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The Donators
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Status Updates posted by Mick

  1. Excuse me. I'd like to request $17 for a push broom rebristling.

  2. Good idea: Starting a status update trend. Bad idea: NOT CONFORMING.

  3. Good idea: Eating a Tic-tac before a date. Bad idea: Eating a thumb tack before a date.

  4. Good idea: Having last night's leftovers for dinner. Bad idea: Having last year's leftovers for dinner.

  5. Good idea: Jumping into a clean swimming pool. Bad idea: Jumping into an empty swimming pool.

  6. Good idea: Taking kitty pictures. Bad idea: Taking kiddy pictures.

  7. Good Idea: Dressing as a ghost for Halloween. Bad Idea: Dressing as a ghost in South-Central Detroit.

  8. Good Idea: Dressing as a ghost for Halloween.

  9. I think I ruined your roommate's bathrobe...

  10. What's a...pedarast, Walter?

  11. "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!" Says the guy that just murdered all the kids...

  12. Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!

  13. The angels are coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this: don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink!

  14. Look up! Look down! Now look at Mr. Frying Pan! *CLANG*

  15. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi.

  16. The gun is good. The penis is evil.

  17. Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!

  18. Help, I'm steppin' into the twilight zone Place is a madhouse, feels like being cloned My beacon's been moved under moon and star Where am I to go now that I've gone too far? Soon you will come to know When the bullet hits the bone

  19. Einhorn is Finkle! Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is a man! ......OH MY GOD, EINHORN IS A MAN?!

  20. RIP Richard Kiel. Guns don't kill people, YOU kill people.

  21. By Grabthar's hammer... what a savings.

  22. The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?

  23. Six foot, seven foot, eight foot BUNCH

  24. You know, I'll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him... the things he'd say to me.

  25. Sin City 2: Pretty Much Sin City 1

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