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Posts posted by estebanmon

  1. I got bored of Mansfield quite quickly and started a game with Villa at random.Then I remembered the takeover. Now I can replace the nobodies on the team with some better names with my $38 million budget. :pervert:

    I hired a bunch of cheap prospects from south america (around 2k each) and sent them all to Poland to get a citizenship.They have good stats for 17 and 18 year olds.

    I also bought a very good keeper with just 1 eccentrity and all other stats over 15, except kicking which is 9 and one-on-ones which is 11. Still, he's only 23 so in a few years he can replace that 33 year old that Villa have. The other one can die for all I care.

    I tried getting Farfan from PSV too, but he asked for like $72k salary, so I rejected him right away. He was supposed to replace my injured striker, but at that price tag, I might as well get Babel from Ajax, which I tried but he got a 6 month injury when I offered for him. <_<

  2. I got bored of Villareal, so I started a new game with Mansfield again.

    With the patch, the money-sucking guy is gone, and it seems everyone's salaries were raised and the team was still crap. After a few signings, and a few firings, we're back in buisiness. We beat the Arsenal reserves, by the way. And we beat something-borough 1-0 on our starting game and stole a tie from the team that's supposed to win the league at the 93rd minute. :P

    Mansfield rocks. Even IF the strikers can hardly hit the ball on target and all other strikers available suck. And having only 6k of my transfer budget left doesn't help things. All I need is a striker, because one got injured and the other scored on the first game and now he won't be able to score for like 10 games.

    Oh, and not like this is important, but out of the 18 guys in the under 18 team, 1 is actually pretty good.

  3. Whoever created english obviously took too seriously that rules are meant to be broken. So many exceptions to it...I come before E after C except in Science. WTF?!? What makes science so special that it can break a rule just because? It's madness. <_<

    I'm starting to feel that the Villareal chairman is too cheap to give me a transfer budget worthy of the team's status. Just $6 million to fix the shit they call defense and get a decent forward to replace Thomasson when his loan's over? Beside the fact that they have absolutely NO prospects apart from Matias Fernandez(Wonderkid that will own Riquelme soon). At least I'll probably be able to sell Riquelme once his loan to Boca is over.

    I feel like starting with another crappy team now. <_<

  4. Since my earlier game got corrupted, I started a new one with Villareal. I beat some Hungarian team 2-1, and I can't find a decent player worth less than my $6 million budget. I did get 3 good scouts, firing the crap they start with.

    By the way, are dollars twice as much as pounds in the game?

  5. I'm I they only one that thinks that the starters are unoriginal? Just look at them. A green Squirtle, Charmander turned into a monkey and Torchic made blue.

    If the penguin doesn't evolve to fly, I'm not getting this game. >_>

  6. My team made a deal with Botafogo and now they can send players to my team and they pay me 66k a year. They basically sent me useless players, but I got a half decent striker that's better than my earlier one. I also bought 11 players and got another one when I sold a player.

    We won our first game in first division 3-2, which totally rocks. We're also expected to finish 15th, even though I was just promoted.

    AND we beat the 2 best teams in friendlies. Sure, they didn't use a complete first-team squad, but we still beat them.

  7. I got to first division with 2 games to go! The imbeciles that had a chance to catch me drew with the worst team in the stage, so we got 1st place. Also, since my ex-star striker was retiring at 40, I decided to put him on my last 2 games to see if he could get a goal or something.

    The idiot screws up 3 HUGE chances, and we tie BOTH games 1-1, and we should have won them easily. At least his retiring...

    Anyway, I hope my awesomeness with transfers keeps up. I've sold 2 players(1 leaves on the next trasfer window) for over 50k each and I got 20% and 30% of the next sale. At the moment, I've bought 10 players for around 25k, and am getting 6 more fore around 20k more, including a future star keeper that I'll just sell when he gets better since my current Brazilian one kicks his ass.

    Also, Union Española, who are 3rd in real life, were relegated. They'll steal any chance the teams had from winning 1st division.

    As a side note, Iberia, who were promoted to 2nd division last season, only got 9 points in all 28 games they played. And they got 3 of those from me.

  8. I would stick with just 3 defenders and just attack with everything to get many goals so it doesn't matter much if you're defence screws up too often.

    Damn referees, my winning streaks are always tainted by one, and then my team goes to hell for about 3 games straight. >_> If I'm correct, I've probably gotten 4 or 5 goals disallowed and recieved 3 that the FA fell silent for. ._.

  9. I think they're being a little too ambitious with this one, especially with lag. I can't wait to hear people complain about how they're songs sound like crap on the net.

    Anyway, it's a lot more rewarding lo actually LEARN how to play guitar, rather than use some unrealistic copy with buttons that you learn to use in 5 minutes.

    Wait, I think I just realized why this game is so popular. <_<

  10. Now I'm in 1st place after 6 games. 15 points, and my closest competition has 10. I'm disappointed that we lost to a part-time team that just became full-time 2-1.

    Since I didn't really have any reserves and had to play most games with less than 5 substitutes due to injuries, I bought 10 players. They've all helped except 2 who I can't use much because I forgot about the rule that allows me to have 3 players on the field and bench at the same time. We still beat the crap out of one of the relegated teams, who are now 3rd I believe. I find it hard to believe that with the squad I had I actually finished 4th. The media were expecting 8th, but that doesn't make the players better... Now I'm expected to be 6th.

    I also had the top scorer last season with 18 goals, which is all great, except I don't get prize money...

  11. I hope they make it so that the moves a wrestlers does reflect how much energy they have left or how injured they are. I really hate it when you can just run up the turnbuckle anytime.

    I'm likeing the new submission system, as it's nearly impossible to get out of a submission with button mashing or the other one they have.

  12. The indoor field was in '97. In that game scoring was actually hard, not auto-directed like games are now.

    At first I liked Fifa, then PES for a few games, and now they're pretty even for me, but I still slightly prefer PES.

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