of a problem.

    Johnathan Coachman: With all due respect, Ric, some people may claim you’ve given him plenty of reason to do such a thing - your recent conduct especially, Triple H, has left many people claiming you’re holding him down.

    Triple H: Hey, you listen here, you snot-nosed little punk, if you ever talk like that to me again, I’ll…

    Ric Flair: Whatever his reasons might be, Coachman, we don’t care. If Evolution is a trio or a duo, it doesn’t bother us. You know why? Because this faction still has the World Heavyweight title, it has the Game, and it has the Nature Boy… and in my book, that makes it the best thing going today, woo! Batista has made his bed, Coachman, and in the coming weeks he’ll have to lie in it… and make no mistake about it, he will regret his decision, because we’re going to show him exactly what he’s missing, woo! C’mon, Hunter, let’s get outta here.

    Triple H: Fine… I’m watching you, Coach. Remember that.

    With that, Evolution exit the interview area, leaving a very nervous-looking Johnathan Coachman staring after them, as we return to ringside.

    (Segment quality 99%)

    (Ric Flair gained 2 points of overness from this segment, Triple H gained 1)

    Jim Ross: Coach may have gotten himself into hot water there, King! But, more’s to the point, I don’t buy Ric Flair’s claim that Evolution won’t miss Batista, that man is a star on the rise and you’ve gotta believe they won’t be quite the same force without him!

    Jerry Lawler: You heard the man, they still have the title - which means they have the power - and they have two men who have held the World title twenty-six times between them! Batista is the man who won’t be the force anymore, JR, because all brawn and no brains is a bad combination!

    Jim Ross: Well, we’ll just see how smart Batista is in weeks to come, won’t we? For my money, he’s shown how smart he is by finally getting out from under Triple H’s…

    Jerry Lawler: Hold up a moment, JR, I’ve just heard that there’s something going on backstage!

    Jim Ross: Another backstage segment? Gee, we’re on a roll…


    JR’s sarcasm cannot prevent the cameras from taking us to the back, where a snazzy-looking limousine has just pulled up in the parking lot. The chauffeur steps out of the driver’s side door, wearing an expensive-looking uniform complete with a peaked black cap, and opens one of the rear passenger doors. Out steps Randy Orton, resplendent in a stylish black suit, grinning from ear to ear.

    Chauffeur: Here we are, Mr. Orton, sir.

    Randy Orton: Here we are indeed, Jimbo. Take my bags up to the locker room, will ya? I’ve got to drop in and say hi to an old buddy. And, hey - call me Randy.

    Orton grins at the chauffeur, who is somewhat taken aback by this friendly familiarity, and nods, before crossing to the trunk to collect his employer’s bags. With that, Orton strolls off towards the doors, the grin never fading from his face.

    (Segment quality 79%)

    Jim Ross: I wonder who Randy Orton’s talking about, King - perhaps that old friend he mentioned is Batista?

    Jerry Lawler: Congratulations, JR, it took you longer than everybody else in the arena, but you got there!

    Jim Ross: There’s no need to be rude, King.

    Jerry Lawler: Oh, for Pete’s sake, we all knew he was talking about Batista! Even that stupid-looking ugly kid over there got what he was talking about, and he looks like the last thing he got was an STD! Haha!


    Before King can insult any more innocent fans, the music of everybody’s favourite Arab-Americans plays over the speakers, and Muhammed Hussan heads down to the ring, along with his manager Khosrow Daivari. As the two men warm up, and hand their headdresses to the official, JR informs us that this match was made by Eric Bischoff after the controversial ending to the match between Hussan and Tajiri on HeAT last night. Sure enough, Tajiri’s music plays next, and the Japanese Buzzsaw heads out to the ring, with his partner Rhyno by his side. The two teams size each other up in the ring, and attack as the bell sounds.

    Rhyno and Tajiri vs. Muhammed Hussan and Khosrow Daivari

    The two teams duke it out to start, with Daivari quickly bundled to the outside of the ring by a tackle from Rhyno, leaving Tajiri and Hussan in the ring to start the bout. Hussan initiates a lock-up, and the two men enter into a hammerlock-reversal sequence that sees the Arabian torquing back on Tajiri’s arm and the Japanese Buzzsaw trying numerous ways to free himself, only for Hussan to cinch the hold back in, before finally nailing a hammerlock-backdrop. Continuing at the arm, Hussan drops a knee into the elbow joint, and tags in Khosrow Daivari, who jumps to the top rope straight away and hits a flying bionic elbow to the arm. The Arabs continue to isolate and work over Tajiri now, keeping him away from Rhyno and dominating him with continual work on the arm, eventually leaving the Buzzsaw with effectively one arm to use. Eventually, Daivari attempts a leg-scissor takeover, but Tajiri somehow counters into a stunning enziguri to leave both men down! Crawling, one-armed, to his partner, Tajiri finally makes the tag he has been looking for, whilst Daivari leaps up to tag in Hussan moments later. Rhyno is on fire, however, and quickly sets about demolishing Hussan with some fierce shoulder thrusts in the turnbuckle and a high-impact superplex, before slamming him hard into the turnbuckle and dropping back into the opposite corner, lining his opponent up. As he does so, however, Khosrow Daivari jumps into the ring, seemingly to take the proverbial bullet to protect his friend, but Tajiri sees him and jumps over the top rope into the ring, spitting green mist as he does! Daivari, Rhyno, and the mist all collide in the middle of the ring, but it is the Man Beast who takes the brunt of the mist! Daivari rolls to the outside, whilst a blinded Rhyno is easy prey for a Complete Shot by Hussan and the pinfall at 9:38! **

    Not wanting to push their luck, the Arabs quickly exit the ring post-match, with Hussan helping his winded manager backstage, yelling to the fans that they are proving just how inadequate America is, or words to that effect. In the ring, Tajiri begins to help his partner to his feet, but Rhyno shoves him away and gets up on his own, rubbing the mist from his eyes. The Man Beast yells something or other to Tajiri, clearly upset at having lost the match based upon his own partner’s difference-maker, and storms backstage on his own.

    (Match Quality 76%, Crowd Reaction 67%, Overall Rating 71%)

    (Muhammed Hussan debuted his new “Angry Young Man” gimmick, it got a positive response)

    ---Commercial Break---


    As we return from the commercials, we are backstage, in Batista’s locker room. The former ‘Animal of Evolution’ is preparing for his main event match later tonight, lacing up his boots and applying his ring tape. He then begins to search around for something, assumedly part of his attire, but cannot find it. As he looks, a voice is heard off screen, confirming our announcer’s earlier guessing…

    Randy Orton: Lookin’ for this?

    Orton walks into the shot now, holding an elbow pad. He tosses it to Batista, who catches it and embraces him warmly, grinning…

    Batista: I didn’t know you were gonna be back tonight. How’s the head?

    Randy Orton: Well, we’ll see tonight I guess, feels fine though. How’s about you?

    Batista: I’m good, yeah… Ric and Hunter were just talkin’ back there, looks like they’re on the warpath now.

    Randy Orton: Look, man, take it from me - you did the right thing. The last place you need to be is trapped in those men’s shadow, stuck in mediocrity because they can’t accept that you’ve outgrown them. You’re out on your own now, buddy, and that’s where the action is.

    Batista: Yeah… not totally alone, though.

    Randy Orton: No way, buddy, I’ll always have your back. Anyhow, I’ve gotta get changed, because my match is up soon. I’ll speak to you after the show.

    Batista: Right. Good luck.

    The two men shake hands, and Orton exits the locker room, leaving Batista to pull the elbow pad on and return to taping up his wrists as we switch to ringside.

    (Segment quality 73%)

    (Randy Orton lost 2 points of overness from this segment)


    “Stand back, there’s a Hurricane comin’ through!”

    RAW’s resident superhero heads out to the ring now, getting a good reaction from the live crowd, posing on the ramp with his hands on his hips as always, and then striding down to the ring, taking the time to high-five a few fans in the front row and then stepping into the ring, removing his cape and tossing it to the outside. Christian’s music plays a moment later, and Captain Charisma heads out to the ring, mouthing off at some front-row hecklers and generally shrugging off the terrible reception that the Ohio crowd is giving him. Heading into the ring now, Christian spends a few moments mocking the Hurricane, before the bell rings.

    The Hurricane vs. Christian

    The two lightweights start off with a cruiserweight-style reversal sequence in the middle of the ring, ducking under each other’s attacks and flipping under each other, before Hurricane finally darts to the ropes, bounces off, and floors Christian with a flying forearm, jumping back up and nailing an elbow drop, followed up with a moonsault splash. The superhero attempts to follow up with a suplex, but Christian blocks it and nails one of his own, rolling on top for a quick 2-count, and then stomping away at Hurricane, keeping him on the mat, following up with a vicious leglock and some more stomps, this time to the knee joints and ankles, clearly zoning in on the legs now. Helms battles to his feet, and hits another flying forearm, before going to the top rope for a missile dropkick, but Christian is able to sidestep and grabs Hurricane’s legs, dropping down to the mat with them for a legbreaker. Taking control now, he slows the match down with some more stomps and kicks to the legs, before applying a double-leg grapevine in the middle of the ring. Christian dominates in the next few minutes of the contest, totally centred on his opponent’s lower half with some great submission-based wrestling and some innovative offense, including a missile dropkick to Hurricane’s knee and a back-body drop that lands the superhero’s knees hard on the ropes. Eventually, Hurricane manages to get back on level pegging, striking away at Christian to get back to his feet, before whipping him into the turnbuckle. As Hurricane attempts a charge, however, one of his legs seemingly gives way, leaving him on one knee and in perfect position for a field-goal kick to the jaw from his opponent. Siezing the opportunity, Christian applies a half Boston crab now, and we go to a commercial break.

    ---Commercial Break---

    We return with the crab still applied, and Hurricane desperately battling for the ropes. Captain Charisma is laughing it up, yelling for Helms to tap out and shouting back at any abuse he hears from the crowd. Eventually, however, the superhero seems to get a burst of energy and makes it to the ropes, forcing Christian to break the hold. Hurricane is clearly babying the legs now as he strikes away at Christian, unable to use his usual high-flying and fast-paced offensive moves. Eventually, he knocks Christian down with a haymaker punch, and backs up, hitting the Shining Black Wizard! The force of the move clearly hurts Helms as well, however, and both men are down on the mat. Christian is the first to his feet, and takes the time to taunt the fans before turning around, right into a super kick! Hurricane again sacrifices his own well-being to hurt his opponent, and is down clutching his knee, unable to take advantage. Using the ropes now, Hurricane pulls himself to his feet, and heads up to the top, looking to put Christian away. This proves to be a bad strategy, as his damaged legs cannot give him the thrust needed for his flying splash, and he falls painfully short. Christian takes advantage, rolling to the outside and retrieving a steel chair from the timekeeper, brandishing it high and yelling back at an outraged fan in the front row. As he does, however, we see a figure jumping out of the crowd, taking a moment, and then unleashing a ferocious super kick as Christian turns around, crushing the chair back in his face - it’s Steven Richards! Steven rolls Christian back into the ring, where the Hurricane is just about back on his feet, nailing another self-sacrificing Shining Black Wizard and this time slumping on top for the pinfall at 22:16! ****½

    The crowd gives Hurricane a rapturous reception as the bell rings, impressed with him for being able to finish the match. He rolls to the outside now, where Steven Richards is on hand to help him to the back, along with an EMT. In the ring, Christian eventually stirs, and gets to his feet, hearing Hurricane’s music playing. Furious, he starts yelling abuse at the referee about Steven’s interference, and eventually just knocks the official’s teeth out with a furious right hand! Christian continues to whale away on the referee now, until security rush down to the ring to pull him away, yelling and screaming the whole time.

    (Match Quality 100%, Crowd Reaction 76%, Overall Rating 88%)

    Jim Ross: Oh come on! Christian can’t take a loss, so he takes it out on the referee?

    Jerry Lawler: He got attacked, JR! Steven Richards kicked a damn steel chair in his face, and Nick Patrick let it stand? How is that fair?

    Jim Ross: Christian brought the chair into play, King, it was Christian who was attempting to mar what was, up to that point, a truly great match, and in my book he deserves everything he gets!

    Jerry Lawler: Oh, for God’s sake, stop getting on your moral high horse! Let’s hope this commercial break calms you down!

    ---Commercial Break---


    As we return from the break, Todd Grisham can be seen walking backstage, minding his own business as usual. Into the scene, however, storms an angry and out-of-breath Christian, who has clearly come straight from the ring. Captain Charisma grabs Grisham by the arm, and steers him into the centre of our view, alongside himself…

    Todd Grisham: Whoa! Wha… what’s going on?

    Christian: Shut up and stand still, little T. You’re about to get an exclusive interview, and all you’ve gotta do is stand still and be quiet. How’s that sound?

    Todd Grisham: Uh, I…

    Christian: That’s not being quiet, T.

    Turning to face the camera now, Christian grabs Grisham’s wrist and steers it towards him so that the interviewer’s microphone is right under his face…

    Christian: Steven Richards! Who the Hell do you think you are, punk? You stuck your nose into my business last week on RAW, you made me look a fool in front of millions of my Peeps, and that’s just not acceptable! So, to show you how we do things in the big boy’s game, I got even with you in your little match on HeAT last night… end of story! Or, so I thought, but oh no - you’re a fame-hungry little SOB, aren’t you? You want to make something with me to boost your own floundering career? Alright, it’s your funeral! They tell me that RAW is having a show in Springfield on February twenty-sixth, a show they’re calling Retaliation. That seems pretty fitting to me, Steven, so here’s the pitch - you and me, one-on-one, and I’ll show you just what retaliation is about, for all of my Peeps worldwide! Get out of my face, Grisham, we’re done.

    With that, Christian shoves the interviewer out of his way, and storms away in the same direction he was heading before, walking quickly out of shot.

    (Segment quality 75%)

    Jim Ross: Clearly Steven Richards has had more of an effect on Christian than we first realised, King! And yes, folks, we can confirm that RAW will be hosting Retaliation in Springfield, Mass, on the twenty-sixth of this month! There are still a limited amount of tickets on sale, and you can contact your local cable or satellite provider to check availability for what is sure to be a huge show!

    Jerry Lawler: Quit the hard sell, JR, it’s not necessary! We’ve already got Christian vs. Steven Richards lined up, and watching Captain Charisma put that crazy nut job in his place will be worth the twenty bucks on its own!


    “Hey! Nothing you can say can change what you’ve done to me!”

    Randy Orton’s music plays now, and the Ohio crowd give the Legend Killer a thunderous ovation as he makes his return to the WWE after a short absence, looking psyched up as ever and showing very little in the way of ill-effects from his recent concussions. Randy steps into the ring now, posing for the fans the whole time, as his music is replaced by Evolution’s. The boos of the crowd reach fever pitch as Ric Flair heads out from the back in a glittering blue robe, taunting and ‘woo’-ing away despite the boos. He struts down to the ring, his eyes fixed on his former comrade, before disrobing on the outside and sliding into the ring as the bell sounds.

    Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair

    Orton immediately takes it to Flair as the bell rings, punching and striking away at him in the early moments of the match, forcing him into the ropes and unloading on him with some fierce knifedge chops, each one eliciting a fresh ‘woo!’ from the crowd. As the chops continue to rain down, Flair eventually folds over to protect himself, dropping to his knees and pleading with Randy… only to nail the inevitable low blow! Orton folds over now as Flair stands up, driving him to the mat with a DDT to take control. The Nature Boy shows off his timeless grasp of ring psychology now, going after Orton’s head with some submission holds, hard punches and strikes to the temples, and a big backdrop that sends the Legend Killer’s head whiplashing off of the mat. Continuing his work on the head, Flair latches on a reverse chinlock, trapping Orton in the middle of the ring, cinching back with the hold and leaving his opponent yelling out loud, much to the disdain of the crowd, who begin to clap along now, getting behind Randy. He fights back to his feet now, with the chinlock still applied, and throws a wild mule kick backwards, catching Flair right in the crotch! As the Nature Boy clutches his groin in pain, Orton nails a gutwrench suplex, before signalling for the end. As he does, however, we see a very angry Triple H storming out from the back with the sledgehammer in hand! Orton sees the Game coming, and assumes a fighting stance as he enters the ring. Hunter swings the sledgehammer, and Orton ducks, leaving the wild swing to connect with Flair’s face! Flair goes down hard, and Triple H is caught off guard with an RKO from Orton! Randy hauls Flair to his feet now, dropping him back down with an RKO for good measure, and makes the cover for the 3-count at 8:55! *½

    With his music echoing around the arena, Orton climbs onto the turnbuckle in celebration now, his arms raised in triumph. As he does, however, Triple H comes at him from behind, hitting him hard across the back with the sledgehammer! The Game helps Flair to his feet now, and the remnants of Evolution begin to stomp away at Orton like vultures now, until the Ohio crowd begins to go crazy - Batista is running down the ramp! The behemoth almost decapitates Flair with a clothesline, before turning to Triple H. Hunter raises the sledgehammer in defence, but Batista simply grabs the weapon and tosses it aside, before blasting Triple H with another hard clothesline! The Animal helps Randy Orton to his feet now, and the two friends exit the ring, leaving Evolution flat out on the mat.

    (Match Quality 65%, Crowd Reaction 89%, Overall Rating 81%)

    (Ric Flair lost 1 point of overness from this match)

    Jim Ross: Yes! Finally, with the odds even, King, we find out that Evolution might not be as dominant as they’ve led us to believe! How does it feel, Game, to be the man on the receiving end of the beating?

    Jerry Lawler: This is not right, JR! Batista wasn’t involved in this match… since he’s left Evolution, he’s lost all sense of manners and decorum!

    Jim Ross: Oh yeah, because Triple H and Ric Flair just exude manners.

    Jerry Lawler: They’re very classy individuals!

    Jim Ross: Yeah, those sneak-attacks and sledgehammers are really classy, King. We’ll be right back, folks, but don’t go away because our huge main event is next!

    ---Commercial Break---


    We return from the commercial break not to the ring, but to the WWE Slam of the Week, which this week is the match between Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit from Saitama, Japan…

    Jericho yells and screams in pain, before tapping out… but there’s no referee! Benoit sees this, and releases the hold, going to check on the referee now. He begins to rouse the hapless official, and is just getting somewhere when a blur comes flying off of the top rope - a flying chair shot to the back from Y2J! Disposing quickly of the chair, Jericho helps the referee back to his feet, and applies the Walls of Jericho. With his back already beaten and battered, Benoit fights as much as he can, but eventually taps out!

    ~Scene Skip~

    Chris Benoit staggers to his feet, clearly hurting, and Jericho takes a moment to regard him now, before helping him straighten up and offering a handshake. Benoit looks incredulously at Jericho, and casts a gaze around at the fans, who are applauding this showing. The Rabid Wolverine takes the handshake… only for Jericho to pull him roughly into a double-armed backbreaker! The fans explode with furious boos and jeers now, as Y2J stomps away on Benoit, leaving him down and out on the mat. The referee pulls him away now, but Jericho just shrugs him off and exits the ring, a sadistic grin on his face as he yells out…

    “I showed you, I showed you all! I don’t need you, I showed you!”

  13. user posted image

    WWE Sunday Night HeAT


    Location: Saitama, Japan

    Announcers: Todd Grisham and Johnathan “Coach” Coachman

    HeAT begins with some highlights, as per usual, from this week’s RAW. We see the unfolding situation with Edge and Shawn Michaels, culminating in Edge’s vicious attack on the Heartbreak Kid; stills of Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit’s rocket-buster of a submission match, and the sickening attack from Y2J after the bout; and Evolution’s evening, the highlights package wrapping up with shots of Triple H’s tainted victory over Edge, followed by the attack on the World champion by Batista. From there, we go to the HeAT opening video, and then over to Todd Grisham and the Coach for the B-show everybody’s talking about…

    Todd Grisham: Welcome to HeAT! I’m Todd Grisham, alongside my broadcast partner…

    Johnathan Coachman: Coach is in the hiz-awz, baby! What’s up, Grisham?

    Todd Grisham: Well, I…

    Johnathan Coachman: Oh, wait - as long as I’d love to hear this one, Toddy boy, we’ve got to get right on with the show, and I’m told we’re going backstage to start!


    We do indeed head to the backstage area, where Maven is to be seen, doing some curls and generally working out, despite not being booked for tonight’s show. As he works up a sweat, we see Simon Dean strolling into the locker room behind him, watching on with his arms folded and a disdainful look on his face. Maven continues his workout, oblivious, until he finally finishes and turns around, coming face-to-face with Simon…

    Maven: You’re in my way.

    Simon Dean: Oh really? From where I’m standing, most of the arena is in your way, tubby.

    Maven: Excuse me? I’m in great shape!

    Simon Dean: Just because you’re not a hulking lard-bucket like some people on the roster doesn’t mean you’re in great shape. You know, I’ve met dozens of people like you… you’re overweight. Look at you, you’re not toned, you’re not buff… you’re a joke!

    Maven: You’d better watch your mouth!

    Simon Dean: Is it any wonder you’re not wrestling on RAW week in and week out like you say you should be? Hell, you’re not even booked for this show… what does that tell you about your physical condition? Think about it, Maven - the Simon System can help you.

    Maven: Oh right, and there’s me thinkin’ this was about more than a hard sell. I don’t want what you’re sellin’, Dean.

    Simon shakes his head, disappointed, and goes to walk away, before getting an idea in his head.

    Simon Dean: Fine. Fight me tonight. I’ll prove to you that the Simon System can turn you from rough… to buff.

    Maven: You’re on.

    With that, Simon Dean exits the locker room, grinning at the chance to sell some product, heading off towards the ring.

    (Segment quality 77%)

    (Simon Dean gained 1 point of overness from this segment)


    Only moments later, Simon’s music plays over the speakers, and after a few seconds he strolls out onto the ramp, heading down to the ring with confident strides. He steps into the ring, smirking at some overweight people in the front row and showing off his own physique, before Maven’s music replaces his and the Tough Enough champion storms out onto the ramp, clearly looking to get back at Simon for his earlier comments. The two men share a brief stare-down as the bell rings before tearing into each other.

    Simon Dean vs. Maven

    Simon dominates the opening moments of this bout with his innovative, fast-paced offensive maneuvers keeping Maven guessing and unable to carve out any real advantage of his own, spending much of his time on the backfoot. After a hangman’s DDT, however, Simon spends too long showboating before attempting a moonsault, allowing Maven time to roll away and take control. The first-ever Tough Enough winner shows off those textbook credentials for a while now, using his grasp of the basics of the mat game to wear Simon down fairly indiscriminately, before hitting a big dropkick to send Simon toppling to the outside. Ducking under the apron, Simon seems to be scrabbling around for something, and as Maven leans over the top rope to grab him, he gets a faceful of the Simon System in powder form! Simon rolls back into the ring now, and gets a quick inside cradle for the 3-count on a blinded Maven at 4:04. *¾

    After the match, Simon positively leaps for joy at the victory, and yells to the downed Maven that it was all down to the Simon System, which is more or less true. Wiping the powder from his eyes, Maven gets to his feet, furious, and lunges at the self-help guru. Simon is too wily for him, however, and ducks out of the ring, backpedalling quickly up the ramp as Maven stands furious in the ring.

    (Match Quality 72%, Crowd Reaction 67%, Overall Rating 69%)

    Johnathan Coachman: Simon making a quick exit there, Todd, but it doesn’t change that he beat Maven! Y’know, I think he’s right - Maven is looking a little overweight lately!

    Todd Grisham: Look who’s talking, Coach. Evidently you’ve been enjoying a little too much of momma’s home cooking over the last few weeks!

    Johnathan Coachman: Hey, I’m still carrying some holiday weight! We’ll be right back, folks!

    ---Commercial Break---


    Back from the commercials, and faithful WWE interviewer Chris Leary is standing with the Justice League, Rosey and the Hurricane, both of whom are standing with their hands on their hips in classic superhero style…

    Chris Leary: Hurricane, Rosey… you’re moments away from a bout with the new team of Mark Henry and Garrison Cade, and it appears as if you’ve been chosen to give the newcomers a welcoming match in the tag team division. Do you have any words?

    The Hurricane: It seems, Citizen Leary, that the Justice League must once again battle the oversized forces of evil in the tag team division, this time in a new form. But evil never changes its nature, only its shape, and rest assured that our hurri-powers are more than equipped to deal with some pretenders to the throne.

    Rosey: You can say that again, Hurricane!

    The Hurricane: Citizen Leary, this interview is over. Come, Rosey!

    And, with that, the two superheroes ‘fly’ out of shot, leaving Leary standing alone holding the microphone. After a brief pause, we return to ringside.

    (Segment quality 77%)

    (Rosey gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

    Todd Grisham: Hurricane and Rosey are fired up for this one, Coach!

    Johnathan Coachman: Not that it matters, Todd, my boy Garrison Cade is in this one, which means we already know the result!

    Todd Grisham: Does he even like you? From what I hear backstage, he doesn’t even return your calls anymore. Trouble in paradise?

    Johnathan Coachman: He had a network problem, he told me so! Stop spreading gossip!


    “When the beat kicks in, I start rockin’!”

    Mark Henry’s music plays over the speakers now, and the newly-formed tag team of the World’s Strongest Man and Garrison Cade head out onto the ramp, flexing and posing. The reaction from the fans is mixed, leaning towards boos based on the presence of Cade in the duo. The two men head down to the ring, and moments later “Stand Back” replaces their music. The Justice League head out onto the ramp, capes billowing out behind them, posing for the crowd. The two superheroes then head down to the ring to face off with the new kids on the tag team block.

    Mark Henry/Garrison Cade vs. Justice League

    The physically-imposing duo of Henry and Cade quickly overpower their opponents, with Henry pulling out the rare feat of lifting Rosey over his head early on and tossing him to the outside, leaving Hurricane alone against two bigger men. Isolating RAW’s premier superhero, the newcomers carve out a strong hold on the match now, both men using their power to dominate the high-flier. Cade brings his agility into play as well, leaping off of the top rope with a flying elbow, which gets a 2-count before Rosey intervenes. Hurricane tags in his bigger partner now, and with the size advantage gone the Justice League begin to pull their way back into the bout as Rosey manhandles Cade around the ring. Eventually, Mark Henry gets involved, grabbing Rosey for a Bearhug, but the superhero manages to reach out at tag Hurricane whilst still in the hold, and then falls backwards, sending both himself and Henry to the outside! With Cade watching the fall, Hurricane surprises him from behind with an Eye of the Hurricane for the victory at 6:40! ¾*

    “Stand Back” plays again, and Hurricane celebrates the victory as Cade rolls to the outside, and Rosey joins his comrade in the ring. The superheroes play to the crowd for a while, and we go to a commercial break.

    (Match Quality 62%, Crowd Reaction 69%, Overall Rating 66%)

    (Mark Henry didn’t sell much, which hurt the match rating)

    ---Commercial Break---


    As we return from the commercial break, we see an unfamiliar young wrestler in generic tights standing in the ring, and Rhyno’s music is playing over the speakers. The Man-Beast heads down to the ring, snarling and panting as always, while the announcers inform us that his opponent today is named Daniel Shade. Rhyno heads into the ring, and immediately goes after the youngster when the bell rings.

    Rhyno vs. Daniel Shade

    The former Hardcore champion instantly blasts Shade with a shoulder block to knock him down, and drops a few elbows before latching on a facelock. The youngster eventually battles his way out of the hold, getting to his feet and driving an elbow into Rhyno’s ribs, but quickly finds himself dominated again with a series of punches and kicks from Rhyno, sending him into the turnbuckle. There, the Man-Beast nails some hard shoulder thrusts and chops, before hefting Shade onto the turnbuckle as if for a superplex and hitting a modified ace crusher! Rhyno allows Shade to get up, and the youngster tackles him down, before hitting a leg drop and a springboard splash, which gets him a round of applause. Rhyno is instantly back on the offensive, however, dropping the debutant with a rib breaker and a stomach crusher, before Irish whipping him hard into the turnbuckle and dropping back, before charging forwards as Shade rebounds backwards… Gore! After that, the 3-count is academic at 4:25 *¼

    Rhyno’s music plays again now, and the Man-Beast leaps back to his feet, pounding his chest in victory, and climbs the nearest turnbuckle to him, pounding his chest ferociously again, as we take another commercial break.

    (Match Quality 72%, Crowd Reaction 51%, Overall Rating 61%)

    ---Commercial Break---

    Johnathan Coachman: We’re back! Coming up, we’ve got Stevie Night HeAT himself, Steven Richards, meeting Sylvain Grenier, but right now it’s the debut of Muhammed Hussan, as he faces Tajiri!

    Todd Grisham: I don’t get why these guys are so anti-American, yet they’re starting their charge against a guy from Japan, Coach.

    Johnathan Coachman: Ha! Shows what you know, Todd! Tajiri is an American citizen, Japanese or not, and I guess for these guys an adopted American is just as bad as a born American! Or worse! No… as bad, definitely as bad.


    Muhammed Hussan’s music plays now, and the headdress-toting Arab-American heads out onto the ramp to a chorus of boos from the live crowd, with his manager Khosrow Daivari alongside him. The two men discuss their tactics on the way down to the ring, and Hussan hands Daivari his headdress as he steps into the ring. Tajiri’s music plays now, and the Japanese Buzzsaw heads out to a great reaction from the live crowd, walking down to the ring to face Hussan.

    Tajiri vs. Muhammed Hussan

    Hussan offers a handshake as the bell rings, which Tajiri takes, instantly being yanked into a spike DDT from the Arabian, who starts stomping away at him hard on the mat, before leaping down onto him with a splash. Tajiri fights his way back up with some punches, before kicking Hussan hard in the face, sending him reeling back into the ropes, and back off with a dropkick to the Buzzsaw. The two men put on a good bout here, with Tajiri using his quickness and ‘educated feet’ to knock Hussan down time and again, whilst the debutant uses his sheer ferocity and good grasp of technical wrestling to wear the Japanese Buzzsaw down as the match goes on. After some hard-hitting kicks, Tajiri sends Hussan into the corner and nails his handspring elbow, but the Arabian is able to counter the attempted follow-up bulldog with an atomic whip, sending him over the top rope! Tajiri lands hard on the outside, and Hussan slyly distracts the official while Khosrow Daivari begins to stomp and whale away on the Buzzsaw, even smashing his face against the ring steps, before rolling him back under the bottom rope. Hussan takes advantage, and latches on a Camel Clutch! Tajiri tries to fight the painful hold, but eventually has no choice other than to submit at 6:55! **

    After the match, Hussan celebrates his cheap debut victory, and Khosrow Daivari joins him in the ring. As they raise each other’s arms and gloat the the booing crowd, however, Tajiri kips up to his feet behind them, and begins to line up! The fans cheer at this, which causes a confused Hussan to turn around - right into a killer heel kick! Hussan hits the mat, and Daivari quickly escapes the ring before he meets the same fate, dragging his client out of the ring with him. Tajiri stares the two Arabs down now, as Daivari yells that this isn’t over.

    (Match Quality 75%, Crowd Rating 64%, Overall Rating 69%)

    (Muhammed Hussan gained 1 point of overness from this match)

    Todd Grisham: Tajiri getting a measure of revenge there after the tainted victory from Muhammed Hussan!

    Johnathan Coachman: Maybe that’s how they do things in the Middle East, Todd?

    Todd Grisham: They’re American, Coach.

    Johnathan Coachman: Oh. Let’s go to the back!


    Coach’s quick distraction from his ignorance takes us backstage, where Steven Richards is standing with a microphone, staring down the camera, with seemingly no interviewer in sight…

    Steven Richards: This is Stevie Night HeAT… this is my show! Sylvain Grenier, you want to come into my house and challenge me? I don’t know how they do things in France, buddy boy, but over here on Stevie Night HeAT we have a little more respect for the General Manager, if you know what I’m saying. So tonight, I’m gonna kick your ass all the way back to Paris, mon copain, and that’s the facts. I’ll show you, you’ll see!

    Richards tosses down the microphone, and walks off towards the ring as we take a commercial break.

    (Segment quality 67%)

    ---Commercial Break---


    “I’ll show you, you’ll see!”

    The HeAT GM’s music is playing full force as we return from the commercials, and Steven Richards heads out to the ring, accompanied of course by Victoria, resplendent in bright pink trunks. Steven slaps hands with a few fans on the way down to the ring, and even pauses to sign an autograph for one young kid in the front row, before jumping into the ring. La Resistance’s music plays now, and Sylvain Grenier heads out to the ring, waving the French flag around, ignoring the boos of the live crowd. Stepping into the ring, Grenier removes his robe and beret, handing them to the referee along with the flag, and then attacks Steven from behind as the official is removing the items!

    Steven Richards vs. Sylvain Grenier

    Grenier’s pre-match attack gives him a strong early position, and he dominates the opening moments with some hard strikes, a clothesline, and some fierce knee drops to the gut and ribs. The Frenchman follows up with an abdominal stretch submission, before kneeing Richards hard in the kidney and shoving him into the turnbuckle, following up with a dropkick and a rollup. Steven fights back, however, kicking out and unloading on Grenier with some snap suplexes, dropkicks of his own, and a huge spine buster that sends the Frenchman rolling to the outside. As he catches his breath, however, Steven vaults over the top rope with a suicide dive, sending both men clattering down to the floor! They both re-enter the ring now, and Grenier makes a charge at Richards, but only eats boot and takes a big DDT. Steven signals for the finish now, and hauls his opponent up to his feet, setting him up for the Stevie-T! The move connects, and Richards hooks the leg, but there is no count! Getting up to investigate, Richards notices a figure laughing it up on the outside - it’s Christian! Christian, seemingly in a measure of revenge for the events of RAW, has knocked out the official, and watches with glee as Grenier blasts Steven in the head with the French flag, before reviving the referee and hitting his Running Powerslam for the victory at 7:48! *¼

    As the bell rings, Christian quickly jumps up onto the apron, nodding to Grenier as the Frenchman leaves the ring. All alone with Steven now, Christian begins to stomp away on the HeAT GM, until Victoria tries to come to her man’s aid! After a stiff slap to the face, Christian grins wildly at Victoria, before dropping her with a big clothesline! Continuing his stomps, Christian leaves both Steven and Victoria decimated, before climbing the turnbuckles to celebrate.

    (Match Quality 68%, Crowd Reaction 65%, Overall Rating 66%)

    Todd Grisham: What a sick display! Can you remember the last time something like this happened on HeAT?

    Johnathan Coachman: I certainly can’t, Todd, and let me tell you I’m not happy, and I can bet Stevie Night HeAT won’t be happy either!

    Todd Grisham: You can say that again! We’ll be back next week, folks, but make sure you tune into RAW tomorrow night to catch Chris Benoit and Batista versus Edge and Chris Jericho, as well as the return of Randy Orton and much more! We’ll see you there!

    Johnathan Coachman: Peace out!

    Overall Card Rating - 57%

    -- Thanks, Funky, for the point about feedback. I don't want the diary filled with people whoring away with fake feedback just to boost their own post count/fragile male ego, thanks. Keep it relevant, please.

    -- Reil - treat the Tajiri/Hussan situation as the writers trying/failing to be clever, I guess. And yes, that episode of RAW was pretty heinous - woman-beating, evil heel turns, Shawn Michaels on television, etc. You can see JR's point.

    Raven's Kid!


  14. WWE RAW rating, RAW and HeAT Previews, new developmental talent, more…

    The WWE has this morning announced an overnight 6.04 for February’s first RAW, with 7,544 in attendance at the Saitama Super Arena. This is expected to make the company around $301760 in income from ticket sales. WWE insiders are said to be happy with the rating, and also spoke very highly of the atmosphere in the Super Arena and of the Japanese crowd, saying that the idea of taking the live product out to Japan would be something they would consider doing again.

    As well as the news of the ratings, several additions to its burgeoning Ohio Valley Wrestling developmental territory. The new additions will work, as usual, under Jim Cornette to improve their abilities until it is seen fit for them to make the jump to television. In alphabetical order, the list runs as follows…

    Adam Pearce,

    Adam Windsor,

    Andy Anderson,

    Jamie Koeppe,

    Jorge Estrada,

    Pepper Parks,

    Shannon Ward.

    Amongst the more interesting names on the list is Shannon Ward, formerly known as Daffney in WCW, who has worked in the WWE’s developmental system before. Ward has a large independent following, and it is expected that she will spend the least time in Ohio before being called up. Also joining the OVW roster will be Viscera, who has been sent down to the territory by new head booker Mark Jackson until his weight and mobility improve somewhat.

    Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho’s match from RAW has been commended by those backstage within the WWE, especially road agent Dean Malenko and the head booker himself. Both men are reportedly very pleased with what they produced, and rumours of an early Match of the Year candidate are certainly not unfounded.

    Also released by the WWE today were the previews for both this weekend’s HeAT and next week’s RAW - these can be found below.

    -- Credit: www.grapplefanatics.com

  15. user posted image



    Location: Saitama, Japan

    Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler

    The broadcast begins with some highlights from the Royal Rumble, showing Triple H defeating Randy Orton to win the World Heavyweight title, Edge’s strong double-showing at the event, and Batista winning the Rumble match itself. From there, we see more clips of what went down at last week’s RAW, featuring the unease between Batista and Triple H, the signing of Edge’s title match, and the tag team main event that saw Randy Orton heavily concussed. With the recaps finished, we go over to the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan, for the first-ever edition of RAW to emanate from the Land of the Rising Sun! Tonight’s pyrotechnics are even more elaborate than usual, and the packed-out crowd of 7,544 are on their feet as we go over to Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler for the introductions…

    Jim Ross: Konichiwa, ladies and gentlemen, from the historic Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan! This arena has seen some historic bouts in its time, ladies and gentlemen, and some truly memorable nights, and tonight will be no exception for the first RAW to come from the Land of the Rising Sun!

    Jerry Lawler: Was that Japanese you just spoke, JR?

    Jim Ross: It was indeed, King - when in Rome!

    Jerry Lawler: But we’re in Japan…

    Jim Ross: Forget it. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got some huge matches - in fact, we’ve received the final card from General Manager Eric Bischoff, and to commemorate this historic night every RAW-owned title will be on the line tonight! We’ve got our huge main event, Triple H defending against the hungry challenger Edge, along with tag team action as La Resistance defend their titles against William Regal and Tajiri, whilst Shelton Benjamin’s ‘open contract offer’ has been taken up this week by Gene Snitzky, and Trish Stratus defends the Women’s title against Victoria!

    Jerry Lawler: Don’t forget the two other matches on our show tonight, JR! Kane and Shawn Michaels meet in singles competition, not to mention the massive submission match!

    Jim Ross: Oh, I haven’t forgotten, King - Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, two of the most technically-sound athletes in the world today, and no strangers to Japan I might add, meet in a submission-only match, and you’d better believe that one will be a slobberknocker, folks!


    The introductions complete, we switch over to the back now, to the Evolution locker room, which is well-furnished and reeking of expensive taste as usual. Ric Flair is sitting on the expansive leather couch, eating grapes and watching the broadcast, whilst Batista is pacing nervously…

    Ric Flair: Will ya sit down?

    Batista: I don’t want to sit down.

    Ric Flair: Fine, fine, suit yourself. Just don’t run yourself out, this is a big night.

    Before Batista can answer, the door opens and Triple H walks in with his bags, led by a Japanese woman wearing something of a geisha girl outfit…

    Geisha Girl: Konichiwa, Triple H-san.

    Triple H: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for helpin’ me find the room.

    The woman leaves, and Hunter dumps his bag on the table before sitting next to Flair, helping himself to some grapes. After a few moments, he looks over at the still-pacing Batista with an irritated look…

    Triple H: Are ya gonna be doin’ that all night?

    Batista: I’m nervous, OK? Cut it out.

    Triple H: Will ya chill out? Everything’s fallin’ into place, this is our time now. Orton ain’t here tonight, he’s back in the States with an ice pack clutched to his head, I’m gonna send Edge packin’ tonight… and when you wipe that smirk offa J.B.L.’s face, and win the WWE title, the whole of the WWE is gonna be ruled by Evolution… this is just perfect, what d’you have to be nervous about?

    Batista: I haven’t made my decision, okay? It’s a tough choice.

    Triple H: Whaddaya mean, it’s a tough choice? You ain’t thinkin’ about fightin’ me, are ya?

    Before Batista can answer, however, Flair interjects by standing up and placing himself in between them…

    Ric Flair: Enough’o this, you two! Champ, you’ve got a big match tonight, why don’t ya get ready? And Dave… if you’re that nervous, go get yourself somethin’ to drink or whatever, and calm yourself down.

    Batista nods, and exits the locker room. Triple H watches him go, with an uneasy look on his face, before turning back to Flair. The Nature Boy shrugs, and before we can hear any more of their conversation, the cameras switch back to ringside.

    (Segment quality 77%)

    (Triple H lost 2 points of overness from this segment)

    Jim Ross: All’s not rosy in the Evolution camp, King!

    Jerry Lawler: Will you cut it out? You’re seeing problems where there are none! Batista’s just nervous because he’s never been to Japan before, JR - you know what it’s like, being in a strange new country where you don’t know the language? It’s got to be a little weird!

    Jim Ross: And this wouldn’t have anything to do with him maybe wanting a shot at Triple H?

    Jerry Lawler: I told you to stop, didn’t I? Why would he want to face Triple H when he can beat J.B.L. and have the whole WWE ruled by Evolution? It doesn’t make sense!


    “Whoa! It’s time to rock and roll!”

    Trish Stratus’ music plays now, and the WWE Women’s champion heads out to the ring, arm-in-arm with her boyfriend Christian, to boos from our Japanese audience. The two share a sickening embrace on the ramp, totally uncaring that millions have to watch their kissing, and then stroll down into the ring, where they share another kiss. Victoria’s music replaces Trish’s, now, and she heads down to the ring as well, unaccompanied this evening. As Christian rolls to the outside, the two women square off to begin our opener.

    Trish Stratus © vs. Victoria - WWE Women’s title

    Trish starts out well early on with a bitch-slap to her opponent’s face, showing a total lack of respect, following up with a hair-pull toss and a clothesline to take Victoria down. Straddling her on the mat now, Trish follows up with some punches and begins to pound Victoria’s head again and again on the mat, earning her a telling off from the official. Victoria uses the distraction to come from behind with a face crusher, and begins to assert her dominance with some fiery suplexes, slaps of her own, and even a bulldog much like Trish’s own signature move! After this one, Victoria sets her opponent up as if for the Widow’s Peak, but Trish somehow escapes and rolls to the outside. She runs to Christian, seemingly for comfort having almost been planted, and then rolls back into the ring, knocking Victoria down with a high forearm to the face. As she makes the cover, however, we see her kick something back out to Christian - the Women’s title belt! Trish gets the 1-2-3 at 4:01 to retain the title, thanks to her boyfriend and the title. ½*

    After the match, Christian enters the ring to celebrate with Trish, but she doesn’t seem to be finished with Victoria. She begins to rain down stomps and slaps on her defeated opponent, even getting Christian to hold her up for some slaps and punches! As Christian does this, however, a figure comes hurtling down the ramp - it’s Steven Richards! Richards dives into the ring, shoving Christian down to release Victoria, and sends both Christian and Trish Stratus running from the ring. Christian stares daggers at Richards from the outside, while Steven throws a few choice comments his way and checks on Victoria.

    (Match Quality 56%, Crowd Reaction 81%, Overall Rating 73%)

    (Steven Richards debuted his new ‘Old School Face’ gimmick, it got a positive response)

    (The WWE Women’s title has gained image)

    Jerry Lawler: What the Hell was that about? Why did Steven Richards get involved?

    Jim Ross: What do you mean, why?

    Jerry Lawler: I mean why, JR! What for, how come, wherefore?

    Jim Ross: Because of that sickening display by Trish Stratus and Christian! What kind of man goes around doing that to a woman, King?

    Jerry Lawler: This is the twenty-first century, JR, didn’t you know? Everybody’s equal these days, it’s all about the sisterhood being on the same level as men!

    Jim Ross: Well, if that’s what that means, King, I’ll be old-fashioned and out-of-date, thankyou very much! We’ll be right back, people.

    ---Commercial Break---


    “Ain’t no stoppin’ me, no!”

    His music playing around the arena as we return, Shelton Benjamin heads down to the ring, the WWE Intercontinental title around his waist. JR and King remind us of his wish to be a fighting champion, and of Gene Snitzky’s acceptance of his open challenge contract, speculating that Snitzky wants to return to winning ways after his loss last week to Kane. Benjamin steps into the ring and hands his title to the referee, before Snitzky’s music plays and the monster storms out to the ring, looking both very determined and very angry at the same time. Benjamin is unfazed, however, and offers a lock-up to Snitzky as the bell rings.

    Shelton Benjamin © vs. Gene Snitzky - WWE Intercontinental title

    Snitzky looks at Benjamin’s outstretched hands, signalling for a lock-up, as if they are alien artefacts, and instead opts to boot the Intercontinental champion hard in the stomach, sending him folding over like a paper tissue. Snitzky follows up with a few hard clubs across the back, and a spiked DDT for a 2-count. The monster begins to dominate Shelton in the opening moments now, using several hard strikes, boots, and hard-hitting grappling moves to wear the young all-American down and keep the advantage firmly out of his reach. After a telegraphed clothesline sails over his head, however, Benjamin fires back with a super kick and a few wild right hands, finally getting his lock-up and applying a ferocious hammerlock. From the hammerlock, Benjamin manages to switch into a wristlock and ground Snitzky, switching to an armbar and then a shortarm scissor hold, keeping the pressure firmly on the arm with some good technical wrestling here. Letting the monster back up to his feet, Shelton applies an arm wrench and drags him over to the turnbuckle, jumping up to the top and attempting a ropewalk, but Snitzky yanks him down into a huge clothesline! Making the cover, Snitzky gets 2, and quickly follows this with a powerful sidewalk slam, getting another 2-count. He fires a warning glance at the referee now, and attempts a third pinfall, again only getting a 2. Angry now, Snitzky begins to get into the referee’s face, and eventually heads to the outside, seizing the ring bell from the timekeeper. Despite the official’s pleas, in full view, Snitzky lines up and levels Shelton Benjamin with a furious thud, covering him and getting what would have been a 3-count, had the bell for the disqualification not gone 3 seconds earlier at 8:55. **½

    With the bell ringing and his pinfall attempt notwithstanding, Snitzky jumps back up to his feet, yelling to the referee that he should have counted faster before, and that the DQ is his own fault. Stammering, the referee backs way, eventually backing up into the ropes with nowhere to run! Still clearly infuriated, perhaps by the referee or perhaps by his own lack of self-control, Snitzky blasts the referee with a sucker punch, knocking him out flat on the floor! With Shelton Benjamin struggling to his knees, Snitzky storms off, his appetite for destruction seemingly quenched for now.

    (Match Quality 78%, Crowd Reaction 70%, Overall Rating 74%)

    ---Commercial Break---

    Jim Ross: We’re back, folks, and before the break we saw what I wholeheartedly believe is an unhinged Gene Snitzky taking out his frustrations on Shelton Benjamin and a WWE official, simply because he couldn’t get the win against the Intercontinental champion.

    Jerry Lawler: You and I both know that count was slow, JR.

    Jim Ross: We do? Well, it’s news to me, King.

    Jerry Lawler: Have you ever wrestled a match, JR? Ever? I have, and I know what a 3-count looks like, and that was a 3-count! Gene Snitzky was screwed over, and when he tries to use an equaliser against the cheating that is going on against him, he’s disqualified! You tell me where the justice is, JR!


    JR cannot retort, however, as the cameras now switch to the backstage area, where interviewer Todd Grisham is standing by with the challenger for the World Heavyweight title, Edge. The Edgester is wearing his usual black trench coat over purple wrestling tights, along with his usual black shades…

    Todd Grisham: Edge, we’re a little over an hour away from your shot at the World Heavyweight title… emotions have got to be running high in everybody’s camp. How are you feeling?

    Edge: How am I feeling? Oh, I’m just peachy, Todd, just peachy. This is my first one-on-one for the World’s Heavyweight title… can you imagine that? Me? First title shot? It doesn’t even bear thinking about, and why? Because I’ve been too busy casting my gaze elsewhere when I should have been focused, one hundred per cent, on the World’s champion and the title. No more. I’m focused, Todd, I’ve never been more focused, and tonight I’m going to give Triple H a little Edgecation, and walk out with the title.

    Todd Grisham: What about Shawn Michaels? Your rivalry doesn’t seem to have been dampened by your encounter at the Royal Rumble, and we know he is in Saitama tonight because he’s facing Kane a little later on.

    Edge: Michaels? I don’t sweat Michaels, Todd, and let me make one thing very clear to you…

    Edge snatches the microphone now, and grabs the lens of the camera, pointing it directly at his face. Staring the camera down now with a manic glint in his eye, Edge continues…

    Edge: If you think you’ve had bad times in your life up until now, Shawn, you’re wrong. Interfere in my match tonight, cost me the shot that I have so sorely deserved for year after year, and I’ll make your life a living Hell… even that God you prance around claiming to have faith in won’t be able to save you. I’ll make falling from Hell in a Cell look like tripping over, Shawn, I’ll make every fall you’ve taken over the years look like child’s play… being locked in a Casket won’t mean anything to you once I’m done with you, Shawn… I will put you out, do you understand? I’ll make it so, back surgery or no back surgery, you never set foot in a wrestling ring again, and that is a promise. Now if you’ll excuse me, Todd, I’ve got a World’s title match to prepare for.

    Edge walks off now, tossing the microphone back to Todd Grisham. The interviewer looks at the camera and gives a little shrug as we return to ringside.

    (Segment quality 92%)

    (Edge gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

    Jim Ross: Edge, for all of his talk of focus, might be a little preoccupied, King?

    Jerry Lawler: Can you blame him? That devious Shawn Michaels is lurking around backstage, just waiting to pounce! If I were Edge, I’d be on tenterhooks, I can’t believe he’s so together!

    Jim Ross: That’s together?

    Jerry Lawler: Yes! It’s just like Shawn Michaels to do this - putting Edge on the, uh, edge like this, so he’ll lose the title match with Triple H, which then allows Shawn Michaels to step in and win the title! And do you know why he’s doing this, JR?

    Jim Ross: I’m just dying to…

    Jerry Lawler: Because the HBK knows that he can’t beat Edge, that’s why!


    La Resistance’s music plays now, and the World Tag Team champions walk out to the ring, waving their tricoleur flags and pointing arrogantly to their title belts. The boos of the fans don’t seem to deter the French, who continue their stroll down to the ring. As they enter the squared circle, they hand their belts over to the official, and lay the flags down on the outside, before disrobing and tossing those to the referee as well, along with their berets. William Regal’s music plays now, and the Blackpool native heads out from behind the curtain, along with Tajiri, who gets a huge reaction from the Japanese crowd. The duo talk tactics on the way down to the ring, and then slide under the bottom rope at the bell sounds.

    La Resistance © vs. William Regal/Tajiri - World Tag Team titles

    All four men duke it out in the opening moments of the match, with Regal and Tajiri quickly overpowering the French thanks to Regal’s southpaw punches and the Japanese Buzzsaw’s unique brand of martial arts kicks. Conway fights back at Regal with a lowblow knee, and quickly tosses him to the outside, following out onto the apron to leave Grenier and Tajiri the legal men. Tajiri keeps up with his martial arts, punching and kicking Grenier into the turnbuckle and chopping away at him, before Grenier nails a furious punch to send Tajiri reeling, followed by an arm drag and a spinning vertical suplex. The World Tag Team champions keep the pressure zoned in on Tajiri now, quickly isolating him in their half of the ring and keeping themselves fresh with numerous tags, all whilst preventing Tajiri from reaching William Regal. Eventually, Tajiri fights back with a thunderous karate kick to Conway and a heel kick to Grenier, forcing the French to play the ‘cheating’ card. Regal, clearly frustrated at being taken out of the equation, makes a beeline for Grenier now, and a big left-handed punch knocks him to the outside. Returning to the apron, Regal makes the tag, and comes in hot to take Conway down with some European uppercuts, quickly applying a headlock and then a scissor sleeper hold. Conway fights out, however, and gets back to his feet. The two men charge at each other, colliding in the middle of the ring and going down! Both competitors start to crawl towards their corners now, but Regal is noticeably quicker and reaches Tajiri easily, allowing the Buzzsaw to prevent Conway from tagging out. He hits a beautiful spinning DDT, before signalling for the Buzzsaw Kick. As he does, however, Grenier tosses something to Conway, who catches it and straightens up - tossing some powder into Tajiri’s face! The referee somehow misses this, and only catches Conway pulling Tajiri into a small package for the 1-2-3 at 11:00! **¼

    After the bell has rung, William Regal immediately enters the ring, furious, and blasts Conway across the face with another vicious left-handed punch! Grenier rushes back into the ring, brandishing one of the Tag Team titles, but as he takes a swing Regal parries it and punches him down as well! The French hightail it to the back, unnerved by Regal’s fury, as he helps Tajiri back to his feet and we go to commercials.

    (Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 67%, Overall Rating 72%)

    (William Regal debuted his new ‘No Gimmick Needed’ gimmick, it got a positive response)

    (Rob Conway gained 2 points of overness from this match)

    (The WWE Tag Team titles have lost image)

    ---Commercial Break---


    As soon as we return from the break, we are backstage, where Chris Benoit is preparing himself for his Submission match with Chris Jericho later tonight. He is already in wrestling attire, and is now taping up his wrists, making the final adjustments. There is a knock at the door, and the camera pans around to see Shawn Michaels in the doorway, also in full ring attire and his trademark ‘body armour’ to boot…

    Chris Benoit: Shawn?

    Shawn Michaels: Hey, Chris. Listen, I was just on my way to the ring to face Kane, and I thought I’d stop by and say good luck for tonight. It should be a great match.

    Chris Benoit: Yeah, it should. Thanks, Shawn.

    Shawn Michaels: Hey, no problem. I’ve got your back, it’s what friends are for, right?

    Chris Benoit: Yeah, me too. Good luck against Kane.

    Michaels nods, and heads off towards the ring. The cameras follow him out of the locker room and down the corridor towards the stage, eventually losing him as he turns a corner. As the cameras swing back round again, however, we notice a solitary figure standing next to Benoit’s locker room door, clearly having been listening in to the conversation, unseen - Chris Jericho. Jericho’s face is a mask of jealousy and anger, and he turns on his heels and storms off as we head back to the ring.

    (Segment quality 91%)

    Jerry Lawler: What was that about?

    Jim Ross: Well, evidently Chris Jericho overheard what Benoit and Michaels were saying, King.

    Jerry Lawler: I don’t mean that, that’s obvious! What I meant was what the Hell is going on with Benoit and Shawn Michaels? What’s the Heartbreak Kid’s game, JR? What little stunt is he trying to pull?

    Jim Ross: Oh come on, King, cut him some slack - he’s a great competitor and a sportsman, and he was just wishing Chris Benoit luck - they respect each other!

    Jerry Lawler: I don’t buy it, JR, not for a second!


    “Oh, ooh, oooh… SHAWN!”

    As King speaks, the Heartbreak Kid’s music plays over the speakers, and he struts out onto the ramp, saluting the cheering crowd and dancing a little on the stage, drawing more cheers, before strutting down to the ring, slapping hands with some of the fans in the front rows as he does so. Jumping into the ring, HBK poses as his pyro flies up from the apron, and then removes his ‘body armour’ as he awaits his opponent. “Fire Still Burns” plays over the speakers, and Kane heads out to the ring, also getting a big reaction from the crowd. He stalks down to the ring, eyes fixed on Michaels, and steps over the ropes into the ring itself, before firing off his pyro and squaring off with the Heartbreak Kid as the bell rings.

    Kane vs. Shawn Michaels

    The two men circle for a few moments, before Shawn backs up a step and launches a flying forearm, knocking Kane down, and then kips back up! Kane is back up quickly, however, only to take another forearm shot from HBK. Michaels winds up for a third as Kane gets back to his feet, but this time the Big Red Machine has it scouted, dodging and watching as Shawn careers into the turnbuckle, catching him for a sidewalk slam as he rebounds backwards. Kane follows up with a few well-placed stomps, and then waits for HBK to stand back up before blasting him with a clothesline, knocking him back down hard. Kane exercises this control for the next few minutes, using his clear size advantage to dominate the much smaller man, concentrating much of his offense on Shawn’s surgically-repaired back, likely aggravating several niggling problems. Eventually, however, Michaels is able to dodge a clothesline and fire back with some wild rights and a DDT. Following up with a springboard dropkick, Michaels begins to carve out an advantage for himself now, hitting and running to combat the size differential, using his speed to remain one step ahead of Kane. Eventually, however, Kane catches him after an attempted cross-body press, tossing him nonchalantly over his head with a fallaway slam! HBK clutches at his back in pain, and Kane signals for the Chokeslam. Shawn staggers to his feet, and Kane makes the lunge, but Michaels somehow ducks it, bounces off of the ropes, and nails a desperation Sweet Chin Music! Both men fall to the mat, and Michaels is able to drape an arm over Kane’s chest for the victory at 9:33! **½

    “Sexy Boy” plays across the arena as Michaels gets shakily to his feet, holding his back in pain, and raises his arms in victory. He holds out a hand to Kane, pulling him up, and then offers a handshake. A little unsure of how to proceed, Kane cautiously takes the handshake, and the fans cheer the sportsmanship as the two men congratulate each other on a good match. The moment is broken, however, as a figure jumps into the ring from nowhere, carrying a steel chair - it’s Edge! Edge blasts Kane across the back of the head with the chair, sending him down, before jabbing the chair into HBK’s stomach, folding him over. Seizing the opportunity, Edge nails a thundering Edgecution DDT onto the steel chair, busting the Heartbreak Kid wide open! Still not finished, Edge rains down chair shot after chair shot onto HBK’s weakened back, eventually tossing the mangled wreck of steel aside and just stomping away at the surgically-repaired spine until security and referees pour down to the ring. Edge allows them to pull him away, yelling back at Michaels with a sick gleam in his eyes, so loud that we can hear him without a microphone…

    “You won’t screw me now, Michaels, I’m one step ahead - I’ll show you!”

    (Match Quality 76%, Crowd Reaction 88%, Overall Rating 84%)

    Jim Ross: What a sickening, disgusting display by Edge! Shawn Michaels was just minding his own damn business, King, and Edge may have put him on the shelf! I suppose you’re happy about this?

    Jerry Lawler: It’s like I always say - you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do! Edge knows Shawn Michaels inside out, he knows that HBK is devious and would try to screw him over, so he did what he had to do, JR, to make sure he has a fair and uninterrupted title match later on tonight!

    Jim Ross: That’s a bunch of B.S. King, and you know it! Edge is just a sickening son-of-a-bitch with no morals and an ego that’d put most Hollywood actors to shame!

    -- I’LL SHOW YOU…

    We head backstage now, where we see another wrestler preparing in his locker room. Chris Jericho, however, is much less calm and collected than Chris Benoit was earlier on tonight. His face is a mask of anger and rage, and as he tightens up his elbow pads and wrist bands, he pulls them so tightly that they look to be cutting off the circulation to his extremities. His hair is dangling across his face as he tightens up his boots, and we can hear him muttering under his breath…

    Chris Jericho: Good luck… I’ll show him good luck… nobody wishes me good luck, oh no… he’s got your back? Nobody has my back…

    Jericho finishes his preparations now, and heads towards the locker room door. As he does so, he catches sight of himself in the mirror, and stops in his tracks. He stares his own reflection down, and the look of anger melts away, replaced by a malicious grin…

    Chris Jericho: I’ll show you…

    With that, the scene fades to black and we take a commercial break.

    (Segment quality 100%)

    (Chris Jericho gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

    ---Commercial Break---


    “C’mon, you know I’ve got you, yeah… BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!”

    We return from the commercials to hear Chris Jericho’s music playing, and the explosion of pyrotechnics that heralds Y2J, arms out wide with his back to the ring, standing on the ramp. He spins around and struts down the ramp, grinning widely at the reaction he is getting from the ravenous Japanese crowd. JR and King put over Jericho’s impressive record in Japan as he steps into the ring, and then speculate quite what the scene we saw the commercials could mean as his music fades away. Chris Benoit’s music replaces his, and the Rabid Wolverine heads out to the ring, also receiving a monstrous reaction from the live crowd. The two men stare each other down as Benoit climbs into the ring, and immediately tie-up as the bell rings, jockeying for position.

    Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - Submission match

    Jericho wins the initial lock-up here, forcing Benoit into the ropes and breaking out the knifedge chops, lighting up the Crippler’s chest as the crowd ‘woo!’ along with the blows. After a few chops, Benoit begins to power back, forcing Jericho off of him and catching a wild chop, twisting the arm into an arm-wrench submission and driving his elbow into Jericho’s upper arm, then dragging him down to the mat and applying a buffalo sleeper hold, putting pressure on both the head an the arm. Y2J quickly gets to his feet, with the hold still cinched in, and runs towards the turnbuckle, spinning around at the last moment to crush Benoit in the corner, and following up with a mean superplex. Y2J continues to pile on the pressure now, with a few kicks to Benoit’s back and a longbow backbreaker, pulling back on the Rabid Wolverine’s neck and legs, pressuring his spinal column. Eventually, Benoit is able to free himself, and gets back to his feet, knocking Jericho down with a shoulder block and dropping an elbow to the face to take control. The advantage switches between the two men fast and furiously now, with both technical wizards displaying their abilities to the delight of the Japanese fans. Benoit continues his good early work on Jericho’s head and arm, using several armbars and shortarm holds to weaken up the shoulder whilst also driving him down to the mat with several big moves, head-first, to weaken his neck as well. After a backdrop driver, Benoit goes to the top rope, and nails a massive Swandive Headbutt, and instinctively makes the cover. No pinfalls, however, and the Crippler pounds the mat in frustration before getting up and taking a run-up, totally telegraphing a sliding dropkick as Jericho rolls away. Seizing the opportunity, Y2J latches on a camel clutch, immobilising Benoit in the middle of the ring now, as we take a commercial break.

    ---Commercial Break---

    We’re back with Chris Benoit still in the camel slutch and Jericho yelling at him to tap out, to no avail. Benoit’s screams fill the arena as Jericho pulls back on his head and neck, and eventually lets the hold go, dragging the Rabid Wolverine roughly back to his feet for a high-angle backdrop, slamming him down on his back again. Jericho’s control of the match stretches now, as he continues to zone in on Benoit’s back with several high-impact moves and submissions, as well as severely limiting Benoit’s own mobility whenever he can make it back to his feet. After a power slam, the Crippler staggers back up, holding his lower back in pain, and Jericho pounches, launching out of the turnbuckle with a face crusher, and vaulting off of the ropes with the Lionsault! He too makes an instinctive cover, and he too is furious with himself when the count is not made. Y2J gets back to his feet, and goes to the turnbuckle. He contemplates going up top, before deciding against it and turning round… straight into a high-angle suplex from Benoit! Jericho rolls to the outside now, clutching his neck in pain, and crawls over to the timekeeper’s table. We see Benoit now, taking a run-up and going for an uncharacteristic suicide dive - only to be caught on the back as he flips over with a chair shot from Jericho! The referee somehow misses it, and Jericho takes advantage, hurling the Rabid Wolverine hard into the ring steps, and then jumping up to the apron, bouncing back off with a leg drop to the back. Back into the ring now, and Jericho goes to the top, willing Benoit to stand up before launching himself off of the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick - which sails over Benoit and hits the referee square on the jaw! Benoit now hits his trademark German suplex combination on Jericho, tossing him hard around the ring and increasing the pain on his neck, before locking on the Crippler Crossface! Jericho yells and screams in pain, before tapping out… but there’s no referee! Benoit sees this, and releases the hold, going to check on the referee now. He begins to rouse the hapless official, and is just getting somewhere when a blur comes flying off of the top rope - a flying chair shot to the back from Y2J! Disposing quickly of the chair, Jericho helps the referee back to his feet, and applies the Walls of Jericho. With his back already beaten and battered, Benoit fights as much as he can, but eventually taps out to give Jericho the victory at 28:45! ****¾

    After the match, Jericho releases the hold and grins wildly as the referee raises his hand in victory. The reaction from the fans is mixed - partly cheers for the great match they have just witnessed, partly boos for some of Y2J’s conduct. Chris Benoit staggers to his feet, clearly hurting, and Jericho takes a moment to regard him now, before helping him straighten up and offering a handshake. Benoit looks incredulously at Jericho, and casts a gaze around at the fans, who are applauding this showing. The Rabid Wolverine takes the handshake… only for Jericho to pull him roughly into a double-armed backbreaker! The fans explode with furious boos and jeers now, as Y2J stomps away on Benoit, leaving him down and out on the mat. The referee pulls him away now, but Jericho just shrugs him off and exit’s the ring, a sadistic grin on his face as he yells out…

    “I showed you, I showed you all! I don’t need you, I showed you!”

    (Match Quality 96%, Crowd Reaction 95%, Overall Rating 95)

    (Chris Jericho’s turn is complete, he is now a heel)

    Jim Ross: …I’m speechless, folks, I’m just speechless at this display from Chris Jericho. King?

    Jerry Lawler: What a transformation! Chris Jericho finally realised, JR, that what you need to get ahead in this business is a healthy disregard for the status quo!

    Jim Ross: A healthy disregard for the status quo? Blasting a man across the back with a chair and attacking him after a match, that’s disregarding the status quo? In my book that’s despicable!

    Jerry Lawler: It’s just like your old buddy Jesse Ventura always said, JR - win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!

    Jim Ross: Well, folks, I can see I’m going to have no luck with King right now, so we’ll take another commercial break, but don’t go away because our main event is next!

    ---Commercial Break---

    Jim Ross: We’re back, and we’re just moments away from the main event, as Triple H defends the title against Edge, who we have already seen making an impact tonight.

    Jerry Lawler: That’s right, JR, and with Shawn Michaels out of the picture, we’re guaranteed a fair and impartial title match!

    Jim Ross: With Evolution around?

    Jerry Lawler: JR, you’ve had it in for those guys since day one, and frankly I think you need to retain a degree of professional detachment in a position such as yours!

    Jim Ross: Excuse me? Me? What about you?

    Jerry Lawler: I’m the colour commentator, the rules are different for me. Anyway, let’s look at the tale of the tape, JR!


    Sure enough, our view now switches to a tale of the tape-style screen, showing the usual shots of champion and challenger posing on either side of the screen, while the statistics are recounted in the middle for us to compare…

    Triple H vs. Edge

    Greenwich, CI : Hometown : Toronto, Canada

    6’4’’ : Height : 6’5’’

    260lbs : Weight : 240lbs

    The Pedigree : Finishing Maneuver : Edgecution

    The tale of the tape also runs down both men’s numerous career accolades, including Edge’s 9 reigns as a Tag Team champion and his singles titles, along with Triple H’s amazing 10 tenures as Heavyweight champion and his ‘Triple Crown’ achievement, whilst also noting that both men have been crowned King of the Ring in their pasts. The video then fades out, and we return to ringside.

    (Segment quality 92%)

    (Edge gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

    Jim Ross: Well, there you have the tale of the tape, King, and judging from that you’d have to place the weight advantage, the strength advantage with Triple H, but on the other hand he is giving up a lot of agility to Edge!

    Jerry Lawler: Added to that you’ve got the career highlights, JR - neither of these men are strangers to gold, but Edge has never won the World Heavyweight title, and he’ll be hungry for it tonight!

    Jim Ross: Absolutely, King, and folks - we’re guaranteed a slobber knocker with this one, live from the Saitama Super Arena in Japan, it’s the World Heavyweight title, on the line!


    “You think you know me?”

    As JR rounds up the hard sell, Edge’s music plays over the speakers, and the mist begins to rise on the ramp as the fans hurl their abuse towards the stage, the events following the Kane/Shawn Michaels match still clear in their minds. Edge walks through the mist now, wearing his trench coat and shades, totally and utterly ignoring the crowd as he walks down towards the ring, clearly focused on the title match ahead of him. As Edge warms up, his music is replaced by Motorhead’s “The Game” and the boos only get louder as the World Heavyweight champion storms out onto the ramp, water bottle in hand, and the title secured around his waist. Triple H takes a sip from his bottle and sprays it high into the air, before strolling down the ramp towards the ring, interestingly unaccompanied by Ric Flair and Batista for this important match. Following another water-spray on the apron, Hunter ducks into the ring, and hands the belt over to the referee as the bell rings.

    Triple H © vs. Edge - World Heavyweight title

    Edge wastes no time, attacking Triple H from behind with a forearm shot as he is handing the belt to the referee, and continuing with some more punches and forearm strikes to the back of the head, forcing the Game into the middle of the ring for a backdrop and a chinlock. Quickly releasing the hold, Edge follows up with some stomps and kicks as the Game gets back to his feet, before hitting a couple of short-arm clotheslines to knock the champion back down once more. Eventually, however, Triple H is able to fight his way back into the match, blocking a punch and firing back with some of his own, driving Edge into the turnbuckle, where Hunter follows up with some more punches, stomps, and a DDT out of the corner. The two men give the match their all, pulling out all of the stops in front of the baying Japanese crowd, each man scoring numerous near-falls and managing to hit some of their signature maneuvers - including a fiery spinebuster from Triple H, and a half-nelson face crusher from Edge, followed up by the Edgecation hold. Hunter finds himself stranded in the centre of the ring, unable to reach the ropes, and instead powers out, scissoring his body onto his back, flipping Edge off of him and under the bottom rope! On the outside, Edge is becoming frustrated, and moves to the timekeeper’s table, grabbing the World Heavyweight belt. As he goes to take it back inside, however, the Game connects a baseball slide, sending the title back into Edge’s face! Triple H moves outside as well now, and the brawl takes on a new flavour with both men using their surroundings to dish out punishment - bouncing each other’s heads off of the apron, ring steps, and timekeeper’s table, before Edge whips Hunter first into the crowd barrier and then into the ring steps! Back into the ring, and Edge nails a goardbuster suplex, before sending the Game hard into the turnbuckle, face-first, and retreating the opposite corner. Edge is grinning madly, licking his lips in anticipation, willing Hunter to turn around - but as he goes to launch himself forwards for the Spear, he finds his leg held back by Ric Flair! Naitch, having hightailed out from the back, keeps a firm grip on Edge’s leg as Batista storms down the ramp behind him and soon joins him at ringside. Edge frees himself and then vaults high over the top rope, crashing down on both men with a suicide dive! All three men are down and out, and eventually Edge staggers into the ring once more, only to walk straight into a face buster from Triple H! Recoiling backwards, Edge is easy prey for the Pedigree, which gets the academic pinfall at 14:06 for Triple H to retain the World Heavyweight championship! **½

    “The Game” fills the arena, duelling with the boos of the furious crowd, as Hunter gets to his feet a little shakily, and snatches the World Heavyweight title back from the official. Evolution enter the ring for a celebration, and Edge rolls to the outside, seemingly in utter disbelief that he has lost his big shot, beyond anger. Hunter embraces Flair and Batista, who is noticeably stiffer than the Nature Boy, and then raises his cheaply-retained title into the air, drawing only more boos from the disgusted crowd. Offering congratulations for a job well done, the Game slaps Batista on the back and shakes hands warmly with Flair, before grasping Batista’s as well. As he goes to draw away, however, the World Heavyweight champion finds himself locked in Batista’s iron grip. He grins, a little concerned, at his associate, who does not return the expression… instead blasting the Game with a furious clothesline! The fans explode with glee and cheers as Batista downs the champion, before turning around and levelling Flair with another clothesline! The behemoth stands over the fallen forms of his former comrades now, his arms raised in triumph, as the cheers of the fans ring around the arena.

    (Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 78%, Overall Rating 77%)

    (Batista’s turn is complete, he is now a face)

    (Batista gained 3 points of overness from this turn)

    Jim Ross: Oh my gawd, King! Batista has turned on Evolution, he’s left them in the dust!

    Jerry Lawler: What… what the…? I don’t understand, JR!

    Jim Ross: I think I do, King, this man has had enough of being held down and bossed around by a man like Triple H, and he’s struck out on his own! Good for you, Batista!

    Jerry Lawler: But… the Game’s the champion, he’s the man with the power, why turn on him?

    Jim Ross: It’s not always about power, King, it’s about what’s right! We’re out of time, folks, thanks for joining us tonight. I’m Jim Ross, he’s Jerry Lawler, this has been WWE RAW, and the landscape has just changed!

    Overall Card Rating - 83%

    -- I'm still not 100% on the formatting and whatnot, any ideas regarding that are appreciated along with feedback on the first show. HeAT and RAW previews will be up soon.

    Raven's Kid!


  16. WWE re-shuffles RAW booking team, more…

    As of February 1st, just two days after the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View, the WWE has announced a shake-up to the booking and writing team responsible for the RAW side of the brand extension. Brian Gerwitz, until now the brand’s head writer, has been demoted from this prominent position on the Creative team, and has been replaced by what will essentially work as a coalition between three men - Ed Schmitt, Thomas Coors, and Mark Jackson. Whilst Coors is relatively new to the WWE, having only been hired last June, Schmitt and Jackson are both experienced within the company, and their promotion seems to be a reward for the stellar work the two have put in over their tenures in the Creative team.

    Thomas Coors has been hired exclusively as a writer, whilst Schmitt has made it clear internally that he is more interested in writing than booking, which is likely to leave Mark Jackson as the new head booker of the RAW brand. With the road to WrestleMania XX already underway, and several big storylines already in progress on the RAW brand, it will be interesting to see where the three new men take the brand.

    -- Credit: www.grapplefanatics.com

  17. Alas, NBT, due to circumstances beyond my control (my computer decided that crashing with diary/game in mid-operation would be a wheeze, and destroyed it all, to cut a short story shorter) the diary is now deaded. Sadly. But thanks for the feedback anyway, I quite liked this one.


  18. Part 8...

    “We lost money again last month!”

    “I know, Sophie. But, we lost less money than in March.”

    “D’you think the bank manager is going to care about that? He’s going to have a seizure!”

    The bank statement came through this morning, and things didn’t go as well financially as we’d originally hoped. Costs were down by about $100,000 or so, which is a good sign but means that we still lost about that much again. Production is the main issue here, because it’s still expensive to put on a show with the kind of values we were applying, despite killing the fancy lights and the aesthetics. I think, at this point, we can’t really afford to operate with the production values we’re working under, and we’re not going to be able to compete on the level of production at this level anyway, so there’s little point in bothering, really.

    “What do you think, then, got a plan?”

    “I guess, Sophie, we just have to try to cut some more costs.”


    “Production, the staff, I guess. I don’t want to cull the advertising budget any more, because we sunk it last month and I think it’s having an effect on our public standing. If we can get through another month, maybe make some money, we’ll see about raising it again, I don’t know.”

    At this point, there’s a knock at the door.

    “Come in!”

    “Hey, boss.”

    “Ryan, hey - what brings you here?”

    Ryan Wing is looking apprehensive, a little nervous, which isn’t a good sign because he’s usually very laid back and upbeat about most things.

    “Uh, I need to talk to you, about some stuff. I got a call from Cary Silkin the other day, the guy who runs ROH.”

    “Excellent! Is he giving you a booking?”

    “Well, uh, actually he wants to give me a lot of bookings, they want to bring me on full-time. It’s just that, uh, I’m already working for ECWA and HWA as well, and I don’t think I can deal with four sets of dates a month. I’m not going to turn down an opportunity like ROH, so, uh… I guess I’m going to have to drop my commitments here. I’m sorry, boss.”

    “What? You’re leaving?”

    “This could be my big break!”

    “Ryan, you’re leaving us in the lurch here! We’ve got you in a feud, with Lethal!”

    “I know - he’s working there too, Cary says that we might be able to do some stuff.”

    “That doesn’t help me! You’re just starting out on a big feud and you’re leaving us?”

    “Look, boss, I’m sorry. I’ve made up my mind, I’m not working for FTW anymore. Sorry.”

    “Okay, fine.”

    Damnit. Wing’s gone, things are just going from bad to worse now. He was one of our biggest stars, easily one of the standout talents on the roster, which is precisely why we booked him into the program with Jay Lethal in the first place, and now we’ve got a gaping hole in his place. Added to that, we’re going to need to hire somebody to replace him, obviously, or the roster’s going to look small and we’ll look unprofessional. Added to our monetary worries, this is all just becoming too much.

    “Come on, it’ll be okay.”

    “You sure, Sophie? How’re we going to curb the financial situation? How’re we going to explain Ryan’s leaving? How’re we going to find somebody to replace him? I don’t think it’ll be okay.”

    “Look, things will turn out, they always do. I’ll get on the phone, I’ll try to sort us out a loan or something.”

    “Sophie, that bank will never give us a loan, not in a million years. Look at the company records, we’ve been in business for three months and we’ve lost about $500,000 already! If this keeps up, we’ll be in debt by the start of the summer!”

    “I’ll sort it out, don’t worry. As for replacing Wing, what about that guy you had your eye on before? The one who you saw working that show in Jersey? He’d be a good choice, he’s inexpensive and he’s talented, you said.”

    “I guess so. Jesus, I never realised that it’d be this hard, Sophie, I really never did.”

    End of Part 8

    -- Procrastination (sp?) kicks ass! The card for the next show, Up All Night will be up soonish, once I've simmed up to the day of the show. Only 2 weeks to do, so won't take long unless anything big pops up.

    Raven's Kid!



    April 17th, 2005

    Location: Alfred P. Vance High School gymnasium

    Announcers: Daniel Cohen and Tom Giesen

    Spring Fling begins with the sounds of “Tourniquet” by Marilyn Manson playing over the speaker systems, which are noticeably less extravagant than at the last two shows. The ring is still the same, with a black apron, white ring ropes, and black ringposts, although the area around it is considerably less padded, and the whole feel of the venue is much smaller and much less expensive. Sparing no expense, however, are our announcers, Daniel Cohen and Tom Giesen, who have survived recent budget cuts with aplomb…

    Daniel Cohen: Welcome to the Spring Fling, ladies and gentlemen! You join us here at the Alfred P. Vance High School gymnasium tonight for our third show, with 100 screaming fans in attendance!

    Tom Giesen: Screaming is perhaps a little bit of an overstatement, Cohen.

    Daniel Cohen: Must you contradict everything I say? It’s bordering on the unbearable.

    Tom Giesen: Again - it’s my job, I’m the heel.

    Before anymore breaks in kayfabe can occur, “Creep” by Radiohead plays over the speakers, and Chance Beckett heads down to the ring in short tights and a plaid shirt, staring around him with distaste and fury. Walking down to the ring, he seems noticeably angered by the boos of the crowd, which cannot be good news for the Navy Seal, who is out next to his military drill music, saluting the fans and generally playing to the blind patriotism of the average post-9/11 American. Sure enough, Beckett sets upon the Navy Seal as soon as he climbs between the ropes, quickly knocking him outside again and following up with a baseball slide before tossing him back into the ring to begin the bout.

    OPENER: Chance Beckett vs. Navy Seal

    Beckett dominates the opening few moments thanks to his pre-match attack, Irish whipping Seal into the ropes and hitting a big back body drop as he comes careering back. A series of big-impact slams and suplexes follow now, with Beckett taking out his frustrations on the hapless soldier and attempting a pinfall after every maneuver, all to no avail as Seal’s shoulder keeps popping up at two.

    Daniel Cohen: The Navy Seal showing a great deal of resiliency here, people, with kick-out after kick-out!

    Tom Giesen: I doubt he’ll be able to keep this up much longer, Beckett is on fire tonight!

    Daniel Cohen: Maybe so, Tom, but you should never doubt the US military!

    If there were, however, a time to doubt the military, it might be now, as the Navy Seal finds himself slingshot hard into the ropes and toppling to the outside, landing hard on the floor. As he does so, however, he notices an American flag in the crowd, and seems to compose himself. Rolling back into the ring, he blocks a wild right from Beckett and begins unloading the jabs and forearms, finishing with a huge clothesline, only to lift Beckett back into the air with a huge military press!

    Daniel Cohen: That’s the power of America at work, people, look at the inspiration it gives Navy Seal!

    Seal drops Beckett down to the mat with a crash now, and climbs to the top rope, looking for his Elite Force flying neckbreaker no doubt. As he leaps, however, Beckett ducks down, and Seal guillotines himself on the ring ropes! Staggering back, he finds himself rolled up by Beckett - who hooks the tights for the tainted 1-2-3!

    Tom Giesen: He did it! Chance Beckett overcame the power of patriotism!

    Daniel Cohen: Oh yeah, he cheated to win, my hero!

    Tom Giesen: That’s the spirit!

    Daniel Cohen: I was being sarcastic, you idiot.

    After the match, Beckett celebrates his victory, still annoyed at the boos of the crowd, whilst the Navy Seal gets to his feet. Ever the sportsman, he offers a handshake to Beckett, who stares at it like it is an alien artefact. Eventually, Beckett takes his opponent’s hand… only to pull him into a spiked DDT! The boos rain down now as Beckett taunts over the fallen Navy Seal, before heading backstage.

    (Match Quality 73%, Crowd Reaction 39%, Overall Rating 56%)

    After the Navy Seal has been taken backstage, “Fix Up Look Sharp” by the British rap sensation Dizzee Rascal plays over the speakers, and Greg Pawluk makes his way down to the ring, getting a decent reaction from the 100-strong crowd. Nodding to them in a simple acknowledgement, he takes a microphone and looks set to re-iterate his open challenge. Before he can speak, however, the sounds of “Left Behind” by Slipknot rip across the PA system, and out walks an unfamiliar figure.

    Daniel Cohen: Wait a moment… that’s Danny Dominion! I’d heard rumours that he was set to sign for FTW, but nobody believed he’d debut so soon! This is a major coup by the powers that be, Tom, he’s quite the talented athelete!

    Tom Giesen: You’re glossing over the fact that he’s also totally insane, Cohen! This guy makes Charles Manson look like the kinda guy you’d want your daughter to bring home for dinner!

    Sure enough, Dominion does look somewhat unhinged as he walks towards the ring, breathing heavily and even snarling at one fan in the front row, barely controlling himself. He grins evilly at Pawluk, licking his lips, and immediately sets upon the technical supremo as the bell rings.

    MATCH 2: Greg Pawluk vs. Danny Dominion

    Pawluk attempts to enter a lock-up with Dominion, who simply boots him in the gut and shoves him to the mat. Trying again, Pawluk manages to get into a lock-up situation this time, and ducks behind his opponent, attempting a German suplex. Dominion counters, however, with a hard elbow to the side of the head, sending Pawluk reeling and then staggering back into a one-armed body slam. From here, Dominion drops a vicious knee into his opponent’s face, and another one into his ribs.

    Daniel Cohen: Some good early work by Danny Dominion here, he’s quite the physical specimen, Tom!

    Tom Giesen: I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you! “Quite the physical specimen?” He’s a damned psychopath!

    As Pawluk gets to his feet, Dominion takes a step back and blitzes him with a high shoulder tackle, before pouncing on him and landing some well-placed right hands to the head. He takes the time to pause now, raising his arms and grinning manically, which allows the technical supremo to get to his feet and nail some heavy chops to the chest, which light up Dominion’s chest. Pressing the advantage now, Pawluk forces his opponent into the ropes and lifts him up for a suplex, before dropping him down onto the ropes… but Dominion lands on the apron instead! Grinning all the while, he grabs Pawluk as he comes over to the ropes, dropping his jaw hard onto the ropes. As the technical supremo reels backward, Dominion grabs him over the ropes once more, and hits a back-body suplex over the ropes, sending Greg Pawluk crashing into the crowd barrier! The fans give a pop for that maneuver, as Dominion steps back into the ring, grinning evilly and licking his lips as referee Tony Bryant administers the 10 count to disqualify Pawluk and give the unhinged Danny Dominion his debut victory.

    Daniel Cohen: An impressive victory here by Danny Dominion… although I’m concerned about his mental state somewhat, based on this display!

    Victory secured, Dominion goes back to the outside, grabbing a dazed and confused Greg Pawluk, lifting him high into the air and dropping him down onto the thinly-padded floor with a huge spine buster! Dragging him back into the ring now, Dominion utters a blood-curdling battle yell, and hauls Pawluk’s limp form into the air for a devastating Dominator!

    Tom Giesen: Oh man, I take it all back, every last word! This guy is incredible, Cohen, this is just the sort of entertainment we need here!

    Daniel Cohen: Well, I respect that he’s a good competitor, Tom, but don’t you think that applauding this senseless violence is going a bit too far, even for you?

    Tom Giesen: You get into the ring and tell that to Danny Dominion! No? Exactly!

    Dominion, standing tall over the body of Greg Pawluk, demands a microphone, which he is quickly given. His heavy breathing echoing around the gymnasium, he begins to speak…

    (Match Quality 79%, Crowd Reaction 27%, Overall Rating 53%)

    Begin the Dominion…

    Danny Dominion: (breathing heavily) This… is just the beginning. You have only just begun to understand… your time has come. (breathing heavily) Greg Pawluk is just the vanguard, the first victim… he will NOT be the last…

    Daniel Cohen: What in the name of God is this guy on about?

    Danny Dominion: The Dominion… is just beginning. You have been warned… you will NOT BE WARNED AGAIN!

    Bellowing these last words in an apparent blind rage, Dominion tosses the microphone down to the mat, and stalks out of the ring with his music blaring. Unable to make his way to the back on his own, Greg Pawluk is helped out by our resident first aid specialist, getting a sympathetic round of applause.

    (Segment quality 50%)

    Before the announcers can comment on what we have just seen, the German National Anthem plays over the speakers, and The Foreigner heads out to the ring, predictably waving the German flag for all to see. Slightly less predictable is his military-style uniform, however, which seems to shock a few fans and incite boos from the others.

    Daniel Cohen: I doubt that’s in good taste. Is he wearing a Nazi uniform, Tom?

    Tom Giesen: What? Oh for God’s sake, it’s not actually a Nazi uniform, no. I suppose you could call it ‘Nazi chic’, but essentially it’s a mid-20th century Eastern European military look.

    Daniel Cohen: I… see. Well, as long as that’s cleared up.

    Foreigner steps into the ring, sets down his flag, and awaits his opponent. The Star Spangled Banner plays now, and ‘All American’ Ash Parker heads out to the ring, winning the battle of the national anthems if nothing else as the fans go crazy with patriotic cheers. Parker salutes them, and heads down to the ring to face his bitter foreign rival.

    MATCH 3: The Foreigner vs. Ash Parker

    Foreigner, showing his cowardice in the face of America, immediately rolls out of the ring as Parker climbs in, and begins to circle now, trying to stay away from Parker. Eventually, and warily, he steps into the ring, only to be knocked down by some fiery rights from Parker, who seems to be on fire tonight. Following up with some chops and a snap suplex, Parker begins to build momentum and get the crowd on his side, forcing Foreigner into the ropes and chopping him again, before taking a step back and hitting a brilliant moonsault kick!

    Daniel Cohen: Wow! What a maneuver from Ash Parker there, Tom, a backlip moonsault kick in the turnbuckle! That’s good old American spirit you’re watching in that ring, people!

    Tom Giesen: Oh, for Christ’s sake, it isn’t even the 4th of July, give me a break!

    Foreigner again rolls outside, unnerved and surprised at his inability to mount offense against Parker. Gathering his composure, he steps back into the ring and this time manages to nail a few wild right hands and a clothesline, following up with a spiked DDT! The ‘All American,’ however, simply sits up from the DDT, and moments later nips up and floors Foreigner with a spear! Once more, Parker unloads on his opponent - much to the glee of the crowd - with some hard shots and a few clever suplexes, before nailing a stiff super kick that sends Foreigner reeling! Signalling for the end now, Parker turns around, only to find that Foreigner is once again on the outside, unwilling to return to the ring. Referee Tony Bryant explains to our overseas visitor that he can and will be counted out, as our last match proved, but Ash Parker has no time for this, leaping over the top rope with a pescado - straight into a hard shot from the German flag! Parker goes down with a thud, and Foreigner rolls him into the ring, where he is easy prey for the German suplex and the pinfall!

    Daniel Cohen: Oh come on, that’s despicable! The Foreigner knew, he just knew he couldn’t beat Ash Parker, so he had to resort to those underhanded tactics! This is just wrong!

    Tom Giesen: Geez, give him a break, it’s not like he’s invaded Poland.

    For the second match in a row now, the victorious wrestler stands over his fallen opponent, demanding a microphone…

    (Match Quality 76%, Crowd Reaction 38%, Overall Rating 57%)

    Declaration of War…

    The boos of the fans are ringing around the gymnasium, and The Foreigner has to shout to begin with. The effect, coupled with his best WWII-movie Gestapo accent, is quite chilling…

    The Foreigner: So… you vill not listen? You vish to sit in your seats, booing as if it makes any difference? Vell… ve haff vays of making you listen! ACHTUNG!

    The last, bellowing word catches the attention of the fans, who begin to quieten down now…

    The Foreigner: Zat is better, no? Zis… zis iz ze fate for those of who do no co-operate, or shall ve say collaborate, vith ze Foreign Invasion. Ve are masters of ze art of war, you only haff to look at our colourful history to see ze proud military tradition in our great land… America, ze land of ze free, remains ze last bastion of your puny people. It iz no matter. Zis is a declaration of war!

    Daniel Cohen: A declaration of war?

    The Foreigner: Ze Foreign Invasion’s var machine is mobilising against you, ze blitzkrieg vill begin soon. You haff von, von more chance to surrender peacefully… or you vill be occupied, defeated, by ze Foreign Invasion. Ze master race vill be victorious, and ze Foreign Invasion vill crush your puny America. Zis figurehead, your ‘All American,’ iz a shining example of ze flaws in your supposedly ‘great’ nation… he iz nothing, nothing, compared to ze power of ze Reich’s finest athelete… ze declaration of war has been made… you have one month, America, one month vith vich to surrender, or you VILL SUFFER ZE FULL MIGHT OF ZE FOREIGN INVASION!

    Once again yelling his last few words, The Foreigner tosses the microphone down to the mat, and exit’s the ring, making sure to kick Pawluk in the head as he leaves. The boos of the crowd are bordering on rabid as Foreigner walks backstage, nonchalant, disappearing behind the curtain with a mocking, vaguely-Nazi salute. Once more, the first aid specialists come into play, helping Ash Parker up and walking him backstage.

    Daniel Cohen: This is just… surreal, that’s the word I’m searching for. This guy is certainly surreal, Tom.

    Tom Giesen: What does that even mean? Isn’t surreal just a word that stupid people use to sound intelligent without actually having anything intelligent to say?

    Daniel Cohen: Only when they’re discussing art.

    Tom Giesen: Oh. Well, yeah, this guy is definitely bizarre, but I think these low-lives need somebody like him, Cohen, to buck their ideas up, or they’re never going to learn to be self-sufficient!

    (Segment quality 58%)

    Laying Down the Law…

    “Nobody Does It Better” by Carly Simon plays over the speakers now, and ‘Sexy’ Sean Casey struts out to the ring, looking ravishing as always, and for the first time accompanied by a stunning blonde valet wearing a short black skirt suit, who carries a clipboard and a microphone.

    Daniel Cohen: Who’s that with Sean Casey, Tom?

    Tom Giesen: Don’t you do your research, Cohen? Lucky I’m here to add the other cheek to your half-assed job - that’s Sean Casey’s personal assistant, Alicia Webb!

    Casey steps into the ring, reclining against the ropes, as Webb addresses the fans…

    Alicia Webb: For those of you who are unaware, my name is Alicia Webb, and I work for Mr. Casey here…

    Grinning, Sean Casey walks over to Webb, and quickly borrows the microphone…

    Sean Casey: Baby, baby, chill out. If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times - easy on the ‘Mr Casey’ schtick, it’s just Sean.

    He tosses the microphone back to Webb, who continues…

    Alicia Webb: As I was saying, I work for Sean Casey as his personal assistant, and in light of recent events we both felt it best that I accompany him to the ring tonight, in case of any unfortunate incidents befalling him like they did at New York Minute. As such, I’m laying down the law right now - if anybody attempts to get involved with Mr. Ca - I mean, Sean - during this match, they will be hearing from our lawyers!

    Casey once more borrows the microphone…

    Sean Casey: You know, people, I didn’t want it to come to all this, but some guys just aren’t prepared to play nice, so we’ve gotta play them at their own game, y’know? Let’s put the business aside, though, and get down to pleasure - Lance Silva, your butt-whipping awaits!

    (Segment quality 69%)

    Sure enough, “Slash dot com” by pioneering British DJ Fatboy Slim plays, and Lance Silva strides out to the ring, taking advantage of Casey’s down-to-business attitude tonight and flirting with some women in the front row, even going so far as to write his phone number down for one of them! Grinning widely, he steps into the ring, takes off his neon-coloured Hawaiian shirt, and locks up with Casey as the bell rings.

    MATCH 4: Sean Casey vs. Lance Silva

    Silva, his pre-match flirting seeming to drive him on somewhat, easily wins the initial lock-up, and goes into a test of strength with Casey, which the Sexy One wins. Trying another tact, Silva locks up again, and this time applies a wristlock to Casey, wrenching back on the hand and cinching the hold in, until Casey delivers a well-aimed boot to the gut to release himself. Trying a third and final tact now, Silva kicks Casey in the groin, doubling him over for a rocker-dropper which gets 2. Silva follows up with a bulldog and some punches and stomps to the head, before going up to the top rope, looking for a missile dropkick. Casey dodges, however, leaving the ladies’ man to hit the mat and slide halfway across the ring.

    Daniel Cohen: Owch! That’ll be a carpet-burn, for sure!

    Silva is indeed sporting a series of red friction burns on his legs as he gets up, but ignores them and ploughs back toward Casey, who dodges again and nails a big backdrop to take control of the bout. He keeps his control for much of the rest of the contest, now, using his array of aerial and technical maneuvers to keep one step ahead of Lance Silva, who cannot match his opponent’s technical skill. Casey seems reluctant to press for any serious advantage, however, continually shooting glances over at the entrance ramp, as if to check for outside interference.

    Daniel Cohen: Sean Casey needs to focus here if he’s going to win this match, Tom!

    Tom Giesen: Indeed he does, he’s in a world of his own out there, staring out at the ramp!

    This time, he takes too long about it, and finds himself dropkicked in the back of the head by Silva, sending him toppling into the bottom rope. Silva bounces off the opposite ropes, looking as if he is attempting a 619-kick, but instead of the kick he swings through with a spear! Casey is sprawled in the middle of the ring, but Silva inexplicably goes to the outside… to try it on with Alicia Webb! Webb attempts to repel Silva’s advances, but the ladies’ man will not be so easily deterred, continuing to flirt with her until a topé con helo from Sean Casey stops him in his tracks and sends both men to the floor. Back into the ring they go now, staggering to their feet, and Silva attempts a desperation super kick - but Sean Casey grabs the boot and spins Silva round - Blockbuster! Casey heads up to the top rope now, looking to put the match away, casting a look to the ramp as he does so. Moments later, however, a figure jumps out of the crowd and shoves him bodily down to the mat - it’s ‘The Real Deal’ Damien Steele!

    Daniel Cohen: What the Hell is this about? Why is Steele out here?

    Tom Giesen: I guess it’s one way to eliminate your competition, Cohen, look at how Casey landed there! Crash, face-first, he’s out!

    The Sexy One is indeed out, and moments later Lance Silva drapes an arm over him for the tainted 3-count to win the match.

    Daniel Cohen: Oh come on! This is just plain wrong!

    Tom Giesen: And yet it feels so right!

    Steele backtracks up the ramp now, laughing it up at Alicia Webb, who was totally unable to stop his interference. Casey gets to his feet, yelling blue murder at Steele, before turning his attentions back to Lance Silva - but Silva has bolted out of the ring and is now hightailing it backstage! Casey, furious, kicks the bottom rope, and exits the ring, storming backstage with Alicia Webb in tow, trying to calm him down.

    (Match Quality 72%, Crowd Reaction 41%, Overall Rating 56%)

    Once again, there is no time for comment, as “Boiler” by Limp Bizkit heralds the arrival of Roderick Strong, who stalks out to ringside to some good heel heat from the fans, with Jamie Koeppe alongside him, spouting off a never-ending barrage of yelled insults to the crowd. Strong warms up in the ring as “One Step Closer” by Linkin Park plays, and his partner Jay Lethal struts down to the ring, carrying the same baseball bat he used on Ryan Wing at New York Minute, and lapping up the boos of the crowd. As the two men talk tactics, “The Way It Is” by Powerman 5000 plays, and out walks ‘Sure Thing’ Ryan Wing, alongside his partner Ricky Marvin! The babyfaces rush the ring, and we have a brawl to start our tag team bout.

    MATCH 5: Roderick Strong/Jay Lethal vs. Ryan Wing/Ricky Marvin

    After a good period of brawling to begin with, where Jay Lethal is forced to the outside by the referee for trying to re-introduce his baseball bat and Ryan Wing’s head, Roderick Strong and Ricky Marvin start things off. Marvin gets in some clever lucha-style offense to begin with, with some spinning kicks and a few flipping takeovers, as well as a go-behind-into-victory roll for a 2 count, leaving Strong frustrated and angry. The luchadore continues to press the advantage now, hitting a fiery series of chops and kicks, before Strong eventually grabs onto a kick and upends his smaller opponent, sending him hard onto the floor. Following up, Strong nails a leg drop and a series of throws, before blasting Marvin with a huge clothesline and locking on a headlock.

    Daniel Cohen: Some good work here by Roderick Strong, applying that headlock to increase the pressure on Ricky Marvin’s head.

    Tom Giesen: I thought that last month you basically said this guy was the worst thing since Juas Iscariot, Cohen?

    Daniel Cohen: I respect the man’s ability, Tom, I don’t respect his methods.

    Strong presses the advantage with a dropkick and a standing headlock, before modifying this into a standing cravate. Marvin calls out in pain, and Strong pulls him over to his corner and tags in Lethal. As Lethal winds up for a kick, Marvin somehow escapes the cravate, leading to Lethal’s kick connecting with Strong’s stomach, and allowing the luchadore to tag in Ryan Wing! Wing crosses the ring in a second, unloading on Jay Lethal with some big spinning kicks, a dropkick, and a picture-perfect hurricanrana, sending Lethal scurrying to the outside. Unperturbed, Wing springboards off the ropes with a cross-body press, flattening Lethal on the outside, although moments later a similar cross-body from Strong sends him down. Strong barrels Wing back into the squared circle, and tosses Lethal in as well, allowing his partner a 2-count. The heels begin to isolate Wing now, using quick tags and their respective grasp of technical wrestling to wear down his ribs and legs, limiting his high-flying arsenal. Strong also uses his power to great effect, whilst Lethal’s own aerial skills are shown with a moonsault splash and a springboard hurricanrana.

    Daniel Cohen: Whoa! What a hurricanrana there from Jay Lethal, that could be all here! 1... 2... Ricky Marvin with a good job, breaking up the count!

    Marvin returns to his corner, and moments later an enziguri from Wing allows him to tag back in, making a beeline for Lethal, stopping him from tagging in Roderick Strong and hitting a fisherman’s buster! Lethal yells out in pain, and Strong enters the ring now, only to be blasted with a super kick from Marvin! Moments later, Ryan Wing rushes into the ring, using the crouching Strong as a springboard to launch a flying wheel kick at Lethal - who ducks! The kick connects hard with Ricky Marvin, and moments later Jay Lethal bundles Wing to the outside and gets the cover to win the bout.

    Daniel Cohen: Jay Lethal getting the victory there, but it was that mis-communication from Ryan Wing and Ricky Marvin that did all the work, Tom!

    Tom Giesen: Well, it just goes to show that a language barrier can be a dangerous thing! I wonder what the Spanish for ‘duck’ is anyway? Wing would be advised to learn it, based on that display!

    Lethal and Strong raise each other’s arms in victory now, before Lethal turns to the more unsavoury business he has tonight. Grabbing his baseball bat, he tosses Ryan Wing back into the ring, and lines him up - a sickening thud echoes around the gymnasium as the bat connects with Wing’s skull! Adding insult to injury, Lethal scoops his fallen foe into the air, and levels him with a Lethal Injection! Ricky Marvin attempts to come to his partner’s aid, but he too takes a bat shot to the skull, and the heels make their way backstage, laughing it up, as the fans boo them to high heaven. The first-aiders come to the rescue of the high-fliers, helping them backstage.

    Daniel Cohen: The more I see of this Jay Lethal, Tom, the more disgusted I am!

    Tom Giesen: That’s funny, because the more I see of him, the more impressed I am with his drive and his will to be the best! He’s a role model, Cohen!

    Daniel Cohen: A role model? Don’t make me sick, he’s just an obnoxious little degenerate who has to use a baseball bat to get his point across! What kind of role model is that?

    (Match Quality 88%, Crowd Reaction 42%,  Overall Rating 65%)

    Daniel Cohen: Well, we’ve had a great show tonight, people, if a little marred by certain circumstances, but now it’s time for the main event! Damien Steele goes one on one with one of the top contenders to his title, Colt Cabana, in non-title action!

    Tom Giesen: I just hope that thug Sean Casey doesn’t get involved, Cohen - he’s bound to be frustrated on missing the main event, and seeing Cabana get the slot, and he’s also going to be itching to get involved after what went down earlier! If he knows what’s good for him, he won’t get involved!

    “Damien” by Iced Earth plays now, and ‘The Real Deal’ Damien Steele struts out to the ring, grinning and taunting, looking very pleased with himself indeed. Ignoring the boos of the fans, he shows off the FTW International championship, and strolls down to the ring, with Lizzy Borden on his arm as always. The two share an embrace before Steele steps into the ring, and moments later his music is replaced by Barry Manilow’s “Copacabana.” Colt Cabana dances out onto the ramp, booed by the crowd, and walks down to the ring. He’s drinking a can of Pepsi, and goes to hand it to a kid in the crowd - before shaking his head and tanking it down in one. With that, he jumps into the ring to begin our main event.

    MAIN EVENT: Damien Steele vs. Colt Cabana - non-title match

    The two men look set to enter a lock-up to begin with, but Cabana has other ideas, ducking under Steele’s arm for a fiery German suplex. Keeping the waistlock held tight, he hauls Steele back into the air, before switching his grip to a full-nelson and nailing a dragon suplex for a 2-count! Cabana continues, seeing the only way to keep his advantage being to keep Steele on the mat, with some elbow and knee drops to the ribs and face, before locking on an armbar. The Real Deal eventually claws his way to the ropes, although Cabana makes uses of the 4-count before finally releasing the hold.

    Daniel Cohen: Colt Cabana showing some good ring sense there, aware of the rules.

    Cabana, the hold released, rains down some stomps on his opponent’s arm, eventually letting up and pulling him into a modified suplex, dropping Steele down hard on his shoulder and upper arm. The champion yells out in pain, but Cabana is remorseless in the ring and picks him up again, lifting him high over his head and drilling him down for a shoulderbreaker! Steele, somehow, manages to get to his feet, using his untouched left arm to chop away at Colt now, forcing him into the ropes, and follows up with a few southpaw punches and a dropkick, sending his opponent toppling to the outside. Ducking out onto the apron, Steele attempts a flying ax handle, but Cabana dodges and laughs as Steele flies, right arm first, into the crowd barrier! Ruthlessly seizing the advantage, Cabana Irish whips Steele into the ring steps, and then lays his opponent’s arm over the step as he kneels on the floor. Grabbing a chair from the timekeeper now, Cabana winds up for a chairshot, but Steele pulls his arm away in the nick of time! He manages to roll back into the ring now, and is prepared enough when Colt follows him to latch on a quick headlock and hit some more southpaw punches, followed by an Irish whip into the corner and a one-handed superplex!

    Daniel Cohen: This is amazing, Tom, Damien Steele is fighting one-handed out there!

    Tom Giesen: I told you, Cohen, I told you this man was great, I told you and you didn’t listen!

    Cohen’s newfound admiration for the International champion doesn’t last, however, as Steele now uses a lowblow and some vicious kicks to the face to keep his advantage, which our announcer condemns. Lifting Cabana up now, Steele drills him back into the mat with an inch-perfect DDT, following with a stiff elbow drop to the face, and a few stomps. Cabana eventually rolls onto his stomach, and crawls to his feet, throwing a blind mule kick behind him and connecting with Steele’s crotch! The champion doubles over, allowing Colt to hit a modified rocker dropper, landing Steele’s arm hard onto the mat! Lizzy Borden yells her concerns to referee Tony Bryant, who agrees and admonishes Cabana, allowing Borden the opening to slide the International championship belt into the ring, into Steele’s waiting hands! While the referee is reading the riot act to Colt Cabana, the champion winds up and smashes the belt across Colt’s head in one movement, tossing the belt to the outside on the follow-through. With that, Steele picks up his opponent’s dead weight - and hit’s the Dealbreaker! That’s academic, of course, and the pinfall follows.

    Daniel Cohen: I can’t believe that! This just isn’t right! Just when Damien Steele was starting to give his most sportsmanlike display since he’s been here, he goes and cheats to beat Colt Cabana!

    Tom Giesen: In all fairness, Cohen, he was fighting one-handed, as you said. He was at an unfair disadvantage, he was evening the odds!

    Daniel Cohen: With a title belt? That’s ten pounds of gold, Tom, across the back of the skull, that’s got to outweigh any damage done to Steele’s arm! Like it or not, Damien Steele is a damn cheater!

    Tom Giesen: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - why don’t you tell him that to his face?

    Steele celebrates in the ring now, retrieving his title belt, over Cabana’s fallen form. The fans are booing at the top of their lungs, but moments later their boos turn to cheers as we see a figure darting down the ramp - it’s ‘Sexy’ Sean Casey! In revenge for Steele’s assault earlier in the show, Casey jumps into the ring and superkicks the champion square on the jaw! Lizzy Borden, of course, quickly tries to come to Steele’s aid, but she is taken down from behind by Alicia Webb! The two women engage in the typical hair-pulling, slapping catfight on the outside, much to the love of the fans and Sean Casey, who also superkicks Colt Cabana down as he staggers back up. Standing over the battered forms of the International champion and the man he arguably had beaten for the number one contendership last month, Casey raises his hands in victory.

    (Match Quality 89%, Crowd Reaction 33%, Overall Rating 61%)

    Daniel Cohen: Sean Casey has just gotten revenge, ladies and gentlemen! That’ll teach Damien Steele to walk around as if he owns the place, as if he’s above the rules! How do you like that, champ?

    Tom Giesen: Calm down, Cohen, just breathe.

    Daniel Cohen: Oh, breathe yourself! We’re out of time, ladies and gentlemen, but this is the scene - Sean Casey, standing victorious, with what must be his strongest claim yet to the International championship! We’ll see you next month, but until then - May The Force be with you!

    Overall Show Rating - 58%

  20. Another good show, my enjoyment of which was only very slightly marred by a few syntax errors and mistakes with the headings for some segments, plus the slightly odd way the first segment ran. Still, I got it all, and it's a great show nevertheless. Well done.

    Politics working against Triple H? You're having me on, Benji, he's probably just losing overness on purpose so he can fade out of the main event scene for a while, and then come back with UNIMAGINABLE POLITICAL POWER!!! Or something.


  21. March recapped…

    Another wild thirty days, another wealth of amusing and entertaining news titbits from the wacky world of pro wrestling…

    -- Ric Flair and Randy Savage both went ahead with their retirements, with Savage deciding to finally go home after appearing on a few NWA:TNA shows in March, and Flair becoming a road agent for the WWE. Nobody noteworthy to add to that list this month.

    -- The glut of indy workers signing to the WWE continues, as Simon Diamond has signed a lengthy written contract with the promotion. You poor thing, Simon, don’t you know you’ll be forced into a stereotypical gimmick and jobbing on HeAT for all eternity? I still smell a rat.

    -- In other, less newsworthy information regarding workers being signed, Force Twelve Wrestling has agreed to an open deal with indy worker Danny Dominion. This deal was largely brought about by pressure from Sophie, who claims that a roster of 16 makes us look unprofessional, and 1 extra employee would rectify this totally. Hmm. Anyway, Dominion is talented an inexpensive, so he’s right up our street. Expect him to debut at the next show.

    -- IWA: Puerto Rico has reached the dizzying heights of a Cult fan base this month, celebrating by signing Jerry Lynn, Vampiro, Doug Williams and Michael Modest to expensive deals, and announcing a drive to become a nationally-acclaimed federation by this time next year. Good luck to them, they aren’t McMahon so we’re happy.

    -- In other news, WXW and NWA: Pro Wrestling Express have both dropped down to the small level, which leaves them on just about a par with us. Expect NWA: Wildside to join them this month, unless Bill Behrens begins to pull his finger out with the book over there.

    -- The internet wrestling media has been screaming with potential bankruptcy stories all month, listing ECCW, ECWA, and UXW as the most likely promotions to go bankrupt in the coming weeks. No mention of FTW, but that’s probably more because nobody cares than because we’re financially secure.

    -- In other web-based information, the ‘100% reliable’ rumour website WrestlingHeat.com has filed a very small story suggesting that Lizzy Borden has been secretly dating Ricky Marvin. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me, given her reputation, but I think there might be a language barrier on the path to true love for them. I’ve spoken to Ricky on several occassions, and I can tell you that the only words of English he understands are “job” and “pay.”

    -- Once more, a gain in public standing for Force Twelve Wrestling this month, but hopefully we won’t be halted in terms of our climb up the ladder by our new cost-cutting measures.


    April 17th, 2005...

    The Force might have relocated, but you can bet your bottom dollar that we’re still giving you the action you’re used to! Spring Fling will be coming to you out of the Alfred P. Vance High School gymnasium on April 17th, because the Manhattan Civic Hall couldn’t stand the heat any longer! No worries, because have we got a show for you!

    Damien Steele is set to meet Colt Cabana in non-title action, in a move that will surely infuriate ‘Sexy’ Sean Casey, who will argue that he had Cabana beaten until Roderick Strong’s interference at the end of New York Minute! Casey himself, meanwhile, will be able to take out his frustrations on the smooth-talking Lance Silva, who has requested a match with the Sexy One in order to prove his superior manhood. His words, not ours.

    Fed up with being overlooked, or so they claim, by the powers that be in Force Twelve, Roderick Strong and Jay Lethal have demanded to be allowed to team up at Spring Fling, and the powers that be have agreed. Their opponents will be the team of Ricky Marvin and Ryan Wing, and you’d better believe that Lethal and Wing will be out to tear holes in each other after what went down at New York Minute!

    Now that he is two-for-two in a strange, unfamiliar country, The Foreigner has gained enough confidence to challenge that bastion of American pride and patriotism, ‘All American’ Ash Parker. We heard Foreigner’s words last month, and at Spring Fling we’ll see nations collide as the two men meet in the ring!

    In other action, Chance Beckett marks his return to Force Twelve with a match against the Navy Seal, whilst Greg Pawluk has put out an open challenge to anybody on the Force Twelve roster, clearly looking to make an impact and get his first win for the company.

    So, remember the change in location - Alfred P. Vance High School gymnasium - but it’s otherwise business as usual! Doors are at 7:30pm on April 17th, so arrive early to avoid disappointment! As always, if you keep your ticket stub then you’re entitled to a free medium soda and fries on your next visit to Hardee’s burgers, so make sure you’ve got The Force!

    Confirmed Matches…

    •  Chance Beckett vs. Navy Seal

    •  Greg Pawluk vs. ??? - Open Challenge

    •  The Foreigner vs. ‘All American’ Ash Parker

    •  ‘Sexy’ Sean Casey vs. Lance Silva

    •  Jay Lethal/Roderick Strong vs. Ricky Marvin/‘Sure Thing’ Ryan Wing

    •  ‘The Real Deal’ Damien Steele vs. Colt Cabana - non-title match

  22. Part 7...

    I don’t deserve this. Our monthly bank statement came through today, April 1st, and sure enough we’ve lost a shedload of cash for the second month in a row. While I was sitting at the breakfast table, with the milk in my cornflakes slowly congealing as I sat open-mouthed, staring at the piece of paper which informs me that we somehow managed to lose $221,220 in a single month, leaving us with only $331,490 in the bank, it occurred to me that we’d have to start cutting some costs if we want to succeed. Such a thought must have occurred somewhat earlier to my bank manager, who telephoned a few moments later, called me a few curse words, yelled something about a vacation in the Bahamas to cool his nerves, and then hung up. Sophie’s just come over, to find me still staring at the bank statement in horror and disbelief, and my cornflakes thoroughly ruined. She’s making me toast as we speak…

    “Any thoughts on how to rectify the problem?”

    “Well, we’ve got to cut costs, Sophie, or we’re going to be in the red so fast it isn’t funny.”

    “Okay, but where do you want to start cutting costs?”

    The simple answers are advertising and production. I don’t want to lose the talent roster we’ve got for some cheaper, less talented individuals who will be easier on the wallet, so it looks as if we’ll be moving to smaller venues and spending less money on shilling our shows.

    “Production, advertising, I suppose.”

    “Right, my thoughts exactly. So, we’ll cut the advertising budget… in half?”

    “That’s still $100,000 a month, Sophie.”

    “Yeah, but it’s $100,000 extra in your pocket, and maybe this time next month your bank manager won’t be cursing you in just about every tongue on the planet. As for production… if we tell The Sound Guy to drop things a bit with the lights and the set, and try to get ourselves a spot in a high school gym or something, that’s going to be much cheaper.”

    “The question is, though - can we get anywhere to give us a whole night in just 2 weeks’ time? We’ve got a show on the 17th, we’ve been advertising it.”

    “So we do some scouting around. We’ll find something. How many high schools are there in this city? There’s bound to be something - what kind of school uses its gymnasium on a Sunday night, anyway?”

    “Touché. We’ve also had a few calls from the boys in the last few days - they want their wages increased. Steele, Lethal, Strong, Borden…”

    “Lizzy Borden? She wants a pay rise? What the Hell does she do to deserve a pay rise, screw Damien?”

    “That’s pretty much her line of thinking, yeah. She made some pretty weak argument about struggling to make ends meet as well, and it’s unfair not to pay her for what she does. But, at the end of the day, we need Damien Steele happy, and if she’s happy, he’s happy. God, when did my life begin to revolve around the sex lives of a pro wrestler and a former porn queen?”

    “You make it sound so glamorous.”

    “Oh yeah, just look at the glitz. Is my toast ready yet?

    Sophie nods, and skips off to the toaster to fetch my breakfast. What did I do to deserve such a hands-on secretary, I wonder?

    “Here you are.”

    I don’t like butter with the jam, but I don’t think I’m in much of a position to complain, except perhaps from the dubious financial perspective that using both butter and jam is wasting money. Then again, she’d be able to counter by saying that using the toaster at all is a waste of valuable electricity.

    “Perhaps if you tried to, like, make friends with some of the boys, they might let up on the pay demands?”

    “I don’t think it’s wise to make friends with them, they’re my employees.”

    “Yeah, but didn’t you have friends where we used to work?

    “I tended to keep my work and friends separate, I didn’t make too many friends there.”

    “Ah, professional detachment. Very noble.”

    “No, it wasn’t that. I just didn’t really have a knack for making friends. Anyway, I’d better get onto the phone with The Sound Guy, and try to talk Borden down from her high horse. Since when does she get to take the moral high ground on matters of pay? I’ve never been paid to have sex on camera.”

    “Not yet, anyway. You wait ’til June, when we’re two hundred grand in debt.”

    “Geez, you’re a real ray of sunshine.”

    End of Part 7

    -- Thanks for the feedback, youse two. As for the comment on everybody's favourite foreign dog, he's in an angle with a pro-American now, so he'll be taking on the nationality of countries with immediate problems with the US for the time being. Expect a rip-off of the WWE's Arab-American duo in the near future, although perhaps in poorer taste because I'm not that subtle.

    -- Card for the abysmally-named Spring Fling will be up soonish (this is what happens when you don't predict!), along with another surely doomed predictions contest.

    Raven's Kid!


  23. This is the most promising diary, after 2 shows, that I've ever read. This is pure 100% quality in every way, old-school ECW with a new and entertaining twist on things. Anything with Raven is also worth reading, so this is great.

    Predictions for the next show...

    Jerry Lynn def. Christian York

    Mikey Whipwreck def. Chris Chetti, Guido Maritato, Yoshihiro Tajiri

    Looking forward to the next shows with great interest. Oh, and...


    Raven's Kid!


    March 20th, 2005

    Location: Manhattan Civic Hall, New York

    Announcers: Daniel Cohen and Tom Giesen

    FTW New York Minute opens with some rock music playing over the speakers, recognisable as “I Love New York” by the band Selfish C**t. 189 fans are packed into the Manhattan Civic Hall tonight, a sentence which says a lot more about the size of the venue than the crowd, but they’re excited and chanting nonetheless. At the ringside table is Daniel Cohen, who is sitting with an unintroduced figure…

    Daniel Cohen: Welcome to New York Minute! Force Twelve Wrestling’s second-ever show, ladies and gentlemen, coming to you out of the city so good they named it twice. I’m Daniel Cohen, and next to me is my new partner…

    Tom Giesen: Tom Giesen, Cohen, and let me tell you that you’re lucky to have me here! Talk about a hike in production values!

    Daniel Cohen: Well, we’ll be the judge of that one, Tom, but nevertheless we’ve got a great show tonight! After walking out with the title at Valentine’s Day Massacre, Damien Steele is set to face Ricky Marvin tonight, and he’ll also be watching our main event - because the winner takes away a contract naming them the number one contender!

    Tom Giesen: Damn right, but it doesn’t matter anyhow - Steele’s the Real Deal, Cohen, and he’s already defeated those two men! Those guys are nothing!

    Daniel Cohen: Why would you say something like that, Tom?

    Tom Giesen: Aren’t I supposed to? I’m the heel.

    Without Breaking a Sweat…

    As the announcers chit-chat and shill the card, “Damien” by Iced Earth plays and the fans rise to their feet with boos, some more quick off the mark than others, to greet ‘The Real Deal’ Damien Steele and Lizzy Borden as they head out from behind the curtain. Ignoring the fans, or rather baiting them, Steele struts down the ramp, showing off the FTW International championship on one arm and his valet on the other. The two step into the ring, where they engage in an embrace that draws more boos, and the disgust of our announcer…

    Daniel Cohen: I’m usually all for public displays of affection, people, but I’m really not on board with this. They’re just deplorable!

    Tom Giesen: Look, Cohen, nobody cares if you’re jealous. If you can’t get a girlfriend, fine, just don’t drag the rest of us down with you.

    Daniel Cohen: …I don’t like you, y’know that?

    Tom Giesen: My sentiments exactly.

    Their lip-lock broken, Borden and Steele take microphones, and the champion lazily leans back against the ropes, admiring his gold, while Borden speaks…

    Lizzy Borden: Feast your eyes on him, boys and girls… Damien Steele, the first-ever FTW International champion. Last month, this man defeated five other men across two matches to take home the gold, and let me tell you it looks great above the mantelpiece. So, why have we graced you with our presence tonight? Tonight, you people get to witness a non-title, FTW International champion’s showcase match, as this man defeats Ricky Marvin. And hey… he’ll do it without breaking a sweat.

    Damien Steele: You got that right. Marvin, I hope you’re listenin’, because tonight you’re going down inside the five-minute mark, buddy boy, and I won’t even need to take a shower afterwards, because I’m the REAL FUCKIN’ DEAL!

    With that, Steele tosses down his microphone and steps outside onto the apron, flexing and posing to the dislike of the fans. Borden follows a moment later, again infuriating the crowd by embracing with Steele as they head backstage, their presence already felt tonight.

    (Segment quality 72%)

    After the champion and Borden have made their way backstage, Greg Pawluk’s hip-hop music, “Fix Up Look Sharp” by British rap innovator Dizzee Rascal, plays over the speakers and the technical supreme heads out to the ring to a decent reaction. As he warms up, flexing his muscles and stretching, his music is replaced by the National Anthem of France, and The Foreigner heads out, waving the tricoleur flag and getting a shockingly hateful reaction from the live audience. Unperturbed, Foreigner steps into the ring, straightens out his tricoleur-themed tights, and locks up with Pawluk to begin the bout.

    OPENER: The Foreigner vs. Greg Pawluk

    Pawluk easily overpowers Foreigner from the original lock-up, slapping on a wristlock and forcing him into the ropes. Foreigner pushes himself back into the middle of the ring, but Pawluk floors him and re-applies the wristlock, this time in a grounded position. Continuing his work on the hand, he latches on a short-arm scissor hold, switching to an armbar and wrenching back on the wrist after a few seconds.

    Daniel Cohen: This is what technical wrestling’s all about, folks, Greg Pawluk is totally centred in on that wrist!

    Tom Giesen: Does he not realise that The Foreigner has another perfectly good hand on him? I mean, he’s going after the left hand, but this guy isn’t even left-handed! He’s not done his homework!

    Eventually, Foreigner powers out, and manages to get back into the contest with some fiery chops, a right hand to the jaw, and a suplex. Using his size advantage and the power of France, Foreigner begins to carve out an advantage with some powerful suplexes and slams, before nailing an impressive modification on the emerald frosion to lay Pawluk out.

    Tom Giesen: Owch, what a move! Did Pawluk’s wristlocks save him from that one? No, no they didn’t, Cohen!

    Foreigner pauses now and retrieves his tricoleur. Tony Bryant, having learned from last month’s mistake, immediately begins remonstrating with him, but the referee’s worries are unfounded as Foreigner is merely taunting and showing off, to the hatred of the fans. Finally finishing, he turns around, straight into a lariat from Pawluk! Once again going after the arm, Pawluk drops a knee into the elbow and places on an armbar, but doesn’t cinch back enough and allows his opponent to escape. Dodging another lariat, Foreigner attempts the dreaded French Suplex, but cannot lift his opponent! Clutching his arm in pain, Foreigner casts around for another option, opting to kick Pawluk in the crotch before finally nailing the French Suplex on an opponent offering no resistance. With a nonchalant cover, The Foreigner picks up his second win!

    Daniel Cohen: Two wins in two, and two underhanded moves to get there! This guy might be successful, but I don’t agree with his tactics!

    Tom Giesen: D’you think he cares? Hell, where he’s from they probably love that sort of thing! He’s ignoring the US fans, Cohen, he’s playing to the hometown crowd!

    Daniel Cohen: Have you ever been to France?

    Tom Giesen: No. Have you?

    Daniel Cohen: Yes I have, so just be quiet if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Tom Giesen: Well, excuse me Monsieur Français. Don’t drop your baguette or anything.

    Amidst all of this, Foreigner has seized a microphone…

    (Match Quality 80%, Crowd Reaction 31%, Overall Rating 55%)

    Foreign Invasion…

    The most hated man in FTW, by merit of only his ever-changing nationality, begins to speak now, in an awful generic European accent, gravitating slightly towards a Parisian drawl…

    The Foreigner: Silence, s’il vous plait! Shut up, you ungrateful dogs! Do you people not find it ironic zat you ’ate ze French so much, yet it was us who won your independence for you in 1776? Wizout ze French army, you people would still be under ze rule of ze British, and yet you boo us? Zis is typical of your country, of your pig-headed arrogance and idiocy. Well, ze era of your ignorance is over, vous comprende? Zis is ze beginning of ze Foreign Invasion, and you ’ave just seen ze second victim humiliated in front of ’is ’ome crowd. You fools, you bleat about your country as if you were ze greatest nation on ze planet, but you will always be second-string, always below ze might of ze Foreign Invasion! Maintenant, I am laying out a challenge for ze next show… Ash Parker! You claim to be ‘All American?’ Well, we will find out which is better, no? Ze ‘All American’ or ze Foreigner!

    With that, he tosses down the microphone and leaves the ring, pausing to boot Greg Pawluk in the face one more time as he does so.

    Daniel Cohen: Well, that was definitely something you don’t see every day. Thoughts, Tom?

    Tom Giesen: He’s got a point about our mistreatment of the French, you know. I’m as patriotic as the next guy, Cohen, but only as far as the facts. I guess if Parker accepts then we’re in for a great match at the next show!

    Daniel Cohen: You can say that again.

    Tom Giesen: I guess if Parker accepts then we’re in for a great match at the next show!

    Daniel Cohen: Why do I even bother?

    Foreigner makes his way backstage now, waving the tricoleur, drawing the most vicious boo heard from this crowd yet, whilst a groggy Greg Pawluk stumbles backstage to a huge round of applause.

    (Segment quality 57%)

    Moments later, some nu-metal sounds recognisable as Limp Bizkit’s “Boiler” plays over the speakers, and Roderick Strong makes his way out to the ring with Jamie Koeppe at his side, looking at the fans in utter disgust as they boo his arrival. The disgust quickly turns to anger, and he manages to get into an argument with a fan on his ramp that almost turns violent before Koeppe intervenes. As Strong warms up, the sounds of military drill music are heard, and the Navy Seal jogs out to the ramp, once more wearing khaki and a beret for the mother of all cheap pops. He barrels down the ring to face Strong, who decapitates him with a lariat so quickly that the bell is still ringing as he hits the mat.

    MATCH 2: Roderick Strong vs. Navy Seal

    From that, Strong continues his dominance with a crushing elbow drop to the stomach and a knee drop. As the FTW’s very own armed forces representative makes his way back to his feet, Strong cuts him down with an STO, and locks on a reverse chinlock. From here, he grounds Seal and goes into a scissored sleeper hold, still working on the head and neck. Picking his opponent up, Strong lifts him into the air as if for a suplex, and deposits him over the top rope to the floor, where Jamie Koeppe sets about stomping as Strong himself complains about his boot lace to the official.

    Daniel Cohen: Oh come on, this is hardly fair! Strong was doing fine on his own, why does he have to get the broad involved?

    Tom Giesen: She’s got to do something to justify paying her, right? Besides, if you have an advantage in this game and you don’t use it, then you’re the idiot, and Strong’s no idiot!

    Once her stomping and slapping duties have been fulfilled, Koeppe tosses Navy Seal back into the ring, where he stumbles to his feet and is blasted with a German suplex, followed up with a senton backsplash to the face. Feeling the effects by now, Seal tries to cover his head, but this only annoys Strong, who regains to rain forearm shots across his opponent’s skull and neck now. Sensing victory at hand, he drags the military man to his feet, and kills him dead with a cradle piledriver that gets the easy win.

    With the match won, Strong continues the punishment with a post-match beat down, dragging Seal to his feet and hitting another series of painful lariats before ending the torture with the CX ’03. As Strong tosses Seal to the outside, where the resident first aiders help him backstage, Jamie Koeppe takes a microphone.

    (MatchQuality 86%, Crowd Reaction 35%, Overall Rating 60%)

    Getting Impatient…

    The fans are booing the Hell out of the duo, but Koeppe can talk louder than any fan can boo, and proves it as she begins to speak…

    Jamie Koeppe: We’re not amused, we’re not amused at all! We told you at Valentine’s Day Massacre, we told you we didn’t want to wait! We told you we wanted the title, we TOLD YOU! Shut up, you slobs, and let me speak!

    Daniel Cohen: That’s a novel approach to crowd control.

    Jamie Koeppe: Do you understand what we mean? You know who I mean, I’m talking to the powers-that-be… you hear us, DON’T YOU? We’re getting impatient… Roderick Strong won’t wait forever, and if you won’t listen to our pleas then we’ll be forced to MAKE you consider us! This is on YOUR heads!

    Abrupt as ever, Koeppe tosses the microphone to the mat and leaves the strong, gesturing for Strong to follow. He does so, almost getting into a fight with the same fan again as he walks up the ramp. The duo finally disappear behind the curtain, amazingly without incident.

    Daniel Cohen: ‘This is on your heads?’ What’s that supposed to mean?

    Tom Giesen: It’s pretty obvious, Cohen. Did you flunk English or something?

    Daniel Cohen: How I did in school is my own business, Tom.

    Tom Giesen: Okay, I’ll go slowly… Koeppe… means… that… she… is… angry… with…

    Daniel Cohen: Oh for God’s sake, I get it, just be quiet.

    (Segment quality 64%)

    Powerman 5000’s “The Way It Is” plays now, and ‘Sure Thing’ Ryan Wing heads out from behind the curtain, getting a decent reaction from the crowd. He plays to them, augmenting their response, and grins widely as he walks down the ramp and into the ring. Lance Silva’s music, “Slash dot com” by Fatboy Slim, plays next, and the self-proclaimed ladies’ man struts out onto the ramp, with a rose clenched between his teeth.

    Daniel Cohen: Oh geez, what a cliché. Did he forget Valentine’s Day or something?

    Tom Giesen: In all fairness, he probably spent Valentine’s Day concussed after the last show, Cohen.

    Daniel Cohen: Well, quite. Anyway, folks, we’re expecting a barn-burner here, this match was made after great performances from both men in the Triple Threat Challenge Tournament last month, and they’ll both be out to impress!

    Silva hands the rose to a young woman on the way down to the ring, his smarmy advance drawing boos from the male section of the crowd, before rolling into the ring as the bell sounds.

    MATCH 3: Ryan Wing vs. Lance Silva

    Silva is still showboating as the bell rings, pleased with himself for having landed a possible date, and as such isn’t paying attention as Wing nails a spinning heel kick to his jaw, sending him reeling into the ropes and rebounding into a hurricanrana. The young high-flier continues his offense with some quick kicks and a series of take-overs and roll-throughs, finishing with a discus clothesline and followed up with a handspring moonsault splash.

    Daniel Cohen: Whoa, check this kid out, Tom! This is promising stuff from Ryan Wing!

    Wing heads up to the top rope, but telegraphs a moonsault as Silva dodges. The ladies’ man takes advantage with a dropkick to the face, sending Wing over, and a quick series of leg drops and elbows. He then heads to the top rope, and succeeds where Wing failed in connecting with a moonsault. Eschewing the pin attempt, Silva follows up with a few stomps, before hitting a great springboard dropkick to send his opponent toppling to the outside. Silva taunts now, before taking a run-up and clearing the ropes with a topé, only for Wing to dodge and throw him into the crowd barrier! The ‘Sure Thing’ jumps onto the ring apron now and springs off with a moonsault press, connecting with Silva and landing on the other side of the crowd barrier. The crowd pat him on the back, and his concentration is broken long enough for his opponent to recover and nail a jawbreaker, slamming Wing’s jaw into the metal barrier!

    Tom Giesen: Well, that’s one alternative to dental work, Cohen!

    Daniel Cohen: Lance Silva’s showing some good awareness there, using the arena around him to his advantage. This is turning into a great match!

    From here, Silva pulls Wing back over the barrier and tosses him into the ring, jumping onto the apron and springing off with a leg drop for a 2-count. Signalling for the end now, Silva lines Wing up for his finishing maneuver, the Save The Last Dance, but Wing is able to drop down onto his chest and spring up behind Silva, knocking him down with a shuffle side kick and going to the top rope… Suresault! The ‘Sure Thing’ hooks Silva’s leg, and gets the pinfall to win the match.

    Daniel Cohen: What a match, what a move, and what a competitor! Ryan Wing pulling out a big victory there, Tom, with that picture-perfect Suresault to end the match!

    Tom Giesen: Yeah, we get it. Geez, if you want to ask him out, Cohen, just invite him out to dinner or something. There’s no need for this sycophantic ass-kissing.

    Wing gets to his feet after the match, clutching his stomach slightly, and raises his arms into the air in celebration. He plays to the crowd for a few moments, turning his back on the curtain - which proves to be a costly error. Moments later, a figure comes barrelling down the ramp, so quickly that the announcers barely notice him before he has cracked Wing over the head with a baseball bat.

    Daniel Cohen: You’ve got to admit, Tom, Wing pulled out all the stops and that was a great… hey, hold on a minute! That’s Jay Lethal, and he just took Wing out with that bat!

    Tom Giesen: What a shot, Cohen! I think the Yankees may have found the answer to their problems!

    Daniel Cohen: Will you just shut up for two seconds and do your job? Why the Hell is Lethal out here?

    It looks as if we’ll get to find out, as Lethal quickly ejects Wing from the squared circle and grabs a microphone…

    (Match Quality 81%, Crowd Reaction 31%, Overall Rating 56%)


    Jay Lethal: Shut up and listen! This is what passes for entertainment these days, huh? This is what you people want to see? I say you’re all even more stupid than I first thought, and that goes for the powers that be as well. Why’re you giving these nobodies valuable spots on the show, while I’m left to rot backstage? Don’t you people know that I’m the best thing to ever grace FTW? THIS IS WHERE IT’S AT!

    The fans begin to boo even louder now, and Lethal begins to get annoyed…

    Daniel Cohen: He doesn’t look happy with this reaction, people.

    Tom Giesen: Do you blame him? He’s got a point - he’s been overlooked for two glorified acrobats, Cohen, and these people have the nerve to boo him?

    Jay Lethal: I’m sick and tired of being overlooked for so-called ‘athletes’ like Ryan Wing. So you’ve got a catchy ring name and you can break out 50 variations of a backflip in every match, what does that prove? It proves nothing! I’m one of the youngest, most talented men on the whole East Coast, and this little bitch gets MY spot? You’d better watch your back, Wing, because if the powers that be don’t give me MY spot, I’m going to take yours… by any means necessary.

    Lethal leaves the ring now as “One Step Closer” by Linkin Park plays. On his way up the ramp, he stops to stick a boot in Wing’s face, and toss the microphone down next to him. After Lethal has disappeared behind the curtain, Wing is helped backstage by our resident first aid specialists.

    (Segment quality 78%)

    Moments later, Ricky Marvin’s oh-so-stereotypical music plays over the speakers, and the luchadore heads out onto the ramp, his arm raised in recognition of the reaction he is getting from the audience. He buddies up to a few fans on his way down to the ring, before stepping between the ropes and awaiting the FTW International champion. “Damien” by Iced Earth plays, and the champion heads out for the second time tonight, accompanied by Lizzy Borden. Steele strolls down to the ring, seemingly a little more focussed than earlier, and hands over the International championship to the official before locking up with Marvin.

    MATCH 4: Damien Steele vs. Ricky Marvin - non-title FTW International champion showcase

    Marvin quickly evades the initial lock-up and starts punching and chopping away at the champion, hoping to carve out an early advantage. His sound strategy continues with some spinning kicks and a dropkick which sends Steele into the ropes, but Marvin’s attempt at a cross-body fails as Steele grabs him and nails a spinning fall away slam. The champion begins to dominate from here on out, using his size advantage over the much smaller Marvin to keep the advantage with a series of powerful slams and strikes, quickly wearing the luchadore down. After a tilt-a-whirl sideslam, Steele lifts Marvin up for a vertical suplex. The luchadore tries to free himself, writhing and struggling, but this comes off worse for him as Steele almost drops him in the descent, drilling him right onto his head!

    Daniel Cohen: Oh man, that was hellacious! Marvin’s attempt to escape backfired on him one hundred per cent there!

    Tom Giesen: I think he’ll be taking the short bus to his English night-school classes from now on, Cohen!

    Steele follows up with a headlock and some elbows, keeping the pressure on the cranium, before Irish whipping Marvin hard into the turnbuckle. He attempts a superplex, but Marvin is able to recover enough to shove him hard down to the mat. Signalling for his finishing maneuver with a raised arm, the luchadore attempts the Ricky Rana, but Steele has quickly regained his composure and catches him mid-air! Yelling out that he is the Real Deal, Steele nails a sick cradled piledriver on Marvin, which lays him out for the 1-2-3!

    Daniel Cohen: Owch, I’m hurting just watching that move! Ricky Marvin gave his all against the champion, but Damien Steele was able to put him away with that crushing piledriver!

    Tom Giesen: Oh, stop sugar-coating it, Cohen, these people are old enough to hear the truth - Damien Steele is the greatest thing to hit the East Coast in a long time, he’s the most talented man in FTW, and Ricky Marvin is just the next in a long line of losers that he’ll annihilate! He’s not good enough, he barely lasted five minutes!

    Steele grabs his belt from the official once more, raising it into the air as Lizzy Borden joins him in the ring. FTW’s first couple share another embrace amidst the boos of the crowd, before Steele holds five fingers in the air and yells “I told you”, recalling his earlier promise to beat Ricky Marvin inside of five minutes. With “Damien” by Iced Earth playing, the duo head backstage, whilst Marvin stumbles to his feet and is helped backstage by our first aiders.

    (Match Quality 75%, Crowd Reaction 43%, Overall Rating 59%)

    Daniel Cohen: Well, people, we’ve seen some great action tonight at only our second-ever show here at Force Twelve Wrestling, but right now it’s time for the match we all came here to see - the main event, as Colt Cabana and Sean Casey meet to decide the number one contender to Damien Steele’s International championship!

    Tom Giesen: Phht, like it matters anyway. Steele wasted both of those men last month.

    Daniel Cohen: Is he paying you or something?

    As the announcers argue, “Copacabana” by the ageless Barry Manilow plays over the speakers, and Colt Cabana struts out to the ring, largely oblivious to the negative reaction he is getting from the fans as he dances down the ramp and onto the apron, raising his arms into the air. Cabana ducks into the ring, still ignoring the boos, and awaits his opponent. “Nobody Does It Better” by Carly Simon plays over the speakers, and Sean Casey heads out to the ring to the pop of the night, revelling in the reaction he is getting and proceeding to chat up the same female fan that Lance Silva tried it on with earlier in the evening. Eventually, he strolls into the ring, and the bell rings to begin our main event match.

    MAIN EVENT: Colt Cabana vs. Sean Casey - #1 contender’s match

    Cabana makes a pretty big show of avoiding Casey for the first few moments, backing away into the ropes and then ducking through his legs, backing away again. Finally, Casey makes a lunge for his quick-footed opponent, who dodges and blasts him with a lowblow. Taking control of the bout now, much to the chagrin of the crowd, Cabana trips Casey and applies a buffalo sleeper hold, before releasing it and dropkicking him in the back. From there, the Straight Edge follower whips Casey into the ropes and guillotines him hard against the bottom rope, earning him a reprimanding from referee Tony Bryant.

    Daniel Cohen: The referee doing a good job reading the riot act to Colt Cabana there, Tom.

    Tom Giesen: Rules, schmules! He needs to let the match flow, let Cabana do his thing! This place would be so much more entertaining if he just let the guys entertain!

    Amidst Giesen’s gospel on referee intervention, Casey nips up to his feet and levels Cabana with a super kick, following up with a leg grapevine hold. Cabana quickly reaches the ropes, and is dragged into the middle of the ring by the Sexy One, who goes back to the leg with some harsh stomps and a knee lock. As Casey cinches the hold in, Cabana yells and screams, but eventually pitches himself forwards and rolls through into a deathlock, which Casey quickly escapes from. The two men lock-up, and Cabana wins out with a big suplex, drilling Casey down onto his head. From here, the two men start to exchange the advantage as the match wears on, with Colt keeping up the pressure on Casey’s head and neck with some dangerously-spiked maneuvers and various holds, whilst Casey quickly zeroes in on Cabana’s left leg, working it over with various submissions and also some clever aerial moves. Following a missile dropkick to the knee that has Cabana yelping out loud, Casey signals for the finish, and goes to the top rope for what looks to be his trademark Flying Elbow.

    Daniel Cohen: Here it comes, folks, it’s Elbow time!

    Tom Giesen: I keep telling you - it doesn’t matter! If he wins, he’ll just be mown down by Steele next month!

    Daniel Cohen: Just shut up about Steele for one minute, Tom, and pay attention to the damn… hey, wait a minute!

    As Cohen speaks, we see a figure darting down the ramp to the ring - it’s Roderick Strong! Casey has not seen him, and comes diving off of the turnbuckle with a Flying Elbow, connecting painfully with Cabana. Moments later, however, Strong hauls him off of his opponent’s prone form and blasts him with the CX ’03, before picking up Cabana and treating him to the same fate. Tony Bryant has no choice, of course, but to call for the bell, signalling a No Contest.

    Daniel Cohen: What in God’s name is this about, Tom? Why is Strong out here?

    Tom Giesen: This is just… neat! You heard Jamie Koeppe earlier, Cohen, they said they’d make the powers that be regret their decision to overlook Roderick Strong, and they’re gonna have to take notice now!

    Daniel Cohen: So he’s done this? He’s ruined our main event because he can’t take it when nobody pays attention to him? What is this guy, five years old?

    Tom Giesen: You want to get into the ring and tell him that, Cohen?

    With the bell ringing loudly around the arena to try and shake him out of his fury, Strong continues to manhandle the two fallen competitors, the referee’s pleas falling on deaf ears. Playing on the damage done in the match, he hits a sick piledriver on Sean Casey, before locking Colt Cabana in an excruciating Indian death lock, yelling out all the while that he will not be ignored. Eventually, he lets up on both men, standing over them with his arms raised in victory. Jamie Koeppe strolls out now, her man’s job done, all smiles and applause. The two of them celebrate in the ring, the boos of the fans only seeming to fuel their sick pleasure.

    (Match Quality 88%, Crowd Reaction 47%, Overall Rating 67%)

    Daniel Cohen: This is just heinous, Tom, how can you condone this? Roderick Strong wants recognition, he should earn it, not hide behind sneak attacks and that bitch who does the talking for him!

    Tom Giesen: Oh for the love of God, why won’t you just understand that this isn’t 1985 anymore, Cohen? This is the modern world, and this is how you make an impact in FTW! This man is the future!

    Daniel Cohen: Well, I for one hope not. We’re out of time, people, I’ve been Daniel Cohen and I’ve had the dubious honour of being accompanied by Tom Giesen tonight…

    Tom Giesen: Don’t mention it!

    Daniel Cohen: I won’t. Anyway, I hope you’ll join us again, and until next time - may The Force be with you!

    Overall Show Rating - 62%

  25. This is already one of the best diaries in the forum. Excellent in every way, I've enjoyed each and every show so far. I'm marking out for Raven, which is always enjoyable, and it's nice to see Billy Gunn being used in a new and interesting way. I liked the Test catchphrase too, cheesy stuff rocks.

    Lookin' forward to SmackDown - I can't see Rock joining Vince, that'd be 3 main eventers versus Triple H, even the power of BACKSTAGE POLITICS can't overcome that.


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