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Posts posted by Colossus

  1. Probably. But fuck that, I put trade override on and did this one

    Chicago gets:




    Orlando gets:



    '12 1st rounder from Golden State

    Warriors get:



    '13 1st rounder from Timberwolves (via Chicago)

    '13 2nd rounder frim Orlando

    Fuck that shit really

  2. Yeah. The problem is that the trade logic in this game is pretty much fucked up. You never seem to get a fair offer for a guy

    And I tried this one, and guess who rejected

    Chicago gets



    Orlando gets




    '12 1st round pick from Washington

    My 2 picks

    Washington gets:




    That's right. It was Orlando. They lose Howard, sure, but they get Wall, Noah, Deng and 3 1st rounders? That would not be a bad trade at all

    Or even this one: I get Howard and Hedo, Orlando gets Scola, Martin and Deng, Houston gets Noah, Boozer, Jameer and 3 1st rounders. i kinda get Houston on this one, but if anyone accepted, it would not be a crime against nature. You give up Scola and Martin, but you rebuild around Noah and Boozer, and you have 3 1st rounders

    It's basically impossible to trade for a superstar, even one that's leaving, like Howard. That is something that has to be worked on.

    Edit: Of course, when I offer them Noah and Deng for Howard and Hedo, they ask for Rip AND Rose. That would be fucking fair

  3. That's a pretty good team and they could make a run at Howard next year. In theory, they have Butler, Griffin, Jordan, CP3 and Mo Williams under contract. If they use the amnesty on Mo Williams. That leaves them with around 27 Million on contracts, without the Paul contract. I see CP3 accepting less money for a chance at giving Howard a Max contract

  4. I would think Noah and Deng for Howard and Hedo would trump anything that the Lakers are going to be able to offer now that Pau and Odom are gone.

    I honestly don't want the Bulls to do that. Yes, having Howard would be a huge relief, but it would gut the team of it's heart and soul (Joakim) and take off the "do-it all" guy, a guy that is one of the best 3 in the game and that does not complain about not being the star. Plus, the defensive drop out from Deng to Hedo is gigantic. And the contracts don't match, so Chicago would have to give even more guys, which is a bad thing.

    And come on guys, do you really think that there are not any other suitors out there with better pieces to trade for Howard than LA? I know it's the Lakers, but even they can't get Howard straight up for Bynum

    EDIT: For example, I would love to see the Warriors make a run at Howard. Something like Monta, Lee, Biedrins and picks for Howard and Hedo

  5. Went into Gamestop yesterday to maybe get this and saw that it had an hillariously high price tag of €45. I mean charging that much for it is just asking for piracy. Not a hope I'm paying that much with Uncharted, Assasain's Creed and MW3 all on the list before it.

    Might have to look into this whole Steam thing for the first time and forgo a physical copy. Does Steam make the game any different at all? I'd hate to think too that someday my internet craps out and I can't play FM, that'd annoy me.

    You can just play in offline mode

  6. Won a free version of the game through FM Scout, could not be happier.

    Started a random game with all the Top Divisions in Europe loaded. Ended up at Fredrikstad, one of the legendary trams on Norway. All was well, 'till the club was bought by a Welsh guy, that did not fire me, and gave me 45 Million € in balance. Thanks random Welsh <3

  7. Well you're in luck, because you get all the rest for free. :shifty:

    I like getting another opportunity to watch Scarlett Johansson as a redhead. I never really pay her any attention at all when she's blonde (and I'm aware that this makes me weird), but somehow the hair colour makes her 300 times hotter.

    Every girl looks better as a redhead

    And yes, a movie marathon before is mandatory

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