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Posts posted by paidelr

  1. The "ECW Rules" thing to the cage match really doesn't set well with me. I think it shows that you don't know much about ECW (If you do, I apologize). They didn't have any rules. All the matches were No DQ, No Count Outs, etc etc. Plus ECW Rules sounds like something WWE would put for a gimmick match between two former ECW workers in a match or something.

    I added the "ECW RULES" due to the weapons angle to the match. I didn't really know what else to call it.

    I don't like the over-all feel of the diary. I think you're pushing realism to it's boundaries quite frankly. Chris Jericho leaves WWE for ECW? What? You may say I'm paying attention to all the wrong things or something, but... damn. Realism isn't important sometimes. You can suspend it sometimes, yeah. Dukes & Plankton have done it before. As has TGC. But now you're just not explaining why Jericho would leave a hefty paycheck like he has in WWE for a smaller one in ECW. He gets pushed in ECW, yeah, but that's not going to provide his family anything.

    Just food for thought. You may not want to deal with realism, but it's a major turn off to your diary for me, and I assume others too, since I've heard people say things.

  2. Monday, July 4th

    ECW Hardcore TV


    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

    Rhyno eyes down his opponent at Uprising before extending his hand to Chris Jericho. Jericho teases walking away but then shakes his hand!! Chris Jericho lifts up Rhyno’s hand to the crowd, before kneeing him in the gut! Jericho gives Rhyno a DDT! Jericho laughs at Rhyno, blood running down his face. Chris Jericho locks on the Walls of Jericho onto Rhyno!

    The crowd boos Jericho even more heavily and Hardcore TV fades out for this week with the Impact Players now up and retreating to the back and Chris Jericho having the Walls of Jericho locked on Rhyno, blood pouring down his face from a previous attack.

    The crowd in the ECW is roaring for the pre-PPV version of Hardcore TV. Signs in the crowd tonight include “I sold Jericho’s blood on E-Bay”, “Paul London can’t use a chair”, and “Rhyno has man-boobs”. How exciting.

    We kick off impact with “Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails being the first theme music out of the PA System. ECW Owner and hardcore fanatic, Paul Heyman is out to the ring. Paul lifts his hand up for the crowd, allowing them to pop and start an “E-C-W” chant. Heyman makes his way into the ring, microphone in hand.

    Paul Heyman: Hello my ECW fanatics. [pop] Before we begin the show tonight, do I have some news for you.

    Heyman stops, allowing the crowd to cheer and do whatever before calming down again.

    Paul Heyman: It seems to me that we have had a little bit of chaos on Hardcore TV lately. I am, of course, talking about the constant run-in attacks and bloody chaos concerning the World title picture. But don’t worry, ECW’s favourite owner has the perfect fix for that. [pause] You see, starting after Uprising, ECW will be bringing in it’s very own COMMISSIONER! This person will oversee all ECW actions and punish those he sees fit to do so.

    The crowd gives a pop for the announcement of a new authority figure.

    Paul Heyman: Paul Heyman will be taking a little break after the PPV to take a little summer vacation for himself. The new authority figure will handle all problems concerning the company, along with the new PPV after Uprising. But now the question is, who is the authority figure? I guess you’ll all have to keep watching Hardcore TV to find out!

    Heyman pauses before moving on to the next subject.

    Paul Heyman: The other thing I have come out to tell you about is very important. ECW has another new member to it’s roster! Now I had to pull a few strings but I think you’ll all be pleasantly surprise at the new member. That is, [gulp], if ECW can contain him.

    The lights in the arena flicker on and off. Paul Heyman has a nervous look on his face.

    Paul Heyman: ANYWAY, I think I better be quiet now. Have fun and, err, enjoy the show!

    The crowd wonders about Heyman’s weird attitude and the flickering of the lights. Heyman gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp to the back without saying much of anything.

    Paul London .v. Steven Richards

    Before the match begins, Frankie Kazarian walks out to the ring with a steel chair. Paul London’s opponent at the PPV promises no harm and simply places the chair up against the ring apron. London stares down Kazarian intently as he goes backwards up the ramp and stands at the top, yelling out that he only wants to watch.

    As the match begins, Steven Richards goes to lock up with London, but trips over his own feet to the ground. Typical. London has to pick Richards up, hitting him with a side slam, followed by a standing leg drop. Richards tries to get the advantage off the ropes, but misses the clothesline and gets a kick to the jaw. London, in control, hits Richards with a German suplex, eyeing down Kazarian as he does so.

    Richards can’t seem to get much going tonight. While his tag team experiences have been great in ECW so far with Nova, his singles ability is something else. London hits a standing Moonsault before going to the top ropes.

    Paul London looks back at Frankie Kazarian once, who is standing at the top of the ramp still, before hitting the London Calling, a Shooting Star Press, on Steven Richards! ECW’s current top cruiserweight pins Richards and picks up the victory!

    After the match, Frankie Kazarian slowly makes his way down the ramp. Paul London gets out of the ring to meet him, but picks up the steel chair on the way! London hasn’t had much luck with the hardcore aspect of ECW so far, but manages to chase off Kazarian! London eyes Kazarian intently, who has backed himself up the ramp, intimated by London with the chair.

    Once the ring is clear once again, we are treated to Television title contender, Justin Credible coming down to the ring. The Impact Players member is alone and microphone as he gets into the ring to cut his promo.

    Justin Credible: The crowd in this arena should be so GRATEFUL that they get to see the former ECW Champion in the flesh and here tonight.

    The camera pans around the arena to signs that say things like, “JC Penis Size is Incredible” and “Justin Credible is a scrub”. Credible waits for his cheap heel heat to wear off before going on.

    Justin Credible: This Sunday at Uprising, Nova is going to learn a very important message. Nova is going to learn that there are no freebies in this wrestling company. You can’t win one 10-man rumble and think that you are king of the hill. Nova has to learn that you have to be RUTHLESS. You can’t be yourself in this business. You need to be for real. You need skill! What skill did Nova have before coming to ECW, walking around and pretending to be some Bowflex Bitch? [boos]

    Justin Credible laughs at his own joke.

    Justin Credible: Some of you might say, “but Justin, Nova isn’t even in the building tonight!” My response to that is, so what? If Nova isn’t in the building on Sunday, he forfeits his title. I could care less that Nova isn’t here right now!

    Nova’s theme music hits and JC looks around for Nova to come flying from somewhere. Nova’s music continues to play over the PA system. JC looks up at the ramp, still scared that a sneak attack might be in the works. After about a minute, the music cuts.

    Justin Credible: What the hell?

    Now, JC’s music hits, signally the end of his speech. Justin doesn’t seem to know what is going on and has no choice but to leave the ring area. The crowd boos Justin out of the arena as JC things about the fake appearance by Nova.

    Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley and Spanky .v. Doring and Roadkill and Billy Kidman

    What a mess of a match this is. At the PPV this Sunday, The Dudleyz will take on D&R for the tag titles while Kidman and Spanky face each other in a rematch from a few weeks ago.

    It doesn’t take two minutes into this match that The Dudleyz go to the outside together. They pick out a table, their trademark weapon, and set it up outside the ring. In the ring, Kidman has taken advantage of Spanky, giving him a back suplex off the top rope. Kidman goes for the pin but Spanky kicks out at two. Kidman tags in Roadkill and Roadkill quickly takes advantage of Spanky, giving him a knee to the gut.

    After more general fighting, Spanky and Kidman are in the ring once again with Spanky having the advantage this time. Spanky goes for the pin but it is broken up by Doring. This causes the Dudley Boyz to get into the ring and clothesline Doring and Roadkill from the apron. D-Von goes top rope, hitting a diving clothesline on Roadkill! Bubba walks over to Doring and the two brawl back and forth.

    The two tag teams move towards the table that is still set up. From here, the Dudleyz double clothesline Roadkill. Doring runs at the Dudleys, and they give him a 3-D through the table!

    In the ring, Spanky goes for the Sliced Bread #2, but Kidman reverses it into a reverse DDT and pin! Kidman gets the three count and steals a victory over his partner!

    After the match, Kidman doesn’t want a fight and leaves the ring area. The Dudleyz begin to head to the back as well but they are AMBUSHED by D&R. The heel side gets one up as the two head to the PPV and the tag title match.

    It is now time for a segment dubbed “30 Seconds”. All six World title competitors gather in the ring. Each person gets 30 seconds to talk about anything they want to. Tensions are high in the ring as Tajiri goes first.

    Tajiri: How many years was I in ECW before and how many times I win the ECW World Championship. Now I am back in ECW and nothing will stop me from winning the gold. I am going to do it for Japan and all my people. I will prove that Tajiri is more than you think...

    The crowd can barely understand Tajiri’s English because it is so choppy. Well, that was a dud, let move on.

    Steve Corino: Do you really think there is anybody else fit for the World title? Do you think that you can match Mr. Old School? Do I need to remind you people who was SCREWED out of the title on the final ECW show in 2001? I’m not winning that damned title for you people, I’m doing it for the Impact Players. How do you fuc...

    The buzzer rings and Corino is cut off. Corino’s short speech is anger-filled very aggressive.

    Rob Van Dam: Mr. Prime Time is back to make things right. ECW is my second home and you don’t have ECW without Mr. Monday Night. Nobody else in this business has the skill, power, and confidence in himself than I do. It can’t get any easier to win the ECW World Title when your name is Rob-Van-Dam.

    The crowd pops for Rob Van Dam. They are behind him at this point, with Matt Hardy up next.

    Matt Hardy: WWE made a BIG mistake when they released V1. Is there any other way to slap the faces of all the people in this building who are WWE fans than to win the title? [boos] Yeah, don’t act like you aren’t taping RAW right now. Even though I have no Mfers in ECW, doesn’t mean that there aren’t any in this building. When I win that title, you can all kiss my ass!

    Possibly the best speech so far and biggest heel heat. The last ECW champion, Rhyno is second last on the block.

    Rhyno: I don’t think that anybody in this ring even knows what the ECW title is about! It’s about being the most extreme person in this business! It’s about knowing what you are in for. There is nothing more ruthless in this business than the “GORE” and this Sunday, I’m gonna prove that to all five of you in this ring. Don’t fuck with the man beast and the man beast can fuck you up!

    A new catch phrase, how nice. Chris Jericho is last.

    Chris Jericho: Listen you bunch of ass-clowns, talk all the crap you want. Chris Jericho knows all of you better than you think. Tajiri, learn some English because I didn’t understand a thing you said! Corino, go back to being a garbage man. And get a haircut! Rob Van Dam, learn a new catch phrase. It’s not 1999 anymore and we don’t care! Matt Hardy, what version are we on now? Maybe you have no MF’ers because noone cares! Rhyno, you WERE the last ECW champion? Nobody wants to see a 5 foot 10 fat ass with man boobs anymore. Get over yourself!

    Wow, Jericho just ripped everyone away. Tensions are running high for the main event.

    Rob Van Dam .v. Sean O’Haire

    It is made very clear before the match that there can be NO interference by any World title contenders in this match. The five of them that aren’t in this match are ordered to the backstage area and are told not to come back. Will they listen to the rules are ignore them like anybody else would?

    Van Dam quickly takes down O’Haire in the beginning, hitting a Rolling Thunder on the big man. Rob Van Dam does his hand taunt to the crowd before hitting a spinning kick on O’Haire. Van Dam goes up to the top rope but it may be a bit too early as O’Haire catches Van Dam with a Powerbomb!

    After more fighting, the referee takes a bump. Cue the run-in possibly? If you called it, you were right. Things aren’t as it seems though as Rey Mysterio is the one who runs out! As Mysterio isn’t in the World Title match, he cannot be punished for the interference. Mysterio gets up on the ring apron as Sean O’Haire stands up. Mysterio jumps up, West Coast Splash!!

    O’Haire is out cold as Mysterio ditches through the crowd. Rob Van Dam is now in the ring with a steel chair The referee recovers and Sean O’Haire is slowly doing the same. Sean O’Haire gets up as RVD jumps, VAN TERMINATOR!! The crowd erupts in a HUGE pop as Rob Van Dam makes the pin and picks up the three count!

    The pre-PPV show of Hardcore TV ends quite silently and loudly at the same time with Rob Vam Dam playing off the crowd and replays of Mysterio’s West Coast Pop and RVD’s Van Terminator play over and over on the titantron. Hardcore TV is O-U-T!

  3. I added the "ECW RULES" due to the weapons angle to the match. I didn't really know what else to call it.

    The backstage segment didn't happen this week because I had nothing really to talk about. When there's news, you can count on the backstage segment.

    Yeah, sorry about that Filth. With only six segments a show, it's hard to fit in enough feuds to make the PPV cut with enough buildup to them. I'll try to fix that, especially if ECW gets the primetime knod after WWE leaves. :)

  4. No backstage segment this week. Before I go to bed, I leave you with an updated PPV Card and Hardcore TV preview. Expect a show tomorrow night sometime.

    July 10th



    ECW Rules Cage Match [World Heavyweight Title]

    Rob Van Dam .v. Steve Corino .v. Rhyno .v. Matt Hardy .v. Tajiri .v. Chris Jericho

    Television Title

    Justin Credible .v. Nova

    Tag Team Titles

    Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley .b. Doring and Roadkill

    Sean O’Haire .v. Rey Mysterio

    Billy Kidman .v. Spanky

    Paul London .v. Frankie Kazarian

    Monday, July 4th

    ECW Hardcore TV


    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    * Rob Van Dam .v. Sean O’Haire

    * “30 Seconds” featuring the World Title contendors

    * Paul London .v. Steven Richards

    * Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley and Spanky .v. Doring and Roadkill and Billy Kidman

    Also featuring Justin Credible, Nova, Rey Mysterio, Frankie Kazarian, and more!

  5. Monday, June 27th

    ECW Hardcore TV


    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Following the match, Jack Victory is screaming on the outside of the ring from Chris Jericho, who has the Walls of Jericho locks onto him. The Impact Players have disposed of the faces in the match and stand tall in the ring. LOOK OUT, MATT HARDY comes in with the steel chair. Hardy flattens Justin Credible and Steve Corino in one swift motion with the chair! Hardy picks up Steve Corino, Twist of Fate onto the chair!!!

    This week it is Matt Hardy who standing tall in the ring. Jericho has led off the Walls of Jericho, exhausted from the work. Bodies are once again lying everywhere as the huge 6-way “ECW RULES CAGE MATCH” is not only TWO weeks away. Matt Hardy flashes the “V1" sign and we are out!

    Frankie Kazarian .v. Spanky

    We go straight from the recap from last week into the show. For the first time since the restart, Spanky’s music hits and the match details are announced instead of a wrestler coming out to talk. The crowd is hot for Spanky, and Frankie Kazarian gets some decent heel heat.

    Straight from the opening of this match, the two come out strong. A cross body from the top rope by Spanky early on gets him the advantage as Kazarian is hit with moves from all over the ring. Frankie tries to fight back by reversing a springboard but Spanky flips out of that reversal, nailing a dropkick.

    Soon, Spanky goes for the Sliced Bread #2 but Kazarian flips him out of it. Spanky tries a quick heel kick but Frankie ducks that, nailing a spear-manoeuver! Frankie Kazarian tries to get ahead on Spanky but Paul London comes down to the ring to break that up! London is caring the chair he missed an attack with last week and is looks determined.

    London gets into the ring and swings but Kazarian ducks it again, hitting a spinning kick and smashing the chair into London’s face! Kazarian throws London out of the ring and turns around to fight Spanky again. Spanky is there to hit the Sliced Bread #2! Spanky’s hot streak continues by picking up the win over Frankie Kazarian!

    After the match, Kazarian laughs on Paul London, who stays on the outside of the ring. Spanky leaves the ring and is backing up the ramp when Billy Kidman attacks him from behind! Kidman stomps on Spanky repeatedly, kicking into his stomach. Two rivalries in the ring are heating up with all four participating in Uprising taking a part!

    Backstage, Spike Dudley walks into the general locker room. He closes the door and walks inside, no sign of his brothers. Naturally, inside the locker room is Danny Doring and Roadkill. Spike’s rivals eye him up and down and then chuckle to each other, sensing how Spike is feeling.

    Doring: What’s the matter Spike, brothers aren’t here to save you?

    Roadkill: Yeah, you aren’t too smart when you aren’t at my back. Get it, my back!!

    Doring and Roadkill chuckle while Spike looks at them weirdly. Doring and Roadkill begin to corner in Spike as he looks for a plan. On cue, Bubba and D-Von appear behind Doring and Roadkill.

    Doring: And now... your going to get exactly what you deserve.

    Doring and Roadkill go to push Spike, but Bubba and D-Von turn the pair around and give them a stiff shot to the jaw. As Doring and Roadkill turtle onto the ground, the Dudley Boyz reunite. The Dudleyz spit on Doring and Roadkill.

    Bubba: Oh, and we just got back from Paul Heyman’s office! Two weeks, Uprising, The Dudleyz, Doring and Roadkill, TAG TITLES!!

    Before leaving the locker room, Spike kicks Roadkill another time and then laughs at him, mocking him. Score, Dudley’s.

    Rey Mysterio .v. Steve Corino

    Sean O’Haire is out to the ring with Steve Corino. It is announced before the match that at Uprising, Sean O’Haire will battle it out with Rey Mysterio. Mysterio once again looks solid for this match and eyes O’Haire down intently as he comes down to the ring.

    Steve Corino uses a few cheating manoeuver’s and help from Sean O’Haire to take advantage against Mysterio, looking quite small compared to Corino. The Impact Players don’t let Rey get any offense in because as soon as he hits a reversal, O’Haire is up on the ring apron swinging a 2x4 back and forth.

    Mysterio battles against the two-on-one, hitting a shortened form of the 619 on Corino because of people no-selling the move in ECW. Rey goes behind the ring ropes to hit the West Coast Pop, but O’Haire jumps is there with the 2x4. A swift smack across the back of Rey Mysterio makes Rey stagger off of the apron. Sean O’Haire catches him, Death Valley Driver!!

    Sean O’Haire picks up Rey and tosses him over the top ropes, replicating what he did when he debuted to attack Rey. Rey Mysterio staggers to his feet as Corino eyes him, Old School Expulsion!! Corino gets the cover and the victory on the little man.

    After the match, O’Haire teases an attack but leaves Mysterio as he is and he and Corino leave the ring together.

    After the ring is clear again, the theme music of Justin Credible hits and the TV Title contender comes out to the ring with a microphone and a smile, wearing his normal trademark jean shorts and “Anarchy” T-Shirt.

    Once in the ring, JC looks around at the crowd booing him and waits for the jeers to die down before continuing on.

    Justin Credible: Why boo your next Television champion? [boos] Oh come on, it’s no surprise that Nova’s title win was a fluke. I mean, first of all, I wasn’t even IN the match or else I would be champion here in this ring instead. Second of all, Nova’s hasn’t even had any COMPETITION! He’s defended the title once, against who? Spanky? I had to write his name down on my HAND before coming here!

    The crowd boos and a mixed chant of “Spanky” and “Nova” breaks out through the arena. Justin Credible ignores them.

    Justin Credible: And you people think I’m just one big joke. You think that the Impact Players’ are just one big happy game that little kids like to play. You don’t even know the EXTENT of the Impact Players’ plans. [boos] After Uprising in two weeks, you are going to see the Impact Players owning the Television Title and the World Heavyweight Title! 

    Justin Credible pauses for a moment and the fans know that there is more to the “plan”.

    Justin Credible: In a few weeks after the PPV, you are going to see the Impact Players owning the TAG TITLES! What is that, you say? You are all thinking that the Impact Players don’t even have a true tag team, well you wrong! Jack Victory and Sean O’Haire aren’t working together. Francine isn’t getting into that wrestling ring. You see, the Impact Players have a SURPRISE and you are all dying to find out, aren’t you! [boos] Well that’s too bad because you are just going to have to wait!

    Justin Credible stops talking again, pacing back and forth through the ring.

    Justin Credible: Nova, you better be ready for me. I’m not pushover and I ALWAYS get what I want. There is no losing in my vocabulary! You can bring a whole army against Justin Credible and I always win. The Impact Players are for REAL. Your going to see just how much of an IMPACT I can make here in ECW. I’ve done it before and I’ll sure as hell do it again!

    Tajiri .v. Akio

    Originally, Tajiri had plans to take on Shannon Moore in this match but due to Moore having prior commitments, Akio is here to take his place. With Akio here, this match is now an all-Japanese affair with both men shaking hands before the match starts. Aw, how lovely.

    Tajiri uses his swift kicks early on to take that advantage as Akio is seen with a little rust on him. After a quick tarantula by Tajiri on the ropes, Akio spills to the outside. Tajiri contemplates jumping for a few seconds and then does, a cross-body over the top ropes to collide with Akio through the metal ring barrier.

    Both men struggle to their feet where Akio fakes the punch and goes low, taking out Tajiri’s knees. Akio kicks Tajiri in the back of the head and returns to the ring. Once Tajiri finally finds his way back into the ring, he is bombarded with kicks to the head from Akio. It takes a while for Tajiri to even stand up!

    After a reversed suplex by Tajiri and another kick to the head on Akio, the Japanese Buzzsaw seems in control of the match. Akio stands up slowly, Tajiri Kick! Tajiri makes the cover and picks up the win!

    After the match, Matt Hardy comes running down the ring! Hardy gets into the ring, taking down Tajiri in an unexpected attack. Matt Hardy rips off his shirt and picks up Tajiri, Twist of Fate! Tajiri is out on the ground and Matt Hardy yells out, “ONE AT A TIME BABY!”. Great emotion by Hardy in taking out one of his opponents in the Cage match at Uprising in two weeks.

    Chris Jericho .v. Jack Victory

    Jericho’s entrance gets shorter and shorter each week. This time it reads, “Get ready for Y2J”, instead of the countdown. The crowd boos bother Jericho and Victory in this match. Looks like the battle of who is more evil.

    Jericho slides out of the ring quickly, dodges Francine, and picks weapons out from underneath the ring. Jericho throws in the chair, trash can, brass knuckles into the ring and then joins Victory in the ring to really begin the fight. Jack Victory surprises a lot of people by holding the advantage for a while in the beginning of the match. Francine barks out orders for him when Jericho is up and dances for the crowd when Jericho is down.

    When Jericho finally does get the advantage and hits the facebuster to set up for the Lionsault, Steve Corino and Justin Credible come down the ramp. Jericho is forced to stop his setup and pay attention to Corino and Credible, who have now entered the ring. JC attacks Jericho and holds him down while Corino gives him stiff shots with the chair!

    Following a shot with the brass knuckles, Jericho is bleeding for the forehead and looks to be losing a grasp on things. Steve Corino sets up Jericho, Old School Expulsion! Corino yells out “who’s mean now bitch!” at Jericho as he and JC stomp on him some more. Jack Victory waits in the corner of the ring for the cue for the pin.

    Rhyno comes down to the ring to help out his ENEMY, Chris Jericho! Rhyno throws Justin Credible out of the ring from behind and clotheslines Corino to the ground. Jack Victory charges at the man beast but Rhyno simply lowers his head and hits the GORE! Corino gets up for an attack, PILEDRIVER!!

    The referee has no choice but to call the match due to the ring being full of carnage. Rhyno has single-handedly taken out all three members of the Impact Players. Chris Jericho slowly rises to hit feet, bleeding from the forehead even worse now.

    Rhyno eyes down his opponent at Uprising before extending his hand to Chris Jericho. Jericho teases walking away but then shakes his hand!! Chris Jericho lifts up Rhyno’s hand to the crowd, before kneeing him in the gut! Jericho gives Rhyno a DDT! Jericho laughs at Rhyno, blood running down his face. Chris Jerihco locks on the Walls of Jericho onto Rhyno!

    The crowd boos Jericho even more heavily and Hardcore TV fades out for this week with the Impact Players now up and retreating to the back and Chris Jericho having the Walls of Jericho locked on Rhyno, blood pouring down his face from a previous attack. We are only two weeks away from Uprising!

  6. Paul was in his office, writing on a pad of paper and typing on his computer, the same thing he does everyday. Sophie entered, waving her hair to one side.

    Sophie: Paul, ratings are in.

    Paul: Good?

    Sophie: We are steadily gaining in rating each week. This weeks was a 3.1 rating. Smackdown rose to a 3.2 and RAW dropped a little to a 3.9. These are great ratings! Compared to NWA:TNA without a global TV deal with a 0.20 rating.

    Paul: Sounds good, how is the PPV buyrate looking?

    Sophie: It’s too early to say. Possibly the same at the REBIRTH PPV?

    Paul: And this is with more advertising? Get me a better estimate dammit.

    Sophie: Paul, don’t use that tone with me.

    Paul: Yes, Sophie.

    Sophie: Anyway, how’s the PPV looking anyway?

    Paul: Why don’t you take a look at the current card yourself.

    Paul slides a sheet of paper across his desk where Sophie picks it up.

    Sunday, July 10th

    ECW Uprising

    Current Card

    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia

    ECW Rules Cage Match [World Heavyweight Title]

    Rob Van Dam .v. Steve Corino .v. Rhyno .v. Matt Hardy .v. Tajiri .v. Chris Jericho

    Television Title

    Justin Credible .v. Nova

    Billy Kidman .v. Spanky

    Paul London .v. Frankie Kazarian

    Sophie: A little short? DirecTV and Bell are giving us nearly three hours to...

    Paul: Dammit Sophie! There IS two weeks of TV left.

    Sophie: But wouldn’t having the matches announced sooner be good advertising?

    Paul: It adds to the mysterious or some shit. I read in on the back of a Bacardi once...

    Sophie: ...cool. Got this weeks show planned?

    Paul: More or less. I better get back to working so you find me a ballpark number on the PPV, k?

    Sophie: Will do.

  7. Thanks for the support guys, it's great.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the answers to alll of the "holes" in the backstory. It was simply just a good idea I thought of to incorporate a "new" ECW with some of the WWE guys. You could also ask why Vince gave in so easily to Heyman taking over the contracts, why Spike TV gave ECW a TV slot when we know in real life that they don't want wrestling anymore, and how Jericho would probably have a million dollar lawsuit for breaching his WWE contract and joining ECW.

    So, no answers from me. ;)

  8. Monday, June 20th

    ECW Hardcore TV


    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    The referee finally recovers to see total carnage in the ring. Tajiri, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Steve Corino, and Rhyno are all brawling with each other, getting punches in and unable to control themself. The main event scene doesn’t let up, even after the referee tries to break things up. The referee calls the match a no contest, but nothing can help the carnage in the ring.

    We are back in the ECW Arena, week #3 of Hardcore TV on Spike TV. The crowd is once again hot and ready to go. The more popular signs in the building this week are ones like “That’s Incredible!”, “Sean O’Haire has gotten taller”, “Francine touched my thing” and “I’m a Motherfucker”. Wow, nothing is edited by these guys at this time of night.

    “Hand that Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails hits through the arena and the ECW owner and booker, Paul Heyman, makes his way out to the ring. When in the ring, Paul struts his way over to grab himself a microphone.

    Paul Heyman: So how are my fans, my people, doing tonight? [cheers] That’s good because you people are in for a treat... [pause] ECW’s first “official” PPV, Uprising is coming on July 10th, only three weeks of Hardcore TV’s away. I have inked an EXCLUSIVE deal with DirecTV, Bell ExpressVu, and any other PPV provider that you can think of to broadcast to you people at home who are not in the Philadelphia area, 6 monthly PPVs! ECW is guaranteed on PPV for the next six months, through to the end of December 31, 2005.

    Paul stops at this fact and waits for the crowd’s cheers to come down. The crowd starts a small “E-C-W” chant but it dies down quickly.

    Paul Heyman: Now, as far as the FIRST ECW PPV goes, Uprising will be a very special event for you people. Uprising will crown our very FIRST World Heavyweight Champion in the new ECW era! It has been painfully obvious that there are six special individuals who have not been able to keep their hands of each other.

    Heyman stops once again to allow the crowd to settle down, now yelling out some random things.

    Paul Heyman: Rhyno, the last ECW person to ever wear the championship belt, Rob Van Dam, ECW-alumni and Mr. Monday Night, Tajiri, the Tarantula and multiple TV Title Champion, Steve Corino, part of the Impact Players and old school, Matt Hardy, former WWE superstar, and Chris Jericho, King of the World and Fozzy singer. Together, these six have proceeded to cause total carnage in this very ECW ring.

    Paul seems to finally be getting to his point.

    Paul Heyman: So, I, Paul Heyman, have decided to put these six competitors inside ONE ring. One CAGED ring to be exact. [cheers] I am going to lock these six superstars inside ONE cage the only way that Paul Heyman knows how to, with WEAPONS! Taped to the side of the cage will be various weapons and objects to use in the match. You will not be able to win the match by escaping the cage. Instead, you have to get the first pinfall!

    Paul stops and chuckles to himself.

    Paul Heyman: And you can ask any man backstage how easy it is to get the FIRST pin in such a small area with weapons all over the place and four other guys waiting to break up any kind of pin. [cheers] So, the only way will be to beat all of your opponents away from their conscience. [pause] Have fun men.

    Spike Dudley .v. Danny Doring

    The Dudley Boyz have been feuding with Doring and Roadkill for a while now. Most recently, Spike Dudley interfered in the D&R’s match, costing them a win and setting up this singles match between the two. Bubba and D-Von accompany Spike out for this match, as does Roadkill for Doring. The Dudley’s make a word to Roadkill that they are not here to fight, something Roadkill spits on.

    As Spike and Doring lock up, Doring has the obvious advantage in size. Doring throws Spike around pretty easily, something the Little Giant is used to by now. Spike eventually battles back, hitting a cross body and a few dropkicks. After trying to come off the ropes, Roadkill trips Spike’s feet, causing him to get distracted and try and trash talk to Roadkill. Bubba and D-Von make their way over to Roadkill and Spike turns around, straight into a boot to the face by Doring!

    Bubba and D-Von start a double team attack on Roadkill on the outside of the ring. Doring doesn’t pay attention to them and slams Spike against the ring corner. Doring hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Spike, wearing him more down. On the outside of the ring, Roadkill fights back on the Dudleyz, taking them out with a double clothesline.

    At about the same moment, Doring picks up Spike in a Tombstone variation and slams him down, face first to the mat. With Roadkill holding the Dudleyz down (quite easily surprisingly), Doring makes the three count and gets the pinfall on little Spike Dudley!

    After the match, Roadkill comes into the ring. The Dudleyz try to save their third part but they are double clotheslined while Roadkill hits Spike with a body press slam. For the first time since ECW re-opened, the Dudleyz look weak as Doring and Roadkill continue an assault on little Spike. Major heat here.

    Nova .v. Spanky [Television Title]

    Spanky, a hot buy around the North American and Japanese indie scene is back in ECW, this week with a chance at the Television title against Nova . Before the match it is announced that Spanky will face Billy Kidman in a rematch at Uprising! After a great show last week on Hardcore TV, Spanky seems thrilled at his PPV matchup.

    Nova is back in action after being a tag wrestler the last few weeks with his longtime friend, Steven Richards. Nova carries the Television title out with him and both the competitors shake hands and get a friendly pop before the match.

    The crowd is pleased with another great show by Spanky, who starts off the match with a Sunset Flip, Moonsault from the second rope, and a splash off the ring ropes. Nova gains control of himself by heading to the outside to rest a little bit.

    Soon, Spanky goes for his finished, Sliced Bread #2. This may be a little too early on as Nova flips out of it and throws Spanky at the ring post. Nova catches Spanky coming back and hits him with a german suplex, turning it into a bridge and a pin for a two count. Nova goes back to work on Spanky, hitting his setup, the Kryptonite Krunch, and hinting at the Spin Doctor.

    Breaking up the show is Justin Credible, who comes down the ramp, steel chair in hand. JC slides into the ring. Nova breaks up his finishing move but is a little too late, as he is wacked by Justin Credible. JC looks at Spanky, who is unsure of what to do.

    BAM! Justin Credible smacks Spanky in the gut with the chair once, hitting him over the head with a second shot! The Impact Players member stands over the two competitors in the match, steel chair in hand. JC takes Nova’s body and drags in ON TOP of Spanky’s. The referee makes the cover, allowing Nova to retain the title.

    Justin Credible: This is what happens, Nova, when someone else challenges you for that title. As far as I am concerned, that title is MY property. I’ll see you at Uprising.

    Justin Credible drops the mic on Nova, picking up the title belt and then dropping it on Nova as well. The crowd cheers at the match that is now set up for the Uprising PPV.

    Justin Credible has returned backstage, where he meets up with his stable mates. Francine, Steve Corino, Sean O’Hair, and Jack Victory all pat hands with JC as he enters the locker room.

    Steve Corino: Awesome start for the Impact Players out there! Nova is weakened, Sean O’Haire is going to take out Kazar-whatever right away, and me and you are going to handle things in the main event.

    Francine: Yes, I can’t wait.

    Justin Credible: Thanks, hey Steve, remember that setup we’ve been trying out lately? Well in the match we HAVE to use it. It’ll bring the Impact Players another win.

    Jack Victory: Yeah, I can’t wait to try out my Victory Driver.

    Steve Corino: Yeah, whatever, Jack. For sure JC, lets do it.

    Impact Players pat hands again. The group seems to be settling in with each other, but a slight sign of disappointment is on the face of Jack Victory...

    Sean O’Haire .v. Frankie Kazarian

    The fans are reminded before this match gets underway that Frankie Kazarian will face Paul London in a match at the Uprising PPV. Highlights are shown of Paul London complaining of the weapon-use by Kazarian last week and the pep talk by Paul Heyman. The fans are also shown how Sean O’Haire debuted last week, attacking Rey Mysterio and helping Jack Victory pick up the victory.

    This is sort of a mix-match in styles with Kazarian using his speed against O’Haire strength. Both of these men are playing the “bad” guys, getting low blows in whenever they can and letting the fans know how they feel about them.

    Francine is out to the ring with Sean, constantly tripping up Kazarian. Eventually, Frankie gets fed up with her, spitting right in her hair. This causes O’Haire to slam Kazarian on his back and the kick him repeatedly in the gut. O’Haire takes the advantage in this match, doing a back suplex from the top rope on Kazarian and giving him a Spinebuster.

    It isn’t until O’Haire sets up for the DVD that Kazarian flips out of it, hitting a flying kick on O’Haire to take himself and his opponent out. Kazarian makes it to his feet first, punching O’Haire and hitting a hurricanrana.

    Frankie looks to be in definite control when Paul London comes running down to the ring with a steel chair. London looks out of place with the weapon in his hand. The young superstar gets into the ring and goes to hit Frankie, but misses! Frankie hits a dropkick on London, kicking the chair up into his face!

    With London out of the ring, Kazarian is distracted enough for O’Haire to kick him and hit the Death Valley Driver for the victory!

    After the match, Francine joins Sean O’Haire in the ring. The two celebrate with London recovering on the outside and Kazarian leaving the ring. Coming through the crowd is Rey Mysterio! Mysterio gets into the ring and trips up O’Haire. Francine tries to slap Mysterio, but he throws her aside quick easily. O’Haire turns around to attack, flying body over the top rope!! Rey Mysterio has sent a message to Sean O’Haire after last week and the crowd loves it! This feud is not over folks!

    Justin Credible, Steve Corino, Jack Victory .v. Rhyno, Rob Van Dam, Tajiri [Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, and Nova as lumberjakcs]

    Nova has been added as a wildcard in this match, followed by the attack by Justin Credible earlier on in the match. Nova still looks a little sore, selling the effects of the blind attack earlier on, and doesn’t look in the mood to fight.

    The role of the lumberjacks in this match is too pretty much beat the hell out of anyway who comes outside of the ring. The lumberjacks cannot enter the ring, but everything is legal otherwise.

    The Impact Players act like a true team in this match with Victory starting off first. After a few moves on Tajiri, he tags in Corino. The two do a quick double-team move before Corino hits a few of his moves on Tajiri. Corino then tags to Justin Credible and the pattern continues. When it finally looks like Tajiri is going to get the tag, The Impact Players toss Tajiri over the top rope where Matt Hardy is there. “V1" hits a forearm to Tajiri before picking him up and slamming him down on the ring barrier. Chris Jericho and the two double team Tajiri before throwing him back into the ring.

    Jericho and Hardy make the mistake of tossing Tajiri too close to his team’s side as Rob Van Dam tags himself in and single-handedly takes out all of the Impact Players. It takes Jericho to trip him up before RVD is back on even-terms.

    Soon, Jericho and Hardy each grab weapons (Jericho with the steel chair and Hardy with the trash can lid). Nova plays it low, simply watching the match and looking uninterested in what is going on. It isn’t until Justin Credible is tossed to the outside that Nova takes his chance with some kicks.

    As all six competitors in the ring are beginning to weaken, Rhyno looks calm and in control. With Steve Corino down on the ground, Rhyno sets up for the Gore. Up onto the ring apron comes Chris Jericho, who smashes the steel chair into the back of Rhyno! Rhyno turns around, and thinking that is was Jack Victory, flattens him off the apron. While Jericho stomps on Victory, Rhyno turns around. Corino sets him up, Old School Expulsion!

    All out chaos fills the ring as Justin Credible goes over to fight with Tajiri and Rob Van Dam. Steve Corino makes the cover and gets the three count!

    Following the match, Jack Victory is screaming on the outside of the ring from Chris Jericho, who has the Walls of Jericho locks onto him. The Impact Players have disposed of the faces in the match and stand tall in the ring. LOOK OUT, MATT HARDY comes in with the steel chair. Hardy flattens Justin Credible and Steve Corino in one swift motion with the chair! Hardy picks up Steve Corino, Twist of Fate onto the chair!!!

    This week it is Matt Hardy who standing tall in the ring. Jericho has led off the Walls of Jericho, exhausted from the work. Bodies are once again lying everywhere as the huge 6-way “ECW RULES CAGE MATCH” is not only TWO weeks away. Matt Hardy flashes the “V1" sign and we are out!

  9. ECW was getting back into it’s groove. Paul Heyman had been away from the booking scene for a long time and he hadn’t realized how rusty he was. He was grateful that he had received far more positive email’s than negative. The Spanky and Billy Kidman match on this past weeks Hardcore TV was getting rave reviews and geeks from all over the world were commenting on how great it came across on TV. Paul was eager to hear the final word from Sophie. On cue, Soph came into his office.

    Sophie: Great show Paul, I LOVED it this week! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the main event and the Impact Players. I know you’ll keep the “shock” value up.

    Paul smirked.

    Paul: If the deal I’m currently working on goes through, the shock value will be through the roof! I’m still talking to a specific TNA wrestler about making the jump to ECW. At first it wasn’t looking good but now it’s better than ever. The deal could be finalised in time for the PPV.

    Sophie: Speaking of which, have you finalized a date?

    Paul: July 10th is the date for Uprising. That leaves me three more Hardcore TV’s before the big show. Things are looking up.

    Sophie: Excellent, I hope the deal goes through. Hey, you wanna know the final rating for the Spanky and Billy Kidman match on Hardcore TV?

    Paul: Tell me, I’ve heard nothing but good.

    Sophie: 4 Star match. That’s incredible with such little build up for the match. Four stars!

    Paul: Excellent. I think you may see them against each other again. Maybe a gimmick match?

    Sophie: Don’t overdue it. Maybe just leave them in the ring, let the weapons stay away?

    Paul: Point taken. I’m just finishing up the bookings for this weeks Hardcore TV. No new debuts I’m afraid.

    Sophie: That’s cool. Just be sure to build on the O’Haire, Hardy, and Jericho ones so far.

    Paul: Will do. I just hope that what I have planned for the main event at Uprising is enough to bring in some extra buys.

    Sophie: Are we losing money?

    Paul: Not even close. We’ve actually GAINED a few hundred-thousand since the re-opening but the first PPV is going to be hot. Crowning of the first world champion since 2001.

    Sophie: Ooh, who are you gonna give the belt too?

    Paul: To be honest, I don’t know. Any one of the six could get the gold. The question is, go for someone with an ECW background like Steve Corino or Rob Van Dam, or go with the new-era of ECW like Matt Hardy or Chris Jericho.

    Sophie: Well, I hear Doink the Clown is always wanting titles...

    Paul: Don’t even go there. Just watch the show and get ready for Uprising, k?

    Sophie: Sounds good, keep booking those 4-star matches.

  10. I'm on FIRE tonight. Be happy I don't feel well, the girlfriend isn't home, I have no work to do, and don't feel like sleeping. Have fun reading as I won't be home tomorrow afternoon or evening. :thumbsup:

    Monday, June 13th

    ECW Hardcore TV


    ECW Arena

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Rhyno gets to his feet first and goes over to the ring ropes to talk trash to Jericho, who is recovering while Tajiri eyes him carefully. This time loss, allows Matt Hardy to hit a LOW BLOW on Rhyno! Rhyno turns around, Twist of Fate!! Matt Hardy pins Rhyno and gets the three count!

    After the match, Tajiri and Chris Jericho brawl on the outside, both trying to make use of the idle steel chair. Matt Hardy taunts them both while Rhyno slowly recovers. Matt Hardy turns around to check on his opponent, GORE! With Matt Hardy out in the middle of the ring, Rhyno standing on top of him, Chris Jericho and Tajiri both trying to get the upper hand, Hardcore TV goes off the air!

    The ECW crowd is pumped up for another action-packed show. The crowd is anxious to see developments in the whole main event scene as saw last week at the end of Impact, who Billy Kidman’s mystery opponent is, if Jack Victory can still wrestle a match, and whether or not any PPV information is released.

    Some random generic music hits the ECW PA system and the Impact Players, Steve Corino, Justin Credible, Jack Victory, and Francine make their way out to the ring. Upon getting into the ring, Justin Credible gets honours on “The Stick” and is the first to speak.

    Justin Credible: I know exactly what the ECW fans in this building are thinking and don’t worry – you will see PLENTY more of the Impact Players in the weeks to come. [boos] In fact, you’ll see the Impact Players make the biggest Impact ever known on ECW TV right here in this building, within these two hours!

    Justin Credible looks at his posse and smiles when they nod in agreement. He then hands his microphone over to Francine, who is wearing a very low-cut skirt.

    Francine: That’s right and we are here to stay! You people don’t even have a clue as to what is coming. The Impact Players will be running this show next week, the week after that, the week after that. In fact, we will be running the show on July 3rd at ECW’s first Official PPV, Uprising! At Uprising, you will see the Impact Players carrying the gold, wearing the silver, and owning the bronze!

    Francine hands the microphone to Steve Corino. While Jack Victory does not speak, he gives support to his stable.

    Steve Corino: But now, to introduce the newest Impact Player I give you...

    Steve Corino makes the dramatic pause.

    Steve Corino: You sonsabitches will just have to wait and keep your eyes open!

    The Impact Players’ music hits as the group laughs with each other. The crowd boos the stable for not letting them see their newest member and because of them being teased.

    Billy Kidman .v. Spanky

    Billy Kidman doesn’t waste his time getting to the ring. The ECW crowd doesn’t seem to know Kidman fully yet. Kidman grabs the microphone to break the silent reaction.

    Billy Kidman: Who the hell would want to wrestle me? Sure, I’m the most clean cut guy you’ll ever see, the most handsome, most versatile, and best high-flier anywhere but who would hate me? I hate all of you, that’s for sure! But who could hate me?

    Ayo my quality control, captivates your party patrol

    Your mind, body, and soul

    For whom the bell tolls, let the rhythm explode

    Big, bad, and bold b-boys of old

    Spanky, brief WWE star, Ring of Honor star, and Japan star makes his second appearance in ECW, the first being in the 10-man TV Title Battle Royal. Spanky gets a pop from the ECW crowd, knowing his indie experience. Kidman seems to feel a little jealous at the reaction, attacking Spanky as soon as he gets in the ring.

    The crowd is treated to a real nice surprise as they watch Spanky and Kidman reverse each other’s moves like they are best friends with each other. Spanky tries to end the match quickly with the Sliced Bread #2 but Kidman flips out of it, hitting a quick lariat on Spanky.

    Soon Billy Kidman throws Spanky over the top rope. As Spanky recovers, Kidman goes to the top rope and jumps with a Swanton Bomb at Spanky, who is standing up!! The two collide against the ring barrier as the crowd lets out a ‘holy shit’ chant.

    Soon the match spills back into the ring where Spanky hits Kidman with the Sliced Bread #2! Kidman is layed out and Spanky heads to the top rope for his “Left Turn as Albaquerque”! Spanky jumps and turns for the Frog Splash variation but Kidman moves and Spanky comes up empty handed!

    It’s Kidman’s turn to head to the top rope where he jumps in a Shooting Star Press! Spanky lifts up his knees and Kidman connects with them. From sitting position, Spanky hits Kidman with a Sunset Flip pin, 1, 2, 3!! Kidman can’t believe the three count and loss!

    After the match, Spanky waists no time in leaving the ring. Billy Kidman takes a temper tantrum on the referee and the ring ropes as the ECW crowd enjoys the first match in a long time to not involve weapons.

    Doring and Roadkill .v. Nova and Steven Richards

    Highlights are shown of Steven Richards’ late arrival last week on Hardcore TV where he saved Nova from a two-on-one from Impact Players and eventually went on to win the match for his team. Nova carries out his Television title to the ring and Steven Richards is with him this week on time. Doring and Roadkill look ready for action and this tag match is all setup.

    After both Steven Richards does some heavy brawling on both Doring and Roadkill, he finally tags in Nova, who goes airborne. Nova hits a Tilt-A-Whirl on Roadkill and Spinebuster’s Doring to lay him out. Nova attempts the Spin Doctor on Roadkill, but Roadkill tosses him nastily to the ground. Danny Doring throws Nova in a baseball bat and then goes over to trip Steven Richards from the ring apron, making him hit his head on the apron corner.

    Roadkill gets ready to finish off Nova, hitting him in the gut with the baseball bat and then cracking it over his back. Suddenly, “Turn the Tables” hits and the Dudley Boyz’ theme song plays throughout the arena.

    Doring stop beating on Richards outside the ring and Roadkill stops attacking Nova and the two look up to the ramp.

    Sliding into the ring BEHIND Roadkill is Spike Dudley, steel chair in hand. Spike cracks Roadkill with the chair, sending him to the ground. Doring slides into the ring to help his partner but Spike cracks him as well.

    Roadkill gets up, Spin Doctor from Nova! Nova gets the cover and picks up the win to make his and Steven Richards’ perfect record stay put. Spike jumps out of the ring where Bubba and D-Von have appeared. Doring and Roadkill have a classic stare-down with the three Dudley Boyz. This business is NOT over!

    Paul London is backstage. Paul knocks on the door of a room and walks into Paul Heyman’s room! Heyman, caught off guard from London looks up from his work.

    Paul Heyman: Paul London, what can I do for you?

    Paul London: I’m here for some JUSTICE! Last week Frankie Kazarian used a STEEL CHAIR on me to pick up the victory in a classic wrestling match. I want you to do something about it!

    Paul Heyman looks at London up and down before letting out a chuckle.

    Paul Heyman: Look kid, this is ECW. Extreme Championship Wrestling. What do you think the whole purpose of ECW is? To fight! To get even any way possible.

    London looks dejected.

    Paul London: So your not going to do anything?

    Paul Heyman: I tell you what. How would you like to have the very first match named at the Uprising PPV in almost four weeks time?

    London smiles.

    Paul Heyman: It’s just been made. Paul London verses Frankie Kazarian, part 2. Do whatever it takes to win! Welcome to ECW.

    Paul London smiles and shakes hands with Paul Heyman. He begins thinking to himself before leaving the locker room.

    Rey Mysterio .v. Jack Victory

    Francine accompanies Jack Victory out to the ring for his match up against Rey Mysterio. Victory looks more buff since the fours years he was last in ECW. Rey Mysterio looks ready as always and even incorporates his “platform jump” entrance from the WWE. How cute.

    From the beginning of the match, Francine begins yelling things out to Jack Victory, telling him to hit a certain move and when to set up for something else. Eventually, Rey Mysterio begins noticing this as he picks up on the signals and reverses them with ease. Following a leg drop from the top rope onto Victory, Francine goes underneath the ring and pulls out a ring bell, throwing it in for Victory to use.

    Jack Victory slowly works his way back into the match, mostly by holding certain submissions longer than he should, and by going “low” on Mysterio. Victory throws Mysterio at the ropes, hitting him with a Manhattan Drop on the return!

    Jack Victory grabs the ring bell and waits patiently for Rey Mysterio to stand up. Mysterio stands up and DUCKS the bell shot! Mysterio kicks Victory in the gut, forcing him to drop the bell, and then hits a FLYING DDT!

    Rey Mysterio stands on the outer apron for Victory to get up. Francine tries to hold up Mysterio, but he kicks her to the ground. Out of the corner of the screen, Francine makes a motion.

    Coming out of nowhere is former WWE and WCW wrestler, Sean O’Haire!! The big man trips up Mysterio on the ring apron. O’Haire picks up Mysterio, Death Valley Driver onto the floor of the ring!

    Sean O’Haire picks up Mysterio and literally tosses him over the top rope. As Mysterio’s shoulder hits the ring canvas, Jack Victory simply performs a cocky pin on Mysterio, picking up a win for the Impact Players.


    After the match, Sean O’Haire and Francine get into the ring to celebrate with Jack Victory. Victory holds up the hand of the big man, Sean O’Haire and Francine does a small dance around the ring.

    Tajiri .v. Matt Hardy

    As both Tajiri and Matt Hardy get into the ring for this match, Chris Jericho’s music hits and the man himself comes out. Jericho insists that he only wants to watch such a great matchup but the crowd seems to know better. To somewhat even out the sides, Rob Van Dam makes a great ECW entrance to “watch” the match with Jericho.

    Matt Hardy underestimates Tajiri to start the matchup, trying to get a quick victory. Instead, Tajiri delivers some kicks to the head and Hardy has to regroup on the outside. On the outside of the ring, Matt Hardy jumps and turns around the see Rob Van Dam staring at him. Chris Jericho comes over to break up the tension between the two.

    From then on in the match, Tajiri and Matt Hardy check the outside of the ring after every move to see if any action is happening. Jericho remains close to the ring to watch the show while RVD backs off a little bit.

    Soon, Matt Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate to finish off Tajiri, but it is reversed and Hardy is knocked to the floor. Tajiri hops to the top rope and waits for Hardy to stand up. V1 stands up and Tajiri jumps in a diving axe handle but Matt Hardy throws the referee in front of the attack! Ref bump~!

    With the referee out of this match, Steve Corino suddenly makes his way out to the ring. “Mr. Old School” attempts to attack Tajiri but Rob Van Dam makes the save! Chris Jericho attacks Tajiri from behind as RVD and Steve Corino brawl!

    Matt Hardy waits in the shadows, resting himself and hoping to get an easy pinfall on Tajiri. Rhyno appears in the ring behind Hardy and waits for him silently. After stomping his feet a few times, Matt Hardy looks behind him, only to see GORE!!!!

    The referee finally recovers to see total carnage in the ring. Tajiri, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Steve Corino, and Rhyno are all brawling with each other, getting punches in and unable to control themself. The main event scene doesn’t let up, even after the referee tries to break things up. The referee calls the match a no contest, but nothing can help the carnage in the ring.

    Hardcore TV goes off the air for this week with six of the best ECW superstars battling it out with each other, creating total mayhem in the small ring. The Spike TV logo flashes in the bottom corner and we are out!

  11. Paul was in his office, doing his weekly business work. He was busy looking at a certain sheet of paper, crossing out words and adding new things in. Sophie comes in and drops some sheets on Pauls desk.

    Sophie: Busy?

    Paul Heyman: Just doing some business work for Hardcore TV. Did the rating for Hardcore TV come in?

    Sophie: You bet they did. We got a 3.1 rating compared to an all-time low for RAW’s Smackdown at 3.0 and a higher RAW rating at 4.1.

    Paul: We beat Smackdown? Awesome. Do you think the advertising for ECW helped to boost RAW’s rating?

    Sophie: Possibly. All I know is that Spike TV is very happy with the shows ratings because us and RAW are number 2 and 1 respectively. Got any plans for this week yet?

    Paul: Do I ever! I’m going to give Jack Victory a chance to cement himself as an Impact Player, along with ANOTHER debut and a re-debut by a person who I’ve signed to a few more shows in ECW.

    Sophie: Another new wrestler? Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me.

    Paul: Ye of little patience, wait young grasshopper.

    Sophie: Please don’t call me a grasshopper.

    Paul: Sorry. So how are you liking the Chris Jericho jump and the Matt Hardy debut?

    Sophie: Loving it. I should mention that we are also beating TNA’s Impact in ratings by a TON. I bet you they are shaking in their boots!

    Paul: I bet they are. We’ll see how much they shake when I steal one of their top buys away from them.

    Sophie: Top draw? Raven? Is it Raven! Jeff Jarrett! That would be huge, it’s Jarrett isn’t it? Maybe Monty Brown or Abyss...

    Paul: Sophie, you just leave the business to me and you go back to... whatever you do!

    Sophie: Later and good luck.

  12. Event: ECW Hardcore TV

    Date: June 6st, 2005

    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Arena: ECW Arena

    The lights come back on and Rhyno is OUT in the ring. Standing on his body is Steve Corino accompanied by Francine on his left side. The former ECW centerpiece stands with one of the greatest ECW women in the ring.

    Steve Corino drags Justin Credible over to Rhyno and drapes his shoulder over the mysteriously fallen man beast. Steve Corino counts along with the referee as JC gets the pinfall victory!

    Justin Credible rises to his feet and him and Steve Corino stare each other down. The down look back and forth at each other until they shake hands with each other! The crowd is stunned at the new Impact Players! With Francine standing in the middle of Steve Corino and Justin Credible, the trio stands over top of Rhyno as ECW Rebirth cuts to black!

    The images and audio from ECW’s Rebirth cuts from the ECW titantron and we are brought back to the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The crowd is once again roaring and while the titantron is pretty much the same as the PPV, so is the excitement, the cheers, the roar, and the craziness.

    The crowd slowly quiets down following the opening of Hardcore TV. A Spike TV logo is displayed in the bottom-right hand corner of the screen. “Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails is the first theme song of the night and ECW owner and mastermind Paul Heyman makes his way down to the ring. Paul wears his trademark hat and smiles, patting hands with fans as he gets into the ring. Paul grabs a microphone from the announcing table and things are off.

    Paul: Let me be the first to say it out loud: ECW is BACK on SPIKE TV!

    The crowd lets out it’s first of many pops of the night, starting a small “Spike TV” chant throughout the building.

    Paul: I bet you Vince McMahon is SHAKING in his very boots right at this instant. I bet you he is KICKING himself over what he has let happen. [applause] Even his own ROSTER is nervous and unsure of themself. CHRIS JERICHO made the jump to the better product and SLAPPED Vince in his very face!

    Jericho gets a big reaction of both boos and cheers from the crowd, who seems to remember Jericho cheating the fans after picking up a victory at Rebirth.

    Paul: If people thought that ECW was hardcore the last time we were in town, you haven’t seen ANYTHING yet. The new ECW promises more high-flying action, more hardcore weaponry, and more development in wrestling. ECW is NOW.

    Just like that, Paul Heyman’s opening ECW speech is finished. Short and sweet for the fans, who are itching to see some real action. The crowd begins an “E-C-W” chant as the camera pans through the crowd.

    Frankie Kazarian .v. Paul London

    After coming in second at ECW Rebirth in the TV Title Scramble, Paul London looks clean cut for his match-up tonight against the self-proclaimed “Wave of the Future” Frankie Kazarian. The crowd seems to be in another mood to love everybody that comes out to the ring tonight but that changes when Frankie purposely spits on his hand before shaking hands with a few of the fans.

    Frankie Kazarian is a little blown away in the beginning of this match with Paul London getting a quick Enziguri and sunset flip for a long two count. Following a splash from the top rope, Frankie Kazarian goes to the outside to regroup with himself. Paul London tries to dive through the middle rope in a splash but Frankie catches him, doing a fall-away slam into the metal ring barrier!

    Frankie goes underneath the ring apron and pulls out a steel chair. He dives at Paul with it but Paul ducks and Frankie hits the ring barrier. Paul London picks Frankie Kazarian up for a Manhattan Drop and Frankie throws the chair into the ring before getting hit with the move. Paul London throws Frankie into the ring post and then jumps up onto the ring apron and back down at Frankie in a crazy Swanton Flip!

    As both men finally get back into the ring, London continues to work over his opponent, smashing Frankie’s head into the ropes and hitting him with a Hurricanrana. London goes to the top rope and goes for the London Calling, a Shooting Star Press but he misses and lands on his face as Frankie moves.

    London gets Frankie set up again and this time heads for another Hurricanrana. Frankie goes through the move but flips onto his feet! London catches himself and runs at Frankie but Kazarian turns and FLATTENS London with the steel chair! Frankie picks up Paul London and gives him the Wave of the Future right onto the steel chair, before picking up the victory.

    After the match, Frankie shows the crowd the mark on the steel chair while London tries to argue about cheating. Frankie leaves the ring and goes up the ramp, taunting London and the ECW crowd.

    As the crowd settles down from the great high-flying match-up, the titantron switches to the backstage area. Bubba, D-Von, and Spike are in their business uniforms, not in wrestling action tonight.

    Bubba Ray: It’s all good guys, don’t worry about Doring and Roadkill.

    Spike: You know, they were a bunch of asses the last time we were here too.

    Bubba Ray: It’s all good, do we all understand the plan?

    D-Von: Ha ha, we’ll see how they like us soon.

    The three Dudley Boyz smack hands with each other. The short and sweet promo cuts and the crowd is back for out next matchup.

    Impact Players [steve Corino and Justin Credible] .v. Nova and ???

    Steve Corino and Justin Credible are brought down to the ring with the lovely Francine at their side. Nova comes out for his match against the Impact Players and stops halfway down the ramp to wait for his partner’s theme song to cut in. After a few seconds, Nova seems to look at the production crew for an explanation. After waiting a few more seconds for his partner to appear, Nova shakes his head in shame and looks up into the sky. The Impact Players laugh at Nova’s lack of partner.

    Nova gets into the ring and the match starts with him going against Steve Corino. The bell is about to ring when Justin Credible prevents it for a second with a microphone in his hand.

    Justin Credible: It really is a shame that your partner isn’t here anymore Nova. After all, the Impact Players always bring a surprise with them.

    Justin, Steve, and Francine laugh at Nova while the reinforcements walk down the ramp. Jack Victory, the other member of Impact Players before ECW closed down in 2001 is smiling across his face and laughs. Nova seems to feel a little guilty at a possible three-on-one attack with Francine in the shadows. The bell rings and Nova is forced into this match without a partner.

    As Steve Corino and Justin Credible take turns tagging in for a few cheap shots, Nova begins to weaken. To make things worse, the person that isn’t tagged in the match always goes underneath the apron to throw in a weapon. Soon, a table is set up and Nova is relentless. Corino tags in a rested Justin Credible and then picks up Nova in a Spinbuster. Justin Credible goes up to the top rope while Steve Corino SMASHES Nova through the table!

    Steve Corino goes outside the ring to cheer with Jack Victory and Francine while Justin Credible heads to the top rope. JC is about to jump in a legdrop onto Nova when the crowd erupts.

    Hand me a line

    Really hand me a line

    Really hand me a line

    Hand me a line

    Really hand it to me

    I always loved you

    Love dumpling

    Steven Richards appears running down the ramp. He waves to the crowd as he gets into the ring. Steven throws Justin Credible off the top rope. Jack Victory hops into the ring for an attack but is met with an incredible STEVEN KICK to the jaw! Steve Corino tries to get into the ring, but Richards sends him flying out as well. Steven and Nova make the tag and Steven waits in the ring for an opponent.

    Justin Credible tries to attack Steven from behind, but is hit with a forearm smash, followed by a Snap Suplex. Steven eyes up JC, Stevie T!!! Steven Richards makes the cover and Nova double clotheslines Victory and Corino, who try to make the save. Steven Richards gets the pinfall and picks up the victory!

    After the match, Nova and Steven Richards dispose the ring of the New Impact Players. The two shake hands and you can see Steven apologizing for being late. Nova forgives him and the duo heads out.






    The ECW crowd gives some boos to former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho as he makes his way out to the ring, microphone in hand. Wasting no time against the crowd reaction, Jericho speaks for the first time in ECW.

    Chris Jericho: How honoured you should be to have Y-2-JERICHO in E-C-W! [boos] You know, my legacy in the WWE was so worthwhile and great, I thought to myself, “What can I do to top myself next?”

    Jericho prances around the ring in a mini-dance, mocking the crowd and laughing.

    Chris Jericho: Well, first I thought I could top myself by going back to my room with a pretty lady, stopping to buy a little gin on the way, and doing the nasty on the couch. [laugh] But then I realized that all of the women in Philadelphia are dogs anyway!

    The crowd seems to love and hate Jericho at the same time.

    Chris Jericho: So instead, here I am in ECW bringing the wealth and good fortune of Y2J... and Fozzy, straight to you ECW fans. [pause] Which comes to the reason why I am here. For one thing and one thing only. To become the ECW World Heavyweight Champion!

    Jericho pauses to wait for the reaction.

    Chris Jericho: I was the first Undisputed WWE Champion and nothing god dammit is going to stop me from winning this one! If ANYONE here in ECW tries to make a name for themselves, that’s it! No more nice guy because you don’t damn deserve it!

    Rhyno .v. ???

    Recovering from the very convincing promo from Chris Jericho, the crowd is lightened up with a Rhyno entrance that sends them once again into cheers. The worlds favourite man beast heads down to the ring for his match against a mystery opponent. When in the ring, the crowd waits patiently for the arrival of...


    I can slap a tornado,

    I can dry up a sea, yeah.

    When I live for the moment,

    There ain't no (ain't no) in me

    Matt Hardy come strutting out onto the ECW ramp. The crowd BOOS him! Hardy, complete in his purple outfit and long hair comes down to the ring. The crowd is reminded that Hardy and Rhyno go way back from the WWE days. Hardy gets into the ring and him and Rhyno have a stare down.

    The bell rings and Matt Hardy quickly goes to work on Rhyno, hitting him with multiple clotheslines and then pouncing on him for some punches. Matt Hardy gives out the “V1" sign before delivering a standing leg drop on Rhyno.

    Rhyno slowly begins to fight back, hitting a neck breaker and superplex on a weakening Hardy. Suddenly, running down the ramp comes Chris Jericho with a steel chair in hand! He gets into the ring and FLATTENS both Matt Hardy and Rhyno!! Jericho stands tall in the ring until Tajiri comes through the crowd behind Jericho. Jericho turns around, Tajiri Kick to the head!! Tajiri throws Jericho out of the ring, along with the steel chair.

    Rhyno gets to his feet first and goes over to the ring ropes to talk trash to Jericho, who is recovering while Tajiri eyes him carefully. This time loss, allows Matt Hardy to hit a LOW BLOW on Rhyno! Rhyno turns around, Twist of Fate!! Matt Hardy pins Rhyno and gets the three count!

    After the match, Tajiri and Chris Jericho brawl on the outside, both trying to make use of the idle steel chair. Matt Hardy taunts them both while Rhyno slowly recovers. Matt Hardy turns around to check on his opponent, GORE! With Matt Hardy out in the middle of the ring, Rhyno standing on top of him, Chris Jericho and Tajiri both trying to get the upper hand, Hardcore TV goes off the air!

  13. Paul Heyman was living a dream. The ECW PPV went off without a hitch. Indie stars were calling from all over the globe to be apart of the new ECW. All of the wrestlers in the company were happy and paid. The people without written contracts were all asking for long-term deals. Life was good for Paul Heyman. Even a blind guy could see the grin on Paul Heyman’s face as he sat in his office in Philadelphia, going through some book work and stopping ever few seconds to admire himself. As his personal assistant Sophie entered the room, you could notice the charm in his voice.

    Paul: Hey Soph, what’s going on? 

    Sophie: I’m good Paul, are the rating in yet? Did we make the 400,000 buys mark?

    Paul: They came in this morning. I’m just about to make the announcement to some of the guys who are working out downstairs in the gym. I hope the guys haven’t gotten their hopes too high.

    Sophie: Don’t fool with me Paul, you already know the number. Just tell your favourite and only assistant.

    Paul: Why don’t you just look at the message I got from Spike TV?

    Paul passes Sophie over a slip of paper. Upon opening the paper, Sophie sees the following:

    user posted image

    Sophie: What is this?

    Paul: THAT is the LOGO FROM SPIKE TV! They’ve already advertised that banner on their site and are getting pumped over ECW’s return to Spike TV!

    Sophie: No way! How many buys did Rebirth do?

    Paul: 420,000, twenty-thousand more buys that was expected from the network. I don’t think they have any more doubts over the ECW programming.

    Sophie: Excellent, you deserve it Paul!

    Paul: Thanks, now if you’ll excuse me I have to tell the guys the good news. After that, I have an EXCLUSIVE meeting with another former WWE superstar.

    Sophie: Whose jumped ship now?

    Paul: Not jumped ship, was fired for all of the wrong reasons. Oh well, their loss.

    Sophie smiles and then leaves the office, letting Paul back to his work. Paul grins once again and looks at a contract proposal for another mystery superstar.

  14. Event: ECW Rebirth

    Date: June 1st, 2005

    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Arena: ECW Arena


    4 years ago, the most extreme wrestling federation to ever exist closed.

    3 letters for the fans to remember, E-C-W.

    2 words made famous by ECW, Paul Heyman.

    1 dream, to once again stand tall.

    0 chances for mistake, only one shot left.

    Just how deep do you believe?

    Will you bite the hand that feeds?

    Will you chew until it bleeds?

    Can you get up off your knees?

    Are you brave enough to see?

    Do you want to change it?

    We zoom in to see the ECW Arena in all of it’s glory. The arena is packed with crazed ECW fans. A new titantron is setup, much larger than the one from the old days. The nostalgia silver ring barrier surrounds the ring. An ECW logo apron is hung in it’s glory around the ECW ring with red ropes.

    “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails and the hot ECW crowd raises to it’s feet for a standing ovation from Paul Heyman. The ECW owner takes it’s time coming down to the ring, taking time to admire all of the signs ranging from “Fuck Vince” to “WWE Can Suck On This”. Paul gets into the ring with his business suit on and salutes the crowd.

    Paul: W-W-E can suck...my...dick!

    Paul rips open his business suit Hulk Hogan style~! Underneath his buttoned-up suit jacket is a black shirt with the ECW logo on it and the words “Fuck WWE”. Paul twirls around in the ring letting the crowd admire it. The image of the picture appears on the ECW titantron.

    Paul: ECW is back and there isn’t one god damn thing that anybody can do about it. Paul is back with all he needs in this lifetime. [applause] If there is one thing that I want the fans of ECW to do, it’s the following.

    The crowd pops and waits for Paul to continue.

    Paul: I want all of the ECW fans to head down to the Spike TV building and FORCE them to give ECW another TV show!

    The crowd lets out a huge pop. A smile forms across Paul Heyman’s face.

    Paul: I have brought a flurry of wrestlers with me from the WWE product. Those wrestlers, along with former and new Indie wrestlers are here to conquer WWE with me. Nothing is better than e-x-t-r-e-m-e. [applause] In fact, one very special WWE wrestler has JUMPED SHIP from the cancer that is Vince McMahon to ECW. One very special... surprise. [applause] Anyway, getting to our first match up of the night, I have made it my business to introduce the very first ECW match in it’s rebirth. I’d like the Dudley Boyz to come out to the ring.

    “Turn the Tables” blares out the ECW Titantron and the ECW-made tag team of the Dudley Boyz get a huge pop for simply walking out to the ring. Accompanied by them is Spike, “the little brother” who seems happy to be back on TV. The three embrace Paul Heyman in a non-gay-way in the ring.

    Paul: What better way to have the Dudley Boyz back in ECW by giving them a tag team that they FED off of a few years ago. Two guys who remember the Dudley Boyz very well.

    The Dudley Boyz .v. ???

    "Super Bon Bon" by Soul Coughing hits over the PA system and Danny Doring and Roadkill come out to the ring. The former ECW tag champions get a pop as well from the crowd, who seems to be enjoying every minute of things.

    When Doring and Roadkill make it into the ring, they first hug Paul Heyman before shaking hands with the Dudley Boyz. Paul Heyman walks outside of the ring and rings the ring bell. For the first twenty or so seconds of the match, The Dudley Boyz and D&R simply stare at each other, circling around the ring. Finally, Roadkill and Bubba tear into each other, trying to clothesline each other and get the first advantage.

    The match goes through pretty intense with the crowd hot for the ECW Rebirth. Eventually, Spike Dudley gives the fans what they want, some extreme. Spike reaches underneath the ring and throws the infamous trash can into the ring. Bubba sets up for the Pile driver onto the trash can lid but Roadkill reverses it into a flip and near pinfall. Bubba and Road Kill both tag in their partners into the match.

    As Danny Doring gets the advantage on D-Von for a while, he waits a little too long before making the pin. D-Von hits his reverse DDT out of nowhere! Bubba gets into the ring and the two setup for the 3D! Spike comes in the ring to intercept Roadkill trying to save his partner. Doring gets up and is nailed with the 3D!! The Dudley Boyz cover as Spike gives the Dudley Dog to Roadkill up the ring post and down onto the trash can!

    After the match, The Dudley Boyz unite in the ring to play off the fan response. The Dudley’s help Doring and Roadkill up, extending their hands for a handshake. Doring and Roadkill shake the hands, much to the fans delight.

    SWERVE~! Doring and Roadkill attack the Dudleyz, taking them over the top rope and throwing the trash can at the two. With Spike left in the ring, Roadkill lifts up Spike by the legs while Doring goes to the top rope. A top rope legdrop sends Spike crashing into the canvas. Doring and Roadkill stand in the ring with Spike between them as the Dudleyz don’t seem to know what to do. Doring and Roadkill pick Spike up together and they throw him FACE FIRST over the top rope to the mat outside. The crowd gasp as Spike’s face hits the floor mats outside of the ring. Bubba and D-Von pick Spike up and carry him to the back.

    Simon Dean, also known as Nova to the ECW fans is backstage getting ready for his TV Title Battle Royal. He ties up his laces as former ECW Champion and WWE superstar, Justin Credible walks into the locker room. Justin looks Simon up and down before letting out a pathetic laugh.

    Justin Credible: Look at you NOVA. I know the real you. Back when you and Stevie Richards were a force to be reckoned with. Back in the old days. Now look at you, nothing but a bum.

    Simon Dean looks up from his business to stare Justin Credible in the eyes.

    Simon Dean: It’s... different now.

    Justin Credible: But not better. Look at you! WWE slapped a fat ass on you and some fake ass gimmick for what? To be a little locker-room bitch?

    Simon Dean looks down at his shows, not saying a word.

    Simon Dean: I’m making it somewhere.

    Justin Credible: I don’t give a SHIT where you made it. Look at me, the one and only. Didn’t turn all bitch like you did. Man, fuck you and your horse shit!

    Justin Credible slaps Simon Dean across the face. Simon just sits their, not doing anything. Justin laughs again and leaves Simon Dean alone.

    Frankie Kazarian .v. Rey Mysterio

    For possibly the first time in his life, Frankie Kazarian gets a BIGGER pop than Rey Mysterio does. The “Wave of the Future” salutes the crowd with a middle finger and still gets a huge pop. Kazarian and Mysterio look at each other in the ring and start their match of the night with a lock-up, followed by Mysterio flying off the ropes in a Hurricanrana but Kazarian flipping and landing on his FEET. Kazarian turns around and a Sunset Flip, but Mysterio reverses that, attempting to fly off the second rope. Kazarian catches Mysterio mid-air with a Dropkick, taking both men out as the fans are hooked.

    Soon the action spills to the outside, where Frankie hits a huge flip over the top rope. While Rey Mysterio is recovering, Frankie pulls out the fire extinguisher from underneath the apron. Rey stands up and covers his face as Frankie threatens to blind Mysterio. The Wave of the Future then laughs, hitting Mysterio square in the face with the object. Frankie then gets onto the outside ring apron, jumping off with a moonsault onto Mysterio!

    Soon, the finish is setup in the ring. Rey gets back the momentum following the extinguisher shot and gets Kazarian in the 619 spot. Rey bounces off the ropes when Kazarian simple stands up out of the 619, blatantly no selling it. Rey wonders what’s up and Kazarian flattens him with a closed fist! Rey stands up, WAVE OF THE FUTURE!! Rey flops to the ground and Kazarian pins him.

    Following the match, Rey stands up after his loss, EXTINGUISHER to the face once more. Kazarian gets up to the top rope, 450 SPLASH! Rey is out.

    10 Man Battle Royal: Spanky .v. Steven Richards .v. Psychosis .v. EZ Money .v. Mikey Whipwreck .v. Sonny Siaki .v. Akio .v. Paul London .v. Nova .v. The Amazing Red [TV Title]

    Before the match, Paul Heyman is out once more to explain the rules. Falls Count Anywhere in the arena. If you are pinned, you are no longer eligible to win the title. The last person to get pinned wins the match.

    The crowd is in awe at the indie talent in this match, popping for guys like Spanky, Mikey Whipwreck, Sonny Siaki, and Amazing Red. Once nine of the competitors are in the ring for the match, the group waits for the only person left, Simon Dean. “Hollywood” hits over the PA system and Simon Dean walks out wearing his old NOVA pants! The crowd pops him as the new Nova comes down to the ring. He dives into the ring and nails a suicide front flip into the crowd of wrestlers, taking down a few of them and making an impact!


    Psychosis by Steven Richards via Pinfall

    Mikey Whipwreck by Nova after Swanton Bomb from ten feet high on a scaffold.

    Akio by The Amazing Red when TAR flips Akio into an Ice cream stand and then pinning him.

    The Amazing Red by Nova when TAR misses a Moonsault from the scaffold.

    Steven Richards by Spanky following the Sliced Bread #2.

    Spanky by Paul London and Nova when they each Leg Drop onto him from opposite corners.

    EZ Money when Sonny Siaki when Sonny clocks him with the ring bell.

    Sonny Siaki by Nova when he hits the Spin Doctor.

    With Paul London and Nova the only ones left, the two are wrestling on top of the ten foot scaffold which has been the centre point of the match and is in the corner near the titantron. Nova and Paul London both push each other off, but Paul London gets a hold at the last second! Nova falls down onto a ring mat and appears to go limp. Paul London jumps off in the London Calling, a huge Shooting Star Press! At the last moment, Nova moves out of the way and London’s body smashes down on the ground. Nova flops over and pins Paul London for the win and the TV title!

    As the crowd recovers from the great TV Title match, we come to see Paul Heyman standing in the room with two mystery wrestlers. The fans boo at not being able to see who Heyman is talking to.

    Paul Heyman: Gentlemen, you are here in ECW to do one thing and one thing only. Cause havoc. Not with each other, but as two separate forces. Remember, ECW is NOTHING like the WWE! And you, remember that the rules are the same as before.

    Paul Heyman smiles and puts both of his shoulders on the mystery men’s shoulders.

    Paul Heyman: Lets rock and roll. Your up first.

    Rob Van Dam .v. Tajiri .v. ???

    The ECW gives a huge pop to the two former ECW main eventers. “Mr. Monday Night” Rob Van Dam and Tajiri shake hands, talking to themselves about things while the crowd waits on the mystery opponent.





    The crowd goes wild.


    The lights go out and the fans yell out. When the lights return, Chris Jericho stands at the top of the ramp with his backed turned to the crowd. The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll’ah turns around to the crowd gives a big “Fuck You” to the ECW fans. A bunch of fans ask for Jericho to hit hands with them on the way down to the ring by Jericho walks straight passed them. Getting in to the ring, Chris Jericho makes RVD and Tajiri back down as he goes to the top rope. The fans boo him more and Jericho loves it.

    Jericho quickly takes down both of his opponents before sliding out of the ring. Tajiri and RVD quickly recover and both try to Splash onto Jericho. Jericho ducks and the two slam into the ring barrier! Jericho reaches underneath the ring and throws object into the ring, a sledgehammer, stop sign, chair, a 2x4.

    Soon when the match is in full force, the three use the objects in the ring whenever they can. Tajiri and RVD work as a team until RVD goes for a Rolling Thunder at the same time Tajiri does a leg drop off the top rope. Tajiri collides with RVD and the two become enemies with each other.

    With Jericho out on the outside of the ring, Rob Van Dam has Tajiri setup for the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD goes to the top rope and jumps but Tajiri moves and RVD collides with the 2x4! Tajiri stands up and looks around for Jericho. Tajiri turns to look behind him with Jericho hits him with a face buster from behind!

    With RVD out in the middle of the ring, Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho on Tajiri! Tajiri squirms for a few seconds before tapping out, conceding the win the Chris Jericho.

    With Rob Van Dam having a 2x4 mark in his face, Tajiri holding his legs from Jericho, and the flurry of weapons in the ring, Chris Jericho leaves the mess and holds up his middle finger to the fans. He gets booed as he leaves the ring area.

    Justin Credible .v. Rhyno

    Before the match begins, fans are taken back to the very last ECW PPV, Guilty as Charged. The crowd is taken back as it shows Justin Credible losing in the World Title match to The Sandman, which also featured Steve Corino. The highlights then show Rhyno facing Sandman in a TV Title-World Title unification match where Rhyno wins with a Gore and Pile Driver. The scene fades out with Rhyno and the World title in his hands.

    Justin Credible looks extremely polished in his first televised match in a long time. Rhyno gets a huge pop and looks like the man beast he once was.

    Rhyno and Justin Credible tear into each other with each person using hardcore whenever they can. When the action spills to the outside of the ring, Rhyno gets the idea to end the match early by doing a GORE on Credible on the ring barrier. Justin moves and Rhyno ends up hurting himself.

    Justin Credible picks up the ring bell, getting an idea. Rhyno stands up by the ring apron and JC swings at him by Rhyno ducks and Justin hits a FAN STRAIGHT IN THE FACE!!! Justin Credible drops the bell and runs at Rhyno for a clothesline, but Rhyno ducks and Justin Credible goes air-born into the crowd, narrowly missing the injured fan, who is being helped by paramedics.

    Soon, both men are back in the ring where Rhyno hits a Pile Driver. Rhyno stands in the ring, setting up for the GORE. JC gets up and Rhyno hits the Gore on him! Rhyno goes for the pin when the lights go out.


    You want it heavy

    Welcome to my world, either way you pick you're winding down


    I want it heavy

    Welcome to my world, either way you pick you're winding down again

    The lights come back on and Rhyno is OUT in the ring. Standing on his body is Steve Corino accompanied by Francine on his left side. The former ECW centerpiece stands with one of the greatest ECW women in the ring.

    Steve Corino drags Justin Credible over to Rhyno and drapes his shoulder over the mysteriously fallen man beast. Steve Corino counts along with the referee as JC gets the pinfall victory!

    Justin Credible rises to his feet and him and Steve Corino stare each other down. The down look back and forth at each other until they shake hands with each other! The crowd is stunned at the new Impact Players! With Francine standing in the middle of Steve Corino and Justin Credible, the trio stands over top of Rhyno as ECW Rebirth cuts to black!

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