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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. 1 hour ago, FLiam said:

    I’m still quite adamant that I’d still want what’s best for Arsenal at that point in time, and in this particular case would be potential qualification for the Champion’s League - but I appreciate your points. 

    This all being said, if West Ham manage to get a result and we beat Everton it will be even more enjoyable to see Spurs wanting to see their team lose and it all be in vain.

    Also, Postecoglu isn’t the first manager to ask these questions - Conte did, Mourinho did. The culture at Spurs has to change if they’re ever to make real progress.

    Yeah no I get it. As stated before, it's not about Arsenal winning the title, it's about us helping them win the title. We've done our bit now, whatever happens next isn't on us and that's fine. 

    But that second point - absolutely not. Mourinho was deflecting because he was fucking shit. Conte was deflecting because he was similarly not up to it. Let's not pretend that Poch didn't have us challenging for titles and nearly winning a Champions League. Our culture is regularly overachieving for our budget and size of the club (and being Spursy, of course).

    I'm hoping Ange is the one to take us to the next step of actually winning trophies and titles, but let's not pretend that when Conte and Mourinho said it was anything but trying to save their own skin and hide their own massive failures. 

    2 minutes ago, Baddar said:



    Now this is more like it! 

    • Like 3
  2. 13 minutes ago, Adam said:

    I take your points, and you know an awful lot more about Tottenham than me, but it's really about how the crowd was last night for me, and Ange has alluded in that clip above to people within the club sharing this mentality of wanting to lose the City game.

    Newcastle overachieved last season and consequently weren't "ready" in a sense to be in the Champions League. But the experience they got, the revenue gained, and certainly that night against PSG I can tell you made it more than worth it - you always want to be in the mix than on the outside looking in, and whilst it wasn't in Spurs' hands no, it is a fact that had you won last night, you had a shot at it - playing the worst team in the league (one of the worst in PL history in fact) whilst Villa are away at one of the division's form teams.

    Of course it's still a good first season under Ange and post-Kane if Spurs come 5th, no debating that and I think it'll be a respectable achievement. But the fact is, the stadium felt like it was a pre-season game last night and it had to affect the players. City were miles away from their best and could have been beaten. It's even in the little stuff like Son not really connecting with his shot when clean through against Ortega, or the slackness of the foul on Doku for the penalty. It all feeds in together.

    And I'm sorry, but after 25 years watching football I will never, ever understand people (not you Jimmy but the Spurs fans that are being talked about) seeming to care more about their rivals failing than their own team succeeding. It's antithesis to the will to win leagues and trophies, and those people should spend less time being bothered by Arsenal, a club who haven't won anything meaningful in 20 years anyway.

    If one day Everton are hunting a Champions League place (lol) and have a shot at it by beating Liverpool's title rivals, best believe I will be baying for Everton to win that game.

    Again, if like Newcastle (and like Villa...and sure, Everton), we'd spent so long outside of Europe's top competition I'd probably feel differently. 

    But we were in it last year and went out meekly to Milan in the round of 16 because we had a coach who hated us and wouldn't risk attacking. We were in the final five years back. We've had the dream European run and I've been very clear I wouldn't swap the memories of that CL run for an FA Cup because what we experienced was incredible. We're still going to be in the Europa League, a competition we should not feel we are above, and I hope Ange backs up his talk and takes that competition seriously.

    I think rivalries, pettiness and all sorts are what football's all about on some level. God knows, as Spurs fans, we have to do plenty of self-deprecating and take our fair share of shit. I've no shame in taking joy out of playing a small part in potentially denying that lego head rat a league title. And I'd expect the same back from Arsenal fans. 

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, Adam said:

    I agree with him - watching that game tonight it felt like Spurs as a club had a real Loser's Mentality.

    Maybe not the players (maybe, cos there certainly were moments) but the way the fans were. Any fan who actually celebrated City's goals and chanted "are you watching Arsenal?" is missing the point of football in my opinion. These are people who apparently would rather see their rivals fail more than their own team succeed.

    If Spurs had won tonight, they'd have had a shot at the top 4 on the final day, and the fixtures have fallen for them in that regard. Instead, you've missed out on what is the ultimate season objective to a club coming from a lower starting position in Villa, and seem almost happy to lose a game to a side you've got a good record against, albeit the best team in the country.

    I find it all very weird.

    Sorry, more on this. 

    Ange has been saying all season that getting top 4 isn't a marker of success for him. It's about how the team is developing and growing. 

    We got Top 4 two years ago (when Arsenal bottled it, no less) and then what happened in the next season was we finished 8th and Arsenal finished 2nd. 

    We know more than most clubs that Finishing Top 4 doesn't guarantee anything. I'm committed for the proper rebuild that the club needs - structurally, on the pitch, all of it.

    I truly don't think this Spurs team would be ready for Champions League. We still need a massive turnover of players who can play the way Ange wants. We've had no European football this year and still had an injury crisis so bad that Emerson Royal and Ben Davies payed CB for a month.

    And it's hard to feel aggrieved about missing out on Top 4 when we've lost 5 of the last 6 and put in abject performances against Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea.  

    Like sure, if Top 4 was in our hands if we'd had won yesterday I'd have felt different. But I feel very good about the path we're on, I'm very excited to be in a European competition next year I genuinely think we can win and now we don't have to suffer a lifetime of Arsenal fans holding it over us that we helped them win the league. 

    I've loved this season more than the last 4 or 5. I actually enjoy watching my team play football again. I actually feel connected to the club for the first time since Poch left. I don't need a Top 4 finish to validate what a successful season is because I've already got my club back. 

    And we also got a seismic headloss from Arsenal fans yesterday. Win win tbh. 

    • Like 3
  4. 10 hours ago, FLiam said:

    This is a point I have been trying to make. It's like Tottenham cannot exist outside of an Arsenal bubble. That sort of mentality will never get you anywhere.  

    Here you have a manager wanting to install a winning mentality but a large portion of the fanbase are wanting the team to scupper their own chances of success to stop Arsenal winning a trophy. Case in point, two Spurs fans were kicked out of the ground for celebrating City's first goal. I agree, it's a losers mentality. Harsh but fair. 

    Peak Poch years we had more of a rivalry with Chelsea because Arsenal weren't relevant to us. 

    It's reflective of where we are, Arsenal are on a great run and have been in two title challenges and now we're rebuilding. It's all contextual, isn't it? It's easy to pretend to be above a rivalry when you're on top. 

    I am confident nearly every Arsenal fan would be the same if the situations were reversed. The pretending that you're all above it is quite silly. 

    I don't have a problem with what Ange is getting at, but you don't go for the fans when we've lost 5 out of 6 and the same fans serenaded him and his team off when we lost 4-1 at home to Chelsea. Last night was an exceptional circumstance and something I hope we don't have to go through again. The fact everyone's talking about this instead of the fact we played our best game since probably Villa away is on Ange and that's quite annoying. 

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, GhostMachine said:

    Watched season 2 of The Traitors UK over 3 days. 

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    I was pulling for Harry the entire time, but I kind of wish he had picked Mollie to be the final Traitor instead of Andrew. Paul and Ash were thoroughly unlikeable, and obviously Ross was going to be a patsy. If any Faithfuls won, I was hoping it would come down to Ross (before he was recruited, that is), Mollie and Jaz. They couldn't get rid of Zack soon enough.....

    Wish there was a reunion show. I'd love to hear what Diane, Ross and Mollie had to say after it was all over.

    Should I even bother with season 2 of The Traitors Australia, considering I know what happens in the finale and there's nothing notable about the host, compared to the US and UK versions? Rodger is bland compared to Alan and Claudia. (Then again, everybody is bland compared to Alan.....)



    Also, Dead Boy Detectives, on Netflix. I definitely recommend it, and can't wait for season 2.


    There was a companion show Traitors: Uncloacked which had the contestants on as guests after they were eliminated, including a big live show after the finale. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, DavidMarrio said:


    Oh one hand it was like, he's letting a lot of potential yellow card tackles go here which is good in a sense for a derby but on the other did think he was poor. 

    It was interesting to watch. Arsenal capitalised on two set pieces and a counter it was ruthless efficiency. Thought Tottenham played well, you can see that's a team who can develop further. Just the final end ball was poor at times, started to feel very deja vu the amount of times a ball was whipped in straight to Raya

    He was shocking, let Arsenal time-waste with repercussion or sufficient added on time. He was desperate not to get involved in anything in order not to "ruin the game". The fact he had a good view of that incident and thought it wasn't a penalty sums him up. Did similar earlier in the season when he didn't send off Kovacic against Arsenal for the most blatant yellow card fouls you've ever seen. 

    I thought we were fine. I think the VAR offside is harsh as I just don't trust they have the tech to get that right. I thought Arsenal exploited our weaknesses in the first half, and as I said, you can't be too upset when we shoot ourselves in  the foot and concede two corners and leave Ben Davies 1 v 1 with Saka. 

    Hopefully we continue to recruit well, back Ange and learn from this consistent season which has been infinitely better than everything in the past 5 years bar a few good months under Conte. 

  7. 2 hours ago, DavidMarrio said:

    I wouldn't give Oliver the benefit of the doubt over that. That was awful, it was right in front of him


    He was fucking awful today. Glad to see they've completely abandoned the time-wasting initiative. 

    That said, can't concede the goals we did and complain too much. But like that's gonna stop me. 


  8. 1 hour ago, Colly said:

    That was only semi snarky, it just feels like there's no plan B. When you're 3-0 down and you're still doing "CB passes to keeper, keeper passes to FB who is running directly at his own goal, FB passes wide to CB who hoofs down the middle" while under pressure over and over again you've got to wonder why. I wouldn't be surprised if Spurs had played more passes in their own area than anywhere else.

    The thing that makes all the games like today more palatable is I fully believe that Ange understands the need for us to rebuild. He's already spoken at length about how abandoning Plan A will lead to players losing faith in the way he wants us to play. It's clear, as the season has gone on, where there are obvious positions we need to upgrade in order to pull of his style of football. We're gonna get battered occasionally, at the moment we've been a bit found out, but I do have faith we're going in the right direction and the highs of Ange ball are really high. This feeling fully trumps the last few years of the short-sighted shit played under anti-football weirdo egomaniacs. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Colly said:

    I don't know what Angeball is, but it isn't very good.

    It wasn't bad when we won the reverse 4-1. 

    But we were well beaten today. Newcastle were very good, won it tactically, individually and we completely lost our heads after the first two goals. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Colly said:

    I dunno, as much as there wasn't much superhero stuff as they got past the good episodes there was loads of high-ish concept big-ish budget sci-fi flying around (Flash Forward, The Event, Revolution, Terra Nova, that Kiefer Sutherland one...) post Lost, most of which didn't make it past the first series. The problem with Heroes was that the first series was fairly interesting and compelling, but they obviously had no idea where to take it or even which characters to focus on, so it just got worse and worse. Audiences (certainly me anyway) were probably burnt out on tv where "what happens next" cliffhangers are the main pull but it's obvious they don't have an endgame and odds are it'll be cancelled before they cobble one together anyway.

    Just let it die, if Reborn couldn't end it properly what else have they got?

    They spent the whole of the first series finally getting everyone in the same place for Heroes, just to immediately disband them all, which I remember feeling incredibly unsatisfying at the time. 

    I'm still deep in my Buffy and Angel re-watch, which I'm loving so much that it's making me want to re-watch more shows I loved when I was younger. Heroes could definitely end up on that list. I'm ready to get hurt all over again. 

  11. 4 hours ago, K said:

    My wife and I are halfway through UK Traitors season 2, and while I do enjoy it, I wish there was an opportunity for more evidence-based deduction instead of just wild speculation.

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    My favourite episode of season two so far has been the funeral procession, where something traitorish ACTUALLY happened, and they were able to do some actual deductions. Usually nothing really happens and the faithful just have to wildly guess based on nothing, and observing the personalities of people they've never met before. 

    If there was more opportunity to actually identify traitors I think I would enjoy it a lot more, but I think concept wise I still prefer something like The Mole, even if production wise Traitors is much better.





    Funeral ep spoilers. 

  12. 22 hours ago, Hobo said:

    I watched this as David Lynch would have intended (on my smart phone while eating dinner).

    Loved how you shot her almost totally in wide shots. Loved the use of lighting which was natural-looking but also very designed.  There's a level of expressionism there that is really drives the emotion of the story. I'd have to re-watch but there's a lighting change in the scene where she's cooking and it felt like the sun moving, possibly a car, but also like time passing but just show through a subtle lighting change.

    In a strange way, I was almost sad that I saw the faces of the other characters but it made sense in the way they were used.

    Honestly, whenever you pop in with one of your films I just enjoy looking at them.

    Ah thank you so much, that means so much man. ❤️




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  13. 45 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    I personally lived that story so I really felt that one. Is it weird to say I'm proud of you? Too bad I said it anyway :P 

    Thank you that means a lot! 

    22 minutes ago, K said:

    I'm still owed a zoom meeting for this

    name a time and I'm yours x 

  14. Hello everyone! 

    EWB has been really important in helping get my films made and was I once again blown away by everyone's generosity when we were fundraising for Suzie back in 2022. 

    We've launched our film online today with a Vimeo Staff Pick, if anyone fancies giving it a watch! 

    Starring BAFTA-nominee Helen Behan (The Virtues) and Produced by Academy Award-winning Slick Films. 


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  15. I watched The Marvels and couldn't help but wish the wide-eyed Khamala Khan experiences throughout was actually reflected in the language of the film instead of her dialogue. Iman Vellani is such great casting and they had the opportunity to position us with her so we actually feel her fulfilling her dreams or the thrill of going on a space adventure. But, like Marvel for the last few years, the film just isn't really that cinematic and it's just a bit dead. I think it says a lot that there's more wonder and magic in Raimi's contained Spider-Man films than there is a time-hopping intergalactic romp. 

    Enjoyed the cast and it's at its best when they're all interacting at the beginning. I'm a huge fan of Zawe Ashton, so it was great to see her get this kind of platform. It's just sort of boring that Marvel quite regularly hire exciting directors and don't give them much room to do anything. 

    I was surprised by how much I really liked Guardians 3 and I'm a bit gutted, but not massively surprised, that it feels much more like an outlier than a return to form. 


    And then, predictably, I can't help but get excited about that Beast cameo... 

    I never learn. 


  16. Season 2 of The Traitors was such a triumph and delivered Shakespearean levels of drama. I was personally worried they were going to try and make it bigger and better, but thankfully they didn't lose focus of the fact the game itself is engaging and casting relatively normal people is key. A little too much producer influence towards the end for my liking - it seems like a series that usually peaks in the middle - but that finale was outstanding TV. I I thought it was genuinely better than most TV dramas these days. 

    Speaking of, I'm doing something I don't do often and I'm rewatching a couple of shows. Going back through Battlestar Galactica and my all-time favourite Buffy. I've not actually done a full watch through of either since I was 16. With Buffy I've watched a lot of the odd eps with other people, but Battlestar is the first time in a long time. Really enjoying both. 

    • Like 1
  17. Last year I finally got through the whole of Hickman's X-Men universe run. For some reason, I set out to read every single title and stubbornly did nearly everything. I couldn't finish Excalibur or some of the stuff like X-Corp, but I was stuck with the rest. 

    I feel like it never lived up to how incredible Dawn of X / Powers of X was, but there was loads of stuff to enjoy in there. The flagship title was great, Hellions was the other standout and got a good kick out of the crossover events. 

    I intend to keep going with a few more X titles, but I took a break to rattle through Chip Zdarsky's brilliant Daredevil run and I'm now working my way through Devil's Reign. I absolutely love what Zdarsky did with Daredevil, it's the kind of character-driven stuff I want from comics. 

    Outside of Marvel Unlimited, I still love my non-superhero graphic novels and I'm getting loads out of Monica by Daniel Clowes. 

    • Like 2
  18. 17 hours ago, Szumi said:

    Good for Dier to go to a club where he will win trophies finally. Ange did that guy dirty.

    He didn't. 

    I feel pretty emotional between the double-whammy of Hugo and Dier leaving. Dier got a lot of unfair stick online, but he was a wonderful servant, a great professional and part of the team that made me fall back in love with football. 

    It doesn't change that he's not suited to Ange Ball whatsoever and can't play in a high line. 

    Boring trophy talk aside, hope he has a great run at Bayern, he's a good player and was proper Spurs through and through. 

    • Like 4
  19. It's definitely quite morally corrupt, and the filming conditions sounds absolutely awful and pretty fucked up, but I hate to say I found it quite bingeable and juicy. 


    I thought I was going mad when no one was calling out that woman for fucking over Trey on the glass bridge. 


    • Like 2
  20. 14 hours ago, Colly said:

    We're shit away generally, but given we've played the same 11 (bar Pope today) 4 or 5 games on the bounce with barely a sub we weaken as games go. If we aren't leading on the hour we're fucked. 

    Good job we've got no one coming back in and only Spurs and Milan in the next 6 days.

    Don't worry, we're injury ravaged ourselves. Should be fun. 

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