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Posts posted by TheBoss

  1. A question: Can somebody please direct me to a list of modifications that need to be done to have real finishers for WWE SuperStars? Some are really messed up, like Jericho having Walls of Jericho as a signature, 2 CodeBreakers as finishers, no LionSault anywhere... There are more, maybe someone knows who else needs a change?

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  2. Are there any particularly good real world CAWs for PS3? If yes, could someone be a dear and make a little list of them? Of course everyone could chip in. Personally I haven't found a great CAW yet, even those highest rated ones are far from perfect :/

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  3. I'm also using a 7'5'' Center funnily enough, I'm averaging 20 pts per game, with 3.5 blocks. It' my second season, now I'm playing for the Nets, last season I almost took Warriors to Playoffs, but sadly whenever I was on the bench my teammates were getting crushed by the CPU and even if I played well it was not enough. With Nets it's different, we haven't lost a match since the beginning of the season.

  4. The finale was in my eyes just like the whole season - underwhelming and kinda anticlimatic. There was nothing epic, nothing uberdramatic about it, and I expected something huge... We got Sylar [the best evil character in TV series ever in my eyes, or one of the best at least] not being that interesting, Claire [the dullest character] is the focus of the show...

    I really, really hope there is at least one more season. And I do hope they can make it better, maybe not as good as the first season which was brilliant, but at least better than other seasons.

  5. Anybody still watching? I don't know what went wrong, but in my opinion the series has lost most of its appeal. It's just boring, drags out, the characters stopped being interesting... I loved Heroes from the beginning, I hope it's going to pick up the pace, because recently in my opinion, the show has been going downhill...

  6. Does anyone else mightily suck at My Player in 2K10? I'm doing really well in any game mode, but in this one, I can't do anything right. Yeah, my player's overall is like 40, but still, I can't do nothing right, and the opposition just annihilates me. I don't score, can't defend well, always get F for team rating... Any hints, fellow players?

  7. So, any interesting CAWs barring the ones Will wrote about? I'm currently trying to fill all 50 CAW spots, get to play a career with each character [yeah, a suicidal activity, but I have done this before ;)] but some wrestlers, even if there is a lot of them to download, are of a really crappy quality. Still, the whole concept of sharing stuff is awesome, as I wouldn't have the talent or the willpower to create my own CAWs :P If anyone wants to check out my CAW, it is up for download - Johnny Walker is the name, he has a nice top rope finisher too :)

    Also, does anyone else find it impossible to play a match online? Regardless of who I'm playing, of the amount of people, of the match type... the lag is freakin' terrible, and my internet connection is pretty good, SDvsRAW10 is the only game that I'm having problems with.

    And finally, how to complete the training checklist? I've done all of the easy stuff, but I'm stuck on some [reverse a diving attack for example, it's a real bitch, opponent will never go up the turnbuckle... and I don't have a second controller, which could be some kind of solution] and don't know what to do next.

  8. Could You guys stop posting in spoilers? Don't know why, but when I click on the spoiler button, nothing happens... And I'd love to see what You have written...

    Plus, people coming to this topic should expect spoilers, it is even said in the topic... Or am I interpreting it wrong?

  9. I'm having major problems with online cups... I used to think that I was an average Fifa player, but damn... Online tournaments on UT are impossible for me, haven't won a single one yet, I was in final 2 or 3 times but never won a cup... And since I want to complete the collection I need to have all the trophies, so... any advice? I'm on PS3 and there are many things people use against me that I don't know how to do - for example when my opponent gets the ball he somehow puts it far ahead of himself, and runs onto it, often that equals a goal for him... And free kicks... how to score from freekicks? Some people are talking about curling, or driving shots... How to do them? Thanks in advance for advice, guys.

  10. Is UT not working for You guys as well? I know there was supposed to be a downtime, but it should be back up now, and it's not working for me, it says that EA servers are currently unavailable... :/

  11. Wow, man, that's a great team, and thanks for the advice. I hope it works, maybe I was just unlucky as whenever I bought a gold pack [and it was very, very rare, as I could never have enough coins to do so] I got utter crap in it, and ended up losing money. When there are 12 cards in a pack and You get 6 gameplay cards, it hurts :(

  12. The game is great, it starts off pretty slow, but when You play it really gets better and better. And I've just started actually - just had the mission with helping the cops.

    Neat game, I got it for free with my PS3 and wanted to sell it right away... now I'm glad I didn't.

  13. Hi guys, I'm TheBoss from Poland, and I'd like to ask some questions that I hope You guys will be able to help me with.

    I want to ask You experts [i dare to say that, as some people certainly are experts - and even if not experts, You know a lot more about Ultimate Team than I do, so... ;)] about some things, I hope someone will be able to help me.

    I'm playing mostly offline because a) it's quicker b) it's safer [no disconnections] and c) the CPU doesn't act like a jackass... Just so You know, it's not some kind of vital information :]

    I'm pretty good at the game [i mean FIFA itself, on the field] and I manage to win 90+ percent of the matches I play, regardless of the CPU difficulty. Still I'm having massive problems with getting coins - the ones I get I spend [well, I have to if I want to get better players, which at the beginning is necessary...] and I have nothing left. No methods are working, sadly.

    So any hints and tips are truly appreciated, as I don't think I can handle the "financial" side of the game - and sadly I don't have "real world money" to buy packs so I'm left with virtually no options... and that's where You guys come into play :]

    I'll be thankful for everything that can help me get more coins and keep them for a while - if there's some super secret method of getting them... fill me in on this information, dammit! :)

    Also, and I'm being completely serious, if there is someone who has 100K coins or more [there are some people with that amount of coins] and wants to help out a newbie - that would also be massively appreciated - it's nice to share, and I'd gladly take spare coins or players that someone doesn't need :)

    Thanks in advance for Your hints/tips/donations or whatever :]

    PS. I'm on PS3 if it makes any difference.

  14. Yeah, the episode was pretty good, but had its awkward moments... No fight scene is quite a bummer for me, Sylar is still alive [the clock thingy is a pretty good hint, unless they just wanted to make this a tease to get people to watch the next series] but let's assume that he is indeed dead... Who will be the major villain? Watericegirl? She certainly doesn't have the credibility in my eyes... Killing Nathan was a pretty big swerve IMO - most of the people expected Peter, I personally was betting on Noah...

    About Noah, he's a pretty awesome character - he doesn't have any powers [of that we know of] but he can keep up with the special people, and damn well beat them.

    Some questions, maybe You people read spoilers or something that can answer me :)

    1. When the show's back on air? Will it be a lengthy break?
    2. What's with Danko? If You don't know, we might discuss possible opportunities, as I don't think he'll be phased out completely after being such a major character in this season.
    3. Will Sylar be Sylar again? All the signs point to yes, but...
    4. Who do You think/know will be the major villains?
    5. Redemption is a catchy title for another season... Who will be looking for it?
    6. Any new heroes with new powers?

    I'm quite excited about the episode even though it wasn't the best, it was pretty solid.

    Mysterio2000X: Many heroes/villains died... DL, Daphne, The Fear Guy, The Copycat Girl, Linderman and a massive amount of nobodies with powers killed by Sylar.
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