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Everything posted by xdavex

  1. So, when I still lived in Hove Beach, I was going to save my game (Autosave is turned off on my save as to not ruin my brother's), I push some guy because I always do that, then run into my house. Next thing I know, the guy walks up to me, in my house, and says "Ya know, I have some Kazakh in me." Then kills me with a fucking shotgun.
  2. Does anyone else like MILFs? That's some of my favorite stuff. It's pretty popular if I understand correctly. Anyone else a MILF hunter?
  3. xdavex

    The Wire

    FUCK YEAH! The Wire comes back tonight, for those of you who dont know, it's possibly the greatest show on tv ever and definitly the greatest on now.
  4. Read it, and live it. It is, dare I say, the greatest sitcom ever? "Well, we have one witness who won't be talking, that is, unless he has a hand inside of him" "Oh Michael, even then I wouldn't say anything"
  5. I saw a trailer for this, it's basically epic movie, but with 300 spoofs thrown in, the guys who make these movies really aren't funny. When I saw the trailer I actually got angry, I don't know why, but hearing that shitty movie like this is coming out, it pissed me off.
  6. Yeah, I can guarantee he isn't a dealer here in South Florida.
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